PM Studios is celebrating America's Independence Day with a special limited-time bundle sale. The "PM Ultimate Bundle" includes MUSYNX, Deemo, Opus Collection and Mercenaries Saga Chronicles.
It's available right now from PM Studios' online store and will set you back $120. This includes free shipping within the US. You can also use the limited-time coupon "PMLAUNCH" for an extra 15% off your first purchase. This sale ends on July 14.
Will you be adding these games to your collection? Tell us down below.
[source pm-studios.com]
Comments 11
Mercenaries Saga is arguably their weakest offering, basically a poor man's Final Fantasy Tactics. While Musynx and Deemo are great music/rhythm games, if you like the genre. And I haven't played OPUS yet, although I've heard it's a really good narrative driven game.
And this is the true meaning of the Fourth of July. Our Forefathers founded this country on bundles of random indie games!
I really love Deemo and also like Musynx and the Opus games quite a lot. Haven't played Mercenaries Saga but seems like a pretty good collection of games overall.
@Magician mercenaries saga is the only one that interested me! So i will pass i suppose.
I tried deemo but wasnt feeling it. I am more of a DDR kinda guy
If i had any interest in these games i'd just buy them digitally as it would only be $88.86 and thats retail. I'm sure if you waited for them to go on sell you could get them all for under $65. And Mercenaries Saga Chronicles is on sell now 30% off.
Where the heck is VOEZ? I swear that game is never put on sale or ever gets an offer like this. It's by far one of their best games and it just never gets a discount.
Deemo has fun gameplay, but the soundtrack is where it shines. Haven't played the others.
@Wavey84 You feel strongly about those cases dont ya? This is the second comment Ive seen from ya about them. Anyway, sorry you dont like them. Personally, I dig the uniform look of them from the side, and the red draws my eye to the shelf. To each their own. Have a good one.
whilst I havent totally got the physical bug yet £120 for 4 games which are regularily on sale seems very steep. no thanks
@Wavey84 Im not giving ya crap man. Just found it interesting and a tad amusing. The ps3 was an all around ugly console imo. The system itself (first release), and the cases. Those game cases bugged the crap out of me. Not as much as that lump of a system though.
@Wavey84 360 and DS for me as well. Only thing I played on Wii was lightgun games (House of the Dead, etc.), and No More Heroes. I missed a lot. I could on all day about the missteps of the ps3, but it did give me MGS games, and really, thats all I ask of Sony and Konami. Of course some of those and multiplatform now...
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