It’s been many years now since Xbox 360 introduced its achievement system and added an extra layer of gamification to your games. Microsoft’s system-level Gamerscore was introduced way back in 2005 (that's right, fourteen long years ago). That little dopamine hit on hearing the ‘Achievement Unlocked’ sound struck a chord with a whole generation of gamers and they soon became an addiction. Bragging rights for grabbing the most obscure, most difficult ones made adding to your Gamerscore a point of pride for many.
Valve soon followed suit on Steam and Sony’s Trophy system made the word ‘platinum’ a verb. Nintendo gamers, however, never got to experience that sweet, sweet addiction - not at a system level. Many titles implement the achievements used elsewhere into the game itself, but Nintendo has never created a similar framework of its own.
If we’re honest, after fourteen years achievements have fallen off our personal radar somewhat, and wouldn't rank particularly highly on a wish list of features for future Nintendo consoles. We’ve got used to not having them. Of course, they’d be a fun extra, but we’re not clamouring for them like we did a decade ago. In fact, we thought that was the general feeling amongst Nintendo gamers, but a quick scan of social media shows that there’s still a healthy appetite for a platform-wide system on Switch:
With Xbox achievements arriving on Switch in due course thanks to the release of Cuphead and Xbox Live integration, it seems to have reignited people's passion for the little pop-ups. Calls for Nintendo to ‘get with the times’ are easy to hear, although for a company that believes ‘the true value of entertainment lies in its uniqueness’, implementing a system based on a competitor’s fourteen-year-old success hardly showcases the 'Nintendo difference', does it?
Still, it’s a feature that many players crave. Personally, we’ve fallen out of love with them a bit, for various reasons. For every game that uses them creatively and encourages you to experiment or play a different way than you might otherwise, there’s another which simply doles out the cheevos as you finish a level. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that, but they lose significance to us if they’re simply a mark of progress – sure, you can ‘prove’ to your online mates that you’ve completed a game, but that’s not enough of a draw.
They’re not particularly developer-friendly, either. Microsoft’s mandate that all games were required to include unlockable achievements created extra work for game devs, and its easy to understand why so many take the uninspired form of ‘You completed Level 3!’ or ‘You jumped 10,000 times!’ It’s another layer of work added to each platform the game releases on, and while it’s often easy to track certain player stats and actions (especially on modern platforms), it can be more difficult for smaller indies already crunching to get the game running and not wanting to tack on a bunch of dull, token achievements after they've worked so hard on the core game. Being creative takes time and the best achievements are imaginative and playful.
They can be mighty intrusive, too. You’ve just completed some emotionally significant narrative moment – shot a traitorous friend, galloped into the sunset or whatever other video game scenario you care to remember/invent – and up pops the notification. You’ve completed a game, spending hours battling your way to a reckoning and you sit there, bathing in emotional and physical catharsis as the screen fades to black… doop-doop! 'Achievement Unlocked – Winner Winner!’
We’re exaggerating, of course, and other platforms do allow you to mute notifications, but a platform-wide system is inherently ignorant of the actual content of the game, so if a developer hasn’t thought carefully about how achievements will unlock across all supported platforms, you often get these pop-ups destroying the atmosphere of a tender or significant moment. These interruptions occur on Switch already, of course. While playing Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice a couple of weeks ago, emotionally striking and heavy moments were repeatedly interrupted by Switch telling us that ‘Tony80085 is online’ (a pseudonym has been used to protect Tony’s true identity, but we do wish he'd make his bloody mind up!).
Despite Switch not having an overarching infrastructure, many games implement their own achievements lists, and perhaps that’s enough. No, you don’t get the platform-wide integration or that satisfying unlock sound, but we’re rational human beings for crying out loud! Do we really need that - or even want it - in all our games?
Perhaps the best place they could fit in on Switch would be the selection of retro titles that come with your Nintendo Switch Online subscription. Little objectives could provide some of the focus lost with the introduction of save states and give players an incentive to revisit those old classics on the service. Many of us have fired it up, dipped into a few classics before losing interest and closing it down after a few minutes. The wall of games arguably induces paralysis and it somehow feels ‘easier’ – or more satisfying – to play something else despite loving stone-cold classics like Super Mario Bros. 3 and Zelda.
Save states would render anything as boring as ‘Achievement Unlocked: You finished 8-4!’ utterly pointless, so Nintendo would have to be very creative – very different – with its challenges. We’ve seen that the company is happy to play with these classics with the SP versions it's been dropping and the service only contains a small selection of games, which would make a blanket ‘system-level’ structure possible where it would otherwise only be realistic (logistically speaking) from the very start of a console cycle. Others have already taken the trouble to gamify retro titles in this way – Retro Achievements has been doing it for ages.
There are plenty of opinions available on the subject of achievements, and the most interesting ones tend to come from game designers themselves. Keith Burgun and Chris Hecker’s thoughts are worth a read and delve more deeply into ideas of intrinsic versus extrinsic rewards and the mechanics of how achievements actually work.
They used to be the new thing - an incredible bit of seasoning to go along with Xbox Live on the 360 - and we have fond memories of them, but now achievements themselves are almost retro. Some would argue that they’ve had their heyday and it’s probably time to forget about them. Nintendo-only gamers never sampled their addictive properties in the first place, but anybody who has gone cold turkey with Switch need only hear that little unlock ‘dong’ once to have their nostalgia booted up and experience little ‘cheevy cravings.
What are your thoughts on achievements at a system-wide level? Do you still care about them on other platforms? Have Nintendo gamers really missed out? Feel free to share your thoughts with a comment and vote in our poll.
Comments 144
Yes, 100%. I am not a completionist by a long shot, but achievements add a ton of satisfaction and playtime to my gaming
Yes. There's no reason not to. Let the people who don't like trophies opt out or disable the feature.
'course, a Nintendo-centric spin on the concept would be cool. I'm still partial to the idea of unlockable badges/stickers that you could use to adorn and pretty up the main menu.
It'd be cool to stand out from the competition by giving MyNintendo points as rewards for achievements instead of meaningless fluff.
Yep there fun and make your self feel proud.
I see no reason not to have them - I don’t really care about trophies too much on my PS4 but it’s nice to have!
I stopped caring about achievements years ago, but they're harmless.
Unless you're the kind of hoarder who really needs that Platinum trophy of the Hannah Montana video game for their collection.
Yeahh achievements are awesome!
They add more playtime, fun & challenge to a game, without adding new content. You don't need to do achievements, but it's an awesome way to get more out of your game!
So yes, definately, they just give more fun to the game!
I don’t mind them, gives ya more stuff to do. If it’s a game I’m really into then I’ll definitely try to get every trophy/achievement for it.
Once you finish a game achievements give you that urge to keep playing it to use the skills developed on your playthrough and be rewarded
This is a really annoying article lol
I'm not bothered. I have a PS4 too and I'v never been that interested in the trophy system. I'm just like "oh, I got a trophy for something".
Yes. It’s a great option to have.
@TJWorks ... Have you been looking at my Gamertag? It was easy points, okay? I needed to cross that 20k mark in the early days.
Seriously, though. Once I hit 180k I quit caring. It was neat that eventually you could make cheevos wallpapers, but it got boring
I think achievements can be fun as extra goals to go for in a game, but not having them isn't a deal breaker or anything. And really, games like Stardew Valley and even Smash Bros Ultimate have their own built in achievement like things. Nothing is stopping devs from making their own, and there isn't really a need to have them at a system level. So I say it's a non-issue. Now folders on the other hand...
Yes, achievements makes me get more out of games on Xbox, and I would love to see achievements on Nintendos platforms. Unlocking achievements feels good, and there’s few things as satifying as unlocking 100% of the achievements in a game.
@Ralizah Except that it kills immersion.
Achievements have a place for those that want it, but Toadette reading them out is not that place.
I wouldn’t be bothered if they were there, but they’re definitely not a dealbreaker for me. They’re useless feel-goodery fluff. I’d much rather see them pour available resources into improving their online infrastructure. The Smash 3.0 launch was a total disaster.
It's a great way to standardize progress for game completionists and discover secrets that you may otherwise not know about. Let's say you plan to 100% a metroidvania game. To what extent do you consider the game 100% completed? Covering 100% of the map? Collecting all items? Completing the bestiary? Viewing all endings? ... Etc etc. Surely you can do all this on your own, but it's nice to have a standard checklist for all gamers to follow in a game, and gauge their progress during the play time. Most good games have a well-designed list, some don't.
Nintendo usually have their own in-game completion list, but it would be nice to have it available for all games that already support achievements / trophies.
i wouldn't care either way. would it be cool? yes, does Nintendo Switch really need it? not really in the system itself.
Nintendo has found ways to give you achievements. just look at Animal Crossing: New Leaf, in New Leaf you get badges for doing goals, and based on your rank and how well you do, you earn a badge (weather it's Gold, Silver or Bronze)
i don't think Nintendo needs to implement in the system itself like Playstation and Xbox does, just add it in the game itself.
Don't care either way. They're pretty dumb though.
I like the Switch UI as it is, snappy and clean. I don't want all the crap 'features' I have on PS4 and don't care about on Switch too.
YES! It adds value to any game. No one is saying to clone exactly what Sony and Microsoft have done, do it in in the most Nintendo way possible.
And for people who don't care about them... Offer the option to disable them entirely.
There are no real downsides to trophies or achievements.
Yes - they add a small amount of satisfaction to achieving things in-game. I personally don’t see a down side.
For me, ever since some achievments really go for the 100% completion rate devs dont have to give us real rewards and lock those rewards behind dlc.
Ah the changing times
I’m likely in the minority here, but not having to worry about achievements has been rather refreshing while playing games on my Switch.
I enjoy achievements/trophies, but I didn’t realize how much I’d enjoy them not being there until I bought my Switch.
It’s nice not having to worry about missing achievements and just playing a game for the sheer enjoyment of the experience.
I guess I’m fine either way, but it’s still nice having a system where I don’t have to think about them.
Please no, and if Nintendo gets them please allow me to turn them off.
As long as I can turn off the notifications, I couldn't care less whether they exist or not.
Absolutely, though I’d like a smaller version than what Sony is doing. I often feel achievements are there merely for padding, rather than making the game fun or challenging.
I'm on the side of Achievements are pointless and often annoying. While I get that it gives some players goals to strive towards, they are often set as 'complete this chapter of the story' (and the pop-up looks silly in the middle of a cutscene), or 'use this weapon 100 times' which is usually tedious. To me, you start to play games for the wrong reason, but I also get that for some it adds to the fun.
"They’re not particularly developer-friendly, either. Microsoft’s mandate that all games were required to include unlockable achievements created extra work for game devs, and its easy to understand why so many take the uninspired form of ‘You completed Level 3!’ or ‘You jumped 10,000 times!’ It’s another layer of work added to each platform the game releases on, and while it’s often easy to track certain player stats and actions (especially on modern platforms), it can be more difficult for smaller indies already crunching to get the game running and not wanting to tack on a bunch of dull, token achievements after they've worked so hard on the core game. Being creative takes time and the best great achievements are imaginative and playful."
Most Game Engines have a built-in, or easily integrated, achievement creation system for them already and Unity, Unreal Engine, et. al. are no exception to this. Once Nintendo provides the achievement prerequisites in their SDK then integrating them is usually not that hard. The above statement that I quoted is based on a concept that indies are lazy and wouldn't be imaginative in naming or creating their achievements. I would love to see an integrated Achievement system, but I've wanted that since the Wii.
@Lizuka yeah, there are no excuses. This has been a disservice for many, many years now.
They've become boring to some? Sure, but look at PS5 and next Xbox, they'll have their systems well in place, like EVERY OTHER GAMING PLATFORM on Earth but Nintendo
Never cared about achievements any which way.
Personally, not having achievements doesn't bother me, but I won't protest their inclusion for those who want achievements.
I understand not everyone likes achievements and that’s fine, but they still should be included because their existence takes nothing away from others. They’re easy enough to ignore, you could turn off the notifications even, the only reason to argue against their existence is a desire to control what others can have access to. Arguing against achievements, which are 100% optional, is basically arguing, “I don’t like them so nobody should have them.” On my platforms that have achievements, I normally entirely ignore them, but if I really like a game it gives me some goals to shoot for with evidence that I hit those goals. For the rest of my games? I don’t care, the achievements are there for those that want them and sometimes that’s not me.
No. Case closed.
I still think Nintendo should implement an achievements that has a star color(Red, Green, Yellow)system.
Yeah, I guess it wouldn't hurt. Just have the option to turn off notifications. I personally got a bit addicted to trophies back when they were first introduced on PS3, but the novelty wore off.
Yes Nintendo. Say yes after me Nintendo, give it but make it easily turned off and nobody can complain.
But Nintendo should do it with a twist. Enable achievements to unlock real digital and physical rewards. That would be cooooooool and a HUGE talking point for gamers worldwide. It would attract stampeding hordes to Nintendo and Nintendo needs that now more than ever. As Xbox and Sony embark on next generation consoles now is the time for Nintendo to race ahead.
“although for a company that believes ‘the true value of entertainment lies in its uniqueness’, implementing a system based on a competitor’s fourteen-year-old success hardly showcases the 'Nintendo difference', does it?”
Silly mindset which previously gave us 10+ years of not having account based purchases:
@MrBlacky That's not a case.
I love the meta game and it makes the ecosystem feel more alive. You can see what you and your friends are doing and it adds a little bit of competition between friends. Also I'd love to have something to do after I feel that I have competed the game. It'd be cool to have something that says I found all the korok seeds in Breath of the Wild, or I collected 999 stars in Mario Odyssey, or completed my pokedex in Pokemon. It doesn't hurt anything so why not give it to the players that want it.
I don't get the point of achievements, I know what games I've payed and what I've done. I only care about the Ubisoft Achievements, it gives me points for guns, weapons and gear. PS4/XB achievements give me ZIP!
I'd take themes over an achievement system any day of the week. That being said, I think if Nintendo did their own achievement system, it wouldn't be a bad idea. Just don't copy MS and Sony.
Awful things.
100% yes. Should've debuted an achievement system with the Switch.
No thanks. Never needed them to either play well or muck about in a game. Certainly have no compulsion to gloat about it either. Bragging is annoying. Whereas it would be easy to say 'don't use them' or 'ignore them', and indeed, I can't stress how easy that would be for me, they still crop up in conversations to either prove points or as a one-upmanship. They invite elitism, and I'd rather just not let it through the door, than welcome it in and struggle to make it go home. So, I'd rather not have them. At all.
I personally really dislike achievements. They can be addictive for me in a very tedious, unfun way, and if I choose to ignore them then I feel like I'm leaving something unfinished which gives me anxiety. I'm fine with Nintendo adding them as long as there's an option to disable them completely, not even seeing other players' ranks or levels or whatever. Even knowing about them takes away from a game for me. But I'm glad that it seems to add something for other people.
I wouldn't mind one way or the other; felt more strongly for it in the Wii era though. Not sure if it's because I'm currently content with in-game rewards & achievements or now I have less time and mental energy to do them all.
Besides knowing nintendo if they did do this, it likely wouldn't be like the other platforms which can be good or bad.
The last time I remember Nintendo doing achievements was with the StreetPass games and a few of those were pretty unachievable. 1 million StreetPass hits? It would take decades. So, I don't see much point if they were like that.
Generally, though, I'm not fussed either way.
It's not anymore, because it's closed.😉
BTW we already have achievements on the Switch, in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for example.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that I think in-game achievement systems are good enough. If I want to go the extra mile or whatever, I don't need an external system to pat me on the back for that.
Additionally, a system being somewhat mandatory, I feel, negatively effects game development. Because rather than simply worrying about your vision and what you want to do in your game, you now how to account for how to "reward" players in ways you didn't really intend or want to. It winds up being more fluff or handouts, rather than well thought out executions.
All THAT said... If we were to get a legit universal system that allows us to "cash in" on points to get practical/functional prizes, sign me up! I wouldn't care about 100%-ing most games, but if doing so landed me points to buy Nintendo swag or additional discounts on the eShop purchases, I'd be more inclined to go for it.
Yes, and there should be an option to turn them off if people want.
More than anything, I think achievement systems are nice to give the player something to aim for if they want to continue to play after completing the main objectives.
Yes! That would motivate me to 100% my games
If it's yes or no then I pick no. They add nothing of value. If I want to start the software 10 000 time (that is a real achievement) then I will do it, not because the software thinks I need to do it to consider the game complete.
How would it work? Would the achievements we’ve already completed to this point Auto Unlock? Or would we have to replay the games?
Like I mentioned on Push Square a while ago, my affair with achievements (the one that drove me, a lazy impatient noob, to platinum FFX through the unholy lightnings and chocobo rides😆) eventually ended, in no small part due to the completionist drug of the activity crashing against the reality of closed servers and unobtainable trophies in a growing number of games. It tided over into Switch for a bit as I considered in-game lists like the ones in FEW, RER and Bayonetta (an attempt at the latter's achievements was the primary drive behind my stubborn Alfheim ordeals - and, IIRC, I actually managed to scrape through them all on the first playthrough), but eventually... I just cooled down.
With gradually growing collections and backlogs, the RPG nerd in me can be still motivated to squeeze out as much as I can from many titles in the genre (action/adventure games count here, too), especially when it comes to unlocking and grinding abilities. But when it comes to more linear experiences outside it all... I'm more likely to get what story and lore I can get and call it a day. Especially when I'm suggested to replay the campaign on higher difficulties to get a cool weapon or something (looking at you, RER). TV Tropes has a whole trope about it, with the article's epigraph summing it up perfectly:
10. Unlocking Crap - I will no longer play through a game nine times on Ultraviolence mode with the declawed kitten character so I can unlock the infinite-ammo laser chain gun. All I've proven to anyone is that I clearly don't need the thing.
I really want achievements because I’ve done some wacky stuff in games that would make cool achievements. Even iOS’s Game Center has them! (Although idk if they actually work anymore...)
Plus they somewhat push me to finish a game.
Also, I want better playtime tracker. Right down to the minutes.
To each their own, but I honestly don't care about achievements. Never have, probably never will.
There is no reason to not have them. It's just a fun bonus for all your games. I love my Switch for the portability and games but the online infrastructure and UI is a joke still.
I don't want achievements on the Switch. Thanks.
I'm not bothered really as I don't pay attention to them. Do think Nintendo should give users the option though since it seems like the standard for games now.
Yes, if Nintendo actually put some effort into it, and not just slapped it on like other parts of the Switch, it could work. Put a 'Nintendo' spin on achievements, like earning stars and coins or other recognizable Nintendo symbols as the tiers of achievements or something. Going a step further, they could integrate them into My Nintendo and make them another way to earn and purchase rewards because that's another sector Nintendo is lagging on, their reward site. Especially in Club Nintendo's shadow. So many routes they could take to make the acheivment system interesting and appealing to gamers on Switch and Nintendo's mobile ventures but oh well. Nintendoes what Ninten does
Yes, but not dumb achievements like “invite a friend to play our app”.
I'm weird in that I actually like the seeming meaningless "Completed level 2-1" achievements. It makes for a very easy way to browse over my games (via the console or online) and see how far I've made it (I have a bad habit of jumping back and forth between various games) AND I can view friends' achievements to see their progress.
If Nintendo had a solid way of tracking someone's progress in a game without the common way of implementing achievements, I'd be perfectly content with that, honestly.
I've honestly never missed them on a Nintendo console. I don't think for a minute there are 'millions' of gamers that want them because you don't miss what you've never had.
I also don't think the Switch needs any customisation options because it will impact on the speed of the OS. Some different colours might be nice though.
I'd love them. Think its a great way to add a bit of extra longevity to a game. For those that don't like them, just allow disabling of the notification. Easy.
Also don't buy that every other game on Xbox has them only triggering at end of level events...if anything outside of Telltale's series of games I've never really experienced this. Also the amount of extra dev effort time should be very minimal given APIs will do most of the heavy lifting and they're implementing these already on Xbox, PS and likely any PC port anyway.
It's weird seeing this article pop up right now as I just got my first platinum trophy on ps4 the other day with Fe. I quite enjoy trophies/achievements and it adds extra goal posts along the way while playing the game. I also like that they aren't necessary so you can completely ignore them if you want. But sometimes I find it interesting to just go through my friends list and see others accomplishments in the games they've played. Also with playstation you can link trophies to sony rewards and get rewards for them although it does take a lot but if you play a lot of games and or get a lot of platinum's it could be worth it.
I Need :
1. U/I theme
2. Folder
3. Some music theme
4. Filter to disable News
5. Filter to censor certain games on eshop based on Age rating applied on.
I Don't Need At All :
1. Achievement
2. Trophies
@RadioHedgeFund Agreed. Millions? Yeah right. That first tweet sounds like a typical gaming bedwetter who wants a medal for opening a door.
I'm honestly unsure about having some sort of achievement system on Switch. I was completely addicted to my Xbox Gamerscore. I got it to just under 150,000, but I stopped playing Xbox about 3 years ago. In some ways I'm happy to get Achievements again with the integration of Xbox Live on Switch, but I don't know that I want a system wide achievement-like system on Switch. I've actually felt some sense of relief not having to mess with Achievements. I've enjoyed playing games just for the sake of playing games on Switch, and not feeling some weird compulsion to get some arbitrary number that really has nothing to do with anything attached to my profile. If Nintendo does do something like Achievements, I hope it is somewhat differentiated from Achievements and trophies, and doesn't make me feel compelled to play just for the token.
They should be something you have to activate and not forced on you. I despise achievements, as I don't have the time to 100% many games, but with achievement it's like rubbing that fact in your face.
Having an achievement / trophy / sticker / stamp addition on the classic NES (and other classic systems down the road hopefully) would be my dream scenario. What a fun way to explore games I have played 100 times then to offer a collection of challenges to compete!
I don’t care as much about the other games on switch but this would make these classics so much fun to revisit and would get me to play games I might not otherwise like want to go back to.
Games just need 3 achievements for the showing off to your mates aspect:
1. Complete main storyline (e.g for Zelda BOTW beat Ganon, e.g. for Celeste get end credits)
2. Do the key objectives (e.g. for Zelda BOTW get all shrines, beasts and gear, e.g. for Celeste get all Strawberries)
3. Do everything humanly possible (e.g. for Zelda BOTW get all koroks and fully upgrade all armour, e.g. for Celeste complete all A, B and C sides)
I love achievements. I don't brag about them, but I like seeing how I compare to other people. I enjoy getting the silly ones. It makes the game more fun. It brings extra replayability. Usually once I finish the game, I am done with it for good. With trophies/achievements, I might play it a little more.
And what's with people being dead set against it. You don't have to pursue them, why deny that pleasure to others.
Honestly we don't need it. IMO their are better features to get for the Switch that should be on it!
" I don't think for a minute there are 'millions' of gamers that want them because you don't miss what you've never had." You do realize that some of us own other systems besides Nintendo? I have the all three current consoles and love trophies on my PS4.
I'd rather achieve in real life.
If people want it, and should Nintendo provide it, have at it.
My opinion remains unchanged. I would like them, but don't consider them at all needed.
I feel like achievements/trophies are a developer's way of telling the player what they think is worth acknowledging. Like a teacher saying "good job" after you finish a challenging math problem, or a coach telling you the same when you win a tough game.
If they are there, cool. If not, whatever.
Sometimes I just get tired of trying to read subtitles, so I say anything that can cover those up for me is needed. Plus, how will other people know how great I am if they can see my accumulated achievement score?
“So you say you made it past the first level? Prove it”
“Check out my achievements, fool!”
No. Not necessary!!
I don't want them. But I understand others do, just have a general off-switch; I don't want to have to turn them off game by game.
Meh. I don't mind if other people want achievements, but they mean nothing to me and break immersion.
"I love you." dies
Received Achievement: Lost Love
You Received a Platinum Trophy!!!
Or, in other words, you're either single or in the dog house
Maybe. It could encourage players to try a game in a way they might not have before. On the other hand, the bug reason I got Skyrim for Switch instead of PS4 is precisely BECAUSE it didn't have trophies. I'd already got Platinum on the PS3 version and the idea of doing everything over again kind of bugged me. I wanted to play it however I felt with no repercussions (if I missed some arbitrary NPC at the 50 hour mark, I'd be out of a trophy and eventually Platinum).
Pros and cons, but my answer is No, thank you.
No, you get achievements by passing the challanges in the games. I don't see any point in adding annoying pop-in texts in Odyssey when you already gets achievements by collecting the moons.
Either way. I used to be all for them but I kind of got burned out on them after going for too many tedious trophies.
It is cool comparing them with friends to get an idea of how far along they are in games, though.
I know I'm about 90 comments late here, but I think Smash Bros Melee was the first time I encountered an "achievement" system in play. Surely, this wasn't the first game to implement this type of trackable milestone interface... was it?
It's the modern day version of getting the high score on an arcade machine, so I could see the appeal, though it does nothing for me at all.
I see achievements as simply another feature that adds to the game's replayability, objectives and enjoyment. The bragging rights thing has always felt pointless to me.
If two versions of a game are identical with the exception of one of them having achievements, I'll be buying that one. Not because I need them in my games as a driving force, like addicted achievement hunters do: it's just another thing I like to go for if available.
Would I enjoy an achievement system on Switch? Sure. Can I live without it? Absolutely. Will I buy most of my indies/non-exclusives on PC? Will do.
I don't care either way about achievements for the Switch I just want people to stop whining about them.
I'd like them on the Switch, but I don't expect them.
Not big on them myself. Maybe if you unlocked something like exclusive profile pictures it'd be somewhat interesting.
Xenoblade on the wii and Xenoblade X on the wii U had achievements....Nobody cared.
Might be cool though I don't really care. Unless there's a reward system for 100% game completion (i.e. - 100 eShop gold coins or something) then trophies/achievements are nothing more than a dopamine hit.
Yes. I have been buying a LOT of games recently and I’m double dipping as I collect on switch but play on Xbox as I want the achievements. If switch added the achievement? I’d only buy on switch
@BloodyMurder I did, considering I got all of X's... A good bunch of them are literally impossible now.
I would want achievements when they do something and don't act as a way of preventing you from feeling like you are missing out on completing a game. I love Cave Story a lot and have played through it multiple times, but 3 hp mode is aggravating. Seeing that achievement on the list makes me sad because I want to show I like the game and it feels like a blunder on my part.
On the other hand Xenoblade Chronicles, aside from some grindy achievements, handles this a lot better. Hardly any achievement feels overly strict to complete and each achievement gives you a set level of exp, ap, and sp. So regardless of a completionist feeling of wanting to get them all, you are actively rewarded for pursuing them! A system like this or giving a reward for getting a majority of them like in Pokemon B2/W2 is what I would consider ideal.
Or make the act of getting the achievement exciting. Seeing the badge otter Phineas in Animal Crossing New Leaf was exciting because you never knew what you were going to get.
Damn straight we want achievements on switch. And the ability to share them with friends so everyone can see how good I am at Nintendo games 😂
Idk. I don’t really care about them that much, but they are kind of a neat thing. If I had to lean one way or the other, I’d be in favor of having them, especially if they can be optionally disabled.
I got caught up one time with trophies and platinumed Persona 4 Dancing. But afterwards I regretted wasting so much time on what was, in hindsight, a boring slog just for the sake of a worthless digital 🏆
At the same time, I do rather enjoy getting the notification for them when I complete menial tasks unknowingly. So I guess they’re a good thing just so long as you don’t get conned by the allure of chasing the dragon, a delusion of grandeur which only serves as an unfruitful time sink, when there’s only so many hours a week one has to enjoy quality games.
@TempOr Sincerely this?
Like, it was insanely awesome to see the crazy hijinks people were doing in Breath of the Wild and they were doing it without the need for achievement in the slightest?
Plus in the age of social media it's not like you need a console account "gamescore" anymore to actually share that crazy stuff to let people know what you've achieved in a game.
There's been more than enough video capture and Twitter sharing to quite show a lot of the insane stuff.
Like people complaint Nintendo is missing on by not including what's a "no-effort industry standard" and... I don't quite get it?
Like, literally a lot of games have tons of achievements because it takes no effort to add them which see just a bunch of rote "achievements" that are all the same kind of grind-heavy menial tasks which just produces annoying notifications I then need to manually turn off or generally take UI space I often can't even disable when browsing.
I'm okay with individual developers adding achievements-like system to individual games, but console wide system are just needless fluff taking undue space showing stuff I don't really care about when looking at someone's account and which I have to manually dive around from my account display.
I already dislike how game playtime is displayed for games because how much time I spend playing games feels like it's my own private business? Like the only games-related information I care of people I actually know is if we both own multiplayer games we could play together and maybe if they are still playing them recently but even then could be something I could just asks them personally.
Like I can see some people enjoy achievement systems but for me I never got it?
It just feels like how a lot of games include loot-based mechanics because it plays on psychological trigger that further entice players to continue playing because of the reward-seeking mechanics of it, but at least in loot-based games the loot can be claimed to have mechanical impacts tying into the in-game gameplay like something that can be equipped to a character?
Sure achievements can sometimes be tied to in-game rewards but then why not ditch the out-of-game achievement and just go with the purely in-game system instead?
@FlameRunnerFast Seeing your post reminds me of my thoughts that while I can see games-specific achievement systems for individual games... I've never gotten the point of making it a -system- wide thing that very much just feel like forcing them to think of achievement for their games for utterly rote reasons?
Like sure it can be nice in -some- games I guess but really a console-wide system just feel like a stupid demand on devs just so small subset of gamers can get some kind of weird bragging right.
Oh dang, Nintendolife mentioning retroachievements, I've been there for several years, made many sets XD. Tons of fun!
Big no from me. Being o a spectrum and having odd makes me feel I need to have those trophies. I spend considerable time fighting this and now that I have switch I feel much better knowing that there are no trophies to fight for. Makes me able to enjoy games so much more
I don't give a crap about achievements. I would much rather see games include a page of detailed stats, such as number of enemies killed, number of times a certain action was performed, number of items collected, number of miles traveled, and so on.
Don't care if it's there or not. It's just video games, not like going into space or inventing a cure for cancer.
Achievements would be nice but I am afraid the request has for years fallen on deaf ears.
I got hooked on Trophies when they were introduced, and I was even one of those jerks choosing which games to play based on their inclusion when it wasn't yet mandatory. I also ground out totally unfun multiplayer in several games in the name of meta-completion. It was an unhealthy obsession, and I'm thankful Nintendo still hasn't adopted them as falling in love with my Switch finally pulled me away from all that crap.
So no, I do NOT want Nintendo adding that stuff in now. They rekindled my interest in gaming for its own sake...I would HATE it if they ruined that.
Yes, community tools are good as long as it doesn't slog down the OS! Be it achievments, miiverse, shareable challenges, video-streaming, party-chat or user creative content.
The Switch has neither, save for a few select games. There are no universal place or tools for consumers to gather or devs to implement them.
I like a snappy and quick OS and it's one of Switch's many features but I'd imagine you can have both.
Xenoblade 1, and Xenoblade X have achievements, and those are Nintendo IPs (made by Monolith Soft--who is owned by Nintendo). They were very fun to go after, and I am still aiming after 100% both Xenoblade 1 and X. The fact that Xenoblade 2 lost the achievements, made it feel more dull compared to the first two. Achievements are like mini missions, getting a sense of accomplishment by doing things that would normally make you go "oh well F#^K that.". Nintendo definitely should make achievements for their games. It would get people to play their games longer, who have already done everything in the game.
No. I find achievements/trophies to be one of the most useless things in gaming.
I still go back to play my old PS3 games to try and get those elusive platinums. Yet I'll sometimes play a new PS4 game and just be glad to get the story over with, let alone trawl through pointless tasks to get another bronze.
There's a level of kudos involved with getting all the trophies on certain games and if they're implemented well into the game then I'm quite happy to get my money's worth.
The trophy system does add another level to the gameplay.
Awarding points that could actually be used to buy content sounds like an amazing idea and could only be win win for Nintendo surely?
I don't personally care for achievements. As long as they can be switched off and game designs aren't affected or changed to incorporate them I don't mind if we start seeing them.
That's sad to hear, I bet they were Miiverse connected or something like that. I know the Nemesis still gets slain every so often though.
It’s almost impossible for me to express how little I care about achievements.
Achievements are the most annoying thing in the entire world.
Yes. And the reason why is there's no incentive to play the hell out of certain games. One glowing example is Yoku's Island Express. I finished the game in 5 hours, but only 52% complete. But afterwards there was no new areas to unlock, no new quests etc, no reason to continue playing it.
What I would like to see is real rewards for getting certain achievements. Things like themes, icons etc. Imagine getting X amount of achievements and getting a Yoku Theme to use on the Switch homescreen.
Leaving stuff out isn't 'Nintendo different', and the popularity of achievements on different platforms shows that enough people enjoy having those systems in place. The writer could have tried being a bit more objective in the article, especially when followed with a poll.
Personally, I play games, don't really care about most achievements, but will check the list after finishing (most) of the game to see what I 'missed'. Sometimes, that leads to replaying sections of a game, which I wouldn't have done without that prompt. That's a good thing in my book.
So yeah, I'd like seeing interesting achievements like 'Found all 7 secrets in zone X', 'defeated boss Y without using items', 'traveled to Z without being seen by anyone'. Achievements like those tell me that there are alternative play styles that I may want to try. Or maybe not, if I'm done with the game. I don't need 'Finished level 1' though, even if I don't really mind the popups.
It needs: web browser, folders, themes and achievements
No, we never wanted achievements. Thank you very much.
Yes! I'm addicted to achievements. (Or should I say no then?)
Never ever wanted them, never will.
In addition of the issues I mentioned earlier there are few questions that need to be answered:
Are Nintendo games and consoles selling worse due to lack of achievements?
How much would implementation cost and how much more income (if any) would it bring?
Would having achievements make people buy and play games more?
Are we ready for inevitable of downpour of games existing solely for achievements, such as "I am mayo"?
Also, kotaku once had an article that I find hard to disagree with
Personally, I quite like the internal achievements such as with Hollow Knight on Switch. They just made the system-wide achievements an internal checklist, which is nice. My achievements are for me to know haha
There is a huge difference between trying to make the massive jump in New Donk City because you think it is doable and because you know it's doable because it unlocks an achievement. We all experience moments either by accident or through playfulness that make us feel special because we managed to do something unexpected or unorthodox. A box popping up saying you earned 10 (meaningless) points for doing it, immediately extinguishes that feeling and once again reminds you that you are playing in the confines of a designed game. They sap the fun out of games for me. They are unnecessary for telling me I have completed a game or earned a high score etc.
Yes, achievements should be a thing on Nindy systems.
No thanks, I just play my games for fun. Achievements don't mean anything to me.
It would be nice as you could re play old games again to get the achievements. Most people play a game once then never play it again. Achievements make you want to play the game longer
Not crazy about achievements. Most of them require not to play the game naturally and do repetitive tasks to 100% the game, rather than play for fun. It should remain on other platform for all the "elite trophy whores"
@BloodyMurder Yup, those are the ones. Surprised to hear they're still killing the Nemesis, though! By the time I wrapped up my second playthrough years ago, they were all getting away due to decreased activity. Maybe they lowered their HP, or people are hacking. Either way, cool to know.
I'm not looking forward to the completionist im me being engaged, I already don't have enough time to play games as it is. This will force me to focus on one game even longer q.q
Besides that; I love achievements, they add a nice little layer, but I can't say I care too much about them coming to Switch or not.
I don't really see the point if I'm honest. They are a lazy way of marking progress that simply isn't necessary if the game has been well designed. I have already 100%ed Breath of the Wild so how exactly is my experience improved by having 30 arbitrary achievements pop up along the way? All they do is ruin the immersion and remind you in no uncertain terms that you are playing a video game.
And as for rewarding new ways of playing why can't you just set your own criteria? Challenge yourself to a no-hit run because you want to, not because of a meaningless virtual trophy that no one but you cares about.
Yes! I have a Switch and PS4 and sometimes the only reason I get a game on the PS4 instead of the Switch is because I can earn trophies.
Hacking is part of the reason. The other reason is that ever so often, the X hardcore over on reddit get together and makes an Avatar super team who spend hours doing insane damage on the nemesis.
Everyone I do agree on not or yes If it would stop your game all the time you get one yea I would vote no If not ill will want to see them try..
I feel like a bore; I was maybe too old when introduced, but I've never cared an ounce for achievements in that sense. If I'm getting all platinum in Blast Corps or getting all stars in SMW that's enough for me, I don't need a text somewhere telling me I've achieved it or something random like "smashed 3311 buildings". If something I'm challenged to do unlocks new gear or levels, fine, but if it's just a graphical text or trophy I couldn't care less.
I can live without it! If they add it I’ll be happy, but if I have to play my games over, just to unlock achievements, I’ll be annoyed! Especially since I have over 140 hours into Breath of the Wild!
I want achievements in games that originally had them.
I hate it when they cut them out completely in Nintendo ports!
The Wii U version of The Cave and the Switch version of Thimbleweed Park and The Count Lucanor are missing achievements. And that's bad!
Because technically, they're not achievements. They're missions. They add hours of replayability. And on Nintendo systems they're just cut. Crippled ports unfortunately!
RetroAchievements let's you do that!
It's pointless! I don't need achievements to appreciate the games I play ... they give nothing to reward the players.
Yes, of course there should be achievements. It shouldn't even be a question.
29% said no? Who the F would ever say no to more content for free? Absolutely ridiculous.
@ClanPsi Is it REALLY content though? They pick some random things to "achieve" and it feels so arbitrary. Finding collectables or racking up 100% completes inside a game feels far more rewarding. I bought a PS4 about a year ago and that was the first time I got to see this trophy system I've heard so much about and I immediately found myself in the 29%.
Why shouldn't there be achievements?
This is the type of discussion you would only see on a Nintendo platform because Nintendo is still behind in the times.
Again Its choice just saying..
I am one of those that would like to see an achievement system. It is actually more 3rd party games that I would like to see them in. As an example, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, was a great game! However, I like to have achievements to motivate me to complete things...all the side quests, all the heart-to-hearts, obtain all blades, etc. While there is satisfaction in doing those things, there is something special about a little trophy or something popping up saying "Good job on all your hard work!"
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