Continuing the steady drip feed of Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! footage and information, a set of short videos have been shared on YouTube demonstrating how a range of different Pokémon will follow your trainer.
We already know that Pikachu or Eevee will accompany you, sitting on your head or shoulders, and one other Pokémon can be chosen to follow you from behind, just as Pikachu did in Pokémon Yellow - the game that these titles are based on. Sticking true to their nature, each Pokémon has its own distinct style of walking, and these differences give you a real sense that these are living, breathing creatures, rather than just a set of pixels programmed to follow your every move.

First up are Venusaur and Onix, two of the larger monsters on offer. As we've seen before, Onix can be used as a method of transportation, even barreling down the city streets next to Poké Marts and more, while Venusaur follows the normal trend of galloping behind you.
Next up we have Golem and Electrode, two spherical Pokémon. Electrode has no choice other than to roll, thanks to its lack of limbs, but it's interesting to see Golem using the same tactic to keep up with you as run around.
And finally, we have Caterpie. Being the tiny Pokémon that it is, Caterpie struggles to keep up, forcing the trainer to occasionally check back and make sure it's still wiggling along. We suddenly find ourselves wanting to set up a Caterpie rescue centre, the poor things.
It's certainly a nice touch that adds a little bit more personality to proceedings. Remember, Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu and Let's Go, Eevee! hit store shelves on 16th November.
[source youtu.be]
Comments 73
I wonder what happens even caterpie strays too far from your side. Will of become lost? 😂
This is very nice! Just remove the stupid gimmicks, remove the "GO" from the title and those would be fantastic remakes of the first games.
Are at least the battles still the same?
UPDATE: Just watched some videos and it is pretty much the same as ALL Pokemon games. At least that is ok.
The games are still considered Single player right? I mean I will not miss much if I just play it without internet?
I hope the 2019 game will let us have Pokémon travel with us too, I really like that in HeartGold
...and they already had all of the animations made for Sun and Moon anyway.
@Tsurii Same here, I'm torn on whether to get it or not. I guess worst case, we hope that they add some of these features to the mainline game coming after.
@Zuljaras Oh yes, Pokémon Let's Pikachu and Pokémon Let's Eevee, coming in November.
@GlennW You can see that right at the end of the video when the player gets to Viridian City. The Caterpie somehow flies back in a Pokeball and then immediately is set back out again.
@RupeeClock Ok remove the "Let's" as well
Also make the throwing of the pokeball be with the use of a button not motion control only.
Never seen Venusaur move so fast (aside from in the anime)! It's weird to see it gallop like that, but I love it, strangely.
@RupeeClock his point is remove the casual trash mobile part.
I second that, give me a real controller and remove that Niantic POS and I’d buy it.
Absolutely not planning to get these games, but dangit if hearing that Gen 1 music remade doesn't get my sentiments flowing like the Niagra! Once I heard my favorite theme in the entire series (RBY Route 4), I found my wallet halfway open.
Boys and girls, let me be one of the people to admit: I wasn't sure at first, but the more I see of this game, the more I want it.
Golem rolling after you reminds me of Indiana Jones being chased by that boulder 🤣
It will be weird to have Goldeen floating behind you. I wonder how are they going to deal with that.
I'm just waiting on November! This adds some more charm to it, and it looks great!
To those not interested in this one, we know. We are all aware of how you feel. Believe it or not, you can choose not to buy it and carry on with life. I will be happily playing this. And I'm sure I'll trade some mons with @Anti-Matter lol
@Zuljaras Maybe the water-based mons will only display in wate tiles. Can't exactly imagine Tentacool walking in a cave.
But I hope Magikarp flails everywhere!!
Magikarp. I have always wanted to see a Magikarp flopping around behind the trainer. If the game allows that, I am definitely getting this!!!
That Venasaur animation was kind of weird for some reason I can't seem to put my finger on. Maybe its just seeing it move like that when normally (in game animation and in the anime) it tends to be stationary
@HobbitGamer Actually in the anime didn't Tentacruel and Tentacool walked on the streets of the city?
Also some octopus species could retain water in their body and move on land for periods of time.
Awesome sauce!
I love the animations, these look phenomenal so far from everything I have seen this is a day one purchase and now I am more psyched for the new main entry next year.
Register my Switch FC, please.
Everyone who is a pokemon fan is getting this whether they admit it or not. That Pokeball is worth it alone.
I hope they keep this feature for the 2019 Pokémon game. This is one of the few changes that The Let’s Go games are getting right.
@HobbitGamer They’ll likely just inexplicably swim in the air like they have since the first Pokémon Stadium.
Caterpie was running from 21 inch / hour to 21 km / hour.
@Zuljaras the GO is in the name for a reasons, to put emphasis on the reason this is a spin off. You are just suggesting to remove everything that makes this game unique and change it into a remake of the core game.
@iMarkU I just don't want to associate this with the mobile series. I will give the game a try since it is also on physical media and the battles are the same as before but the pokemon catching bothers me.
@Zuljaras why don’t you want to associate this with the mobile game. If Nintendo didn’t put GO in the name it would suggest this is a core title, while it tries to do something different. Its a more kid friendly version of the franchise. I wrote it somewhere else before, but the Pokémon franchise is having huge problems with aging of their target group. Go is aimed to introduce a new group of children to the franchise, instead of catering to the already existing base. In other words: you are not the target group of this game.
I really love the art style of the Switch Pokemon...it's kind of an HD 2D different from the way Octopath did it. Octopath did SNES style sprites on a modern lit engine, LGP/LGE is kind of a truly HD SNES game. I didn't think they'd really stick with that kind of style, but I like what they've done. It works way better than Lumiose style "N64 camera".
@Anti-Matter I'll do that as soon as I get out of the office.
@iMarkU I guess it is not for me.
I also guess that one of the largest fanbases in the world need more people right?
I will just wait for some promotion or the main pokemon games in 2019.
@ArcanaXVI It makes sense to me since Venusaur is a toad/frog. But also to be fair, Venusaur is still not the correct size, it's supposed to be 6' 7" (2m) and assuming the average trainer is about 4' 11" as they were in HGSS then this one is tiny. I'm sure it's possible to have a smaller one like in Pokemon Go, but I doubt they would program varied pokemon heights into the game. (PS. I just want to fly on a charizard but I'm taller than it lol)
Am I the only one that thinks these games are a tad ugly? I know they are remakes of Yellow, but I hope for the 2019 game they finally drop the 3/4 perspective and give us a third person open world game a la Mario Odyssey or BotW.
These games should have been a proper remake with the “Go” playstyle as an in-game option.
It's so weird seeing Venusaur hopping like a frog, I mean it makes sense, but still...
@Zuljaras Yes Pokémon is still a huge franchise. But it is not about the sales today, it is about down the line ikn 40 years. Let me get some statistics to support my point, underneath you see the demography for Pokémon Go. Something attracts your attention? The age. The game is the most popular with the age group that grew up with Pokémon (in other words, it came out when they were a child).
Then even more importantly, look at the following three screenshots which show the demography of three Pokémon games in chronicle order.
What is interstering about these three charts? The target group moves along with the games, but it doesn't catch up with new young players.
Siliconera already posted their concers over the franchise back in 2014 (link at the bottom of the comment), but the following quote attracted my attention:
"The fact that more and more adults are playing Pokémon with each successive game tells us that the series’ existing audience is getting older. Eventually, these fans will end up outgrowing the series. Thus, in order for Pokémon to keep growing, the only solution is to keep bringing in newer, younger fans to replace the ones that leave. However, the fact that sales are in decline suggests that this isn’t happening, and that’s a cause for concern. Pokémon—and just about any franchise that sells millions, really—has always relied on younger players to maintain growth over the years. When younger players stop coming, you’re in trouble."
Bottom line, Pokémon needs to attract kids and this game hopes to introduce Pokémon in a "light" way to all the new players, including everyone who plays Go, in the hope they will also buy the core game next year.
URL to article: http://www.siliconera.com/2014/12/01/pokemons-audience-growing-older/
Kinda wish that Venusaur lumbered one foot in front of the other instead of hopped.
Well damn - now I'm actually tempted to get this game. It's this kind of Pokémon integration that I've been longing for in a Pokémon game. Yet...bleh...the simplification of what was already kind of an easy difficulty franchise...I'm conflicted.
I know that there are gym fights. Are there fights against other trainers just kind of randomly out in the world, and are there fights against wild Pokémon...or do encounters with them follow along with how the mobile game does it? And is there getting experience, leveling up, and evolving that happen in this game?
Forget Caterpie, how does Metapod follow the trainer around? :3
The original 8-bit growl?
I can roll with that!
Aw they’re all so cute! I never realized how frog like Venasuar was until now. I want to know how Magikarp will follow the trainer. Does he flop around on the ground lol?
@HobbitGamer Oh me too! I’m really excited to play this game I’ll be getting the Pikachu Edition and my husband is getting Eevee. I can’t wait.
That rolling Electrode brings back memories of Pokemon Snap!
Being a long time Pokemon fan, I'll be getting one of the two. The games do a couple of things here and there that I don't like, but I'm willing to put up with them to experience even the simple changes like this.
You know your game a bit behind the curve in presentation when having your character follow you is worth 5 youtube videos 😏
When they loose this fix camera nonsense it will break the Internet.
I love this! Poor caterpie Venusaur is amazing!
@River3636 I consider myself a fan since Red and Blue and I'm definitely not getting either of these games brand new for full price (if at all). Also the Pokeball Plus is a $50 Joy-Con that you can't use for any other game except Let's Go (and possibly future Pokemon games) and seems like it's controller design isn't very intuitive compared to the standard Joy-Con. Combine that with all the stuff removed (particularly how limited the overall Pokedex is), the fact that this is more of a new spin on a region that's been done numerous times already, and a price tag that is higher than any other main series game; makes this an easy skip for myself.
The footage here looks very good, impressed how they have gotten the different movement types looking natural, it bodes well for the rest of the Pokedex. I feel sorry for poor old Electrode constantly rolling onto his face must leave him with a mouth full of dirt! Venusaur looks a little on the small side though but that could be my memory playing tricks on me.
@HobbitGamer I agree with you on the negativity it really was starting to wear thin but it does seem to have abated somewhat recently thankfully. It was getting to the point it seemed to be a crime to * shock horror * be excited for these games. The comments on this article seem to be mostly a lively debate about the merits (good and bad) of the content of the article not just bashing the game ignoring the article.
@ryancraddock After thinking about this today, you know who really has it the worst?
Remember those sticky hand toys? The ones with a long tail so you could fling it at things. And do you remember how filthy they got? Poor, poor Ditto. He's basically the piece of chewing gum on the underside of movie theatre arm rests after walking all over Kanto
I’m liking these games so far even though they are not full Pokemon experiences or main games. They look great, seem to have a ton of charm, and I’ve recently started to like the regular Go too..
Am I also only one whi thinks the criteria to show a certain pokemon or be on a certain level is kinda nice? It makes the game to have more storylike feel in my opinion.
Looking good.
This will be my first Pokémon game I play more than an hour of.
@Yosheel No, it doesn't
Since when did they move like frogs? They're build like big dino reptiles, not frogs. They don't have the legs for jumping. Argh.. It annoys me to no end. #makethemwalkagain #notmyvenusaur #caterpiematters
@Octane The bulbasaur line is pretty clearly based on toads, if you ask me. Venusaur in specific looks very toad-y.
@Yosheel Sure, but more like this:

@Octane we'll keep in mind this is the first time we actually see a venusaur running.
Maybe at slower paces it walks normally.
@ArcanaXVI Wailord is lighter than air, it's not crushing a damn thing.
@Yosheel Yeah, they all having walking/running animations. For the most part they're the same ones from Sun & Moon.
I think this proves once and for all that Bulbasaur and its brethren are Toads, not some sort of Dinosaurs! I'm so glad that's finally been resolved, as I've thought as much for years, and have used Venasaur on my frog team in Gen VI (Greninja, Venasaur, Toxicroak, Politoed, Seismitoad, and Poliwrath!).
Jeez those routes seem itty bitty compared to GB... would take me 20 mins to walk to the safari zone.
@frogopus You’re right.... and I’m quite interested in the small side quests to enter a gym. In no way was I expecting a BOTW Pokemon (hello that would be awesome)... it’s just the routes seem like REALLY brief. I’m not concerned just an observation. I can’t wait to dig back into pkmn yellow. I trust they have loads for us to do with all the crap they’re integrating into the game via pkmn GO. So excited.
@Yosheel Sure, but as someone who studied animal locomotion, this shouldn't be possible
Running alligators/crocodiles would be a better example for Venusaur I think.
I'm pretty sure that the guy with an Electrode rolling behind him would have no trouble getting through crowds.
@MysticMask yes there's normal fight with other trainers, and there's leveling up and evolution too
Actually, your wish is actually true. It IS already in the game. I think in one of the trailers of the game. You can see it flopping around the trailer. It's kinda funny though.
Well, this weekend we discovered that the Nintendo Entertainment System is pronounced 'NESS' and that Venusaurs jump like frogs. Who the heck needs a direct with all these bombshells dropping!?!
How do encounters work against wild Pokémon?
And are battles like the original games (Choose from 4 moves to attack each turn)?
@MysticMask Against wild Pokemon is berry to catch them easier + motion control if at console mode, the handheld mode iirc is just aiming with the handheld then press a button to throw (not exactly sure, but this is what I remember).
Battles are like original games, yes, not the crazy tapping fast/charged attack from Pokemon GO.
@Zuljaras trainers battles are the same. There is no battling wild Pokémon, just catching them like in Pokémon Go.
Hmm my only concern with the game is that there is apparently limited pokeballs on offer, yet training is tied with catching.
I read you get balls got winning trainer battles. Presumably you can buy them too. I heard trainer winnings are quite generous. But i feel its a bit like Sticker Star potentially - that game had the issue that your ability to battle relied on finite resources and was easily the worst thing about the game that and a lack exp system).
I hope theyve come up with a system that works. I actually dont mind training/grinding in these games and being OP, especially with the admin of new exp sharing speeding things up. I just want the ability to train when i want to - not limited by available balls.
Hmm. And do you get XP from battling, or does it work more like the mobile game where you level up by catching half the population of the Pokémon in a given area?
@DarkScythe13 I mean, maybe they'll still have those Vs. Seeker... And now you have unlimited Pokeballs by training against people, and then get the money but who knows, did Vs. Seeker ever come back after their introduction in FR/LG?
@MysticMask I think you do but I'm not sure, and when you catch Pokemon you also get EXP yes (Although getting EXP from catching isn't limited to this one). Nonetheless, the Pokemon you caught then you can throw away to the Professor to be certain type of Candy for stat-boosting (idk if this is for EV training or IV or what though)
@darkfenrir That would be cool actually. I liked how it was in Fire Red and Leaf Green (though the recharging thing seemed more like a chore or enforced cooldown that meant little).
I believe other games did have it or it returned at least once (not 100% sure though) but I dont think it was as useful as the Gen III games made it - IIRC it was nerfed severely. And then games like Heart Gold relied on the more tedious phone calls for rematches (better than nothing, but Vs Seeker was way better).
@DarkScythe13 Haha yeah, that 100 steps thing... not bad thing to do though.
Vs.Seeker is one of the best features, I hope they put it in, very fun to use.
@Zuljaras I was listening to a podcast while at work that talked to the devs and I distinctly remember them saying there will be a button press when the joycon are on the system or when in tv mode with a pro controller. I am saying this but I could be wrong, but man I feel as close to 100% as I could get.
@Grawbad Thanks. I just want to have the option and not to be forced on a gimmick.
Like motion controls in Skyrim. Yes people like them but I prefer to play with the buttons.
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