The Switch has allowed Nintendo to re-release Wii U games that many people missed out on the first time. So far we've seen titles like Mario Kart 8, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker make the transition across to the new hybrid device. Early next year, New Super Mario Bros. U will join this library of deluxe editions.
One other game that also recently received the definitive treatment on Switch was Hyrule Warriors. Originally released in 2014, Koei Tecmo's game was given a second chance early this year as a definitive re-release.
Much like the previously mentioned titles, the Switch version has seemingly performed better than expected in terms of sales. According to Nintendo Soup, the game sold more than the company predicted it would, especially in the west. Koei Tecmo also mentioned how its recent Japanese release of Warriors Orochi 4 has been well received. In saying this, no exact figures were provided.
What do you think about this? Are you at all surprised Wii U games continue to sell well on the Switch? Have you played or bought a copy of Hyrule Warriors on the Switch? Tell us below.
[source nintendosoup.com]
Comments 79
I double dipped. Because this is a great fun game if you like wiping out masses of bad guys to zelda heavy metal music with a friend.
Next up, Mario Kingdom Warriors!
I'm not surprised these games are doing well. First of all, they are quality titles and worth playing. Secondly, lots of people didn't have a Wii U and they are new to them. The only gripe I have is they are full price games. It would have been nice if they were $49.99 so they get a bit of a discount for being the port version, but still a near full retail price. I have double dipped on all of them except Captain Toad. I didn't like the control set up for that.
I really liked Hyrule Warriors. However, I surprisingly liked Fire Emblem Warriors more. Being able to direct people in the vein of normal Fire Emblem games tipped the scale for me.
@Nintendofan83 I mean, the only reason the price is semiokay is it's all the Wii U original content + the Season Pass + the 3DS content (which was missing some of the Wii U content) + the 2nd season pass + a few new things. It's really hard to say it's not worth full price at that point.
Maybe since so many people bought it, they could fix the problems when you play in handheld mode?
I am going to double dip but not anytime soon as this game takes tons of time.
@Yosheel I am considering this game as I missed the Wii u era. I play portable exclusively, what are the problems in handheld mode? Is it unbearable? Thanks.
@Benjoo It plays at 1080p in handheld mode when the Switch only has a 720p screen. It causes the frame rate to chug and wastes energy.
With Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition is (so far) the only time I've been tempted to double-dip on a game I already own on another platform (Wii U). The amount of game here is simply absurd. All the great Wii U content plus all the exclusive and amazing 3DS content in one package...the amount of Zelda for your buck is simply astounding. I know that ludicrously huge games is what Warriors games are known for, but I never fail to be impressed by Hyrule Warriors' grandeur. The only reason I didn't get this at launch was because Celeste was my all-consuming gaming obsession around that time, but whenever I see this game on sale I'm sure I'll pick it up. Glad to hear it's performing well.
Here we go... "4X more" and "Exceeded expectations" nonsense
Funny how all the rehashed wiiU and indies are allergic to actual numbers. But Octopath, Hollow knight and SpiderMan we know 3 days later 🙄
Well we know launch numbers for Orochi4. Not bad at all.
100, 831 PS4
26,660 Switch
Good to hear its selling well, I did skip this one, have it on 3ds and wiiu
Reading the article at Nintendo Soup, it seems that Koei Tecmo expects this to sell really well at Christmas, as they apparently increased their income forecasts for the next quarter due to Hyrule Warriors.
@Mrtoad WHAT ? You mean the game is downsampled from 1080p to fit the 720p screen... ?
The Framerate is always in between 35 and 55 fps when docked.
It's in between 15 and 30 in portable mode. So the downsampling could explain why the poor performances and if it's the case it shows how KoeiTecmo didn't care to work properly... :/
@Benjoo yup, as @Mrtoad said it is not optimized for portable mode, like, not at all. It will drain the battery faster than other games because of it, and it plays worse.
And that's a really big shame.
@Cobalt Yes.
@Spoony_Tech don't you mean Metroid warriors.
@Spectra I bought it three times too. I wonder how many of us are there.
And despite all the hours put into it, I'm still coming back for more...
@Agramonte I thought exactly the same !
Now I'm waiting the end of the month because we're gonna get the Nintendo's numbers... They planned to sell 20 Milions units for the fiscal year. So 5 months left after these numbers to reach 20 Millions... I'm really curious... ^^
@Mrtoad What a shame... :/
Hyrule Warriors 2 now?
Yeah I didn’t bother because of the inadequacies in handheld mode. I rather thought they may have patched it by now but no.
@Spoony_Tech Yes, please!
I tripled dipped too. Really enjoyed it. Have FE too.
@Yosheel ...No wonder my battery went down like crazy with this game, system would get a little hot sometimes too. And of course, yeah, the framerate. Honestly, I don't know why they didn't update it with the Quality/Performance options. Didn't Fire Emblem Warriors get this?
@edgedino Nah, surly Skyworld Warriors. Kid Icarus needs the attention more.
@Joeynator3000 yes that's the worst part. They released this after Fire Emblem Warriors, it really has no excuse to be like this.
Makes sense, not only warrior fans, the amount of content offered and ideal for portability (Well, ideal before finding out its performance in handheld mode anyhow.) but when you consider how many picked up a Switch just for BOTW, all those adapters would be at least curious about whatever Zelda game came next.
@Yosheel Yeah you'd think they would update the game and fix the problems the game has...but, nope...They act like the game doesn't exist anymore and moves on.
I'm not ashamed to admit I bought all three versions
@Mega719 Will be doing the same, once I pick up the Switch version for my bday next month.
Nice to hear. The Wii U version was great, and I want to double dip on this one after I clear all the history mode maps on FE Warriors. I never played the 3DS version, but the extra content from that game sounds fun and the revised scoring system makes me want to play through Hyrule Warriors again.
Great it’s a fantastic game. Hope another is made.
I was going to buy it but then I forgot about it. Huh.
I think the issue with it being 30FPS handheld and 60 only docked cooled my enthusiasm. That and I'm not sure if I like the genre.
It's not surprising that these are selling well when you consider that the Wii U sold so poorly and the fact that no other major titles have been released this year until arguably Octopath in the summer
Awesome game, brought it three times also. My most played game on the Switch.
@Eef hehe I had the same experience
This was the first version I bought, and it’s a great time waster. Fits well on Switch for handheld play as you can grind slowly through the maps a bit at a time.
Still on my wishlist - probably gonna get it in January or February.
it's a shame, i think ill pass then. Does fire emblem warriors have that problem Too?
@Angelic_Lapras_King ya but I think it would need another game just to expand on more series characters first.
Didn't know about the problem in portable mode. Now, that's a real shame, since I almost only use my Switch on the go. Easy pass it is.
I guess Switch owners love their rehashes. No wonder it is lacking in new original games.
I haven’t noticed the handheld issues because I haven’t even tried it in handheld mode. 🤪 very rare my switch leaves the dock.
That's great Tecmo, now get off your butts and bring over the Fatal Frame games to the Switch. Kick things off with a physical Fatal Frame V and then start bringing over the rest of the series. I triple dipped on Hyrule Warriors and will happily plunk down my cash to have the whole series physically on Switch.
But like you said many people did not have a Wii U so the game is new to them,so I don't think nintendo are looking at this from a Wii U owner double dipping for the title.
@link3710 I meant the Wii U ports in general. I bought this game so I agree it has a lot but I more meant to say ports on other systems are often cheaper but Nintendo has sought to go full price.
@electrolite77 Huh? It plays great in handheld mode.
They can fix the Resolution while in handheld? The text is a little small and the boss cutscenes can run at lowered frame rates. Other than that I really enjoy the game.
I know ports and their prices irritate people at times. But there were quite a few games the world missed out on because the Wii U didn't exists figuratively and literally, so it's like they didn't exist. Not only do these games deserve daylight to more than just 10 million people, but the companies got to recoup and profit back what Wii U deprived them of, too. If you played a Wii U port, then hard pass it and aim for the new games on Switch.
Yeah, I got a lot of hours out of this game. It was a blast unlocking all the unique characters from different games. And the Adventure modes were so cool! Hopefully they add some more unlockables in the next hyrule warriors.
Hell, make a Super Smash Warriors. Now that would be epic!
I would like to see an other Hyrules warriors. Maybe other stuff that isn't used in the last game maybe they can do something new..... or an upgraded Switch version would be also great
I’ve really enjoyed the Wii u ports and surprisingly have been the highlights of the year on switch(other than indies). I’ve found the new Nintendo content all to be missing something and a bit rushed. They are all 75% ers if they were to be rated. Good but not quite great. Like they needed a bit more time. Think that will change with smash and probably Pokémon though.
Give us Dragon Quest Heroes 1 & 2!!!! It's madness they never released a localized version given the fact it would be super easy to do.
This game were awesome when it's lauched. But turns out it get old when they lauched Fire Emblem Warriors, with much better mechanics (imported from Fire Emblem games, but works surprisely good in a Warriors games)
Really hoping they'll make a Mushroom Kingdom Warriors now honestly. I know it's really not in line with the style of Hyrule, Fire Emblem, or (most of) the rest of the Warriors games, but I'm sure they could make something great out of it.
My problem with ports is that they feel like padding of the library. I get the excuse that since the Wii U failed, a lot of people haven't played them. But still, why no try to make new games first. You a have the game engine, bring a sequel to Switch or st least announce it like when we got Bayonetta 2 on Wii U and they released it alongside a port of the original.
@Nintendofan83 Ah okay, that makes more sense. Yeah, some of them like MK8DX and Hyrule Warriors, or even NSMBU+LU are at least launching well below their launch price on Wii U thanks to the DLC included, and Bayo 1+2 was a great deal to begin with, but the rest...
C'mon Kong Country Warriors autumn 2019
*crosses fingers
I've been playing the Wii u version recently (having had it on my shelf for about 2 years now) and gotta say it's been great fun playing with my brother. Would people say that the dlc is worth getting?
Awesome, new for Koei! Green tunic Link rules!
I purchased it and have played for about an hour. Not much brining me back to the game and the camera control is completely jankey. 2/5 star game in my view.
I plan to pick this up, but not until there is a price drop. I played the Wii U version and traded it in before any DLC hit so having it with all DLC and characters from 3DS version would be fun.
@Nintendofan83 I agree, I think 39.99 is the sweet spot for these ports. I was a day-one WiiU buyer and have most of these games already, so I definitely think a lower price is the right way to go. But, I am glad to see these games doing well nonetheless.
Company doesn't release hard sales numbers != Company is lying when they say their product is more successful than exepected.
You know why ? Because it's a really great game, I have much fun with it
And next big reason is that it's a definitive edition, there's no more DLC to buy. That's why I didn't bought Fire Emblem Warriors but got Hyrule Warriors day one.
They really should make more games like that, with no DLC
Company doesn't release hard sales numbers !! = Company doesn't release hard sales numbers ??
@Cobalt You know when Microsoft came out and said the xBox X launch "exceeded expectations" with no numbers - people were also dismissive.
If my financial guy says "Your retirement 401K growth exceeded my expectations!"... First thing I say is "how much is that?" not "Good Job!" 😅🤣
Not said anything - Give the number.
I wish they'd fix handheld mode and the glitch where you get trapped until you get hit or use a special attack. But apart from those problems, it's been a fantastic experience.
I bought it when it launched to take advantage for the Prime discount, but haven't even boot it up once yet. Definitely need to push this game higher in my backlog.
@Agramonte financial results are released every three to four months, even when sales are terrible as per the Wii U era. Maybe you're used to Sony hiding the sales of the vita after year 1 (that thing didn't even sell 10 million) or Microsoft never revealing them in the first place, but Nintendo is always transparent with both hardware and software sales. Go troll about something else.
@gortsi Seeing how Nintendo nothing to do with my post - you need to read it again. 🙃
And after you do - you realize you basically backed my point 😏
@Agramonte no I was referring to your first comment, it's others who are allergic to actual numbers unless the games are blockbusters. To this day Sony's best selling first party game is the Last of Us at about 17 million. That's less than Wii fit plus, but yeah, numbers. As for counterexamples, how about Taiko, Disgaea, FIFA 18, etc etc. I guess we're choosing the numbers of the week to make our point though so lol at Assassin's creed selling a 100k less than Mario party. Am I doing this right?
Next: SmashBros Warriors
@gortsi Nop, Still has nothing to do with my first comment
Only reason you can compare Wii Fit and TLOU, is because they gave hard numbers. So you actually making my point again 😅
AC?, Mario Party?... that has nothing to do with it either.
@gortsi @Agramonte I don't think Hyrule Warriors will appear on Nintendo's financial report as it wasn't published by Nintendo in Japan.
@eaglebob345 I can't like FE warriors more for the sole fact that the vast majority of characters, DLC & Unlockables included, have the same movesets of other characters. While the gameplay itself is better, I can't like it more because of that.
I would hope their sales expectations weren't too high considering there was nothing new or improved in the $60 port...
When in portable for me the text is a little small and you notice on the text that it is a little pixilated so it's harder to read. The FPS may be affected but it's not like it's unplayable. For me at least it's almost unnoticeable if I don't start to compare them, I say the gaming experience is the same. At least for me its not laggy and controls are good, story is the same, good quality music comes from the speakers and characters movement and skills are the same. Through my own experience I do not beleave that there is a 30 FPS difference, maby 10 and up to 30 in very rare ocations. I play alot handheld and I do not have that much problems with battery time compared to other games, also I have good power bank to last a little more than one full charge so battery time is rarely any problem for me.
Best Warriors game on the Switch, hopefully they make a real Fire Emblem Warriors instead of that insult they released last year.
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