Nintendo has revealed that yet another Super Smash Bros. Ultimate-themed Nintendo Direct will be taking place on 1st November.
The announcement comes from Nintendo's social media channels (as seen below) and Nintendo also tells us that the presentation will "feature approximately 40 minutes of new information on the game". Super Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai will be hosting the show.
Here are the all-important times for when the presentation will take place (a special Nintendo Treehouse: Live show will be taking place immediately after, too!):
- Europe: 2pm UK / 3pm CET
- North America: 7am PT / 10am ET
Of course, with rumours flying around all over the place at the moment, the internet will no doubt be full of speculation until the big event. We'd urge you to wait for the Direct to see what will or won't be appearing in the game.
Having said that, there's nothing wrong with a bit of friendly speculation! Let us know what you think we'll see (or what you'd like to see) in the comments below.
Comments 197
WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Treehouse live event afterwards too! Amazing
*Dante for Smash.
Nice but why do these smash direct have to happen during working hours
Do rumors of two directs in November probably true then.
Finaaaally. No more news drought!
Maybe some of these horrendous leaks rumours can be put to rest too.
Good thing I do night shifts!
Show me the Grinch
I’m already sold on Smash. But I’ll tune in anyway.
And there is another Direct in November too !
Hypetrain's final stop! My body is ready.
My free time and social life, not so much.
@Grumblevolcano Well we were close. Day of the Dead it is, 1 day before the SSBU bundle releases for $359.
Awww I got a class then
The only reason I'll tolerate assists like Shovel Knight making it in, is
if Banjo and Kazooie are really in the game. And they better have a real cool reveal.
Bit fed up with Smash news, aside from the fact that i cannot muster enough interest in this game no matter how hard i try, I've felt somewhat over loaded with all the Smash hype since E3.
Hopefully rumors of another direct in November might be true though.
Kinda getting bored, JUST GIVE US THE GAME ALREADY!!!
Excited for this Direct - only wish I could be able to watch it live...
Fingers crossed for a demo after the direct & show amiibos for Dark Samus, Pokemon Trainer etc.
Looks like I’m avoiding the internet during school Thursday so I can be surprised and hyped during the Direct!
My prediction was off by one day.
Well thanks for the birthday present, Nintendo!
Thursday morning is the moment of truth for the Grinch Leak. Let's Go boys...
And regardless of whether the leak is true or not, Geno for Smash please!
The destined battle between The Grinch and Minecraft Steve finally reaches its conclusion.
@Bunkerneath Only 38 days left!
The Grinch is my favorite Smash fighter.
In all seriousness ideally that “Spirits” Mode finally gets revealed and hopefully we’ll see the remainder of the roster and finally have that Grinch Leak put to rest.
"Nintendo Treehouse: Live will feature live gameplay of Super #SmashBrosUltimate, #PokemonLetsGo, #YoshisCraftedWorld, and Diablo III: Eternal Edition. #DiabloSwitch"
Yay!! Was looking forward to a Direct soon.
Hopefully the reveal of Spirits Story Mode for some 1p or co-op fun. With all those characters, there is SO MUCH potential. It'd be a shame to limit it to platform-fighting.
I hope the Golden Sun and Waluigi fans get their characters added, too.
Got to play it at MCM this Sunday just gone, and I was rather super thoroughly impressed ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN!!
@RyanSilberman Happy birthday! 🥳 The September Direct was supposed to be the day after my birthday but, as we all know, it got delayed. It was worth the wait!
@ilikeike Super Smash Bros: Let’s Go! Grinch and Let’s Go! Sakurai
It’s happening!
About Bloody Tears time.
2pm awesome. That gives me enough time to watch it and then still have an hour before leaving for work.
Besides spending a lot of time with the single player mode, which is probably called "Spirits" since this takes place on the Day of the Dead, what else are they going to talk about?
Demo after would be nice. NO subscribers only would help with their subscriber numbers I'm sure.
Probably spend a lot of time going over the online since we have to pay to play online now.
New characters? I suppose.
DLC plans. I'm still not convinced everything - characters, stages, modes - will be ready and playable day 1 if ARMS and Splatoon are anything to go by.
More accessories?
amiibo? I'm still waiting on amiibo cards b/c I can't see them remaking all of the originals and it's really not fair for people who never had a Wii U or could never find Wii Fit trainer to get a game that supports 60 amiibo but 50 of them are impossible to find.
More promotion of Friday's Switch bundle.
40 minutes is a long time. Maybe they'll announce SSBU for 3DS.
Or a 99cent 3DS app to use it as a controller for Switch.
Hate when I'm at work during these things!
Thank God i can watch this direct, same time as the previous smash one
This calls for a celebration
wow 40 minuets detailing every single pixel in the bloody game
For all those who think the Grinch will be in smash. NO and i hope he doesnt.People must have misinterpreted another character for the grinch which is why these "Leaks" have spread.
That's a long time just to unveil Shrek and Goku as playable fighters.
@rjejr You know they are reprinting the Smash series amiibo right, and Wii Fit Trainer is one of them XD
Wow! 40 minutes!!! That's awesome!!! I wonder how much more they can cover? And a Treehouse Live afterwards? Whew! Christmas came early!!
It says "It'll last approximately 40 minutes."
NOT 40 minutes NEW information
THE EXCITEMENT IS TOO MUCH ! This game is so close I may die of excitement before its out
@DarkSithDoom @hatch
The Grinch leak is just called that because the leaker showed promotional material for The Grinch along with the Smash stuff for more credibility, he isn't going to be a playable character lmao
Give me a demo, Nintendo. Please. If you won't make Professor Layton a playable character, then just give me a demo.
Welp, that's all of my three big comments made today coming together.
And as @RupeeClock pointed out, I'd be ever-glad to see some Youtube channels finally running out of fake leaks to report, as fake leaks are the bane of every waiting Smash fan's existence: if the new mode and the entire roster get revealed in the Direct, I'll just have to play the waiting game without jumping every time the words "NEW LEAK!!! FOR REAL GUYS, EVEN THOUGH I SAY IN THE VIDEO ITSELF TO TAKE IT WITH A GRAIN OF SALT BECAUSE I LOVE TO CLICKBAIT PEOPLE" pop up in my Youtube recommendation feed.
That said, for my opinions on the leak, look no further.
I am, and so is @LasermasterA.
@GrumbleVolcano @rjejr
You were in the "team Halloween Direct", weren't ya.
@ReaderRagfish Yup, as will I! Sending an email now to other management that I have a 'meeting' scheduled from 10a-11a
Here's hoping they'll really touch on the single player elements, challenges, and stadium.
As for what I'd like to see that seems unlikely; I would be pleasantly surprised with a demo for NSO subscribers. Or Banjo. Or.....Commander Shepard....
I'll take that as a birthday present
I'm beyond hyped, easily the most anticipated game of the year for me and will most likely be my AAA GOTY.
Grinch in Smash confirmed.
Trying to avoid all spoilers still.... I hope they reveal ALL as of yet unrevelealed characters so any current leaks can be put to rest and there's no more spoiler territory regarding characters.
Smash Direct? Forty-minutes long?? In two days??? At a time when I can watch it live!?!?
What timeline is this........
Omg it comes out soon! Show some new games! What more do they have to show with this game?
@RupeeClock Or they may be proved correct
I'm just glad I'm going to find out whether Geno is in or not.
Tell me about it, I've been so fed up with all the arguing that Geno is definitely in, Incineroar is definitely not in, this fuzzy character on this banner photo is probably Mach Rider, etc etc.
I just want actual confirmed, announced details. That's all I want. Who's in is in, who isn't, isn't. This is so late in development that there won't be any changes.
Whether proven true or false, I just want the arguing to stop.
@Skid All I'm saying that as much of a long shot as both would be, I'd rather have a Mallow assist trophy than a playable Geno.... >.<
@Arnold-Kage it's holiday pal!
All I need in Smash is
Bowser, Wario, 1v1 For Glory online and plenty of stages. As far as I'm aware I've got those so I'm happy.
It would be nice to have a new single player campaign though, something along the lines of the one in Brawl, but one that's actually really good.
Me too. I want the speculation to be put out of its misery.
I never thought that, in a game that finally has no speculation about who would return from previous games and who would be cut, the same "labour pains" would still pop up. And lo and behold, the leaks went out of their way to prove me wrong.
Just 48 hours remain. All will be over by then.

I have the feeling that I’ve alfrasy played the game with so much news on it
"But but but we already know everything!"
People said that last time and they unleashed tons of unknown info.
@NESlover85 The remaining modes, items, assist trophies and characters?
I think that Banjo & Kazooie and Geno have a real good shot of being in the game.
@AlexSora89 Kind of, my prediction was November 1st at the very latest because of stuff like Nintendo's Q2 results and the hardware bundle though I thought October 16th/18th/23rd/25th were more likely. Was starting to lean towards mid-November given how close to November 1st we are but it turned out to be November 1st.
It would make my day if they announced a character from Chrono Tigger! That really all I want from the direct
I guess we'll see if those leaks were real.
If I'm not getting Shantae, though, I at least want to see what the secret mode looks like.
@Razer I would not be surprised ooof the other direct was for announcements like Dragon Quest Builders 2 coming west in 2019. It's recently been revealed that the game is indeed coming west and both its localization and publishing will be directly handled by Nintendo (which mean the PS4 version might be exclusive to Japan).
That sounds like it could be material for another Direct, especially if other games are included in said second directs.
I could see it, really.
One Direct focused on Smash(the holidays release of 2018, like how a lot of directs focused on Xenoblade Chronicles 2 prior to its holidays release in 2017).
Then another for all the announcements and medium-grade reveals.
Tuning in fo shizzle
40 mins.?? What else is there too talk about? Online? Another character/stage or two? Goodness!
The first ten minutes will be Sakurai silently eating green eggs and ham while staring at the camera
@Syrek24 I agree with you in some ways but Smash has always included a few legacy characters from dormant franchises in each game.
Nice. It's on one of my days off from work. Just have to set a reminder that it's happening.
@JamesJose7 congrats james jose!
SSB. Yawn.
@AlexSora89 "You were in the "team Halloween Direct", weren't ya."
We were discussing it a couple of weeks ago in this article about SSBU.
"they really need to have a SSBU Mini ND Oct 29th or 30th ahead of that bundle and Halloween for Spirits. I'll be impressed if it is Spirits and Ntinedo has been waiting until close to Halloween to show that,... But I'm expecting 29th or 30th now."
I was off by 2 or 3 days. And I spelled @Grumblevolcano name wrong before so don't be surprised if he doesn't reply.
I imagine we’ll get the rest of the cast in this, save for possibly one more surprise reveal before launch.
@DawgP You know. I'd like to have both. Mallow as a healing/lightning attacker assist trophy and a playable Geno.
WALUIGI!!!!! I knew.
Rex and Pyra/Mythra please. After my newfound love with XC2, this would be the icing on the cake.
@Syrek24 Amen. I love Mario RPG, but Geno is so inconsequential to the Mario universe and even less to Nintendo in general. There’s no good reason to include him in a legacy fighting game.
@Syrek24 exactly, I understand why people were happy about some of the characters in the leak, but I'm hoping that leak was fake as well.
@Knuckles-Fajita "You know they are reprinting the Smash series amiibo right"
All of them? Where are they even going to sell them now that Toys R US is out of business, the UK online only store? The only articles Google can find are about the release dates for the reprints in Japan. Have you see them listed anywhere in the West for sale? They can make and sell all they want in Japan, but if they don't release in the West that hardly counts.
Wow, 40 minutes is more than I would have expected. Looking forward to it.
Been waiting for this! Hopefully we see the final roster this time around. Though I'm sure the rest of the 40 minutes will be dedicated to single player content. Either way, this is the final direct for the game so it's going to be a blowout.
@rex_rex thanks!
I wonder how much of the ND will be spent with Sakuria trying his hardest to convince us this is an all new SSB and not a Wii U and 3DS port?
We should all take a shot every time he uses the word "new".
For the record, I believe him, it's a "new" game, but I think they'll still spend at least another 5 minutes explaining how it's new and not a port for the 5mil Wii U game owners and 9mil 3DS game owners.
Say what you want about poor Wii U sales but SSB4 sold well on there even after selling 9m copies on 3DS which released months before.
@Angelic_Lapras_King They're likely a little too new to be in the base game considering that the final roster was decided quite a while before Xenoblade 2 came out, but they're my most wanted DLC character. And Sakurai loved that game so I think they're almost a shoe in.
I hope this direct is going to address the rowdy west and their email abuse at the devs.
That aside, it would be nice to have all the character reveals done.
I can't wait to learn more info!!!😃🤯🙌
All hail the Grinch baby.
@Syrek24 Banjo-Kazooie would be a really solid addition to the roster, in fairness.
Besides, it's not like some of the characters currently on the roster aren't already pretty obscure.
I also hope the leak is wrong, though.
So... In the case the super Grinch leak is totally fake and none of those guys got in the game, what character could be left to announce??
Wow. Secret Mode is here.
A proper single player mode PLEASE. Not that I haven't pre-ordered this game ages ago, though.
I mean, it's not like my business lecture at 2pm is really THAT important towards my software engineering degree. Not more important than Smash anyway.
Please let Shadow the Hedgehog be an Echo Fighter... Please let Shadow the Hedgehog be an Echo Fighter... Prays silently
Preordered this awhile back. Can’t wait!! I’m guessing they’ll introduce the secret single player mode as well as officially release the last of the character roster
Wow, showing off your powers of deduction there Sherlock @rjejr
Let's hope Mother Nature will be kind to our Japanese brethren, lest she strike them down with furious quakes and thunder.
@Syrek24 Honestly, I just want more Xenoblade representation period. Music, stages, maybe an X or 2 assist trophy. The series has grown significantly since Smash 4 and I'd like to see Ultimate reflect that.
Gonna miss it. Working hours. Would be nice to find out more about the cellulite on Wii fits backside
I need Golden Sun's Isaac on my smash.
@nessisonett That's Mr. Holmes to you.
Sooooooo sick of Smash Bros.
@IceClimbers That legit made me laugh out loud. Congrats on doing that. XD
This is probabaly the first direct in a long time I wont tune in for. I'm buying it either way at this point but the directs for smash are starting to become a bit of overkill for me.
@Klunk23 @Syrek24 Maybe, but it could still be possible that XC2 was in development during Ultimate's development and there was a placeholder for a "XC2 character" so Shalk wouldnt be the only Xenoblade representation.
A very small chance I know, but so far the characters announced have been much demanded ones. Just hoping its balanced a little with some fresh Switch era blood as well as wanting Rex and Pyra purely as XC2 is my new fav game of all time.
Look's like able to play DEMO VERSION.
40 minutes for talking about Smash Bros Only ?!
Nah !
I will not watch it.
I will wait for other Nintendo Switch games on another Direct.
Only thing I'm worried about is a significant portion of Smash Twitter/youtube imploding, if the Grinch leak turns out to be fake. I'll have to avoid Smash discussions for awhile, if that happens. Lol
@Teksetter waluigi is already an assist trophy, they wouldn’t have someone be both!
@Arnold-Kage So I have something more interesting to do during working hours I'm lucky enough to be able to listen to the direct at work. I have to imagine the pictures though which can suck as a big reveal will probably be cinematic.
This just brightened my day. Thanks for the update. Fingers crossed for Shadow the Hedgehog and a story mode.
People are going to say to the person that leaked the potential banner after watching the Direct, "I found you, faker!" I haven't played SA2, please don't chuck a Chaos spear into me.
ISAAC HYPE!!!!!!!!!!
This is it guys: If they don't show proper single-player content, there isn't any!
Sweet. I'll be at work then so I guess I'll catch it when I get home.
What a stupid time. Must be half term.
@hatch where have you been mate
Not in the netherlands.
Can't watch but have to wait for two more hours before I can know what happened
Yes, I know Waluigi's been relegated to assist trophy status, and it's extremely improbable they would reverse course and make him playable, but one can hope!
It just doesn't seem right having evil Mario but not evil Luigi. I guess I've watched too much anime, too - like the Time Bokan shows or Nadia where the comical baddies come in twos (a stocky one and a tall lanky one). Of course, they're led by a cunning yet comical mistress, though. Maybe that's why people clamored for Bowsette so much? 😄
Yeah, wasn't the last regular Direct like 35 minutes? To have a 40 minute one just for Smash seems rather disproportionate.
@Teksetter the time between when they showed him as a returning assist trophy has not been enough to add any new characters. The roster was likely already set by E3 and within a couple months afterwards they likely finished adding any that were not fully implemented. Leaving time for tests and bug fixing (which is a lengthy process) before getting a copy ready for ESRB (and other country’s equivalents) and beginning production. From that moment we saw the assist trophy, it was already too late, let along when the movement started picking up. Sorry, just stating the facts. He could always be DLC (though that might be weird still because they won’t remove the assist trophy at that point and so there would be an assist trophy AND a character).
Also, aside from a small online presence (that is mostly people trolling with memes, sorta like Bowsette), there’s not much reason to add Waluigi, less than most of the obscure characters being asked for. Waluigi has only been added to sports/party/racing games to pad out the roster. He’s never had any plot significance in anything other than Mario Party 3’s story (which wasn’t much of a story), unlike Wario who has quite a few games of his own. Peach already used the sport spinoffs for some of her attacks (which is the best resource Waluigi could draw from, not that Sakurai has ever had problems completely making up a moveset)... there’s likely hundreds of Nintendo characters that would make more sense than him, the only reason to add him is the people complaining he should be added and it’s a small vocal minority. He’s lucky to be an assist trophy, because again there’s many characters deserving representation more, even as assist trophies. He’s roster padding and Smash doesn’t need that.
But once again, purely from a logical standpoint... they haven’t had enough time to add him as playable after he was shown as an assist trophy, they’ve been doing the finishing touches on the game to ship it on time. The roster was already decided by then.
How about any other game??? 🤦🏼♂️
My body is READY!
Looks like we'll get all the info we want but don't need, here. But yeah... it'd be great anyway.
@iammikegaines there is a rumored second Direct coming in November.
WOOHOO in France it's public holiday this day
Can't wait for 40 minutes of pure pleasure
I know people are asking for a demo but... I hope not. It’s only like 5 weeks until release. Demos make it easy to datamine everything from the game (because of the nature of game design, it takes a lot of time and work to scrub everything spoilery from a demo and it’s never a sure thing, they’d likely have to use the E3 demo because they wouldn’t have time to build a new one and I’m sure that has details to datamine out). If there’s any surprises left in the game at launch, I’d rather they be left for everyone to discover then, and I’m sure that’d make Sakurai happier. We only have to wait a few more weeks, guys, it’s almost here!
@Spectra No, because that's not how any of this works. If Smash didn't exists then there wouldn't be a direct this week at all. If Smash had been relegated to a shorter time at e3 then the direct would have mearly been shorter. Smash isn't taking any time away from other games. Nintendo doesn't have a limit on how long a direct is or how many there can be. Many people who are excited for Smash want more information. I understand if Smash isn't your thing but stop trying to take away from other's excitement just because you don't care. This has quite literally no actual effect on you.
Smash Direct: determined to reveal all and provide no surprises when the game actually launches
@Cobalt I'm going to assume that rumor is true now that this one literally takes place at the start of the month
Please just announce story mode and don't show any of it and ruin the entire game ahem Odyssey
They'll announce that Smash has been delayed due to quality control, with the rest of the video filled with apologies from the top of Nintendo.
But seriously, I'm hoping for that one reveal I've been waiting for all this time: Story mode! I have a feeling some of the character reveal videos are related to that and the story as a whole. Hopefully they won't reveal to much about the story if they're going to talk about that though.
Other things I'd like to see:
stage builder. Hopefully we'll see another "basketball" stage build. Of course, I expect to see new features.
Trophy Rush/Coin Launcher. I preferred Coin Launcher, but both were fun. I wouldn't be surprised to see some trophy hunting mini game.
Event Match. Completed the one on Wii, but not Wii U, but I enjoy these challenges a lot.
Break the targets. I'd really like to see the old style running around trying to break the targets, as opposed to target blast.
Please oh please let there be a story mode like brawl with cutscenes where the characters interact with each other.
40 minutes seems excessive. Is it just me but I would be happy with 5 minutes saying look at our new fighters, we’ve got some new stages and here’s a couple and there is a story mode? 5 minutes! BOSH! I want some element of surprise. I like my games info short and punchy. Tell me x, y and z and then a brief clip.
This gives me enough time to play Super Mario R.P.G. to find Geno an understand the following behind him.
@ShadJV, thank you for the in-depth explanation! I didn't remember exactly when they revealed him as an assist trophy. I'm sure you're right about Waru-Luigi's chances given the logistics of game development and what's known at this point.
I'm an old gamer at this point, not personally invested in Waluigi or the Smash roster in general really - we're spoilt already!
But Id say it is best to frame blanket statements like "there are likely hundreds of other Nintendo characters more worthy than Waluigi," as an "I" statement (I think, I believe, etc) due to how subjective people's chara preferences are. Waluigi's got a Snively Whiplash vibe going for him, he's building his resume, and I doubt he'll be exiled from the Marioverse anytime soon.
@Enigk Might be worth waiting for the cliffnotes version from a youtuber or blogger then. We both know Sakurai loves to explain things in detail. Not to mention, character reveals and story announcements aren't the only thing he could be going over.
Bout friggin' time. Getting hyped!
About time we got a fighter from Advance Wars, maybe Max or Andy!
@Regpuppy that is exactly what I want. If people want to see a load of gameplay and features surely that is what the Treehouse is for. Imagine if they did this for upcoming movies. Dissecting and explaining all the characters and stuff. Takes the fun out of it. If you’re still on the fence about it with all the info so far I can’t imagine another 40 minutes is going to get you off it. I am not on the fence. I was in as soon as it was announced and the number of characters moved me right into “hurry up and let me pre-order now” territory.
All aboard the hype train! 40 minites? This will be good.
@Teksetter nah, I mean subjectively there’s characters that belong in the game before Waluigi. Smash is basically a celebration of the history of Nintendo. Relevancy is always one of the biggest factors for including a character along with legacy. The only relevancy Waluigi possesses is memes - he’s not had a role outside of spinoff games (where, once again, he’s roster padding) and has hardly been given any personality at this point. They day he’s in a mainline or plot heavy game is the day he has a chance for Smash. At this point, a regular koopa or boo has more relevancy than him, which is used as roster padding (just like him) AND has appeared in mainline games (I don’t think we’ll ever get a regular koopa as a character, just making a point). It’d be subjective for me to say he wouldn’t be a good character, and subjectively one can argue he deserves a spot because they like him as a character. But objectively when you look at the reasons characters are picked for the game? He doesn’t fit any of those reasons, they’ve never added a character simply due to vocal minorities online.
Third party characters who have been added are all main characters of popular franchises. First party characters all are notably relevant to Nintendo’s history or promoting recent games. They’ve never resorted to a character who hasn’t been in a mainline entry to their series; even Daisy was from Super Mario Land. Once again, if Waluigi appears in a mainline Mario game, he’ll have a shot. But objectively? There is no reason to include him outside of memes. And they’ve yet to include a character purely for such a reason.
Definitely looking forward to it. Guess we will see if this leaked roster is fake or real.
Alm and clicia from echeoes please
At this point I just want a demo
@Enigk I don't see the problem here. I get it that YOU don't need, or want, to see a long direct. But that doesn't mean Nintendo shouldn't have them, because there are a lot of people who do like watching the directs. If you don't want to watch it, don't. The new info is posted on the site immediately after the direct and every gaming news site will have their own list of things as well.
Also, the movie comparison is a poor one. Movies are entirely focused on the story, and are a passive experience. Games like Smash are focused on actually playing the game, and are interactive in nature. They are different on a fundamental level.
My prediction for the green mode:
It’s an open world adventure style story mode with coop or vs capabilities similar to Smash run / Kirby and the Amazing mirror.
You can join in your friends story hints the fact 32 players can play online and the blurred menu icon.
@Razer I have little interest in Smash also. I will get it as I have an absurdly cheap pre order on the game. It's gone up in price quite a bit since. Because of that I will get it and see.... For me it seems like a title to have in the collection, a must have regardless. I put around 5 hours into the Wii U version. I will try to put 10 into this.
This had better be focused on a major single player mode (Spirits, Subspace Emissary 2, etc.) as outside of character reveals, they've pretty much said everything they need to say about Multiplayer.
@Regpuppy Fair enough. I just get bored quickly and like surprises. The movie comparison wasn’t great but just to me feels like watching a documentary about something before the main event. I’m old school and like my ads short and sweet. That’s just my opinion.
Waluigi becomes DLC.
@Enigk This is fair too, and I respect your opinion. Just keep in mind that others don't necessarily think the same. Especially the competitive community, who are salivating at the thought of new character info to theorycraft with before launch.
Like almost every live Nintendo event, I will not be able to watch it live. I will be driving home from class then. I guess I can let it stream while I'm in the car but obviously I'll only be listening.
My hopes are for some solid single-player content, awesome collectibles, functional online, and more characters (specifically Banjo and Geno). Hopefully that Spirits mode is legit and the mission mode returns. I want to see a ton of new trophies to collect and an online mode with consistently stable connections and more competitive ranking systems. Imagine if you got placed in divisions like Silver, Gold, and Platinum as with games such as League of Legends or Overwatch. Fingers crossed!
Why ONLY Smash? I like Smash, and so do most people, but there are those of us who'd like to hear about other stuff too!
@Arnold-Kage Why do they need to keep happening?
(Drunkenly cries to self while continuously wishing for Bren McGuire)
We're all buying it anyway. Just come out already. I don't need to hear another thing about this game.
Your Waluigi points are certainly all valid and well stated! Honestly I've never encountered Waluigi outside of Mario Kart, though I'd get the latest Mario Tennis game if I had the time and cash.
Even if the anti-Luigi has never been more than a supporting gag chara, he seems to be a fairly regular presence. Maybe someday he'll get his crack at the big time. Time will tell...
Either way, I'm sincerely looking forward to Smash, such a huge legacy game!
Goodness sakes!
@Angelic_Lapras_King I feel that if they wanted another Xenoblade character to go alongside Shulk at launch, they'd use XCX (e.g. Elma) and then Rex & Pyra end up as DLC for the XC2 representation. I think we'll at least get more music and trophies for the Xenoblade franchise than Smash 4. Stuff like Uncontrollable, Counterattack, Roaming the Wastes, Torna Battle Theme.
Because it's something Isaac-oming a mile away!
He did. I'm just replying in a multi-post manner because notifications are easier to deal with this way.
40 minutes of "NEW" information?
Those guys are creating THE hype. Let's see how it goes
Now that the date was correctly guessed, here's hoping the leak LaxChris reported was not merely correct about the date alone, but then again, given LaxChris' track record ("take this with a grain of salt, I talk about this leak just for fun" - every LC video ever) and the fact he usually reports 4chan leaks, this will hardly be the case. Which would be a shame given the leak in question allegedly reported some ridiculously good stuff in it.
Unsurprisingly, and much to @RupeeClock's chagrin, LaxChris did not miss the occasion to say he cried wolf with good reason for once - he's having a field day with not one, but two follow-up videos.
@AlexSora89 I've learned not to believe leaks based on dates alone. Because, everyday, there are a lot of people guessing a Nintendo direct will happen "next week" and they're eventually going to get it right... It's just odds. Lol
I would expect at least a few character reveals and finally the reveal of the Spirit Mode or Adventure Mode that they had been hinting. If there's no single player mode like those coming then this will end up like Smash 4, it'll just be like a Madden game where the only difference is the roster and that'll be disappointing.
Precisely. But the stuff that was lea--er, posted was just too good. Here's hoping we'll be blown away by the Direct regardless of preconceptions.
(Spoiler: we will.)
@AlexSora89 With 40 minutes of new information, I can't even fathom what Sakurai has in store for us. I'm actively having to control my hype, and I'm even not sold on the Grinch leak.
Ok, maybe the last direct about Smash before of its lauch, then many info will be revealed, but, maybe, probably, there will be more things hidden, well, only 2 days to wait.
One thing I'm hoping for is a total curtain lift on the full roster, with the reason having already been stated out loud (and obvious) - to hell with fake leaks.
I know I'm probably in the minority but I'm kind of burnt out on Smash. Too much information prior to release. I'd rather figure it out myself. Makes the game more fun.
@AlexSora89 Definitely! Real or not, the leaks are causing a lot of fuss in the community. Though, with a 40 minute direct, there's no way we don't get the full roster reveal. So I wouldn't worry about that.
yuck. I am all Smashed out and I'm not even getting it. No offense.
@Teksetter definitely, quite excited, now that I can have the full experience both on the go and on the tv I plan to invest a lot more time into this game. And hey, maybe Waluigi will finally star in a game by Smash 6, that would make him much more likely as the next Mario Smash character! Because believe it or not, I do like the character, he’s one of my favorites in the latest Mario Tennis, I’d love Nintendo to flesh him out as a character, he’d be a great for Nintendo to use for some innovative idea (sorta like how they used Tingle, except Waluigi has more fans than Tingle so it might be better received). As for Ultimate... man, December can’t come soon enough, I’ll be getting an online subscription for this game, at least for a bit!
There must be a lot of content in the new mode if they need to make a 40-minute direct to showcase it all.
Crossing my fingers for a Mario & Luigi rep
Waluigi reveal incoming.
Could the Direct only be Smash info? I mean 40 min...
I do not like Smash because it is (in my opinion) basically a smudgily controlled pinball game that hasn't much changed since creation. However, surely even the fans have to admit that there has been an information overload of largely banal details since its announcement. It ruined E3 for me and the actual presentation was one of the most boring and unenthusiastic game presentations I've ever seen with 40 minutes of dull minor technical details presented like a corporate list.
At this point I just want it to release so that Nintendo can start talking about other projects.
@KazooieTooie They did it at E3, and that wasn't even billed as a Smash snoozefest
I gotta say, between Street Fighter V, Dragon Ball Fighter Z, Mortal Kombat X, and if Smash Ultimate lives up to its hype, this could be one of the best generations to be a fighting game fan.
All I need now is Virtual Fighter 6
Smash has some of the tightest controls of any platformer, it wouldn't have 1/10th the appeal if that weren't the case.
Plenty of Smash fans relish in the hype, this is as huge a deal to them as football is to its fans who watch hours of talking before and after the actual games.
If you don't find anything interesting in Smash Directs you can always wait for the next Direct. We just had one a month ago packed with information on lots of new games. These ones aren't for you, plain and simple.
What a shame. I was ROFLing about all the stupid leaks fights
Gotta say I kinda know enough about Smash at this point.
May as well milk it I guess. I'd rather hear about something else now, as I know what Smash is.
@AlexSora89 Yeah, I saw his reply after I posted. He never did reply to me though, so who knows.
I just watched both SSB Ultimate directs again and have come to the conclusion that any newcomers are just gravy. The more characters the better I always say although the game feels complete to me with the current offial roster. So if the charactera from the Grinch Leak turn put to be fake I won't feel we're missing out on anything. Let's all be thankfull to Sakurai for the game he made for us.
@DarkSithDoom That's not what the "Grinch Leak" is. The Grinch leak was a leak that had credibility because it had unseen renders of the Grinch 2018 movie
@Dethmunk Supposedly it's a story mode like Subspace Emmisary in Brawl
@Anti-Matter We Just had a regular direct in September. The last smash direct was in August
I so hope that Sakurai will put in Purple Mario, oh please oh please, I need my Mario Quartet.
wow thats alot o comments
All I care about are the following with this Direct:
1. The debunking of that Grinch leak. Dude's a butthurt former employee of a French company from two years ago who whined and bawwwwed and created an easily faked leak.
2. Shantae being in Smash Ultimate!
The plot thickens...
I just commented LaxChris' last pre-Direct video by saying just as much. "It's been fun, or rather lack thereof, but after the Direct hits, it's all over. No more fake leaks, no speculation, no clickbait."
Let the predictions begin!
The Rumor List:
Shadow the Hedgehog - Yes: Same with Isabelle, assist trophy has gone and she became playable. Very obvious choice.
Banjo-Kazooie - No: I doubt Microsoft would allow this (I don't care what Rare have said, that is false).
Isaac - Yes: An interesting choice. Golden Sun was a great game.
Ken Masters - No: He would be better as a model & voice swap (like Wii Fit).
Mach Rider - No: Seems very obscure to be playable. Maybe an Assist Trophy.
Geno - No: The developers are aware people want him in. I think he'll just be an assist trophy.
The Chorus Kids: Maybe: Not what I would have gone with, but their have been stranger characters like Game & Watch and Duck Hunt.
Grinch: I have a better chance of meeting Jesus in a bar. This won't happen. WHY IS HE ON THE RUMOR LIST?
My Picks:
Blaze the Cat (Sonic Rush): She would be the perfect echo character. Plays like Sonic but with fire elements (kind of like Roy).
Lip (Panel De Pon): Her flower wand is a weapon in the game. Just make her playable!
Rayman: The relationship Ubisoft have with Nintendo and a trophy being in the Wii U/3DS version, Rayman being playable would be amazing!
Shantae: Like Shovel Knight, she'll most likely just be an assist trophy. Same as the whipping action like Earthworm Jim and has the ability to transform would be cool.
Crash Bandicoot and Spyro: I don't think Activision would allow this. Maybe as assist trophies. These two would be awesome to play as!
Waluigi (Mario Tennis): Wah is he not playable? WAH!
Andy (Advance Wars): There are too many Fire Emblem characters. Andy can easily fix that situation!
Mallow (Super Mario RPG): He's a fricking cloud! He maybe puffy, but he will blow you away.
Jody Summer (F-ZERO X): This would be a stretch and F-ZERO is as dead in the waters, but another F-ZERO character couldn't hurt. I hear her slaps are painful!
@RadioShadow Yep, I like your suggestions. I'm surprised Rayman, and indeed the Rabbids, haven't been floating around more in all the rumours and speculation as you're right regarding the strong Ubisoft relationship that exists today.
I'm still holding out hope for Microsoft to play ball with Rare characters... Perhaps a DLC character timed to drop with the N64 Classic... haha
@SpaceboyScreams I get the appeal of the game but for me the controls just don't do it for me and I really feel that the game is overexposed at this point. I'm not hating on those who do enjoy it and more power to them, but at this point it feels like Nintendo don't care about their other projects. Smash will sell like hot cakes anyway and as others have commented, at this point it is like we have already played the game.
You're right, the Direct isn't for me and I will only skip through it to see if they have added anything new but I still want to voice my view that, should anybody be listening, some of us would like more from Nintendo's holiday plan than Smash. It's simply that I am not a fan of this business practice - Smash, Zelda and any mainline Mario are going to sell loads and don't need as much exposure as the hidden gems that get overlooked and then die a quiet franchise death. I would make similar comments on any overexposed game but Smash just seems to be getting all of the attention right now. You say about football and that seems quite apt too - a few years back when I was still in the UK and large games wouldbe broadcast on two or three of the main channels (yeah I'm old now) it was very annoying for those who could not care less about it and somewhat insulting to other sports that never got that exposure. I feel a bit the same about Smash.
I am glad that you enjoy the game and I know it has a massive audience but I really feel that the exposure could go towards making some other titles fly too.It's the business practice that annoys me more than my own, subjective, views on the game.
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