Sega has announced the Valkyria Chronicles 4: Complete Edition digital package is available right now on the Nintendo Switch.
This version of the game, as you might have already guessed, includes all of the previously released add-on content for $49.99 / £44.99 / €49.99. If you own the base game, there's a convenient "all-in-one" DLC pack to purchase for $24.99 (visit for the eShop for the UK and European pricing).
This package includes additional scenarios, maps, and new story content:
- A United Front with Squad 7
- Edy's Advance Ops
- The Two Valkyria
- Expert Level Skirmishes
- A Captainless Squad
- Squad E, to the Beach!
The price of the original Valkyria Chronicles 4 game has also been permanently reduced and is now $29.99 / £34.99 / €39.99. At this point in time, it's unknown if the complete edition will receive a physical release.
Will you be adding Valkyria Chronicles 4: Complete Edition to your Switch library? Leave a comment down below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 29
Was about to say, already had it, was wondering what they give you.
Good thing I haven't bought any DLC for this game yet.
Come on, a full £15 more expensive for the base game than PS4??? Digitally??? There’s no way that can be justified surely?
Sega taking cues from Capcom I see.
Wish I had waited. Still need to finish the game anyway, if I had waited, I could have had all the DLC. Oh well.
I still have my Valkyria Chronicles 4: Memoirs from Battle Edition sealed. I got it for the crazy low price of $47.85(US) tax & shipping included from Amazon themselves in February. I should of bought 2 because i really want to open it and check out the tank statue.
Oh neat, I'll pick up that DLC! VC4 was one of my favorite games last year and it feels like it's time to revisit it.
I already own one of the DLCs for free, so I'll need to see if the "season pass" is still a good value for me.
Brilliant game. Easily one of the top five games I've played on my Switch to this point. Hopefully more people check it out at this lower price.
Very good way to do this, lowering the price permenantly and allowing previous owners to buy an upgrade rather than a whole new game. I hope more games on the eshop follow suit.
Wish it was physical
I loved this game, so I might as well get the all-in-one DLC deal.
@nessisonett Base game and the complete edition costs the same in my region ($29.99 and $49.99 respectively) on the EShop and the PlayStation store.
Im going to get this one on a sale
Happy I held off. Bought the first one when it was on sale, have yet to play it.
I imagine I download this as soon as a sale occurs.
Currently working my way through the first game and really enjoying it.
Not sure why I haven't bought this yet seeing as I was so excited for it. Anyone played through all the DLC already and have a verdict on whether it is worth it?
@BacklogBlues I got it from Amazon for only $55 (Australian) back in April (it's currently $159!). I didn't realize it was so gigantic until it arrived. I should've gotten two copies as well but I wouldn't have had the space anyway.
Not sure if anyone would know the answer to this yet but I'll ask anyway; I'm from the UK but own the US physical edition of the base game, does anyone know if the dlc for this from the UK store would work with my US copy?
Bought the standard game at half price, and some of the DLC after looking up what they actually contain gameplay-wise, also at half price. Then I double dipped for the Switch version of the first game, also at half price. And I can say that it was all worth full price, but I'm still happy that I only paid half, as the experience is the same and the games are timeless, at least so far.
@sprahm While I can't say whether it'd work or not, I can say it is quite easy to get a US account, add funds, and get the DLC that way. Just look up what postal codes don't include extra taxes. Maybe the paypal option works worldwide, it wasn't there yet when last I added funds, otherwise sites like playasia can send you eshop codes to add funds of whatever region.
Well, already bought physical and all DLC last year. Finished it, although I have to unlock a few squad stories.
For me this is one of the top third party games on switch!
Still have to finish the first one. Would be excited to see Valkyria 2 and 3 being released on the Switch!
@AJWolfTill Some of it is nice, some of it feels unnecessary. Here my personal opinion:
– A United Front with Squad 7: Are early-game missions, if you already progressed well into the main game, these will be a piece of cake. New crew members are nice, especially if you played the first game.
– Edy's Advance Ops: I think same as above
– The Two Valkyria: Did not like these missions. You get to play as the valkyrias though…
– Expert Level Skirmishes: just harder skirmishes, does not add any story
– A Captainless Squad: This i can recommend
– Squad E, to the Beach!: This is also a pretty fun addition. Also: unlockable swimsuit costumes : P
Would have considered a physical copy but not a download.
"$29.99 / £34.99 / €39.99"
Retailers clearly don't know how to convert $ to £ and €
@nessisonett As of posting this comment, prices for both versions are the same on both platforms so I'm not sure what you are on about.
@Galarian_Lassie @Indielink In the UK, it’s £20 on the PS Store and £35 on the eShop. It makes completely zero sense.
@nessisonett @Indielink it’s true, it seems there’s a 15£ difference between the two platforms, but only in the UK.
@clvr I just checked after OP responded. That's heckin weird.
@AJWolfTill I really liked it. Great game and well worth its former price.
You really owe it to yourself to check it out and give it a try. Especially if you like XCom, Fire Emblem, Mario+Rabbids, Wargroove, Final Fantasy Tactics, Advance Wars, Ogre Battle, Into the Breech, Super Robot Wars, RPG's/strategy & tactical RPG's and/or anime in general. Essentially, when you select one of your characters on the battle map, the game temporarily enters a 3rd person shooter mode where you carry out their action over a limited distance of movement and target their weapons yourself.
As for the DLC, while it is technically supplemental, because it include some missions whose place and time are even before the midpoint of the game, you'll be annoyed that you didn't just buy with the game in the first place, especially after getting into the game. I mistakenly thought that it contained entirely post-game content and didn't buy it until after I had completed the main game. It didn't affect my enjoyment of the DLC but there is some content that would have been cool to have while playing the main game.
I agree with the sentiment of a few previous commenters. This is my favorite 3rd party game on the switch. I really hope the complete edition entices new players to try it out. If you haven’t played the first one, I would suggest starting there. The story is gorgeous and VC4 is a great continuation.
Don’t worry about VC2 & 3. They’re PSP games that build parallel stories. You don’t miss anything by not playing them(other than the fun). VC3 was never released in the West but it’s possible to play it with a very good fan-made English translation patch.
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