![75FD682A 38A7 4CFC B237 43C1E5B1CF5E](https://images.nintendolife.com/7349d75deb2c8/75fd682a-38a7-4cfc-b237-43c1e5b1cf5e.900x.jpg)
Polish studio Forever Entertainment is remaking Sega’s light gun titles House of the Dead and House of the Dead 2, and they’re coming to Switch.
The company is also responsible for the upcoming remake of Panzer Dragoon, another Sega title.
We’ve only got a Polish source for this news at the moment so we’re not 100% of the scope of this project, but we’d assume it will take the same form as the aforementioned Panzer Dragoon remake, which intends to give the existing game a HD lick of paint.
The games are due for release next year.
[source metro.co.uk, via graczpospolita.pl]
Comments 105
Wow! I loved these games. Cool.
Hopefully we can use the joycon as a lightgun.
Overkill for Wii was fun.
This seems too good to be true! Wonder how light gun games perform on the Switch. Very excited for this!
Imagine this with the Labo VR kit and blaster!
I've been wanting some light gun action on the Switch for a while. It's about time! Consider these day-one purchases.
This is the best timeline. Instead of just getting SEGA AGES rereleases of old Dreamcast and Saturn games, we are getting full remakes!!!! Now, where is Jet Set Radio?
ahhhh yeah this is gonna be fun
Can we get Typing of the Dead though?
Cool, hopefully Virtua Cop will also get a release
Dogs of the AMS. Time they made their move.
Yes yes yes! I know the code was lost for HOTD 1 so this is the next best thing!
Nice to see SEGA reviving its IPs for more than just SEGA Allstars games.
@aughra omg Overkill was amazing on Wii! That ending though...
Ah, shame no House of the Dead 3. That game broke my OG Xbox controller from spamming the trigger so hard.
Do we also get a gun?
I loved this game! I wish they made more new games of this genre
Shame light guns don't work anymore, I'll stick to my Saturn and Dreamcast versions as unfortunately they are nowhere near as good with IR aiming. However it's great news for the majority who don't have those available to them
@aughra I re bought it a couple of weeks ago for £3 when I was in cex
I'm glad that 1 is getting a good home port finally. The Saturn port was crap and that's the only way to play it.
Hopefully we get a Typing of the Dead remake too
Real light guns please! Motion aiming sucks!
There had better be gyro aiming.
I was just playing this on my Wii, if they actually release the first and second game together I’m instantly sold
Yesssssssssssss(heard that new Panzer Dragoon isn't great so a tiny worried but...)ssssssssssssss!!!!!!!
Insta-buy for me this is
Me and my wife played these on Wii and PS3 with move controllers (I played it on Dreamcast with the amazing light gun). Have a real soft spot for them. Wonder how they will work with joy cons. So many arcade games would work great on the switch. Crazy Taxi and outrun 2 should be next!
Quick edit. Sega bass fishing and it's spin offs would be great too. Would work well with joy con.
This is nice, these are classics, but I wish we could get some games a little more up to date. I know arcades in the US are mostly dead but between Chuck E Cheese and Dave & Busters they are still making some nice looking games similar to these. My current favorite being Deadstorm Pirates. Luigi's Mansion is good too.
Didn't they lose the source code to these games? If yes, good to see people are putting so much effort in bringing back games that are hard to make ports.
Oh, I never played 1 before.
2 is an absolute blast though, it worked so well on the Wii with the pointer aiming, dunno how well you can make it work here with a controller.
I’m playing them right now on the Wii (via the WiiU)...it’s a Halloween time tradition! I’m using wiimotes and the Nyko gun. Glad to see they’re getting more love on the Switch.
By the way, by "remake"
They do mean REMAKE don't they? And not Remaster?
As in, it's going to be rebuilt from ground up using modern graphics?
2 is worth it just for the voice acting. I’ll never forget Goldman having a weird stroke during his speech about the looiife coooicle.
The only experience I have had with this series is at the arcades about twenty years ago...super pumped for this!
Typing of the Dead would've been a better choice.
"We're meeting G over THERE."
If they can get the Joycon, or whatever control scheme they'll use, to react fast and be accurate enough then this will be the best news ever for me! House of the Dead 1 is my absolute favorite from the series. Mainly because it takes place in a 'house' unlike the others, LOL, but also there are so many twists and turns you can take thoughout the levels based on what you do. It was so ahead of other light gun games, even other SEGA games, IMO.
@Doktor-Mandrake More than likely, seeing as they also mentioned Panzer Dragoon, and these games getting the same treatment as that.
And if you've seen the new Panzer Dragoon trailer, then it's pretty clear that it's been considerably improved, graphically, so I'm all but sure that the same is going to be true for the House of the Dead games.
@ThanosReXXX Nice, seems that is the case for sure!
2020 seems so far away now, I just hope the remakes come in Q1
@ReshiramZekrom There wasn't a more motivating way to learn to QWERTY.
@Doktor-Mandrake Depends on when in 2020. I mean, just a couple more months, and it's already Christmas, so the new year will be there before you know it.
HD and use the joycons like a light gun and I'm in.
With the progress being made by certain developers regarding HD/flatscreen-compatible light guns, the Switch and other console platforms could REALLY use a comeback for the genre. I'd so love to play Point Blank 1-3 again (those were OUTSTANDING party games), Time Crisis, and other greats we haven't seen in roughly 20 years now.
The one sticking issue that needs to be addressed for it to actually happen is that any light gun peripheral needs to be a first party product (Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft) in order to help assure proper support. Buying an expensive peripheral say, from Sega or Namco, may or may not even offer compatibility with other publishers' games, which would inevitably result in that investment lying unused and/or headed straight to bargain bins. Of course that's the danger with designing any game around a control interface (cough, Super Mario Party, cough), but light gun games are probably the best candidates to make it work, if only we can get past the technical issues.
@Doktor-Mandrake I think it was only House of Dead 4's source code that was lost; hence why it was never released to home consoles.
This better have the bad acting in it, that charm made this series enjoyable for me. This a really nice surprise as someone who played House of the Dead 1 and 2 at an arcade, and has the Dreamcast and Wii release of 2 (Wii version has House of the Dead 3 as well).
If these are done right it'll be day one for me.
Looking forward to protecting the Loyfe Cycall.
Love these games! As a few others have said - overdue a comeback!
I did love overkill but it was very different.
It does feel weird how they announce these games though. Almost feels like they'll get hit with a takedown notice! Too good to be true!
If they manage to get it to control good and accurate I will get it.
Allrightythen! How do we get sensor bars to work on switch? Heck, they should be inbuilt to the dock!
Pleeease with a pixel-perfect lightgun like the GCon and not this crosshair-on-screen bs like on the Wii, which was so unprecise and annoying.
Yes yes yes. Please be physical release
How will this work? Light gun games don't work on modern TVs (non CRT)
Nice! i loved playing these games while i had the streaming subscription for the PS4. definitely will buy these on the switch.
@Enigminator HotD 4 was released on PS3, as was HotD 3 (and Overkill, but I don’t count it as a mainline game).
Excellent news! I hope we can get 3 and 4 at some point as well.
@MartyFlan hahaha the one where the guy goes back into his mother's womb?
Hahaha scarred me for life ... that's why I remember that hideous thing LMAO
These games are like Virtua Cop meets B-movie zombie horror films.
@able_to_think The first one had a pc port as that's how I played it as a kid, seemed like a good port to me at the time. Not sure how it holds up compared to the arcade original.
@LordVal Accuracy was all about how you set up your sensor bar, the distance you're playing from the TV, and your surroundings (ex. other light sources in the room, windows, etc.). Back in the day, I had a 24" flat tube Sony and I was sitting at the same height as the screen at around 5' 1/2" to 6 feet away from the sensor bar, which was below the TV screen. With some fiddling with the placement of my TV cart, I managed to get 1:1 aiming with my Wii Remote. I used the crosshairs to test things out and promptly turned it off forever from the menu once I was satisfied.
I WAS JUUUUSSSTTTTT saying how I wish House of the Dead (1) would come out on Switch! This is AMAZING!! I love the first one the best and I’ve only ever had that 2 and 3 double-pack thing on Wii.
I cannot wait - I so wish this was coming out in time for Halloween but I’d rather a polished and good product so that’s fine with me.
@aughra LOVED that game. Played it over and over. When I was on a date, and we went back to my place, I'd ask them to play. If they enjoyed it too, it meant an automatic second date.
The Switch is unfortunately much much worse at the pseudo-light gun thing than even the Wii was. The lack of the sensor bar makes these games a constant source of frustration and constant re-centering.
Why not put 1,2,3,4,5 and overkill on switch???
Are these new ones switch exclusive???
Awesome, hopefully we see a remastered of House of the Dead 3, 4, and Overkill soon too with gyro aiming support. If this successful I hope Nintendo also bring in Wild Gunman and Duck Hunt with gyro light gun support for the NES NSO. Light gun games are a rarity in today's gaming market so to bring some old school joy to new gamers with these would be great.
The Polish site linked states that they'll have fully new graphics to bring them in line with modern standards and slightly modified gameplay, but they'll keep the original screenplays. Hopefully that also includes original voices. :B
Also, awesome!
why not 4 and overkill?
Im all in on this Sure the games have terrible voice acting and haven't aged the best visually but they're very fun on rails arcade shooters and I have many fond memories of playing these games in the arcades as a kid :') I hope we'll get to use the joy con as a gun and play it in co-op
@BigE I bought Overkill a couple of days ago! That game is fantastic
I will suffer like G did without pointer controls. Gyro just isn’t enough.
Great news indeed!!
can't we use the ir camera on the joycon so it can actually function as a lightgun? I've always wondered about that.
Absolutely LOVE House Of The Dead but dammit I love Virtua Cop more......bring us Virtua Cop!!!!
Haven’t played this in years. Looking forward to it.
@Kanbei How accurate and stable is the sensor in the Joy-Con though? I remember using the Motion+ controllers for aiming in one of the games on the disc that came with it and not liking it very. I had the same issues aiming with the House of the Dead and Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles on PS4.
I'd rather have Overkill....motherf@#$%!
@GuruOfGreatness YES! I too would love to see Virtua Cop make a comeback. One of my all time favourite games.
If they can work out a solution to replace the lightguns with an acceptable alternative aiming scheme then I will be all over these games. Absolutely loved them back in the day.
Hopefully if this sells well, we could see more classic light gun games get ported as well.
God, what I would give to see a Time Crisis collection on Switch!
House of the Dead 1???? This is some of the best news of the year for me. That game is my favorite, but it's practically impossible to play these days.
@Wavey84 yeah, I’m with you there. I love the Switch so far but it rarely, if ever, leaves my dock. Sometimes I’ll lay down on the couch with it or something, or play the odd TATE session with the vertical grip. And I find myself really missing some of the experiences that came out of the Wii and Wii U that I guess Nintendo saw as inessential for a hybrid device. Motion aiming is definitely one of those experiences.
oh how i miss light gun games. please bring light gun games to switch - if i need to buy an accessory i am fine, just bring them!
so many good ones. house of the dead 1-4 and overkill. i'd buy that for a dollar!
I really want silent hill arcade too, i know its not great but i want it
Played a lot of it on Dreamcast and the arcade. Fun for about 20 minutes and then you get bored. Hopefully the price is right.
Wow!!! The arcade hits just keep coming to Switch!! What a retro powerhouse this console has become!!! HOTD 3/4, Virtua Cop 1/2 next please!!
And please..an option for pro controller support!!!
@Wavey84 actually HOTD 1 was out on Sega Saturn i own a copy! ☺️
@Wavey84 oh for sure - this time around should look great!
id prefer a remake of ninja assault.
@Wavey84 Astal was a great game! Would love to see that resurface!! I parked my Psone right next to my Saturn! 😊
@CoastersPaul with labo keyboard peripheral?
Finally, a port of the original House of the Dead! I have been wanting this for so long it's just crazy, that game has been stuck on the Saturn since forever.
Shame it’s not 1,2 & 3 collection. Still have the 2&3 collection for Wii.
But it will be good to play the original again. Don’t know how much money me and a friend paid to complete that game in the arcades
I'll sticky-tape my Joy-Con into the Wii Zapper.
How could anyone do this!
Both great games, the first better than the second. The race to produce a Joy-Con compatible lightgun is on.
@aughra Overkill for Wii was the best! I can't stress out how much I loved the game. It was amazingly ridiculous!
I loved Pinball of the dead for the gba i would love to see a remake of that
Cool! Can't play my DC version anymore, since I no longer have a cathode ray TV. Who does so anyway?
heard that new Panzer Dragoon isn't great
There is no new Panzer Dragoon. There's an upcoming remake of the first one, and the first one is a stone cold classic. Remaking it will only make it even better.
So anyone saying it's "not good" is essentially saying the original is not good, and there's a whole lotta people who will disagree on that point.
@masterLEON maybe a little more, but the GCon was outstanding right out of the box and the Wii after all that fiddling maybe like a Zapper.
Just give me House of the Dead Overkill and I'll be good.
Dogs of the AMS...
Try Mad Bullets (rail shooter) on Switch. It's simple and fun once you get the hang of it. We definitely need more on-rail games for Switch like the Wii days.
I played the absolute hell out of House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return for Wii. With the Wii Remote and gun peripherals, it played perfect. I can't imagine that this release could top it.
I will buy these games for the millionth time ONLY if they keep the ability to cut Goldman and other characters off in mid-sentence by pressing start, thereby making the already hilarious dialog even more better, which sadly didn't work in the Wii re-release.
"Dogs of the AMS... time they made a" MUDDY
Let this be the start shot for a flood gate of sega saturn and arcade ports
..i can dream cant i ?
I doubt the House of the Dead games will play as smoothly without infrared and a sensor bar.
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