The Nintendo Switch Online service launches this September, but beyond a few basic details, we know very little about it.
Keen for answers, Waypoint spoke with Reggie Fils-Aime recently and quizzed him on the finer points of the service. For example, what benefit will Switch owners see when they subscribe later this year, over what they already have for free?
You will get the ability to cloud save your content. And so for those consumers that are concerned about saves, you know, we've now provided a method to address that.
Secondly, you're going to get access to some legacy content. And we've said that we're going to start with 20 games that are going to be available. We've outlined the first 10. And so that's the other benefit that you're going to get as part of Nintendo Switch Online.
What I would say is that we've got a number of months until the service launches. We'll continue to provide detail as we go. Right now the message is that it's launching in September. Fundamentally there are three elements to the service: connected play, the cloud saves, and the legacy content. We're going to continue providing more details as we get.
The death of the Virtual Console has led many to question exactly how Nintendo is going to handle legacy content via Nintendo Switch Online; could it adopt a similar approach to Sony and Microsoft, who - via their PlayStation Plus and Game Pass services - grant access to a wide library of both classic and modern games? Reggie wouldn't comment on what competitors are doing when asked by Waypoint, but did say this:
What I would tell you is that we know that Nintendo has a deep and rich library. We know that consumers enjoy playing those legacy games. And we also know that we've done a lot in making that content available. Whether it's the work we've done on past platforms, whether it's what we've done with micro-consoles in the NES Classic and SNES classic.
For us, it's really about being thoughtful around what's the best way to enable consumers to have access to this content and to do it in a meaningful way. We think the work that we're doing with the Nintendo Switch Online is one way to address that opportunity.
We'll no doubt hear more about Nintendo Switch Online as September approaches, but what are your feelings on the service currently? Will online play, cloud saves and a few NES games be enough to tempt you to part with your cash, or are you expecting something a little grander - perhaps something along the lines of PS+, where free Switch games are offered up each month, as well as retro titles? Let us know with a comment.
Comments 114
God I don't like Reggie, he always skirts around any questions you ask him. Never giving any definitive answers.
im wondering if theres still a lot more to come. yes we know there are some Nes games but maybe ( just maybe) we'll be getting other legacy content as well! we can but hope!
What I would say is that he talks a whole lot of nothing.
What he would tell you if he was totally honest
"For us, it's really about being thoughtful around what's the best way to get around having consumers retain access to the legacy content they've already bought on previous systems but to do it in a way that makes it seem like it's benefiting them".
"Right now the message is that it's launching in September"
Good grief, Reggie isn't even confident it's going to release in September!
That's a whole lot of nothing. He didn't say anything new.
They seem to be struggling to justify a paid online service.
Cloud save should have been included day one and for free.
The PS+ model only interests me in terms of game discounts that non-subscribers do not get to enjoy. That'd be a nice plus. Or increase the paltry star coin count thingy we get when we buy a 60 dollar game and just accumulate a whopping 60 cent discount on our next purchase. Free games for what they're going to charge would make no sense.
They seem to be struggling to justify a paid online service.
Cloud save should have been included day one and for free.
It takes talent to talk so much and say nothing.
Can't wait for for the Nintendo drip of 1 new game a month that I've already played on every Nintendo system since the Wii
"We'll talk more about this later on. We know that customers love our old games, and we're proud of having rereleased them, but let us think about it."
Meaningful way? We just want the games on the store to buy, how hard is that?
My thoughts exactly.
"What I would say is..."
So many words, so little substance.
@Bunkerneath how is he not giving answers? He said: it will be launched in September, they already talked about what is available and there is more in development (or testing phase, who knows) and they will keep bringing information when there is information to be brought. He cannot talk about something that does not exists or has not be approved/tested.
And people wonder why Switches are being hacked to run emulators. =P
I have no need for cloud saves.
I want to be able to play the entire catalogue of NES, SNES, N64 games. Not just a handful of 1st party ones.
I rarely play online.
I think using the service to open up the back catalogue is a good way to introduce a proper gaming service by Nintendo. Especially, if with cloud saving, they can turn a mynintendo account into a full legacy account moving forward.
I wouldn't be surprised to see a tiered service with generations at different payment levels, that would make sense.
I'd pay more for additional access to Super Mario Galaxy and the other Wii games that Nintendo let Nvidia port to the Shield for example, or even GameCube and N64 titles. They need to provide access to the back catalogue and they need to outline how, it would also paper over E3 if we could have a decent direct explaining all this in the coming month.
The pricing is absolutely OK while I hope they rewrite the network code for some games that are using p2p at the moment instead of a client server architecture. But for myself online gaming isn't a big thing tbo - so the benefit on this side is small but maybe changing in the future.
For me it's the so called "legacy content" which makes the offer interesting. I'm looking forward what Nintendo is doing an this part.
The possibility for cloud saves is OK, but I don't want cloud saves - I want to backup my saves on a memory card. Not being able to do that is the most annoying thing of the Switch - while I love the console as a whole.
I don't like the idea of "enabling us access" to games when we should be able to do as in the past and purchase the games. A unified vc across the wiiu, 3ds and switch would be ideal since you could have access to a wide variety of games for purchase at once rather than to wait for months on end with no games (or good games anyway).
As long as there’s pleny of Classics(1st & 3rd party) to choose from (from multiple classic systems) and as long as there’s a purchase option then I’m fine!
I'll pass. I'm not playing anything online anyway. Just waiting to hack my Switch and load it up with emulations.
@Bunkerneath he's a politician through and through
Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only person on Nintendolife that doesn't have a severe dislike for Reggie, a guy doing his job to hype up Nintendo and only reveal information that Nintendo of Japan wants him to reveal. Sure, he could spill the beans on Nintendo's plans for the next two years, but then he'd have to go look for a new job if he doesn't get sued to death for breaking Non-Disclosure Agreements.
A pointless interview leading to a pointless article. I feel like I’ve wasted two minutes of retinal time I’ll never get back (and stupidly, another 30 seconds commenting).
Does anyone else get the feeling that NoJ aren't actually telling Reggie anything, lately?
He seems about as clueless as the rest of us, as to what's going on!
He really is a genius at speaking many words without giving away anything.
Don't forget the games that REQUIRES Online features such as Arena of Valor, TemTem, etc.
@Moroboshi876 As one comment once said, "Reggie whispers sweet nothings to our ears."
It never ceases to amaze me just how many words corporate suits can use without really saying a damn thing at all, lol. We really don't know much more than we did before clicking on the article.
I'm okay with it as it is, honestly. I just hope we end up getting SNES AND N64 content in the future. It would be nice tp havr other classic Nintendo titles on the go too.
I guess we're gonna get a sort of mix between Xbox Live and XBox Game Pass, the latter being 100% dedicated to oldies.
I think the 10 nes games are just a tease. I guess the next 10 are maybe something like 5 snes games, 3 n64 games, 1 gamecube game & 1 wii game.
But they would change every month and would become buyable on the eshop after the free month.
That would be great nah ?
We'll have the final word very soon I guess !
Pro tip - Reggie saying nothing at all is not news.
Give us also SNES games from day one (and please use the native voice chat feature for your own games like Splatoon 2) and I'm really happy.
I’d like to see something similar to PS+ (wishful thinking) but I doubt Nintendo will do so. Only time can tell though...
Still think I'm gonna pass.
An easy $20 to spend for the legacy content alone. I’ll give it a year, see how much value it actually has to me, then re evaluate when the time comes to pay up again.
50 quotes later and he's still given me no reason to pay for Smash Online. Impressive!
@Bunkerneath You can't discredit someone's person because of the legal obligations he has to the company he works for...
I just spent $10 for McDonald's breakfast. The service costs basically 2 meals. You guys are so cheap and should get different hobbies. Actually I'd prefer 2 McDonald meals especially when they give me non amiibo mario toys as a bonus.
I like Reggie and all, but not that much. 0_0
I don’t care about the NES and I already have all the SNES games I want on the Classic. And who knows how long it will take to get other systems...
Too many words for nothing.
I do have to mirror what's been said above. 20$ per year is a reasonable amount even without any 'legacy content'.
The NES games are just shoehorned into the service to make it a more attractive deal.
I’m just hoping they up their game collection. Don’t wanna pay £20 just for (S)Nes games. Hoping we get to play like GBA and DS.
As it, Nintendo's online offering is adequate for the cost. I am certainly not thrilled by the very basic details we do know, but at 20 dollars a year, my hope is that the profits will encourage Nintendo to keep going with it and provide more and more content.
We are gonna need more than 20 games. But 20 games at launch of the service, with the promise of more to come... now that would be different.
If Nintendo does fail to deliver what they call "legacy content" on the Switch, I can guarantee you, people are going to keep hacking the Switch until they finally get an entire homemade OS on it with fan made emulators for a lot more than Nintendo content.
But if Nintendo gets around to giving us that legacy content through legit means, the demand for hacks will be far less. I am not okay with piracy. But that's never stopped anyone before.
It's like prohibition was. When they tried to make alcohol illegal in the US all it did was drive people who wanted to drink, to buy from illegal pubs. Today, illegally made and sold alcohol does still happen, but far far far less. The overwhelming majority or players are perfectly willing to pay for content, if Nintendo provides it.
@BensonUii A lot of people forget that he says what he's allowed to say, they haven't even given us all the details of the online yet, but if you read comments in here all it amounts to is 20 NES/SNES games, a cloud save ability and that's about it. They can't see the "more info to come" bit as they're so blinded by rage... lol
The interview was lame but I’m very excited with this! Will bring a lot more to the players (and of course we can argue what part of this more we want) that we are missing for years now. And it is not expensive.
GBA or STFU Reggie. You can shove your tired old NES games
@sleepinglion Nintendo switch online has been confirmed to have game discounts
It'll let me play Zelda 1 and Dr. Mario with online vs. mode on my Switch, and right now that's all I care about.
@BensonUii Trinen I like a lot. Reggie is a muppet, through and through. But I do agree that Iwata seemed to be the glue that held together Nintendo's qurkiness that felt homey and inviting. After him they've kind of devolved back into the faceless corporation they were in the 80's under Yamauchi, Sony style, where even Microsoft seems more personable now.
@Bunkerneath While true, have you been listening to Shaun Layden lately? He makes Reggie look amateur at this.
The big question remains: Can we buy digital games once for two consoles like on other platforms? I have two Switches. I can't stand that if I buy a digital game I have to pick WHICH hardware it is forever locked to by which account I buy it on even though I can log in as the same user on both of them. Why can't I just play it on both of them? Sony/MS let you do that with 2 machines simultaneously (and even play together with someone on the other console) so one copy for two people. We know Nintendos' not doing that.
Some of you guys have some unrealistic ideas and are looking at this from a very pessimistic view point.
Pay to play online is normal.
Retro games is a nice bonus for many of the older gamers. And you know the library will continue to evolve. The 20 game start (10 of which have been named) is just a tease.
Charging for cloud saves is normal.
Exclusive game discounts has been verified.
The release is still months away and a big deal for Nintendo. They can't announce everything now and leave no excitement for the release.
People asking for every NES, SNES and N64 games, rather than just first party stuff, that's insane. You have to remember that Nintendo doesn't own the rights to all of those games. They would have to pay for additional distribution rights to be able to port these games, not to mention the manpower from developers to port them over. It's just unrealistic.
This a promising step in the right direction with a lot to offer. It matches up well enough with PS+ and XBox Live Gold, at one third of the price.
I'm excited for this and ready for it to come.
All I know is I went to pre-order the pokeball controller for Lets Go and about fainted. Even my spoiled 13 year old was all "$60, forget that madness, I don't love Mew that much"
Maybe because he is not allowed to give a concrete answer at the moment? Maybe the questions are always the same "stupid" questions?
For $20, I'll give it a try. Hell, I may even go in on a family plan with a few ppl just to save $15. It's the cheapest console service and honestly the saves and old school games are worth that much.
I’ve played all the first-party NES games a million times. Give me online enabled Bubble Bobble.
@Bunkerneath Assuming anybody up the chain of command tells him anything to begin with, Reggie likely wouldn't even be at liberty to say.
@AyanamiReign Speak for yourself, I vastly prefer this over buying games again that I already have.
Getting access to those games through a service is a far better deal in my book.
Judging by how many people here were worried about having to buy VC games again on Switch, I dare say I am not the only one thinking like that.
@BensonUii For eel?! When did they change that! That's fantastic! (And thank you, NL for reporting that. Glad I count on you to keep me up to date since, you know....I don't visit this site very often or anything, it's easy to get out of the loop and miss such updates ) This means I can finally put Octo Expansion and Aces on my Sushi Striker unit rather than having to keep it tied to my "always some big RPG running" unit
Does it also work that any user on the "primary" can run any game installed, but you can also run the games logged into a secondary machine the way PS/XB allow (if you have two players in the house with their own consoles for example, if you swap physical hardware and each log in on each other's "primary" console, you only need one game copy to play the game together. I just discovered that on PS/XB and it's cut my game costs in half! So naturally I just bought twice as many games ) It works on those because on the primary, any user can play your games, but on a non-primary you can still play your owned games if you log in, so even multiplayer it lets you play at the same time.
If Nintendo allowed that I might actually switch to SD cards and digital for Nintendo. Once cloud saves are a thing, this is going to radically change how I use Switch!
Can they just assure us you can download the classic games for offline on the go play, and maybe preview the games being played online?
If a company like Nintendo wants to announce something, they will do it officialy as a company in a bigger way (even If it is only Twitter).
No single person from a company will announced something new just because they are being asked in an Interview. That would make no sense.
Of course Reggie knows more than we do, there is absolutely no reason for NoJ to withhold important information from him.
But why would he start talking about stuff that we are not supposed to know yet?
I still haven't passed my final judgement on this due to a lack of info, but this is overall a tough sell so far for someone who rarely plays online, loves various backup options, and enjoys owning their purchases.
just provide lots of choices 20 NES games is not connected no matter how I play them
What a load of waffle. I like Reggie but sometimes he comes out with pointless PR fluff. Just tell us what it is rather than trying to hype it up over a number of months and then ultimately letting everyone down.
I don't have an issue with them wanting to make their online service as valuable as they think is necessary to get people to pay for it. I do have an issue with not being able to play any older games besides the NES games they're tinkering with in order to add multiplayer & increase their value enough to include with Switch Online. Past gen games used to appear on the Virtual Console on Nintendo's last few systems, yet this hybrid is supposed to be more powerful than anything they've released before, & it won't have this functionality when it is the most capable & also a perfect fit. I hate 8-bit & 16-bit games for the most part (I definitely wouldn't soend money for any in those categories), and that's all they'll end up offering for the online free games I bet. What about the 100's (1000's?) of games from the generations after SNES? Many thought this would finally be the generation that they'd offer Gamecube VC games (I think that's right... I thought N64 at first, but those were available on Wii U, right? If so, It is GameCube games we were waiting on. I haven't had access to a VC eShop section beyond the 3DS recently).
Either way, that's an awful small sampling from their catalog to offer on the most capable platform they've had (& most fitting for the NES & SNES games, as the handheld mode does those types of games the most justice I've seen, personally). Did they pick those because they're the easiest to add multiplayer to (I realize they're not just adding MP to all games, but...)? It can't be a financial thing. Doesn't make sense to keep all of those games out of a VC application just so they can offer a handful on Switch Online to make people buy it (so they can't just go buy those games separately without the added MP features from VC, which is likely what everyone would do, I guarantee, cuz most don't care if they can play Ice Climber with a random stranger for 30 mins). Also, they would likely make a killing from selling all of those same VC titles that are on WiiU/Wii/3DS, that everyone has already bought a dozen times each, yet would still buy every single one again to play in handheld mode, if nothing else. That would make way more overall than the $25 per year, per user they'd get for the online access, so I'm not sure what their thinking is with not giving us a VC, even sans all the titles they plan to offer as part of Switch Online in the future.
Luckily, I don't play anything with other people on Nintendo platforms (& their useless friend list not allowing any sort of communication probably plays some role in that. The 3DS at least lets you put ~16 digit message).
@BensonUii Strange, I'm here daily and never saw those stories (can we swap one of the stories about Fallout76 and call it a day? )
That definitely needs a test...that's pretty cool, and I had no idea that might work!
@Tyranexx It's ironic. I play "online" on the other systems because they mostly force me to in most games. I play "online" on Switch because it's the only system with online games I want to play online (Splatoon, Aces, even Smash (maybe.) )
I hate having to pay just to back up cloud saves....Microsoft does that for free. Sony makes you pay but allows local backups. I'd buy it anyway to toggle between both systems without using a USB stick or something, but it irks me being forced to. OTOH, I bought Deus Ex Human Revolution (x360) digitally on my X1, and was delighted to see that even with back compat emulation, it downloaded my cloud saves from 12/14/2011 and I picked up right where I left off....something to be said for cloud saves. I still have my 360 with the saves but there's no way I was going to connect it, boot it, get a USB drive, copy it, then copy it to the new system.
@NEStalgia I don't have 2 Switch's, but it seems it should work that way. The games are tied to your Nintendo account now (which needs to be linked to your Switch account, unless you linked them when it prompted you to after you created the Switch account). On 3ds, you can only be logged into one device at a time, so it will log you out of one when you sign in on another (or so it says, & I have been told that's accurate).
On Switch, I believe it allows you to have 3 active at a time (maybe 2, but it limits the number of devices you can have active while you're signed in, kinda like Vita). I know I have had 3 accounts on my Switch at once: a US, JP, & UK, (but the UK & US were too similar so I deleted the UK from my Switch) & all of them can use all of the content just the same. I can open up free JP demos with my US account. I can also buy full digital titles with my US account, then play them with the JP & US accounts just the same.
I would assume you could put the profiles on a 2nd device without issue & download & use all of the same games as you intend, BUT, of course, you may want to find someone who has 2 Switch's to verify this for you. Just because something says it will work, & logic dictates it should work, that doesn't mean Nintendo didn't throw in little "brick surprise" for everyone that intends to share a Switch (because we know how creative they are).
The problem really stems from the fact that Nintendo just doesn't understand multiplayer online gaming, it doesn't understand online gaming in general but they get particularly confounded when looking at the multiplayer aspect of it.
Nintendo is based in Japan, they do global R&D but the data that matters most to them and the data that they act on more prominently is the data gathered from R&D done in Japan.
Japan and the west differ in two main factors when it comes to gaming as a whole:
One is type of games we play, like sports games, fps games and racing games, games that thrive online. While Japan prefers rpg, puzzle strategy games and games that are more interesting in single player or as a social group like Wii Sports ect.
2nd thing
The west has embraced online gaming where as Japan not so much, lan parties and social gaming is big over there but actual online gaming really isn't that popular in Japan. Think Street pass on 3ds and lan parties.
Now to sum it up... Nintendo's main research and development data that would help them to gain an understanding of the global market is done in a country that has vastly different gaming preferences to the global market meaning the data they gather is not going to reflect what is actually happening in the market.
Now Nintendo are not stupid, they can hear the noise outside of their own market but if you work in business you would know that just because the market screams at you to turn direction doesn't mean the business will change its practices.
Companies as old and successful as Nintendo have a right to stick to what they know... They could invest millions more to create an online infrastructure that works for the west and invest millions again to compete with others who have achieved this end to great success only for it to blow their faces.
Also Nintendo is a Japan first company, they would sooner mitigate their services for local use only to ensure survival before they change their business model to fit the market.
Nintendo's problem always will be, it's a Japan first company, any trend that is popular in Japan is a trend Nintendo will move forward with, the west can get with it or go home according to them.
I have zero interest in paying for a Nintendo online service, especially sine they are still planning on relying on the smartphone app. I really hope classic games are available in another manner.
@Razer I still fail to see the argument of what's so wrong with Nintendo's online gaming. I play Playstation online. I play XBox online. I play Switch online. All three of them work just fine. I arguably play Switch online more than the other two. I keep hearing how "behind it is", and as someone presently playing all 3 options, I don't feel particularly "behind" in any aspect of online play. (Their handling of digital purchases is another story however.)
@Mr_Zurkon you get cloud saves, and special offers and deals , worth it IMO even if you don’t play online games
Why not just wait till around September when they can actually talk about the service more?
@DarkSim01, I agree with you. If you have live or plus, you would not have many games to start with like Nintendo Online. People like to complain and whine if it doesn't go their way.
@Razer , Hey Sony is also a Japanese Company too.
@Ryu_Niiyama Doesn't it seem more than a little laughable that we're 2 months away from them releasing a paid online service that was supposed to be out 14 months ago, and they still can't discuss anything about it? What is there left to discuss about it that needs to be kept secret?
It's not a fundamentally new concept they're introducing to gaming, MS has required it since the Wii came out. I wish they followed the same thought pattern for Smash "Yes there's a new Smash coming in December. We can't talk about it until November 30th."
I don't know why but Everytime I read something Reggie has said I want to puke. This guy is so full of poo.
Time for a replacement!
@ekwcll Sony is based in Japan, but they're not "a Japanese company" the way Nintendo is. Their primary business has always been export, and their overall operations and market have always been Western focused. They aren't significantly tied to the domestic Japanese market and economy in any significant way, any more than Microsoft is specifically tied to the US, while Nintendo is heavily steeped in being a domestic company first who also exports to the West, and nearly all their operations and management are domestic, with domestic focus and knowledge, while Sony has various divisions headed from all over the world, and Mark Cerny, the lead behind PS4 is American. The best way to think about it is: Sony's a "global corporation headquartered in Japan", while Nintendo is "a Japanese company that sells globally."
I just have one question about the new service. If I sign up for the family plan so that my son and I can both play on line on our Switches do we both get access to the free games in the new "Virtual Console"?
@NEStalgia Companies have different timelines on when they release information. My company rolled out a counter product to the gate control/access field (think PTI or Doorking) and waited about 2 months before roll out to start discussing it. I was on the sales team at the time (hired with the promise to be moved to IT asap) and we found out like a month before that and we were told bare bones. I only knew more because I was already transitioning to the dev team and I'm nosy when it comes to framework (at work...not so much for products I buy anymore).
The more information is public the more time it can be analyzed, misconstrued and the like. Also what if something changes? Information can't be pulled back and then you are stuck with a PR tap dance. That can break a product launch. I'm not saying I know the magic formula but I get that Reggie can't talk about it, they gave us enough to make a preliminary decision (and its main feature is playing games online wanna keep playing splatoon 2 you will buy this no matter what happens with VC) and the rest comes out in September. All this hand wringing is information gluttony. I get that in this instant on day and age that is the norm, but I'm content to wait. I have games to play...
You really dislike smash huh?
@Ryu_Niiyama While true, this case is just particularly weird in that they were waiting until near launch of what is a fairly clear cut service to talk about it.....last May. And then delayed to talk more about it when it's ready....last August. And now here we are in July (almost) with a September release....and they still aren't going to talk about it. But they announced the September release and some details which seem like most of the details months ago. It's a little different than a new "retail" production model of something that you announce just before you sell it. This is something announced 4 times over a year and a half and even 2 months out they're not ready to talk about it (after even having a web page dedicated to details, and mass mailing people a link for "more information" on a product they're not ready to talk about.) At this point I wouldn't even be surprised if Sept1 they tell use it's launching 2019....I'm almost expecting it. We know the price, the limitations, the service...what on earth can they not talk about? Does it include unlimited streaming of all 1st party games or something?
It's also weird because they won't tell us any details about a service announced 4 times over a year and a half.....that theoretically does nothing but charge us to do what we were already doing plus cloudsaves and a VC library. And given it's 1/3 the price of the competition, it's hard to believe there's some big surprise beyodn that to add. I'm either expecting a delay or they finally "tell us" this magic information and it's nothing they hadn't already said.
IMO more than anything it smacks of managing "social marketing" which is something I detest with the intensity of a thousand burning suns.
Smash? Nah, I don't dislike it. I'm not a huge fan, but I intend to buy it and will enjoy it to some degree. I dislike the Smash community, but not Smash itself. I just don't like their presentation of it stifling so much other stuff they could have and should have shown (or spent more reasonable time showing), while still not providing meaningful information such as single player after the disaster that was WiiU Smash single player, while spending so much time on cosmetics and minor move differences for the competitive scene. It's just a "what were they thinking" facepalm sort of thing. It's still Smash 4.5 though. (I'm channeling my inner rjejr )
People love to set them self up for disappointments, they have announced the main features, if you are holding out for some magical feature don’t hold your breath
“Fundamentally there are three elements to the service: connected play, the cloud saves, and the legacy content. We're going to continue providing more details as we get.”
...get what?! GET WHAT?! Did someone slap Reggie before he finished his sentence?!
@NEStalgia It sounds like the delay is part of what you are hanging on to... online is straightforward to be sure, but the infrastructure still has to be built/set up...we don't know what happened. For all we know Nintendo added the VC part later and decided to axe the standard VC (which is likely why they have been vague about VC and were about the VC component for the online).
But they have talked about it like you said they outlined pricing and everything else. However nintendo has always been careful about PR slips...if it isn't in the official release materials they try really hard not to go beyond that. Reggie is very, very good at that. However I suppose my confusion is what else do you need beyond what has been released that you can't wait until september for? (collective you) I know folks are wanting this to be PSN+ 2.0 however most of that service has little to do play. Anything that has to do with other than online will (such as vc or saves or whatever the wishlist is) will likely be better served after they show the eshop revamp this will likely require and or a GUI revamp. Instead of vaguely listing out features that we won't be able to visualize how it interacts or works. I mean look at how folks are taking the older games service (post-VC) and the service hasn't rolled out yet.
LOL never really dealt with the smash community. I view it as a party game and that is good enough for me. I'm more of a traditional fighting game fan than a party brawler. Played my share of melee but never took it seriously. It's mariokart with punching for me. I do think it is nice that Sakurai is trying to cater to both though.
@Ryu_Niiyama that's just it... What else could they're even be? It's $20 for online and saves and token vc. The game of "will tell more about it later" is silly since there can't be anything of substance to say. But they're milking it.
Hah! And there it is, party brawler! Oh no, in the smash community it's sacred. Street fighter, Tekken, those players are amatuer. Real fighting is smash! The most serious, technical, precise fighter ever made they're just obnoxious it almost makes me dislike the game itself but not quite.
I finally bought tekken7 on x1. Feels wong without an hrap
I think Reggie missed his calling as a politician.
@NEStalgia Well like I said I think they are more concerned with A) having one surprise if folks don't leak it. B) This has to require eshop or Switch GUI revamps (If I'm wrong I'll eat my eye) which they obviously don't want to show. C) having the most control over info until the direct that is going to hit about this.
That would be VF (fight me)...X1 huh? I've mostly migrated to PC, where I have my TE (RIP madcatz) plugged in. Aside from Ps4 SFV which ive migrated to PC I'm trying to stay off the twins for fighting games. (mainly because I'm not sure if I will buy either system next gen and the main reason I got the X1 was crackdown and the fact that my Fighting Game library is on that and it was a ecosystem migration. I started to invest in the PS4 till the pro released and then I got annoyed with the twins real quick.
@Ryu_Niiyama i can't imagine a meaningful enough surprise for 20 bucks that warrants pretending there's tons of detail to come. Eshop music and themes for subscribers? That would be a middle finger but surprising, yes
Hah, for me i was tepidly ps4, mostly Nintendo. I started going ps4 more once i finally was able to get fiber (20 years late is better than never!) And then finally got an x1x and have proceeded to migrate almost everything to it. Og xbone was a dog, pun intended, but the x1x really feels great.... It's everything i wanted in a gaming pc more or less for a lot less money. I didn't realize even the pro felt awkward until i got the 1x..... It's like my old pc days without the 300 hours of troubleshooting and the 6 80mm 20,000rpm fans shooting flames. . And I'm not into mods... Never really was except those old school qq2had life mods. Works a treat, performs great, I'm happy. And I'm mostly certain that x2 and x1x will share a generation... I'm not as certain with pro.. Since I'm going 1080p anyway, I'm set . It doesn't compare in some aspects to pc if course, but for all practical purposes it's just a win 10 mce box always set to gaming. Slow tablet cpu be darned
@NEStalgia I still say you are cursed. I have NEVER even heard of half the issues you go though with PCs.
You know...I was going to mention eshop music but I figured that would be too snarky and undercut the tone of my argument. lol.
I will get the X1 and the Pro at some point (waiting on a price drop because I'm annoyed I have to pay for an upgrade like this) and perhaps I will buy more games for the twins at that point (since the X1 is better specs wise and I prefer the controller for xbox) but for now I hate to say it aside from the gears 5 announcement and spidey and Ghost of Tsushima and that new dark souls clone (I can NOT remember the name) set in Japan. ...and crackdown but at this point it is the principle rather than me wanting the game anymore... I'm rather meh. If it weren't for the Yakuza series I am not sure if I would have bought a ps4 in the first place. But I was also better employed at the time and I just bought what I wanted. So that played a factor as well.
Ok Data Analyst meetup, I'll be back online tomorrow.
@NEStalgia: I'm glad that they're implementing cloud saves, though I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with them charging for them (though I can see the logic because of server space, maintenance, etc.). I just wish that you could back up all the data locally like with most other hardware these days. So...yeah, I definitely feel like it's a forced option for those of us who have spent dozens of hours on a perfect save and don't want to watch all that effort go up in smoke.
I suspect that the Switch will be the system that'll push me into playing more games online (MK8 or Rocket League, for example), but I definitely still value my single player experiences. A lot of this is by preference, but I also have games like WoW to thank for my attitude there.
I just find it odd that we're 2-3 months away from the Switch's online subscription becoming commonplace and we STILL don't know too much about it. I'm most concerned with how retro games will work as some of the rumors and ideas I've seen are pretty crazy.
@twztid13 @BensonUii not sure what to guys are taking about but it isn't normal game access. I just tested by trying to download aces in my second unit.... Nope, "you are unable to purchase, download,... Blah... On this console because another console is activated as your primary", so no, digital purchases are still hardware locked to a single unit with no ability to play on another console in which the primary owner account didn't buy the game. Meaning account login are useless beyond getting septate save files. I'm not one to bad Nintendo, but their digital store is stuck on 2002. They want you buying a copy on every console you may play on. No logging in on someone else's switch and playing unless they buy the game. Making digital on switch Castle inferior to physical once cloud saves are up. Physical can swap machines with saves in tact. Digital can not. I'm hoping they modernize this with paid. But i doubt it.
People making up stuff because Nintendo isn't giving any answers. People are saying that the other 10 games will be SNES, N64, Gamecube and Wii. Boy are you guys setting yourself up for disappointment.
People are hand waving paid online play and paid cloud saves while also whining about it in parentheses.
Nintendo has you guys wrapped around their finger. They tell you basically nothing and so you fill in the blanks. Nintendo waited as long as they could before crushing hopes of the Virtual Console. Many people were promising that it was coming and now people will tell you that you were foolish to ever expect it. Never change NDF.
for me, no.
i'm tired of these 2d titles maybe it's my age, cause i re-played them alot over the last 2 decades. i understand when your younger this 2d or N64 library seems interesting, i just find them unplayable.
the n64 library is not that big, i think it has like 10 games worth playing.
beside some classics it was a very poor console.
i would like to see more gamecube and wii titles. some of them i haven't played, like loz:skyward princess or mario galaxy.
while on gamecube i want to play pikmin 1+2, luigi's mansion, mario sunshine. metroid prime, paper mario.
not only for myself i think my 6 year old son will love them.
but honoustly, i don't think we are ever going to be able, to acces that library.
if so, aloooooot of people will buy the switch for that alone.
let hope and wait.
@Bunkerneath he gives definitive answers when he has them. Alas, a job at PR is all about dealing with people (or detrimental mentalities reigning over people) that refuse to take even silence for an answer.
The only thing that Nintendo Switch online has done for me is to make me hate Nintendo, while I loved Nintendo for so many years. And I hate even more Nintendo because they force me to hate it while I would want to love it instead. But not at those conditions.
@Crono1973 I'm pretty sure Nintendo has already confirmed all 20 games are NES?
I want some NGC games... not some NES oldies
i feel you bro.
like you i have a long hate/love relationship with nintendo,for all those annoying decissions they maked.
i used too realy love them in the super famicom era, then it all started with the n64 the bad choice they made for not choosing for a cd system.
then i kinda loved them with the gamecube. but the wii made me furious, not for the idea itself but its weak system.
the most thing i hate about them is not take the guts to get them back on the throne, why wait 1 decade with a solid online system, system specs that are ahead of time instead of already behind at launch. this is also why there is so much trouble with thirth party.
just release something powerfull what people want. they should never had allowed a thirth competitor joined the market.
"For us, it's really about being thoughtful around what's the best way to enable consumers to have access to this content" and to avoid it at all cost shoving down your throat all the worst and most stupid ways instead.
Virtual console was good enough.
The only way to improve Virtual console was to let people keep their purchases on past consoles on the newer consoles too. You don't want to do that? Ok, I can accept that. But now you are taking Virtual console away and doing something much worse instead. Well f*** you. I wanted to buy Captain Toad, Lumines, Manticore and Crash on Switch, I have bought Lumines on PS4, I will not buy Captain Toad and Manticore and if I will buy Crash I will buy it on PS4. You will not see any money from me until Smash Bros.
PS: those "benefits" Reggie is talking about are not benefits by any means. They are things that should be available for everybody (I'm not saying cloud must be free, I'm saying those who don't pay MUST be able to manually back up their saves on the SD card) but they decided to lock behind the paywall. Nintendo is ruining its own console to try to get a few more subscriptions like a beggar would do. They don't have any dignity
@Bunkerneath Er...because mostly people are asking for information the amounts to industry secret information and to reveal it would give competitors an early advantage?
I’d prefer a $60/yr price for Nintendo online if it meant you got free switch and 3DS titles every month. They don’t have to be really new games, but I like Sony’s service and the free games I get through them.
Am I dreaming, or did they originally say that there would be discounts for people who purchase the online subscription?
@Bunkerneath it's not like he can directly and fully answer those questions if company directives say he can't yet.
I want Mario Kart Snes online 8 player!!!!
I somehow agree. why buying captain toad (again) while you already bought it on the wii-u.? its not a new game, they just added new levels wich you can unlock with ammibo's, ammibo's ofcourse you gave to pay for, wich makes the price almost the same as for the wii-u.
its a concept that feels no justice to people that suported the wii-u even back stabbing.
why they always decide for gamers, rather then listen to them.
no, its "nintendo's way only"
Will you have to be online to play the legacy games for "checking subscription" or something like that? That would be a real bummer.
To list the ability to cloud save your save files in first place is a bit cheeky to say the least considering that all other consoles allow free backups and cloud saves are free on Xbox One.
To play for online is a common thing these days but the poor solutions for communication provided by Nintendo in a console that it's supposed to be played also as a handheld boggles the mind.
I also have some doubts about the legacy feature, when it will launch the console will be almost two years old and we know just a few details about it.
I'm not really sure that Nintendo Online will be that popular to be honest but we'll see.
OK. Back to playing DuckTales on my Nintendo Entertainment System.
@Bunkerneath pretty sure that’s NoJ keeping NoA out of the loop.
Hopefully this means we'll be able to play N64/GameCube/Wii/Wii U and GBA/DS/3DS games on the Switch in the future.
Just let me pay £9.99 a month and get access to all of the Nintendo games from yesteryear and periodically add and remove if you like 3rd party games
Let see.
Nintendo want us to pay for a service where we get access to old games.
But we don't really have control over what game we get access to.
And this service is more or less the reason why they do not sell the old games like they did on Wii and Wii U.
Nope, I do not like this one bit.
It smell like an excuse to block backward compatibility so they can earn the money for the same game again.
And this time we get to just get to rent the games.
This is not a service, but a money grab.
I spy with my little eye a bunch of impatient people who can't for anything and do not realize Reggie can't just reveal everything they want to see in an instant
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