Nintendo has confirmed that Xenoblade Chronicles X's Elma will be making an appearance in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 alongside a brand new blade. The best news? They're both available today!
Yes, even more news has come flooding out of Gamescom's lovely show floor, with Nintendo sharing a brand new video segment for Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Feel free to rewind the video below right to the beginning if you'd like to watch the entire thing, but you can check out this new content from the 31:33 mark posted below.
As you can see, Elma appears in an encounter with Rex and rest of the party before seemingly mistaking them as enemies, causing a mass fight to break out. If you watched the video to the end, you'll also have seen the new Rare Blade, Corvin. Both of these are available as part of the Expansion Pass starting from today - if you've already bought the pass, you should expect to have them in your game very soon.

In case you'd forgotten, Nintendo was also quick to remind fans that the Torna – The Golden Country expansion will be releasing on 14th September - so not long to wait at all!
Are you happy to see Elma return in Xenoblade Chronicles 2? Will you be firing up your copy of the game to explore the new goodies today? Let us know with a comment below.
[source youtu.be]
Comments 62
Aww she looks amazing In XC2!
Do they have a rep from just about every single Xeno game ever by now?
Yay Elma!! And a new cute male blade!!
That's not her true form, though
@yuwarite um... possibly because Spoliers for anyone who hasn't played the game.
LOVE all of the new Blades!
They're off guard. Stagger them with a melee attack!
Not touched any of the DLC. Playing it all together once Torna comes out and done with DQXI
Should be a few months of back to back RPG heaven - Good times!
Where is Bodybuilder looking Blades ??
@Anti-Matter its as if you fetishize body building, especially those chibi thing people.....
@Anti-Matter Vandham is already in Xenoblade Chronicles 2...
I have to get back to this game.
So excited for Elma. We're going into Overdrive for her!
Awesome! She looks really great here the 2 art style. Wasn't the biggest fan of the X character art style, though the world design was gorgeous.
Tooooo.... many waifus in Xenoblade 2.
I need some Muscle dudes to balance the waifus.
I don't even excited for the Moe / Lolita / "Come to me boy" looking Blades.
Now if we could just get Elma in Smash..
Now I'm hoping for a Xenoblade Chronicles X port
Xenobalde Chronicles 2 is one of my favorite games right now and the expansion pass seems loaded with content. I'm glad the game is selling well and will buy the expansion pass in a few months, once I really have time to enjoy it.
@Cobalt psst Don't tell them about Vandham
Vandham ?
That old gramps ?
Too old for my taste.
Btw, i found Zeke looked quite sexy in my eyes from my searching on Google just now.
I had already knew him.
Well.... he is too old for my taste.
@Anti-Matter Maybe you should search other games for gay fuel.
I recommend buying Dream Daddy on steam
@Anti-Matter You know there are actual attractive males to look at instead of digital muscles, right? The internet is ripe with them.
@Anti-Matter I mean, the majority of people playing this game are straight dudes, so...
Well this comment section escalated quickly. Anyone else wanna share their preferences in terms of half-naked digital humans?
@mjharper Hahaha! YES!!!! That and Sliding Slinger! XD XD
Oh gawd. The reddit page is going to implode.
@boop22 Best thing I did was block him. Nintendolife experience 9/10 now.
I suppose it was unrealistic to wish for Hope or Murderess.
So that means i'm completely different here ?
XC2 really has the best DLC expansion in the history of Nintendo games lmao. BOTW dlc who?
Meh, I found the characters in X to be pretty boring. One of the many things I disliked about the game.
I have no idea how to get back into this. New game + or just play my end game file. Maybe even an actual new game.
@RGnsd Actually I believe that title belongs to Splatoon 2's Octo Expansion, however the story DLC will be the decider between the two when it comes out.
@Pod No. We have nothing from Xenogears, and that's because Square Enix are a bunch of weird idiots that have no idea how to handle their old IP.
That said, one of Zeke's costumes in Challenge Mode references Bart's clothes in Xenogears, and as with every Xeno game (Xenosaga and Xenoblade 1 and X) most story elements are ripped straight from Xenogears.
@Anti-Matter I have no idea. But, you're not the target audience.
"Let's see what you got."
I would've preferred a new XCX instead, but yeah, I know that's not going to happen any time soon.
@Pod Almost. They are still missing a rep from the first Xeno game, Xenogrears. But that might be a tad difficult.
I would happily double dip for X. I have so many fond memories of exploring, interrupted by "Uncontrollable" firing up as Tyrant noticed me.
Can't wait for Torna
If they port XCX to Switch I hope they update all the faces to use this style. It looks so much nicer!
I have Xenoblade Chronicles 2, but i rarely play it for very long time due to not ready yet to continue the story.
You know, playing RPG games need a guidance to go here, go there, do this, do that.
Really wishing it was September 14th right about now. I'm holding out for the physical release and therefor have yet to try any of the DLC.
I honestly think I’m gonna pass on Torna. Xenoblade 2 just had too many things that made me raise my eyebrows in a not good way.
Anti matter they did actually have a “obviously gay” male blade (probably not your type) none of the male characters are especially nice to look at. This game’s understanding of sexy is just weirdly balanced with almost no sense of self awareness. Some parts were great but ... yeah.
FYI the story summary is essentially “find techno Holy Spirit with multiple personalities and travel the world until you face off against evil/snide techno Jesus .”
Love all the new content we're getting with this game. I am wondering if I should replay the whole thing just to get the full experience again.
Outstanding game. Fantastic story, interesting characters, beautiful world, great music, fun combat. Love it. Still my favorite game on Switch and my second favorite RPG of all time. Beaten only by the first Xenoblade.
All the trolls and haters are gonna hate it regardless like anything else that has fans. People find things other people love and attack it out of spite. They always do. They derive pleasure from insulting people and the things they enjoy. They are unhappy with their own lives so they feel the need to spit on other people to try and make them feel bad as a way of making themselves feel better.
i hope Lin and L gets in Xenoblade 2 as well.
Would love a port of X.
Is X less pervy than 2?
I loved Xenogears when I played it. But I just found 2 to be too dirty. I felt like I’d be embarrassed if anyone saw me playing whenever Torra was talking.
@Heavyarms55 hahaha bro relax. Some people the game didn't vibe with. Mostly from a combat and character design standpoint and I can see where their coming from.
I on the other hand love the game and am over 250hrs with only the first 1 or 2 contents of DLC. I'll have much to get back into come next month. Highly excited.
Trolls & haters I don't even take their comments into consideration.
@DavidMac Yes and no. The outfits are even more ridiculous than 2's and there's arguably way more fanservice in X. It's mostly optional, but it's still a big reward from doing sidequests.
@MaSSiVeRiCaN I am defensive because the trolls and haters are a lot louder and I think of them with insults that would probably get me banned from this site if I actually typed them out.
@MaSSiVeRiCaN which I find funny. The combat system is very simple to understand. Octopaths is more difficult to get a grasp on. And there's no tutorials in Octopath. Like Octopath is a fun game, but it isn't anywhere in the same league as this.
@EvilLucario I don't really think the attire is ridiculous. Sexy chicks dress sexy. The rest is sci fi.
Also, I dont get the haters. The SJWs and soyboys hate it because there are attractive unobtainable women in it. Lower IQ people hate it because the combat is too hard apparently. I just don't get it.
This game is over-flowing with content! What a fantastic developer!
@Syrek24 agreed. Forgive my autism. I did not mean any of that as insults.
@DavidMac Well, Torna~TGC has been stated to be more mature, and most of 2's sex stuff were jokes. The new protagonist also has a good non-sexual female design. Many people have stated that Tora is looking to be quite better than the base game.
Jin and Elma for Smash!
@DavidMac I wouldn't say it's as bad as 2, bit there are still elements of those types of character designs (see Elma). I too hope they design more sensible characters for whatever comes next. That being said I feel like the women in x definitely had more clothes.
Elma like apple juice 😁
Well at least XC2 now has a character that I like and she isn't dressed like a prostitute.
Now all I need is the XCX switch port.
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