Well, that came out of the blue, didn’t it? Forever Entertainment’s much-hyped remake of Sega’s Panzer Dragoon has launched today on Switch as a timed console exclusive. The game was previously slated for a winter release. The Japanese version launches on April 2nd.
A comprehensive reimagining of Team Andromeda’s on-rails Sega Saturn shooter from 1995, Panzer Dragoon takes inspiration from the likes of Space Harrier and Star Fox, placing you in the role of a dragon-rider who can use lock-on shots to take down enemies. One of the big selling points of the original game was the use of 3D graphics, as well as the ability to view the action in a full 360 degrees around your monster.
Limited Run has confirmed that it will be producing a physical version of the game, with pre-orders opening tomorrow. This will be available in a regular case and a 'classic' Sega Saturn case.
Forever Entertainment has updated the game for the HD era with redrawn visuals and massively improved graphics, but can this remake overcome the original’s somewhat shallow depth? We’ll find out soon, as we’re already working on the review. Watch this space.
Comments 46
Yes! Can't wait! Played only one time for about 10 minutes many years ago. Now I can finally experience the full gorgeous game.
Wow, I hope they haven’t changed the glorious music from the original
Noooooooo, I'm not ready for more games. Struggling to juggle everything that I'm playing already but really interested in giving this a go.
Cant wait to grab this and Jedi Academy
Going to the eShop now!
wild shadow drop. I'm into it. I have soooo much to play right now, though. Limited Run games is doing a physical release...wondering if the wait would be worth it since I'm swamped anyway.
@Gerald there is an update in a few days which adds the original music but the remade tracks are by the composer from Panzer Dragoon Saga and Orta so she knows what she's doing 😉
Downloading right now 😁😁😁😁😁😁
Hope we'll get a physical version down the line.
Only one comment: 😱😱😱
@Quarth Limited Run starts the preorder for the physical tomorrow: https://twitter.com/LimitedRunGames/status/1243181445532639239
I hope LRGs Saturn case is not too faithful to the original, those things broke like crazy!
Giddy 😍😍😍. Praying for SAGA too someday when they find the source code.
@carlos82 thanks for the update. The original music made this game for me. Still have my Saturn
@infernogott Sucks that there won't be a retail version, but this is better than nothing.
...Well that came out of nowhere.
Thought it was shoved back til end of the year.
What with this, Bioshock, Jedi Academy Episope* 1 Racer and Burnout Paradise, coming
It's a good time to be an NX owner.
(* i watch too much ashens)
@Gerald same here, the music in this is very good so far
@PhilKenSebben Jedi Academy for me as well hehehe
@Solomon18 Don't have EB Games in Sweden. :/
Will definitely get the physical, loved it back in the day
Is there gyro aiming?
Also for European eshop?
Day one. Nope - hour one. Bought it immediately. Hope enough people buy it that it makes the bestseller list, since success (on the list) begets more sales and more sales will spur Forever Entertainment to follow through with Zwei and maybe Saga. Certainly more noteworthy than those 0.01 or 0.03 games that crowd out the better titles on the bestseller charts.
im not sold on this yet. really shady game. unknown developer, futatsugi has no involvement, sega has no involvement, shadow dropped without reviews...
I'm gonna wait. worried this will be trash... hope its not...
Is it up yet? What's the price?
I don't have my Switch on me, but the internet says $24.99.
What's wrong with Limited Run Games? I've never tried them, but I'm tempted to this time around. What should I look out for (or run away screaming from)?
I can't speak for RPGamer, but I've had nothing but positive experiences with Limited Run Games...
When it comes to the STANDARD releases of their titles. When it comes to their collector's editions, they're complete failures. I'd wager only 10% of those editions actually make it into the hands of regular collectors, most of them end up with scalpers and bots, given that they have no measures in place to ensure that legitimate people can buy them. I've stopped bothering with any of their special editions because of the frequency of times that I've been trying to pay for my order when the item sells out WHILE IN MY CART.
Imagine going to Wal-Mart and being in the checkout line, then someone takes the game out of your hands, cuts in front of you in the line and the cashier lets them purchase it.
@carlos82 Whoa, thanks for that bit of news about the update that adds the original soundtrack. I mean, I want spruced up versions of the original soundtrack, but like the other guy said, the music is what makes this game for me, and if I don't like the new compositions, going back to the originals helps ensure this game gets a purchase for me.
@gojiguy I'm in the same boat as you. Definitely waiting on reviews, but how said is it that I have more confidence in an unknown developer than I do Sega's own internal teams these days?
Yes, like Streets of Rage 4 I'm definitely getting the physical version as well.
I never expected this, yet another example of the surprising nature of this Direct. I'll see how the final graphics look out, wonder if that motion blur effect is still there...
Just downloaded and immediately noticed they have changed the lock on sound......it is horrible!! It's this grating and scratchy distorted sound.......why not use the original.
It makes you want to turn the volume down....which is a major shame.
Ps. Don't forget to invert the axis in the settings menu.
Pps. Loading times between levels are quite long too.
@XiaoShao I was popping in to say the same thing. At least half my Saturn cases at least had broken hinges. I do still kinda have nostalgia for the long cases from the Saturn and early PS1 era, but do I want them to come back? Not really.
Good to see another classic Sega game on Switch but to be honest while I admired the graphics, I never really played this title or 'Nights' much at all. Personal choice I guess, but on Saturn I put serious hours into Sega Rally, Virtua Fighter and Virtua Cop.
Thinking about it more, I think I'll wait for reviews before buying. I remember the original pretty fondly (never owned it myself as a kid, but a friend had it so played it a lot there), but my memory might be drenched in nostalgia.
Wooah, this came out of nowhere and timed Switch exclusive to boot.
I'd pick it up physical if it were a normal release and not Limited Run doing it. Digital it will be, then.
Excited for this game! Can't wait to see what the review says, I might not be able to wait though, would love to play this tonight and at $25 it should easily be worth it.
I do really love these shadow drops for games, but with this one, I'll wait for the Xbox One version. I already have Orta on Xbox, which looks amazing in 4K, and with Auto-HDR coming later this year, I've gotten extremely reluctant buying multiplatform games anywhere else. Well, except for games I feel I'd really love to play portable or actually prefer on handheld.
Can't see myself dropping Nioh 2 for this either, so it's probably for the best
Still, quite the nice surprise, and if the situation were different, I'd definitely be picking it up right now! Also, nice "Mini" Direct - did not see that coming at all!
Oh god so many great games, this and XCOM are top of my list.
@carlos82 sorry I've got it the wrong way round, the original music is in the game with the remixed versions being added soon.
Immediate purchase. Music is lovely as ever.
Controls feel off and the lock on seems borked.
I toned the aiming sensitivity down to 0.8, the default setting is definitely a tad too high.
So stoked to relive one of my favorite Saturn games. Tho, definitely curious as to the port quality.. plz be good
@infernogott $60 for the classic version........lol
If you loved the original you'll love this (once you've slowed down the aiming reticule)
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