It happens every year. Every year as fans and people who run a Nintendo website we're bombarded by supposed leaks of Nintendo's E3 plans or E3 schedule or something to that effect. Sometimes they're believable, but a lot fo the time they're blatantly fake. After all, anyone can print off a piece of paper with a load of game titles and developer names.
So when we found one such piece of paper badly photographed and shared around the internet, we decided to have a bit of fun and tear it apart piece by piece. You can see the result in the video above, or if you just want to giggle along to yourself, you can see the full 'leak' below.
Feel free to make your own observations in the comments below.
Comments 67
What if Nintendo throws their real one out there just to test the water of their fanbase and no one can tell?
@Xaessya That would be pretty interesting. I wish companies would do something like that. Have a little fun trying to separate the truth from the lies.
Yoshi's Flippin' Island should totally be the name.
I don't know if it's either the "internal use only" line,or it just looks like a load of old tosh.
Seriously we get the same old lists year after year,my dad works for Nintendo,or my uncle....or my cat was walking past their offices and this ultra top secret list,that's for internal use only blew out of the window.
I think we do know if we are being honest.
Why would anyone from Nintendo need a contents list for a pre recorded video?.
if you watch the trailer for Yoshi Switch, it's all about "flipping" back and forth. I hope it is called Flipping Island. haha I just like saying it.
The first of this video. LOL
i still don't understand what Renegade is. A Remake or the 4th Game?
these leaks are a bunch of bogus, either way.
Well, I really hope Punch Out and Fallout are true. But I do hope it's not just F3. New Vegas too!
@Joeynator3000 The list sounded at least somewhat reasonable at first, then I got to that and laughed pretty hard.
Yoshi's Flipping Island is hilarious. If that was the title I'd have to buy it for that alone.
The list isn't so bad, except for F Zero as Nintendo have said it is a dead franchise and I don't think that Platinum have ever made a racing game. The poor formatting, spelling mistakes and lack of Bayonetta 3 make it an instant fail though.
Yoshi's Mother Flipping Island! lol
@PhilKenSebben I actually only prefer any fallout (Fallout 1 & 2, Brotherhood of Steel. and Tactics ) From 3 and onwards I lost interest. I like the old style play more.
To be fair, when I first read the name "Super Mario Odyssey" in a leak prior to the official name reveal, I thought it was obviously fake
@johnvboy This seems to be the schedule for the treehouse stream, which is live. It's probably fake, but I'd be happy if all of this turned out to be true
Nintendo should make a big thing out of "Flipping",and use it in all their titles.
Yoshi's flipping story
Mario and Luigi's flipping adventure
Star flipping fox
Luigi's mansion flipping scary edition
F-Zero flipping fast edition
Labo's just flipping cardboard people
Oh without knowing it I have created my own E3 2018 leak.
We always want these lists to be true,but they are just so obviously fake,they always mix more credible leaks like the Pokémon one to add a little authenticity to it all.
Lol they might as well go for "Yoshis Arceus Damn Island".
My uncle works at Nintendo and he told me there's gonna be a game called "Mario and Peach: Adult Party Games Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series".
I really want that StarFox racing game to be real. I really don’t want the Pokémon rumor to be real.
@MysteriousMudkip I hate to ask this, but why would a Link's Awakening remake for the 3DS makes it a dead giveaway that its a fake over some of the other stuff listed.
Hell, I would believe a game like that is in the works over say, Star Fox(the last one came out on 2017, and flopped badly, plus sources can't be sure if the game is a racing game or a true Star Fox game)
A Link's Awakening remake on the 3DS honestly makes sense. Nintendo is still supporting the 3DS, most of the major 3DS games over the past year have been remakes such as Fire Emblem Echoes(Fire Emblem Gaiden), Metroid: Samus' Return(Metroid II: Return of Samus), the remakes of the Mario and Luigi games, and a remake of Luigi's Mansion.
My point is, out of all the games on the list I could buy into a 3DS remake of Link's Awakening. They can reuse the engine and many assets from A Link Between Worlds, its a popular game, and it would give the 3DS a major game this holiday season that would help move 3DS systems, but not overshadow anything on the Switch.
That was pretty funny. Thanks Alex. Also pretty funny that the Link's Awakening description mentions "first hour of gameplay" yet the time slot next to it only has it up for 35 minutes. LOL.
Yoshi's Flipping Island
Yoshi's Arceus Damn Island
Yoshi's Bloody Island
Yoshi's Frigging Island
Yoshi's Arsing Island
There. A new franchise is born!
Really excited to learn more about Yoshi’s Tired of All These Mother Flipping Shy Guys on This Mother Flipping Island
@nab1 - even though it's a list of fakes, it might still have guessed right with a few of them!
My great grandfather works as an intern at Nintendo and says they're gonna annouce Half-life 3 this E3.
@PokeMario Does it have a 'Funky Mode'?Or perhaps 'Lets Get Funky Mode'!
Xenosaga Trilogy?
My parents cat is mates with a local feral and he told me earlier on WhatsApp that the word on the street is Bagpuss came across the official E3 list when rummaging through the bins outside Nintendo UK's offices. It was supposedly filled with contents.
A half eaten fish supper and a single black pudding.
I wish I could type up fake leaks on a Microsoft Word document, print them out, take some pictures of them, and set the internet ablaze over nothing.
If it's not going to be called
Yoshi Flips You Off His Island
then why even bother?
Personally I think they should have gone with Yoshi Commits Tax Fraud 2. Missed opportunity
And I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the Star Fox title yet. That is the most uninspired name I've heard, it'd be like calling a game 'Super Mario: Mushroom Kingdom' or 'Kirby's Dream Land'... oh, wait
@Xaessya Sort of happened already with the Switch reveal. Some guy on /v/ leaked all of it with the Twitter "leakers" calling it out as fake only to get btfo in the process and go into nuclear damage control.
@BlueBlur101 I don't know that value of that Baby Mario, but I know an expert who can tell me the value of that there Baby Mario
@Markiemania95 Yoshi Commits Tax Fraud" 1 is the only M rated game I own, that and the spinoff "Kirby Does His Taxes Deluxe".
My own comment: Yoshi's Flipping Island sounds like the island is actually turning upside down, and would be a nice twist. Who am I kidding; may as well call it "Yoshi's Diddly-Dang Island"
The one thing that screams fake is the Dragon Ball game at the start. There must be about 2 people that would buy that, so to start E3 with it would be a waste when it's a footnote of a release at best.
I'd rather take one than read one. Far more satisfying and stress-reducing...
@UnknownReader I love most em. Old ones for waaaay different reasons. Wish we had gotten Van Buren instead tho.
Link's Awakening 3D, "first hour of game play".
Schedule: 10.20 to 10.55.
Are they showing it on fast forward?
@Joeynator3000 with crossover appearances from Mr. Saturn! BOING
@BlueBlur101 in case you flippers didn’t understand that already by my previous outings!
@MH4 in YCTF, would the player be under reporting the island’s investments in wool, yarn, and construction paper?
As funny as some of the typos and such were on this, I was looking forward to the other 2 days listings for the why only the 1 day? LOL
@HobbitGamer Yes.
As I said, the rumors are rumors, and until not see official info, nothing of interest because it can be so false, but always "the drama" by the rumor.
But I'm surprised by the creativity and uncertainty that "leakers" show when they post their unspoken rumors; Yes, I know that some rumors previously have been true, but of those that are true to those who only do a "show", well, the show is all a tv show drama on the internet (somebody said Star Fox Grand Prix?), oh, boy!, XD
Wait, if this new title is called "Yoshi's Flipping Island", why not call Yoshi's Woolly World "Yoshi's Fluffing Island"?
Looks like I'm flipping late!
Gotta love these "leaks"!
I'd snap up Link's Awakening 3D on Day One, but what I really want is Skyward Sword HD on Switch with optional motion controls.
@Xaessya If I were Nintendo I would make a poor quality scan of the schedule and then leak it on purpose so everyone thinks it is fake. Just to troll the fans.
Ah, if only they did make a 3DS remake of Link's Awakening - my favorite Zelda game...
Also, hilarious video, loved it!
I'd love SS on the Switch too. I actually loved the motion controls (at least for the sword), but even I see that it was a poor choice not to include a standard control option. Alienated too many Zelda fans.
Leak 100% Confirmed:
Getting Pilotwings 64 in HD for the Switch....
that's it for the rest of the year!
Metroid Prime 4 will ditch single player and will instead feature a battle royale mode and lootboxes.
Also, Yoshi's Flipping Island?
I'm always honest about my predictions being predictions and don't pass them off as fake leaks, though I still enjoy reading fake leaks made by other people.
I also think the new Pokemon for Switch will be revealed before E3 knowing how different the Pokemon Company likes to be from the rest of Nintendo.
@RadioHedgeFund You do realize Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 sold very well on the Switch, and Dragon Ball games have appeared on almost every Nintendo platform since the Famicom where they have always been popular with Nintendo's fanbase.
So, why would Dragon Ball Fighter Z be a red flag that this is fake? Especially when it could sell well on the Switch, a system that is lacking fighting games at the moment.
As for it being a major title on Nintendo's E3 schedule, well Namco could be pushing Nintendo to promote the game, given its popularity on other systems, the popularity of Xenoverse 2 on the Switch, and the overall popularity the Dragon Ball franchise is enjoying now with a new movie coming at the end of the year, Super ending a successful run in Japan, the various dubs of Super being very popular.
I can assure you, more than two people want this game on the Switch, and Dragon Ball is hardly a footnote. I can see Nintendo giving heavy promotion to this game. Hell, I would be shocked is Namco somehow puts out Dragon Ball Amiibo and some special features in a Switch version of the game.
Dragon Ball is popular and it sells on Nintendo platforms.
Flip the Switch! I’d love a new Punch-Out!!
E3 can't come soon enough. I can't stand this many rumors.
The other day I was walking past nintendo HQ and I had some uncontrollable bowel movement. Fortunately enough they let me in to use their facilities to relief myself. While proceding with the above mencioned bowel movement I noticed an E3 list written on toilet paper that I now share with You all :
Don’t need to thank me just pay it foward
Not long till we find out
@Alex you failed to pick up on the questionable guests.
Yoshi Opening animation: "Get these mother flipping Yoshis out of this mother flipping island"
... Funky New Mode Inclued !
Meh, (I didn't watch the video)
@PokeMario every time I see someone say "my uncle works at nintendo" I think it's a lie to make people believe the games Nintendo are going to announce at e3
Shut up liar!
Dear Alex,
Have you played Metroid Samus returns and seen the very last Chozo memory? If so, you understand that people speculate about some Chozo still being alive!
"Yoshi's Flipping Island?"
Typical Nintendo censorship.
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