
We do love to have a good browse for Nintendo-related products now and then, sometimes coming across some not-to-be-missed deals, but we've never seen anything quite like this.

At the time of writing, American retailer Walmart has a listing for 300 Nintendo Switch consoles. We don't mean that they have 300 in stock; we mean that they are selling all 300 in one bundle. If the 299 you were originally planning to buy just aren't enough, you can pick this up for the inconsequential sum of $76,506.

Amazingly, the listing tells you just how much you can save by purchasing the 300 in this super money-saving deal. Apparently, you'll save a whopping $13,194 by buying them together. Thank goodness Walmart is here to save the day.

We've grabbed a screenshot for you, just in case the product listing gets taken down

In all honesty, we have no idea what's going on here. You'd assume it must be some sort of error, but we just put a bundle in our basket to try it out and it all seems to work as expected.

We'd normally ask you to leave a comment below letting us know if you'll be picking up whatever we're talking about. So, continuing our good old Nintendo Life tradition, will you be spending $76,000 today? Do let us know below.

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[source twitter.com, via nintendosoup.com]