Depending on your setup at home, getting your beloved Nintendo 64 to work on a modern display isn't as easy as it once was. Some fancy monitors just aren't expecting you to plug in a 23-year-old machine (we can't relate) but this little adaptor should sort out any issues wonderfully.
The EON Super 64 is a plug-and-play solution which connects the N64 to any modern TV via HDMI. One end fits right into the back of your console, just as your original cables do, and the other end is ready and waiting to accept a standard HDMI cable. It doesn't need any kind of external power source and is said to provide "truly lagless input".

Overcoming modern display woes isn't the only benefit, though. The Super 64 also upscales the console's visual output to 480p - double that of the N64's standard display - and the adaptor features a 'slick mode' which is designed to round out jagged edges for an even sharper image.
Pre-orders for the adaptor are going live today in North America; you can grab one right here for $149.99 (international shipping is available, but the product does not currently support PAL N64 models). It launches on 22nd July.
It's not the cheapest of accessories to splash out on, for sure, but if you love your N64 and its cracking library of games, this could be an ideal solution for playing at home. Make sure to let us know if you're thinking of buying one in the comments below.
Comments 75
About time! Now for PAL support... and for someone else to come along and make a cheaper version
My friend is going to love this, he still plays his 64 on a consistent basis.
Maybe someday I'll get this. I don't think we'll ever see that N64 Classic/Mini. Would be nice if Nintendo and Microsoft could work out the rights to get the original Rare games released on one.
$150?!??!? the one i got for $20 off amazon does its job just fine, albeit needing a power source.
Y is the price so high...? Unnecessary. I got a wii2HD adapter for like 8$ and ur telling me this adapter is worth $150?!? No thank u.
The price point on all of these HDMI adapters is a real turnoff. Get ready to sue the pants off of more ROM websites, Nintendo...
Have a Carby for the cube, is great! Half the price of the other version. I guess in a year or two the price for this will be the same through a different company.
For now though. I'll stick with my PC for n64👍
This is great. Expensive but great. Hope they add extra features like scanlines
Promising, but that price is a joke.
Waiting for Analogue to do this system with all of its usual bells and whistles
It's a pretty cool piece for the Retro gamers out there, but $150 is a pretty steep asking price for it. I'm sure some diehards will jump on it who don't want to go through the trouble of modding their systems, but I personally just don't play N64 enough to justify half the cost of a modern system for it.
Half the price of the one I got on amazon two years ago. I wonder if this one is better? But it’s not the first of its kind
I was thinking "please don't be $49.99, please don't be $49.99" . . . so $149.99 is a non-starter for me.
150 bucks lol
Pay $150 just to remove jagged edges and brighten the picture? Meh. I guess I'll just stick with the $30 Hyperkin N64 HDMI cable which basically does the same thing (which also works on the AV Famicom, Super NES, and GameCube).
I'm really excited to see all these HD options for N64 coming out. We've been needing it.
Can someone please compare this to the ultra HDMI?
And lol at everyone suggesting cheap adaptor cables
I shall await reviews.
Just a reminder, since a lot of people are complaining about the price and listing other products for HD N64 Gaming, this is truly lagless. Other products on the market, even the Wii2HD adapter have lag. The reason this is so expensive is because it has no lag. For most, the lag introduced by the other adapters won't be noticable, and that's fine. But for those who want a truly lagless experience, it might be worth the cost to them to use it on a modern display.
Well it's about time we got a decent modern solution
@RetiredR Yikes, $150?!? Okay now that is just way too much, I couldn't even justify spending that on a Gamecube HDMI adapter. I got one for $75 that seems to be just as good as the one that is twice as much. I think the N64 needs the same competition.
Overpriced S-Video converter that adds blur and no scanline mode. Jog on.
With all due respect, the people complaining about the price or that think emulation is a viable alternative to all N64 games clearly don't understand products like this, or the issues that it solves that those cheap adapters cannot.
For me it's still too expensive, I'd rather go with the HDMI mod, if someone in my country would do it.
$150?! No thanks.
And since when was lag the issue with getting N64 picture onto a 4K TV?! It's always been the picture quality for me. No cable is going to do that... it requires some genuine work!
N64 Classic please...
I'd love one to use it on my NTSC Nintendo 64 but at that price I'll put up with what it looks like currently on my OLED screen.
There is existing cheaper adapters than this which is not locked to one console, but works on any retro console.
@retro_player_22 I wish that cable was easy to come by. it'll cost me near to £100 to import one unfortunately. Unless anyone has any better links????😉🤞
I am really keen to support this new not-so-emerging retro industry but £150 for the cable it's a bit much. So far, products that offered me the level of experience I want for a price I am not bothered about - even though it's expensive - it's the Super Analog series. I am craving the Super NT and the new Mega Drive one. I shall wait for the N64 one - because it is, by now, only a matter of time.
F--- $149 for that?? I can pick up a CRT at my local Goodwill much cheaper if I want to play my N64. Who do these guys think they are charging so much for a.freakin cable. Love how people capitalize on people's nostalgia.
Cheaper just to buy an old crt tv although takes up less space
The Ultra HDMI mod is $165 plus an install is probably about $80 when you include shipping both ways. That's a lot more than this thing but holy crap is it going to be better. Seriously, the deblur functionality of the Ultra HDMI is a literal game changer. I can't go back to an unmodded N64 after playing it. I don't care what they put into this to scale it, it won't beat the Ultra HDMI and if you're going to drop some serious cash on your N64 then you should probably just go with that.
This is what I've been waiting for! I just wish it weren't so expensive. To people saying there are already cheaper options that do the exact same thing, no there really aren't. I've been researching this for years. The only thing comparable is the Framemeister, which is $340 and much bulkier.
The other option is to disassemble your N64 and solder some (fairly expensive) parts together. And no way am I doing that.
$150? When Nintendo is next to announce an N64 MINI with HD out and at least 20 great games that you can pause, save states, for under $100?
Does any one have any experience with the AV to HDMI converters that are out there? I’ve been weary of possible input lag that they may generate but I’ve heard some people say they don’t create any and it’s like playing any console from an HDMI source.
They aren’t very expensive at around $30- $40 so I’ve been considering trying one to play my original PlayStation set up on my preferred TV.
@Dilated I've used a couple different ones and they were all a waste of money. The video quality was truly awful.
Does the N64 have vents on the bottom? Prob'ly shouldn't play on the carpet.
It’s kinda sad/annoying that TV makers would remove AV like that. On a long enough timeline it kills classic gaming. CRTs tube’s usually go bad after a while. I currently have an older 720p tv I bought from a 2nd hand electronics store so I could play my original PlayStation. At the time I didn’t know that All PS3 systems could play PS1 discs. But any classic system you want to play now will require you to hunt down and purchase a CRT or older TV.
My Shield K1 Tablet plays N64 games just as good, n64 is one system I loved to death but going back to it is just not as fun as older consoles.
@Dilated I still have a Samsung HDTV from 2008 in perfect condition that has S-Video, Composite, and Component on top of HDMI. I hope she lasts a long time. The only downside is it is 720p but that doesn't really matter for those systems I use on it.
@retro_player_22 Unfortunately those are sold out to my knowledge ☹️
Can someone not make a cheap one of these. Surely a small hdmi, upscaling adapter isnt exactly cutting edge technology these days. The premium price really doesnt do the developer any favours.
So over priced. Happy with my rgb lead for £7 just adjust the tv and boom works perfectly!
Looks the same to me, maybe a bit brighter
If it works well I may buy 2 of this units, with pal support obviously. I'll wait for the review.
Anyway I'm really happy with all this interest in the video output of the N64. We will see something really good and easy soon I hope.
Why would anyone want to smooth over the jaggies?!?
It's like you don't even want to see the polygons.
@pullmyfinger Oh wow 20 whole games!
This is a reasonable price for something that you don't understand. That's ok.
would this thing even work on a gamecube or is that little bit programmed for the n64 hardware?
@bigcalsworld if it came to UK and was like £50 I'd buy it!
@NintyNate A Carby for the Gamecube is £65, so a version of that for the N64 would be great, even at the same price.
At that price, I'll keep my N64 hooked up to my CRT. I'm keeping an eye on the Hyperkin N64 clone as I'm sure it will be much cheaper. I can't wait for an FPGA hardware clone. Perhaps Analog will do it some day. That, I would gladly pay $150 for.
$150?? That's an awful price.
This is going to be a non starter when Ultra HDMI comparisons start to be made. For this price, you may as well splurge and go all the way when the quality leap compared to this video is going to be so high.
Way to much. You can buy adapters ranging from 5 bucks to20 bucks that do just as good of a job.
@Aurumonado UltraHDMI is Concorde. This is a Cessna.
EON made the one for Gamecube and that one works spectacularly. This isn't some cheap Chinese made piece of knock of junk. This is a quality item for people who want the best of the best.
I have no doubt that this will meet the same superb quality we got from the Gamecube version. I will probably pick one of these up at some point.
@Dirty0814 No, you can't. Those cheap adapters do not deliver the same quality image, nor are they of the same build quality. Further, they run the risk of damaging your console. EON is a talented developer that delivers true top quality products that you can trust to be well tested and completely reliable.
Actually you can. All it is is a av to HDMI converter. I have them for all of my systems from the NES up.
As for hurting your console that is bs as it is nothing but a adapter. I'm not putting anything in my machines.
Your whole comment is nothing but a advertisement for the company and that is obvious. For $150 bucks it's not worth it. There are dozens of products out there for less than $50 bucks even. I am a collector and I have tried many products and honestly none are the same as using my old tube tv and the adapters I do use for my 70in work perfectly fine and I got them for less than 20 bucks period. If this adapter upscaled to 1080p then it might be worth it but it doesn't.
@Dilated most older systems have input lag as it is. As for the convertor's it's just something to look for. Look on Amazon and see what all is out there. The comments will help you along with that, or look on eBay and see what you can find but most of any lag you will with most convertor's will just be your system. It's a trial and error thing but I'll guarantee you could buy 3-4 adapters and still not even pay a third of what this costs and get something just as good.
Also the whole upscaling thing isn't going to do to much for something straight from the N64. It may look a bit better but it will not scaLet to 1080p or 720 even. Most N64 games ran at 360p so the upscale would most likely be 480p which the article even states. Just get a cheapo and see how it works really.
@Taarna this is exactly right. But the idea of upscaling a 380p game to even 480 it will show almost no difference on modern TV's at all. The old tube tv is still the best picture you will get.
@Jokerwolf i really enjoyed my nvidia k1 when i had it. The mini hdmi out was great to have. The only downside was somewhat short battery life. I wish they would a successor! And not just a shield tv, but a new tablet.
@konbinilife I am happy mine still works, I use it now primarily for emulation and pc streaming. I doubt we will see a tablet again with nvida exclusively providing Nintendo chipsets. I think they must have a non competitor agreement because their tablet would be using such similar hardware.
@Heavyarms55 You're paying $150 for S-Video. One-Hundred and Fifty!
@timson72 I paid them for the Gamecube adapter and was utterly blown away by the quality. I see no reason to doubt they can repeat that same feat with N64.
@Aurumonado UltraHDMI is better and costs the same IF you do it yourself. Though you have to have some major soldering skills or you'll likely need to pay someone to do it with a total cost of $300 to $400. The benefits are that the image is never converted to analog but is straight digital from the system. This allows less artifacts and native switching of features like enabling or disabling antialiasing for example. You can also have features like scan lines among many other things.
This on the other hand line doubles over the $30 Hyperkin cable giving you 480p which modern televisions handle better than 240p. So in all this is pretty cool but its processing an analog signal so keep you expectations in check. But even with the UltraHDMI there is only so much you can do with N64 picture quality.
Everyone seems to be not understand why it is better than these "cheap" cables everyone says work fine but this has no input lag like those cables (which also why it is 480p and not any higher).
Perhaps input lag isn't an issue for some but it is for me personally as a primarily PC gamer nowadays it makes a big difference.
Hopefully this or something similar is released with PAL compatibility, the joys of being in Australia when regions mattered.
I'm a little confused by this device. The gamecube adapter they put out before made sense because it used the gamecube's digital out, but the n64 doesn't have digital out does it? I believe the hardware supports it, but there's no port for it which is why you've always needed to mod the system for it. Being that this plugs into an analog out, isn't it just doing the same thing as other upscalers, albeit only to 480p to reduce lag?
@Heavyarms55 Gamecube is a different beast. It's S-Video converter in a fancy case. No scanline mode,only 480p output,which is fine for say £40-50,not £120.
I might check this out for a review. I'm a little confused as to how this is any different than something like a RetroTINK 2X with S-video cable. That combo costs around $30 less, has more modes and features, and supports a wide range of consoles.
If EON was boasting an algorithmic reversal of AA as a "Sharp Mode", in addition to basic line-doubling and a smoothing filter, I would be right on board.
It's a nice design, but for the price I think a better option would be to go with the RetroTink2x or for a little bit more, get an OSSC and run everything thru either one.
@Dilated Panasonic Brand still support AV (generally)
@Arbor The $20 HDMI cable you bought (actually likely $30) and probably the Hyperkin or another brand are nice, but not perfect. I was really interested at first but after seeing many reviews on Youtube it seems they have issue displaying colors, specifically reds correctly. Most people seem happy with the Dreamcast version, but the PS1/PS2 version darkens the picture. Some reviews also said their devices started having very distorted audio after a few weeks. The overall output is close to S-Video through an HDMI cable which is good but this is better. I'm not advocating $150 being a good value but it seems you get what you pay for here. $20 - $30 isn't bad for what it is but keep definitely keep your expectations in check.
ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS! No thanks. My N64 and games will continue to collect dust in my garage. I would spend $150 on a used CRT TV before considering spending that much to play a legacy console on a modern TV. If TV companies were smart they would make HD TV's with this tech built in and market these TV'S to retro gamers. Easy money.
@retro_player_22 I'll get that one instead for my GameCube
This is great news for all N64 gamers. At first I was a little put off by the fact it was only 480p and not 720p or 1080p but then again, I have my first gen Wii hooked up to my HDTV and both my Wii games and Gamecube games look great in 480p with my HDTV doing the upscaling. It looks like the Super64 has a built in line doubler vs an upscaler which would explain the 480p resolution and lack of input lag.
Right now I have my N64 hooked up to my HDTV via an S-video cable to an HDMI upscaler adapter. The adapter is able to upscale the image to 1080p and the difference is night and day over the composite cables but I think there is a little lag. I have not noticed any lag and the games do play well but when EON says "lagless" gameplay that peaked my interest along with that slick mode. If it can go all this and not damage the system I believe it is well worth the price.
It is not quite a blind buy because of my set up right now so I will wait for the reviews but since I still do play my N64 and if this can improve on my current set up I'm all for it.
It’s so expensive.... But I dug out my N64 a few weeks ago when I was cleaning and I want to hook it up again, and most “Retro” solutions you see in the net have terrible reviews... if this one has good reviews, maybe I’ll put down the money down the road.
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