EA’s on-off relationship with Nintendo platforms has been quite a rollercoaster ride over the years. Past talk of unprecedented partnerships has given way to almost total apathy, although very recently the company has gone on the charm offensive to assure Switch owners that it is still keen to bring its best games to the system.
However, it would seem that the recently-announced Need For Speed Heat isn’t one such game. Confirmed for release on the PS4, Xbox One and PC, this open-world street racer will include the usual raft of vehicles, illegal racing events and (of course) microtransactions.
Kevin Johnson, Community Engagement Specialist for EA, was asked by Daily Gaming Report about the chances of NFS Heat making its way to Switch, and the reply was predictable, if nothing else:
Thanks for the question, we currently have no plans to release NFS Heat on any other platforms other than what we’ve already announced.
It’s perhaps not all that shocking that EA has decided against bringing the title to Switch, but you do have to wonder what its strategy is with the console. Would you liked to have seen the latest NFS title on your hybrid system, or, as has been previously claimed, will you simply play it on another platform?
[source dailygamingreport.co.uk]
Comments 114
We don't need EA
Nah, it was never going to happen anyway. Plus this game looks so vanilla (and I'm fan of Ghost Games), sorry.
Thanks for letting us know. Can finally sleep peacefully.
Do you do these articles on purpose? This is just more forced publicity for EA who don't really deserve any. Seriously it smacks of you being in their pocket quite frankly running this article purely as an excuse to show a trailer for a game that ISN'T coming to Switch.. Maybe you are getting drunk on the Push Square money.
Turns my stomach. Just ignore them if they aren't supporting the platform. They aren't relevant. But you are making them lol. Crazy.
I hope we get an article for every game not coming to Switch...
Too bad that this is not coming to Switch, would get it on PS4 anyway just for the visuals that would look better ( and throphies). But reading here that the game ,just like last years Need for Speed, has microtransactions... nope never mind that collectors edition EA....
I hope EA just opens their eyes and port/remaster the old Need for Speed games like Underground, Most wanted (2005) and Carbon.
If they focused on what WAS coming to Switch, then this site would be devoid of EA articles and much better for it. I'm not against EA per se, but these articles are mindless almost to the point of kowtowing to EA.
If all I have to do to be a journalist is inform people what isn't happening, then I'm off to start my own website. Money for old rope.
Good. We have no need for Need for Speed. Or any other EA game.
The most portable and nonstreamed of these "other platforms I play EA on" at my disposal is almost 2.5 kg to lug around, and its 1.7 MHz makes me suspect that even the recent bump to 12 Gb RAM may not get me beyond Rivals in terms of playable performance (which I had also invested in on PS4 once but played predictably on-and-off even despite the proper Vita controls). 😏 But as usual, franchise backlogs leave you in no hurry to play the latest entry.
Insert obligatory "port begging" for said backlog instead. Even Carbon in particular, whose PC version is literally nowhere to be bought in digital form by now.
@GrailUK What would be your first headline on your new website?
But I thought EA couldn't wait to be releasing new games on the switch?? (Yup it was only Sunday they said this : https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2019/08/ea_looking_to_bring_more_of_its_successful_games_to_switch)
Ah well, they don't want money? Ah wait, it has micro-transactions in it? Well I definitely would not of bought this game anyway
@GrailUK By the same token, should newspapers stop covering all murders because it gives them too much attention? This is relevant information, especially given EA's recent charm offensive to assure Nintendo fans they're thinking of them. Chill out.
@GrailUK considering what EA had said in the recent past about bringing it's "successful games" to Switch, it's absolutely relevant. Like always, not every article on the site is aimed at every single reader, so just because you don't like EA doesn't mean others aren't interested in the news.
@antdickens This is a non article mate. Nothing to do with my regard for EA.
@kyleforrester87 I think it would be something along the lines of "There'll Be No EA Articles on This Site, And Here's Why..."
@Damo The murder happened. What you are suggesting is,
Man walks down a dark alley and wasn't murdered headlines.
EA. Yawn. The simple fact is they cannot be bothered.
@GrailUK Let me know when you open that website.
@Damo I much prefer yours!
As someone who used to love Need for Speed this looks really bad, I am getting NFS 2015 vibes off this and that is a bad thing. Coupled with the guaranteed awful microtransactions of 2019 EA and this should be a guaranteed mess. I guess we should be thankful that the Switch audience was spared.
It is 2019 and NFS it's still at 30 fps! Good job EA !!!
@hakjie11 says you. I want NHL, Dragon Age games, Mass Effect Trilogy and other EA games
@antdickens @Damo I apologise. I have had a brew and will down the pitchfork (it's made out of sponge anyway.)
"Lead producer of Anthem leaves project. EA currently has no plans on porting the game to the Switch"
Seriously though, what's the harm in covering this? While I was sure this wouldn't come to the Switch, I'm sure some people were curious. Especially after they just announced they plan to bring 'more' of their 'successful' games to the Switch. Whatever that means
@GrailUK Hey man, mornings are hard for the best of us! No hard feelings
Good news, only EA game I play is apex and I haven’t spent a dime.
@MajinSoul Hey, it wouldn't be fake news!
They said they were planning to bring their "best games" to Switch. Clearly they don't regard Need For Speed as one of their best games then.
I don't think we'll be missing much. The franchise has lost its way and there hasn't been a decent entry in the series for years. What Switch needs is a remaster of one of the Burnout games ^_^
Thank god EA are not bringing any of their triple pay...er I mean triple AAA..loot box loaded titles to the Switch.
Nintendolife, here is another list of games NOT coming to the Switch:
1. Gears (of War) 5
2. Halo Infinite
3. Call of Duty Modern Warfare.
4. Cyberpunk 2077
5. Control
6. Final Fantasy VII remake
7. Marvel's Avengers.
8. Death Stranding
(and more)
I could go on. Why don't these games have articles about the fact that they aren't coming to the Switch? Why does this one EA article exist? (I know it's for the clicks) WE DO NOT WANT EA articles about games that maybe or won't come to the Switch.
Please, do NOT post about games NOT coming to the Switch.
You guys have another website for that: https://www.pushsquare.com
Disaster. Good riddance.
Totally with you on that one! Burnout 3: Takedown, please. I must admit that I was disappointed when they chose to remaster Paradise instead of Takedown, although I am sure that many would disagree with me on that one!
@Ooyah Takedown was ace! I enjoyed Revenge too. Yeh, I was disappointed too. I never did get into Paradise; for some reason it just didn't click with me.
Same here. Paradise sounded great on paper, and it was well executed, but I just didn't enjoy it as much as 3 and 4. I really missed the Crash Junctions. The Showtime thing just didn't really do it for me.
I have one on the Wii U. It's such a bad game... Really really bad, I don't need it on any platform, I don't know how they can still sell this kind of bad games. Burnout Paradise instead is a game I really enjoyed on the pc.
@Ooyah Same here! I've recently revisited Revenge on XB1 as it's backwards compatible - still holds up very well.
@Erchitu ironic, considering MW2012 (to my knowledge, there were no other NFS games on Wii U) was very much inspired by Burnout Paradise. Me, I had and even platted it on Vita - easily the platform's best racer and, as far as I'm concerned, a lot of fun. Heck, they even packed multiplayer with a separate vehicle progression system and a few event types exclusive to the mode.
Oh boy how can I leave with MTX gallores in my life... Wait is almost time for my launch break and I will be playing DQ XI!!!
@kyleforrester87 Man doesn't win lottery most likely.
The report on it when it's coming. Why write an article to say it is not coming for the Switch? Do newspaper report on things like "Young woman goes shopping. Didn't get robbed."? Don't think so.
What's this, NFS Heat is not coming to Switch, consider me surprised.
Oh, and in other news, water is wet.....
I’m allergic to effort and money too EA! We should start a club.
Lol love all the salty replies in here acting as if they didn't want the game anyways. You wanted the game.
Buy a Non-nintendo console if you want games.
Stop making articles for EA games if the game in question is not going to be released on switch. Unless it in regards to rumours or leaks about an game coming to switch
@hihelloitsme It's not about console wars dude (I would be embarrassed typing what you did) There has never been so much goodwill between the 3 main console rivals. Real pity it seems to have gone over your head.
@MrBlacky I think your analogy is a little too extreme. How about “reporter reports on a new entry in beloved series - previously present on Nintendo system - not being released on latest Nintendo system to the disappointment of fans. Randomer makes pointless comment.”
I prefer my analogy.
@Arnold-Kage I feel it’s catch 22. If @antdickens didn’t report it not coming to Switch I’m sure someone would complain. I am grateful to know that NFS isn’t coming to Switch so it was informative to me. Thank you Ant
I could say that this is not news, and it was already presaged (and I had already mentioned it in another topic, XD);
As a fan of NFS, I can say, and as I mentioned in Push Square, that the game really caught my attention, since there was the video with more details of the game, however, the only thing that makes me doubt the game is that don't mention more about offline games (I hope that not everything is online as online multiplayer only), a - strong approach - to Car Customization that reminds me of why I did not like Underground and Microtransaciones ...
But, well, Although it is a pity that there is no more of Need For Speed in any Nintendo console recently, I did expect a version, but since it has been EA lately, the truth, I do not know what to expect from them.
"We'll be bringing our best games to Switch, just not our best games."
Not bothered really plus it will be full of surprise mechanics as EA like to call micro transactions
@hihelloitsme because Nintendo doesn’t make games? And there are no other great 2nd and 3d party games on the Switch at all?
I don’t mind these articles. It reminds me of stuff I’m not missing out on. I won’t be playing EA games nor Blizzard games, because both companies have become just concerned what their investors think of them...
Just port need for speed most wanted from the Wii U and I'll be happy. 🤣🤣🤣
Kind of funny because the switch is getting more good games and more support from third parties than ever before, so who cares about EA?
Oh what?! No janky 20fps version???
Their "strategy" is not to have any.
Can't help but wonder if I'm the only one who remembers the presence Need for Speed had during the GameCube days? The system pretty much got all the games between 2002-2006. I remember playing Most Wanted (the 2005 game) on the GameCube.
I can see some who played NFS on previous Nintendo consoles be a bit disappointed with this news.
Awww, here i hoped i finally could spend thousands to finally get the right car part out of lootboxes, darn it!
Need for Speed hasn't been fun in forever but I don't fault EA really.
It's a chicken and the egg type thing. Their games haven't sold well on switch, but they don't bring the same game to the switch as the clones so i dunno.
Also they probably don't really care to go through the process of turning a ps4 game into a ps3 game. Since the days EA grew to 'too big' they've been cheap and pretty crappy in general. Long gone is the EA of yore.
Does any switch owner care at this point?
Pretty much the only EA franchise I play, but I'll have to wait for a review as the last few I have not enjoyed.
I won’t be buying it on anything thanks. I’ve got Forza games at home and Horizon/Fast RMX/MK8D/Virtua Racing on the go. Why would I need this?
@GrailUK I wholeheartedly agree, this article is honestly useless outside of easy clicks.
Gamers who likes racing games have a Home Console or a PC that can play NFS on If they want. Trailer looks good,... See how it plays.
"the Strategy" is the same as every other 3rd party. Microsoft is not giving the Switch FORZA, it gets ORI and CupHead.
If I piss on every developer that does not bring one of their top titles to Switch - I would need to cancel 80% of my pre-orders 🙄
That's it, spur on the hate Nintendo Life! I think we all already knew it wasn't coming.
@hakjie11 E.A... destroys everything
Considering Switch really intensely there huh EA?
Ah well I will stick with forza anyway.
Check out his comments history. He’s been around here for a while under different names. You can feel the desperation.
Pretty obvious until investors started questioning them about switch they hadn't even thought of porting this stuff over, so if they just started thinking about it now to make their investors happy it's going to be a bit before we start seeing EA games, though honestly I don't personally care about most of EA's library.
@Damo I haven't seen much of a "charm offensive" from EA regarding Switch. Some forked tongue obvious placating out of one side of their mouth shrouded in PR speak....but no charm offensive on radar.
@GrailUK if nothing else we need a non-event headline forum game here.
@electrolite77 Yep he's butthurt because the Switch didn't fail within a year. Thing is if he's in gaming heaven with his Xbox, why does he bother sticking his neck in here?
@NEStalgia now there's something we can add to a bingo card...a nothing article leading to comment section squabbling.
@GrailUK @WiltonRoots @electrolite77 hihelloitsCobalt...?
@electrolite77 Ohhh, thank goodness you keep track of users name changes....I don't know how you do it but I manage to fail miserably at that task. And this one was so obvious the profile pic even advertises it....You need a thread to keep us informed of user identities through name changes. I didn't suspect the founder of the NDF was still among us....
@sword_9mm But thats the mistake a lot of studios make, though. They see one particular franchise selling poorly on Switch, and automatically assume all other franchises will also sell poorly. They love comparing apples and oranges, which is very strange.
They might also give the excuse that "Wii U games didn't sell well either." But we all know that console had an abysmal install-base.
Studios need to experiment a bit more and not just assume that a certain game won't sell.
That being said, i DO agree that a lot of gamers have a Switch in addition to another console or powerful PC. Why would I buy a lesser experience for the same price when i could get it on a different console instead? (unless i cared about portability). But this is more of the console's fault, rather than a studio fault (no analog triggers, less power, etc). This is the only thing I can definitely agree on, as far as them skipping the Switch. So in a big way, i can't fault them either.
Honestly, this game doesn’t look bad. I’m not a fan of Ghost Games, but I think they’re learning from their mistakes, and they might actually make a good NFS. But seriously, didn’t EA say they couldn’t wait to bring more of they’re games to the Switch? Typical EA behavior. They said this like 5 times.
@nhSnork No way, imho burnout was really more fun to play, the visuals where different, the phisic was different, the music, the atmosphere, everything was different. It was my last Need For Speed, and I wasn't playing any title of the series since Hot Pursuit, long time ago. The one for the Wii U is the worst I played, I spent just few hours on it and then stop. Maybe the problem was mine, but I really don't like that game.
If EA want to support Switch in any meaningful way, I think they would be best served looking at their back catalogue and offer remasters of older games. It's not like they haven't got a back catalogue of some stunning games. But bringing contemporary AAA games to Wii obviously left them with a bad taste in their mouth, washed down with a generous helping of Wii U failure. So I can forgive them for being sceptical.
Added to the fact, their current business ideology is at loggerheads with Nintendo's ethos and surprise mechanics (HAHAHAHAHA) etc aren't as easily tolerated in a more family / everybody environment.
On top of that, multi platform games require a down grade which is more investment on EA's part, adding to their dubiousness.
So I don't expect them to bring Need For Speed or Call of Duty (I'm lumping Activision in with EA lol) to the Switch. Their brand relies on looking state of the art to punters (let's face it, their games would be very difficult to tell apart otherwise). A downgraded Switch version would harm the image.
But I would bet money if they brought Plants Vs Zombies or Mass Effect Triolgy to Switch, they would sell very well (as long as they show some tlc). Well enough to distract their focus from the billions of disproportionate dollars they make from micro transactions? I doubt it. But I would be happy to be wrong.
@Quarth almost, hihelloitsgatorboi.
Meh Asphalt 8 Legends will be better than this anyways and it's free with 1080p resolution and 60fps performance.
Switch isnt "always online" so there is no way to monetize as much as on ps4 or x1 - the simple reason.
This article is so trash. Let's write about more games NOT coming to the Switch then? Nah, better yet, journalists, their editors and their bosses should boycott EA for MANY reasons.
in my world EA only makes The Sims and that's cause my shorty plays that daily
While I'd be interested in compilation of older games from EA coming to the Switch (Mass Effect Trilogy, Burnout 3 and/or Paradise, NFS Most Wanted, Mirror's Edge, etc...) I have zero interest in microtransaction-riddled games, the way EA is a current expert at.
NFS Most Wanted was even ported to the Vita back then, and it was AWESOME. This was the same, complete game (mostly) as on other platforms, although with some graphic downgrades, but stil... playing that on the go was a blast.
To see EA not capitalizing on their old successes on a platform like the Switch is a missed opportunity.
But I don't care about new EA games though. So who cares about this new NFS....
@GrailUK EA doesn't seem to enjoy the surprise mechanics of spending on porting a game to switch, then waiting to see if it wins big sales volumes or not.
How weird. I thought surprise mechanics made things more enjoyable for everyone.
Uh, there will be no micro transactions. They confirmed it. That's all
@GrailUK personally, I’m glad they published this article. I knew it was unlikely but wanted a confirmed answer on whether Heat was coming to Switch, as I was interested in it but don’t really buy games on other platforms right now. The trailer is a bit much, I agree there, as it’s irrelevant to Switch owners. But overall I’m grateful to have this confirmed, rather than having to spend time digging for an answer to that question.
@Random22gamer You sweet summer child.
@ShadJV Fair dos man. (I need to shut my mouth sometimes lol)
@WiltonRoots Ah, I forgot about that troll. You're probably correct.
This news is perfect. I have a PS4 and switch, and after seeing the trailer for Heat, I wasn’t planning on getting it on the PS4, so now don’t have to worry about getting it on the Switch either 😂
Seriously EA has lost their way with the NFS franchise. I think the last one I had fun with was Hot Pursuit on the PlayStation 1!
@GrailUK no worries, I’ve been on the other side before, seeing an article about a game I don’t want that just to confirm it isn’t coming to a Nintendo console, and I thought it irrelevant. Seeing it for a game I do want makes me realize that there are Nintendo fans who benefit from these types of articles. Didn’t need the trailer is all.
So I do see where you’re coming from, just giving my two cents that articles confirming multiplat games not coming to Nintendo platforms are still news for Nintendo owners. Now if it was a console exclusive that’d be different, since that already wouldn’t be coming to a Nintendo platform.
I can’t claim the credit. I had my suspicions but it was @WiltonRoots who pointed it out.
To tell us how great Xbox is of course!
I’m with you on that. I went off Criterion games when they went open world. Paradise is by far my least favourite Burnout. The Forza Horizon games absolutely take the Burnout/NFS open world racers to school.
I think it’s a real shame that we live in a world where Burnout and Project Gotham have fallen by the wayside, Ridge Racer is MIA, and Blur/Split Second sent their publishers under, yet we’re still getting second rate NFS games.
@electrolite77 Preach
@WiltonRoots It's interesting how people who visit Nintendo threads to extol the virtues of Platform Y, never actually participate in discussions in the Platform Y thread about Platform Y.....while those of us that talk about Nintendo and also like Platform Y do.....
Just a thought
Of course not. 🙄
Though, I’d much rather have Burnout Paradise and the two Criterion made NFS games on Switch. Which will likely never happen either.
At least I have Criterion’s NFS Most Wanted on Vita, and it’s a great version too.
In other news: Thy Sky is blue, and water is wet. I now return to my regularly scheduled boycott of all things EA.
I rather not play a game with microtransactions that I already pay full price for, regardless of the platform.
Who plays EA games anymore anyways? I have a gaming PC, Xbox One X, Switch plus pretty much all the systems before those. I don't remember the last time that I played an EA game.
@GrailUK I'm not a child. It's not good that they're lying like that
@Random22gamer Owww. My bad man, didn't pick up on your sarcasm.
I wouldn't keep publicising them. Who needs EA when you have the riches we have already
Then I guess I have no plans to give EA any of my money, not that I have such high hopes, the last good NES game was by Criterion and did come to WiiU.
@Bondi_Surfer Are you that stupid? There's no point of bragging it on other sites if the game isn't coming to the Switch.
To be fair, EA were asked if it was coming to Switch and they’ve said no, so I’d call this Nintendo news. It’s not very exciting Nintendo news, but none the less some people may have been wondering if it was going to show up, seeing as EA recently said they were trying to get more of the games on to the machine.
Streets of Rage 4 is a good example - had the developers confirmed the other day that it was a PS4 exclusive, I am sure you would have all wanted to have known about it on here.
I get the counter argument, but there is a bit of unnecessary rage combined with a general dislike for EA driving some of the negative comments.
Kind regards,
Reminds me of another system that suffered from this problem...
I enjoyed Hot Pursuit on the Xbox 360 and Most Wanted on the Wii U was ok; but most of the recent NFS games seem below par. I expect that this next microtransaction laden installment will be much of the same, so I'm not going to be missing it not being on the Switch.
I say EA should make an HD or Remaster or whatever of Need for Speed Underground 2 for the Switch, etc!
@electrolite77 and how big his TV is as well, sadly they don’t give medals out for that round here so it’s all a bit futile.
@GrailUK @GrailUK @GrailUK @GrailUK
Not going to lie, I feel exactly where you're coming from. It's like they get monetary compensation for every time they mention them or shill their products. Anyone legit expecting solid support from Eat A$$ on Switch are deeply uninformed or the most hopeful against folks that there could possibly be.
So yeah, it does kinda seem like shilling & isn't news. Actual news would be when they ARE bringing games to the system. So how about we save the energy for reporting REAL news & if they actually DO support the platform.
Boy these comments didn't age well... One of the best rated NFS's in years, and NO microtransactions (other than the 5 dollar DLC that includes an exclusive car with missions).
They said they CURRENTLY don't have any plans for making a Switch version, so it could still happen.
Nintendo ma malo hier od nfs prečo nespravite napríklad nfs most wanted 2005 remastered a kde su ostatné staršie verzie od nfs napríklad nfs fun bolo by lepšie keby máme aj mi fanúšikovia niečo z nfs na nintendo plisssss😥😥😥😥
Ano bolo by to brutal hrat nfs heat na nintendo spravte prepinač plissss hlavne že nfs hot pursing spravili na nintendo tak by nemal by biť problém spraviť aj nfs heat
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