We're now firmly ensconced in the month of September, which – as Nintendo has gone to great lengths to tell us – is when its long-awaiting Switch Online service will finally be launching, a whopping 19 months after the arrival of the console itself. Even for the most dedicated of Nintendo fans, the wait is bordering on laughable, but what's even more disconcerting is that we currently know precious little about how the service will work, exactly what games we'll get to play in the months following launch and what benefits – outside of cloud storage for saves – we'll get for our hard-earned cash.
Nintendo is a company which has famously been lambasted in the past for being hopelessly behind the times when it comes to the world of online gaming. While Microsoft and Sony have taken steps to encourage online play via paid-for subscriptions which ensure a decent standard of connectivity – as well as tasty bonuses like free AAA games each month – Nintendo has, throughout the past three hardware generations, been content to keep its online service distinctly no-frills; not just in terms of cost to the end user, but also in terms of any kind of meaningful bonus features as well.
The cloud save debacle was brought into sharp relief following the launch of the Switch when it became clear that save data is bonded on a hardware level rather than an account level; lose your Switch, and you've lost potentially hours of progress as well. That cloud saves are one of the main selling points of the Nintendo Switch Online service speaks volumes; Nintendo is listening, but is this something you should be selling a subscription service around?
But wait, we hear you cry. What about all those lovely NES games, now equipped with – gasp – online play? There's no denying that these classic titles are a neat bonus, but when compared to the kind of content which is given away free with PlayStation Plus and Xbox Live Gold accounts on a monthly basis, repackaging dusty old 8-bit games that most Switch owners have probably owned multiple times now – across NES, Wii, Wii U and 3DS – seems painfully weak. This 'growing' library will be limited to a handful of titles at launch, which is sure to make the arrival of the subscription service even more of an anticlimax.
Of course, much of this negativity is down to the fact that Nintendo has been holding its cards very close to its chest on this topic. It didn't help that it fumbled its messaging about the service early last year, initially claiming that a single NES game would be offered each month. Even after clarifying this point, the lack of genuine information on how this service – which, lest we forget, is the successor to the Virtual Console – will expand has been frustrating.
What's the timeline for bringing SNES, Game Boy, Nintendo 64 and other formats to the table? Will Nintendo seek to fix the rather embarrassing topic of voice chat on the console? Are there any plans to include free retail or digital games as part of the service, as Sony and Microsoft do on their respective machines? How elegantly will cloud saves work in reality? Online play is currently free – will we, therefore, see a marked improvement in performance because we're going to be paying for the privilege from the end of the month onwards? Is Nintendo looking to introduce elements such as the ability to create private rooms for online buddies? We've had some info, but for certain key topics, the response remains: "we will share information on this topic at a later date". Is it a later date yet, Nintendo?
Of course, there's a little bit of time for Nintendo to rectify the lack of information. The company is fond of springing Nintendo Direct broadcasts at a moment's notice, and we'd like to think we'll get one that focuses entirely on Nintendo Switch Online at some point this month. Given that Switch firmware update 6.0.0 appears to be on the horizon, we'd imagine that the company is waiting for the right time to show us exactly what delights are contained within; given that the firmware could offer some radical changes tied to Nintendo Switch Online, it's perhaps understandable that Nintendo doesn't want to ruin any potential surprises by blabbing about this early.
But still, there will be a lot of people out there mentally preparing themselves for the fact that from the end of the September, the cost of being a Switch owner is going to increase to the tune of at least £17.99 / $19.99 a year; granted, that's less than what both Sony and Microsoft are charging for their respective services, but the difference is that all Xbox One and PS4 owners will have been aware at the point of purchase that online play costs extra. Switch owners, on the other hand, have had more than a year and a half of free access to online play (without certain bells and whistles, admittedly).
Because of this, Nintendo needs to effectively communicate why that additional cost is worthwhile – and thus far, it has done a largely terrible job of that. A handful of free NES games and cloud save support (which, while vital, is something many people may not even have to use during their time as a Switch owner) aren't the kind of things that will have consumers gleefully reaching for their wallets; the ball is well and truly in Nintendo's court when it comes to altering this perception, and time is running out. As we said not so long ago, we're willing to give it a chance – but Nintendo has to give us a chance to get excited about it first, and at the time of writing, we don't even know exactly when the service will be launching this month.
For Nintendo, old habits die hard.
Comments 191
I think we know just about all there is to know, besides the other 10 unrevealed NES games.
Personally, I think I'll be buying it, but I am very disappointed. Is it really so hard to get some N64 and GameCube stuff on there? C'mon Nintendo... and don't even get me started on the voice chat.
I'll be buying it, considering how cheap it is. I think we know about all that is there, and I'm sure the voice chat app will continue to be awful. This is just one of those spaces where it seems Nintendo will never figure it out.
I just can't wait to play loz on the go
I’m willing to give it a chance. I just want to know the other 10 NES games. That’s it. I also hope it expands past NES games (and the inevitable SNES games) into GameBoy, DS, N64, Wii, etc titles.
They definitely need to release more information. I don't care about what games are free much, since it'll be a fraction of the price of Xbox Live or PS Plus. I want to know if the online services are going to be improved and other features.
I know I ain't getting it.
I’d be amazed if the Nintendo of 2018 wasn’t working around the clock with some external parties to get things like voice chat off the ground.
I don’t mind a selection of NES games to play TBH because it will make a change from the relentless barrage of vast single player games my Xbox keeps throwing at me I never finish.
A return in gold points per month wouldn’t go amiss either.
I'm buying it, but it seems very bare bones and not a huge improvement unless they have something yet to show.
I also want Gamecube games. I'm honestly tempted to just go buy a Gamecube instead of waiting for Nintendo to release some of the games again. The only NES online game I'd want to play is Bubble Bobble and I don't even know if that's coming or not. I've played the rest of the NES library to death and I fail to see how they benefit from online multiplayer at all.
Basically I just wish they’d have given us a more traditional VC service with discounts for those who owned the games already on Wii and or Wii U. The VC has been one of the biggest positives of the previous two consoles for me.
How soon is now? That joke isn't funny anymore.
Calling it - it will be delayed again
I figured for $20 a year they’ve already said all their about to give us. Online, play, cloud saves and 20 NES games. I mean let’s think about this, for a third of what the competitors are changing for online how much do u really think we’ll be getting? I don’t understand the expectations for $20 lol.
@MaSSiVeRiCaN Per year.
don't care about nes games. i've been playing them for 30 years. i just want a modern, stable backend network service where i can easily play with my mates from over the world, and i want it integrated in 1st AND 3rd party games just as well too, like fifa etc. be cool to have a community section of the switch firmware where you can see who it online, send messages, view stats etc etc etc, but there's just no way nintendo is gonna do all that
@justin233 fixed.. whoops.
I think we will get a Direct on the 17th with "And it is available now!" at the end.
Well we do know that its not going to be very good.
@gwyntendo completely agree here.
Unfortunately is will remain extremely frustrating to be a nintendo fan.
I doubt o line will be any better. Their games will still be peer to peer. The fact nintendo are saying nothing speaks volumes of how poor the service will be
I'm not expecting anything new, but yeah we do need clarification on certain things like the remaining NES games and how the discounts will work. The discounts, especially if they stack and/or double your good coins, could make the $20/year worth it alone based on the savings.
For a budget service, I'm liking it. I just hope SNES and later consoles/handhelds aren't too far off.
All I want to know is when they’re gonna cut me off from my free online gaming in Spla2n, and if it’ll affect Luigi’s Balloon World in Odyssey...
@Glenn_the_frog great Smith song
I'm not gonna sub ! Even for 1€, I won't.
I already know that the service is not gonna be great... just that stuff with the smartphone to play online, it's a huge NO !
"How soon is now?"
Great tune!
The silence is deafening. If Nintendo were confident in this we would've gotten more details by now.
I'll just use it for online play, in which I hope they improve security, because otherwise, people hacking the games will ruin online, just like it happened on DS and Wii (and Wii U?)
not subbing until there more to have.
@RyanSilberman yep i too am starting to think this.
The lack of information points to another delay. Which to be fair, probably means Nintendo learned just how far behind they are with this, caught them off guard and now they are probably in a situation where "we promised this, without realizing how far behind our competition we are and we have no idea what to tell you..."
@gaga64 considering Fortnite and other free to play games won't need the sub and Luigi's balloon stuff isn't really live multiplayer I fully expect that to keep working.
As for splat I doubt they'll turn that off before the sub starts
What Ibelieve is happening is that Nintendoare doing their usual keep it quiet to make it a surprise trick. They will probably tell us more things nearer to launch and then sometime in the second half of September(15-30) it willsuddenly launch. I know it is impractical doing it like this but, it is not going tobe delayed again.
They'll likely give a free 1 month subscription so people could try for themselves.
No need to worry about the time running out, it's not that they will charge money all of a sudden
It’ll be bare bones
Nintendo always knows how to get my hopes up just to dash them. I love my Switch, but I feel like there are so many “coming soon” or hopes for it to, that half of the time I’m just disappointed with the route Nintendo takes. My first PS4 was the slim, so it was after the console was out for several years and I bought some of the greatest games for cheap and the services they offer feel well designed— I often think that I should’ve bought into Switch after the first or second year when things are a bit more together
Is that a Smiths reference in the subtitle I see?
You lost me at "Nintendo is listening." When have they ever demonstrated that?
I'm positive they still have something big to reveal. Something that's going to go down well with the fans and have the majority of Switch owners buying a subscription. It's absolutely crucial they get a large attach rate quickly or so many games are going to become barren wastelands. If all there is to it is basically what we already know then I fear they're going to struggle to sell this thing which will damage the Switch experience for everyone.
Meh. It’s $20. That’s a drop in the bucket when it comes to the cost of gaming. If it cost more than that, I might be bothered by the ambiguity. But I’ve got scores of games that I spent more than $20 apiece on that I have yet to play, or have yet to put any meaningful time into, or that I stopped playing because I ended up not liking them, so $20 is worth it for me just to be able to play a bunch of NES games on my Switch. And I say that as someone who does very little online gaming.
Great article Damien, you've hit all the major pain points that really needed to be addressed a few months ago with this online service.
I'm not buying it, as I don't play games online with my switch at all, and I have an NES mini already. Plus, given the lack of info, i have very little confidence in Nintendo's ability to offer a stable online service based on what I experienced during the Wiiu online days. No info on what has been upgraded, how many servers there are, etc.
@Moon N64 wouldn't be too much trouble but emulating rock solid versions of GC games would be much more involved.
I just can't get into the idea of not forever owning all my games so if the games are temporary (i.e. only available with an active subscription), I'd rather just have them on original hardware.
Is there any chance whatsoever that the new service won’t experince massive interruptions as the 20MM+ switch console out there attempt to connect to it within the same 48hr window? I mean think about how much save data needs to be pushed to the cloud on that first day alone. I’m predicting some serious hiccups within the first week or so.
Switch Online Members will get a £10 discount off Eshop First party games. .
I really think folk are over thinking this. I'm not exactly sure what people want for 15 quid a year.
If the Online Service includes a rotating/growing selection of old games that you can download and keep permanently, I will get it. If you need to have an active subscription to be able to play those downloaded games, I won't. Period.
@GrailUK A service that actually works. I get better online play on Steam for free.
People complain, but at $20 a year, when billy asks mom and dad for that or xbox or playstation online play, guess which one billy will get. Even better when its got that generous family plan. Everything beyond pure online service is just icing on the cake considering the price.
Pretty sick of this toll-booth nonsense for online play. It's not a data plan, it's just connecting my multiplayer game to other people with the same multiplayer game. I'm not gonna pretend that Nintendo sold us multiplayer games with the idea that we wouldn't be expecting to play them. It just feels like punishing players for playing online.
It’ll be the same as now but with cloud saves and less people online
I’m holding off, at least for a few months. I’m not interested in NES games and the current online setup is not up to par. I know it’s only a small statement to make but we vote with our wallets. If any new announcements make it more appealing then I will go for it but as it stands I’m not quite interested enough. It’s close though, even if the 10 unannounced games were SNES games that’d tip the scales for me ahah.
Massive +1 for that byline. The Smiths and Charmed in one shot...make that +2.
I want Virtual Console back... NES - NSO is not a replacement/successor.
People keep talking about 20$ a year and compare it to Sony and Microsoft, but if I'm not mistaken the 20$ a year is for only one account, if you want multiple account with online it's 35$ while on Xbox and playstation every account on the console get online access... now when you compare the 35$ to the 50$ (I think) for Xbox live and the content that you get it seems nintendo is not so inexpensive anymore...
It's pretty much the same principle as Reggie's "We've got more up our sleeves" response to the post-E3 criticisms...which have since proven to be scads of Indie games, may if not most of which are shovelware that only adding to the bloat of the eShop's already cumbersome menu system. The fact we haven't heard Nintendo trumpeting the features and benefits of the Switch's online service for weeks now can mean only one thing: they have nothing that will excite their consumers and they know it. Nintendo probably doesn't even have a firm plan in place for the service or how to give it a genuine identity.
Personally I'm taking a "Wait and see" approach with the service even though it's only $20. Until Nintendo can prove otherwise, I wouldn't predict too many significant upgrades from the archaic and unwieldy features of their online services to date. The silence on their part only serves to reinforce my suspicion that they have nothing "up their sleeves" this time, either.
As incredible as 2017 was for the Switch, 2018 has honestly been hugely concerning. Nintendo is going to enter 2019 with a whole lot to prove regarding its sustainability in terms of first-party games support and whether they actually have a concrete, long-term plan in place for the console and its online features.
I just dont care.
Take my 20 bucks, give me my cloud saves and online play for Monster Hunter, and let's get on with our day to day.
Dont care about rented NES games, just like I never cared about rented PS+ games. I dont need to have a 10 hour discussion about this. Here's the Andrew Jackson, give me my cloud saves, and let's move on. If Nintendo wants more than $20 a year, then sell me VC classics to own, not rent. I spent nearly $1000 on VC for Wii U and 3DS. I'd gladly buy VC for Switch. But I'm not into this whole renting thing, and I dang sure don't care about online in 8-bit games.
@RunGMhx But that $35 is valid across multiple consoles attached to a family account? As opposed to $50 to take turns on Xbox?
Been to busy talking about bloody Smash.
@Razer I doubt it will be delayed. On Twitter they are mentioning it almost everyday now
Don't expect any improvements to online play and voice chat
Here's the thing: I don't believe there is much else to know. There's the different prices, cloud saving and a handful of 30-year old games. That's about everything they've come up with in this year and half since the Switch came out.
I'm still not expecting a messaging system... >_<
Great article, very well written damien. I'm just glad NL is just as frustrated as i am with constantly waiting for more information. It's September, come on Nintendo, no need to keep up the charade. On a side note, bring some classics other than nes!
Something tells me they will add other classic Nintendo console games like Gameboy, SNES, N64, GBA and possbily Gamecube. Dunno about DS games, but I am ready for the Online Service to begin since I saved up my eShop funds for it.
Cloud save system are great, but what seal the deal for this Online Service for me is the online play for NES games. And I hope they release SNES games and more that feature online play.
@NewAdvent Yeah, like MMORPGs for Switch. Elemental Knights looks mighty fine on Switch. I barely played the mobile version, so hopefully the Switch version will be much more satsifying than playing on mobile.
I have no confidence in this online project at all; I enjoy Nintendo’s games and all but this online venture seems like a really bad idea.
@JaxonH $20 for you, $35 for us. Which is still about half of PS+, but I only ever pay about half for that, so the real question will be can I buy a year's worth of NO for $25 Black Friday at GS, BB or Amazon or will it only be sold via the Nitneod eShop?
I also have to decide if we should even get the $35 family plan b/c my 1 son and I never play online. My other son does occasionally but will likely do so more when SSBU launches. But cloud saves may make it worth it if I can get it for $25 BF.
PS+ costs more, but I never have to think about family stuff, I just pay for it on sale, my kids and I all play all of the PS+ games on my PS4 and our 2 PS3, have never had a problem.
So while I'm not waiting too anxiously for NO news, we won't need it until SSBU if we need it at all, and we'll just give the 30 day free trail a go to see how it all works, I can understand why people might be wondering about stuff. If I didn't have kids I wouldn't care, I'd be just like you and just pay it and not worry about it. But then again, if I didn't have kids I wouldn't have a Switch yet, Id' be waiting for "New Switch", or at least Pikmin 4.
The longer we go without info, the less likely there is any more to reveal, and there continues to be no chance of me subscribing.
@Moon Agreed, I'm disappointed as well. It's kind of weird as I'm not exactly sad with the service itself; $20 a year for online, cloud saves, and online NES games isn't a bad deal (although I wish games like Mario Kart and Smash had 1:1 online play). Its the lack of features surrounding it that upset me. If they announced the rest of the virtual console (marketed as something else) with GameCube games or some game subscription service or something that would cost extra on the side, I'd be way more down. But were getting less online content from before and now we have to pay... I'm fine with paying but the principle of the situation is lame.
Just gonna leave a friendly reminder that not one of Nintendo's first-party online games function on dedicated servers, which actually require money to maintain, and all use P2P even when they really shouldn't (I.E. Splatoon 2, Mario Kart).
@abe_hikura I agree they won’t, but we still don’t know the actual start date for the sub.
And I’m assuming that only active live p2p online modes will be affected by the sub, but they’ve not actually specified that as yet.
"Cloud save debacle"? It's hardly a debacle. It's probably not even on the radar of most Switch owners.
"Most Switch owners" have previously owned all these NES games? Are you certain? I haven't. I've been playing and have bought hundreds of Nintendo games since 1990.
You know what you're getting:
Online play for paid games.
20 NES games at launch, more over time.
Cloud saves
Special deals and offers for members.
Voice chat through the phone app.
For all intents and purposes, this is what Playstation and Xbox offer (with their service with some variation on how) for one third the price (or less).
Your post gets filed under "WAAAAAAHHHH of the Day"
I wish they would bring back miiverse with this service. Switch still doesn't have a way to message your friends or to interact with other players at all. Also the voice chat phone app should be available for dl on the eshop to have those features on the console itself. And where are the dang folders and more backgrounds colors??? The 3ds still remains the nintendo console to own. Sorry switch.
We're long overdue for a full-scale Direct despite having some Mini-Directs recently. I suspect that the service will be detailed a little more (or, optimistically, launched) around the time said Direct shows up.
What I wonder the most is, what´s so wrong with giving us the actual date for the change?
I ordered a year from Amazon so, no, it won't be eShop only.
Maybe skip out on the whole family plan and just grab a single year for $20 for whoever will actually use it.
Btw a year covers multiple user accounts on one Switch, or the same Nintendo Account across multiple Switches. Only need a family plan for separate Nintendo Accounts. Maybe you already knew that but, there it is just in case.
And Pikmin 4... its coming. At least, according to the leprechaun at the end of the local rainbow.
Will probably buy it eventually but not interested in playing the NES games for the 100th time. Give me GameCube games and folders and then we'll talk
For those comparing price, maybe it's different elsewhere but I paid a total of £60 for the next year of both XBLG and PS Plus by shopping around. They offer a lot more in comparison for not that much more money.
I just want to be able to play my digital purchases on more than one switch!! Like every other console, and like my physical games! And they can't even give a comment on this basic feature. At least cloud saves will make physical behave better ....
@JaxonH "And Pikmin 4... its coming. At least, according to the leprechaun at the end of the local rainbow"
Ol' Sligs would never say Pikmin 4 is coming. Instead, he'd say a port of Pikmin 3 is coming 😁
My God. NintendoLife. Stop this nonsense. Day after day you are becoming worse with your nonsensical articles. What's going on with your staff? Was someone responsible the previous years for the high quality of articles that does not work anymore? If yes, hire him again immediately.
Fans here really take the news well that they'll have to pay 20 bucks per year for a service they are getting now for free.
I haven't heard about dedicated online servers and I couldn't care less about NES games. Cloud save is free on other platforms.
I've played FIFA 18 online on Switch for a year without a problem.
Basically, Nintendo saw how other consoles have millions of paying online users and they wanted some extra money, too. They won't do anything for it - but at least it's cheap?!
Come on!
And let's not forget that people on PlayStation and Xbox have hundreds of online games to choose from.
I couldn't name a dozen on Switch.
Online Nintendo gaming will soon be dead.
Why is this a big issue? Nintendo already told us: $20 a year. Free game a month. Ability to play online. Cloud saves. What is so confusing about this? smh
@Cosats Amen. SLOW news day at NL.
@pullmyfinger From what I can tell the issues seem to be;
Folk want an entire virtual console incorporating NES, SNES, N64 and Gamecube games for $20 a year.
On a more serious note, I honestly think people are hoping Nintendo just tell them that they can voice chat without a phone.
@electrolite77 Don't know about PS+ but XBL Gold is rather easy to get cheap especially with places like GAME doing deals like buy 3 months and get 3 months free so you end up with results like 12 months for £25.
@justin233 Gamecubes are dirt cheap now. Debated buying a second one, but eh.
I bought a Nintendo console to play Nintedo first party game. I do not care for anything else on the console. The rest of gaming needs are satisfied with a PS4 Pro an a gaming PC. Nintendo could literally wipe their butts for 4 years, release Metroid, an I would buy the console.
$1.66 per month.
When you buy a $0.99 cheeseburger do you demand it be organic beef? Sustainably produced? Gourmet?
The amount of asinine hang wringing and negativity over this service is insane. Should you be entitled to play every NES, super NES, n64, Gamecube game ever, back up data, play online, etc for $1.66 a month?
What planet are you living on?
@Trajan I know, but wouldn’t it be better to play GC games portable on Switch? That’s my issue.
I must say, I understand people om here critizing Nintendo for the way they go about their business. I'm one of them, sure, even though I'm a huge Nintendo fan, I can admit when they do wrong. Especially with the way they're handling the online service. But I can't for the life of me understand why I always see people bashing this site. In some instances it's the same people day after day. If you're that upset with this site , why are you on it then?
@GrailUK Honestly, I think if Nintendo offered a wide variety of games from nes, snes, game boy, gba, n64 as soon as the service launches, and even charged slightly more, fans would be a lot more excited about this. The perception among many is that even though it's cheap, you're not getting anything of value.
That can announce stuff before the 15th of the month. Since the online service won't be live until the second half of this month right?
What I really need to know is, will Urban Champion be one of the games?
#urban champion for Smash
Nintendo has Gamecube and Wii games emulated on the Shield in China. The Shield shares the basic architecture of the Switch. The Switch is slightly downclocked which may give a little trouble with the Wii games, but I'd expect the Gamecube games would be easy to get running on the Switch.
@UltraKamiTenshi Oh yesh yesh! Rearry many onrine gems I will pray!
@Mallow yeah not sure what everyone is so worked up for with $20 a year.
It’s at a “whatever” point for me.
This time next year I suspect it will be the best membership on any of the consoles.
If some of you are gonna do the price difference, keep in mind that free PSN back on the PS3 still had way more to offer. That's no excuse.
I don't know about it... Price, function, games, saves, online, discounts.
I mean, I’m definitely subscribing since I play a lot of Splatoon and €20 a year is barely anything, but I find it appalling they actually think people still get excited over NES games. We’ve had virtual console for years now, had the NES Remix games and whatnot... the only thing that would really get me excited would be GameCube games. I’ve been dying to play Mario Sunshine, Paper Mario, Metroid Prime, Luigi’s Mansion and all those other amazing NGC gems again.
@cleveland124 @cleveland124 Good one Having read Eurogamer's article on Twilight princess on the shield, it seems that all the games including Mario Galaxy have their 2D elements in the original 480p resolution even though the rest of the game is in high res. I really hope that's not the case with Switch releases as it looks really disjointed. I found using the old N64 240p 2D elements in the uprezzed Wii VC N64 games ruined the look somewhat for me.
Even if this entire service was free, people would still moan about it.
@GrailUK co getting screwed over for being a Ninty fan the past nearly decade we deserve what we want? Lol
I've lost interest in it! No high hopes as we all know disappointment is looming.
It won't be great but it is only $20.... so.... yeah. I'll be subscribing just for the cloud saves really. I think more people have spent more on their DS PokeBox saves
And let's be honest, if they launched a VC and charged $9,99 for mario bros and Kirby, we'd pay the $20, complain but still have paid. So it's a bargain really. Still low expectations
@Cosats What? You want all positive Nintendo can do no wrong eastern bloc style of news?
I don't care, from my experience Nintendo's online play has been good, I'm still going to sub for it because it's always been about Nintendo for me!
I'm another one that will be paying out just for the cloud saves.Should we be paying for cloud saving?probably not but they aren't asking too much as far as I'm concerned.
NSO - The Return of Miiverse!
I don't think there will be another delay. They already banking on a September launch. There will be a direct before then. Soon your patience will be over.
No issue paying 19/year for online services, but how about actual service = backend dedicated servers not this peer 2 peer crap they call online network - their current network configuration was popular in 15 years ago. For example splatoon is region locked to your profile region and not your actual network latency, like WTF (and you can't change anything, move to another country, buy splatoon again)
tbh I don't think they can make an actual gaming network like Sony or Microsoft.
@Captain_Gonru didnt fornite developer prove we dont need the phone app to use voice chat with others.
Truth to be told, I. Glad to pay 20 bucks a year for Nes (and hopelly Snes) games if the library indeed grows well over those 20 titles.
I have such faith in Nintendo that I foolishly already pre order a year subscription on Amazon.
Maybe Nintendo will surprise us all with a included AAA wii or wiiU game... New Super Mario wii or something like that.
There’s so much salt in here that I brought my horses.
I’m getting it, and it’s not extra cost to me because I didn’t buy lunch out at work twice this year, so I saved a $25 and put it in an envelope.
I’m going to play Smash when it comes out, so I want it. I want to play some Dr. Mario online, so I want it.
End of my questions.
Seems to me like this whole thing is really just Nintendo wanting to charge for online play, and everything else is a tacked on afterthought in response to fan outcry over the fact that the service appeared to provide nothing of value for the money.
I genuinely believe that Nintendo's original plan was "now you have to pay for online pay" without any added bells or whistles. They did not expect the backlash that followed.
@Mallow I think it’s more that people have been playing online for free on Nintendo systems (including Switch) for awhile and suddenly it’s not going to be free. And plenty of us don’t care about NES games or cloud saves. Personally, I don’t think it’s worth complaining because it won’t change anything... but I see where people are coming from. I’m going to be paying $20 a year now to play my games online that I’ve already been playing online, and plenty of them (like Splatoon 2) lose most of their functionality without online. If the NES games and cloud saves aren’t worth anything to us, why can’t we pay half that and solely have access to online play (which was already free)? But eh, it is what it is.
I def feel your pain on this one.
Idk what people are expecting Nintendo has left to announce aside from the other 10 games which they literally might not be planning to announce ahead of time (they never said they would after all). Have people considered they’ve already told us everything else there?
Comments like “we don’t know enough about the service” don’t make much sense if they’ve already told us everything. This is likely it, guys. And they might not tell us the other 10 games before launch.
Best guitar riff of all time !!
💕💕💖 Johnny Marr 💖💕💕
@Glenn_the_frog I think people need to remember These Things Take Time.
@TheOpponent Smash?
Getting it simply for save backup. The NES games are unlikely to appeal, I think Nintendo has squeezed enough out of the 8bit library, time to move forward a little.
I'm not much sold on NES games and I don't play much multiplayer. Give us GBA followed Wii and GC a short way down the line and I'll bite. And get joycon's out with analog triggers like you should have already.
I'm getting sick of having to wait years for a (potentially) complete set of retro generation games I've already bought to return to Nintendo's latest whatever console. It's a tedious, unnecessary and mildly disrespectful tease these day. These things don't need to take this much time - it's just marketing. Normally such marketing would be a good idea - spreading out your assets over the years. But Nintendo are guilty of exploiting that tactic too many times now.
Just get them on the system already Nintendo. Stop the bloody foreplay. Rant done.
They are emulation, not remasters.
@ShadJV It's pretty clear that when people ask "we don't know enough about the service", it comes from a disbelief that cloud saves and 10 NES games are really all that there is (not really counting online play since it used to be free, so it was something taken away instead of added). I think some people are holding out hope that there's things left to announce.
@RedMageLanakyn Was that... a positive comment?
I will say the pricing of the service is good though - and in the loooooong run I'm sure it will be good. But judging from many comment here Nintendo is going to need more retro goodness than NES games if it wants the service to get a good start in life.
I've got NES games all over my Wii, my 3DS, my Wii U, my NES Classic Mini and ... my actual NES. For me at least, Nintendo has reached a point of saturation with that catalog, and co-op play doesn't offer me enough of an experience to make these games worth buying/renting again.
@AlphaElite exactly though. These gaming sites shouldn’t be posting articles with such assumptions, they add fuel to the fire. There’s no actual reason to think there’s more, they already “detailed” it in a Direct earlier this year, why expect them to keep releasing more info in waves? It’s a $20 membership, not a $60 game.
@ShadJV I don't think, "it was free but now it's not," is a fair complaint. Nintendo has been VERY upfront that paid online would be a thing for the Switch. We were told leading up to system launch to look at the period of free online as a trial for the full service. Nintendo made the same comment when the phone app came out.
No one should feel blindsided or shortchanged, we all knew this was going to happen.
Edit: I should also clarify, if you are displeased with what the service offers that is fine and your prerogative but it's a totally different debate.
Nintendo has never been a company that communicates well. Overall, Japanese businesses aren't strong communicators. I'm not sure why people are up in arms about it. It's a good article and I agree with what was written but I'm not surprised we still don't know what's going on. The truth is, the price is so low the majority of people will buy it sight unseen so they can play Splatoon, Smash, Mario Kart etc. It's low enough that we don't care. We already know most of what we need to know like A) their infrastructure isn't very good B) their voice chat is terrible and C) you get a bunch of retro NES games with online capability. For $25, we've just accepted it. All I hope is that the lack of information means a September Direct where they talk about Online but also talk about first party Nintendo titles. I believe Mario Tennis Aces is the only new first party Nintendo title to launch since March (5 + months ago). Getting some Wii U vibes.
It is because we are going to get the bare minimum because of the $20 price tag. We have to pay $20 for the service we already have. We get cloud save and Nes games. Move on nothing to see here.
Kudos for the Smiths reference on subtitle
@Indielink that isn’t at all what I saw. Of course we knew it was coming, fact remains that Nintendo’s online services have been fine since even before Switch. You can know something is going to change and not like it, nothing about the online service itself is improving, they’re just charging for something that’s been free for multiple gens now and including things that many people don’t want to justify the change in price. If you don’t want NES games or cloud saves, this is a horrible deal but required for online play. $20 isn’t really a good deal just for online, and there’s no way to subscribe to the online without getting the added “benefits”.
Will I pay for it so I can play online? Yeah, probably.
Will I ever actually enjoy paying for it because I feel like it's worth it? Hopefully, but probably not.
I love the Switch's online play as-is. I love the news section and the eshop. I love the ability to take screenshots and record videos and share them on social media. But it would be great if we had better voice chat. And I really would love for them to bring Miiverse back, upgrade it, integrate it and just give it the love it deserved.
How can you say
I go about things the wrong way? No seriously. Shoplifters of the world unite
It's $20
I will definitely not buy in it on day one. I might be interested in playing some games like smash or SM Party online, but i feel if they put a liiiitle bit more effort into this, it will turn out much better.
Give us some of the old stuff like Snes, N64, gamecube is very easy to implement. Add voice chat or a messaging system is also no new stuff. Streaming apps? Easy.
My guess is that nintendo saw on the wiiU that if they bring out everything at the beginning, there is not enough new features to sell the switch over the entire lifecycle. Means they are holding back on those features to release them slowly over the years.
@ShadJV What do you mean "suddenly?" Paid online was announced to be coming like a year ago.
This is the opposite of "'suddenly"
@MrKai sorry, that was a poor word to use. I didn’t intend to imply it came without warning, I meant more that they are offering the same online service but now charging for it. Nothing’s changing, they’re just forcing it to be packed with other services that not everyone wants. The online service has worked great for years now (heck, I’ve had less problems with online than with my PS Plus) and it was free all during that time, including for previous consoles before Switch was even announced.
For me as someone who works at a Japanese company the lack of information or updates regarding the Nintendo Switch Online Services is fairly typical of a Japanese company. They tend to keep things very close to their chest.
I also expect the Nintendo software engineers are desperately trying to iron out the kinks in their online service.
@ShadJV I was going to say something else but I saw you comment about your word choice to another commenter just now. Which is what I was getting on you about.
Two things:
1. The Online service will either be a huge surprise and amazing or a huge disappointment.
2. The Nintendo Life staff has great taste in music.
@Damo I deal out criticism AND praise when it's due, I try not to be biased
@baller478 I know the fall has three first party titles in Super Mario Party, Pokemon Let's go, and Super Smash Bros Ultimate but that doesn't change the fact that almost 6 months have gone bye with only 1 new first party title. Let's hope 2019 is more like 2017 and not 2018. =)
It’s the 3rd of September. This service isn’t starting for another 2-3 weeks. I think we know plenty at the moment
If it was September 25th, and we still hadn’t heard a peep, I’d be feeling a little antsy.
I wouldn’t expect a ton as far as free content. Look at the My Nintendo Rewards and you can probably get an idea of what to expect. If they would run a Netflix style service past games available, I’d gladly pay the $20 per year. In fact, I’d pay up to $6-$7 per month for it, but I don’t see us getting that.
I guess with all the leaking going on these days Nintendo really ain't gonna tell us nothing til it's good and ready, and I don't blame them. It's not like we all have to buy NSO day one-- Once we know more, we'll "know" more and make our educated purchase decisions from there.
It's delayed until 2019.
@JaxonH "Btw a year covers multiple user accounts on one Switch, or the same Nintendo Account across multiple Switches."
So since we only have 1 Switch we only need 1 account for $20 and we can all save our files online even though there are 3 of us using it with separate accounts? That's news to me, so thanks for the tip. Like I said before I'll be looking into it more after it releases, you know I don't believe a word Ntineod says anyway, still waiting on my dual Gamepad Wii U games and Gamecube VC.
As long as it's just separate user accounts and not separate Nintendo Accounts, yes. But if they're tied to separate Nintendo Accounts, then no.
What nonsense.
Besides the actually date it starts, it's pretty cut and dry. Online multiplayer, cloud saves, NES titles.
The only mystery is why the facts presented seems to warp and distort around people's expectations.
I have a feeling (sincerely hope) Nintendo are planning to really surprise us with the launch of online so they are keeping the big stuff close to their chest.
@MaSSiVeRiCaN I expect something MUCH better than the current free infrastructure, or at least more than some B-tier NES games which might be always online/streaming? I don't think it's unreasonable to want a more robust and worthwhile service if we have to pay for it now. Even if the price is better than competitors, those competitors as far as I can tell offer real services.
@mikethegamerguy I would expect something MUCH better if I was say paying the $60 that the competitors charge. The $20 I assume would cover at barebones the service charge for server maintenance and a few extras NOTHING MAJOR. Online isn’t something u can support for free.
Just so we are clear though, the price of the game has always included the online component before. Nobody ever got anything free. Some games now are online only and many have a big online component and you can't just buy the single player campaign. Nintendo is a business and they've decided the way to maximize profits is to charge $20 for online. Nothing more, nothing less.
Just delay it for another year so someone can add SNES, N64 and Gamecube games.
I'll pass. I don't need to be online to play.
> Online play for non-F2P games
> 20 NES games (10 already revealed)
> Cloud saves
> Exclusive discounts
> Access to the Switch Online mobile app (lol)
What else is there to know about, aside from the 10 unrevealed NES games and what the "Exclusive discounts" entail??
People seriously need to get out of their Nintendo box. The social side of the Switch is outright embarrassing at best. Why the heck isn't there a party system? Why can't we have native chat support when it clearly exists and is possible with the hardware? Why can't we send game invites natively? Why on EARTH can't my game stay connected when I go to the home screen? Why are there STILL no apps?
The overwhelming support for a half baked paid service is just baffling. Its $20 annually for features that already exist for free, cloud saves, and NES games I own on 4 different Nintendo platforms BUT CAN'T PLAY ON THE SWITCH. Its maddening Nintendo would make its fans start over AGAIN.
Look over at Microsoft. $22 a month gets you all the social features you could want, online play, cloud saves, the back catalogue of almost every first party Xbox One game, plus the most popular releases of the last season, 2 free games a month, AND the console to play it all on.
Be honest- if there was a Nintendo All Access that offered exactly what Xbox All Access offers for a comparable price, the gaming world would turn upside down. But everyone is letting Nintendo off easy
@FatAlbert1 your points are very valid but remember we have to start somewhere. I feel all you talk about will happen for Nintendo, just not straight away. Now they are charging money to use such a service, I feel this is how they are going to be able to pump serious coin into running and maintaining an infrastructure comparable to its rivals including all the same features.
@cleveland124 Of course, I realise that - it wouldn't hurt to just touch up the HUD elements to give a more cohesive look though.
@cleveland124 Of course, I realise that - it wouldn't hurt to just update HUD elements to give a more cohesive look though.
Really strange to see all the people defend Nintendo.
Yes people want to see how it all comes together and how you can play the new games, etc. people also hope that given the very long delay there might be something that will take this service closer to parity with the other services (or a unique twist). I mean before you put down money it might be nice to see it shown off. Here we are days away from launch and they have shown nothing. If it was any good, why not build some hype? People have reason to be skeptical as every effort Nintendo has made thus far has been terrible but free.
Why in the world are people taking Nintendo’s side on this....
I hardly use online services, was thinking of getting Super Mario Party, but you can't play the main game online, so destroyed it for me.
But the chance of getting some NES and SNES games with online feature, is tempting. It's only £20 a year, I spend more than that going out drinking on a weekday.
Still this is no replacment of Virtual Console
Can we play Dr. Mario and Arena of Valor. We can still waiting for it.
I dont really play online games that much but the lure of retro titles is what interests me most. hopefully there will be some more perks as well but at less than £18 for a whole year Im ready to sign up! its £1.50 a month......the price of a sandwhich!
@Nehalem This is a Nintendo fansite, of course people are going to take Nintendo's side... :3
That said, i'm sure that Nintendo will sneak a few "Why did they go and do that?"-moments in there, it is still Nintendo doing something online, would be a shame to break time-honoured tradition...
It looks like a garbage town service to be honest. But then I'm never going to play online games on Switch anyway, so it's kinda irrelevant. The only thing I'm interested in is seeing how the whole retro games thing works/what the games are. Depending on that, I may chuck some money at this.
Nintendo doesn't have to tell us anything because most of our fan base will just give their money no matter what and tell people that disagree that it's a privilege to.
They have no incentive to explain. Lol people have already pre-ordered it for God's sake.
@GrailUK I'm not sure.... it's kind of the point of the article, things need to be clarified / set straight before launch...
I don’t understand why they would discontinue the virtual console. All they have to do is upload the ROMs on the Switch eshop and watch the revenues roll in. Also why didn’t they announce all 20 NES games? Why keep the other 10 unannounced for the online paid service? I hope Earthbound Beginnings is one of the 10 yet to be announced titles.
Nintendo's marketing is terrible. Always has been, always will be
I don't care about NES games. I especially don't care about added online functions to NES games. I care about getting N64, GC, and GBA games at the very least.
I just want to point out that while many of the points in this piece are valid, I do take issue with the notion that somehow, users haven't had advanced notice this was coming. Sure, we've had free online for the first year and half. But that doesn't change the fact that for the last 6 months to almost a year, we have known a paid online service was coming
@JaxonH Can you even go online if you don't have a separate Ntinedo account, only a user account? What would even be the point of setting up a user account w/o a NA? Offline only gaming I suppose, but you shouldn't need NO for that.
So I'm back to $35 square one huh? Oh well, we'll see. It certainly doesn't look as good at $35 as it does at $20. What do you think happens if I sign up for my 1 kid for $20 for SSBU then after a few months my other kid decides he wants to play online? You think they'll let me pay just another $15 to get to $35 or make each of us get our own account at that point?
Nintneod always makes things more complicated than they need to be and explains things less than they should. I'm surprised you and your bro don't go in for the family plan, or you and a bunch of peeps at SwitchWorld. 5 or 6 co-workers sharing 1 account is $6 each, practically free.
I just hope a legit Animal Crossing for Switch is announced next year for release next year.
Seriously, New Leaf was my first AC when I bought it back in August 2013 and it made me a fan. Waiting this long for a follow up is nearly painful at this point.
I want a new AC more than a BotW sequel right now and Zelda is top of the atmosphere for me so that is saying a lot.
You have a Nintendo Account, but multiple sub-user accounts within it.
Or you have completely separate user accounts with completely separate Nintendo Accounts tied to each one.
I think we'll get a Nintendo Direct and everything that is announced will go live after the completion of the Direct. That's just my guess, but we've had directs for less!
I will be picking up the family subscription for sure. Me, plus my two sons; and I'll hook my nephew and brother up as well. I already told them all that I'll pickup the first year and we'll figure something else out for year 2!
See, I've already waited too long, and all my hope is gone, for a Switch online service to do anything beyond barebones. Criminally vulgar that we waited 19 months for cloud saves as well. Did I do it right?
People should probably mentally prepare to be disappointed. Switch online will probably be clunky, the 10 more NES games we will get probably won't be that great, Nintendo support will disappoint (like ditch the idea of getting N64 or GC games, much less Wii etc.). The voice chat will continue to be the worst on the market. But the service is cheap and still better than what we're getting currently....just saying keep expectations low. The signals we're getting unfortunately say that Switch online will be pretty low on their priority list.
These things take time. Money isn't everything.
im buying it, but I want more past gen games and more infooooo Come on Ninty <3
I will get it. The things I want are cheaper vintage games and the ability to keep those in the cloud for download as space permits.
Now that I've went back to buying old games for the gamecube(zelda twilight Princess and Windwaker) & the wii(Resident evil zero) I would gladly pay £50-70 a year for a more extensive list of Nintendos back catalogue because for me the company's own games aren't cutting it just now
@Glenn_the_frog - I just want Nindy to give me something that I won't forget too soon - but after LABO, I can't believe that they'd ever care (kinda want to sing that Smith's tune at karaoke tomorrow, thanks bud).
@justin233 In all seriousness, you could probably just buy a Wii, and probably for a lot cheaper than a used Gamecube.
Although managing the Wii menu to play Gamecube games is a bit clumsy.
@jhess826 I always forget the Wii is backwards compatible with GC. The real problem is that some of the games are expensive and hard to find. I just want to easily download them. Lol
"Will Nintendo seek to fix the rather embarrassing topic of voice chat on the console?" - Frankly, I don't see the voice chat on Switch as such a major problem as everyone else. I don't know what the big deal is. My phone is always next to me. And I have a pair of Bluetooth headphones. Frankly I'd rather pop on my AirPods while my Switch is docked for Splatoon 2 voice chat than use that Hori mess of cables option. And it's not like we all don't have the ability to charge our phones while we play games. Every room has an abundance of power outlets & most phones nowadays have wireless charging options. Usually when my phone needs a top-up in the middle of an online gaming session, I just place it on my wireless charger, coupled with Bluetooth headphones that means I have no cables getting in my way of some Salmon Run fun! There are bigger things in this world to complain about. Tying voice chat to a smartphone app is not one of them.
And if you don't have a smartphone, then get yourself a cheap 8GB iPod Touch for pretty much next to nothing. It'll still run the Nintendo Switch Online app.
@DarthFoxMcCloud Yeah let's gloss over that fact that A: Some people only use headphones for gaming, and B: The Switch already has built in chat as Fortnite proved, when Nintendo led people to believe it's not possible.
I am a pretty pretty unicorn, I promise to not use profanity in the future.
And I will be banned if I edit this comment <3
Interesting that the 3 gamecube games you've listed have all been rereleased.
@Mallow Here's the thing about your price comment, I think most of us didn't want them to serve dollar burgers for the Online service - we all would have been willing to pay much more for a good service. BUT HEY NO CLOUD SAVES IN SPLATOON2 apparently
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