Update: It appears that the description of this TV show, which originally mentioned "shocking Pokémon news" and "a moment a new story begins", has now been replaced. The description now reads "Full of Pokémon Information", suggesting that either a mistake was made, or this little snippet of information wasn't supposed to be shared with public just yet. We'll have to wait and see.
Original Story: The Pokémon teases and rumours have been flying around all over the place over the last few weeks, with mentions of 'Generation Eight' coming from the Spanish Official Nintendo Magazine, and the more recent murmurings of potential Pokémon Let's GO Eevee and Pikachu editions. Now, though, it seems we are actually one step closer to seeing a true reveal.
According to Serebii, the children's Japanese Variety Show Oha Suta, which airs in the morning to Japanese viewers, is set to share "shocking" Pokémon news on May 31st. This news is described as being "a moment a new story begins". If that doesn't get Pokéfans excited, what will?
Of course, no one can know for sure what this reveal will be, but the wording certainly suggests that we'll be seeing something brand new for the franchise, potentially providing fans with a look at the rumoured Eevee and Pikachu games, or maybe even something else entirely. After all, we're still not really sure what the 'Pokémon RPG' for Switch actually is.
This episode is due to air at 07:05 JST on Thursday May 31st - that's 23:05 on Wednesday in the UK, 00:05 in Europe, 15:05 on Wednesday Pacific time, and 18:05 Eastern. We'll make sure to keep an eye out for any announcements when the time comes around.
So, what do you think we'll see? It looks like it's finally time to let ourselves shake with excitement until the show airs.
[source serebii.net]
Comments 31
I refused to get excited for this, it could be Pokémon 8 but it can also easily be an new Pokémon series that isn't overly connected to the new game ala Pokémon XYZ. (Remember when everyone said that was proof of Pokémon Z's including my announcement?)
Pokemon Star ?
Pokemon SuperNOVA ??
Was kind of hoping for an international announcement with a short direct or trailer reveal.
Hopefully someone will stream the show anyway!
I don't want to get excited about this, my expectations on these kind of Pokémon news always get broke.
I'd prefer a nice Pokémon Direct
Are they finally getting rid of Ash?
Obviously it's that Pikachu and Eevee Pokemon Switch game. Shocking = Pikachu, new chapter = New main-line entry.
Edit: Oh, didn't see this proper image about the news: https://gbatemp.net/attachments/30412020_1656580747761539_546105276369993728_n-png.126216/
So it's maybe something about this Pokemon and the topic is the next Pokemon movie then instead.
No one should expect game news in a TV program that airs at 7am and is directed to elementary school kids... It might be something related to the anime, who knows, but surely is nothing game related...
Probably to do with the next movie. A new game will get revealed at E3, not on a TV show a couple of weeks beforehand.
Pokemon anime getting a reboot?
I doubt this is the new game. They've done these sorts of announcements before. It's usually about the anime or something like that. The only thing that will shock people is how shockingly uninteresting the actual announcement is.
Pokemon Reboot?
The legend of Pokemon: Breath of charizard?
Pokemon Prime (metroid, not Amazon)?
Super pokemon odyssey?
Pokemon country?
I'm out of ideas. Sorry for wasting your time if you read this comment.
I remember the rumours that The Jotoh Anime would star the MC of the Gold/Silver games and that Advanced in Houen would include Ash and Brock but they would be AU variations of themselves and that the prior seasons were a completely different timeline.
Whilst I have no qualms with an all new story, bring in new characters don’t reboot established old ones.
5 second footage of the new game.
I highly doubt they’d do a reveal of the new game on an early morning show aimed at primary school kids, tbh. But it may be a way of relaying news of the new game to kids (Pokemon’s core audience) after an Internet reveal, maybe?
It could make sense if they announced a Pokemon Direct for tomorrow - spreading the news to a wider audience through a kids’ show the morning after the official reveal could be an effective marketing strategy.
Though I’m just taking a gander here, based on the somewhat unlikely chance that Emily Rogers is right and the announcement IS actually coming before the end of May. ;P
EDIT: wrong word used in the bottom paragraph due to bilingual brain failure.
If it is about the game, they will have a direct before its on a TV show in Japan only, they havent announced a main line game only in Japan in a very long time, so if a Direct is gonna drop today or tomorrow it will happen at 10/11pm Japanese time as thats the best time for everyone around the world, Its night in Japan, in Europe its afternoon, in the US / Canada its morning so cross your fingers in 3-4 hours for a suprise direct.
At first I hated the Idea of going back to Kanto AGAIN, but now I have warmed to the idea, I hope if it is back to Kanto they do it right, only time will tell.
I hope gen 8 goes back to its roots with the bad guys being classic evil again. I’m talking Giovanni evil. No more weird agendas please!! And no more Ultra Beasts I beg of you.
Shocking news: Series canceled! Just trolling.
I just wonder, is this Pokemon movie will be released on 13 July 2018 ?
I feel like The Pokémon Company hired Rudy Giuliani to be it's marketing manager for 2018, stuff changes on a minute by minute basis. 😛
@Jutandy How about not blaming humanity for the company deciding out of the blue to do a remake of Pokemon Yellow, if that's what it turns out to be? At this point blaming it on humanity is kinda just stupid. :
The Rumors have me not very hyped, so if the new games end up being exactly like the rumors it's possibly going to be a disappointing fall I believe, though I won't give me full judgement until I see for sure. As a long time fan that's been playing since yellow version came out, last thing I want is a return to yellow. If I wanted to replay through the original pokemon games i'd just replay them on my 3ds via eshop which I did do already.
I actually like most of what I've heard regarding the rumors.
With that said, this will probably turn out to be nothing.
It will most likely be a generation 8 Pokémon that will appear in the anime or movie. They always do this before a new game is announced.
@Joeynator3000: More like a five-second teaser that will probably contain the titles and/or a Pokemon silhouette.
Pokémon +ve and Pokémon -ve confirmed for Switch.
"which originally mentioned "shocking Pokémon news"' - Zeraora revealed? Did that already happen? It'd fit the pun there
The only thing that would be shocking is if it somehow made it to a Sony system.
Well, that was a bit of shocker. I'm excited for November😄
@Jutandy @Jutandy All of those were real. You're welcome.
In all honesty, Let's Go! looks a lot better than the leaks made it out to be. It is sad that the next Generation won't come out until 2019.
@Jutandy That over world looks incredibly beautiful. I just want them to polish the "capturing Pokemon" part, because those models look ripped straight from Pokemon GO.
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