Splatoon 2 is about to get a whole lot spookier, with plenty of Halloween-themed goodies just lurking around the corner.
First up is a worldwide Splatfest, celebrating Halloween in style with all sorts of festivities taking place and a 'Trick or Treat' theme. Being referred to by Nintendo as 'Splatoween', the event will be taking place at the following times (although players can pick sides from this Friday):
- UK
- 3pm, 19th October - 3pm, 21st October
- Europe
- 4pm, 19th October - 4pm, 21st October
- North America
- 3pm PT, 19th October - 3pm PT, 21st October
- Japan
- 5pm, 19th October - 5pm, 21st October
Several in-game outfits are also set to be delivered through the Squid Research Lab Bulletin on the Nintendo Switch News section, and all stages will be decorated with hauntingly good graffiti during the celebrations. The whole thing looks absolutely amazing - check out some of the screenshots below.
And some of the lovely stage decorations:
Will you be taking part? And more importantly, which side will you be on - Trick or Treat? Let us know below...
[source twitter.com, via japanesenintendo.com]
Comments 48
Looks fantastic. And I’m off work those days.
This looks great!!!!
Jiangsh, the "Chinese hopping vampire" i is a very curious choice for halloween gear, internationally a lot of people might not get it.
Fantastic, wish you could actually play on Halloween
This might be enough to get me to sign up for online... or start the trial.
So all of the money for Nintendo Switch Online was for their Halloween decoration budget...
..Looks like money well spent! I'm looking forward to it
@RupeeClock I've seen the inspiration been used before. The most popular instance is probably Hsien-ko from the Darkstalkers games. I remember it being used as costumes for other games too, like Rufus from Street Fighter and Mei from Overwatch have costumes based on Jiangshi.
Neat! Nintendo needs to do more stuff like this
@TJWorks There's also the inclusion of Jiang Shi in Order of Ecclesia's bonus Large Cavern stage, it's the end boss of that gauntlet. It of course, hops around and when is defeated the seal is placed on its face. You can fight it again by breaking the seal, you can do that over and over.
It seems to be a popular monster in Japan?
@RupeeClock Interestingly, jiangshi appear in Super Mario Land!
The above pics make me think of Encounters of the Spooky Kind and simlar Hong Kong classics movies ^_^
This actually looks really cool.
@RupeeClock I guess. I don't live in Japan so I don't know.
This looks amazing! Looks like I’ll be getting an online subscription sooner than I thought. Well played Nintendo.
I need the bloody devil horns, NEED. THEM. Hope they are permanent.
They should do yearly holiday events like Overwatch to get theme gear.
How wonderfully spooky! I don’t even like Halloween but I’m all about the spooky decor/inevitable memes
Won't fall for this TRICK by Nintendo to make me purchase online.
I don't play Splatoon, but this is a pretty cool offering. It reminds me of those them packs in Sonic Adventure on Dreamcast.
Can't wait to compete in another splatfast
I wish i knew the appeal in this game, i got NSO, i play some games online, i play Doom online, Mario Kart and that Capcom veat em up classics online.
I'll also do Smash, DS and Diablo online... So i do play online, more now i paid for the service.
But this game I'll never see the appeal of.
Edit: if Doom Eternal actually improves on the online offering then that is where I'll spend 90% of my time. Current doom online is awesome.
Can't wait.... Splatoween! Booyah!!
I have nothing with halloween personally but I'm loving this so much.
Nice. I might get back into splatoon for this.
Ok, I have to admit this is pretty awesome. I may have to actually boot Splatoon, which does not guarantee the saves of my progress in the cloud, for the first time in about 6 months just to do this.... I hope we find out for sure when/if it will happen for NA (how are they the holdout on a Halloween theme? )
Last Halloween Splatfest was neat. This looks cool too.
Love this!!! October is my favourite month!
Y eS
Can't wait to hear squid lab explain the lore behind this haha.
This looks so amazing, I really hope they do something similar with the December/Christmas splatfest
I'm going to be on team Treat, I've not gone out trick-or-treating for nearly a decade now so I think being on that team is the more suitable option.
Also, I'm going to get the Kyonshi hat gear, I think the chinese vampire look is the coolest one out of the 4 options.
Very cool. Halloween is my favorite holiday and splatoon is one of my favorite games. Seeing the two team up only means greatness. Wish they would do it for the second of half of the month instead of only a weekend. Dark souls comes out that day if NA follows suit and splatoween happens on the 19th. I guess dark souls will have to wait a few days I suppose. Splatoon again will take front and center stage for me
@Tarolusa coining it now, merry splatmas and a splatty new year!
For once, Nintendo Life actually reports the news on the day it happened and not the day after.
Booyah bomb!
Oh yeah, I like. I haven't played Spla2oon in a long time, but will definitely check this out. Has it really been a year since Werewolves vs. Vampires?!?
This is great. Hopefully we see more events like this before they stop doing Splatfests.
Talking about gear, I subscribed to the Nintendo Online Service, but I haven't received any codes for the gear in Splatoon 2. It was a family membership. Do I need to do something more?
@Devlind The Switch Online page says the gear emails start appearing in October 2018 (doesn't mention a specific date) so assuming you receive Nintendo emails and the membership was 12 months, all you have to do is wait.
@Grumblevolcano I didn't know that last bit. Thanks.
Hey, that's pretty good~
Sucks I won't get to see all of it in game since I don't have the online service though.
@Devlind I have not either. BUT - from what I've read these codes come later. Like December?
Doesn't Splatoon have rampant hacking all over the place that Nintendo refuses to do anything about?
Don't care.
Call me when you add cloud saves and dedicated servers to Splatoon 2, Nintendo. Until then? You ain't getting an NSO sub out of me. Also, as many have said: Add. Way better. Anti-cheat. That ISN'T easily hacked. You can do it, Nintendo, enough of the lies and idiotic, same old tired excuses. :I
Siiiiick!! I want that hockey mask!!
@Kimyonaakuma lol
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