If you're a regular user of Amazon.com - specifically the US variant of the site - you'll likely be aware that a 20% discount offer automatically applies to any video games pre-ordered with a Prime account. You might also be aware that this discount offer will soon be discontinued, with any orders placed after 28th August being charged at the standard rate.
Well, it appears that Nintendo fans are making the most of a bad situation by stocking up on any great titles that they expect to want in the coming months. As long as you place your orders by that date, Prime members will be able to make use of the 20% discount regardless of the game's eventual release date, and some are using this little quirk to the extreme.
The current video game best-sellers list on the site has a number of Switch games in the top ten and, aside from Mario Kart 8 Deluxe which is often sitting at the top of almost any chart going - this is mostly made up of games which are still months away from release. December's Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is sitting on the top spot, with October's Super Mario Party right behind it in second; Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! (available in November) is also up there in eighth place.
This is just the start, however, as Metroid Prime 4 has shot right up to the fifth best-selling spot despite not even having a release date yet - never mind any information, footage, or anything other than a logo to support it. Fire Emblem: Three Houses is also in the top ten, even though a date of 27th December 2019 is currently shown for it. It seems that buyers are more than willing to place orders over a year in advance to keep hold of that 20% discount.
Of course, it's likely that those who are placing these pre-orders would be picking up these games when they're released anyway, so this is a pretty smart move to keep their orders at a lower price. We just hope that they don't forget about these orders years down the line, with money going out of their accounts for purchases they can't even remember making.
Do you use Amazon's pre-order discount? Are you sad to see it go? Let us know with a comment below.
Please note that some external links on this page are affiliate links, which means if you click them and make a purchase we may receive a small percentage of the sale. Please read our FTC Disclosure for more information.
[source amazon.com]
Comments 133
Seems very sensible! I assumed this was just the Nintendo chart but it's multi format. Yet it's swamped with Switch.
Hope they don't remove that prime preorder discount in Amazon Mexico, not only is the discout considerably smaller here, they also added it fairly recently.
No CoD, Battlefield, or Red Dead in the top 50 either which is interesting.
I plan on doing this at Best Buy October 2019. I will get any and all games I want before my 20% runs out. Who knows how many games that will be.
This is not surprising in the least, since Nintendo games rarely go on sale.
Yeah I'm super bummed that they're getting rid of this. Not only did they raise the rates, but they stripped features like this. I am preordering everything I can possibly think of to take advantage of it. They're going to replace it with a $10 voucher on "select games" whatever that means, but it certainly doesn't sound as good from the consumer standpoint. All good things come to an end, as they say.
Competition. Best Buy removed theirs, Amazon soon follows. Competitive pricing just doesn't seem to be all that important to them anymore :/
Just for the sake of curiosity I checked on Red Dead 2. It no longer has a 20% discount (but I don't know if it ever did to begin with). So that might explain it a bit, but I think the real factor here is that Nintendo games almost never go on sale, and this is really the only way to save money on Nintendo games unless you wait a very long time.
Thank goodness I got in on Best Buy's own Gamer's Club Unlocked a month before it went away. 20% off all games until 2020, preorders or just regular purchases in-store? Yes, please. I haven't touched Amazon for game purchases for months as a result.
Come 2020 I'll actually have to start looking at other retailers for my physical purchases!
I wonder if these are scalpers that will resell the game slightly cheaper than everybody else just to make a few bucks extra.
Between introducing sales tax and now this, my reasons to use Amazon are pretty much gone except for convenience. I went ahead and pre ordered Luigi's Mansion on 3DS, but I'm planning on getting Smash Bros. digital anyway.
Jeff Bezos is worth $150+ billion, but he wont give us a 20% Amazon Prime discounts or add-free Twitch Prime streams anymore, because apparently being the most wealthy person in modern history isn't "enuff"...
@Yosheel lets hope your prayers are heard, but I find it doubtful, Amazon being an international company will surely apply their policies worldwide.
I'm actually surprised that Amazon make enough margin to be able to offer a 20% discount.
20% is pretty good. Amazon Prime Canada has been at 10% only for the past year. Prime Canada will have zero discount when the new change hits in Canada (nothing replacing the discount).
And pre-orders are terrible. I had pre-ordered Kirby Star Allies two months in advance only to be told on the release date that I would be getting it a month later. I said, but I have Prime. And they said it only guaranties that I get it two days after it ships. Well, that's one service I won't be renewing.
Oh more Amazon news! You guys really are in bed with them.
They probably don't... they're hoping to make up for it with Prime subscriptions and related sales.
Also, it's being cancelled for a reason...
Metroid Prime 4: Amazon Prime coming to Nintendo Switch in 2019.
The premise is that Samus crash-lands in the Amazonian rain forest and must stop the space pirates from chopping down all the trees and thus contributing to global warming so the Metroids can't be frozen in ice.
Pre-order now.
Since Amazon doesn't charge you until the item ships, this is a great strategy to effectively hold the 20% price for any game you're interested in. Just keep a list of what you ordered or go to the open orders section on Amazon to look at all your preorders.
@Yosheel It seems like it only affects Amazon USA since there's no news about changes in Amazon from other countries. Anyway, the $10 coupon that will replace the 20% discount is still better than what Amazon México has.
Bah. I was hoping that they would give the Prime discount to Diablo III before this happens, but guess not.
Most of those games were already in those spots before Amazon announced the discount was ending.
The only ones that have really jumped up are Metroid Prime 4, Fire Emblem Three Houses and Bayonetta 3.
Smash was already #1 and Mario Party right behind it. Monster Hunter was already in the top 20, etc etc.
I've used it for odyssey, hyrule warriors, and smash bros ultimate, very sad to see it go
I have set all my pre-orders till March 2019. 😉
@MoonKnight7 This is what I'm worried about as well. If the $10 voucher applied to most $60 dollar games, it won't be THAT bad, although you'll still be spending 60 bucks. It will be inconvenient, but the value is still sort of there. Especially if it applied to special/limited editions.
Like you, I'm just worried it will be inconsistent and thus nearly pointless. I pretty much only order games on Amazon right now. But if they ruin this, I might as well just pick up my games in a store and not bother with preorders.
@JamesR Amazon is so huge, even a paper-thin margin would be significant. But this paper-thin margin is probably why they're so quick to drop the savings when competitors do.
@Not_Soos And make Samus a woman... Oh wait.
Amazon UK stopped there £2 discount on all pre-orders on the 7th August
@MoonKnight7 the 20% off was always stated to be on “select games” and sure enough I’ve seen a few games that didn’t have it. I’m betting anything that would’ve eligible for the discount is eligible for this. Except maybe budget games that are $20-$30 because that would be excessive for them.
Stupid Amazon. Glad I haven’t renewed it this year. This was the only reason I had Prime. I’m done with Amazon after all my preorders are done. It’s not worth the $80 I pay a year. I will just buy my games in store or wait for birthdays and Christmas to get games. I live close enough that the I get packages from them pretty quick anyways.
@Noseyuk545 ah I was wondering why I wasn’t seeing it on anything anymore. £2 wasn’t the best deal anyway but it helped a bit
@Joker13z Yup, and as long as you cancel before it ships, between 2 and 3 days before release, it's no hassle. I'm pretty much ordering any game I MIGHT want, between now and the end of next year.
@MoonKnight7 True.
@Fezzik I was hoping for that as well. Especially after hearing it will all be on one cart. Sadly nope. Atleast I'll be able to snag it at Best Buy in time for 20% still.
@Noseyuk545 I told NL about this as soon as I got the email from amazon.co.uk but they didn't make any mention of it!
@Regpuppy Same here man haha. My open orders list on Amazon is pretty damn long now. But I've always been good at keeping track of it so no worries.
@Peterjr1 Glad i got my pre-order in for Dark souls, only having to pay £27.
@ryancraddock Do you have actual confirmation from Amazon.com that they will hono(u)r the 20% pre-order discount regardless of when the game launches?
With Amazon.co.uk, my £2 pre-order saving on Smash and Yoshi mysteriously disappeared the day they stopped offering pre-order discounts.
@Julien They only seem to make a big deal about stuff in the US, as this story is old news for us in the UK!
@Noseyuk545 Ha! Or they didn't want to affect their affiliate links. Maybe that's why they ARE reporting it this time!
So did this just long enough to put GameStop is a worse position. It would be funny if Amazon tries to buy GameStop now.
We only get 10% in Canada, with Prime, and they JUST started doing that within the last few months, and we're losing it too.
I'm actually considering GASP buying some new games from EB Games again in the future. If I'm to pay full price for 1st party games at release, and since there's no incentives from Best Buy or Amazon anymore, at least EB has a loyalty program, unlike the other two jackasses.
@Julien Once you lock in a order for something that price is guaranteed under their preorder price guarantee. Unless it was a price glitch of course then it's up in the air. Otherwise your price can never go up only down until it's released.
Just make sure you tie it to a credit card that has a pretty far out there expiration date if you're ordering anything without a confirmed release date. If you edit an order in any way, that all goes out the window I imagine.
That's fine. Between getting discounts on eshop cards on a certain third party website and the automatic 5% back on eshop purchases, I get about 13% off of my digital purchases.
I wanted to go all-digital for new games anyway: this just seals the deal.
@Devlind @EVIL-C Haha yeah, we only get a fixed 50 pesos discount, which is less than 3 dollars.
I’m guilty of this. I preordered Luigi’s Mansion to get my 20% off. Although the new deal isn’t too much worse. You’ll get $10 off a future purchase with many games, instead off 20%.
So bloody stupid of Amazon to get rid of that 20% discount. They make heaps of cash; why get rid of such a delightful feature? I’m regretting my prime account more and more with each new corner they try to cut...
For all guys from Switzerland (Am I the only?): There is a sale on microspot.ch, all switch games (including pre-order) 20% off. So Mario Party, Pokemon and Smash for around 50 CHF/USD
@Joker13z Got my own written list of games I'm waiting on for sales and what I have ordered. Between Amazon and Best Buy removing their benefits, I'll probably be focusing on my purchasing backlog. Lol
So now the games will be the same price as everywhere else. Amazon’s competition is probably beside themselves with excitement.
@Regpuppy Unfortunately uh...I have a game buying problem which has definitely not been helped with 20% off games haha. I'll be doing the opposite and focusing on my massive game backlog. Guess my wallet is gonna be thanking Amazon and Best Buy.
This was the main reason I was ordering physical copies of games. Without the discount, I may as well go digital to get the extra gold coins. Not before I pre-order smash brothers, though.
@Joker13z If you put a bunch of games in a single order you can cancel individual games, later, with no issue.
@TDS_Computer I still prefer physical cause I tend to sell a lot of my games after I beat them and plan to not play them again. Can't be doing that with digital! Saves me a lot of money.
Don’t forget to preorder Yoshi. Funny I’ve had some of these preordered since June 2017. Amazon was starting to get spotty in this but I’ll definitely be miss the perk. Diablo 3 doesn’t have the discount.
Amazon keeps raising their Prime price and removes more and more benefits.
I'm not paying $20 extra for less benefits, so I'm not renewing my sub in January. The 20% discount was one of the last things keeping me there.
"f you're a regular user of Amazon.com - specifically the US variant of the site - you'll likely be aware that a 20% discount offer automatically applies to any video games pre-ordered with a Prime account. You might also be aware that this discount offer will soon be discontinued, with any orders placed after 28th August being charged at the standard rate."
No. Actually.
1. It's never been on any game. There are some games that Amazon choses that you can't 20% off of. Like Red Dead Redemption 2.
2. You will not be charged the standard rate. On specific games you will be given a $10 credit when you pre-order.
I’ll be cancelling my Prime membership after this year. The 20% discount was my reason for holding a Prime membership.
Very shady business model. If you look at the past few years. Amazon will reduce the benefit right after the month of Prime's day, when a ton of folks just paid a yearly subscription fee.
Yeah exactly.
Am I reading it right.. 27. December release date for Fire Emblem?!
Makes sense to load up on first party Nintendo pre orders. Many first party Nintendo games don't get discounts at retail for a looming time. 20% off could be the best price for many of these titles for years to come.
Yeah, it's true, I saw a few games too that didn't have the discount. I am certain as well that the games they "select" will be the AAA games like Smash, Mario Party, etc. But I did take advantage of smaller physical releases too like Overcooked 2 with the prime discount. Those for sure, are going to go away. I also wonder about the few 3DS games that Nintendo has in the pipeline. I don't think those will get the new program either. It's definitely a worse deal not so much for AAA games, but for the smaller games. We'll see what happens though.
It's just a placeholder, Nintendo said spring at E3 and we haven't heard about it since.
@dskatter how did you pay for 2 years?
@JJ286 I bought a membership. The default membership period was two years before they stopped accepting new memberships. So I'm good through about March of 2020.
Yea, that’s what I thought about summer release but was hoping Amazon knows something we don’t 😭
For the UK, shopping around has always been the better option in the main. Yoshi is £52.99 on Amazon and 39.99 at base.com, Starlink is £69.99 on Amazon and £52.95 on Coolshop. The £2 discount rarely helped.
I know it's a different case in the US, where RRP/MRP is the usual cost, plus taxes/whatever.
@Joker13z Thanks Dad!
Let me know on the 29th August if you still have a 20% discount on any outstanding pre-orders. My guess is that you won't.
why isn't preorder discount available for Diablo 3?
@MoonKnight7 yeah, I mean games below $50 probably wouldn’t be included ($50 is maybe, most $60 games should be included). So 3DS likely will be left out but I mean, there’s only a few 3DS games left to release, if you want any you may as well place the preorders now.
I was already planning on cancelling my Prime at the next renewal due to the price raising and having a lot of mistakes with my orders this past year. This is just the nail in the coffin. It’ll be a downgrade to the service and while I think most full price games will be included, cheaper games will likely be left out and before with $60 games you save $12, now it’ll essentially be $10. It was nice while it lasted and I’m one of the people that’s on a preorder spree before it ends.
Kinda weird we don't get a preorder discount in most eshop games. I see it with nindie titles from time to time, but mainstream titles are already steep at eighty Canadian dollars. If it knocked a five or ten off the price I would probably pre-order a handful of titles early.
I’m cancelling Prime... There’s zero reason for me to keep it now. What a sh-tty move by Amazon.
Was going to pre-order Etrian Odyssey Nexus to use this discount but it wouldn't apply the discount for me so I guess I won't bother.
Same, I've had so many botched orders too. I hear it's cause of poor working conditions, and they can't keep the workers, but that's just hearsay. I don't know how true it is, but I'm sure working there isn't exactly pleasant.
can i purchase a subscription for one month only and preorder all those games and still get the 20% off when they release?
Amazon and Walmart, and their government Lobby coalition.....our completely free market economic system that doesn't smack of Fascist controls at all.... With Best Buy often in deep water, Sears-K-Mart going down fast, and Target often iffy in terms of stability.
Meanwhile our drug-store duopoly is starting to buy the health
insurers and thus have direct financial control over the medical system itself.
Anyone remember a free society of open competition not controlled by a handful of hegemons?
@Sakura Because you have an actual market economy while in the States we generally have an oligarchy of a few companies ruled by their cadre of politically connected financiers who determine all final outcomes. No doubt they'll crush your market sooner or later, it just wasn't as urgent for them.
I’m going to ride out preorders for the year but after that im switching to bb until my gcu runs out. I will be canceling prime this year.
@Yosheel Wow...... I'm sorry. That feels like an insult.
@Julien So I tell you what I know about Amazon's pre order system so you can take advantage of the discount and you automatically be incredibly rude to me? Why did you even ask to begin with then?
And sure. Just for you I'll bookmark this and get back to you on the 29th. Don't know why I should though with your attitude.
@NEStalgia We're well on the way to that, mostly blindly. Ask for an update post March next year...
@Orwellianson "So bloody stupid of Amazon to get rid of that 20% discount. They make heaps of cash; why get rid of such a delightful feature?"
...So they can retain more 'heaps of cash', maybe? Smart move on their part, actually. Got everyone hooked on that sweet Amazon crack, and used to the ol' 1-click order.
@HobbitGamer Funny thing about 1-click orders. The Microsoft Store and eShop have that too, and they push games right to my console for the same price....oh well!
@NEStalgia Yup, and still give a type of post-purchase monetary incentive!
Sears gave $5 off the purchase price for pre-orders back in the day, that's how I got Banjo-Kazooie. The kept that program around forever. I'm sure they didn't impact that huge corporata--- oh wait... Well, there's always Toys-R-Us, right? WHAT?! What do you mean it's gone? But I got discounts there! I sense some sort of foul trend, somehow connecting perpetual discounts to reduced profit margins. If only there were a way to head this off.
@HobbitGamer Depends, it may be that stuff like the removal of Best Buy GCU and Amazon 20% preorder discount drives more people to digital.
@HobbitGamer Meanwhile Sony store sells Horizon Zero Dawn for $30 a few weeks after launch.....hmmmmmm....
Well, Sears was just run by pigeon brained morons. $5 off video games didn't kill the company that was Amazon 100 years before Jeff Bezos was born, with two of the biggest brands in retail...only colossal mismanagement of a Penn Central level could manage that feat. Remember, someday, in the future, Amazon is the next Sears.... Well unless they just acquire UN fiat as the exclusive retailer of Earth....which...actually....might happen....
Unfortunately though we have this new economy of scale where nobody, at all, can compete with the pricing the big two can get for their bulk buys. It's much like the rebates Standard Oil was using except with no oversight over them anymore.
Still, BB was kind of off their nut when they started the 20%, and Amazon only did it to counter them. BB, "Amazon's Showroom" is perpetually in trouble, and I'm not quite sure why they were experimenting with that....but it was a good program and actually made a loyal customer of me....someone who vowed never to buy at BB ever again after a major appliance disaster by their incompetent company. The discounts work....
But now there's the opposite problem. Why buy from any of these companies when you can buy from Sony/MS/Nintendo directly if it's the same price? MAP only works if you have a dealer network....Physical games were waning anyway and this might finally cut Amazon out of the video game pie unless they get their own digital store up to snuff.
Didn't a yearly Prime subscription go up $20 like a few years ago? They're canceling Twitch ad-free viewing and the videogame pre-order discount. Never watch PrimeTV service, so guess this is $100 i'll be saving yearly
@Joker13z Blimey! With a name like Joker13z, I thought you'd understand British humo(u)r. Why so serious?
But yes, please do let me know. Prove me wrong and put my attitude in its place.
@Grumblevolcano @NEStalgia You two are no fun. I wanted a continuation of my consumer story. Not reality!
After receiving several scuffed parcels and even one smashed up package via Amazon, I wouldn't even buy games from them if they were 50% off. The Pre-Order discount cancellation is nothing to lose sleep over, unless you enjoy receiving your games and Blu Ray/DVDS in poor condition.
@hcfwesker yeah it went from 100 to 120 this year, between that and removing this I won't be renewing next year. However I sure am guilty of putting as many preorders in as I could for games i'm interested in worst case scenario if i change my mind i'll cancel pre orders. I do wish there was a couple more games on there for Switch & PS4 that are not available for pre-order yet, like Shadows die twice for PS4 and Grandia HD 1 & 2 for switch.
This is a shame (but old news) as I know of many who use Prime for their preorders. I've only just done a trial run of the program, and that was mainly to get access to a fairly decent unlocked phone. This doesn't affect me as I rarely preorder games in any case, but it baffles me why they would remove this perk when the price is already rising....I suspect greed. They know they can get away with it.
@joshxx Just from past experience, when I've let my sub lapse in the past. They seem to honor the price they give you under their pre-order price guarantee.
5. Offer does not apply to digital content.
Pokemon Lets go pre orders lower than Metroid Prime 4? The most popular Nintendo franchise vs one of the less successful ones. A game that is just 3 months away vs a game that may come out in 2020. Strange
@HobbitGamer bleh.
@Orwellianson We have noticed that they also are making returns more costly. If there isn't a defect, you pay for it. It used to be that you could send anything back.
I didn't even know it was ending, that sucks. ☹ It is almost the only reason I even kept prime after the latest price hike. I'll probably also be canceling it as well, after I preorder lots of stuff.
@Nehalem they've always made you pay for returns that weren't defects. Maybe for a short while they didn't but I've been with Amazon since the early days when shopping Amazon was an act of rebellion.... They did charge back then... And at least they give you great shipping rates for the return.
I'm actually less bitter about them ending the discount than i was when they started manipulating pricing to avoid the discount. Offer a service, or don't, but don't say you do and then use the fine print to not.
This is literally......exactly what I did two nights ago. I pre-ordered the following games:
Super Mario Party
Mega Man 11
Disgaea 1 Complete
Daemon X Machina
Luigi's Mansion (3ds)
Bowser's Inside Story (3DS)
Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu (with Pokeball)
Dragon Quest XI (PS4).
I'm going out with a bang!
I already had the following pre-order if you are curious why they aren't on my list:
Fire Emblem
Metroid 4
Bayonetta 3
World Ends with You
Dark Souls
I was planning on getting smash digitally but then Amazon had it for like under 50 CND (it’ll be like 80 CND +tax once it comes out. Switch games generally end up being just under 90 here) and I was shocked. I hate Amazon they’re a terribly unethical company but that was enough to get me to splurge. Also ordered Let’s Go Eevee at that price since its cheap enough that I can justify it. I knew I’d want to play the game and Pokémon games never go on sale.
Looks like I will be asking them what is in it for me to be resubbing to their Prime account in a month.
@Paraka Same here. The entire reason I bothered with Prime is for the pre-order discount. I'll wait to see exactly how the new system works and weigh if the cost is still worthwhile. If it isn't at least somewhat comparable, I guess I'll get use to shopping around.
@Nintendofan83 Make sure you order the Poke Ball and the bundle desperately, to save like 2 dollars! Lol
I'm glad I got into the Gamer's Club Unlocked from Best Buy when I did. I went ahead and stacked my subscription there, so I'll be getting discounts of 20% off every game and amiibo I buy till june of 2021. And just in time for most of the smash amiibo to be released in that time.
Sad to see the discounts go from Amazon finally though as well, but there is at least the credit, but it will never be as good as the discount.
I knew this was happening once GCU was ending.
@NEStalgia interesting on what they did regarding the discount. Are you sure they always did with clothes? My wife and I sometimes returned clothes that didn’t fit right prior but we’ve noticed fairly recently they charge for that now.
How can any of those count as a sale... it's a promise to buy; with no obligation and completely able to be cancelled beforehand. No money has yet changed hands? Just an accounting question and a marketing question at the same time?
@Devlind for real amazon México is a joke you get a $2.50 discount hahaha
Or! You can wait till they’re released, buy them from a local game retailer, or download them from the switch e-shop, and not short-change, and thus undermine, the companies you love and wish to support, all to the gain of a multi-national tax-dodging labor-abusing corporation.
Do this and there will be more of what you love in the world.
@NEStalgia yes.
@Noseyuk545 er a whole £2 and you’re upset. 🤔
I preordered a ton of switch games just for this reason and once it's over I'll just be going all digital again.
I wish they would put switch versions of games like Doom Eternal up for preorder...
@Nehalem good question about clothes, I'm not sure if they made exceptions to clothing. I'm guessing no, because when they introduced their (now defunct) designer brand clothes/shoe store (forget the name, but it was for things like prada, etc, their Nordstrom clone basically) they made a big deal if the free returns which implied that normal Amazon wasn't free..... But maybe before that it was?
Amazon is shifty with policies.... They quietly change them and make no statement, they just let people find out in their carts. Amazon was so good back 14 years it so go... The "unretailer" to borrow the tmobile slogan. Now they're like kmart with inventory ...
Wow. Even with the conversion, games in the US are pretty cheap compared to Canada. Plus, u get 20%off pre orders?!?! Amazon Canada only gives 10% off pre orders.
I stopped pre-orders via Amazon after they offered A discount voucher for games after release and wouldn't price match their own discount.. way too frustrating and not worth it for the now obsolete £2 discount prime brought.
Shop around there are always better deals then Amazon.
@Nehalem yeah... I think I’m gonna cancel my prime membership. This [removed] is getting ridiculous.
Please mind your language - Octane
That same chart also suggests Prime 4 is releasing on December 28th, 2018.
Canadians always seem to get screwed on deals. Pricing never seems to match the exchange rate either, even when it was basically a $1:1 rate prices didnt change.
I preordered Smash so I saved $8.
@darthstuey I know it was only 2 quid but it was better than nothing, now we get diddly squat!
Metroid Prime 4 in the top 5 after just seeing the logo. This shows how hyped people are about Nintendo franchise.
I personally haven't pre-ordered it yet... because it is unavailable on amazon UK
@Not_Soos this goes some way to explaining Bezos’ Space One project...
@Regpuppy hahah but I want the cool display box that they both come in. I guess I'll splurge on that extra $2.
@Matthew010 common placeholder they put when the game was first teased. You see it with other 2019 games, like Bayonetta 3 and Yoshi.
....Back to buying all my games at Target locally. I was willing to get my games a day or two late through Amazon because of the discount. However, now that it's gone, I'll either download or buy at Target.
Also, as a Prime member for years, I want to know how they justify the price increase and tell people that it's because they're adding content or features then do something like this??? It's not music because there's less music then ever. Every time I look up an artist, it tells me I need to subscribe to "Unlimited".....and Amazon Video is no where comparable to Netflix, Hulu, or the other streaming services. Now they're taking away the preorder discount!!! I may need to discontinue my membership in November.
@Julien Now you're saying it was a joke and still seem angry with me by saying to put you in your place? I just said I'd do it for you. Didn't say anything about putting you in your place. I said I'd do it in spite of your attitude implying I'm doing it cause you asked.
Either there is a major disconnect between American and British humor here or you just keep going after me for no reason. I mean I'll accept I'm on a UK site so if anyone is to blame it's probably me. But could you just be straight with me and drop the sarcasm or humor or whatever for my sake? Because honestly it's confusing me.
And do you still want to know if the pre order prices stick or not? Trying to ask a serious question here. Cause it doesn't cost me anything to place the orders or tell you what happens.
@Joker13z The prices should stick once preordered. However I’ve noticed that games are usually cheaper before their release on Amazon- I don’t know if it was to get non prime members ordering too? For example Wolfenstein 2 was $48 USD before it’s release so if I didn’t have a prime membership I could go toTarget and have them price match Amazon for me.
@Mamabear Yeah there have been a good amount of games discounted to close to 20% off for everyone in the past. I haven't seen too many at that nice of a discount lately though. I'm pretty sure you're right in that it was to get non prime members ordering and possibly get them to become prime members to enjoy that discount on all games. Though that's all a wash now lol.
Now it just remains to be seen how generous they are with the credit they are going to offer for prime members and if they still discount certain titles for preorder for everyone too.
Honestly, the %20 off new games is the only reason I had Prime. Buuuuut Amazon apparently didn't want to stop there and is getting rid of Twitch Prime and has recently (within the year I think) increased the price of Prime. Amazon must really hate gamers or something. I know when I'm not wanted.
@dskatter oh so that means my is till 2020 as well! YAS!
@Joker13z Yeah I’m worried about their “on select games” clause for the credit. However you could use that credit on a digital game which would be a nice idea.
Actually in the past couple of days I’ve noticed that they’re reducing the amount of games that you can get the discount on. I went to preorder Diablo and the 20% was no longer available for it :/
@Julien Well it's officially ended and you can't get 20% off anything anymore. As promised, all 9 of my orders still show the discount so everything appears to be locked in.
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