As another week flies by, it's time once again to take a look at the UK gaming charts. As was to be expected, this week has been pretty quiet for Nintendo with major releases on other platforms taking the limelight this time around.
Both the all formats and individual charts have been dominated this week by Marvel's Spider-Man - which has become the fastest-selling game of the year - and the PS4 version of Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age. Of course, Dragon Quest XI is still on the way for Nintendo Switch, but is currently only available on PS4 and PC.
In the individual charts, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe has managed to speed boost itself back up into a third place position despite being released well over a year ago, but things are relatively quiet elsewhere. Super Mario Odyssey also grabbed number ten in the individual charts, but the Switch's presence in the all formats chart comes mostly in the form of multi-platform releases.
Here's a look at the top ten all formats chart (physical sales only):
1. (New) Spider-Man
2. (New) Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age
3. (3) Grand Theft Auto V
4. (1) F1 2018
5. (4) Crash Bandicoot: N.Sane Trilogy
6. (2) Pro Evolution Soccer 2019
7. (6) Mario Kart 8: Deluxe
8. (New) Destiny 2: Forsaken
9. (7) PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
10. (12) LEGO The Incredibles
Did you buy any of these chart-topping games this week? Are you surprised to see Mario Kart 8 Deluxe still selling so many copies? Let us know down below.
[source chart-track.co.uk]
Comments 55
It’s amazing that Mario Kart is still in the charts! Also, if the other games defense, Spider-man is so much fun!
@BladedKnight I imagine a Switch port would do very well.
You don’t get anything but green shells and banana peels when you in 3rd.
To be fair, Spider-Man is a lot of fun (though I am - to my surprise, never've been much of a DQ fan - having even more fun with Dragon Quest XI. Meanwhile my Switch is succumbing to being a Fortnite and Splatoon 2 machine.
Forget all other news on this except that GTA 5 is still in the top 10. We neeeed GTA 5 on the Switch more than we need a 3rd party exclusive.
I have to say that this is fully deserved. Spiderman is an absolutely incredible game, and I'm glad it's doing as well as it is! Hopefully this means we'll get even more excellent superhero games over the next few years
I wish Nintendo would team up with Insomniac for something.
@BranJ0 Yeah? I though it was a carbon copy of Batman Arkham Knight with Spider-Man skins and story.
Good game but nothing to write home about imo.
@Razer I'm definitely slightly biased due to my huge love of Spiderman, but I thought the open world traversal alone was incredible. Granted it does take beats from the Arkham games in its combat, but I would say that carbon copy wasn't doing the game justice
@BranJ0 Spider-Man sounds like the superhero to make the most in-world sense for Arkham style combat focused on prompts and counters. That's basically how his "spider sense" works. It's web swinging and wall crawling that would always make him difficult to make a game around, similarly with Superman's flight or x-ray vision.
Also Mario better watch out:

@BranJ0 Yeah i mean carbon copy might be an exaggeration but it certainly has a lot more similarities than just combat, the open world aspect is the same too, both super hero games, similar combat like you say and very similar gameplay and controls.
The Spider-Man version polished some aspects up as the other game is nearly 3 years old, but generally they are too similar for me to consider Spider-Man the game of 2018, it pretty much falls in line with GOW... It's a solid game, they took an old formula and polished it up. But it's going to be firmly eclipsed when Red Dead Redemption 2 is out.
Edit: to be fair though i don't actually own the game... Played a lot during the weekend at my brothers house but don't actually own it... I will complete it with him tho.
Spiderman is going to smash it for weeks, months!
Seeing charts like this is why Mario Kart 9 is a few years away. There is no rush for Nintendo to put out another game and I'm sorry to say, no need for more DLC. Save it all for a new entry. That game is nearly a year and a half old on Switch (like 4+ years old overall) and it's at almost at 9 million Switch copies sold. It finished 3rd in a week where huge games like Spiderman and Dragon Quest XI were released.
I really want the 3DS version of Dragon Quest XI with its lovely dual visuals so Square Enix localise it!
@Nintendofan83 But Nintendo Life is not reporting sale numbers. You can be number 7 on the top 10 and sell 1% of what the number 1 sells, without figures it's absolutely useless.
Just bought Mk8, havent played since Mk double dash, how is online racing population?
Spiderman, Detroit Become Human and Horizon Zero Dawn are the only 3 games that have come out on PS4 since the release of the Switch, that make me tempted to dust off my PS4 and give it back it's HDMI slot on my TV... an HDMI that is currently held by my Gamecube.
Yes, Gamecube demoted my PS4 off of my TV. XD
Well Mario Kart 8 is a old game, wait intill the new Nintendo games come out, or even the nintendo labo: vehicle kit which has stuff for Mario Kart.
Not much of a surprise to see Spider-Man in first place (well deserved, too) - but good to see Mario Kart holding strong. Pleased to see Dragon Quest get a decent response too!
To the surprise of no one! Looking forward to getting some web-slinging done myself when my boy stops hogging the PS4 for virtually the only time since getting his gaming PC last Christmas.
So is GTA V just the best selling game of all time?
I'm still hoping for a Sunset Overdrive 2. Make that and bring it to Switch
I guess Spider-Man does what a spider can....
@Razer I'm half in both camps. Spidey is incredibly fun and well put together, but it does also follow the Arkham Knight formula a bit far too, so it doesn't feel totally fresh. Still, I think the pace and the array of combat options/combinations along with the on the nose focus on aerial combat sets Spidey apart. Batman keeps his feet firmly on the ground as round robin fisticuffs, while Spidey encourages using similar structures to keep the acrobatics in the air without touching the ground as much as possible. It's also, IMO quite a bit harder, you really have to keep the juggling and combo chains up like a fighting game, or a Bayo/DMC type action game. Also Spidey emphasises verticality in navigation/open world more than Batman as well. (I compare it more to Arkham Knight. Arkham City wasn't "true" open world, it was a much tighter sandbox with very specific set pieces and locations kind of hybridizing open world and linear adventure. Arkham Knight went full open world with grapling navigation.
It's not totally new or redefining, but it's more similar on the surface than it is to actually play. It looks the same, the button mapping is the same, but the way you play it is relatively different. Still, it does feel like Marvel vs. DC or something.
I'm looking forward to RDR2 but I don't have any expectations of it being "redefining" of anything. As someone here, I forget who, put it some months back, it's "GTA Cowboy"....not a bad thing, but I don't expect it to be anything more than a great game polishing an old formula.
@Heavyarms55 To be fair, if you have a GameCube with an HDMI port, that's not really a normal GameCube replacing PS4 Plus PS4 is probably culturally stigmatizing over there unless you're playing MHW
@Pod I'd say head over to GoNintendo, but he just got banned there, too. I'll admit, I kinda want to know where he appears next.
Spider Man is the fastest-selling PS4 exclusive ever in the UK. Amazing performance.
DQXI sold about as much as Octopath Traveler at launch.
@Archius9 Yes it is, it used to be Wii Sports but now is GTAV the best-selling game in history.
EDIT: No, it's not. It is Tetris and then Minecraft. GTAV is third.
@PanurgeJr why did he get banned?
I remember he use to hang around a lot on here, i stopped coming on myself due to work commitments and when i started popping on again a couple of months back, he was gone.
I always wanted to know what happened to him... Didn't he hate Nintendo for "abandoning" the WiiU or something?
@Pod yeah what ever happened to him?
@Archius9 @BlueOcean Not to be nitpicky, but that would be Tetris (170 million+ sales) if we're talking multi-platform. If we're talking single platform, then Wii Sports is still the best-selling game (Wii only about 83 million sales). Still, Grand Theft Auto V ranks at #3 behind Minecraft (#2) so it's definitely a big deal and well worthy of some well-deserved bragging rights.
@nintendork64 Sorry to chime in but even Nintendo admitted that 85% of Wii Sports sales were because it was the pack in title for the Wii...
The number of people who purchased Wii Sports separately was a fraction of that overall figure.
In terms of actual game purchased outside of pack in titles, Mario Bros 3 is still Nintendo's biggest seller. But then again that game has been rereleased 50 million times. The original figures i remember reading in a 2001 mag was like 25m though so still very impressive.
@Razer You're right, but there was never any elaboration as to what they were referencing other than "best selling game of all time." That would be Tetris. Overall console based games are Wii Sports. If you're talking multi-platform, it's Tetris, followed by Minecraft. If you cross-reference console specific games (link below), you'll find that Grand Theft Auto V isn't even in the top 5 at least for PlayStation 4.
@Razer He got banned for the same reason he got banned here--the site decided they'd had enough of him. Just like here he: a) had a set of complaints that he insisted upon repeating every day, b) would report anybody for anything that looked like trolling, no matter how innocuous or playful, c) would call people liars when they disputed him, and d) would occasionally attack the people who ran the site. He once accused someone there of invading his privacy by...quoting something he'd written here, as though searching for something posted publicly were an egregious offense. He's great for people who enjoy trolling. For sites trying to prevent trolling, not so much.
@NEStalgia I am going to take a wait and see approach to this. Personally i think we are in for a shock, i can't actually play RDR because i don't own a console that can play it (im only on Nintendo) but i can play it at my brothers like we are with Spider-Man.
I personally think this is going to be one of those ganre defining games we get every few years...
@BladedKnight because some parents don't want their kids playing GTA. That said I really frickin want Spider-Man.
@ObeseCity clearly the parents are losing that battle with these numbers 😂😂
@Razer Much as I trust Rockstar for quality and polish, I have a hard time matching "genre defining" and Rockstar in the same sentence. They're almost always derivative refinements in polished form.
I expect a great game, but I'm definitely not expecting anything radical, despite the hype. Still, the setting alone makes it something unique and special. Not too many spaghetti westerns in gaming!
@Nintendofan83 hush your mouth 😉 im praying for mk8 deluxe DLC in a few months......
He reminded me a of a user called Solitanze that I used to quarrel with over at N-Europe back when they had a thriving comment section. I've become a more patient and polite forum member since, but alas not any less of a pedantic know-it-all.
I mostly bring up SLIGEACH now because of the bet we put on about Mario Kart 8 Deluxe selling over 15 million.
@KingdomHeartsFan oh you never heard the term Nintendoomed then? You'd be the first... Nintendo continuously get torn apart for rehashing games, to the point that most people who haven't yet bought into the Switch still think Nintendo as a business will fail.
The problem i find with Spider-Man as opposed to Nintendo though, is that i feel like I've played Spider-Man before, where as with Nintendo and i can't quite understand why, but their rehashed games feel like new games.
An example is Zelda, they used the same formula for both OoT and MM but the games honestly felt worlds apart.
Maybe that's my Nintendo fanboy coming out but I've had PS4 fans say the same thing to me and we couldn't explain why that was, but then again Nintendo always gets noted for such achievements.
Like how on earth did they make OoT on the 3DS so good that it replaced the original as the best version to get?
But hey i think Spider-Man is an outstanding game non the less and it's certainly true that Nintendo currently has nothing that can compare.
That's saying a lot considering i only own a Switch and only play the PS4/XBOX at my brothers house on weekends (i would love to own a PS4/Xbox one but i can't 😞).
@nintendork64 Thanks, I checked the wrong list then. Tetris had thousand of versions and was included in watches, are they counting everything? LOL
Anyway, Minecraft is second (wow!!) and GTAV third. I thought that Microsoft lost money because they bought Minecraft too late and for $2.5 billion but perhaps it was not a bad deal after all?
@PanurgeJr @Pod I know he is very critical but that's not a bad thing to have on forums and he provided better charts than staffers here.
@BlueOcean That's pack in titles for you. They make for a bad metrics to see game sales. I personally think games that are pack ins shouldn't actually count towards individual games sold.
I also think this is why we haven't had a pack in title since the Wii.
Edit: i think they also count the free downloads on Android and IOS.
@Razer I am not sure about Tetris but Minecraft deserves the title then because only special editions of consoles include the game. It is really impressive that it has sold more than GTAV.
@BlueOcean Well Minecraft appeals to all age groups where as GTA is generally an adult game so the demographic is much smaller. (This actually makes GTA look more impressive)
Also Minecraft might not be a pack in game but its been released on every device imaginable.
Then factor in that it didn't cost as much as GTA on release and you really have your reason why most people will always consider GTA 5 the best selling game, at least on the platforms that matter (pray to Odin for a Switch Release)
@BlueOcean actually imagine GTA 5 sales if they sold it on phones too...
I don't mean him any ill will.
He's a funny guy who takes his key areas of interest very very seriously.
@Pod He used to give good information, sometimes a bit edgy and self-indulgent but the Nintendo trolls are far more aggressive and much less interesting to read.
Aye, he'd usuallly back up his tirades with data, which is more than can be said for some.
@KingdomHeartsFan If his profile is still live, that's a site programming issue. Both the mods here and him there have said he's banned.
@BlueOcean To call him very critical is quite the understatement. And he provided charts simply for the recognition. At GN there are three people who post stories. RMC, who runs the site, thanks people who send in links by name; the other two don't. He once basically said that not being thanked by name was an insult, and vowed to never send in anything else while RMC wasn't running things. He really should be running his own site. Not that anyone would go there.
@NEStalgia Mod-free. It's a piece of homebrew after market tech that plugs into the original model Gamecube's digital video out and then you plug HDMI into that. Much cheaper than buying Gamecube component cables and much higher quality that standard 3rd party converters because most of those take the signal from old composite cables and just send that through an HDMI, this thing takes the highest quality native video signal from the Gamecube (480i or 480p depending on the game) and sends that to the TV. 480 might not sound like much, but trust me, the difference compared to composite cables is like putting on glasses you didn't know you always needed...
You're correct, and no, it was more of a "YES IT WILL!" and "NUH-UH!" thing than a sealed bet with a prize, but he did say he ought to print out and frame my comment about the number, so I was thinking of offering him a framed print of his own string of "that will never happen!" comments.
Really cool! I still feel cheated out of the Wii era. I got the Wii just after getting HD displays. Wii component into digital displays produced a horrible horrible looking output that lagged even the GCN. I probably would have had a fonder impression of the platform had it not been so dog ugly. I'll always cherish my memories of the year with Galaxy/Brawl/Kart though.
@JoeyJoey95 There are a few other people I can think of that stopped commenting abruptly, leading me to believe they were banned as well. If so, it was good work by the mods; if not, well, them leaving has made the site better regardless.
@BlueOcean Minecraft actually consistently makes $300 million+ for Microsoft each quarter, which is crazy, so it was definitely a smart acquisition (which is unfortunately usually not the case with Microsoft's acquisitions).
Yeah, I think the numbers could be skewed on the multi-plats a little bit with regard to Tetris, but Minecraft is impressive (and is not available on watches).
@nintendork64 Wow, then I am happy for Microsoft and for Minecraft players that can play cross-platform (except on Sony's isolated console). The New Nintendo 3DS version has impressed me and includes the Mario worlds. I'm not a fan of seeing every game Mario-nised but I like the Mario worlds in Minecraft.
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