Despite having now owned the game for several days - and having beaten up more innocent Jigglypuff than we care to admit in that time - we still find ourselves occasionally reminiscing over that wonderful World of Light trailer. It's hard not to fall in love with a video depicting so many of our beloved childhood characters, even if most of them do end up getting brutally dissolved in the process.
What if Super Smash Bros. Ultimate had released years ago, though? Not for Nintendo Switch, but for the Game Boy Color? Well, the video up above shows a demake mock-up of the trailer as if it were for that very system, presented by the folks over at Nintendo Wire. From the little dialogue boxes to the retro bleeps and bloops, we'd certainly be up for playing the game on our trusty old handheld machines after seeing this.

Should we start some kind of angry, online petition to demand the game be ported to Game Boy Color now, as seems to be the norm these days? Or perhaps we should simply sit back and dream about what might have been? Let us know your thoughts on the video in the comments below.
Comments 28
This is old, I shared this on the Smash Forum about a week ago. But still laugh everytime I see Snake's Box
I don't know, I feel like there would have been more sound and some of the sprites were too detailed.
So when is anyone at Nintendo life going to write an article about the that is online play?
Very well made. But would take up so much space on a GBC cartridge.
It emulated very nicely the GBC feel. The way the animation worked was spot on!
The one thing that stuck out imo was when the spirits were floating around, one of them was using scaling. This was not a feature of the GBC, and while they could do it in software, I'm afraid that it would not have been as smooth as was shown, especially with that trailing effect present.
@Gzeus88 probably when they stop fapping over it and realise there are issues that dont make it a 10/10 like Alex said.
A bunch of idiots standing at the cliff waiting for the hands to spank them.
@Gzeus88 It may be your connection, though. I play wireless and it's worked mostly fine for me.
@SmileMan64 My connection is good. I've tested it which then suggests its often the connection from other players which is insane considering Nintendo is charging me to play online using my own server. Also it isn't just the poor connections/lag issues. Its the whole way it works. Being chucked into fights I didn't want to be in. It is really poor and a step backward from Smash4. Online functionality is hideous on the switch and makes playing Smash online terrible. I would also just add that the adventure mode is dull as dishwater but hey its a perfect game apparently...
@ryancraddock There's a mistake when Palutena dies, Pit and Dark Pit didn't lose their flight. Nintendo Wire than later upload a new video to fix that error.
Just letting you know.
I seriously love these so much.
It was missing something.
Absolutely wanderful!
That was funny hahah
@Gzeus88 Is it? I haven't tried it out yet, I've only been doing World of Light. What's so bad about it?
Lol they made Onox one of the spirits. That's perfect lol.
@Gzeus88 A 10/10 review score does not mean that the game is 10/10 perfect for every single person in existence. Turns out, these things are subjective. For example, it's a 10/10 for me without any online functionality at all, because I don't care much about playing Smash online. If you don't agree with the score, that's fine, but your opinion is not necessarily a reason to change the score. It's perfectly fine to say "The game is an X/10 for me, because the online isn't stable enough for my purposes and that feature is super important to me." It's another thing to criticize the review score because the game didn't meet your personal expectations, or to expect your personal score to be representative of everyone else.
But I digress...
This is a cool retro Gameboy version of the trailer. I like it.
Those mugshots look horrible. Like the ones terrible bootleg Game Boy games used.
The rest looks pretty cool.
Pretty cool. With some slight updates (like better portraits), I'd play a demake.
@Medic_alert I too don't disagree with anything you've said as such, except that I contest the objectivity of the online flaws. The review noted that the occasional match was bad when matched to a player with a poor connection, but that a strong majority of the time it works very well, and the average player will find it very responsive. The reviewer obviously felt that these problems (in their experience) were minor and were not enough to detract from the score on the whole, since the game still received a 10 after they withheld the score to check this very feature. I don't think withholding the score like that shows a disconnect with their community, but rather a strong understanding of that very community. Individual players may be experiencing more problems based on their location, and the players they're being matched with. That, to me, is the hallmark of a subjective experience. As I said before, a review score is not meant to be a universal global score for every single person. It's an attempt at an aggregate. Those who highly value online are unlikely to agree that Smash Ultimate is a 10, but on the whole, taking into account all subsets of their community and not solely the players who highly value online play, I think NintendoLife has given a fair score.
@macalao914 Basically it is a lottery if you get a good or bad connection. Further the matchmaking is terrible. I and many, many others, have been put into matches like FFA. You can't back out of these matches, you cant change character, you are stuck fighting again if your opponent doesn't want a rematch. Its all basic level stuff that Nintendo had better with Smash 4. I really don't understand how they have managed to make Ultimate worse.
@NoxAeturnus The argument that I can't criticise Alex's score because the game has broken online functions is baffling. The only aspect of smash was something that was heavily featured in the direct, it is a huge factor to a large portion of the smash community, so the idea that Alex is speaking on behalf of a majority is silly. A game that we need to pay to play online should provide more than just being able to sometimes battle without lag.
Come on buddy get your head out of the clouds.
@Gzeus88 Makes me laugh that someone downvoted this. It is all objectively true. It's a great game, but the online mode definitely needs work.
@TF-Warrior To be fair, Dark Pit losing his flying ability was a mistake in the original trailer to begin with, since Dark Pit never needed Palutena's help to fly like Pit does in "Kid Icarus: Uprising."
@Medic_alert "situation that I don't associate with Nintendo"
You're joking, right? I haven't played this game (still don't have a Switch), but every single fighting game I've ever played online on the Nintendo Wii, Wii U, or 3DS has always featured noticable lag in every single match. Some games have more tolerable lag than others (aside from some individual matches), but it's always there to some degree that I've simply been forced to accept that playing fighting games online will never be as fun as the rare times I can play them against someone in local multiplayer. If SSBU's online lag is still tolerable most of the time, then I accept that the game is still worth a 10/10 review score.
Also, just the ability to easily play stock matches online by itself makes the online setup better than what we had with Brawl and Smash 4 no matter how many other options were dropped.
That's pretty nice.
Is it bad I want SSBU on GBA?
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