PQube and developer Compile Heart have released a new gameplay trailer for Gun Gun Pixies, a third-person 'shooter' launching on Switch next week.
If you haven't heard about this one already, Gun Gun Pixies falls into that very particular gaming category of 'creepy girl-watching, but mixed with a splattering of shooter elements'. It has you taking control of two tiny pixie girls from outer space in order to sneak into a women's dormitory and "find out about human behaviour". Then, when the women are distracted by doing Yoga, exercising, trying on outfits, bathing, or studying, you swoop in and "barrage them with harmless happy bullets" to learn more about them. Yep.
As you can expect, their Earth-based mission combines those shooting mechanics with an awful lot of sneaking; players try to avoid being seen by the girls they're spying on, before interacting with them in various ways. You can see some of this action take place in the new trailer we mentioned earlier.
As we've shared previously, a Day One Edition will be available, complete with a special Nintendo Switch collector's box that includes the game and an artbook. The game itself lands in Europe both physically and digitally on 6th September; in North America, it launches digitally on 10th September and physically on 1st November.
As the press release puts it: "Endorphins activated"!
Comments 57
Never change Japan.
At least some people will enjoy it.
@CharlieGirl C) people who complain about games like this.
I've had the physical copy pre-ordered for months now. So many games coming out this month so I'm not sure when I'll get around to playing it but I am looking forward to when I do.
@Elanczewski You beat me to it. I'll go with C.
LOL yet another Japanese pervy game that I have never heard of. Switch is now the goto console for them.
@CharlieGirl I'd rather hang out with anime pervs than with whatever you are.
@gortsi I'm fine with that.
Won't make a Gotcha Force 2? Fine, I'll take this instead.
@nintendolie Just in time when I bought my Nintendo Switch (since I wished for it back in 2017, then got it in late-2018) and right now the games are filling up with loads of games, at least better than Wii U lifespan.
@CharlieGirl k feminist
@CharlieGirl if you think anime only does binary then I've got some pretty freaky videos I can show you that prove otherwise!
I got this back then on the Vita (Japan only)
A fine time waster, but don't expect any depth like in Senran Kagura or Hyperdimension games, for those who want to get it the best advice is to wait for a sale/price drop.
@Elanczewski Touché xD
Preordered the physical edition a few weeks ago, the day one edition has the same price of the regular game so I may as well get the artbook while I am at it X3
@Riderkicker Oh gosh... I would take a Gotcha Force 2 over this and pretty much any other game, a shame Capcom dropped that franchise...
The Gears 5 port looks great!
"If you haven't heard about this one already, Gun Gun Pixies falls into that very particular gaming category of 'creepy girl-watching, but mixed with a splattering of shooter elements'. It has you taking control of two tiny pixie girls from outer space in order to sneak into a women's dormitory and "find out about human behaviour". Then, when the women are distracted by doing Yoga, exercising, trying on outfits, bathing, or studying, you swoop in and "barrage them with harmless happy bullets" to learn more about them. Yep."
Man get over it. Switch and PS4 will always have these kinda of games. No need to spread your views on here so hard. Then again that SAO review with the Misogyny bs lol.
@CharlieGirl Maybe you were wrong!
Sort of reminds me of Mr. Mosquito.
It looks cute, and I'll definitely get it eventually if it's not bad, but it's not releasing at a good time. I would have leapt at this earlier in the year. Now? Ehhhh. I'm already passing up better looking games as it is.
Why the huge delay for the physical release in NA, though?
@Elanczewski Ahahaha. Nice burn. Take an upvote.
This never fails here when anyone makes a game like this gets posted here. Victimhood feels like a currency with acts like this.
That being said; @Riderkicker @BakaKnight Is on point, Gacha Force would be clean for this playstyle.
Shame this day in age "gacha" would take a while new philosophy.
Upskirt Action Quest XX
a hi·lar·i·ous time waster
And nobody is thinking about poor Sony. They may be reading this too, you know? That’s way too sexy for their “think of the children” attitude.
@TechaNinja PS4 no, not anymore, due to Sony’s ridiculous anti ecchi rules.
It used to depress me when it seemed like this was the only type of game Vita recieved in its later years. Thankfully the Switch has a much wider variety of products out on the shelves.....like sweet sweet arcade shooters.
Can't afford it right now but will certainly buy this game later.
Had it pre-ordered for a while, looks fab fun.
Looking forward to the inevitable review where NL rags on it because 'fan service is bad and not in keeping with our SJW standards' while barely mentioning gameplay and putting down anyone who does enjoy these games. All the games activists on this site have done it for basically every game with fan service in aimed at guys. Just don't review it or get someone who does like fan service and can be critical. It ain't hard.
Do want, especially for the art book. It looks too ridiculous to ignore.
The problem is that the pervy "fanservice" is usually the most notable thing about these games. Most of the time the gameplay is at best extremely mediocre, not even worth mentioning. I love Japan, but not for crap like this. Spend less time looking at scantily clad underage girls and try to actually connect with a woman in real life.
I honestly don't care at this point if I'm labeled a SJW, my respect of the opposite sex is why some women find me desirable.
@CharlieGirl Maybe if you weren't a miserable human being you could enjoy this as the absurdity it is. Who on Earth would take this game seriously for any reason?
I mean, assuming you're a real human being and not just some 4chan-y ironic poster meant to be a shallow parody of feminists (might have to call poe's law on this one).
@Spudtendo depends. Haven't played that one, but something like Gal Gun proves that you can have very good gameplay alongside lewd fanservice. I'm not overly concerned, this is from Idea Factory and Compile Heart and their previous games were mostly very enjoyable
Sony's worst nightmare.
Might get this depending on impressions/reviews.
@Spudtendo So fan service is a big part of the appeal? Okay, I have very rarely seen (or played) a game with a heavy fan service appeal have bad game play (and I play 99% of em). Whether it is mediocre is surely subjective as is every other game, even praised, critical ones (I think MK's fighting is clunky mess for e.g.). As a combined package many enjoy them a lot despite minor flaws. Don't seperate the two elements as the combining of the two is crucial as to why there is appeal.
If I want to look at fictional drawings of sexy anime girls (or guys or furries) what the hell is it to you? That has no relevance to you, it ain't affecting you in the slightest. If you don't want to get offended or whatever you call it, don't click on, back away, ignore it, it is SO easy to do but you lot choose not to for reasons beyond most. Don't tell me what I should and should not do based on your own moral values.
I also like how you bring respect for women into this as if it has ANY relevance to these types of games. You wouldn't bring in your respect of human life when discussing a FPS where you gun down people so why now? Oh wait, we all know why.
@shinesprites I completely agree! So much great art and characters designs wasted on subpar games. In my younger days I was taken in, but now I know not to expect much.
Though this game actually looks more fun than most.
I wish some these great artist were put to work on some AAA titles.
@Spudtendo most anime-looking games do have crap gameplay. But not all, and this one actually looks fun.
There is nothing inherently wrong with fan service. Maybe it's not your cup of tea, but let others enjoy it?
Most people have/do try to connect with women in real life. And usually that is a waste of time.
@CharlieGirl Or the many in between, all equally neutral if you actually live outside of a dualistic system. Misery survives on both left and right squabbling like such.
First of all, relax. No one is telling you that you can't play these types of games, I merely find them distasteful. I really don't care what you do with your time. It's when people get so defensive about playing these games that I start to question it. If I was into a game like this, I certainly wouldn't let other people know.
Secondly, I don't play many first person shooters, and the ones that I do have you fighting evil non-human beings (Halo, Doom) who are trying to murder you. I don't play games where you murder innocent people, and I am very much aware of North America's gun violence problem and am against civilians owning military-grade weapons. So I really don't know why you brought up this FPS thing, that isn't the subject of my ire in this particular instance.
In this game you spy on unaware women in vulnerable situations. Try to spin this any way you want, it's distasteful. At the end of the day it's just a game, and everyone has their guilty pleasures. Carry on.
I'm sorry you feel that way.
Day one! No joke! That looks amazing. Getting fond flashbacks of Mr. Mosquito.
@Ralizah Yeah definitely reminds me of those weird cult classics you’d find in bargain bin with the yellow side-binding.
It definitely reminds me of Mr. Mosquito, which was part of that budget line.
@Rayquaza2510 Thanks for heads up.
My issue is with Compile Heart, they were also involved with Super Neptunia RPG, which I enjoyed but found very lacking in polish. Also the fact that there are so many games competing for my limited play time. Still interested though.
@CharlieGirl You know, as a self-proclaimed feminist, going so far as to plaster the word over your profile picture, I have to just assume you are a troll. Because by making crass and rude comments like yours and insulting people over their hobbies and making broad generalizations like you are doing here, you are doing nothing but staining feminism and causing problems for real feminists - the ones fighting for real issues like income equality, equal representation, and for protections against abuse. Some of my best friends are real feminists with intelligent arguments and positions that are well researched. They make their points without resorting to inaccurate and counter productive insults and mud slinging. I consider myself an ally and ask you, if you really care about the important issues, try to fight in a way that is actually beneficial to the cause.
@Spudtendo And you're doing no better. Associating anime fans with Incel is massively insulting. Incel is a group of entitled monsters who want to force themselves on women. They are borderline terrorists. There is no more connection between anime fans and Incel than there is between McDonald's and Donald Trump supporters. Trump like's McDonald's, doesn't mean everyone who likes McDonald's is a Trump supporter - or even that there is any connection between the two. Some Incel people online like anime doesn't mean the two are connected. You can find members of any group that like something and claim they are connected. I bet you could find members of Al-Qaeda who liked the NFL. Does that make NFL fans likely terrorists? No, of course not!
These games can oddly be fun sometime. Might try out when it gets cheap.
@Spudtendo You're not required to like this, but you are the one who tied anime fans to incel and this game, like it or not is very much anime style. You could have just ignored the title, or said you don't enjoy this kind of game, but you had to go way further and tie it to incel.
And if you think that group is most just whiners on message boards, you are sorely underestimating how dangerous they are.
Its a video game (i.e. not real) and an escape from the norm that is life. These beings and situations aren't real, thus no harm is inflicted upon anything but fragile sensibilities.
I find the actual act of sexual voyeurism quite deplorable, same with pedophiles, animal abusers, and especially so with rapists of any sort. Screw them all and I'd be first in line to throw dead fish full of maggots at them.
But games like this, eh, why care about stuff that isn't real? I love stupid stuff like this. I get no desire to go out and creep on people as a result of oddball games like this.
That'd be just silly and really really wrong.
Anyway, I have had my copy predordered for a couple months now and will get the PC version later too! https://i.imgur.com/t1HsRYP.png
@CharlieGirl c)People like you who come onto comment about how they don't like something nobody's forcing them to play.
Really, how does this game's existence effect you personally in any way, shape, or form?
Well this will reviewed poorly here.
I replied to BadEndBrit because it seemed like he wanted to argue with someone who disagrees with him. My beef isn't really with anyone who is just looking forward to this game, it was with Brit who said that he was waiting for people to complain about this game so he could defend it, which I find weird. Like, who cares what other people think? Why go out of your way to defend your interests and tastes to strangers on the internet?
The art style yes, but just because I like Dr. Stone or Cowboy Bebop doesn't mean I'd automatically be into this kind of game. Again, I wouldn't necessarily call people who like this kind of game anime fans, because a good deal of them would probably get offended for being lumped in with.... Whatever this is. I guess incel was a little too strong, though. My bad.
Ah, that makes more sense then. Carry on
@Spudtendo And that's fine, anime isn't a genre, it's a medium or a style. And you really can't argue that this game isn't in that realm. It's a mistake to say "I like anime" or "I don't like anime" as though it's all one thing. Because anime is such a broad thing, yes this is an anime-like game but to say it's the "same thing" as Dr. Stone or Cowboy Beebop would be insanely inaccurate.
I appreciate your understanding my point with the Incel thing, they are a very dangerous group.
On another note, I stinking love Dr. Stone and Cowboy Beebop, excellent series! (At least so far with Dr. Stone, since it's ongoing.) Also gotta say I like your profile pic. Shamir was very cool in FE3H.
What the hell? lol it’s one of those games like if a friend had it then I’d try it, or if I found It for really cheap.
@CharlieGirl Unfortunately it's not the same kind of thing as a gender, of which there are only two.
So it'll be C, people who complain about games like this.
@Heavyarms55 lol
@CharlieGirl So, next time someone says they want equal fanservice with dudes, you would think they are just as much a blight on the industy, right?
Just because you don't like ecchi does not make their creators or fans a "blight".
"... my respect of the opposite sex is why some women find me desirable."
Oh boy, comment of the year material right here.
It reminds me of Gal Gun. I hope they release lots of outfit dlc like that game.
@mlj11 I laughed pretty hard at his comment. Then I showed my wife and she laughed. Then we felt concerned for the safety of his female friends. :/
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