One game we got a small update on during the Square Enix Live E3 2019 presentation was Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition. It's now scheduled to arrive this winter.
To celebrate, Square Enix shared a new trailer featuring development footage of the game. In addition to this, it revealed an online multiplayer mode would be in the game. There'll also be a mobile release, giving even more players access to this upcoming remaster. See for yourself in the video below.
Will you be returning to Crystal Chronicles after all these years? Tell us down in the comments.
Comments 28
I played this game on GameCube and liked it a lot, so I look forward to this release. This is why I like Nintendo and played on their systems whether it was SNES at a friend's house or N64, I had the 2nd Gen Sega Genesis, but when the Wii came out I did play my share of Super Nintendo games. Also when I played Super Mario World at that time I found a short cut to Bowser's castle but it was pretty fun. So yeah I'll be looking out for this.
Nice that they are bringing this back, hopefully they fix the four player co-op mode so we don't have to always carry the bucket. Hopefully after this they remastered Ring of Fates, Echoes of Time, and Crystal Bearers as well. Though not as great as the first one, they are quite enjoyable in their own ways.
As a Nintendo kid this was my final fantasy (and vi) so I am stoked!!!
I can’t tell you how many times I started this game and never finished it. I had a great group of people together to start it again with four GBAs just a year or so ago but we never got back together to finish it. Let’s hope the rerelease and online play can help me remedy that.
It's really cool that they are doing this!
I remember trying to get into this - my friends and all got Gameboy SPs and we piled around the TV, but then realised someone had to be on chalice duty and carry it around everywhere. It was such a irritating mechanic that stopped us playing further. Hopefully they’ve changed that part (or maybe I’ve conpletly misremembered and am doing the game an injustice)
Loved this on the GC.
Had a blast with this on my wii as I got this game as an present from saint nick.
My friends and I often played this, 4 GBAs and all...hope they do the multiplayer justice! Sounds good so far!
I feel like I'm always asking the same question....
Digitally only or physical, too?
Seems like this is a game that really shines for multi-player.
Which means someone like me who can almost never get a friend online at the same time to play something wouldn't be able to get the full enjoyment out of it.
I had it. Got even collector edition. I was like.. this time I want a collector edition of FF game. Was so disappointed in the game. It wasn't old school FF game. Something different.
Well good new for the fans of course who like them. I'm skipping this one
Great game. So many fond memories. Hopefully not too much is change to incorporate online play.
But will it have local co-op on one Switch? I only see references to online play. It's the most logical thing to implement but you never know with game companies these days.
I have expectation about this one. Was so good back in time on GameCube!!
My wife and I are really looking foreword to this one.
Another remake 🙄
@Heavyarms55 I’m assuming it will allow playing with randoms, not just friends. It doesn’t really matter if you play with the same people for every stage.
It certainly shines with multiplayer (in fact single player sucks), but the multiplayer doesn’t need much communication and I’m fact each player has a hidden objective they DON’T want teammates to know as the player who gets the most points when they beat a stage gets first pick at the loot (which are the equivalent to level ups, bringing stat boosts or skills). The only problem I see it happening is trolls but sadly that’s the case in any game and hopefully there will be some sort of matchmaking system to counteract that...
And if you want better control over who you play with, I’m sure it’ll be easy to find a bunch of friend codes here on NL.
@Fazermint it might not. A big mechanic of FFCC was how they implemented the GBA screens. All players were given secret objectives to get points and, at the end of the stage, the players got to pick what treasure they wanted based on their choice (so highest scoring player got first pick). This was a pretty important mechanic, one of the biggest actually, as the game doesn’t have a level up system - these treasures gave stat boosts, skills, etc - and so to actually make your character stronger, you need to win with your secret objectives. Having everyone see your objective would mean they could intentionally make it impossible for you to complete it, and taking them out entirely removes any fair way to determine who gets first crack at the treasures (and there’s always one or two treasures that are pretty much the best).
I can’t see a way of handling local multiplayer without completely changing how the growth of characters is handled, but I’d be happy if they did.
@Alucard83 did you not read about it before buying it? It was advertised heavily years before release as a spinoff.
@Nanaki chalice duty existed but generally players took turns carrying it and it didn’t make a huge difference because as soon as you find enemies you put it down anyways. It was just for traveling around the dungeon. Single player you didn’t have to carry it (an NPC did), but it was mostly a mechanic to keep players all on one screen.
@ShadJV They could simply model it after the solo experience, which is how most people played it anyway. Something as simple as adding a single screen before entering a level telling you your objectives would alleviate the issue. Or just leave it up to chance as in the OG.
@Fazermint the solo experience was horrid though. And if everyone sees your objective, it’s easy to screw over certain players depending on their objectives. Very easy. It was never up to chance, everyone knew only their objective which created strategy. Leaving the rewards up to chance just means some players will constantly be screwed by RNG which is bad design.
@ShadJV Well, that's kind of wrong. And you're missing the entire point.
But you don't seem to read the things I type so to heck with it.
@Fazermint what did you type that I didn’t properly respond to?
I am excited for the release of this game!! The original was a co-op masterpiece and one of my all-time favorites to play with a friend. For those who have never played it before: It's a THOUSAND times easier as a single player game. Multiplayer was critical to get the most enjoyment (and frustration) from this game. To those who are not in favor of the crystal chalice: It is essential to both the story and the gameplay. It forced players to create strategies within its limited field (including drop/pass/run) and in my opinion the game really would be ruined without it.
@ShadJV On the subject of secret objectives it would be a simple solution to give each player multiple objectives, each mapped to a button. Unless you're gonna stare at your friend's controller you'd have no idea what they pick. ALSO this opens the possibility of players choosing the same objective which might spice things up a bit. As for the rewards? Zombie Dragon. If you've gone so far with your friend always looking to one-up the other for the best stuff, chances are you won't get by this guy. That would mean a replay or two and letting your friend collect premium items to better prepare. Besides, if you're sitting with someone for local multiplayer and not really cooperating you probably picked the wrong game to begin with... The item of greatest interest here would be if the mobile version would allow online cross-platform. Or ideally if one Switch would act as the server. Then each player can control their character with their mobile app including inventory screens etc while the game continues to run on the big screen via the Switch, just as multiplayer behaved on GC!
@Fazermint Sorry I only joined to comment on this game and got far too excited after reading these comments. I don't know if I am allowed to post a link but look up the review on Gamespot highlighting the E3 conference about this title and it stated it will support 2-4 player local multiplayer! Let's hope Gamespot got it right, and it was only overlooked here.
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