
It's been roughly a week since Capcom announced the original Devil May Cry game was coming to the Switch this summer.

Since then, we've heard how the Japanese company has "no plans" to release a standalone physical edition of the game on the eShop and have also seen the very first batch of screenshots for the Nintendo version.

The latest morsel of information about this upcoming release comes from US Gamer. After much speculation about which version of the game the Switch would receive, Capcom has now confirmed this specific release is part of the Devil May Cry HD Collection released on multiple platforms in 2018. For now, though, the company is focused exclusively on the original experience:

"Capcom is focused on bringing the original Devil May Cry experience for the first time to a Nintendo system. No other titles have been announced."

The other two games in the HD Collection include Devil May Cry 2 and Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening.

Are you glad to hear Dante's first outing on the Switch is part of the HD Collection? Would you like to play the second and third game as well? Leave your thoughts below.

[source usgamer.net]