A brand new games console is about to burst onto the scene and, while it's still very early days, it looks like the Nintendo Switch might be about to receive a hybrid system rival.
Introducing Evercade, a "brand new handheld console with unique multi-game retro cartridges". At present, details on the new system are relatively slim, although an FAQ section has been posted on its website to provide a little more info.
The console apparently already has "several publishers" on board, with three soon to be announced; will "play games from the most popular consoles of the 8bit and 16bit era"; has a rechargeable battery which will last for 4-5 hours; has a focus on "quality over quantity", and can connect to your TV via HDMI. No internet connection is required - the system has a retro, 'old school' approach - and it will feature a screen which is 4.3 inches in size (the same size as a PSP).
One answer in the FAQ section explains why the console is being produced:
"We’re retro gamers. We’re a team of passionate gamers who want to create a single platform for retro gamers to enjoy their favourite games. We haven’t developed this because we ‘saw a gap in a market’. This is a project being developed with passion."
Another explains how the games will make their way to the console:
"Where possible, we are working directly with the original software/emulator developers to support them for their hard work and also to ensure their emulation is accurately reflected on our hardware – to deliver the best possible experience for you. We will aim to share more information on this as we reveal more about the console."
Evercade is set to launch in 2019 (an exact release date and more details will be shared soon). You can sign up your email on the website if you're interested in learning more.
For now, we'll leave you with a screenshot of some of the features you can expect to enjoy when it arrives.
What do you think? Are you interested in hearing more? Could this become a major player in the retro scene? Share all your thoughts with us below.
[source evercade.co.uk]
Comments 92
Rival? I think you guys are pushing it a little...
A company I've never heard of versus one of the biggest game companies on the planet. Quite a formidable rival
I can't wait to play the latest Fable of Melda game
Really Nintendo Life? "truly rival the Switch" I bet even die hard, only buy xbox/ps console fans would just about die laughing at that statement. That's like saying those Soulja Boy consoles were going to overtake the console market. You're about 11 days late for April Fool's Day.
The idea is interesting, but hopefully it doesn't turn into another Ouya, which was also interesting.
Without wanting to sound fanboyish nothing can rival the Switch at what it does
intriguing but also something I wouldn't bet on being a success. Will keep my eyes peeled. wonder if this is a kickstarter type thing?
With so many handheld emulation consoles on the market, what is the point in this? It’ll never happen.
"We haven’t developed this because we ‘saw a gap in a market’. This is a project being developed with passion."
...that doesn't sound like a successful business plan does it?
What 'gap in the market' are they talking about?
Screams questionable quality to me
This seems like a reach
Clickbait article spotted. Shame.
Another effort that probably nobody's waiting for, but who knows?
I'll await some more actually useful info, screenshots and videos, and then we'll see if this might be able to succeed or not. For now, it's not really all that enticing yet, but I'm willing to keep an open mind.
the idea doesn't sound too bad, but I bet this'll become snark bait like the Ouya in a couple years time, I don't want it to, but it will.
@DayOfLavos You never can tell. I'm sure people weren't expecting Sony and Microsoft to someday rise up and become gaming giants. Sure it took them a while but here we are.
Besides this product intrigues me. Either way, I wish them good luck. If they start getting games developed for it too, that would really be something.
No actually footage of the console or even a render, amaturish website, and somehow this is comparable to the Switch?
@Joker13z You might want to read the article again, and a bit more thorough this time, because nowhere in the article does it say that this device will "truly rival the Switch", so that's your own misinterpretation.
What it actually says, is "it looks like the Nintendo Switch might be about to receive a hybrid system rival". That's a far more careful statement, so quite a bit of a difference there, and that's an understatement...
@saturn_hero You seem to have misunderstood. They're talking about NOT wanting to fill a gap in the market. They never claimed there was one.
Having said that, there's always a gap in the market somewhere, somehow, all it takes is a smart company to see it and make use of it. Or simply create it (and the demand for it), by unleashing a solid marketing campaign onto the unsuspecting public. I should know: I'm a marketing man myself...
There's already a ton of cheap NES clones with screens and tv out capabilities on the market. Other than putting the games legally on cartridges, this doesn't sound new or exciting.
"Play games from the most popular consoles of the 8bit and 16bit era."
So it doesn't had it's own games then? It'll just be another emulation clone except those games are going to be in flash cartridge? Let me guess, the three publishers are probably going to be Data East, Piko Interactive, and Accolade. It make sense as those guys kept re-releasing their old games as of late.
So many comments in this thread criticizing not the product so much but the content and writing of the article itself. I mean, people can say what they want, but it is a wonder why they still visit Nintendo Life if all they do is complain about what they post.
@nab1 Ouya doesn't support cartridges, if anything this may be another Coleco Chameleon (in handheld form that is) although it may actually come out as they aren't ebegging for money.
If "save your progress" is one of the highlights, I have nearly no hope for this system.
I like NintendoLife, you have good content and reviews, I like it. But this is such lame clickbait, and it's so obvious about it.
This is a system for playing retro 8 and 16 bit games. You know that because you say so in the article. And yet you lead with lines like "it looks like the Nintendo Switch might be about to receive a hybrid system rival" which is obviously not true. You know it's not and we know it's not. In the same way the NES Mini wasn't a rival to the PS4.
And no mention of it being a retro system in the thumbnail and tagline for those interested in that sort of thing.
@Tempestryke Microsoft and Sony were already large, reputable tech companies. Not another random company ripping off what's popular and claiming to have officially licensed content.
So you consider a retro 8/16 bit hybrid console, from an unknown company, that would not have the at least half the most popular games of such era (eg those from Nintendo) a competitor of the Switch???? What? How is that?
Clickbait article, shame on you.
@MysticGengar Saving your progress is a revolution in the 8- and 16-bit era. And what was the last 8 or 16-bit game you played with collectable elements?
They're really getting into the spirit!
@KingMike and now it's yours to keep. Forever.
Unlike the live service model of the NES and SNES...
It’s an interesting idea. But whether it will ever actually be a real thing is open to question.
It’ll be hard to beat a cfw Vita.
@Coolguy5000 I will agree with that, but I'm just saying that there's no reason to automatically dismiss someone just because they aren't a decades-old established brand. Those big names started out small and had to work very, very hard to become as successful as they are today.
@Dahn_ Precisely!
I don’t think I would enjoy playing any handheld with an NES cart sticking out of it. I can already play NES games more comfortably on my switch and other hand helds. That goes for pretty much any other old school system. Sticking carts in a portable just feels awful.
Ryan is clearly mad sick.
@ThanosReXXX It actually did say those exact same words that I put in quotes and that's uh why I put them in quotes. Now it says "Could this become a major player" under the picture at the end of the article instead of what I had in quotes in my reply.
Looks like they actually took my/others advice and changed it so it didn't say rival. Since the word rival is only used in the main body of the article now in a better way. So before you make a snarky comment to someone why don't you consider for a second that I actually did read the article unlike you said and give me the benefit of the doubt before you look silly?
Sounds like a handheld Retron 5 and something tells me that it doesn't play those cartridges without emulation
@Dilated I'm sure Ben Heck has made that long ago. I can remember him seeing that around the GBA era. I think he used to make a new NES portable mod (basically gluing together some cheap Famiclone with one of the PS1 screens that was then a seemingly inexhaustible commodity) every time Nintendo made a new portable variant. "yes, the cart is bigger than the console"
@Ogbert I couldn't agree more and I'm even mildly interested in this product (though their website and "something is coming" image looking so 'cheap' doesn't really help).
How is this a rival Switch or did I miss something?
Nothing can rival the Switch as a handheld. Especially if you like retro games.
Another emulator console, gotcha
Yeah, I've seen quite enough of these come and go, where the team's credentials are predominantly "We're so incredibly passionate about [whatever kind of games are their thing]" and "We really really want [whatever their thing is] to exist!"
Unless they have some crazy new idea about how to make this a thing a thing, they better preprare for not being properly prepared.
I do wish them all the best on their journey though. The industry would die completely without the dreamers.
Yeah a retro game console wobt be competing with the switch at all anytime soon. Believe it or not a good chunk of retro game emulators do have HDMI out so this is nothing new.
We have the Switch, Wii, Wii U, SNES Classic, NES Classic, Genesis Mini, Mega Sg and all of it's SEGA system adaptors, Super Nt, a plethora of emulator systems and more on the way, Raspberry PIs... and even the Playstation classic to load up. PSPs and Vitas loaded with roms and emulators, DSs and 3DSs ready to load up... and this is a good idea? And a true rival? What an absolute joke. And that goes for this 'news' piece as well.
Thanks for the click bait crap article. Good times.
Click bait crap... Come on, NL!
Gotta love it when they say didn't develop it because they saw a need for it but they did so because of their "passion". For sure, passion is all you need to succeed!
Ah, so a rival to the SupaBoy, then?
The retro craze is dwindling. There are now multiple retro systems, but its becoming saturated. Kids today dont want to play them, they are born in a different era. The games back then were veery unforgiving, had limited lives, graphics are poor compared to today, and if they are bought up (like the mini-snes, etc) they are played for a little, then forgotten.
The atari vcs they keep trying to get excitement for, its already dead on arrival. Its an emulator, try can only do certain retro games, but no one will make games for a 4th, 5th, or more console.
The switch is already stressing developmental work with three different consoles, all of which have plenty of money and pedigree. Sony and microsoft will have new consoles this year (from what I'm seeing).
This is nonsense
It’s a 8-16 bit emulators that connects to the TV? Ok, sounds cute, but how exactly will it rival the switch, an AAA emulator that connects to the tv?
@Tantani Cause dat ad money.
So a retro handheld device that will have the Data East, Capcom, and Majestco retro stuff available as cartridges then?
I think Nintendo just might be safe.
How is it a Switch rival if it only plays 8 and 16 bit games?
@NinChocolate my thoughts exactly, this was long doable on the PSP and PS Vita/TV.
So, a psp? Bla bla bla bla
So what will it play? Carts? Games from SD card? Emulation? Does it have classic games or some new original (bad) 8bit/16bit style games?
Without details and a game list, its hard to give an opinion. If its done well, Id happily grab a portable retro system with hdmi out. Bought all ya can say at this point.
Nice click bait article for those advert hits, bravo.
i.e. The Switch if it were possible to run emulators on it without destroying it for normal use.
i.e. What I was hoping I'd be getting eventually back in March 2017.
Yeah I'm entitled. So be it!
All I hear is "emulation" which means video issues and glitches. I hear "licensed content" which means the least popular developers and titles because anything worthwhile is already being released or would not be licensed to a startup. I hear "no Internet required" which means no on-line play, no store and no updates. All updates would have to be via physical media which is fine but this is an unknown quantity asking for faith in a mature market place. It is hard enough to get industry stalwarts to release physical media these days(which irritates me).
If you want retro buy either officially produced products or get a unit using FPGA to create the original hardware setup.
I don't think so.
This just in, Nintendo stock down by 20%!
Or maybe not at all silly.
The fact that saving your game is a selling point seems a bit...odd.
@Ogbert I wish we could pin your comment to the top of the article.
Oh yeah, Your right, I read that as they have seen a gap in the market, but it says they haven't developed it for that reason.
@Joker13z I look silly? Methinks not. That text you claim was there, was already gone when I opened the article, so I had only that to go by. But you kinda missed the point, though. It wasn't about the word rival, but about the wording TRULY a rival, and the word truly is mentioned nowhere. So, yeah...
@saturn_hero Haha, oh well, happens to the best of us. You made me wonder there for a minute, so I actually scrolled back up and re-read it, and thought I'd give you a heads up.
A little late for the April Fool's jokes isn't it? So far I smell vaporware ...
if this were to be a very good emulator for all systems say up to a psx or so (sega cd and duo cd/super cd isos); and have and SD card to load roms on i'd buy it in a heartbeat.
everything like this is so janky that I can't believe someone hasn't brought out a really good portable emulation machine.
but no; this wouldn't be competing against the switch except for those ever dwindling entertainment dollars.
The only thing that it could be rival a rival to the Switch is how many garbage retro styled games it gets.
don't need it, besides switch has a lot of retro games as it is, and more are on the way.
Why not just put a sponsored tag on this? It reads an awful lot like a sponsored article. Complete with hyperbolic click bait title.
When you have the balls to use a title like that, you better have some meaty details to back it up in the article.
Nope. Just talk. No specs, no games, no pricing. But it's going to rival the system upon which you've dedicated your site?
What the actual.......?
What makes this different than say, an Atari flashback portable or any number of "retro" handheld consoles?
Their marketing department needs to be fired. Those are quite possibly the two worst screenshots that I have ever seen for a product.
"A Nintendo Switch rival?" Hahahahahahaha.......no.
@Dilated Sticking carts in a portable just feels awful.
You mean like the Game Boy line, the DS line and the Switch?
@ThanosReXXX Why the hell would I quote something that wasn't actually there? And who uses methinks? Nevermind. Pull up a cache of it if you don't believe me. Off to the ignore list you go.
Nah, I have all digital in switch. So no carts. Also those are game cards. I really don’t have to describe the difference between a switch game cards and an NES cart do I?
@Dilated Maybe you could explain the difference between a Game Boy cart and an NES cart?
If I truly wanted to play the classics I'd rather purchase a Raspberry-Pi modded GBA or soft-modded PSP off eBay.
Price and games....that’s what it will always come down to. I have enough of a backlog on the Switch right now though, I don’t see me giving too much consideration to this.
retro games? Nintendo, SNK, Capcom, Bandai Namco and Sega is already taking care of that.
Sounds like another Chinese piracy box...
LOL this just sounds like the Coleco Chameleon updated to take advantage of the brilliant idea the Switch had of being a hybrid.
Well playing games in the 8 and 16 bit era would have been much more boring without first party games from Nintendo and Sega. I’m doubting we’ll see anything from them.
Ya know a console needs software to sell right?
Nintendo has tons of games that are only on it's consoles
Sony doesn't make too many games, but since they got alot of third party developers from SEGA and Nintendo SEGA cause they ruined there winning streak, and Nintendo cause they were late and didn't have CDs since the PS1 they managed to be a real rival
This whatever handheld doesn't stand a chance
"At present, details a little slim.". Just wait a couple of months, the dark outlines will be filled revealing the consoles true title and sponsor: "SouljaSwitch" by UpInThatHo Entertainment.
@Joker13z That sensitive, huh?
How the heck would I know what has been there before?
You can't blame someone for reading an article, then seeing people stating things that aren't mentioned in that article, and subsequently wondering what the hell those people are talking about. Nine out of ten, if not all ten people would more than likely have that same thought.
I'm just one of those that actually puts it in writing..
Joke's on you, I guess, if only a little discord already has you running to the ignore button. Oh, well...
I guess, it just felt like you were taking a Jab at me is all. I think an NES cart, Genesis cart, Nin 64 carts specifically would be Awkward looking in a handheld roughly the size of a switch.
Not that it wouldn’t appeal to some gamers but, and I know I shouldn’t care about this, in public how silly it would look gaming on a unit with an NES cart sticking out of it lol!
Now, if this unit lets you store Roms on a micro SD, or load them on via USB, that could be cool depending on the price.
Anyways just wanted to explain myself a little hopefully no harm done, really love this community. I go to IGN, and PC gamer daily and their comments sections are cancerous.
@Dilated It's all good.
So this is essentially that god awful retrobit arcade in a handheld system. Listen there are tons of cheap pieces of Chinese plastic floating around with a TV out option on them, it doesn't mean any of them are good.
It's hard to imagine that this will be any good, especially when they claim to want to offer the ultimate retro machine and then limit it to 8- and 16-bit consoles, which are the most overdone/uniquitous and easily-emulated types of game out there. Just doesn't sound that interesting, but who knows, might be wrong.
These emulator handhelds are a dime a dozen in China. It's lack of a 4:3 screen, which would make sense here, shows they are making it on the cheap without regard for the content in which they are using on it. Also, please stop adding 16:9 options for 4:3 games. Some gamers don't know better.
It's cool that these play games from N64 Controller Paks though. Impressive.
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