Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has a massive roster, but you won't be able to access all fighters from the start. A Nintendo spokesperson has given us some insight into how long it should take to unlock all fighters, and it's not all bad news.
After speaking with a spokesperson during our hands-on coverage, we were told that players should expect to unlock fighters at a rapid pace and it would likely only take a couple hours to unlock every fighter.
They also mentioned how each fighter has different parameters to be unlocked, with no precise information given as to how.
Be sure to drop us a comment letting us know who you're looking forward to unlocking first!
Comments 145
Are you kidding me? I was actually looking forward to some good challenges to unlock every fighter. Just like in the old days. Dammit, Nintendo.
This is just typical. Nintendo will always have that need to target 5-year olds. Their games would be so much better if they didn’t have that mentality.
Does this mean no challenger approaching screens? Those last about 2 minutes each, and with over 60 of them that'd be most of the time just by themselves.
Nintendo: ‘a few hours’
Me: unlocks half of the roster 50 hours in
Well that's a bit of a shame :/ but I guess it is convenient-
I think that's a good call.
But then why lock them in the first place?
“A couple hours” - ranging from 1 hour to whoever knows.
@kobalt probably to pay homage to the early games in the series. they probably will get released in the order they were created... Im guessing
I hated the way the roster in the last one was huge to start off with and only had a few to unlock.
It is a shame that it will be that easy, I liked brawl, trying to unlock Ganondorf was a pain as I wasn't as good as it as I am now
I would like to spend a good deal of time unlocking characters, bit I'm just glad this is a thing at all. I've been wanting to start with only the original 8 since like Brawl.
I hated how in Smash 4 you started with so many characters that should have been locked. Shulk, Pac-Man, Mega Man, Robin... characters like those should not have been available right away.
@Yasume Well, I loved the way that was implemented so far, having to fight each new challenger to unlock them is way better than “beat story mode on max difficulty with ‘x’ character to unlock someone else you’ll probably never use”.
It’d be cool to organize them by “Kingdoms” and not just numerical appearance.
My OCD is not satisfied.
My OCD was not satisfied with my original post.
I mean, they'll probably make it so that you unlock them in World of Light, with no real challenge to it. Shame.
Don't hear me complaining. The sooner I get to play as the guys that I want to play as the better.
Do you understand that "CASUALISATION" is the new trend at Nintendo ?
Mario Odyssey
Pokémon Let's Go
DK Tropical Freeze with an easy mode on Switch
It's almost like they don't want to attract gamers anymore... :/
That's good to hear, I am having a plan Smash Ultimate tournament soon so knowing the full roster could be unlock sooner is a good thing. Makes it so everyone's favorite is available for selection.
@rushiosan You know a couple means 2 right?
Would've hoped it would be a bit more difficult too, but I'm not too upset honestly, I just enjoy the process of unlocking characters at all regardless of difficulty.
In any case, Yoshi is available from the start so I'm good there, but I'll definitely look forward to unlocking the Inklings. Really wanna try those out.
Ofcourse now people are pissed that it doesn't take you 60 hours to unlock the full roster...
Nintendo can't win with you people...
@Yasume Not everyone has 50+h to kill just to unlock all content. We're gonna play 4 players match regularly when the game release and we have no time to grind solo. Thanks Nintendo for listening to actual public and not bitter and unemployed fanboys.
Nintendo, like every other media company, is in intense competition, not only for money, but for people's time. Time is the most important currency, and Nintendo is up against Netflix, Youtube, other consoles, etc. for attention spans.
What they are doing is the right approach. People dont have endless hours to throw away on each game. If your definition of a "gamer" is someone who can blow hundreds of hours per game, then it is cliche and outdated, can still do that on Odyssey (your example) if you choose and find every single moon or balloon and outfit, etc. The option is there if you want to sink 100+ hours in, but those who dont should not be excluded from enjoying the experience.
This strategy is actually not about "casualisation" but inclusion, and it is giving both sets of fans value, instead of one vs. another.
And also, you haven't even played Smash yet, so probably not the most intelligent thing to do, implying that there will be nothing for "gamers" to sink their teeth into. The game is massive...
@Cobalt Fun Fact: You don't have to play the easy mode in Tropical Freeze. You can just play it in normal mode. You may have missed this because the option is hidden away on the main menu screen.
Games have had easy modes for ages. It's nothing new. And there's nothing wrong with making them enjoyable by people of differing skill levels.
@Kamalen Except I probably have way more going on in life than you do. I’ve got a full time job, I attend university 3 times a week during the evenings, got my own house with responsibilities, I excercise 5 times a week and I’m in a committed relationship. With all that going on, I still manage to find 10 hours a week for gaming.
They could have implemented new, clever and challenging ways to unlock characters, just like in Melee, but instead they chose to throw all characters at you in a handful of hours, making the starting roster completely irrelevant.
@link3710 Individual unlock conditions could still be as simple as:
1 Multiplayer Smash - Luigi
2 Multiplayer Smashes - Jigglypuff
5 Multiplayer Smashes - Ness
Yeah I'm sure that is it.
I think the grind for characters should be short. As others have pointed out theirs many ways to sink hours into this game without the roster being locked away.
Some will just want to play with friends or online with everyone available and dont have the time to grind out a certain character like Say how mewtwo was locked in melee.
Don't worry about the easiness of unlocking characters guys. There are 6 to unlock that require something other than your skills.
You know that competitive players are a big customer group? They want to unlock characters quickly and they'll certainly do it in couple of hours. Bigger tournament organizers have to do that multiple times. 5-year-olds can't even beat "Challenger appeared!" cpus first try.
I see no point in artificially restricting the roster. "But I want the feeling of accomplishment/progress" my butt. The second I get my hands on the game, I'm going to binge-unlock everybody asap. It would have been nice to be able to do that with amiibo seeing as I have all of them.
Have they ever really been that hard to unlock? The only ones I can remember that were even remotely difficult were Mewtwo and Mr. Game and Watch in Melee. There’s enough other difficult stuff to keep you busy, and I bet most of the people whining about this have never actually 100% completed a Super Smash Bros. game.
That's pretty cool. I actually like having to unlock players. That was my only negative on Mario kart 8. Everything was handed to you upfront.
My definition of a gamer is :
"It is not the reward that elevates the soul, but the labor that led to this reward."
Think about it.
My point was that there is no easy mode in the original version on Wii U.
Since the Switch has come, everything has to be "casualized".
To put an easy mode in Tropical Freeze is the same as to give the invisible stars in every level of Mario Bros from the start to the end.
A NON SENSE ! why make it a big deal that you start with the original eight?
Why are we even being force fed all this information about the game. It's like we aren't supposed to get any surprises for our money.
I'm happy with it. Most players buy a fighting game to play with friends or on an online ladder. It doesn't make sense to force players through a month-long grind of whatever awful single-player mode they have this time.
If people genuinely like the single-player game, they should not need locked content to want to play it. The game should be fun in and of itself.
(Usually Smash has alternate unlocks, such as play X number of games, to avoid having to play garbage like Subspace Emissary. But it's still a bizarre concept. No one makes an album where you have to listen to track one X number of times before listening to track two.)
Yes. Deep.
When it comes to "elevating the soul," I don't usually include Pac Man vs. Luigi in the equation, but to each their own.
@Cobalt The actual definition of a gamer is someone who plays games. It’s kind of obvious, really.
@Cobalt Just don't play the easy mode then...?
Question of age and education probably...
What is a gamer ? A dude who play games !
What is a Teacher ? A dude who teach !
What is a Dancer ? A dude who dance !
etc.. LOL
It's a little more complex than that buddy !
Some comments give me the impression that once people unlock all the characters, the game is over and they will abandon it forever.
There is more content in the game, guys.
@Cobalt As elegantly put in the dictionary, a gamer is ‘a person who plays video games or participates in role-playing games.’ Not much complexity to it, really.
I played Tropical Freeze on my Wii U so duhhhh no easy mode for me !
My problem is the way "the gamers" are treated today !
Basically, we're all morons and we need to have everything without any effort...
I hate that way of doing, it tells a lot about the new generations... :/
Well, looks like I’ll have to work to get Bayonetta. That’s right, I said it. BAYONETTA
@Cobalt not sure if you have children or nieces and nephews, but I'm happy they come out with easy mode on donkey Kong country tropical freeze and assist mode on Mario kart 8 etc. You can enjoy the games you love and the younger non experienced gamer can as well since easy mode can be turned off for the veteran gamers. I can understand your argument if easy mode were the only mode on games , but thankfully, that's typically not the case.
Food for thought, even bowling has a handicap to even things out. Think of this as the same.
Glad to hear it won't be a grindfest to be able to fully enjoy the game. They'll probably use spirits/assists as long term goals for those who love that in a Smash game. For me, I just want Alex or Augustus for DLC
If the matches requirement for unlocks are back, that would probably take a couple of hours using the infamous 1 stock SD strategy. Otherwise maybe like others have mentioned that beating the final boss of World of Light unlocks all characters for other modes irrelevant of how many you've actually rescued.
I was kind of hoping you could unlock characters automatically with their respective amiibos, and then complete whatever odd task as an alternate way. Still wouldn't rule it out, I guess.
"the way gamers are treated."
Yes, gamers...the truly oppressed and shackled class of humanity. Their rights are clearly being infringed upon with these additional "easy" modes and "accessible" challenges. It is sad times indeed, and Nintendo must face the consequences for these grave injustices. How are gamers supposed to lord their "accomplishments" over others and provide themselves with identity and meaning for completing a difficult video game?
@Cobalt Hey Cobalt. You seem like a nice and reasonable enough guy, but c’mon man. You don’t need to play the easy mode in a game, so what is the big deal? I think every game should have an entry level mode so all players can enjoy them. My first ever game was the original TMNT on the NES, which was a frustrating and horrible mess of a game. The game was the stupid kind of hard and really cheap. My 4 year old brain wasn’t able to enjoy that game. If there was an easy mode in the game I would have enjoyed it a lot more.
Fact is, games are ultimately supposed to be fun. I like a challenge too, but I don’t berate those who enjoy games for other reasons.
Point is, respect others. Don’t be an elitist. You’re better than that.
This article is terrible news.
Had hoped it would have some single player longevity and unlocking fighters is a massive motivation....
I love easy modes. This isn’t about difficulty- it should just take a while to get all unlockables - a couple of hours - might as well unlock everything from start
I guess the younger gamers want everything in a few hours to move back to fortnite...
Had hoped this would be a proper game
I'm not sure if you've read the comments here, but most seem to be "most Nintendo games have enough depth and challenge to offer something to BOTH casual and serious gamers."
Want to find all of the power moons or korok seeds? Want to play Tropical Freeze on easy? Do it. Don't want to? Don't. Choice. It's easy. So I'm not sure how these Nintendo games are "ignoring" one class of gamer. The evidence doesn't support this.
The Switch library has enough for all types of gamers.
@Mallow agreed. Unlockables shouldn’t be about being elite or difficult. They should just take time and feel like a reward
The game itself is the reward.
@Cobalt You yet to prove why a game shouldn't have an easy mode.
Nintendo's job is to make games and get s many people s outdone playing them.
So including multiple difficulty options is the obvious choice. Keyword is "options".
So what if diverting takes the easier ride. By your own definition of what a reward is, they are only punishing themselves while you would be getting your own satisfaction.
Something to keep in mind though, for some people, we already feel like we've done the 'work' before buying the game. It's called having to work for a living. I never play easy mode myself but I'm not shake enough to train on someone's parade so just wants to have fun.
Who made you the fun police?
"Why are we even being force fed all this information about the game. It's like we aren't supposed to get any surprises for our money."
Because everything leaks in 2018 and official announcements are more exciting.
Here is an idea. Why not have all the characters and content unlocked from the start? Why does every game force us to jump through hoops to access all the content? Why not just make a game that people are willing to play because it's fun to play? Apparently, this has become an outdated concept.
Well, I would prefer if it required a little work, like finishing the story. Like in Smash 4 if I remember correctly.
But at least it's not Mario Tennis Aces, where they lost a chance to make it a little more replayable buy locking some of the characters behind certain conditions.
Many fighting games do this already, but "Challenger appeared!" fights have been a fun part of Smash forever.
Again, I have nothing against but I just see where we are going and this is my "problem".
I see gaming, music, movies, books becoming more and more mediocre. It doesn't mean that EVERYTHING is mediocre but we are leading to mediocrity...
Donkey Kong Country exists since 1994, How I did to play this game back then ? How my little cousins of 8 and 9 years old did too ?
We gave our best to reach the end. No need to have "an easy mode".
To make it clear :
If you're not good enough, improve yourself OR play something else but stop being a spoiled child who want everything and right now !
PS : When I say "you" I don't talk about you but in general terms.
@Cobalt The original version on Wii U? The original version was on N64 dude.
There's TONS to do in this game, who cares if you're going to be able to unlock characters quickly?
@DavidMac Of Tropical Freeze ? On N64 ? o_O My godddd !
@Cobalt So, your example being provided is that you played the original Donkey Kong Country back in the day, and that games should be difficult like they were then. Personally, I disagree. I want options, difficulty settings aren’t hindering someone’s experience. You act as if the easy mode is letting kids off or whatever, but an easy mode simply gives the game a wider demographic. The Nintendo Switch is a console designed to be played with friends or family. If my cousin wanted to play Mario Kart with me in the 90’s (hypothetically), he would have a severe disadvantage due to age. This would probably cause him to lose interest in the game and create a generally toxic atmosphere. Now, we can play a more balanced game of Mario Kart thanks to the abundance of options. However, there are times when I think an ‘easy mode’ can be a problem. For example, Kirby games are generally very easy, but without any of the bonus content needed for more die-hard gamers. That is something that’s achieved better in Mario and Zelda. In the case of DK-Tropical Freeze, the easy mode is simply a bonus feature, not a requirement. Thank you for reading this, I hope I managed to profess my point in a digestible and concise way.
PS - I believe @DavidMac was referring to Smash when talking about the N64, not Donkey Kong.
Some people enjoy easy games. Some people prefer a challenge. If only there were an option for both. We could call it a difficulty setting.
Zero Suit Samus is my main, so I am looking forward to unlocking her. If only they could have gotten Krystal to be playable and not be an Assist Trophy, then I would main her as well.
@Cobalt Oh man i don't get your line of thinking.
I really love dktp and i think it's one of the best games of all time and part of that i think is because of the perfect difficulty (for me). But i know just how hard it is. My girlfriend tried to play it but it was way to hard for her.
So why should you keep other people from playing this games and experiencing this fantastic work of art just because you somehow think that having options is a bad thing?
If you really love gaming and know how awesmoe it can be you should be all for making games more accessible with options so more people can enjoy it.
Don't be an elitist.
I'm all for finding a middle ground between "here, just have everything, go nuts" and "we're going to make you play this game for hours to unlock everything so that you can be bored of it by the time you want to play with your friends". Considering I have about an hour tops a day to play anything, I don't want to use that hour a day for weeks on end unlocking everyone.
So what I'm seeing in this comment section is a bit of distraught towards unlocking characters rapidly, claims that the game is now "easy and casualized" without offering any evidence (no, unlocking characters more rapidly doesn't mean the game is easy. I'm not even sure how that correlation works).
This game is literally the biggest Smash game with more than 70 characters, tons of things to do (challenges and 9.0 Classic Mode, anyone?), and an expansive story mode. Plus plenty more. I'm pretty sure the challenge shouldn't come from some arbitrary length of time that it takes to unlock what, 66 characters? Besides, Sakurai has always appealed to hardcore Smash fans, with difficult challenges always present in many of his more recent games.
I think Smash Bros. Ultimate will be just fine. There's no "casualization" going on, and, no, spending hours upon hours unlocking every character isn't some some sort of supreme achievement. Nor is unlocking every stage or something like that.
Good. The sooner I can play Simon, Ridley and Snake, the better.
MAYBE because the challenge is THE ESSENCE of Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze...
You know, I don't play StarCraft because it's not my type of game and from the outside when you see good players playing it, you're like WOWWW this is crazy, so much stuffs everywhere etc...
Do you think that I would DEFEND a position to make Starcraft easy and by pushing one button I could do the same as an experienced guy ? SURE NOOOOO !
My point is : Donkey has a level of difficulty which is ITS DNA !
Why the bloody hell we have to change that ?
@Cobalt "It is not the reward that elevates the soul, but the labor that led to this reward."
Unless the reward is an Xbox Achievement. Sometimes that labor is poo.
Good. I always hated how on Melee I couldn't unlock all characters because of their absurd parameters. The faster I can play with the new ones, the better.
I personally HATE achievements and trophies stuffs on XBOX and PS.
The reward is to reach something.
The important thing is not the destination but the road traveled.
@Vee_Flames Yeah, it seems like folks want to lump stuff into neat little categories too quickly, just to dismiss someonething they had passing interest (if any) in the first place.
Some folks doing a double take on Pokémon Let’s Go doubts this weekend is a good example.
As far as I’m concerned, Ultimate has so much content in it that whether it’s day 1 or 100, I’m still going to be enjoying it.
@Cobalt I agree with you that a part of what makes dktf so good is its difficulty but there are so many other aspects that are fantastic (music, surroundings, level design).
So why shouldn't you let other people enjoy it?
I mean if they made the game as a whole easier just to appeal to casual gamers then you would have a point.
But it's an OPTION. You don't have to use it so i really don't get why you get so worked up about this.
@Yorumi "It's dismissive and arrogant really."
That's pretty rich coming from you of all people.
I think this spokesperson might be severely underestimating the time it takes to unlock characters on purpose. Going by previous releases, if you really put effort into the game, unlocking all of the characters or at least most of them in a few hours could happen. But with this kind of roster, it would make more sense if they started making unlocking characters progressively harder, like in Brawl and other entries. He might also be referring to getting characters in an unconventional way, like how Subspace allowed you to grind for new fighters. Tl;dr: Don’t assume that this guy has perfect estimates.
@Zach777 so much this!!!
I have only one real gripe with this game, and it’s that!
Smash 4 was so nice and tidy to look at, and also more intuitive!
I'm happy about this. I thought waiting forever for a new challenger to come, only to die fighting them to win them (I suck at smash) was annoying.
@Cobalt I'm not sure I agree with the 'everything is becoming mediocre' sentiment.
Games- We've had several brilliant games this year, not just from Nintendo but from Rockstar, Insomniac and Sony Santa Monica.
Movies- We've had 'Won't You Be My Neighbour', 'Isle of Dogs', 'Avengers:Infinity War' amidst countless others from countries far and wide, films we wouldn't have been able to see 20 years ago.
Music- We've had 'Kids see Ghosts' if you're into Hip-Hop, Daughters' new album if you're into Industrial/Noise Rock, hell, even 'OIL OF EVERY PEARL'S UN-INSIDES' by SOPHIE if you're into Bubblegum Bass or Noise Pop.
Point is, if you look hard enough, they're always be great things that people like. Might not be your tastes, but the world is bigger now, with more content for more people. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being inclusive and adding modes for experienced gamers and adding modes for casual gamers. If there shouldn't be an Easy Mode, should there not be Hard Modes?
Is it possible to see further than just the present time ?
I remember a time when Nintendo fans were so proud to not have DLCs to pay to get their Nintendo games FULL OF CONTENT blablablabla...
And then, Amiibos came like that, like a sly toy to open the pandora's box of DLCs and step by step the same Nintendo fans ASK for DLCs now...
It's the same with casualization, we start by an easy mode here and there, we lower the global difficulty a little, we put hints everywhere in a game to make it "more friendly" and in 2 years we're gonna play Metroid Prime 4 with only Quick Time Events... Because yaaaa knowwww, everyone have the right to play Samus so my little brother of 3 years old can easily press A or B or X or Y when they appear on the screen !
Crazy World !
Ugh, another divisive topic here in the NL forum.
Personally, I game solo most of the time, and rather enjoy the hook of unlocking characters.
But I agree making games inclusive and accessible is for the best. I trust Nintendo will maintain that tricky balance of making fun and yet deep experiences in this and other games. Even if we fill out the roster quickly, I'm sure there will be other unlocks to get, and maybe some rare ones for the elite Smash Bros. players out there.
@nessisonett I copy/paste what I wrote because it seems that you missed something
"I see gaming, music, movies, books becoming more and more mediocre. It doesn't mean that EVERYTHING is mediocre but we are leading to mediocrity..."
What is "a couple of hours"? And who exactly said that? Some guy/girl with a Nintendo shirt, who was showing the game?
Because as far as I remember, one of these people told also, that there are no NPCs in Breath of the Wild.🙄
I am completely fine with this. Waiting for the release is torture. So excited to play this with my cousins and friends!
@Cobalt How are we 'leading to mediocrity', because there's easy modes? Does easy mean mediocre? I didn't exactly have a tough time beating Ocarina of Time so does that make it mediocre?
If you don't have time to play BIG GAMES, play adapted game to your life style.
You remind me the Vegans who want to make meat illegal !
If a vegan don't want to eat meat, go ahead but stop wanting to change the food pattern of the non-vegans.
This is the disaster of today, everybody wants to do this or that EVEN when they don't have the abilities, the time, the lifestyle etc... that makes it possible... So, let's change the rules of the others to make the game fits my lifestyle...
If you don't have the time to play Ocarina, DON'T PLAY IT !
@Silly_G There was a claim from Best Buy Canada a few months back that the Amiibos did unlock their respective fighter. Sadly, I've seen nothing to confirm or disprove this claim since.
Can amiibo be used for unlocks? Best Buy suggested that a while back.
@MrBlacky A Nintendo spokesperson at the private event where select journalists had private time to play the game, not a booth rep.
You are out of your depth and making a fool of yourself with your comparisons. Your vegan analogy is terrible for reasons I won't even explain because it's so obvious.
"Easy modes" are a "disaster of today?" Disaster? Really? The only disaster I see is a lack of perspective on your part. Nobody has removed challenges from games. You don't seem to grasp this and keep eluding to some fantasy time that did not exist.
This is just true. Games are easier and easier and gamers of today want them even easier...
Do I have the right to think that it's a disgrace ?
Unlocking things is the only reason I have to play the game solo. I don't care about collecting stickers or trophys. I only play smash when I'm with friends.
As previously stated, for some games, there exists the "option" for games to become easier (or even, more difficult, if you choose). But this does not mean the overall game does not offer serious challenges or deep exploration for advanced players.
"Celeste" is a good example. You can leave the normal setting, and within that parameter, choose to collect every B-side, strawberry etc...making it more challenging. You can also ignore these while on the same normal setting and just try and advance through levels. On top of this, exists the option to just turn on invincibility etc for an easier overall experience. Does this make "Celeste" an easy overall game?
I find it ironic you bring up NES many on this forum have done nothing but disparage their inclusion on Switch Online...but yes, some NES games like "Ghosts N Goblins" are almost renowned foremost for being "very difficult." In the 30 years + since its release, developers have realized that offering easier options is positive for overall inclusion.
The industry has evolved. Do not mistake this for "it's become mediocre" simply because additional options are available now for players, whereas they weren't as visible before (or were regulated to cheat codes).
Really? A couple of hours? Let’s see, there’s at least 70 characters, 8 start unlocked so at least 62 characters. A couple of hours would usually be 2, but even if we say 3... that’s less than 3 minutes per character. Honestly, I’d rather they just have the whole roster unlocked from the start (and I prefer having to unlock them all), because the first couple hours of the game is going to be a grind now as every minute or two, I will be doing a “challenger approaching” battle... or are those removed entirely? I’m hoping he is exaggerating and trying to just say it’ll be easy and not very time consuming, even if they just come from battles this implies you’ll be unlocking someone after every battle or two...
Yeah sure, I suppose so. If I really wanted to go in blind, I should acccept my own responsibility to avoid the news about the game.
Let's say a "couple of hours" is around 6 hours or so. That means you would unlock a new character evey 5-6 minutes and that seems very unrealistic. So either "a couple of hours" is much more than that, or you unlock characters in bunches.
Why? Another downer, should take 24 hours to unlock all fighters... Why do Ninty keep f***ing things up? Better not do this crap with Metroid!
I'm glad it's like this. Remember, this game's tagline is "Everyone is here" they probably shouldn't make it an arduous process to unlock everyone. The average player just wants to use everyone/have everyone available.
I for one can't wait to check out all the new characters(K. Rool in particular) and use Young Link and Pichu for the first time in over a decade. Another thing to note is that you only start with the original 8,so you'll wind up unlocking 60+ characters anyway.
I mean, you can't force someone to play as a character he/she doesn't main for that long...
sighs I miss the old days where some characters were hidden quite well and took a while to grab. :c
@Yorumi No question, it’s more difficult on average to reach and defeat the final boss in a NES game than in a gen 8 game. Compare, for example, New Super Mario Bros. U to Super Mario Bros. 3 or Super Mario World. But they still have very difficult levels and challenges available for more skilled players. The “Don’t. Touch. Anything” challenge in NSMBU, for example, rivals Lost Levels in terms of difficulty (basic synopsis: you have to complete a challenging course with up to three Lakitus throwing Spinies at you, as small Mario, without collecting any coins or damaging any enemies. Watch out for the invisible Kaizo blocks). Likewise it might be easier to unlock Jigglypuff nowadays, but the “complete Classic mode on intensity 9.0 without customization” challenge will give you your money’s worth.
@Yasume Nothing there says its going to be easy in all fairness it just won't take weeks to get them. You can finish most 60 hour games in under 10 if you ignore all the content as well.
I'm fine with this.
The single player content should be the story mode, not unlocking characters.
Also, stuff like asking people to play for 20 hours to unlock something is just stupid.
@Cobalt What...? Ocarina of Time is one of my favourite games of all time. What I’m saying is that if you consider games nowadays being ‘too easy’ then you only have to look at some of the greatest games of all time to see that certain games have been easy for years. Including an extra easier mode is no different from including an extra harder mode. It helps include different people, with different tastes.
Just answer that question please :
How the kids from the 80's/90's did to play their pokémon games and did they need "easy mode ?
I think there are certain types of games for certain types of players... The big problem today is that the games have to be for everyone ! It's ridiculous !
It's like making an horror movie but you want the 4 years old to watch too... It's stupid...
Misunderstanding between you and me then !
I apologies...
I don't think people should be freaking out about a lack of unlockables, considering there are PLENTY of unlockable spirits that you can likely spend dozens or even hundreds of hours collecting. Also, it seems like you still have to unlock the characters one at a time in World of Light separately from the main game.
After seeing the spirits, I kind of expected this. It seems as though the majority of single player action will be trying to unlock all of the spirits
@Cobalt You seem really triggered about things that don’t even affect you. I can understand being angry about them dumbing down the game for everyone, but why does it matter if the game has a completely separate “easy” mode? You do realize there’s people with disabilities who legitimately need something like that. Just don’t play with that mode and you’re good lol it’s really not that big of a deal
You can all hoot and holler as long as you want. I really don’t care, because I main Kirby.
I’ll try unlocking Mega Man, the newcomers and the ones missing from 4 and unlock the rest through classic speedruns or something like last time.
@kobalt so the roster is not so overwhelming to new players. Starting out with 12 is much more manageable.
750 matches for mewtwo or bust
@Gen0neD isn't she part of the original 8? 😜😜
I'm worried that splatoon 3 will get the Brawl treatment.
@Cobalt I can see what you are saying and perhaps at one time I felt that way.
Fact is, recent years have actually seen an opposite trend as well. After the surprise success of Dark Souls many games have come out that have tried to mimic that experience, especially out of the indie scene. Cuphead had an easy mode that was infamously still really difficult and locked players out of content if they chose it.
I'm fine either way. The meat of the series is in the multiplayer anyway. Though, I can't wait to dig into spirits, classic mode, and world of light, just because they look fun on their own.
True but I see alot of people just wanting to play with their favourite characters or just mess around with the larger roster.
Me personally I just wish they were all accessible from the start for normal play, and then have the grind to unlock and use them in the story mode separately.
@kobalt omg yes!!! I mean, I can understand the fun in having certain conditions met to unlocking characters... but I also just wanna get right into the game and use all available characters with my friends... I dont want to have to play with friends and feel short-changed just because some characters either take too long or are difficult to unlock
I don't understand this argument that Nintendo shouldn't make games geared towards everyone...
We ARE talking about Nintendo, right?
That's great, I just want my Mac, and the sooner I can get him the better.
Games are supposed to be harder than working two jobs... am I doing it right?
Personally with a roster that size I don’t want to spend 60 hours trying to unlock characters (getting PTSD flashbacks from melee now) when I would rather be training or just using them. I think we have passed the age of artificial difficulty and padding. I’m sure a few “in my day” folks would disagree but they aren’t in the target demographic anymore anyway. Current young gamers (and adult gamers with lives) don’t have time for that.
Two more weeks to go
Can’t wait to use Fox as my main and troll people with piranha plant lol.
I'd rather have costumes locked for "showing off" and "being rewarded for your achievements", and all characters available, especially in a case like SSB. It's all up to personal preference, and having your favourite locked behind an arbitrary task you don't enjoy is only marginally better than having it locked behind a paywall (which is basically an arbitrary slave job outside of the game, a job you probably don't enjoy, and are already doing many hours a day for all of your basic needs and greedy bosses).
But hey, I'm not buying the game again until they understand what "Ultimate" means and include all characters in an acceptable asking price.
@Yasume while I personally agree with you, there's a crowd of adult gamers who thinks everything should be unlocked to start in any game they purchase. "Why do I have to spend time unlocking content I already purchased??"
@Cobalt I sometimes wonder why you even bother coming to this site, aren't you meant to be on the "Hardcore Gamer" who only plays PS4?
I don't see the issue with this, when you buy this and wanna smash online, you want to play as your favorite character, not grinding the game intill you do.
It's not like the dark age of gaming where you could only fully enjoy a game unless your really into gaming, we have options there's stuff for new players and stuff for people who want a challenge.
This is good news for me. If I’m giving you my hard earned money, I should be getting great value in return. I love the grind to earn more characters because it adds something called “replay value” to the game. I’m going to be playing this title for a long time regardless, but I don’t mind the grind. Shrugs
One of my favorite things about Smash Bros is unlocking every character. I hope it isn't too easy, and the they still have "new challenger approaching"!
Well this takes out the fun at unlocking them......Brawl did it way better. (well I would prefer it to be about 7-10 Hours)
@Silly_G ALL of them? The Newcomers would need some outsider series amiibo help for that. But I might start with the Smash 64 Secret Four.
@YoshiAngemon : Obviously not every character is available in amiibo form yet, but there is a non-Smash Chrom amiibo, for example, two existing Isabelle amiibo, Daisy, the Inklings etc., and these can be used in lieu of Smash amiibo.
@RevampedSpider You won't have to, if you happen to have the Daisy amiibo.
Well I'm getting it for Christmas and you know what that means. I'll put in hours making sure Waluigi or Goku aren't secret characters
@Yorumi I get your point. There’s a difference between well-designed difficulty and “fake” difficulty (caused by random luck, frustrating controls, or just lack of proper testing). I don’t think the latter is what they did with the hard challenges in Smash 4 or New Super Mario Bros. U though.
@Ryu_Niiyama To add to that, if you have friends or family round for a social who don't really play games much or at all, and the Switch gets fired up, you don't want to be in a position where your games are so hard only hermits can play them. It allows people who don't have the time to plough into these titles to make some progress.
Nintendo are going for a broader demographic than that dude who never leaves his house. They want to make their games accessible to everyone.
I guess we get a 3-way unlock again: Unlock through Vs., Unlock through World of Light and unlock through special means (e.g. walk 500km).
I always thought a fast unlock through Vs. is a good compromise. Sure you want a challenge, but when you're at a friend's who doesn't put time into the game you don't wanna be forced to play with Kirby.
For this reason, I could never play Funky in MKWii at a friend's, because he was too hard to unlock.
@WiltonRoots I always thought that was the point of gaming. After all it is just play; something we have been doing since we could form coherent thoughts (and maybe before). Nothing special or elite about it. Even if others want to pretend it is.
@Yasume That's funny cause your comment sounds like it's from someone younger than 5. You're incredibly ungrateful you know that?
Not to mention, a 5-year-old won't even be able to know how to use a controller properly, let alone know what to do.
@Stocksy Sheesh can you and @Yasume be any more of an ungrateful brat? They take the time to add so many characters and new mechanics and you can't appreciate it because the characters don't take long to unlock. It's people like you that are ruining gaming, not "casualization".
Both of you can just screw off already if you're going to act like this.
@Cobalt Who gave you the right to speak for all gamers and not even call casuals "real" gamers? You're a disgrace to elitists.
And you're incredibly pissed about video games offering easier options. You might as well stick to minesweeper you triggered snowflake.
@Entrr_username you are exactly the sort of person that builds up a game. Decides before playing it that it is the best game ever and they couldn’t do anymore to make it better and then 2 days after release will be moaning. As you get older you will realise that hyping things unrealistically and defending things you haven’t seen or played if foolish. No game I have ever played, and I’ve played 1000s, deserves the hype this game has got. It’s the most hyped game of all time with so many claiming “they couldn’t have done more” before even playing it and throwing insults about if people aren’t as hyped. You are the brat not me.
I’ll make my own mind up when my special edition arrives in the mean time I’ll temper my expectations as it’s been hyped to a point it can’t live up too.
@Entrr_username Thank you your highness...
The Comments Section. A place where insults can be thrown around like Nintendo and Waluigi <sigh>
@Stocksy Sorry but you're still the brat for missing my entire point. You're complaining about single player longevity because it's no longer a challenge to unlock new fighters (which is kind of bs considering, for example, in Melee, you unlocked Mewtwo by playing 20 hours of matches. What a challenge eh?) and decide to ignore all the modes that were talked about previously and then assume this is due to the younger generation (kids and Fortnite is a real original joke huh?)
I find it ironic you're getting on me for getting hyped up on a game I've never even played yet you're being cautious about a game you've never played. And who made you the scientist behind hype? You're just some random commenter like me.
You're like to dislike ratio on your original comment should show how people feel about your thoughts
I like how you unlock them in order of #, but I REALLY want to try the newcomers(COUGH k. rool COUGH), but when I unlock them, there will barely be any left to unlock. I hope you can unlock them by defeating them in WoL, How will you unlock the Miis, though? Will you just have to make one then it'll unlock?
@Stocksy BTW, plenty of other games have been hyped up before to the same level as Smash Ultimate. Quit pretending to be so smart about stuff you clearly don’t understand
@Cobalt Seems like you chose the easy mode for responding to people.
@Entrr_username Seems like I'm smarter than you think...
Have a nice day buddy.
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