Seemingly out of nowhere, Square Enix has revealed that Octopath Traveler is making its way to smartphone devices in the shape of Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent.
The game is reportedly set several years before the events seen in the Switch release and has been described as a “free-to-play single-player RPG”. Japanese fans can pre-register for the game right now, where a 2019 release date has been scheduled; we're still waiting on details for a worldwide release.
Naturally, details are rather slim at the moment, although a list of features has been shared on the game's official site (thanks, Gematsu):
HD-2D for smartphones – 3D CG screen effects added to pixelized graphics create a magical world on smartphones.
Eight-character party command-based battles – Form a party of up to eight characters to fight in evolved command-based battles. Smooth gameplay with swipe controls.
Choice of story between three reigning champions – The setting is the Orsterra continent. The protagonist is a “Chosen One” who will fight against a great evil that has achieved fortune, power, and fame.
Field commands – Take various actions towards characters on the field. Try out all sorts of things, such as “Listen” for information, “Steal” an item, “Hire” an ally, and more.

That's not all, though, as the official Octopath Traveler Twitter account shared a message regarding the news. The tweet mentions an early trial version which is set to appear on 12th March (presumably just in Japan), and apologises to those waiting for new Octopath experiences on console, stating that "production will take a little while longer".
So what does Square Enix have in store for console players? And will this mobile experience make it to the west? Hopefully we'll find out soon.
Would you check out the mobile game if it were available in your region? Are you excited for more Octopath Traveler content? Tell us below.
Comments 98
Just like how World of FF was amazing then next was mobile game. I want a sequel on console or even prequel or something.
Thanks for not giving what the fans want...
Sounds like they're moving it to other systems.
@AlternateButtons I don't think a prequel released for mobile is a bad thing. It will get the masses initiated and hopefully they then go looking for the next Octopath game, which is only available on yon Switch.
@AlternateButtons I don't see how anyone is getting screwed over here. Have you got a mobile..? It'll be out on Switch at some point if you want to hold off, as will a full fledged sequel more than likely.
@AlternateButtons And economies of scale and all that... 20 Million users isn't the same as 2 Billion potential customers or whatever that number is these days.
Personally I’d be happy for the next console title to also be available on Xbox, PS or PC. If it lets more people enjoy the game that’s fantastic and it won’t stop me enjoying it on the Switch if I choose. Certainly I don’t see a lot of advantage to myself as an individual for the games to be Switch exclusives only. Besides it goes both ways and hopefully we’ll see more and more content from Square Enix that traditionally hit other consoles arrive in the Switch.
@Galenmereth No ones being left in the dust. The vast majority of Switch owners will have access to a smart phone. Hell its Nintendo’s own preferred way to deliver online functions like chat etc anyway. It’s not like this is DLC that was promised, influenced your purchase of the original, and then they changed platform or did anything like that.
Seeing how many mobile games actually come to the Switch, I wouldn't be surprised if some definitive edition was made for the Nintendo console eventually.
I really liked Octopath Traveler. Hard pass on the mobile game. Still a hard pass if it gets ported to Switch as a free-to-play game.
That’s great. A chance for more people to discover
@AlternateButtons no reason except it will make tons and tons of cash. Many companies deem it enough to move even disregarding other consequences.
People get so salty over a game coming to mobile, as if it’s being stolen away from them. It’s a bit absurd
As long as the sequel still comes to Switch then I see no problem with this. Should hopefully get more people interested in the series and non-Switch owners might pick up a Switch. No?
@AlternateButtons 20 Million Switch owners aren't interested in JRPG's either.
I don't have a source, it just got announced for mobile about 5 minutes ago, but I'm pretty sure the port machine of all port machines will get a port in due course.
They're not screwing me over, I didn't like the first game, but I understand enough of what you're saying to bow out now. Enjoy Octopath Mobile Switch Edition when it comes.
I am very hesitant to spend any money on a Free to Play game since they always try to weasel into your wallet and it just feels shady.
I’d much sooner play a game with these assets made as a game not a terrible business model.
The IP makes the leap to mobile, but that's a different game even if it looks the same. Some kind of spin-off. I'd be interested to test it when I get tired of Dragalia lost.
Well, a couple things:
-I hope it comes to Switch
-If it doesn't, I hope it's not something I need to play for the plot. I love Octopath, and I want to keep up with it, but I don't play phone games
@Ovedo Companies need to stay in business to give the fans what they want. If this helps make Octopath Traveller a valuable brand then you're more likely to get a well funded sequel.
I enjoyed Octopath traveler, but I don't really care for mobile gaming, so I guess I will have to wait for the switch version
Free to play but tons of stuff you can only/easily get by paying real money? So we all bought the game that still btw is priced 50-60 and this is how the company uses that money? I wish they just imvested time and resources for a sequel/prequel instead of mobile stuff. In my opinion phones are a platform suited for casual bubble shooter-games while "real" games should be played with a dedicated gaming device. Just my opinion though.
But when it comes for the sequel to Octopath, I wish it was NOT a switch exclusive. Yeah it feels special when switch gets a non Nintendo made exclusive. But more platforms equals more sales and more happy gamers.
I was about to rage at the headline, but the article explains it's apparently a smaller-scale prequel, which I wouldn't mind.
I wonder if a Square game on Nintendo hardware will ever stay an exclusive.
Sequel will come out on Switch, just later than expected I guess to accommodate this mobile game that I won't play.
I still need to finish the first game so I'm not fussed.
Wrong move...
Why hurting a New IP Nintendo exclusive so soon?
How are switch owners getting screwed? Switch will get a sequel when it's ready.
This mobile game is gonna be be full of micro-transactions so definitely not for me.
Well i will be keeping an eye on it. Don't own a switch but Octopath was always a game i would have bought if i ever bought a Switch.
Will have to wait on the monitisation. I don't really need another Gacha in my life but if i would get the first story for free and then would have to unlock the remaining 2 stories with money that would be great.
A mobile free-to-play release. Excuse me while I go vomit out my dinner in disgust.
A free prequel to play on almost any device? This isn't a bad thing no matter how you spin it. Hopefully more sequels or similar games will come out on Switch later to satisfy core fans of the original game, too.
No problem with this – it's just business – there is still more people on mobile who will play this than on Switch. That's just maths.
So even if those mobile gamers play the game with less focus and appreciation, and even if the Switch scene is a place where more dedicated players exist who support full price games - this must still be worth it to them.
They don't 'owe' us Switch gamers anything at all. And meanwhile we all have so much to play on Switch that we never need to turn to mobile anyway.
For those mobile gamers without a Switch – I hope they enjoy it.
Probably not for me, but I don't really care. It's been less than a year since Octopath came out. We'll get a proper sequel when it's ready.
Lol at the comments.
I also see no harm in this. This is more like a spin-off. I am confident that the full-game sequel would come later to Switch (as we can see that the fame is successful). People need to understand that free-to-ply game on mobile is not the same as full games on console. They just want to monetise the game on a different marketplace and this instance does no harm to the main line of the franchise.
Remember Breath of Fire 6? Kingdom Hearts X Unchained? all FF mobile garbage? yes? now we can finally PLAY Octopath Traveller on our phones because we Nintendo lovers and Switch owners always wanted to play this game/this series on mobiles!!!! Who wouldnt have it anyway?
Some of the spoilt, whining comments in here are amazing. Reminds me why I have to duck out of gaming forums sometimes-gamers.
It's nice to see more Octopath as it's a fantastic game, but whether or not I could be bothered with a mobile game I'm not sure.
I like the idea of all eight characters battling together, that could be good.
I do hope we get a full sequel on Switch one day. Exclusive would be even better.
@AlternateButtons it is a free to play game... Let it be on mobiles and let's wait for the real deal on switch
Hmm don't see this as a bad thing. As all this does if done right is get people interested in the first game in the franchise
Since many people here are becoming rabid again by focusing on the title alone while not paying attention or reading the article (again)
Here is something straight forward just to soothe the ever wonderous appetite of the console war (I know this is the main reason why some are frustrated by this)
Also, Square is notorious to put their IPs in mobile.
Bravely Default (An exclusive) also got a mobile game:
Here is the one for WoFF
And you know what they all have in common right now...
Both are terminated and no longer in service.
This is most likely to try and expand the Octopath brand... you know... much like Pokemon Go provided an opening to at least try to entice newcomers for the Let's Go games.
Have fun with the games you have, never think everything is against you or even the Switch for that matter.
It's a mobile spin off of a Switch exclusive that was created and funded by a 3rd party. They've confirmed they're working on seperate console title. One which will likely be bigger and better than this mobile spin off and perhaps also a Switch exclusive. Why is this something to get mad about? Mario, Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing all have mobile spin offs and are getting new console titles.
@AlternateButtons do you honestly believe for one second the sequel would be PS4 exclusive? Come on dude, don't be silly. If the sequel did go multi platform why would you care. As long as you get to play on switch what's the problem. Why are some gamers obsessed with games remaining exclusive one on console forever. Never understood this mentality.
@OorWullie true say. It's okay for nitntendo do put out mobile spin offs but soon as someone else does it all hell breaks loose. People are crying about something which really shouldn't bother them
@NintendoFan4Lyf Have you fought Galdera?
You anti mobile people are just going to have to get over it. You act like children, kicking and screaming when your toy is taken away. Except in this case, nothing is being taken. Mobile gamers and console gamers tend not to be the same people but open your eyes to the world around you. Mobile game sales are obliterating console gaming and companies are going to capitalize off of it. It’s up to you if you want to miss out on a franchise you love but it won’t change the future from happening.
Great. Put it on PS4, PC, switch and Xbox also. Send Kingdom Hearts to Switch and the 3DS Dragon Quest to Mobile.
This fascination with "hardware" is insane. I would have played KH3 on a toaster oven.
This game is purely for mobile phones or 3ds at best. the looks and retro make up is not up to par with the Nintendo switch quality we all expected for square enix. Not a bad game moreover.
@Ovedo something tells me that they had to point out that a new console game will "take just a little longer" in mobile-friendly japan of all places tells me they're probably realizing the potential misstep.
Makes me wonder if this started development prior to the release of Octopath on Switch in an attempt to overhaul recoup potential losses by recycling the then existing assets before the game was proved a success.
Because I recall Square Enix being surprised by how much Octopath sold so it'd make sense for them to have okayed the development of this before Octopath even released if they had prepared themselves for the game to actually flop instead of being the success it was.
So I half wonder if it's less a case of "trying to cash in on a console game's success by making it mobile" and more "we didn't expect the console game to succeed so ressources were immediately routed toward recycling its assets for a mobile title to recoup losses we were surprised didn't happen"
@NintendoFan4Lyf True, Primrose's revenge story was very good.
Make sure to get runelord before fighting Galdera.
@Wesjedker runelord is a <3 class.
I was surprised by how well it meshes with Olberic's knight class too. Probably not a surprise that you find the class in the mountain region.
More people discover this, the happier I get
@AlternateButtons I agree with you
@TechaNinja actually the mobile game has already been shut down recently.
Seems to me like this is rather a quick mobile cash in, with most of the assests taken from the main game and with a real part developed alongside it and nowhere near finish...
Knowing square, there's a good chance we will get it in HD on switch soon enough.
@NintendoFan4Lyf yikes.
Personally, I try to avoid creating backlogs as much as possible but sometimes... it really IS hard trying not to buy the games especially for an RPG fan.
@Ludovsky runelord is the GOAT job indeed.
@NintendoFan4Lyf Better get a move on
Summer is coming
And the kicker is that we don't even know what E3 holds... unless it's a recap of everything we knew, they are bound to have something up their sleeves.
Lucky I didn't care for the demo anyway, although probably not a popular opinion I preferred Setsuna and Lost Sphear.
@Jayofmaya curious... are you interested in Oninaki?
Doesn't really bode well for the non-F2P single-player future of the 'franchise' =(
@AlternateButtons you sound mad online
I think that if and when a sequel comes out for this, it'll likely go multiplatform. Oh well, a lot of times this exclusive stuff doesn't last forever.
In terms of the smartphone game, I'm not interested, but I guess it's good to try and expand the series to other people who never played it on Switch. It would be nice if Switch got this too, but eh, I'm not gonna lose sleep over it.
Hopefully this comes to the Switch later.
What's the beef?
So its perfectly fine for Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem, Mario and Mario Kart to get mobile entries to boost popularity, but 3rd parties cant do the same?
They literally said a sequel for Switch is in development.
Free-to-play, meh I don't need it. I rather wait for the true sequel which is in the works according to NintendoEverything.
Yes, it's a sequel free to play with microtransactions. So, I don't give a .... if it went to smartphones. We have still the premium version. The only sad thing is that they are already postponing the console version.
@AlternateButtons well you responded yourself (they said they are working on other things as well...) I was not expecting another this year anyway. Let's hope for next year
@frabbit "I don't see how anyone is getting screwed over here. Have you got a mobile..? It'll be out on Switch at some point if you want to hold off, as will a full fledged sequel more than likely."
"Do you guys not have phones?" -Wyatt Cheng, Diablo Immortal Reveal
I think it is more the fact people who played the first Octopath on a console are a bit disappointed that a future game is not coming to a console; the platform they played on. People do have phones, but that does not make it their first choice to play a game. Obviously the circumstances are different when you compare this and Diablo, but the arguments are the same.
I do agree that this may (or may not) come to Switch in the future though, and the fact that they acknowledge consoles (Switch) in one of the very first tweets regarding this game is slightly encouraging in that they may have something already in the works. To be fair, I was not expecting a full-blown sequel this quick anyway. Hopefully, it won't be too long before we more details about a new Switch Octopath soon.
@MS7000 I feel you, but no one is saying they're being shafted by Nintendo because Super Mario Run or AC: Pocket Camp hasn't made it to the Switch yet. As I said before though, I'm not personally fired up by this because I just couldn't get into Octopath on the Switch. Maybe my attitude would be different if this was something I really wanted.
@frabbit I personally think people are having epic childish meltdowns over nothing.
@frabbit Oh don't worry, I don't personally feel like I am being shafted by this either, I just wanted to point out that having a phone doesn't mean everyone wants to use it to play games. You are correct about Nintendo not getting any abuse for there mobile games not coming to Switch, but I suppose with them, we have had, or are going to get sequels on console in the near future (Odyssey, AC Switch).
This will be too easy to get for free, I think it is a mistake.
Lots of people commenting on the platform - mobile vs Switch. But what about the idea itself? I’m excited to see more of Octopath in any form. And hope this breeds more for the series. And what about the new gameplay? Eight characters during a single battle? Will they be using the same identical maps or will Osterra have changes? Will any of the characters stories tie into Octopath’s stories?
What is with all the whining? On no, it isn't exclusive to Switch. Oh no, I might have to wait a couple years for a full sequel.
Grow up
As usual, I'll reserve judgment for when the game is in my hands. Handled correctly, I don't see anything wrong with this.
@Ryancrim Harsh but true.
That actually makes very good sense. A lot of people seemed to think that the Switch wasn't going to do very well, and making a new exclusive for such a risky console is a fairly ambitious gamble. Whatever the reason, as long as that supposed sequel exists, I'll be happy.
@MrDisappointed pretty much my opinion.
I'm also eager to look forward to Nintendo's E3 this year because I feel they have quite a few surprise for us. Heck, unrelated to Octopath I've just been looking at how they handled the FF remakes vs Dragon Quest both in the lat Direct and in term of releases dates and I feel Nintendo is making interesting choices to potentially try and make dragon quest into the success Square Enix never managed to develop... and to make it one associated with Nintendo from then on.
I'm fairly certain part of the success of Octopath Traveler is in part from being one of the third parties IP of 2019 that nintendo personally spent time to promote and I've got the feeling they want to reproduce Octopath's success with Dragon Quest on Switch this year the fact all the FF remakes were given so little visibility and are released at such a breakneck with entire months for them to be forgotten when Dragon Quest rolls around can't be a coincidence I feel.
But then again it makes sense. Final Fantasy is a well established IP. But it's also one that ceased to be associated with Nintendo starting with FF7. In this case, Dragon Quest being little known in the west(and thus barely promoted by Square Enix themselve) might be not a weakness but an opportunity.
After all they have Octopath Traveler(as a brand new IP)'s success to prove there's room for traditional jrpg on Switch. And not only that, they have their own Fire Emblems franchises to speak that it's possible to take an IP that was literally Japan-only and actually turn it into a success in the west as well.
So even if the IP is available on other consoles, if nintendo play their cards well the Switch might become "the" console people informally think of when it come to some jRPGs franchises.
@Galenmereth Look I would love to see it on the Switch too, but you still haven’t been “left in the dust”. You have a perfectly capable smart phone where you could play this on. Yes, it’ll consume the phones battery but it won’t ‘ruin’ that battery. For all anyone here knows the games been optimised for mobile devices, or perhaps it’ll appear on Switch at a later date.
its a free prequel folks, relax.
what a dumb decision, clearly they don't know the rpg market. using this great old school modern rpg to make a crappy free to play mobile is a waste of a brand that has a lot of love on Switch. Square clearly doesn't know why this game sold so well. This game would not sell as well as it did if it was on the hd twins.
I doubt this even comes to the west.
Square Enix is just crazy for phone games in Japan.
They've made (and discontinued) dozens of phone games.
Would be nice if it does come to Switch, they already ported the F2P Dragon Quest Rivals to Switch, but it may very likely be phone-exclusive, and shut down within 2-3 years.
Also, here's a translation of the three storyline descriptions and each of their great evils/champions, since Gematsu seemed to have missed those.
-- --
If you seek Fortune, your journey will begin in the deep forests of the Woodlands.
In your way stands the Witch of Greed, Herminia.
This miserly millionaire witch has set an evil dye upon the town of Valore.
If you seek Power, your journey will begin in the snow piles of the Frostlands.
In your way stands the Hero, Titus.
Leader of the Red Wings, a criminal rehabilitation group, he rules Emberglow by force.
If you seek Fame, your journey will begin in the lush plains of the Flatlands.
In your way stands the Playwright, August.
In the city of art, Theatopolis, his plays mesmerise everyone and lead them astray.
@Ludovsky Interesting! I will say that they've convinced me to not only get Octopath Traveler, but to also strongly consider Dragon Quest 11, a series I've never played. I would like to see the Switch become the major home of JRPGs.
@MrDisappointed to be honest I already got DQXI on PS4 last year but i'm already ready to double dip for the Switch version and it's bonus content(and the ability for me to play using a Gamepad Pro instead of the PS4 controller, considering the Switch's gamepad is more comfortable to my hands and carpal tunnels).
Just the ability to play on the go may have me be much more willing to dip into the post-game third act the story(which is interesting because if the first two Acts have a fairly traditional semi-linear structure... that of the post-game third Act might actually have more in common with Breath of the Wild where the final objective is made accessible very early on and all the "quests" are technically optional for the most part but come with many special rewards that help powering yourself up for final showdowns with bonuses that can go beyond traditional experience gain but sometimes even unlock new special skills as special rewards from the quests themselves).
I mean. I actually love a lot of what Act 3 do mechanically in the game but being bound to a TV as the PS4 is shows the advantages of the Switch for a game like this where I could at least do some of the more casual leveling up during my commute instead.
I knew it! Nintendo is Doomed.
I still need to grind and beat the final boss. Good lord this game was amazing. And this is from a guy who didn't play final fantasy games until after this game.
Square Enix released a Bravely Default mobile spin-off after the first game released, so this is par for the course.
@Galenmereth so, you don't own a phone?
@Kriven solution is to use miscast or something plus Bluetooth controller and you can enjoy it on TV
I'll just wait for them to port this prequel to the Switch as well. It's not like I don't have hundreds of other games to play in the meantime.
I loved Octopath Traveler but I don't have any faith in Square's ability to handle the expansion of the series. I can't help but feel that making it a free-to-play mobile game is bad sign.
Here's hoping we'll see it come to Switch too, and that it's just coming to phones first.
If its done correctly it can be a fun experience. No one forces you to try it for free on your smartphone (not very good for the battery). And these games are in most cases made from different team that the one that made the original game (thats why most of mobile games are terrible). Hope its an exception. Turned based RPG are the ones that suffer less from the main weakness of mobile games: poor controls
@AlternateButtons Did you, like, read the article? OCTOPATH TRAVELER IS STILL A SWITCH EXCLUSIVE.
Classic Square move.
I'm a bit surprised they are marketing it as a F2P title though. Other than their rigged gacha games, they usually have a pretty nasty price tag attached to their mobile offerings.
Well, good luck with it i guess.
@AlternateButtons I still don't understand how having a stripped-down side story on mobile is abandoning a fanbase. The game sold very well on switch, and even of the next game was multi-platform that would just mean more people would get to experience an awesome game. I see literally no downside to this.
who cares? Random battles will suck on mobile too; F2P or otherwise.
@Ovedo There is a sequel in development. If this game is good that what is the complaint?
I hope this doesn't ruin the series. Square Enix is a bit too desperate sometimes. Seriously...
Hmm, this doesn't look that bad. Even if there are less graphical effects going on. Its free to play though, so I guess awful microtransactions? The 8 character mechanic looks interesting though (all 8 characters on the battlefield at once).
Octopath traveler is great (I am playing it at the moment). Its also interesting to see a sequel on Switch. Maybe at E3?
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