AI: The Somnium Files, the latest outing from Kotaro "Zero Escape" Uchikoshi, is a pretty great game, as you'll know if you've already consulted our review of the Switch version. However, a short time ago, fans noticed that the Switch version's Metacritic aggregate user score had taken a dramatic tumble, falling from 8.2 to 1.9 in the space of just 24 hours, forcing Uchikoshi and the game's assistant director Okada Akira to publically appeal to fans to help restore some order:
A thread on the ResetERA forum was opened which began to flood with theories, with some suggesting that disgruntled players had taken issue with the game's pro-LGBT+ stance. However, on February 8th, a user named Krvavi Abadas posted on the same ResetERA thread to claim responsibility, stating that they had single-handedly review-bombed the game as a way of "deliberately demonstrating how utterly busted the site is".
Abadas had a point to make, for sure; as we already know from games like Astral Chain and Pokémon: Let's Go, Metacritic's aggregate user score can be easily manipulated and abused, but what makes this case so unique is that it appears to be the work of a single person rather than a campaign to get multiple people to leave negative reviews.
Abadas – whose account on ResetERA is now banned – explains how easy it is to review-bomb games on Metacritic:
In case you’re wondering how absurdly easy it is for one person to screw everything up so easily, it turns out they
1. Don’t block every “temp e-mail” site out there, the “E-mail Alias” feature on sites like Gmail might also have the same effect.
2. Have zero protection against people making multiple accounts at the same IP address.
3. Doesn’t even verify if you own the damn game.The main lesson here is that Metacritic is utterly worthless when it comes to user reviews, remember when people review bombed Portal 2, now considered to be one of the best games ever made, because the game had a tiny, completely unobstructive, hat store?
As a reminder, Steam, which actively protects against this sort of thing and requires you to own the game before reviewing it. Still has “Very Positive” reviews.
The plan was to make a proper thread a few days after my tests were finished, demonstrating how you can easily turn any obscure game into one of the best or worst games of all time with just a few hours of work. Hence why i ended up archiving everything each step of the way. Anyone who’s familiar with my previous threads (Or watched the Gamexplain video on Tomohiro Kawasae) knows i like doing investigative articles on Gaming, and this was going to be no different.
While this might seem like a noble piece of investigative work to highlight Metacritic's weaknesses, Abadas' post reveals there was another motive for the selection of AI: The Somnium Files: the ill-treatment of A-set, one of the game's main female characters.
A-set is an 'idol' created especially for the game who has generated a lot of fan interest online, including fan artwork and other tributes. She was seen in a series of YouTube videos which tied directly into AI: The Somnium Files.
Abadas admits to having a "massive crush" on the character due to "general attachment issues" (it's worth noting that the following quote contains spoilers for the game):
To reiterate my thoughts on the game from previous threads. I loved most of the A-set videos and found them to be incredibly endearing, even developing a massive crush on her due to my general attachment issues. But i hated the actual game for how it basically ignores everything said videos were trying to build up, to the point that it takes Naixatloz, the proper antagonist of said videos. and tosses it aside by cruelly making them a hallucination caused by A-set having a brain tumor, with barely any foreshadowing. and even requires you to rip her f****** eye out yourself, as part of a bulls**t “One of the Psync machines requires you to remove an eye!” plotline that other characters get to conveniently ignore, all part of a route that’s specifically about her.
the protagonist being a unlikable asshole who’s sole character trait is “hehe funny sex joke” + basically spends 90% of the game completely abandoning his adoptive daughter, and the fact that i personally find the storyline it uses instead to be complete and utter nonsense filled with plot holes and ridiculous logic.
Abadas ends the post by lamenting the "unfortunate situation" and seems to hint that their efforts may lead to the game reaching an even wider audience:
Honestly, if there’s one takeaway you should get from this unfortunate situation i’ve gotten myself into. It’s that A-set means a lot to me. Even though i hated how her game turned out, it still makes me really happy to see people doing things like creating fanart, and hopefully this encourages you (and Spike Chunsoft themselves, i really wish they’d make more videos!) to continue supporting her.
…Even it does end with you acquiring Somnium Files and actually enjoying it.
In case you were wondering, the Metacritic score for the Switch version of the game currently stands at 8.9.
Thanks to Karen Halloran for the tip.
Comments 64
Wow...on one hand, good job.
On the other hand...get a job.
I would love for there to be a respectable user review site out there as it could be really useful for more obscure and/or Indie games for example.
Unfortunately the Internet is an idiot and everything is either a zero or a ten.
At the start of that article I was thinking it was a fair point, nice job. At the end of that article, it seems like if this character was a real life woman, they’d be stalking her and being a general creepy weirdo. Eesh.
This guy is clearly a psycho with no real life friends or girlfriends whatsoever, but he definitely proved his point and did some good investigative work in his analysis of a very broken system. So, that's cool, I guess.
@Ooccoo_Jr The internet is an person?
I never pay attention to user reviews for anything. They’re just a waste of time. That’s one reason I prefer OpenCritic to Metacritic.
@Custom1991 Yes it is. A big dumb, immature narcissist of a person, desperate to get its point across and reduce every nuanced argument to an easily digestible soundbite. I award the internet zero out of ten.
@LunarFlame17 I only check out user reviews on steam, they are atleast somewhat fair, and also tell you why they recommend a game.
Sure some people will say, hurr duur dlc and downvote/dislike. But you have some really great revies there.
@Ooccoo_Jr "I award the internet zero out of ten." So, now we are review bombing the internet... Nice. 😉
@Ooccoo_Jr My biggest pet peeve is when someone on Amazon gives something a low review because of the shipper/shipping not because of the product.
Pokemon Let's Go deserves bad reviews though. It's primary gimmick is crap, and the developers even took steps preventing mitigation of its effects contaminating the rest of the game.
I really like Pokemon games and this is the first one I feel deserves to be called a turd.
Obsessed fans can be a scary bunch.
This was initially taken the wrong way by one of the developers of the game before people made it clear that this was a deliberate trolling campaign and NOT a reflection of how Western people feel about the title, which really makes me livid.
Let's just hope this dude never gets a "crush" on a real woman.
Videogames. Yay.
@BrintaPap Eh, steam reviews are hit or miss. There are a lot of people just meming in reviews for some quick upvotes. But yeah, overally they are way more useful than metacritic user reviews.
Is there even anyone who still pays attention to metacritic user reviews? The fact that you can review a game without having to own or even play it is easily abusable which has been proven times and times again
Manipulating a site through multiple accounts because of a crush on A-Set? Seems he fancies himself a real-life Ota..
Reminder that ResetERA is a trashfire that this industry needs to dump. Very sad how much influence it has.
Does anybody actually take Metacritics user reviews seriously?
Eyyy, there's the comment I was waiting for!
Look, I understand not being comfortable about the content in a game, but review bombing it for X thing is never the answer as I don't feel that's a fair review for the overall quality of a game. There are cruddy games to be sure, but I'd rather that be outed in a fair piece that covers all points.
@LunarFlame17 You do you as you know your preferences, but some users out there like yours truly do try and be fair about their impressions on a game.
Hopefully, if nothing else, this serves as some good publicity for what is a brilliant game. Definitely my favourite new (not a port/remake) release of 2019.
Shame that review bombing started as something good, a legit way to complain against corporations screwing the costumers, but then this practice was misused, people decided to review bomb stuff because any small or petty reason.
Warcraft III gave me some hope, finally a review bombing that was justified.
So I found a picture of the guy. Seems nice.
I don't trust "user reviews" as it's been clear for years how easily this can be manipulated (either from a few disgruntled people or from the company astroturfing positive engagement).
I don't trust the aggregate reviews as I know that there are quite a few "featured reviewers" whose thoughts are bought and paid for by the company producing the content.
The only solution that has generally worked is to identify a handful of sources that seem legitimate who have earned trust. I look at their assessments, check videos of content if available, and interact with friends who may have some experience with the content. It's tedious, but I believe the current system is so broken that this is the only option available.
@GamingFan4Lyf Most normal full-time jobs give you the weekend off. 5 hours of leisure is more than enough time to pull off what this person did.
This is what happened to the new Pokémon games. Sad gamers review bombed the games and didn't even play them.
ResetERA? Why am I not surprised?
ResetERA does it again of course 🤡🤡🤡
@mesome713 That's the problem with Metacritic. Anyone can "review" a game without needing to own nor play it as long as you provide a couple of sentences.
@Ooccoo_Jr There would be no free press or even much experience to base your opinion off without it. Sure, it may have made us less sociable and made the keyboard warrior in one too many peoplec come out, but it it's also connected a lot of communities that would otherwise not exist. You're in one right now
@KingMike You know, funny you say that as I had originally thought very negatively of it, but I just reviewed it on my blog xHardcoreGamerx blogspot. I found it to be more than tolerable, in fact quite enjoyable in some ways. I definitely had some ideas which I feel could have improved it, though.
I chuckled at the part where Astral Chain and Let's Go were presented as the same case. Astral Chain was review bombed by console warriors, while Switch Pokemon games were bombed with undeserved 10s.
Of course it had to be a guy from ResetEra.
@Preposterous You clearly didn't look past two paragraphs in the article about Pokemon being review bombed. You'll notice that most of them weren't "undeserved 10s". You're right about Astral Chain though
@AnnoyingFrenzy Sadly yes
@victordamazio Review bombing was never good no matter the intent. The point of review sites is to provide your opinion on the game and recommend it or not, not get back at a developer for awful decisions. You can use social media for that. Go fornicate yourself for saying that this practice was good.
And go fornicate yourself ever harder for saying Warcraft 3's bombing was justified. You're a disgrace to gaming and your family
I didn't know this game was by the same person behind Zero Escape. Must give it a try now
I can’t believe this article tries to portray this act as harmless and even noble. This was a ridiculous and stupid thing to do by a weirdo with too much time on his hands that could very well hurt the livelihood of people that worked on the game. Pure and simple.
Him being a ResetEra member is just icing on the cake.
Let's not "also" anyone here, good sir - what value Metacritic ever had (and all audience feedback aggregator sites tend to have little to none of it by nature) has been busted by other fanheaded people a hundred times over. Why does he think "review bombing" has long become a term in the first place? It's not unlike claiming you robbed a bank to "expose the flawed security". :V
@RunninBlue I agree the guy is a creep, but he also proved that metaciritc can be abused to hurt the livelihood of games
The dude really needs some help...
@Bondi_Surfer @Entrr_username @RunninBlue @BLD @Wesbert @Ralizah @andywitmyer @nessisonett
I think it's unfair to judge him based on this one act. Sure he definitely has issues, and he even identifies that he has "general attachment issues", but we don't know what has caused him to develop those. Whatever it is clearly motivates his actions and has made him feel necessitated to act upon this so-called 'injustice' that he feels compelled to expose.
However to label him as one thing or another is unfair without knowing more about him. I guess he was just doing the right thing but for the wrong reasons.
Or the wrong thing for the right reasons.
Actually I don't know what he was doing. The metacritic flaw is well established and as has been said before no one should be review-bombing anything. Even to make a point.
On another note, what's ResetERA?
Too much water.
Great, can't wait for people to use this guy as a way to attack people who like anything anime related, the internet is so wonderful
Well, this creep has done one thing for me: they got me interested in the actual game!
@LavaTwilight An internet containment zone.
I wonder if other review sites are this easy to bomb
Me: Huh, very beautiful animu waif. Welp, time for work.
And that's why I fear anime games and their fans will always be looked down upon because of obsessed nerds like this.
User reviews have no value anyway. Look at the random idiots you see complaining about every game online and ask yourself if you care what they have to say about games or other media?
Freaking Weeaboo, oh and the game is great, with an awesome story
Ambitious but Rubbish
If you want to show how busted Metacritic is, don't do it to new game from a lesser known IP during its release window- i.e. the most crucial period for sales.
Do it to something like Super Mario World or Sonic CD- something old and very loved which will make the abuse of the system obvious.
Doing it to a smaller IP is mean spirited garbage, and it's VERY hard to believe the review bomber's noble motives when the other motive revolves around "I didn't like what happened to this character."
@Wesbert exactly, this guy is Ota. Even down to his feelings about Date.
Also [SPOILERS] I thought it was quite clever that the alternate universe and Naix plots were underplayed. Those would make it so similar to previous Uchikoshi games like Zero Escape - instead it played with your expectations of one of his games.
Imbeciles like that should be thrown into the loony bin and throw away the key...
@SSJW right wingers are far, far worse. You’re one of them...
@Ralizah I understood and love your reference.
Kinda wish the title itself had the spoiler warning. I missed the spoiler tag due to the formatting and read the quote before seeing the warning.
Al Somnium is SJW garbage, it deserves that 1.9 score. SJW trash don't belong in games or anywhere else for that matter. SJW is a plague on humanity.
(Former) RE creep obsessed with digital women...
Also: Scientists discovered that water is indeed wet.
More at 11.
Still got to give props to the guy for showing how abusable Metacritic is. Sad how people trust user scores yet call critic scores "paid" if they feel it "doesn't deserve it" (Sword and Shield anyone?)
@Entrr_username It is only abusable when someone abuses it. Just like he did. Trying to prove wrong by creating it himself, from scratch. I accept 10s and 1s as long as there are WORDS to back them up. Without them, review scores should frankly not be allowed.
@finalstan I meant to refer how you can "review" games without needing to own them.
@LavaTwilight Like it or not, first impressions tend to be lasting. For me, that first impression left with a sense of lonesome eccentricity and lunacy. Whether he's like that "in real life" or not doesnt matter in my assessment of him, as I've only seen the face that he chose to present online.
@Ooccoo_Jr There is one, but it barely gets used nowadays: GameFAQs. Comes with forum boards and literally anything anyone could want to get an opinion on a game.
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