XSEED Games has announced that Senran Kagura Reflexions, the upcoming Switch-exclusive entry to the adult-themed series, will launch on the console on 13th September.
This latest title is set to make use of the Switch's unique properties as much as possible, with the Joy-Con allowing fans to "get closer than ever" to the shinobi girls including Asuka of the Hanzō National Academy. Players will get 'hands-on', helping to massage away the girls' stress by employing the art of reflexology, deepening your relationship while progressing through a narrative experience with multiple endings.
Asuka will give the player feedback through the HD rumble technology in each Joy-Con; the better players react to her signals, the closer they will become to her. Interacting with her in different ways will lead to branching story paths toward one of seven different situations and six unique endings - and that’s just for Asuka. Scenarios for fan-favourite characters Yumi, Murasaki, Ryōna, and Yomi will also be released over the weeks following the game’s launch as additional DLC.
We've included a new trailer below which naturally contains some adult-themed content (including a stranger-than-usual scene in which the player essentially cleans the poor girl with a lint roller).
The game will be priced at $9.99 (European pricing still to be confirmed) and is available to pre-purchase from the North American eShop as we speak.
Is this one going on your Switch game wishlist?
Comments 83
Finally, some big announcements for the Switch!
Truly a system seller! I’ll take 10.
Fingers crossed this one has a proper full nude modes/art. Previous entries have been disappointing to me for the lack of naked characters.
Might be the highest concentration of touch puns since Nintendo DS hayday. XD
$10? Hell I'll buy it for that.
@NiaBladerunner Wait what?
Is this even a game?
Now hope a proper SK games comes to Switch
Population on the decline in Japan, can't imagine why...
I'd feel a tit playing this game.
Allready have the Japanese eshop release, and have preordered the physical edition. (You get it with the limited edition of Peach ball)
@eltomo Probally not because of this game atleast.
Wonder how many of the endings are happy...
@tobibra There is a physical edition?
I still can't believe this was localized!
I've already preloaded my copy.
For a joycon tech showpiece, I'd much rather pay $10 for this than $50 for 1, 2, Switch.
@GrailUK There will be, in Japan. Atleast the upcoming limited edition of Peach ball includes an extra case, with a cover for this game. Could be just a download card but I think its a cart. Atleast its a retail case for it. Its out in December, in Japan
Does it come with multiplayer?
Sorry, couldn’t resist...
XSEED.. are we sure this is coming to Europe then too? I didn't think XSEED handled anything for Europe.
Well we have that Nekopara thingymabob at least..
I hope this story has a happy ending
@EightBitMan Replace "Japan" with any other modern society, and it's the same. Don't try to put a nation into a box just to say something that is applicable to all human society. It doesn't make the statement sound enlightened, but condescending.
@XenoShaun It will be released by Marvelous.
@tobibra Oh that's good then! I don't know if this would be the best introduction to the series for me however. I've played one of them on PS4, uh the one like the Musou Games. Estival something.
That's not a lint roller, it has little knobs - it massages as it rolls.
The game is cheaper than I thought it would be at least. But I’ll probably just end up getting that 3DS remake on PS4 instead.
@XenoShaun I don't think this is that good for an introduction.
Its a dating game. With massage minigames.
In my opinion, Estival versus is the worst game so far.
I would recomend starting with Burst as its a remake of the first game. (Shoujotachi no shine) It has two stories.
Deep Crimson is a sequel to the Hanzo story in Burst. Shinovi versus is a sequel to the Heijbo story in Burst. Estival versus is a sequel to Shinovi versus. Not sure if Peach Splash is considered a main game storywise or just a spinoff, but Reflexions, Dekamori Peach ball are spinoffs.
Time for people to get offended at this game's mere existence and once again label all of Japan a bunch of sexist perverts because they are too stupid to understand:
1. It's just a game, it's fiction, not reality.
2. If you don't like it, no one is forcing you to buy it.
3. It's a niche title, even in Japan.
But do go on, and spew your racist hogwash about how all of Japan is nothing but a bunch of perverts, then go back to your HBO and Netflix originals with a sex scene in almost literally every episode.
@EightBitMan good comment. If software like this actually helped men become more confident, more knowledgeable about physical and emotional relationships, even taught you how to massage properly, then it would be a better piece of work. There’s enough adult stuff online as it is....but Moe genres are always welcome even if not for me.
I can’t believe how people get so “disturbed” by things like this.
There’s no nudity here and even if it were, what’s the problem? That the girls are high school students doesn’t make you a pervert. They’re cartoons.
People feel bad for touching high school cartoon girls but are perfectly fine shooting realistic people in the head? Tell me who’s the one with issues here. When violence and murder are viewed as normal and acceptable but some light erotica is not, we’ve got a problem.
Also that this game is a substitute for real human relationships in Japan is just a laughable argument... Japan do have serious social issues, but not more than any other country in the world. This society might be rotten, but it’s not because of Japan.
@GrailUK : There will be a physical version of Senran Kagura (this) bundled with the limited edition of the upcoming Senran Kagura (pinball) game. In all likelihood, they will be Japanese only.
Limited Run has published physical editions for the PS4 and Vita, so it's only a matter of time before the English-language editions of Senran Kagura on Switch will follow for those who want to get their hard on (copies, that is).
Yes finally a game made specifically for Switch by a 3rd party.
This game is actually Nintendog, with the girls replacing the dogs.
@Heavyarms55 Preaching the truth. Like these dating Sims and/or "waifu" games aren't for me, but I don't see why people need to get offended by fictional characters being sexualised. It's not real, it's the whole "video games cause violence," argument all over again.
@Nincompoop OMG You're right! I never thought about it that way!
@Silly_G AH. I wasn't really asking out of intertest...more disbelief!
So this was that game Etika was playing...
I love coming to articles related to Senran Kagura, some get so uncomfortable. Lol.
@tobibra I really didn't like the pronounced delay after character animations in Estival. SK games are supposed to be spammy and fast, not deliberate like Monster Hunter.
Hopefully the Burst remake fixes this.
@GrailUK yes, for extra touch feels.
I say that last night. Then I looked at the price. 10 bucks. I might get it for my own curiosity. I plus I feel these games are over priced.
@KingdomHeartsFan That's from the lens of Western culture though. In plenty of cultures (including Japan) what we'd consider "young girls" are acceptably consenting adults. In earlier iterations of Western culture the same was also true. Back in medieval times, 13-14 was considered perfectly fine marriage age for girls. That's a cultural (and in some cases an ethnic thing as different ethnicity tend to reach puberty at different average ages) and seems to vary based on location, time period etc. By current Western values, what you say is true. But by current non-Western values it's not necessarily true. By Western values 800 years ago it wasn't true, and we have no idea if it will still be true by Western values 800 years from today. "Normal" changes with time and conditions, and contrary to what every generation of every civilization ever believes, their present values are never the "pinnacle of thought" as they seem to believe they are at the time. It's too broad a brush to paint something that's changed through history as to what's "normal". Arguably, the "natural" order would be as it is with animals, as soon as reproductive ability is possible, the age is appropriate. One could look at current Western values as a bizarre doctrine by pretending that natural order doesn't apply. It's not likely to have come to existence because of anything inherent about consent at a particular age, but more about the ability to financially support offspring in a post-industrial society as opposed to the ease of doing so in an agrarian society.
Which then makes us have to question: If our supposedly superior industrial societies make such basics as raising offspring more difficult to achieve.....why do we believe it to be superior? Which takes us back to 8bitman's comments about Japans decline due to the burdens of society, and hobbitgamer's point that that applies to all industrial societies, not just Japan.
All that being said, I won't be buying this game. It's definitely not for me. But that doesn't mean it's not right for many, or that my values here aren't odd and backward in line with the rest of my society
@Heavyarms55 "But do go on, and spew your racist hogwash about how all of Japan is nothing but a bunch of perverts, then go back to your HBO and Netflix originals with a sex scene in almost literally every episode."
I should NOT have taken a big drink just before reading this paragraph
@HobbitGamer Indeed. Japan may well be faring worse than most places in that regard, but as always when singling out how bad the social decay is in Japan we always have to keep in mind they're still a distant #2 to the US in most metrics of that regard. I always hear about how "bad" Japan is....and there is indeed a lot of bad....and then I check the real numbers and polls and in most cases it's only bad if you're from somewhere other than here....if you're from here, even their bad is still better
More lazy crap. Hopefully it will get a real version like on VITA someday. Great on the GO. I have better things to do with $10 and my time.
Also, people need to let it go. The fact we can't just see this as a stupid cartoon - just points at our own crazy hang-ups.
@KingdomHeartsFan I see your point but it’s flawed.
Sexual attraction is infinitely more natural than violence. I won’t go into age issues since that is very tricky and changes from culture to culture but let me say that a 17-18 year old boy or girl is still considered a child legally but it is not a child either physically or mentally. I could go as far as to say that from the moment a boy gets his first eyaculation or a girl her first period, they’re kids no more. All this depends on each country culture and anyway it’s totally artificial since it’s man working against Nature.
Not long ago the age for considering a person able to have sex freely was 14 or 15. I believe that in Spain is still around that age.
Anyway it’s just a game, nothing more.
Finally a game with a " happy ending" lol 😂with lots of replay ability.
Funny advertising, showing it as "massaging"
Mom i want to learn to massage! Can i buy a switch lol😭🤣
@Ralizah I might remember wrong, but I thought you could turn off those animations? I don't have a PS4 so I can't say for the Burst remake.
What in the world did I just watch?
This video gave me Feel the Magic/Project Rub vibes
This is definitely one of those games you play by yourself, I would be pretty embarrassed if someone walked in while I was giving a "massage" to a virtual girl ha ha.
I literally laughed out loud to this! XD
@tobibra No. I believe they did it to "balance the multiplayer" or something, but it just made the game a lot less fun to play. Combat in Shinovi Versus might have been a bit sloppy and spammy, but it was ALWAYS fun. Can't say the same for Estival.
@vitelus That’s obvious and absolutely true. But it doesn’t make it any less artificial anyway...
My point wasn’t that anyway. I guess it’s not easy to express precisely what I want to say, specially in a foreign language.
What I wanted to say is that we take for granted that our western way of thinking is the only good one and anything that differs from it is because is perverted and wrong.
Is that air of superiority that the western world has that make us look at every other culture from above and with disdain most of the time. And it is absolutely flawed.
I’ve been living in Japan for fifteen years but I’m not Japanese so I’ve got the benefit of knowing about how the west thinks and how Japan thinks. And one is not better than the other, just different. Japanese are, for all their rigid and strict culture, a much more tolerant and open minded culture than the West. They can differentiate between fiction (in this case a game) and reality more accurately than we could ever dream.
Great comment. Not my kind of game but the fact some get so up in arms over this stuff and slam an entire group of people (that most of these idiots, frankly, know nothing about) for it is utterly f'ing ridiculous.
@KingdomHeartsFan Or so says the current modern day Western perspective. Until "understanding" and "enlightenment" change dramatically again in 800 years. "This time we've got all the knowledge and answers unlike those primitives in the past!" The same thing all the primitives in the past said....
The idea seems sound. But is it? At what point do we get the "we've now discovered that decision making actually deteriorates over time and the impulsiveness of youth is actually our most aware thinking before a decline of information processing begins by age 22" studies begin in 300 years?
I see your point, but I also think it's the hubris of modern thinking to believe that what we understand today is the final answer to all things...especially when yesterday's truths are challenged as flawed studies continuously. Cholestorol is bad for you, Cholesterol is good for you, some cholesterol is good for you, wait you need good cholesterol to fight bad cholesterol and if you dropped cholesterol when we told you it was bad for you, sucks, you're screwed"
I'll trust the scientific, medical, and behavioral "experts" after a few centuries of their data being validated and withstanding all challenges, thanks. For now we have eggheads who believe they have all the answers after limited study within the space of 1-2 generations, and a media eager to sell the world on their findings.
Of course I'm taking this into the realm of the philosophical. As I said, the game isn't for me but it seems presumptuous to insist that a certain standard is The One Truth, when it hasn't always been, currently isn't everywhere, and is based on the type of "science" that has proven premature time and time again, particularly at this period in history. At some point we started accepting short term research as a religious doctrine to the point that even in the sciences nobody wants to recognize that a proper study into anything takes the span of numerous lifetimes. Instant gratification culture has infected even science. Any finding within a generation or two should be regarded merely as a theory, not a proven condition, and actions should not be taken based on it beyond what's necessary for continued observation.
As Shuik would say "I'm really feeling it".
@EightBitMan your profile picture
Not a video to watch on the train.... I’ve discovered.
@Ralizah Oh ok, its been a while since I played Estival, I agree it was less fun than Shinovi.
Not for me, I woud have preferred a proper Senran Kagura beat 'em up game ( an actual beat'em up guys, no double meaning or anything) . Good for the people that expected this game though.
@HobbitGamer you say that and on 95% of things i totally disagree with @EightBitMan but on this one he's not wrong.
There was an article back in 2013 i read that set me on a path of finding out more on the subject, its a HUGE issue in the country called "Celibacy Syndrome"
The article:
It's actually very sad.
@KingdomHeartsFan I wouldn't be so certain of that. Of UN listed agendas over the past decade, in addition to the universal, global legalization of marijuana, and prostitution, dramatic reductions (or in some versions, elimination of) in age of consent have also appeared on the table. While "culture" may dictate it's going out of fashion, or world leaders seem to believe the senran girls are just a bit too old for them.
Yes, the UN is bat-stuff insane, always has been, always will be. Adapting more people to eating insect cuisine to solve undernourishment is also on their agenda. But we can't deny they have the power to shape the world. Never guess the future is the way you'd think it is going to be
I can't comment on this game as the urge to make R rated puns would be too great.
I would like to see more motion/HD rumble games though, especially a new Trauma Team.
Nope, not interested, no Hibari.
To those of you on this comment thread who think this game should not exist or crying wolf that it is somehow wrong to have this on the eshop remember the lyrics of Hank Jrs song "why can't everybody else leave everybody else alone! Hey you do your thing and we'll do our thing too!".
Seriously get over it! If something offends you ignore it because it was obviously not tailor made to suit your needs, but for me as a SK diehard fan I'm ecstatic.
Also, this.
@Razer I wish there was more data on that idea. The noted Ministry survey wound up with less than 200 people between 16 and 19 years old, and the sample size in general is not great for something that could be so important. That, and there's nothing in ICD-10 or DSM-V that would class it as its own thing, pushing it towards the ever-wonderful pop psychology shelf. (There's definitely similar disorders, but those would mean it's not relegated or localized to just one culture or country) It was interesting that there are multiple articles available all using that data from 2011, all the way up to a print of 2017. Yet Japanese media had counterpoints all talking about additional factors and/or statistical refutes. Could be a case of western clickbait, or the homefront not liking the media attention of the proposed issue, who knows! (I know I'd get testy if someone talked about my gentlemanly activities haha)
I'm not even going to pretend to understand Japanese culture, but I can imagine that the introduction of western social culture after WWII brought alot of change to things (single life, female independence, delaying marriage, etc). Thanks for being polite and sharing some interesting information, rather than just being argumentative.
This is what sold me on the Switch.
I'm all for games with sex appeal, but this seems a bit much. Wake me when a new traditional combat-based SK game comes out.
Isn't this the game with the nut button?
@HobbitGamer I certainly agree with post #23 that answers to the post #8. I'll be the post #80 in case anyone wants to a agree with my post.
@tobibra WAIT! There is a physical release??? I also have the Japanese eShop version. I'm tempted to double dip but honestly an English patch would be nice
Another softcore sex simulator with sexy anime girls? Shut up and take my money!
Yeah there needs to be another side other than "think of the children" or "that's objectification". They are FICTIONAL characters to target a niche audience not REAL women! Comparing real world problems to fictional characters is just nonsense.
@LightyKD I don't know if its a cart or just a box with a download code but its coming with the limited edition of Peach ball.
If you didnt have a reason to buy a switch yet; you have it now!!
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this. Look at games like Bayonetta.
So we're getting weird Japanese sex games by the dozen and still can't get GTA V, Fallout NV, Burnout...?
Nintendo, I love you, but... this doesn't seem wise.
So we're getting weird Japanese sex sims by the dozen and still can't get GTA V, Fallout NV, Modern Warfare, Burnout...?
Nintendo, I love you, but this doesn't seem very smart.
(Then again, you made Space Mario work, so what do I know?)
@Royalblues how is forcing another country to do what you want them to do progress? You're supporting the genocide of another culture because that culture makes you feel uncomfortable. Also, take note that just because you see less sexual themes in LOCALIZED Japanese games it does not mean that those themes are not present in the original Japanese version. I hope we get a LOT more games like this on Switch!
will someone please ban this damn game from the nintendo switch before it is too late.
This looks really nice, day one purchase for me ;o
@Royalblues let's not twist words. Read carefully. You are not supporting the physical genocide of the Japanese people. You ARE, by trying to force conformation, the genocide of Japanese culture. Japan is its own country with every right as a sovereign nation to have their own culture. You have no right to try to force the Japanese people to live under your own social norms. If you don't like the forms of entertainment presented by certain Japanese publishers then you can simply choose to IGNORE the things that offend you and not spend your hard earned money. Nobody is forcing you to pay for ecchi games. Those of us who like these games will buy and the rest need to learn how to ignore and move the heck on! It's that simple. There are more important things in the world to get your panties in a bunch over!
@KingdomHeartsFan Even if a game like this is providing some sort of sexual outlet for people (I'm not convinced it is, btw, and it's irresponsible to automatically make that assumption), there's no reason to state it's an outlet for people with "pedophilic" desires. You just have no basis for that. They're idealized cartoon characters. You could say all of these girls are 30, and, other than annoyance about censorship, I don't think it would really impact how people enjoy playing these games.
As even the author of your linked article admits, there doesn't seem to be much of anything in the way of relevant literature linking what sort of entertainment one enjoys to one's real life proclivities. And don't think it's because we haven't tried.
This scaremongering about pedophiles "getting their fix" with underage cartoon characters strikes me as mostly baseless, in the same way that people aren't playing GTA to fulfill some deep-seated need to go out and hurt others. And if actual pedophiles are doing this, they're going to do it with actual lolicon manga, not fanservice heavy games featuring teenagers that don't even really feature much in the way of explicitly sexual content.
I'm glad Japan has changed its laws regarding child pornography, as this involves ACTUAL harm against ACTUAL persons. But this weird desire of Western journalists to try and brow-beat the Japanese into changing their depiction of women in anime and manga strikes me more as a form of cultural imperalism than anything.
@Royalblues dude, I'm married. I totally get thay real relationships are way different than the stuff you see in entertainment. That said, as sad as it is that, a majority of the people in japan have given up on meaningful human interaction, it's still not our place to force our social norms on them. For the sake of that country I do hope that they find a point of balance. I dont mind declining birth rates. The entire planet needs to slow down on baby making but we cant just give up on meaningful relationships. Do games like Senran Kagura add to Japan's problem? Maybe but, games like this alone are not the culprit.
Massaging busty girls for $10? Count me in!
Now if only they released the uncensored version of that monster girl strategy card game where you rub them all over to make them come... With special attacks that's out for the vita.
Also, someone cover A-M's eyes before he gets an aneurysm.
I love the Bayonetta games but they are definitely not for kids thus they are rated M just like the Senran Kagura games. IMO they are both targeting a mature audience and so that content is acceptable! One is just as deep in the muck as the other is in the marsh with overly sexual erotic content! But hey I approve! I shouldn't have to stop liking something just because someone else thinks it's inappropriate, you shouldn't force your moral beliefs onto others. Fiction is fiction and reality is reality.
There's one anime on crunchyroll about psychology and one touched on pedo. It references a lot of studies maybe you could check it out!
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