Pokémon has come a long way from its inception on the original Game Boy. Gone are the days of black and white pixels on a green screen. Since we saw those rough-looking 3D Pokémon in Pokémon Snap, we've had to wait until 2013 to play a main series Pokémon game in proper 3D.
Now, a new graphical dawn has begun thanks to the recent release of Pokémon: Let's Go! Pikachu and Eevee, but how do the Pokémon from the Nintendo 3DS games hold up when compared to their HD versions?

Our friend HoodlumScrafty recently took an in-depth look at Pokémon in both Pokémon Alpha Sapphire as well as Pokémon: Let's Go! Pikachu and Eevee to compare and contrast the 'mon. One thing to note is that the Pokémon themselves have the same animation between the games. Regardless, it's incredible to see the Pokémon with the new beautiful graphics on the Nintendo Switch.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 61
WAIT!! A more powerful console showing better graphics??? Get Away!!
No news today then
Am I crazy if I think that AS's version is kinda looks better in terms of an artstyle?
Yes you are indeed crazy.
It looks exactly like pokemon blue/red to me with just a few extra colours and animation. By this, I mean I feel like I'm 10 yo again! This feels like HD nostalgia.
That's evolution for ya!
Interesting that the old 3DS graphics had a more cel-shaded look with black outlines around things. I would guess that helped on the lower-res 3DS screen to more easily delineate the shape of the Pokemon.
@Bunkerneath What do you mean, 'no news today'?! There's a ****** Kirby Scratch Art book being released in Japan - news doesn't come any bigger than that!
I think the look of Let's go is pretty underwhelming. We know that the Switch can do better than that.
Your telling me my switch is more powerful than my new 3ds.......get outta here.
The Switch version obviously looks graphically better, but this is one of the few cases where I think the outlines that create that kind of toon-shaded look are actually done really well (it looks kinda crap in so many games that try for this look but don't really understand it properly), and I think if they could have tried the same thing on the Switch version, and done it genuinely properly, then there's a possibility it might have looked even cooler. But, it would need to be done truly right to work and make it worth it imo, and in the case of lacking complete confidence that they would in fact nail it, I'm very happy with what we got here.
Note: It actually appears to me like they might have used the exact same 3D model assets and animations to create the Pokemon in both versions but they just down-scaled the models for the 3DS game and then added the toon-shaded effect on top.
Okay, I understand that the guy is comparing the models from the games, but actually the 3DS had a separate, standalone Pokédex right at launch that came as sort of free promotion (you received new entries each day or through Streetpass if I remember correctly), and this featured models that looked very similar to what I see on Switch now...
So I think the comparison should not be between 3DS graphics and Switch graphics, but rather between artisic choices between the last 3DS Pokémon game and the first Switch Pokémon game...
Edit: Found the following example by a Twitter user:
Why is there no story that Warframe isn't on the eshop today? isn't it supposed to be playable now?
Let's Go certainly has it's draw backs but I am quite surprised by just how good looking the game is. On Sunday I had an afternoon of Red Dead 2 on the Xbox One then finished up my gaming sesh with Let's Go. The colours just pop and just looks really nice, even having played something so graphically superior moments before. Nintendo really do have a way of getting the most out of it's hardware!
If you are, then I am too.
@JunkRabbit Not just any Twitter user – it's Serebii.
Don't get me wrong, both look great, I just have a preference for the pixel style art of the 3DS.
@PlayedNSlayed I downloaded it at 1am this morning in the UK
Yeah what JunkRabbit said.
Pokédex 3D features better, and better looking models than Let's Go - and so does the Wii Stadium game.
All about artistic direction really.
Loving let’s go’s look. Eevee is so cute!
The models in the 3DS games are the same as in Lets Go but downscaled so this is hardly impressive imo. I'm enjoying lets go but a lot of the pokemon look bland and textureless (especially standard persian). Not to mention everyone's favorite addition - the walking was ripped from the 3DS games last year or the year before.
Hoping the next gen game gets revamped assets and lets me walk Pheremosa because her datamined walk was sick
@In_Ex_Fan Definitely the look of Let's go is NOT pretty underwhelming. Quite the opposite.
I mean, it looks good on Switch, but it could definitely look a lot better. Stretched out on a 55 inch TV it still looks dated. Here's hoping they have the ability to kick things up a notch for the actual Switch exclusive release.
@Cosats First of all, you can't argue against my experience. I was underwhelmed when I saw it. That's a fact you can't dispute.
And secondly: if you think it's even the opposite, then you have very low expectations. The Pokémon in Pokkén looked better than this. This is the same old stuff upscaled. It's basic and lazy. The Switch is capable of way better stuff.
I am really impressed with just how great Kanto and the Pokemon look on Switch. Everything just feels so lush and alive.
@PlayedNSlayed @Peterjr1 It seems to have disappeared from the UK Eshop. It's not in the recently released or coming soon sections and when I search for it, no results are found. It's still showing under coming soon on the US Eshop though. Strange!
I mean we all know they made all the Pokemon models super high quality to future proof them as long as possible, no surprise here.
The models and animations are taken straight from the 3DS games. Gamefreak only updated the textures on the models to make them look HD. The only Pokemon to get new models are the Pikachu and Eevee partners.
I miss golbats original sprite with the long tongue
@Silkyinsect_UK agree. It's really pleasant on the retina's. I really like the majority of this game and as I'm not a huge Pokemon follower there isn't alot is really change. I love the fact they have cut out the major grind and you can now see/ avoid Pokemon. The catch system for me is great too. It actually makes it feel like you have to try and catch them. Only thing I'd like to have seen is a choice when approaching a wild poke to either catch or battle for xp instead of being forced to catch or run. Loving it so far tho.
@In_Ex_Fan Personal opinions are personal opinions. I think pokemon models look just fine on Switch. Switch can handle better models, that's for sure. However, that is not the point. The point is that the pokemon models on Switch look pretty nice and not "underwhelming".
Seems to me that they used the same models/animations from 3DS to save time and resources—hopefully, so that the majority of their focus can be on revamping everything for next year's entry. Maybe too optimistic, but really hoping for a big shake-up with the next game.
@Cosats You say personal opinions are personal opinions and then you go on to generalize your opinion.
If my experience was "damn, that looks underwhelming, then it is. If you see it differently that's fine. But don't tell me that my experience is false.
Also, Pokémon games always pushed their own limits and those of the hardware they were released on. This game doesn't. They didn't even bother to create new models. I expect the devs to utilize the hardware they're working with to the limit. Like they used to. This is definitely not the best possible experience they can offer and that sucks.
Now compare to the models and animations of Colosseum/XD and Battle Revolution, those games have way better models, especially in the movement side.
@Peterjr1 Just wondered why there's been no mention of it on here if it has been removed for whatever reason. This is a news site after all 🙄
Wow and fanboys aren't complaining how bad the Switch graphics. Well I guess they don't want to to piss off Pokemon fandom right.
I get that this game is basically a remake of the original 2D games, but the implementation is incredibly lazy.
I'm still waiting for a truly immersive 3D Pokémon game; Pokémon still hasn't had its "Dragon Quest VIII moment"...
They should compare Pokemon go vs Pokemon Let's go. "Pokemon go" would win hands down.
For a full price game the graphics in " Pokemon Let's go" is very disappointing.
I still dig the cell shaded look of the 3ds games more, and I hope that whatever gen 8 will be will use that style.
Lol they said a thousand times.this game is to e for what it is.the better game will be 2019 lol does this gen of people have that much of a 2 sec brain fart??this is a in between game lol wow they said that since lets go was announced
@Slim1999 in between game selling for full price that is...
And with the pokeball it’s selling for freaking 109,99 which is a lot of money.
They're the exact same models, they just had to reduce the resolution before for the 3DS.
@DarkKirby Same models, yes, but new textures
So when we get better graphics we get complaints the game isn't good enough. This is so typical.
The main problem with 3ds is the terrible resolution. If only Nintendo put a better display on it (a la vita) instead of the 3D gimmick
@RedMageLanakyn I’m on a 55inch 4K tv it looks great to me 🤷♂️
@In_Ex_Fan but then again if they made it look “too” different you’d prob be one of the first on the bandwagon saying it wasn’t Pokémon. Some people just can’t be pleased. I’ll be waiting for your tears when they reveal gen 8 and it’s not breath of the wild Pokémon 😂
@SwitchForce all the time bro it’s hilarious
@brendon987 🤔 the only thing that is remotely able to be called graphics on pogo is the character models which look almost identical to let’s go if not worse
In game development, textures are typically made at a higher resolution, than reduced to suite the system requirements.
That's likely what happened here. They look pretty much exactly the same other than the resolution change.
@koekiemonster the pokeball isn’t needed so you can still get it for the price of any other game. I’m guessing they should have packaged the ball in the retail price of the game to make everyone happy. I mean it’s not like it doubles as a pogo replacement which sell for around thirty bucks themselves with less functionality or anything. 😆
@dimi "If only Nintendo put a better display on it (a la vita) instead of the 3D gimmick"
Yeah and die a thousand code cuts right. You think people will spend more than 199 for it right now. I highly doubt it.
@Draxa "I mean it’s not like it doubles as a pogo replacement which sell for around thirty bucks themselves with less functionality or anything."
no but it can't but makes a sure handy wack a mole for trolls.
@SwitchForce its too late now. This should be the case from the start. 3D effect and second screen both pretty useless features.
More powerful hardware displays much better graphics than much weaker hardware.
News at 9.
Why not compare VHS to Bluray while he's at it...? -_-;
@dimi and yet it continues on. Don't want to burst your bubble but there is nothing to go against the 3DS that is in production. What is too late is the others gave up their innovations to Nintendo to take over. That's how you loose the long game. People want more then hey I can game at 4K. If that is all there is to offer than one missed the mark. And hearing people use the ps4 to play bluray more make this just disappointing if that is happening.
I'm having a blast with the game, but I do miss the black outlines of the 3ds models. The go textures always had kind of a "cheap" look to me.
@Draxa nope I wouldn't say that. TLOZ is my favorite gaming franchise and its look changes all the time. I'm not attached to the look of Pokémon. You should just be able to tell which one's which. And I also don't expect gen 8 to be like BotW. They don't have enough time for that. And I'm not sure if that would be the right direction for Pokémon.
Of course it looks much better, given that the platform is more advanced. But I think they could have done an even better job with the graphics and animations. Together with the sad excuse of online features, this is my biggest gripe with the game: the graphics, while somewhat pretty, could’ve been more detailed, the animations could’ve been more lively (now they’re just stiff) and the character design could’ve been more varied (the NPC and trainer designs are repeated over and over again: for example the three identically looking trainers in Misty’s gym or the abundance of gentleman trainers on S.S. Anne - I understand it on simpler consoles, but on the Switch?). It just feels lazy and it’s sad as the game improves on the Pokémon formula in other aspects.
Still a good game, if I had to speak in numbers, probably a 7 or an 8.
Edit: Before anyone gets angry, the text above is IMO.
@DarkKirby Actually, it looks like they remade the textures using the same coordinates as the 3DS models. Here is a comparison of Bulbasaur in 3DS and Switch along with one of the texture maps. There is a subtle but noticeable difference between the two. The most prominent is the teeth and claws which are shaded on Switch but white on 3DS. Also, the mouth doesn't have a gradient on the Switch. http://i64.tinypic.com/soa92r.jpg
They're so pretty they top naked Link
@EasyDaRon Lets Go is a stop gap game, they threw in old models because it was easier to make. Hopefully Gen 8 will feature new models, despite the 3DS ones being pretty much perfect as is.
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