The Pokémon Company International has released a brand new trailer today, alongside a new batch of information for Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!.
Yesterday, we had our first glimpse of Mega Evolutions appearing in the game thanks to an early scan of Japanese magazine CoroCoro, but this trailer shows this process in much clearer detail. As you can see, Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise - the three fully evolved starter Pokémon - all have their Mega Evolutions present in the game.
We also get a new look at Vermilion City including its Gym, the in-game battle with Lt. Surge and his Raichu, and even the S.S. Anne - which is looking very majestic indeed. The trailer also shows how various Pokémon will follow the trainer (in addition to the ones we saw recently), although it's perhaps best to ignore the fact that Goldeen - a fish - seems to now be able to swim through the air.
The more we see of these new titles, the more we're itching to jump back into the Kanto region and catch 'em all. But what about you? Let us know your thoughts on the games below.
Comments 47
So, it looks like there are no held items in this game. In the Japanese trailer, you can choose between Mega Charizard X and Y in the battle screen. This or they fused both Charizardites into one. Either way it's bad, but the former definitely is a big no.
Lt. Surge ?!
@Tulio517 let's Go was already supposed to be an easy entry into the series, plus the original gen 1 didn't have held items. Kinda makes sense in a way to me.
The Wii offers graphics not that bad afterall... Oh wait...
I really like core Pokémon games, and maybe I won't even play Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee, but I'm happy these games exist at all. A nice entry to get the new generation of gamers, with all their differences from older gamers, to get a taste of what we call nostalgia from playing Gen 1 pokémon games. The trailers bring me back some of that Pokémon Yellow joy.
Oh thank goodness they changed Surge's gym. That place might as well have had a slot machine instead of the trash cans, because there really was no way to win the "puzzle" through intelligence. It was all chance based.
Now I'm wondering if Z-Moves would also be in the game as well. It would be perfect since the 2 cover Pokemon have their own unique Z-Moves and the game's graphic would really make the moves more glamorous.
Looks awesome! I think it's fun to see Kanto in 3D instead of flatland, too. It's so darn colorful, and the battle animations are looking good! Can't wait till release
So can someone explain to me how experience works when "battling" wild Pokemon?
Here's hoping for some new mega evolutions.
So they included Mega Evolutions, which nearly break the game, but not the normal evolutions of the original 151 that were added later? Give me a break!
I guess the rumours were true about the new Megas? Let's see if the list was right!
Mega Kangaskhan Meta is back from Gen 6?
@Silly_G Pretty sure there are a bunch they gathered from the trademarks Nintendo made recently, same thing happened last time.
Gen 1 also didn't have mega evolutions :v
The more i hear the more i want this game but forced motion controls are holding me back as i physically cannot use them
These games are a sort of trial run in my opinion, but all the changes (and this trailer) seem to confirm that it's far from lazy.
They remove so many features to make it as much as gen 1 as possible, but the one feature they decide to keep is... Mega Evolution... why...
@Cobalt Do you seriously come here to make a comment or are you just trolling? Seriously, I am starting to think why people here label you as a troll for bashing the Switch and making absurd comments.
Nice! Now they got my attention.
will buy this one and am curious about the main game coming in 2019!
It was an ironic post with a smiley at the end of the sentence... goddd relax...
@Royalblues I seriously doubt that. If you were done with the series, then why haven't you changed your avatar so you can prove you are done with the series? Or are you just simply trolling?
@Tyranexx all the changes? Sorry i can't see a change except no wild battles and removing dozens of key features like breeding so removing features are changes? This game is a big lazy remake i don't even feel that it's a remake it looks like a remaster that is worse even masuda admitted in one interview that quality drop is ok if they are releasing yearly and i can clearly see quality drop in these games
I've enjoyed all the main series games, but this one is doing nothing for me. I'm not a Smash fan either so it seems like there's nothing coming out that I'm itching to play.
I have the same problem dude... :/
Yea still not interested in this game its not for me 2019 cant come fast enough.
@Cobalt @CosmoXY Yep... same here. Valkyria 4 is the only full price Switch game left on my list.
One of the few things I liked about the Pokemon anime was how the SS Anne was just a scam/trap by Team Rocket, and I always wanted to see that work out in an anime-adaptation like Yellow, as the SS Anne is pretty uninteresting otherwise. But instead, despite the fact Jessie & James are in the game, still seems like it'll be the same old, boring SS Anne...
Though after seeing Jessie & James, it makes me wonder how these games will work canonically with RBY since they're separate stories. Also, inb4 you need a Ground-Type just to enter Surge's Gym just like Brock's.
My problem is that I take Valkyria on PS4 because it's a better version... So, basically I have nothing to play on my Switch until 2019...
I’ve made peace with my gripes about these games and pre-ordered a copy for myself to go with the 2 copies for my kids. Only thing that still bugs me is no fighting wild Pokémon. If that changed I’d have zero complaints.
@Cobalt yeah I hear you. I need a game for my commute and one last work trip. DQXI, TR, AC, RD2 or FO76 not on Switch. So Valkyria took the short straw.
I just can't play random garbage when I am away from home. I end up spending my time daydreaming or reading online about the better game I have at home. So ends up a waste of money.
Yeah and it continues like that even further...
Cyberpunk, Resident Evil 2 Remake, Soulcalibur VI, Sekiro, Zone of the Enders 2, Devil May Cry 5, Shemue III, Darksiders III, Shadow of the tomb Raider etc...etc...
So yeah, it's sad but true...
@Pokeman_noob: First and foremost: Keep in mind that these games are meant to appeal to a more casual audience and to try to rope in the Pokemon Go crowd. This is a wise business move by Game Freak/TPC and may even serve to help ease some of this crowd into the more traditional games that the rest of us enjoy. "Dozens" is a gross exaggeration, and some of the features that have been "removed" didn't exist in the original Pokemon Yellow to begin with.
My previous comment partially pertained to the visual upgrades (they could have been WAY lazier with how they handled that); the last time Gen 1 has been "remade" (and I use that term loosely) was in the context of the HeartGold/SoulSilver remakes. That alone was not a lazy job. The other half of it pertained to the changes that I do like, which include Pokemon following you and being able to see/control the wild encounters that you get into; the latter is something that has started to grate on me in recent times in some of the RPGs that I've been playing, and IMO some modern games (such as Bravely Default) handle random encounters a lot better than others.
I have been playing the series since Gen 1 up through the current games and am quite familiar with all of its routines and mechanics. Am I happy with some the changes about Let's Go! that I've seen so far? No. Am I willing to look past my own bias, try a few things a little differently, enjoy a few new changes that I do find appealing, and not try to pre-judge two games that haven't yet been released? Yes.
Remember Pokemon Fire Red and Pokemon Leaf Green?
in those versions that were on par with the 3 generation (Ruby and Sapphire), only the new types of that moment (Steel and Dark), holding items and double battles were the only ones that remained in those remakes, everything else (Berry trees, day and night time) was not available; and it was for the same reason, being "remakes", they would have to be something like the originals, but they only updated the mechanics of the game for the generation to which they were at par
This game is gonna be huge.
By the way, I simply cannot wait until Nintendo finally gets into VR and we start to see what games like this would look like in that. Trust me on this, they would look utterly amazing. I'm making a Wolfenstiein-like game in VR right now and even that looks cool. Visuals as stunning and clean and "cartoony" as those in a Pokemon game like Let's Go would look downright gorgeous in VR.
If you've not experience proper VR then you probably have no idea what I'm talking about--but one day you will. . . .
Why does solar beam come from the sky instead of venausaur. That sort of indirect combat is one of the things that really turned me off about pokemon Stadium way back when. Figured by now they would stop cutting corners. Especially with this version that contains only the first151. I understand once you try to program a move animation with 800+pokemon it's hard. I doubt more then 20 or 30 pokemon could use solar beam in this game so I'm pretty let down by this.
It doesn't matter what you think! I'm not getting this game! I'm getting Pokemon 2019! I don't care anymore!
@Tyranexx the biggest letdown is that we are locked to the 151 and maybe the never seen before pokemon this enough can destroy the fun of pokemon even for non competitive players and me as a competitive pokemon player who prefers playing competitively in the games rather than showdown i can see a really boring meta that will be mega mewtwo in every team 6-0ing every team but that's not what i am really hating on these games for the biggest reason is making more of them like instead of having our normal remake we get a casual game locked to the pokemon in the region and never having good remake
And what makes me love pokemon the most is the massiveness of the game now i know that we can't tell how big is the game but recently they revealed that the size of the game was something like 4.7 gb while usum was 3.75 and it's a 3ds game with way worse graphics this can easily lead that this games aren't huge and this is another big minus
@Cobalt Yeah man. It will be just like the Wii years. Sells 100 Million but you still needed a Playstation for the big games. I think the Wii only had 1 "Game of the Year" the entire lifespan.
Metroid and Fire Emblem make it worth it for me (and some top tier indies) But when people tell me StarLink on Switch is a viable option the same month as Read Dead 2 - I can only laugh at the nonsense.
And Starlink will be on PS4 too... not only on Switch...
I’m ready
Absolutely stoked for this. Hopefully this will steer the series into a more inclusive direction and get more players involved. It was not fun trying to jump into the X/Y games after only playing the originals.
@Royalblues As a fan since Pokémon Blue I totally understand your concerns and many other Pokémon fans share them.
That said, I think you should be happy this game is coming out in 2018 as the alternative would have been a rushed Gen 8 core RPG which will be better for having been delayed a year.
@Pokeman_noob: You are welcome to your opinion, and for all we know these games won't go down well in history. However, I'm not one to pass judgment on a game that has so far had great impressions from different corners of the industry, is doing some things that I like (and dislike), is visually appealing (Not the best out there, but there's something about this style that I like), and is generally a different and more accessible take on the Pokemon formula.
I trust the series (though X/Y muddied that trust a bit, and to a lesser extent Sun/Moon; I haven't played my copy of Ultra Sun yet) enough to appreciate it when they take risks that may or may not pay off in the long term. It's very possible that I may no longer play the series one day, but they haven't done enough to erode my trust just yet.
Purists won't be happy about the reduction in difficulty and the changes to the catching mechanic, and they CERTAINLY won't be happy about the inclusion of mega evolutions.
But that's okay. The pure-bred oldtimer fans will buy it anyway, and I know one person who will LOVE these changes. My seven-year-old nephew.
I'm really glad that pokemon didn't look like this when I was a kid... I would have failed out of school. I am really loving this new coat of paint.
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