Nintendo has shared a short new video to announce that the upcoming Nintendo Labo Vehicle Kit will be supported in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
As you can see, the Vehicle Kit's wheel and pedal can both be used to carry out your usual Mario Kart antics on screen, working nicely alongside the Toy-Con Motorbike which has been compatible with the game for a while now. Our favourite feature, however, has to be the extremely inconvenient - yet extremely cool - use of the horn to fire out your weapons. Awesome.

Check it out below.
It might not be in the same league as the super fancy racing game setups you can buy - some of which can go into the thousands of pounds, but it does add another twist of whacky fun to Mario's biggest karting adventure.
Will you be trying this out when the Vehicle Kit arrives on 14th September? Let us know below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 50
While this is totally expected, suddenly the confirmation of it makes me want to do it desperately.
Would have made more sense for a new Diddy Kong Racing, but cool nonetheless.
How would you use items behind you with this shnazy new setup? Diddy Kong Racing for the win!
This is the kind of thing that would actually persuade me to buy...............nah not really, its still just cardboard to me
See? Cardboard is the future. Now give us piano support for Deemo, please?
There you go. If they made a $14.99 "Project Kit" that you can use on different games like this - it would make sense.
Get rid of the $69.99 for a cardboard project and a Mobile App. This is the ticket.
Must work great on 200cc.
Sweet, next update needs to be new tracks, even paid DLC, take my money nintendo!
Y'all think this is neat, but wait till yer playing Metroid Prime with the fishing rod.
Why'd you have to say "On Switch"? Mario kart 8 deluxe is only on switch, or am I wrong?
@Octane I want to play Bayonetta 3 with the house.
Well that'll be fun to look forward to when Labo goes on a much-needed sale, I guess.
When driving people are surely going to destroy that cardboard. Seems like a waste to me.
Niiiice... !
Btw, the pedal for Vehicle kit can be used for playing drums, so......
As someone who has always used the wheel, this actually looks very appealing to me. Especially because firming holding in a small button for the gas sometimes makes the tip of my thumb hurt. Being able to use an actual pedal instead would be very nice. How well it would hold up, due to being cardboard... (shrugs) But definitely worth trying out for me (at some point, maybe when it's a bit cheaper - $70 is, well... yeah).
@Octane @FriendlyHuman
Literally made me laugh out loud.
Btw, what if i use the pilot grip / Sub marine steer to play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe ?
Will they work too ?
Has anyone 3d printed functional plastic models for every Labo kit yet?
Because... get on that...
I just wonder if there is any aggressive driving, if the Cardboard will last.
@gcunit I kind of figured they would do this. They added support for the motorbike peripheral a bit back IIRC. I agree with you there.
Again, NL reporting what we already knew.
I thought this was a news site.
Cool but $70 for a cardboard racing wheel still feels ridiculous.
It can’t be any more useless than the wii remote wheel.
All this Labo stuff would be incredible if Nintendo came out with VR for Switch.
Do you need Mario Kart on VR Headset can't wait to see for the Switch next year.
@FriendlyHuman MK8D is also out on Wii U where clearly this peripheral would not work.
It's good that mk8 is still in the news as the possibility of more tracks increases. I will gladly pay for more cups, name your price Nintendo
@DockEllisD me too some dlc would be extremely welcome
New Labo kart for MK8D. Literal piece of cardboard for a new character??
This is pretty great. I might buy it along with MK8DX, along as theyre useable in multiplayer.
$70 is pretty high (it's $100 for me), but we already own a bunch of joycons so I could simply make more wheels and pedals myself once I have the templates.
@shani I didn't know. So that's news to me.
@bluemage1989 Ooor, have a selectable car body that's cardboard!
@Roam85 You made me realize that I've not heard anyone make 3D prints!
@CaPPa Nintendo's cardboard is better than average, but if you just want the templates so you can make them at home, they make those available for free. The real cost in the kit is the software that comes with it.
@MaSSiVeRiCaN Oh cool, I didn't know the Deluxe version was on WiiU too. But you say it is so Idk.
Analog gas pedal? Or a switch for a pedal?
I never understood why they left out the first-person view from MK7, and adding this update doesn't help any.
@shani I'm sorry I have to comment like this but, shut the f@#* up.
@HobbitGamer yes and cutting your fingers using those... sharp carboard
Nintendo should bundle Mario Kart 8 DX, the Motorbike Labo, and the Steering wheel Labo together for $100 or something. Would fly off of shelves during the holidays.
@FriendlyHuman Mario Kart 8 is for Wii U, MK8D isn’t. Deluxe is Switch only.
@lanceorr Y’know, there are nicer ways to ask people to stop.
While the vehicle kit looks fun, I won't partake...
@Roam85 That's the very first thing I thought. Maybe not a 3d printed model, but we might see some alternatives in the market for the people who don't want to spend for the whole Labo kit, but want to take advantage of this compatibility (be it Mario Kart, another racing game, a Pilotwings, a shooter, etc).
People asking for more tracks. If they keep adding tracks to Mario Kart 8 they're not going to leave a lot of ideas for Mario Kart 9 (which I assume will continue to be their business model for the franchise). It already has more tracks than any other Mario Kart, so I don't think it needs more. Maybe you could put the money towards a new game instead.
Hey, Nintendo, I dare you to make the robot kit useable in ARMs.
@Dahn_ the labo kit is cheap.
It’s the labo video game that comes with it you pay for.
That said... Ninty did say they were going to release replacement cardboard packs... so I could just get that and not the game...
Wasn't this confirmed like, a month ago?
That was just for the toy-con motorcycle. This is for the new labo set coming out.
@PringleMuffin Thank you, I was having serious deja vu here.
@Agramonte mobile app? I've got Android, but, haven't seen it in the Play store. Is it on iPhone?
Of course it will this is Nintendo they have to always have a gimmick to play games. I would be surprised if it didn't
@FriendlyHuman actually your right the deluxe version isn't on Wii U lol. So good on u bud, my fault.
I would guess that the pedal uses an accelerometer and the wheel uses a combination of accellerometer and IR camera. The control method should be accurate enough but would be awkward without the physical housing (pedal).
For something this complex I think that I'd want the build instructions too, so it's just easier to buy the kit. For longevity I'd like to use something else instead of cardboard.
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