In an interview earlier this year, Team Cherry said a physical release of Hollow Knight was “absolutely” on the cards. With the gorgeous and grim Metroidvania now digitally available via the Switch eShop, the Australian-based studio behind the title has once again spoken out about a potential physical copy of the game being released in the near future.
During a Reddit AMA, the developer confirmed it was “working” on making it happen, with the team expected to share news very soon. Previously it was explained if a physical release got the green light; the team wanted to ensure it was perceived as an object of value and one that was worthy of preservation.
In addition to this update about the physical release, the developer was happy to reveal it was currently looking at how to implement video capture into the Switch version of Hollow Knight without sacrificing the game's framerate. Customisable controls are another feature that could also be added later down the line.
Lastly, the studio admitted it was somewhat surprised with how well the game was initially received and stated it was satisfied with the current sales on Nintendo's device, despite having apparently no expectations prior to release.
Would you be open to buying a physical copy of Hollow Knight on the Switch? Have you already got a digital copy you’re enjoying? Tell us in the comments.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 62
Best of luck making it happen Team Cherry. I would absolutely buy a physical copy of this wonderful game.
If they release it physically I might just buy it.
I’m there day one if it happens. Desperately trying to conserve memory on my Switch so a physical version would be more than welcome.
But...but... I already bought it digitally.
Great news for those who were waiting on this news! I can’t aay I’m surprised; I knew I should’ve waited as well. But that wait from Owlboy’s release to the physical release was brutal. Im glad I got Hollow Knight when I did— it’s amazing.
Yay! I didn't buy this one yet! Now I'll wait. There are a ton of other indies that I'd love to have physical copies of but I had already bought the digital version before the physical was announced.
Yeah, I couldn't wait any longer to play this game on Switch. I picked this up day one digitally. It took all the patience I had not to get this on PC and I'm glad I waited. This is the perfect game for the Switch and one my favorite games I've played this year.
I knew this would get a physical release so I'm holding out until then (despite the extended wait killing me).
Ive bought it twice now - PC and Switch. Ill buy it again if they make a physical. I missed out on the PC one 😞
Great, I was holding off for this. Stinks that companies don't at least let you know about this before the digital release, so you can choose. Obviously happens because digital copies are cheaper for them.
Every one I know with a computer as told me to buy this game as a must! I’m guessing it’s a good one.
Unfortunately I won't be buying this, but if you want to get this game and you want it physical, it's 100% worth it.
Loving this game. I'm getting an awesome Dark souls vibe so far.
I'm quite happy to see an Aussie dev do really well.
I tend to buy games physically instead of digitally, but I've never seen the appeal in buying indie games physically. They generally have much smaller file sizes than your typical AAA game, and it's nice to have those smaller experiences already loaded into your system for quick play sessions, as opposed to a game like Mario or Zelda you might want to leave in your system for an extensive period of time.
This was only $15 for digital, will buy again if it comes out on a cart.
One of the best metroidvanias out there, it sure deserves a physical release in our lifetime.
Hope it will be a regular European release, not one of those «import the game from the Americas for one arm and one leg limited run» releases.
Day one purchase if it goes physical!
I suspected it would go physical, glad I waited to get it as I prefer physical.
Hollow Knight is a masterpiece, and I can’t wait to buy a physical copy.
30 hours in now and this game just gets better and better. Those trials of the fool are brutal but beating them is so so rewarding! I imagine the cart will cost more than the $15 I paid for it so happy I didn't wait on this one.
Will get this game once the final DLC comes out so I can marathon the entire game, will decide then on whether I"ll go digital or physical.
Was planning to download this game in july when i buy a switch but i guess i wait now.
Genuine Q: are their players who actually buy these physical indie releases which normally cost double the download cost?
I paid £10.99 for this game on the UK eShop, purely because of the hype and great word of mouth... Delighted to say it was totally worth it, a true quality indie gem. It was number one within a day of release, I would have hoped they're more than 'satisfied' with the current sales on Switch!
@RadioHedgeFund Yes, collectors for example. Which is why, often, there are collector's editions with even more physical stuff for even more money. Some games to me are worth displaying, especially if they have a beautiful collector's edition.
I stopped collecting like I used to (which was rather insane, but it was one of the few things that kept me from sinking even further in a depression), but this game and Shovel Knight are still on my list of games I'll get a physical collector's edition for if they ever release on Switch.
What surprise me more, is how many gamers buy digital games when physical are often cheaper (I'm looking at you, Playstation Store) and can be sold once you're done with them (collector's editions of special games even go up in value often).
what smaller experience - Hollow Knight is a very huge game that don't have to hide behind Mario and Zelda or in this case Metroid. There is absolutely no difference in production value between this indie game and a 1st party game. And for Hollow Knight quick game sessions is not recommended if you want to progress in this game and do not want to get lost.
Its funny how a physical release will always cost more if released after the download version. I know there are additional costs in producing the cart, box etc.
But when the Physical copy is released together with a download version the download costs more.
Example. Mario Tennis £50 download. £40 or less physical.
Also a game Like Hollow Knight was never meant to be a Boxed game. It is a good priced download for a few hours gameplay with little replay and OK retro graphics.
Most downloads similar to HK are way over priced anyway. HK is looking to be successful because it is selling at the right price. A boxed version will be in the bargain bucket within 6 months.
@Alto the Owlboy wait was nothing. I waited out Shantae and Wonderboy haha
Good thing I held off.
Team Cherry definitely deserves the extra money. The game is extremely underpriced on the eShop for what the game offers.
@zool I agree with the first part of your comment but not anything you said about HK. The game has a TON of content and the Switch version has a couple free expansions with it, too. You can easily get over 50 hours of game time with it, and the open endedness and HUGE amount of optional missable bosses and entire areas means that there's plenty of things you could discover in subsequent playthroughs that you never saw before.
And I'm not even sure what to tell you about calling HK's graphics "retro". HK's art style and lighting and such aren't even remotely retro styled. Like at all. This isn't pixel art.
Hollow Knight could have easily been double it's current price and it would have been completely justified.
I see a lot of these articls, where nobody brings up the file size of the game. Made by a young team and sporting lots of great music and 2D art, I'd imagine Hollowknight to be quite meaty, making a physical release extra attractive!
Also, for the people dismayed about already having bought digital: Let's lobby for Nintendo to allow limited run physical games to come with codes, that revert a digital purchase of the same game to an eShop gift. This way, no money will have to be refunded, but the player can spread the love and won't feel stuck with two copies. This could also help make all interested players feel more confident about buying digital at launch.
...Imma write that proposal up all proper and whatnot.
Man, I wouldn't really say there's anything 'retro' about Hollow Knight's artwork. And you're excused for not having kept up with this gem, but the game has tons and tons of content, and replay value out the wazoo.
great news. but what will it cost?
I was very torn about picking up Slime-San from Limited Run games as I'd already picked it up digitally. I went with it in the end despite it working out at £35 with international shipping because the game is great and the developers put so much work in to the free DLC, when they could have easily charged for it. Also the game is only £10 digitally which is an absolute steal, so I don't mind supporting the developer a little more.
I might even get Hollow Knight digitally whilst waiting for the physical version, as it's only £10.99
Great news! I already bought the digital version, but that’s ok with me since I usually reserve physical versions to AAA titles only.
I sort of hope they can work with nicalis on this so that we can get a reasonably priced physical copy with some small extras. I don't want to have to buy an $80 special edition to get this on cart.
@jwfurness The super chariot physical release is a nice example.
I bought this game the instant I knew it was on the eShop. I'd love a physical version, but I don't regret in the least buying this game early because all the hours I'm spending with it are pure bliss.
@adh56 OUCH!
Good priced? In my opinion, they could have charged 50€ easily. It has a lot of content , very high production value. Compared to Metroid games which cost 40 - 50 € you have a much deeper experience here. I am almost done with the game, but have already played for more thaN 32 hours. Before I am going to beat the boss I would like to find a couple of power ups thus you can add a few hours. Quite meaty for a 15€ game. And also very well done.
I will wait for the physical release! 😁
Already got it digitally, and was blown away. For people who absolutely have to have physical versions and rather wait, I understand... but you’re missing out on a good time.
@SgtQuint I actually imported that one a couple of weeks ago. No extra goodies, but I don't care about those anyway. The price was just right ($30). BTW, it is an outstanding game, isn't it?
Will buy. Already have it on GOG, Steam and Switch (digital). I will probably support anything Team Cherry makes just as a token of appreciation for this brilliant and heavily underpriced game.
Great. I knew it. I'm glad I never bought it. 6 euros in Mexico was tempting though.
I understand why alot of companies wait until after games release to determine if they want to make physical versions of the games available, they just want to make sure there is enoigh of a market and the have the funds to make that happen. Lately I have been making a conscious decision to get games physically whenever I can and this will likely be one I would pick up.
@RadioHedgeFund genuine reply!
Yes! I’ve bought the PC version of his game and the Switch digital version. I’ve beaten both of them 107%. I’ll gladly buy the physical copy even if it’s double the price. That’s 15 for PC, 15 for the digital Switch and then 30 (if it is double) for the physical. That still only adds up to 60 dollars, the same price I paid for that turd of a game MARIO Tennis Aces!
I’m willing to pay that to support the developers of Hollow Knight and encourage them to continue making more great games.
Hollow Knight is a classic. It will be on every list that includes “Symphony of the night” and “Super Metroid”. Buying this game isn’t just an investment in the game. It’s an investment in the future of awesome 2d gaming. I hope that answers your question. Enjoy playing!
@zool my first play through took me nearly 80 hours. My second play through took another 36. This game has ridiculous content and ridiculous replayability. Also, hand drawn graphics aren’t “retro”. Even pixel art isn’t necessarily “retro” it’s a design choice. Sometimes you want a photograph on your wall and other times you want a painting. Just cause the photograph looks more realistic doesn’t make the painting inferior right?
Wish I knew this 2 days ago lol
@Firegeek I guess it's how long is a piece of string, the hours you take to complete a game. The review I read said 30+ hours to complete. Maybe you died a lot (like I would if it on the hard side, as the review said). Was your 80 hours because you had to keep replaying the same bits over?
I agree hand drawn does not have to have a retro feel but neither is it a Mario Odyssey looking game. Its looks and feels like so many indi games that find their way to the Switch.
The reviews scored it high and it looks to be good value for money, so no complaints there. But as a Boxed game at higher price I'm not so sure it would stack up against the big games.
@NintendoPete you might say it's worth €50 because you have played it. But would you have paid that amount before you played it, I doubt it.
@TeeJay I agree, retro as in 'way back in the day' is the wrong description. But old as in 'old hat' is more applicable. I read that the Switch has over 700 games, yet I am struggling to know what to get this year, having played last years big four AAA games. Many of those 700 games are hand drawn, pixel style or basically very basic graphics. Switch is a dumping ground for this sort of highly priced indi game.
Maybe HK is the diamond in the rough. Maybe the comments I got has convinced me to give it a go. 😀
I... I guess I would. That'd be a triple-dip, since I already own it on Steam and digitally on Switch, but damn, having a physical version of this amazing title would be perfect.
@mozzy1 They did state previously pre release they were looking at and wanted to do a physical release once everything else was sorted.
So far, this feels like a game I'm going to want to return to — really falling for it — so a sweet physical release will be hard to resist.
I wish the digital situation was a little more flexible, though, because I prefer having everything available without cartridge swapping.
I need to stop buying games in eshop. I would rather have physical and I am left with another sour taste in my mouth from a great game/dev...
Really tired of this trend. I think this will be the last eshop game I buy and just hold out for physical versions.
YES YES YES YES YES! I've tweeted them a few times about this but no response. But I'm glad I held off, good job I have a backlog which stoppped me from getting it straight away.
It’s a good game so far, 4-5 hours in. The combat is very satisfying once you really start to learn the enemy movement patterns.
Still not getting the love for this game. Seems everyone else rates it much higher than I personally would. I'm a hardcore Metroidvania fan so I really wanted to (and expected) to like it, but just found it boring, shallow, and unimpressive. The constant praise heaped on it (Greatest Metroidvania ever and such) doesn't help.
If Cave Story, an equally overrated game IMO got a physical release on Switch though, I think this game should too.
@zool Most of my time was spent in the coliseum playing the trial of the conqourer over and over again for Geo. Just love the challenge there. Also, I had to get all the endings for the game and all 107% completion. So yeah, I took my time.
@Firegeek 👍
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