It’s that time of year when we climb aboard the E3 hype train and head to LA for the biggest show on the video games calendar. While it isn’t quite the behemoth it used to be, it’s an exciting time for gamers the world over, with the event at the LA Convention Center still attracting huge announcements from the big companies.
Sony’s sitting this one out, which means the Microsoft and Nintendo are bookending the big presentations. Before all that, though, Nintendo will be kicking off tournament livestreams on Saturday 8th June.
Below you’ll find all the times for Nintendo’s events, followed by other presentations that may be of interest to Nintendo fans. We'll keep this updated with any changes or timetable revelations, so you can check back for more info as we get it. All aboard the hype train!
Super Mario Maker 2 Invitational, Splatoon 2 & Super Smash Bros. Ultimate World Championships 2019
Saturday 8th June – 11:00 PT / 14:00 EST / 19:00 BST / 20:00 CET
Kicking things off with a trio of livestreams, the Super Mario Maker 2 Invitational 2019 promises to showcase Nintendo Treehouse-created levels being completed by four players from the Super Mario Maker community.
The Splatoon 2 final is scheduled to start around 30 minutes later at 7pm UK time and once that’s wrapped up, the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate final will follow at approximately 10pm.
Nintendo Direct E3 2019
Tuesday 11th June – 09:00 PT / 12:00 EST / 17:00 BST / 18:00 CET
Yep, this is the big one. There’s no word yet on how long it’ll be but we can expect a smorgasbord of upcoming 2019 Switch titles such as Animal Crossing, Luigi’s Mansion 3, Astral Chain, The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening and more, plus some juicy surprises. This will also likely be the Direct debut of Doug Bowser, President of Nintendo of America, following Reggie’s retirement, so we’re looking forward to seeing how he fills his predecessor’s considerable shoes. It’s said to focus ‘entirely on software’, but Nintendo are famous for finishing on a ‘oh, and one more thing…’ note, so we wouldn’t discount anything. Check out our video with Alex and Zion chatting about what they expect from Nintendo at E3 2019.
Nintendo Treehouse Live E3 2019
Tuesday 11th June – Thursday 13th June – 09:00 PT / 12:00 EST / 17:00 BST / 18:00 CET
Following the template of the last few years, Nintendo will be livestreaming from the E3 show floor from 9am PT every day with guests and commentary accompanying gameplay from the titles discussed in the Direct.
Show attendees will have the chance to get their hands on Pokémon Sword and Shield, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, Luigi's Mansion 3 and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order - all playable on the showfloor, plus 'more' that haven't been announced. While Tuesday and Wednesday will be normal Treehouse days, Thursday is also 'Indie Day 2019' and will focus on titles coming from smaller developers.
This is an ongoing stream throughout the three days of the event, so you can drop in and drop out any time you please. We’ll be watching the entire thing, of course, so you can catch up on anything you miss by keeping an eye on this very site.
That’s everything Nintendo has planned this year, but what about the other companies? Well, below are the times for the other conferences you might want to keep an eye on:
Sunday 9th June – 13:00 PT / 16:00 EST / 21:00 BST / 22:00 CET – Microsoft
Sunday 9th June – 17:30 PT / 20:30 EST / 01:30 BST (Mon) / 02:30 CET (Mon) – Bethesda
Sunday 9th June – 19:00 PT / 22:00 EST / 03:00 BST (Mon) / 04:00 CET (Mon) – Devolver Digital
Monday 10th June – 12:00 PT / 15:00 EST / 20:00 BST / 21:00 CET – Limited Run Games
Monday 10th June – 13:00 PT / 16:00 EST / 21:00 BST / 22:00 CET – Ubisoft
Monday 10th June – 18:00 PT / 21:00 EST / 02:00 BST (Tue) / 03:00 CET (Tue) – Square Enix
We’ve included Microsoft just in case you fancy seeing what the competition has to offer, although with Nintendo and Microsoft getting more friendly every day, Microsoft’s conference could be more relevant to Nintendo fans than ever before - please give us Banjo, Phil! We’ll see more about the upcoming DOOM Eternal from Bethesda. Limited Run Games should be revealing some upcoming physical Switch releases. Ubisoft and Nintendo have been best buds for a while now, and we’re intrigued to see what Ubisoft has in store for Switch – a sequel to Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, perhaps? Square Enix are likely to have Dragon Quest news for Switch, too, so that could be worth keeping an eye on.
As always, we'll be covering every juicy announcement and moment of the event, so don’t worry if little things like, say, ‘sleep’ take priority over a conference or two. Until then, what's that we hear? That's the sound of the hype train arriving at the station. All aboard!
What announcements are you hoping to hear that the show this year? Let us know what you're hoping for in the usual place.
Comments 170
Man, haven't had a direct in AGES
About time we got something.
I wonder if Pokemon Sword / Shield will be also in part of that Direct.
I still nervous about Animal Crossing for Switch.
Will the game look similar with Dragon Quest Builders / The Sims ?
Oh, don't forget if we still haven't got some exact date release for Ninjala, Hyper Sports R, FF Crystal Chronicles HD remastered, TOWN???, etc.
Wishing my life away, but a month can't go by quick enough! Woop Woop!
June 11 is my birthday. Hope Nintendo gives some good presents
All aboard the hype train choo choo
I get the feeling there's going to be very few surprises with them saying 2019. Feels a lot like E3 2015 to be honest.
Oh well, the stream chat is the best part of E3 anyway.
read "focuses entirely on software", no mini or pro confirmed
It looks like they won't be focusing on just one game like last year. So I reckon that means one thing, Animal Crossing Direct this month and perhaps a Mario Maker 2 Direct as well. I can't imagine the first reveal of AC just being a short E3 trailer, that's fine for Luigi's Mansion 3 but not Animal Crossing. With Mario Maker 2 arriving a couple of weeks after E3, Nintendo really need to fill us in on the details. It's possible it could just have a trailer and then the TreeHouse team go over the details but I can't see it, MM2 is a huge release.
Hope there won't be too many leaks !
@superpotion They did say there would be no hardware revealed at E3. I expect the Switch Mini to be revealed this month in an Animal Crossing Direct.
God I hope not. E3 2015 was the year we nearly burned Nintendo to the ground. I feel bad that it was Iwata's last Direct, but man, what a trainwreck.
I don't think it's gonna be that bad, that was fallout because Nintendo abaondoned the Wii U that year. For one, we should see a proper Animal Crossing (unless it got a delay). That by itself would already make it better than E3 2015.
Dreamcast, Saturn, & Amiga Virtual Console
Crap leaks already!
The E3 direct is the best spot for the new Animal Crossing trailer. They can do 3min on the game and then two hours on the Treehouse.
There's no way Nintendo is going to burn good anouncements before E3 now.
Looking forward to some nice surprises. Not looking forward to all the rumours and leaks leading up to the event.
Would love a Fallout 3/NV anniversary edition. Would love some Fallout on the go. Also, where is NHL and Madden? Brand new Zelda and Mario Odyssey 2 would be nice. Maybe more Microsoft games too
Is it almost unrealistic wishlist time?
I like that they're specifying "game scheduled to launch in 2019". So don't hold your horses for too many surprises, because the second half of 2019 is already packed. Would love an expanded look at Luigi's Mansion 3 and Animal Crossing if they're still slated for 2019, though.
What I really want to know is how long will the direct be. Hoping for at least 30+ min!
@Dman10 Mario Odyssey 2 would be a complete surprise, since the only time more than 1 canonical Mario title was released for the same console was Galaxy on the Wii (ie none of this nsmb, Mario 3d, Mario World 2 and NES excluded). Zelda is more likely since they're already working on a new Zelda game.
I'd love to see Pikmin featured.
Awesome, the leaks (wishlists) should be right around the corner lol! Going to be a great e3 all around I'm sure!
@WiltonRoots It is!! Gimme that Mother 3 Super DX Edition Switch Bundle! Smash has a Mother's Day event, so it's absolutely possibly confirmed...mostly.
Who's ready for the live chat?? Shenanigans are a month away.
Only a month away! It'll be here before we know it!
Not sure what I'll do about the Nintendo Direct....I'll either take a VERY early lunch (starts at 11 AM here) or torture myself and go on internet blackout until I'm off work.
What I'm expecting: Luigi's Mansion, Animal Crossing, new IP, ports, Smash DLC (likely Banjo or Erdrick), Sword and Shield
What I want: Mole Mania 2, Drill Dozer 2, Mother 3 localization
Gimme that ANIMAL CROSSING goodness Nintendo!
Looks like I'll be leaving work an hour early on the 11th then. I'm not expecting anything new though, we already have Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion 3, Metroid Prime 4, Links Awakening and Pokemon coming so i can't imagine how there are any resources left for anything major still to announce. Perhaps it's about time the Third Parties pulled their weight and announced some more support?
Got my day offs planned for E3 streaming. No way Im gonna miss the good stuff.
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
It’s that time again.
It’s time
Can't wait. I'm not expecting too much from the E3 Direct, basically just new info for previously announced games coming this year.
Animal Crossing
SNES Online Service
New Mario Kart?
@Anti-Matter Pokémon SW/SH I believe there won’t be any news until E3 which makes sense, anyways remember Pokémon Let’s Go was presented in past year’s E3
I won't be greedy this year. All I want is more information and release dates for Animal Crossing and Luigi's Mansion 3 and I'll be very happy.
Yeah time is here again it is time for e3 songs
3v3 Smash is going to be hilarious. I'm almost as excited about that as for new game reveals.
Could they really be announcing more 2019 games?! This year is pretty loaded already.
Animal Crossing practically HAS TO BE shown here, yeah? That new Zelda? Man I’m so excited.
hopes for Pikmin 4 despite knowing that i'll likely be disappointed
@BlueKnight07 They still tend to announce games releasing after the year of at E3 as well still. Case in point: Metroid Prime 4, Kirby Star Allies, Yoshi's Crafted World, Breath of the Wild, Twilight Princess, and more.
"The presentation, which focuses entirely on software, will offer a look at games scheduled to launch in 2019" AWESOME.
June 11th is the American release date for F-Zero Maximum Velocity! Half-life 3 confirmed!
I hope they don't spend too much talking about 1 game like last year.
@MoonKnight7 Naturally this year's going to be better than that unless Animal Crossing Switch turned out to be Amiibo Festival 2 or a game that's mostly unplayable without NSO (Amiibo Festival and Federation Force were the biggest source of problems with E3 2015). The angle I was taking with E3 2015 was that there were very few surprises and E3 2019 could be the same because games like Luigi's Mansion 3 and Astral Chain were announced in earlier Directs with no follow up news.
This will be a lot about Animal Crossing I imagine. That is biggest release other than Pokémon. Game Freak has also already shown gameplay footage of Pokémon so there isn’t much surprise left in that except for some details about battle mechanics.
Link’s Awakening and Luigi will also get some small segments along with release dates.
What will be the surprise at the end? I wouldn’t get my hopes up about Metroid Trilogy, and Persona is not coming. Maybe Metroid Prime 4 footage, Bayonetta 3, or a Pikmin 2020 release? Pikmin is a slight franchise even though I love it. MP4 may not have anything to show yet. Too soon for a new Mario and 3D Zelda will likely be 2021 or later. I’d say Bayonetta 3 gameplay trailer is the most likely of that bunch.
Looks like I'll be setting up my iPad on my desk at work with my AirPods to watch discreetly. HAHA!
@Wavey84 Wonder if StarTropics 3 is any more likely to happen than Mother 3?
How about petitioning them for Ice Climbers 3?
Whilst I can understand how Nintendo don’t want to unveil stuff too soon (well apart from MP4) I do wish they’d at least tease some 2020 titles. Otherwise it’s likely to be stuff we already know about and whilst extra info is always nice; it’s the new unknown game announcements that always get me excited.
@NotTelevision Sorry to say that Metroid Prime 4 is very unlikely considering they restarted development from scratch and put Retro back in the hot seat. 5-6 months isn't a lot of development time, so they probably won't have anything to show us unless they've just been crunching the entire time, and maybe not even then.
I'm personally hoping more for SMTV...
Already booked the whole week off work. Again. Lets GOOOOOO! xD
@BenAV me too. I don’t like leaks but I’m happy with rumors, it can be fun to speculate.
As long as there is a release date and gameplay footage of AC I’ll be happy.
Me getting hyped confirmed.
@Grumblevolcano I'm starting to think you're a BLP/Knuckles alt account
E3 was never about surprises, that was a weird intetrnet age phenomenon. It used to be a trade show giving partners and retailers a demonstration of mostly already announced products.
so nothing till e3, fantastic
@Grumblevolcano we know there are at least 2 games coming this year that haven’t been announced yet
And Nintendo have many games coming this year that needs a lot of details
It can’t possibly be bad with Pokémon, AC, LM, Astral Chain and so much more
Each of this game is enough hype to beat 2015
Well E3 2015 had surprises, they just weren't good ones, lol. I hear you though, it's cause stuff has already been announced. Really though, I'd be ok with what we know already only because games like Luigi's Mansion 3 and Animal Crossing haven't been shown at all except for little teasers.
Nintendo has a pretty stacked year once we get to the summer. June has Mario Maker, July has UA 3, Fire Emblem and notable third party games like Wolfenstien. Then, so long as we actually get Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion and Link's Awakening this year, there's about 2 months (give or take) of empty slots — only if Nintendo does what they usually do in releasing one tentpole title a month (November may be an exception, sometimes there's two big releases). So the way I figure, there still may be one or two annoucements we don't know about, so we'll see. So sure, maybe the "surprises" will be minimal, but I don't think it will be a bad showing at all. They have a lot to go over and talk about.
@Grumblevolcano They say this every year and always announce new titles anyway.
@Grumblevolcano There Right big time they did say that..
@MegaVel91 That would be nice. I was thinking more in terms of first-party mainstays. You are probably right about MP4. They probably wouldn’t tease the game again until they have something substantial.
@Anti-Matter what do you mean? Animal Crossing Switch will look exactly like every other Animal Crossing game. The best case scenerio is that it'll carry over the concept from the Animal Crossing WiiU game that was cancelled. It was going to revolve around hot air balloons. Like using them to travel to different towns and areas.
@Tyranexx Torture or book one day of paid leave.
@AndyRogan yes, yes and yes.
Only thing I could add to that list is Pikmin 4, or a re-re-release of 1, 2 and/or 3.
With no details on the new pokemon, animal crossing or Luigi`s mansion 3...don't get your hopes up!
I'm hoping we get a surprise mario kart our mario party announcement. I'm really looking for more multiplayer fun, and I think any new nintendo games will have to wait till next year (our we'll have an insane e3!)
I mean from building aspect, Dragon Quest Builders 2 has impressed me very much and i set my impression about Dragon Quest Builders 2 to 95 from 100. That means it was exceeding my expectations for a game with building aspects, even better than The Sims 4 PS4 with All DLCs and Expansion packs that i give score 93 from 100.
I expect Animal Crossing for Switch at least have Advanced building aspect like Dragon Quest Builders 2 where we can customize our buildings as we like, we can change the color of buildings / furnitures, we can plant some crops, we can cook, we can fish, we can put some NPCs to live the town, we can shape our world as we like, we explore a whole FULL 3D world with 3rd / 1st person view, we can gathering materials, we can craft something, we can interact with objects / furnitures, etc.
The things i worried from Animal Crossing Switch : 😟
1. No Full 3D world to be explored like previous version.
2. Limited amount of animal villagers
3. Completely Random starter animal villagers.
4. Animal villagers will move out if i don't play the game everyday.
5. Chatterbox conversations. I was kinda tiring to press A button to skip their unnecessary long conversations / explanations, i mean say it briefly!
6. Commercial buildings have NO functions at all, like on Happy Home Designer.
7. Don Resetti. I mean shut up of his mouth if i want to quit the game without saving that was my business, not his business to yell at me just because i didn't save the game.
8. No proper minigames whenever i feel bored to do chores.
9. One Save data only.
10. Locked contents inside Amiibos.
New Metroid, MK9, F-ZERO, Luigi's mansion Trilogy, Starfox, Zelda stuff, Mario stuff, Pikmin 4 and new IPS please
Let's hope the direct is an hour long 😂
@MoonKnight7 I didn't watch directs much back then (I didn't follow current console game news much until 2016 at all), but I decided to look this one up now...
...and was treated to showcases of Super Mario Maker, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, XBX, Star Fox Zero, Fire Emblem Fates, Hyrule Warriors Legends, Metroid Prime FF, Yoshi's Wooly World, Tri-force Heroes, Yokai Watch and even an Animal Crossing spinoff... all in one almost hour-long video.
Eeeyup, it's the Nintendo fandom that should have been buried back then (not that it still shouldn't as we speak). If E3 2019 is half as packed (although 3DS will probably be in the blatant minority by now) in terms of IP and genre variation, it'll be one heck of a ride even by Switch Direct standards.
And make no mistake, fans will try to bury it regardless. Just like we buried last year's Direct for having "too much Smash" in it.
Ugh, I saw this and thought we were getting a new Direct before E3 hits. So not even a Direct Mini for Mario Maker 2? Figures...oh well. :c
Metroid Prime 4 ! More JRPG announcements
And another Yoshi game ... everything else will be frosting on top
I Hope they leave the big stuff for E3
I think it'll be a lot of info on stuff we already know, with one big surprise.
I imagine we'll get some missing info (release dates, etc.) and footage (introductory or new) from Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Astral Chain, Daemon X Machina, Mario and Sonic Olympics, Link's Awakening and Marvel Ultimate Alliance. I could see something about Dragon Quest XI S also.
For the surprise announcement, I'm thinking two Smash Ultimate DLC announcements.
I think Pokemon will be saved for it's own event, personally.
Still holding out small hope for more Pokemon information
Folders? I need to organize my backlog.
@Grumblevolcano My only thing is with the rumors of the two new switch versions they may announce that then.
Nintendo tends to not have that many E3 surprises anymore because they do have monthly to bi-monthly directs talking about whats going on anyways.
@HolyYoshi Metroid Prime 4 won't be coming out for a while now. They had to scrap the last one because the studio that was working on it was not up to the quality Nintendo wanted. They announced that earlier this year. Prime 4 won't be for a few more years with having to start the process over.
Specifically mentions focus on software.
Now, where is my new pikmin game?!
@AlohaPizzaJack Hell yeah. Live chat can be hilarious at times. On my list is some Gamecube game that sold 85,000 copies and desperately needs to be remastered, that’s what will save the Switch, etc.
@LavaTwilight I'm not too keen on using my PTO as I'll be going through quite a bit of it late this summer, but I'm debating about taking that morning off at least. Early lunch wouldn't be too bad minus the fact that then my afternoon would drag. I typically take lunch later than most. XD
My E3 wish list which will definitely not happen
1. Super Metroid Remastered
2. Super Mario RPG Remastered
3.F-Zero Switch
4. Kid Icarus Switch
5. Switch Sports (Wii U remastered)
@OorWullie I don't think they have ever had an E3 where they have only focused on one game have they? The closest they got was 2016 where all they demonstrated was Breath of the Wild and Pokemon Sun & Moon. Yet it was still 1000x better than the showings of the competition, as I thought it would be.
If I don’t see Animal Crossing I’m done. That’s it. Switch goes out the window
@superpotion "bUt WhAt If ThEyRe LyInG?!?!"
Could MercuryStream with Yoshio Sakamoto finally reveal what they have been working since Samus Returns? Its been almost 2 years since that game.
Seems like Animal Crossing and Luigi's Mansion area getting their big reveals at E3 then, given that we have seen none of the former and very little from the latter.
I expect one or two 2020 announcements as well.
20 minute SMT V reveal?
"Super Mario Maker, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, XBX, Star Fox Zero, Fire Emblem Fates, Hyrule Warriors Legends, Metroid Prime FF, Yoshi's Wooly World, Tri-force Heroes, Yokai Watch and even an Animal Crossing spinoff"
You're really making me dig back into my memory, haha. If I recall the collective reactions correctly:
Mario Maker and Woolly World were already well known, so it was old news on those. The Tokyo Mirage Sessions trailer was a huge "wtf am I watching?" reaction. Xenoblade X always looked fantastic, but had been delayed yet again until December that year (I think it was the second or third year of delays). Star Fox Zero looked rough — like really rough. Hyrule Warriors Legends was a port, and furthermore, I believe there was a lot of confusion about if the Wii U got the same DLC (but I may be mistaken, it's hard to remember). Fire Emblem, Yokai Watch, and Triforce reactions were probably fine though.
The real kick in the shorts though was Federatoin Force and Animal Crossing amiibo Festival, which is essentially like saying Voldemort out loud on this site. Notice, you didn't even say amiibo Festival. What was worse about Federation Force was the producer of Metroid said after E3 that, "there was no plans for a new metroid that he was aware of." That was basically like kicking a beehive. Then Animal Crossing, not only was it a spinoff game, but Nintendo trolled in the trailer making you think it was a real animal crossing game until you saw the dice and said, what madness is this?
I'm sure we can look back now and say, it wasn't so bad, but at the time, it was a pretty awful showcase. It just really boiled down to Nintendo officially abaondoning the Wii U and finishing up projects that weren't going to transfter to Switch. I think we all knew it was gonna happen, but it was still a hard pill to swallow.
I don't believe we're gonna have reactions like that for this year's E3 or anytime soon for that matter. Not with the Switch selling so well. I'm sure Nintendo will put on a good show, but of course there's always going to be a select few who won't like what they see and complain about it.
I'm looking forward to it, I just like keeping my expectations in check, but I'm sure it's gonna be a solid showcase this year. Also, feel free to correct me if I was wrong about anything above, I'm just going off my meomory.
@Tyranexx then torture it is... Muahahahaa
Doug Bowser's first E3 PR!
Also, anybody noticed this is the first time since E3 2015 they haven't mentioned a specific game?
E3 2016: Focus on only Zelda: BotW
E3 2017: "featuring a closer look at the Super Mario Odyssey game"
E3 2018: "including Super Smash Bros."
Hopefully this means they aren't focusing 28 minutes on Animal Crossing Switch...
@LavaTwilight Heh.... We'll see. I'm a gamer, so patience is more or less forced on us....
But my predictions.
1. Animal crossing and mario maker will take up a pretty decent amount of time.
2. There better be a smash dlc fighter.(And possibly one at the microsoft presentation.)
3. Some outlandish game sequel will be announced.
4.Luigi's mansion gets a name, some gameplay, and a release date. Nothing more.
5. A complimation of new 3rd party ports.
6. Fire emblem taking up some time too.
Pretty amped about the Switch Pro
@kalosn I think the last time Nintendo made Animal Crossing was the one E3 was so bad they had to actually apologize for it.
(the 2008 presentation when they spent half the presentation gloating about the Wii beating the PS2 in sales, and then Wii Music which is self-explaining )
I KNOW they're going to show Animal Crossing and Luigi's Mansion 3, apart from new trailer for other games like Zelda and Astral Chain. But what I really hope we'll see is Bayonetta 3, finally, and the announcement of Metroid Prime HD trilogy, with a release date of just 2020. That'd be a perfect E3 for me.
@Erchitu I got E3 on my birthday last year. I hope you get a SSBU level present this time.
Give us FF VII remake and GTA V, also Switch mini and pro
A new wave race and pilotwings would be most welcome.
So would Metroid Prime Trilogy in 4’s absence.
Id go as far as to assume the main show floor will consist of Fire Emblem, Mario Maker 2 and maybe Animal Crossing or Pokemon.. I have a feeling we’re gonna get some amazing suprised however I don’t think any of them will be coming in 2019. Something tells me Metroid, Luigi’s Mansion, Bayonetta 3 all get pushed back to 2020.
Am I the only one who is pretty damn excited for some more Astral Chain footage?
Hyped for that game!
here we go boys and girls! All abord the hype train and up we go!
Finally Pikmin 4 news! Whoo Hoo!
Should be good, considering they didn't mention a focus on a certain game. Won't be up to watch it, though, as it's, like, 2AM where I live. 🤷♂️
@WiltonRoots getting ready for comment bingo!!!
@Ryu_Niiyama Some clowns in here could have a bingo card all to themselves.
Ah snap, here we go again.
Early happy birthday! Looks like you know what you're doing with some fo your b-day money.
Can't wait for super Mario Maker 2.
I just want to see what Skip Ltd has been working on. I love their unique games.
I'm not even looking forward to E3...I can't bear to see how Nintendo is going to mess up my budget yet again.
I don't think Mario Maker 2 is going to show up again till e3 and here is why. 1 we know a lot about the game already 2. If they do have a surprise really big extra for Mario Maker eg Mario 64 maker it will dlc now as you don't show a biggie like that 2 weeks before release. Also
Luigi's Mansion 3,Pokemon and Animal crossing will show plus a few surprises this year is going to be big for Nintendo!.
Still sitting up for Birdo added to MK8 and Smash!!
I am hoping for the below:
Luigi's Mansion 3
A new IP
Zelda Links Awakening Detailed Trailer
A New Super Mario Adventure
RockStar GTA announcement
Metroid Trailer
Star Fox New Game
Mario Kart 9
Wow .. I had completely missed that. What a bummer . Thanks though for the heads up
All though it will feel kinda off with out are Lord Reggie..
I thought that we had had 125 replies already, but notice this is just a re-post.
With Sony no-showing E3 this year Microsoft's conference will be a must-watch as well.
My unrealistic, whishes:
Sin & Punishment 3
F-Zero SX
Solar Striker (new game developed by a shmup developer like 8ing, Triangle Service, Alfa System or Moss)
Good times! From 9th on, I'll be eating popcorns like crazy. Sooo hyped for the Nintendo Direct!
I really hope one of the big surprises for Animal Crossing is it's release date. I'm not suggesting during our after the Direct (though I would lose my crap if that was the case). But if it were sometime this summer, that would be super
I was reading through the comments and wondered why people were writing like the SMM2 video wasn't a thing, and that they seemed to not know there is a Pokémon Direct in two days. Then I saw this was old news.
my dream for e3: Wario & Waluigi RPG Series
No Sony this time?
Man I forgot it was almost there, can't wait! I want to see Xbox2! And I hope Nintendo ain't holding back either. Go all out.
@The-Chosen-one nope they said months ago they won't be there because they don't have anything new to show, they are gearing up for the PS5 and instead they are doing their "State of Play" videos to keep people updated
Ah I missed that I think, I will still follow it because I want them both to try to convince me (Xbox2 or PS5) I always like some competition. Next to my Nintendo Console (still hoping for a Switch 2 / Pro)
I'm really excited for this years e3 can't wait to see the new xbox, and hoping for some great switch stuff.
I really, really, want Madden on the go and an fps. Just imagining a golden eye remake with local multiplayer hook up is enough to make me jump up and down.
Also want a story driven 3d platformer. It bugs me that Sony has the 3 big franchises covering that off; sly, ratchet and j&d, Epic Mickey could totally have morphed into that.
I'm surprised the article doesn't mention Limited Run Game's e3 presentation. I guess it isn't in the same league as the presentations that actually take place at Los Angeles, but it's part of the schedule all the same.
As always though, Cheesemeister3k on Twitter provides the best e3 schedule timetable charts. I use them every year.
Please, let me have a new a Donkey Kong Country game!
@RupeeClock Right you are! I've updated and added Limited Run
@The-Chosen-one i'll be watching the XBOX one because, well i own an XBOX as well as a PS4 but they will also be showing multi platform games there to
Devolver Digital are also worth listing I think, since they have ever so many games Switch bound these days.
@RupeeClock Hmm, go on then - one more
Wait, who are "Digital Devolver"?
I'm sure I don't know what you mean
Lol, Limited Run Games have a show, I really hope we're finally getting physical releases of Blaster Master Zero 1 & 2.
Pokemon Direct tomorrow, and E3 is next week?
You are right! 😳 Damn Nintendolife, now my reply to a person here looks really, really dumb.🙄
There's a Pokemon Sw/Sh direct scheduled for two days from now, we're getting news pre-E3.
I would love a teaser for a new Zelda. Maybe just the title like they did for Metroid Prime 4, just to say "we're working on it"
I don't hold expectations to avoid disappointment, but I'd like to see a Switch port of Tokyo Mirage Sessions announced. Would be a nice surprise for me at least, I have a feeling it won't happen.
Also, taking the wild guess the next Smash Fighter's Pass character will be revealed.
No love here for Kinda Funny games showcase. Weird, as their presentation of indies will have lots of games coming to Switch.
I'm actually looking forward to the Squeenix Monday night show. Let's face it, the best parts of the Sony show other than the 1st party offerings have always been a mini-Squeenix show anyway.
EA is doing a thing on the 8th, btw.
Sucks that I have to get up at 9 but I took that day off so...
Just realized that I scheduled a physical therapy appointment during that time. Oops.
EDIT: I adulted and called and got it rescheduled for later in the day.
Well I dont have that many wishes
New ip
Zelda links awakening
Luigi mansion 3
Bayonetta 3
Pikmin 4
Diddy kong racing 2
Cool! I look forward to it!
@patbacknitro18 thst was a concept trailer made by a fan. The hot air balloon thing was never done or suggested by Nintendo
Out of all the presentations I wanna see this year, the only one that's ironically inconvenient for my schedule is the E3 Nintendo Direct (11 AM here). I've just switched jobs and won't be able to take time off, but I may be able to hack my schedule and take lunch around that time.
Apart from games we know are coming:
Luigi's mansion
Astral chain
Mario maker
Smash Bros dlc
Fire emblem
I'm only interested in a few, bit I think this year could be very disappointing... Again.
It seems, as I have said before, Nintendo always seem to make games and show games off that nobody wants or asked for and the games fans crave and all we never see...
Where is F-ZERO Nintendo!!!???
A decent amount of Animal Crossing footage and a release date is all I want, the rest are just extras for me.
@Poloscen89 Looks like we have a new Troll in town. And yes they are a ****!
@Anti-Matter Ninjala got delayed to 2020
@Anti-Matter It will have its own direct.
So, you're saying a Switch Mini could happen? That makes sense considering GameStop's $200 listing... All aboard the HYPE TRAIN!
Ironically enough, people want/ask for all the games you just listed. 😂
It won’t be anything like 2015, I’m sure of that. They’ve got good games this time.
2015 was the year they thought the best thing to do at E3 was simultaneously annoy the Animal Crossing, Zelda and Metroid fanbases.
It might even be worse than 2008 (OK maybe not but it’s close).
Registered March 31st. Four posts of barely literate complaining.
Yay. We have another one.
Come on, Doug! Give us Mother 3! **Fire breathes the guy to ash**
Oh the memories of Reggie @ E3 2014
Can’t wait to see what new IP Sony announces oh wait...
@KryptoniteKrunch I'm talking about other games lol
I predict they won’t mention Animal Crossing.
I'll be watching the direct but then it's sleep time as I'm leaving for this years Download Festival the morning after. Will be checking out the news on monday after
Sounds, and looks good. I'll be here, if I can be.
Well don’t be expecting Mother 3, it will never be released in the West.
Rare replay from microsoft would be the best thing ever
Just imagine playing all those classics on the switch
Perfect dark, conker, banjo
You forgot to put the PC Gaming show time, its 6pm Monday 1OTH BST. Also can't wait for e3 this year it going to be epic. Nintendo is looking like there in for a really good one this year!.
It's the most wonderful time of year! E3 2019! Wooo!
@Anti-Matter It's a pity that Sony will not b attending this year as I really wanted 2 find out more about Playstation 2 games.
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