Last Friday finally saw the release of Dark Souls: Remastered on Nintendo Switch, arriving on the system after a somewhat lengthy delay which had many fans worried about its eventual quality. Of course, now we've had the chance to play it, it's clear to see that the wait was more than worth it, but the differences between the Switch edition and the recently released remasters on other platforms are rather intriguing.
The folks over at Digital Foundry have put the new Switch port through its dark, deadly paces, comparing the game not only to its PS4 and Xbox One counterparts, but also the original 2011 release on PS3 and Xbox 360. The results show that the Switch version actually has more in common with those original titles than the new remasters, albeit with a variety of touches that perhaps make it the most desirable version overall.
This year's PS4 and Xbox One versions benefit from the expected remaster overhaul, with refined lighting and textures and noticeable improvements in things such as grass animation and bonfire shadow effects. Unfortunately, the Switch version doesn't include these changes, instead being packaged with the same lighting and textures found in the original, last-gen release.
The Switch version does come out on top in other areas, boasting a 1920x1080 resolution while docked and 1280x720 in handheld - both of which outperform the original's 1024x720 resolution - and an improved frame rate for a smoother experience. You can obviously take this version on the go, too, making it a lot more desirable in the eyes of many, and having all of the original textures in place means that the Switch version is actually a more authentic recreation of the original. Naturally, it's up to you whether you want to experience the game as it was in 2011 or with the PS4 and Xbox One's upgraded version.
If you want to see these comparisons be made in excruciating detail, make sure to check out Digital Foundry's video below.
Did you pick up Dark Souls: Remastered on Switch over the weekend? What are your thoughts so far? Let us know with a comment below.
Comments 99
Played this on my train journey to work this morning and already wanted to throw my Switch out of the window
I have forgotten how punishing this game can be lol
It runs great on the Switch so far the only shame is that it has been delayed a few months and now the hype for many people might have passed.
Competition in October is really tough so I doubt that the game will not sell well.
So hardly remastered, more just mastered, but little things like grass and bonfires, what does that matter? Does it change the storyline? Not important in regards to the game.
Well, a lot of games of this gen are similar to last-gen with improved performance and resolution. The leap between DC-PS2-GC-Xbox generation to PS3-Xbox360 was bigger than the next one.
@WiltonRoots what a great article to start the week!
Honestly, the differences are so tiny that when playing, I simply wouldn't notice
(Yes, it's possible that I am just getting old...)
Of course it does. It may be a powerful handheld but it's a relatively weak console.
@tourjeff Yeah unfortunately this does seem to be the case. Most people i know already purchased it on the other two consoles.
I have a friend who's favorite game ever is Dark Souls... He has a Wii U but no Switch... It would have been easy to convince him to get the Switch had the remastered been available when it was meant to be.
The 5 month delay killed this game.
The several months of extra time they had to get it onto the switch makes the dismal quality of the sound that much harder to swallow. There is no excuse for the sound to be so bad and it plays a large part in the overall experience of this game. That and not having the ability to swap the two main action buttons is another oversite that has no reasoning whatsoever. Got to wonder if they'll even bother to patch these issues at this point,which would be such a shame as it surely can't be hard to address these two issues. The sound problem NEEDS to be patched. It sounds awful,how can it be worse than 7 years ago?
@PlayedNSlayed I wouldn't get you're hopes up on a fixable patch
The sound needs to be patched or else I have no reason to buy at full price, if at all.
Graphics I’m okay with suffering a downgrade, even framerate, but since when do we accept such bad sound.
Fix it or give me a good reason.
I am shocked.
From what I saw, people had a mixed reaction the remastered versions visuals on the other systems, so maybe this is actually a good thing for the Switch version in a roundabout way.
What is the complaint regarding the sound? I've been playing all weekend and haven't noticed anything that has detracted from my experience.
@AhabSpampurse The sound has been drastically compressed.To the point of it sounding like an N64 game. Watch the DF video to hear it. The difference against the 7year old original game. There is no excuse for it being worse and ruins the experience. I personally won't be buying it unless they address it
i am probably in the minority here but i don't mind the audio i agree that it is poor quality but it doesn't bother me as i usually don't really notice the audio much when playing this kind of game
@Orpheus79V I too didn't like how it looked on ps4 so wanted to hold off for the Switch version. I prefer the original look and the Switch being a better version of it is more appealing to me but I can't excuse the terrible sound quality so it's a no buy for me unless they actually address it
@PlayedNSlayed huh. It sucks that this has been done but honestly I haven't noticed. Admittedly I haven't played the original enough to make a proper comparison, but it honestly hasn't spoiled the experience for me one bit.
@smithpa01 you're not alone. I didn't even know about the audio issues until this morning, and I've sunk over 15 hours in without even realising or feeling the need to remark on it.
Where are you @Dalarrun ? Who's the troll ? Who's the liar ? LOL
Dalarrun Thu, 6:52pm
It is 1080p docked. Don't take anything Cobalt says seriously, the dude is a known troll.
Cobalt Thu, 7:33pm
@Mrtoad No, the Switch version of DS use the same (not as bad) technique that Xenoblade 2 use... :/
"The Switch in portable mode can also exhibit noticeable frame pacing issues. Portable mode renders at a native resolution of 1280x720. Docked mode uses a dynamic resolution that switches between 1280x720, 1600x900 and 1920x1080."
@Dalarrun : If you don't know that the Switch use a dynamic resolution, too bad for you but it's not trolling, it's just true !
It's not 1080p from A to Z like you kind of said...
Dalarrun Fri, 7:29am
1080p docked, 720p handheld. Don't drink Cobalt's kool-aid.
goggles789 Fri, 7:38am
I, like Cobalt, think for myself, and research. I'm just confirming what he is saying. That the game dynamically switches between 720p, 900p and 1080p, depending the workload of the system.
Cobalt Fri, 9:36am
You're absolutely right ! ^^
Now, you'll be treated like a troll only because you point true facts, so be careful dude.
It's just insane how some people can't just admit the reality when it's about their favorite brand, I never understood that.
I think the total opposite way, like I absolutely LOVE Xenoblade Chronicles X but I refuse to forget how the mixing between musics and dialogue is poorly executed.
I think there are a lot of young people here and it could explain why they are so capricious sometimes.
What is wrong to just talk about factual elements ?
To conclude, my personal thought is simple :
Dark Souls Remaster on Switch is a great thing because Ninty players can experience the game for the first time on their system.
Technically, the game can't handle 1080p/4K like the other versions but use a dynamic resolution from 720p to 900p to 1080p.
The same for the framerate, the Switch version can't support 60fps constant but 30fps with hiccups when it's too busy on screen.
Some effects are not present on the Switch version because that's too heavy to handle.
The sound FX and musics are downsampled to 22 kHz to fit a smaller cartridge size compare to the bigger size of a Bluray disc.
So, the Switch version for me is a "in between version", I mean the PS4/ONE/PC get a remaster and the Switch get "the missing link" in between the PS3/360 version and the PS4/ONE/PC one.
With all that said, I think the game deserve an honest 6/10 for the people who play "docked only" and a 7/10 for the people who play "handheld mode".
Play the game once with boss music, with headphones on or docked to your audio system. It is gruesome. They went from 48khz to 16khz.
So, basically, the Switch is a handheld/hybrid PS3 Pro. Honestly, this is fine by me. Nobody seriously believes the Switch is ever going to match the performance of the current PlayBoxes, and to rag on it for falling short simply misses the point. Just tripped the cellophane off my copy of Dark Souls and can't wait to get stuck in during my next plane ride!
I'm just here, still waiting for my copy to show up.
They should have just called it “Dark Souls: Ported Edition.”
did they fix the controls yet? I couldn't handle it in the beta.
As usual, Super_Metal_Dave_64 has exactly the same vision and feeling as me. He explains better than me what is Dark Souls on Switch... ^^
To be fair, it’s really fun to be able to play comfortably in bed. I realize that the game is coming with some sacrifices, such as the lava and fire-breathing textures that look like pizza, but it’s a shame that the original review didn’t exactly address those things. It is nice to see a follow up article, but sometimes it feels like the reviewers on this site have trouble looking beyond their own excitement.
@NOOGA Just started my second character, and my only gripe with the controls is that the JoyCons are far too small, with the buttons placed too closely together. What issues were you having with the beta?
@goggles789 that A and B are reversed. Ive played Dark Souls for YEARS and am used to the button placement on Xbox, which is the same as the Switch beta, but when I get a Nintendo controller in my hand I can't wrap my head around the button placement for some reason. Like, I know to select something on Xbox A is what I would hit but I end up hitting A on the Nintendo controller and exiting the menu. Hopefully this was understandable lol
A few people owe @Cobalt an apology. 😬
I bet they won't show their faces in this thread though 😂
Great video Digital Foundry is always good.👍
@Cobalt yah, Dave is the guy that is advertising the next switch revision as more powerful than normal PS4 and that has been always very critical of a Nintendo that does not go all way with a powerful console (nothing against him as sometimes have DM chats with him but I think he is not the public for the switch) can also play it at a bus stop, work, football game, while waiting for your pizza, in a dentist waiting room......all of these opportunities you can't do on the other systems.
Another Switch game with heavily compressed audio. I can't understand why some people say that audio is not important.
@NOOGA I would imagine not. I have it, and I've got a return setup on mine. I can't keep a game like this that has a poor camera and control setup where it gets you killed more than the strikes of the enemy. I found the game utterly infuriating when the setup and not the enemies are why you get killed. Bad design. I get why people love the look of it and talk about how hard it is, but should something be valued for being hard because the camera and controls are less than excellent? I was hoping for hard with solid gameplay like old Ghosts n Goblins type stuff, not hard because bad or questionable design screwups with the mechanics of it.
@NintenGuy @Cobalt They say nasty things to other members but they never admit that they are wrong or say I'm sorry. They just pretend to not be reading this.
@VmprHntrD Dark Souls is in my top 5 franchises of all time. My issue is my brain not being able to get past the controller layout on Nintendo. The layout is the same as the other consoles so that's essentially on me. I've never found an aspect of this series anywhere close to "bad design". There is very little jank in any of them. If you die its on you and not the game, at least 99% of the time anyway. The first Dark Souls game you play will definitely be the hardest but once you understand the gameplay it gets A LOT easier. Plus the lore is out-freaking-standing.
@Medic_alert my only issue had been not being able to switch A and B around for menus. Other than that the beta felt like the same old Dark Souls I have been playing for years.
@NOOGA I think we'll have to agree to disagree on that. I'm finding where the control and camera just don't behave. It's able to be dealt with in a more open paced space against random grunts about in the earlier areas of the game like the graveyard or below. But when you're up on a boss or something much larger in size than you you seem to put more time in trying to reposition the camera mixing with (or not) the lock on feature to keep an eye out to not get destroyed in a hit or two than actually battling the enemy. I don't consider that good design, and as you said, the controls are strange to wrap yourself around as they're backwards (even if you've never played one before it feels backwards.)
I have you ignored @Cobalt, only saw your message because I cleared my history and wasn't logged in. Expecting you to read an article is too much, it clearly says 1080p docked. Don't bother replying, I won't be able to read it.
Anyway I just made it to Sen's Fortress, and I'm having a blast. DS1 is one of my favorite games of all time, and being able to play it wherever I want makes the Switch version my favorite, even more than the Prepare to Die edition on PC. The new lighting/texture effects actually make the remaster look worse on other versions (though some of the new spell effects are cool). The Switch version is a big improvement over the original and that's enough for me.
Also, one of the best games of all time does not have a score of 7/10. Once again, the delusion is strong with Cobalt.
You know that you can adjust the camera sensitivity and you can always snap the camera back to face your front with the press of a button right? That mixed with the lock on, I don't see how you're having that much difficulty with controlling the camera.
Aside from shadows around the camp fires and other pointless graphical fixes, what is so special about PS4/x1? Nothing. I can have it portable and its a better version then I played on PS3, switch version every time. It was hard to wait since I could have got it on PS4 months ago, but having it portable on our 3 switches means my fav game of last gen I can play with 2 of my kids who watched me play years ago. Last night we all took down the gaping dragon, sitting in couch together, while wife watched tv. Gaming doesn’t get much better imo.
The textures and lighting aren't improvements on other versions, they make the game look way too clean and it takes away from the game's atmosphere.
I for one wish we’d get more ‘last-gen’ ports on the Switch. SSX? Yes please.
I would LOVE an SSX port! My man!
I played it a lot this weekend. I'd say this video really hits the nail on the head. The audio does sound bad, and I actually disagree about the Switch's speakers sounding ok with it. It just sounds so off with the console speakers and not just headphones. And while I can appreciate From Software's adherence to keep this as close to the original game as possible, an option to button swap the confirm and back buttons would have been greatly appreciated. Maybe they'll patch it.
Other than that, my playthroughs have been pretty good, well, except for dying constantly lol. Not a home run, but definitely a solid port.
Truth is I'm having multiple problems with the game.
Take for instance pyromancer. I have fireball, and I got the pickup that allows you to arm it the pyromancie flame. But, the game will not allow it to throw any fire when playing. I can arm the flame on the hand and switch to it, and all it will allow me to do is close range beat on someone with fire damage that multiplies by the hit. But the game in the equip area will not allow me to highlight fireball (puts circle marker on it) and allow me to leave the menu so I can't toss fire. The game seemingly just has some strange issues, and in other cases I think it's the crap society in gaming these days where manuals aren't made anymore to clarify things either.
I also picked up the free chest talisman, then paid for the 4000 Heal spell too, and it won't even let me equip that thing after buying it which sucked so I can't heal myself outside of the flasks. I couldn't figure out why that even is a thing if you can buy it, and it says use a talisman so I got that, it still won't work. It's just very strange that you make a requirement, then move the goalpost after meeting it.
@VmprHntrD I haven't used lock on in the series in a really, really long time but I never remember having any issues with it. I just don't need it so I don't use it.
On your last note, I would actually argue that when Dark Souls released, it was refreshing that a game didn't hit you over the head with tutorial after tutorial. I know Dark Souls isn't for everyone, but their design was intentional.
As for the Pyro flame, try attuning your spell at a bonfire and press LB to attack with spells.
@VmprHntrD I would also like to add that I HATED this game at first. I found the combat clunky and awful but once I finally beat the Gargoyles something just clicked and I fell in love with all of it.
What NOOGA said. My first time with the game was on my brother's Xbox 360 and I couldn't wrap my head around it and disregarded or for a few years. I later bought the PTD edition on Steam and kept my patience with it, and loved it. I recommend reading a few beginner guides, don't be afraid to consult Gamefaqs/Reddit if you have any questions. If you can stick with it, I promise you the game will reward you. The satisfaction of getting down the combat and getting your butt kicked a few times by a boss, only to dominate him on your fourth run, it's pretty unmatched.
To both of you. i tried to attune it and I think it did, but for whatever reason it will not let me use the fireball despite having it set to the top spot of those 4 squares you place stuff on the left hand of the GUI. When I dumped my save last night I had the morning star/flame on one, the shield/talisman on the other (which had an X.) Flasks below, fireball on top, and the fireball wouldn't work nor would heal which seemed like a huge waste.
Look I loathe stupid tutorials in games, they drag out, but I think in some games if you're too cheap to print a manual, something should be done other than making confusing looping menus and roadblocks that keep moving the goal post.
I had gone below a bit up to the start of that little bridge over the water and got some souls, up top I went up into the graveyard until getting trapped/killed by some pop up skeletons in my way (3rd set) in there. I also got into that city scape and went around a bit collecting items/souls and kills in there. I know I probably saw like 5% of the game, seems fairly large, but it's also pretty confusing too with zero direction and things not working that seem like they should. At this rate I'm pretty strongly turned off by it, as nooga put it, hating it, for a list of reasons I've given. I don't even find the game all that hard in that space, but just infuriatingly confusing and well camera/control I said you seem all used to.
Some stuff I can never get my head around, like I can't play Resident Evil games because of crappy tank control and stuck cameras along with obtuse clues and the limited resources - yet when they fixed it in RE Revelations, that was more interesting to me. Maybe this game just falls into the wooden RE valley for me.
I never played the original but the graphics, scenery, etc is some of the best I've seen on the switch thus far. I dont see much of an issue with the frame rate, resolution, or audio like other people have mentioned. My only problem is how hard this game is! Nothing beats replaying the same scene 50 to 60 times because you keep dying. I hope as I level up the game gets a little easier. Who knows maybe it's just me and im not good at the game never playing the souls games before. Either way, I often find myself wanting to quit.
@Medic_alert Thing is, you don’t have to do a side by side. You can tell just by playing for yourself. Graphically, it’s fine, but the audio needs a lot of work, especially on headphones. It really sounds terrible in certain areas. Hopefully they fix it up in an upcoming patch!
Yeah, the thing is that you can pretty much go anywhere once you get to Firelink Shrine, but some places are much harder than others. That graveyard you went to, you absolutely shouldn't go there yet. It leads to the Catacombs and the tomb of the Kings and its way too hard for you right now.
As for the flame again, make sure you have the glove equipped and the flame on the slot, then press LB or RB, depending on which hand you have the glove equipped to.
Don't feel bad if you can't get into the game, I can totally understand that and it doesn't mean you're a casual or anything. Everything in the game is vague, the story, the mechanics, the stats, etc. It was all designed like that intentionally though and people like me love it. As I get older I get more tired of tutorials and story cutscenes every five minutes in these modern games.
@nintendobynature Focus on upgrading your weapons. Leveling up is good, but in Dark Souls improving weapons through reinforcement is waaaaaay more beneficial. Just remember to take the game in short bursts to avoid burning out!
@nintendobynature Like I mentioned before, don't feel bad to consult a couple of beginner guides. If you feel like an area is too difficult for you, try another path. For first time players I would recommend
Firelink Shrine > Undead Burg > Undead Parish > Darkroot Basin/Garden > Sewers/Depths > Blighttown > Sen's Fortress, which is where I am currently.
If you feel like you don't have enough Estus Flasks, make sure you use Humanity to reverse hollowing and kindle your bonfires, you'll get ten flasks instead of five each reset. You'll also be able to upgrade them so you'll get more health from each one by giving a Fire Keeper Soul to the mute girl down the stairs in Firelink Shrine.
Most of the humanoid enemies in the game (such as the undead soldiers in undead burg/parish) can be easily backstabbed and killed in one hit. Just circle strafe them with lock on, and hit RB when their back is to you. Even if you're fighting multiple enemies, the backstab animation gives you a window of invincibility and you can just turn to the next guy and backstab him, too. If you parry an enemy's attack at just the right moment with A while a shield is equipped, you'll stun the enemy and you can punish them. Press X and you'll go from one hand mode to two hand with your weapons, which is good for bigger enemies/bosses.
@VmprHntrD This is a great resource, as it explains in detail how to equip and use magic, as well as offer advanced tactics and walkthroughs. Good luck. Dark Souls is obscure on purpose.
@VmprHntrD When the circle is on your spell, it means it is equipped. You need to push left button to cast. If you push left trigger, you just punch with the pyro flame.
How many concessions are acceptable for Switch ports? We have to ask ourselves this question.
It's not the prettiest game in the world on any platform. While obviously better looking compared to the Miecraft-like textures, the feel reminds me of Quake 1 more than anything. That's both good and bad. But for DS1, the gain of potable play really outweighs the graphics hit on a kind of average PS3-looking game to begin with.
The bigger comparison will be when the (confirmed I believe?) sequels arrive. Those are much better looking games overall, graphically, and we'll see how much hit they take on Switch.
I do still wonder why they waited 5 months until it was up against the biggest heavy hitters in 3 years and managed not to clean up the sound issues, and worse, not support cloud saves for a game that has no reason to not support cloud saves.
@Medic_alert I’ve played Dark Souls for 1,500 hours on Steam, and have a personal best speedrun at 47 minutes, so I do have an intimate knowledge of the game, lol! But, you’ll hear the sound stuff when you are in a few mid game areas. You’ll hear a noticeable drop in fidelity compared to sound that’s already in the game. It’s actually pretty painful on headphones.
@goggles789 I know that, which is why I couldn't understand why I could circle the fireball in the equipping menu, but then when I'd B or A (whatever it was) to back out, it wouldn't work unless I deselected it which seemed asinine to me.
Also I was using this resource:
@Dalarrun I'm in my early 40s, started out playing games with the NES late in 85. I am fed up with time wasting whether it is dumb tutorials or long winded rambling scripts in games I can read my way through much faster. The thing is I have not huge consistent amounts of time to play as I have a kid, so games that are intentionally obtuse to the point of confusion I find almost impossible to enjoy anymore (not that I ever had a huge tolerance for it) because of the time issue. I want to enjoy myself whether it's a stupid easy or a very hard game, as long as it makes sense and gets to the point without confusing hang ups and time wasting.
If the game still looks and run fine, which this port does, then who cares? Some of you guys talk about the Switch like it isn't a handheld gaming device lmao
@VmprHntrD I was born in 85. Not really relevant but humorous to me.
Anyway, since you're older and vividly remember playing NES games just try to put your mindset back to playing the original Zelda. That's how I see these types of games. No tutorial. No direction. Just go explore, get clues and have fun. I also believe that the original Zelda is a lot harder than the Souls/Borne games.
@Medic_alert I didn't notice any difference and I've played a lot of Dark Souls lol
Don't bother with these guys. They weren't going to buy the game anyway and now they're hanging on to that audio excuse for dear life. Though I don't know why, don't buy a game if you don't want it and move on. As for me, it's pretty hard to notice the difference if you play the audio through the system's speakers/cheap earbuds. Obviously it isn't great but it's far from a deal breaker and I would rather have mediocre sound quality rather than a bad, unstable framerate like the original version.
These guys are just blowing this out of proportion. Most of these kids who spend more time talking about games on the internet than playing them are usually bitter about everything, though.
I hear you. I'd say to give it a little more time, but don't force yourself to play it if you aren't enjoying it. Games are meant to be enjoyed after all!
@Dalarrun I kind of figured that were the case. On the other hand responding in this thread has reminded me how much I love this series so I'll probably end up picking up the game Friday and forcing myself with my personal controller issue. Either that or ill buy a dongle and use my Xbox One controller xD
@goggles789 thanks much appreciated but how do you upgrade your weapons?
@nintendobynature I would recommend looking up a guide for some of the stuff in the game.
@Dalarrun thank you. That's exactly what I'm going to do to see if I'm missing something or just taking the more difficult route for a beginner. I'm on the same route as you're on it looks like, just stuck on undead burg heading into undead parish( boar boss battle portion). I've looked up a few things though and I think I have it figured out at the part im stuck on. I just feel like im cheating myself looking up guides for most games but I think it's warranted for this game.
@NOOGA that's what I'm starting to do now. Thank you!
@Medic_alert thank you ill keep an eye out. Hopefully i didn't pass him already!
I've sunk about ten hours into this having never played it before. I've been using iPhone buds and my hearing most be going with my age as I don't notice any issues with it
Enjoying it but it's kicking my ass but it definitely has that one more go trick to it
Now I'm away to beat Taurus demon (hopefully)
@javman05 use the tower
@Horseface You know, he was just reversing a process. Basically, he put on me what he was doing... lying and trolling.
I think he can't understand that I'm an "old guy" and because of that, I am pessimistic with intelligence, but optimistic by the will... ^^
The only "luck" he has with me, is the fact that I'm not native and I can't write very well my thoughts... but whatever...
He's unmasked now !
@Dalarrun Just an open question. Because it is a hybrid console so concessions have to be made but I believe there should be a standard of quality. Theorycrafting here but what if Red Dead could be played on the Switch but only with dynamic resolution that occasionally drops to 15 fps and requires 100 gb of external memory would that be acceptable? If it meant more third-party games on Switch would we be okay with unstable FPS and early last gen graphics ?
"and having all of the original textures in place means that the Switch version is actually a more authentic recreation of the original. " that's some propaganda spin if I've ever heard it.
@Krull Apart from FIFA and Shenmue 1 & 2, my PS4 hasn't had a look in since the Switch came along. My first Nintendo home console since the NES, and its absolutely been worth waiting for. A brilliant machine. New games that aren't really a mile off the top generation consoles, more than offset by being portable (as someone who travels a lot for work this is huge). Add to that how it's turned into an old school arcade gamers dream and it really is the dogs danglies of a console.
I've been playing this game on and off as a pyromancer gotta say its pretty dam fun especially using it on boss's . Sadly though i did lose to the bull boss on the bridge despite being close to killing him. I would like some help if anyone is willing to give some. Also as for the sound issue it's not as gamebreaking as some point out.
@nintendobynature look for a charming old man named Andre, in the Undead Parish. It’s just after the undead burg, though you’ll have a couple of bosses to fight (or avoid!) before you meet him. Good luck!
@goggles789 thanks again. Cant wait to jump back in tonight and start making some progress.
I skipped this last gen, haven't purchased it on any other platform and my switch version is itching to be played!!! Personally I can't wait 😁
Well yeah, I see what you mean. I definitely wouldn't play Red Dead on Switch if it required 100 GB, I don't even like downloading games that big on my PC. This port isn't like that, though. It actually runs better than the original.
@PlayedNSlayed @Razer
Haven't had any sound problems
At last. A true gamer. You are a gamer that appreciates games for the content and story instead of expecting high end graphics in a hand held console. I love my Switch and am on my second set of joy cons as wore the original out. Well said.
What a stupid example to make. Lol
@Woosh193 Switch is my main console sir. I do not even own the other consoles if that was meant for me. Besides picking and choosing my points you never addressed the crux of my open question of which essential asked what qualifies at a low quality port on the Switch? I merely provided a high profile game example but it could be any port. What makes it a bad port or is it all good as long it runs on the Switch and we should be thankful?
@Dalarrun I see. No harm intended genuinely curious about people's thoughts on port quality to the Switch.
This was not aimed at you I was agreeing!!!!!!
@Woosh193 I wasnt refering to there being sound problems. The point is,that the sound quality is bad when compared to it's 7 year old equivalent. There is no excuse for it when the game itself looks and runs better overall than the 7 year old version. It's another example of game publishers cutting corners when porting games to the Switch to make a quick sale. Blatantly treating Nintendo platforms and gamers as an afterthought all for the sake of squeezing it onto the smallest possible cartridge rather than making it the best it could be. Lets not forget they've had several more months to improve on it too. You can't even swap the menu inputs 😂 even though they're listed but greyed out.It makes no sense. I want to support these third party games on the Switch but third parties aren't giving me the best reasons to when their efforts are seemingly half arsed
Yeah, if the Switch version had the same inferior textures/lighting that the other Remastered versions had, the inferior audio would be a lot more egregious for me. I honestly don't think it sounds THAT much worse if you play it through the Switch speakers, but I did notice a difference when playing the audio through my television/earbuds. I still don't think the audio is detracting enough to not buy the game if you're interested in it, though. It's still such a phenomenal game that I recommend to every gamer.
What's wrong with the audio? Compressed data size, compressed dynamics, unsatisfying surround sound, or something else?
Some games actually do have that kind of thing. Higher resolution textures, or additional dialogue files and so on that you can get for free. On PC though. I honestly don't know about the Nintendo eShop specifically.
Something tells me that they couldn't get the remastered one to run properly so they scrapped it and just uprezzed a port of the original. Now I will probably not buy until its dirt cheap. I wouldn't have time to play it anyhow. At least now I can justify not doing it, well to myself anyway
@BornInNorway81 Compressed to the point it sounds like an N64 game. Not acceptable considering they had several more months to iron out any issues. Its just lazy, especially when compared to the audio of the 7 year old original never mind the recent other remasters. Just seems like a "that'll do" attitude that seems too common when it comes to third parties and Nintendo platforms. Even the simple integration of being able to swap menu inputs is purposefully not active.......just....why?maybe its just another attempt at trolling by FromSoftware. Its just disappointing knowing these two issues should have never been issues in the first place,and i personally think it would be the best console version of Dark Souls seeing as it sticks to the original look of the game which most people prefer. 60fps would've been nice but a consistent 30fps is fine. Got a feeling I'll be getting this as a xmas present so maybe by then they will have patched it hopefully
In my first comment here i made some statements about the sound but actually having played a side by side comparison, it actually isn't that different, especially if you have good quality head phones.
It's actually not such a bad game to be honest. Being able to play portable is a good trade off for waiting for it.
@Frendo Not to be a jerk, but honestly the eshop sales don't mean much. Why? Because you dont know the numbers. As far as we know it could be 1000 copies sold at #1 and the less on the way down.
This whole person you dislike not happening on other sites is bull. There is trolls far worse on other sites, most which cuss up a storm, none of that here. Just ignore him (with the ignore option) and you won't ever see his comments again. Good day.😃
Hahaha yeah, I remember footsteps sounding like printing paper being torn. Absolutely amateur.
@Alantor28 I honestly dont pay much attention. But some of his points are justified. Not really going to try and think of which. I blocked some other jerk that kept talking crap because I refused to agree with him.
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