In addition to the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate-themed Nintendo Direct which has just been announced for 1st November, Nintendo has revealed that a new Nintendo Treehouse: Live is also on the way to showcase some upcoming titles.
The show is set to feature live gameplay of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee!, Yoshi's Crafted World, and Diablo III: Eternal Collection, and will take place immediately after the Super Smash Bros. Direct.
Exact details on which gameplay elements we can expect to see haven't been shared, but this should provide us with a nice post-show to help us wind down after the excitement of the Smash Direct. Naturally, we'll be covering the events here at Nintendo Life so stay tuned!
Which of these games are you most excited to get a good look at? Will you be tuning in? Let us know down below.
Comments 49
Stoked to see more on Yoshi!
I hope Yoshi shows some convincing gameplay, because I won’t fork over 60 bucks from what I’ve seen so far.
I watch a little bit of Treehouse stuff when it's interesting... as in the initial looks at Breath of the Wild or Mario Odyssey... but NOT hours of Smash. I might watch a little bit of the Yoshi gameplay, hopefully, co-op, to see if it's something that my wife and I will enjoy playing together.
Even when it is interesting, I watch very little to avoid spoilers.
I kinda wanna see more of Yoshi... but I also kinda don't. Woolly World got way too spoiled before its launch and I wanna see as much of it as possible through my own experience. ...I think I'll have to tune out.
@ReaderRagfish Not all of it, but I'll be tuning in to the Yoshi segment this time to see what's up. Might watch the Smash segment depending on if it'll be the first gameplay of new characters, dunno there. Definitely not Pokemon or Diablo III.
Will be nice to see more of Yoshi; really looking forward to that game!
I typically listen to/watch the segments of these that I'm interested in when they're uploaded later. I rarely watch/listen live.
Never watch these as they people are normally really annoying, and just awful at playing games.
I would REALLY appreciate Nintendo putting some more gameplay footage of Yoshi out there, the little footage that is out there really just doesn't express what people really want to know about the game, just him walking and flipping sides, i want to see more and ESPECIALLY actual in depth gameplay
@ReaderRagfish Treehouse is my favourite part of E3.
Damn, seems like I have to cut myself off from all social media to avoid spoilers until 7pm when I’m home. It’s going to be a long day.
I would also watch the Treehouse live although I give it my divided attention (i.e. playing on my phone) at times whereas Directs gets my full undivided attention.
Bleh. Smash has stolen plenty of Directs and the entire E3 already.
Pokémon! Wohoo
While I think I've seen more than enough gameplay for most of these, I'll still check in to see if there's anything new or exciting shown off. Also it'll be interesting to see how Yoshi looks in its first gameplay showcase since E3 2017.
So people are idiots for liking Smash, one of Nintendo's biggest franchises?
@Timppis Which isn't weird since its Nintendo's biggest launch game this year.
SSBU, Pokemon, Yoshi and Diablo 3. It's a Sesame Street skit.
Great to see more from Yoshi!
I'm a huge Smash fan who plays the games casually and enjoys items on and crazy stages just as much as 1v1 Final Destination and no items. It's definitely one of my favorite franchises, but I don't force it down other people's throats. I also don't follow or use memes because I believe they're a plague and a terribly cheap form of comedy, if you can call them that. I might have agreed with you if you hadn't resorted to that condescending and immature last sentence.
@Tsurii “...the kids who shove their stupid smash memes into everyone's throats.”
Says the guy/gal that uses Bowsette as their avatar, one of the most meaningless and annoying Nintendo memes of all time 😂
Also, good job insulting everyone who likes the game 👍🏻
You have your fair points about elitist players (I love Smash but I can’t play competitively nor want to), but you sound like one yourself when you just lump everyone together and call them idiots. Who’s stupid now? 😛
@Frenean ninja’d 😆
Agree with every point of yours, mate, especially about memes.
They’re such a mind-numbing plague in my opinion.
No matter how much they show of Let's Go, It will never look good.
Love having Treehouse on at E3 time, I just put it on in the background
A meme is normally just taking two other memes and smashing them together, which were usually just a screenshot and line of text which most of the time results in the most basic of punchlines. Rarely are they creative or original, and most of the time they appeal to the lowest common denominator. When I have kids I'm definitely going to sit them down to watch great stand up comedians and shows like Whose Line is it Anyway, and I'm banning this "dat boi o shid waddup" nonsense teenagers are laughing at these days.
@waluigifan1 I disagree, but to each their own! The lady and I can't wait to play Let's Go together!
They're feeling the heat after the disappointing financial report and now have to make an effort (Switch is selling a little better than last year, but hasn't picked up momentum to hit the 20 mill sales goal). Nintendo GIVES when they don't get cocky.
@Frenean Us too! (having played so much Dark Souls lately, I think I need GO! anyway)
20 mil was a pretty lofty goal in the first place. They're doing fine, and Pokemon/Smash are definitely going to do big during the holiday season. The bundles are certainly going to help, especially if we get good Black Friday sales.
Same, I made it all the way to the Artorias of the Abyss and am taking a few days off from it.
@Frenean totally agree.
You see, I’m young as is the target audience of that kind of stuff, but I simply find today’s pop culture to be abysmal, probably the worst it’s ever been.
Seems like the world’s learnt to give people “panem et circenses” when the Romans were ruling it, and then went with it and made it progressively worse.
I mean, being the age I am I wasn’t alive during the 80’s, and for as much as I don’t like the style of the era, the products of that decade that I’ve been exposed to (music, movies, etc.) are nowhere near as mind-numbing, cringe-inducing and plain intelligence-insulting as they are now.
For as much as I don’t like Micheal Jackson or The Beatles or Bruce Springsteen (simple examples of musicians I don’t like but definitely are artists that contributed to the growth of the medium), I hope noone has the guts to say that the popular music of today IS NOT crap compared to that of the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s etc.
@Frenean Well I hope you enjoy the game then.
I don't know, there are still great jazz musicians that I follow to this day, and there are still quality movies/etc. being made. Just as it was before, you really have to pick the stuff out. For every great Wes Anderson film, there are ten samey superhero movies. There are definitely things that I think have gotten worse with time (Cartoon Network), but I was mostly just complaining about memes. I don't want to be one of those old guys who complains about everything modern haha
@Frenean I know almost nothing about the game. I know I beat a section. A bird carried me off an island. Some dude starting talking to me about 2 paths and I killed him (after a half hour of learning how to properly parry him) because I didn't like his voice. There's one way with skeletons. There's another way with ghosts. There's a third way that climbs into the sky. I killed a beast on a bridge, snuck by the dragon, got past a metal pig, saw a throne room with some thing sitting on it and died before I opened a gate by a metal pig. That's what I know about the game. I LOVE IT. Need a break tho.
@Frenean oh of course, don’t get me wrong, that’s why I said popular culture.
I for one cited those older musicians but don’t listen to those or any of their contemporaries; 90% of what I listen to is obscure prog rock, experimental rock, jazz fusion, indie rock, math rock bands from this millennium.
So yeah, there’s definitely good stuff as there’s always been; I just get the idea that nowadays you have to look harder and dig through a lot of crap before finding diamonds, as the vast majority of the movies/songs/etc. that get shoved down our throats by advertising and such really is abysmal.
Couldn't agree more! Watch out though, someone's going to call us a couple of hipsters lol
@Frenean ahahahahahah I can see definitely happening 😆
Well, now that we’re here let’s double down: I don’t like hipster culture either lol
I find the whole trap scene to be ridiculous, but at least the people I know who like that kind of stuff know they’re following a trend.
Hipsters, on the other hand, or at least those I know, want to make you believe they’re “alternative” when they’re really just watching popular shows and listening to so-called “indie bands” that amass millions of views and usually amount to just some kind of pseudo-folk anthems (nothing wrong with that, but indie rock is another thing; the term was coined in the first noughties to indicate 4 bands). I wouldn’t count them as “being alternative”, as the few people I know that listen to really obscure bands like I do don’t care about appearing “alternative” in the eyes of others.
So yeah, for as much as I dislike trap and the likes, I still think those enjoying it are more genuine than those hipsters who want to be alternative at all costs by liking popular stuff.
Hopefully I worded this carefully enough to not hurt sensibilities; these are my opinion based on experience with people I know, so if anyone reading is a hipster, please don’t feel offended: I don’t know you so you might be the nicest person in the world and, besides, it’s just a random opinion on the internet so why take it seriously? 😛
I'm tired to hear Too Much information about Smash Bros.
I want to know about Animal Crossing for Switch.
I am only ever interested in watching this if there is nothing really known yet, like when pokemon lets go and smash were still pretty new and they did gameplay on them at E3(I think) I watched it a bit and that was nice. But now? I don't see the point. Also if the Japanese Nintendo staff are there talking its fun to listen as well a bit, but otherwise someone usually picks out the info and posts online or makes a condensed video somewhere.
More yoshi please.
This actually means that Yoshi's game is way further in development than an average game to be released until April next year. It might be one of those games that is ready but they just put it to fill a hole whenever that hole is.
Anyway, I'll watch that treehouse later, if only for bits of Yoshi and a complete run of the Smash single player mode that will be heavily featured.
@clvr While memes can often be either criminally repetetive or generally unfunny, there are often some golden ones, which use more rudimentary humour to insult immoral people or to bring an issue to the forefront in a comedic way. When it comes to modern movies, I agree that most can feel repetetive. However, it’s always been like this, just less CGI heavy. Despite this, TV shows are definitely better now then they have ever been.
@TheFanatic hey, I didn’t thibk someone would read through all of that and reply sensibly instead of attacking me for disliking stuff lol 😆
Well, regarding the memes I’ll tell you that I try to not expose myself to them that much, but I’ll agree I’ve seen some funny ones (there’s bound to be some quality in everything, just like everything always has its crap).
On the topic of TV series yeah, I’ll agree that it’s probably the only medium that keeps having high points in its mainstream offerings, both regarding cartoons and live action series.
@Quarth Indeed, curious to see how it's come along since the last time it surfaced, I'm sure it's had a few more licks of paint since.
@WiltonRoots Yeah, even though Yoshi games often are a little too easy, they are equally often brimming with charm and this one doesn’t seem to be an exception. The stage flipping mechanic might just be a gimmick, but hopefully it’s deeper than what the gameplay footage makes it seem.
Personally for me 2019 looks like another 2017.
Which is bad only for my bank account.
It looks to be absolutely superb.
@Frenean oh man, I’m dying. I was reading through the comments and got to your Wes Anderson movie comment and thought “WTF is the guy talking about? He was making good points but this is ridiculous. His movies are mostly awful. I cannot trust the dude’s taste” only to realize I was totally mixing up Wes Anderson and Paul WS Anderson. 😂
Haha, there's definitely a gap in quality film directing between the two!
The fact that they're having a treehouse afterward pretty much confirms a new character. We're going to get some day 1 footage.
@ReaderRagfish I'm probably not part of the majority, but I wait until the Direct is over and join for the Treehouse Live. Smash directs sicken me, so yeah.
Keep in mind I'm still buying Smash and playing it to have some fun times, but god those directs are just awful. It's like they're trying to SPELL out the entire game for us before we even get our hands on it.
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