Sega's confirmation that it is bringing its classic games to Switch as part of the AGES range was pretty incredible, if only for the sheer potential of such a move; Nintendo's erstwhile rival may be a very different company to the one that launched the Mega Drive, Saturn and Dreamcast these days, but it sits on an astonishing treasure trove of titles, and hopefully we'll get to see a great many of these vintage classics come to Switch in the fullness of time.
Sega has already confirmed that the first five games will be Sonic the Hedgehog, Phantasy Star, Alex Kidd in Miracle World, Thunder Force IV and Gain Ground – all of which will be ported by emulation experts M2 and will boast additional features which are exclusive to each title. Sega has also revealed that this range won't be limited to just the Master System, Mega Drive and arcade – Saturn and Dreamcast games will also be coming in the future.
With that in mind, we thought it prudent to start wishing for particular titles we'd personally like to see come to the service, arranged neatly by hardware generation. A couple of things to note before you venture into the comments section with your flaming torches and pitchforks because we've missed out one of your favourites: it would seem that the AGES range is limited to first-party titles or titles to which Sega now owns the rights (such as Thunder Force), so we've restricted our picks accordingly. We've also avoided including titles that are already available as part of the Sega 3D Classics line on 3DS.
Master System

Sega's 8-bit console struggled to make a dent in the market share of the NES in practically every territory apart from Europe and Brazil, and is often unfairly ignored in favour of Sega's other machines. That's a shame, because the system itself was technically superior to Nintendo's 8-bit hardware and showcased some amazing exclusives and stunning arcade ports.
Alex Kidd in Shinobi World
Miracle World may be Alex's most beloved outing, but this unique crossover title is well worth a look too, and has been largely forgotten about over the years. It places Alex in the world of Shinobi, another of Sega's classic franchises, and features action-oriented gameplay to suit.
Based on the Tatsunoko Productions anime series from the '80s, this action adventure has a lot in common with Metroid on the NES; you explore an enemy base, unlocking rooms with key cards and codes while taking down hostile threats.
Golvellius: Valley of Doom
Often cited as the Master System's closest rival to Zelda, Golvellius boasts side-scrolling and overhead sections and ticks all the usual RPG boxes. It's a bit of a grind in places but is still one of the console's most notable role-playing adventures.
This action RPG is often overshadowed by its Mega Drive sequel, Mystic Defender - both of which were known as "Peacock King" in Japan. The mix of role-playing and platforming action works well, and the visuals are a cut above what you'd normally expect from an 8-bit release.
While it might pale in comparison to the arcade original, the Master System port of Shinobi is still a fantastically playable game, with tight controls, fast gameplay and excellent presentation.
Mega Drive / Genesis

Easily Sega's most successful home console, the Mega Drive (or Genesis if you're in the US) offered gamers accurate arcade ports, a flood of sports titles and Sonic; little wonder then that it stormed the North American market, attracting millions of players who had grown up with the NES and now wanted something a little more mature. In Europe it was just as successful, but in Japan it placed third behind the Super Famicom and PC Engine.
Herzog Zwei
Considered by many to be the first "true" real-time strategy title, Techno Soft's Herzog Zwei is quite unlike any other game from this period. You control a robot which can transform into a jet to airlift units around the map; the aim is to destroy your opponent's base before they do the same to yours. In two-player, this is amazing stuff.
Phantasy Star IV
The pinnacle of the Phantasy Star series, and one of the finest Sega RPGs ever made, this fourth installment drastically improves on what has gone before to present a massive quest, stunning graphics and a gripping storyline.
Shining Force II
The second Shining Force game is even better than its predecessor, and gives Nintendo's Fire Emblem a serious run for its money. There are hours and hours of gameplay to be found here.
Dynamite Headdy
Treasure's zany platforming epic doesn't get as much acclaim as its Mega Drive sibling Gunstar Heroes, but it's every bit as inventive and playable, and really pushes the host hardware to its limits.
This isometric action RPG was a revelation at the time of release, and even by today's standards it looks and sounds wonderful. We'd love to get the chance to play this again on the Switch.

With Nintendo holding back on its N64 system, Sega perhaps believed it had the market to itself when it launched the 32-bit Saturn – but Sony had other ideas. Despite hosting some amazing games, the Saturn has gone down in history as a bit of a failure; in Japan it held on for longer than expected but in the west it was soundly beaten by the PlayStation.
Panzer Dragoon trilogy
We've cheated a bit here, but it's impossible to choose between these games. The first two are on-rails shooters, a bit like Space Harrier, but the third is an epic RPG which – on the Saturn – spanned four discs. Hopefully Sega can overcome the issue of no longer having the source code for Panzer Dragoon Saga and bring it to the AGES range.
Burning Rangers
Sonic Team worked wonders with Nights: Into Dreams but Burning Rangers gets our vote, thanks largely to its impressive visuals and intriguing premise, which sees you rescuing civilians from flaming structures.
Shining Force III
Camelot's final contribution to the series it made world-famous is a masterpiece, but sadly only the first of the three available chapters was ever localised outside of Japan. It might cost a bit of cash, but we'd love to see Sega translated the remaining two chapters, which told the story from the perspective of two different protagonists.
Sega Rally Championship
After the disappointment that was Daytona USA, the Saturn port of Sega Rally restored the faith of many a Sega fan. Insanely fast, incredibly playable and wonderfully challenging, it's still one of the best home console racers ever made.
Virtua Fighter 2
Sega worked wonders porting the arcade smash Virtua Fighter 2 to the Saturn – a system not exactly famed for its 3D prowess. Using the console's high-resolution mode, this conversation dazzled not only with its visuals, but its technical depth, too. If the home port can't make it to the Sega AGES line-up, then we'd obviously be happy to accept the arcade original...

Sega's final throw of the hardware dice is regarded by many fans as its defining console; bolstered by some superb arcade ports and excellent sports titles, the Dreamcast did well in North America and was moderately successful in Europe and Japan, but the company was in such dire straits that nothing less than total market dominance was required to truly save it. In 2001 Sega announced that the Dreamcast would be its final system and that it would be moving into third-party publishing; the arrival of the PS2 put the final nail in the coffin of what remains one of gaming's most underrated platforms.
Recently confirmed for release in remastered form on PS4 and Xbox One, Shenmue's inclusion in this list might seem odd; we could, after all, see the remastered version arrive on Switch in the not-too-distant future. Or maybe Sega's plan is to bring it to the AGES line-up instead?
Ferrari F355 Challenge
Yu Suzuki's obsession with the Prancing Horse began with Out Run, but it is this realistic racer which saw it reach its climax. Created in collaboration with Ferrari itself, this is a challenging yet rewarding speed-fest which used three monitors in its original coin-op configuration.
Skies of Arcadia
Set in a world packed with floating islands and patrolled by noble pirates and a hostile empire, Skies of Arcadia has it all – turn-based combat, hours of gameplay and epic contests between flying battleships. A GameCube port appeared shortly afterwards, and we'd love to see the game on a Nintendo system again as soon as possible.
Space Channel 5
One of the most unique games in the Dreamcast library, this rhythm action title places you in the high heels of a reporter who finds herself in the middle of an alien invasion. This one is ripe for rediscovery as part of the AGES range.
Recently updated on modern consoles, there's a danger we might be growing too familiar with Rez – but then again, it's one of the best on-rails shooters ever made, so you'll forgive us for including it here. As soon as we hear Adam Freeland's 'Fear' over those speakers, we can't help ourselves...

Sega's coin-op history is perhaps more exciting than its home console one; the company was making mechanical arcade units before video games were even a thing, and during the '80s it produced a string of coin-op classics that made its the envy of the world video game industry. It still makes arcade systems to this day.
Golden Axe: Revenge of Death Adder
That we never got a home port of what is unquestionably the best Golden Axe game is a crime, and one that needs solving as soon as possible. This 1992 gem was perhaps too much of a challenge to port to the Mega Drive, and by the time the Saturn arrived in 1994, it was no doubt considered old news – we got the terrible one-on-one fighter Golden Axe: The Duel instead.
Virtua Racing
M2 has previously mentioned porting Virtua Racing to home systems, so there's a good chance we could finally see an arcade-perfect conversion of the 3D racer which sparked a revolution. Sure, the Mega Drive, 32X and Saturn ports were passable, but we want the real deal.
Scud Race
Once mooted for release on the Dreamcast, Scud Race sadly never made it out of the arcades and it one of Sega's many "lost" coin-op classics. Mixing real-world cars with the amazing tracks that are Sega's trademark, it's one of the company's best efforts in the genre, and we'd love to see it get a domestic debut on Switch.
Planet Harriers
Yep, it's another arcade exclusive which is ripe for a resurrection on Switch. This 3D take on the Space Harrier template had a chance of getting ported to the Dreamcast, but it never transpired; as a result, very few people have had the pleasure of playing it. Adding it to the AGES lineup could solve that.
Sonic the Fighters
While it's not quite a forgotten classic (it was included on the Sonic Gems Collection on GameCube in 2005, and more recently was released on Xbox 360 and PS3), Sonic the Fighters is an interesting spin-off to the main series; produced by none other than Yu Suzuki, it's half Sonic, half Virtua Fighter, and one of the more unique brawlers Sega has created over the years. It also predates Smash Bros., which took a similar approach on the N64 but with Mario and his chums – so it has historical importance, too.
That's our picks - but what about you? Let us know which Sega classics you'd like to see in the AGES range by posting a comment below.
Comments 184
Panzer Dragoon please!
I’d like golden axe and street of rage. I already own both I’m thinking for the people who don’t. I’m nice like that.
Plus both have great music
My goodness sega has so many great games in its stable. It really is a shame that poor business decisions forced them out of the hardware scene. Shining force, Daytona, Sega Rally, Power Stone, just release everything!!!
I'd love Panzer Dragoon, esp. Saga, to make the cut if at all possible. The game is kinda special, and also, it's really hard to come by and play legally these days. I do hope the re-release of Panzer Dragoon Orta on Xbox One just yesterday will help to reignite some of the interest in the franchise going forward.
I still like to see Shenmue and The Grinch.
From Genesis: Golden Axe, Earthworm Jim, Jurassic Park (especially The Lost World one), Streets Of Rage, Mortal Kombat, TMNT: The Hyperstone Heist, Road Rash, Urban Strike, Comix Zone... there are too many to count!
Samba de Amigo!! Would be perfect with the two joycons
All of the Phantasy Star games.
Comix Zone.
Sakura Wars.
Shenmue 1 + 2.
Toejam and Earl.
Chu Chu Rocket.
Crazy Taxi.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2, 3, and CD.
Sonic Adventure 1 + 2.
Panzer Dragoon.
God, there's so many games I'd like to see come to the Sega Ages selection. But how about we start by looking at these kinds of lists and picking some of the top titles from them:
I'd like to see the ones I don't own, obviously, but I fear they will be the typical ones, repeatedly released before. Anyway, the fact that Gain Grounds is the arcade version gives me some hope.
They should bring us the arcade versions when available. Aside from the inevitable Sonic 1, Alex Kidd and a few more. But with 15 titles there's not much room to surprise.
Arcade-only titles like Scud Race or Harley-Davidson would be two examples of the ideal type of games for me.
There's so many from the Dreamcast I would love to see! Skies of Arcadia & Shenmue of course being two of the most important, but I would also like to see Power Stone 1 & 2, Samba Da Amigo, Chu Chu Rocket & Crazy Taxi brough to the Switch.
Both arcade Golden Axes, please.
Virtua Racing, House of the Dead 1 and Panzer Dragoon
Golden Axe Warrior on Master System, and Shining Wisdom and Shining the Holy Ark on Saturn
Skies of Arcadia 🤤
My absolute hands down favourite game of all time!!!
Would much prefer a hd remake though!
I’m hoping for Saturn and Dreamcast games as I’ve had very little chance to ever experience them. Especially hoping for Rez, Nights, and Jet Set Radio. Would also love some Disney games (or the Capcom Afternoon Collection).
I also didn’t realize the Saturn and Dreamcast had so many games from the PS1. Could we see Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, Wipeout, etc?
All of them.
But definitely Saturn games. Emulating them is a pain and they rarely get ported. So many gems left to rot. Burning Rangers was my JAM.
Toy Commander, please thanks hun xx
Panzer Dragoon
Virtua Fighters
Virtua Cop
Virtua On
Knuckles Chaotix
Shinibi GG 2
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Panzer Dragoon
Panzer Dragoon Zwei
Sega Rally
Burning Rangers
Bug Too
Story of Thor 2
Guardian Heroes
Xmen Vs Street Fighter (Saturn was best version)
Shenmue 1 and 2
Deep Fear
Unreleased version of Resident Evil 2
Virtua Fighter 3
All the Super Scaler Arcade games, especially Outrun with the Saturns 60fps smooth mode included. These would be amazing on the Switch.
@gaga64 knuckles chaotix! Good man, forgot about that
We need the complete Shining Force III trilogy. Come on Sega, show us some love!
Virtua Racing
Daytona USA (Arcade)
Nights into Dreams
Sonic 3 + Knuckles (as DLC)
Sonic CD
Columns III
Panzer Dragoon (all three)
Crazy Taxi
Virtua Fighter 2
Fighting Megamix
Galaxy Force II
Super Monaco GP
Gunstar Heroes
Alien Soldier
Shining Force III (all three interlocking Scenarios) would be at the top of my Wish List. I've been fortunate enough to play through them in English thanks to the amazing efforts of the Shining Force Central fan community's patch...which still requires the original discs to keep things legal btw...and they're 190 hours of the best turn-based strategy, storyline, and deliciously manipulative villains this side of Valkyria Chronicles. I'd readily support an official localization.
Dark Wizard (SEGA CD)
Crazy Taxi, Jet Set Radio, Resident Evil: Code Veronica, X-Men, All of the Shining Forces. That's all I need.
Panzer Dragoon Saga, Jet Set Radio and Skies of Arcadia top my bucket list of non-Genesis titles. Sega should just port basically everything in the Ultimate Genesis Collection to Switch. I’d buy Sonic 3 & Knuckles for the 4th time....
I'm not fan of SEGA, but i would like to see these games from SEGA Saturn :
1. Magical Drop III. Unlike NeoGeo version, SEGA Saturn version was much like PS1 version. Better in Audio, 2D graphics, Additional Mode (Special Mode) that i Love (Fiery Fire Sword, Shiny Bright Stars, Whirly Leaves Typhoon & Deep Aqua Splash effects when you Clear those specifics gem colors)
2. X-Men vs Street Fighter. Unlike PS1 version that lack of Tag Play, SEGA Saturn version keep the Tag Play as Arcade version, so i can switch quickly with my partner.
Surprised to see Dragon Force (and Dragon Force 2 for that matter) not getting any mention here. An absolute MUST for strategy fans, it features armies of up to 100 beautifully detailed sprite-based units clashing as their commanders give orders (you can maneuver them to avoid special attacks by the enemy commander and outflank the opposing force), and combines them with a Street Fighter-esque motif of special attacks (ranging from fireballs and sonic waves to earthquakes and meteor showers) and pre-battle taunts. Dozens of commanders can be recruited (most only after being defeated in battle) for your army and strategically assigned to various forts across your growing empire, but you need to continually reward them (via additional troops and medals) to keep them happy or they could leave. A single campaign can easily last dozens of hours, and with eight commanders to play as (each with their own storylines and dialogue...Gongos the Beast Man is HILARIOUS at times)...you have a game that can reach into the hundreds of hours' worth of gameplay.
Well the Panzer Dragoon games are the best on rail shooters I've played so them and Saga please. Speaking of which I'm picking up Orta on the way home to play on the X and that includes the PC port of the original as a bonus and both in lovely high resolution 16x that of standard Xbox so I'll have fun tonight.
But yeah all of the games mentioned are great and the more the merrier just make sure we get Saga 😁
The GameArts titles such as LUNAR: The Silver Star and LUNAR 2: Eternal Blue from either the Sega CD or the superior Saturn/PS2 versions would be great to see, along with Silpheed.
Looking at list of games.... man, Sega sucks...
And if we're going with versions of Sega games that appeared on multiple Sega console and then arcade, I'd just hope they pick the superior version in each case, whichever one that may be in each case. I mean, don't pick the Saturn version of Sega Rally Championship for example (as good as it is on that system) when the arcade version is obviously superior. Or maybe even put all the versions of whatever game together each time and release them like little bundles so you can play whatever version you prefer.
Magic Knight RayEarth is another fantastic top-down action RPG for the Saturn, and although Working Designs' humorous translation is a bit dated now (to paraphrase one exerpt from an NPC as you investigate the appearance of a mysterious monster: "It was big and black and very scary! What, Bruno Magli shoes? What are you talking about?"), the character development is great and the villains have layering to them. Highly recommended!
Scud Race/Sega Super GT would my top arcade pick. Who owns the Crave Entertainment games’ rights now? Would love to have Starlancer as well. And Virtua Fighter 3tb. Wish Falcom would let us have Popful Mail. I know, I know, 1st party only.
Lots of great shooters from the Genesis era, but who owns the rights to those?
What about Disney and Sega collobration, does Sega still have the rights to those? Aladdin, Mickey Mania, Castle and World of Illusion...
Bring me House of the Dead 2, Streets of Rage trilogy, and Golden Axe trilogy. Rest is just icing on the cake or extraneous terrible games depending on the title.
Although they're dated graphically by now (aside for Advanced Wars 2001, which still holds up fairly well even now), the Sega-published (in Japan) Daisenryaku (Grand Strategy) franchise by SystemSoft Alpha would be a huge boon for fans of serious military turn-based strategy. Known in the West as Iron Storm thanks to Working Designs' localization, the Saturn version offered three branching WWII campaigns (with "What If?" scenarios and units included) for Japan, Germany, and the USA, along with a grand total of roughly 500 real life unit types and nifty battle cinematics. Advanced War 2001 for the Dreamcast seriously upped the visuals and had a whopping total of over 2100 unit types and variations as well as the ability to create maps for local multiplayer up to 8 players in any combination of human and AI...a franchise first, but sadly it never saw an official English release.
The West would eventually receive one more localization (the Modern-era Dai Senryaku VII: Modern Military Tactics) for Xbox and PlayStation 2, which lacks depth in the campaign but has INCREDIBLE depth and replayability in multiplayer (up to 4 players in any combination of human and AI, choosing from 8 nations and 400 units) thanks to its Map Editor. I personally played countless hundreds of hours on the PS2 version with a group of friends, each of whom bought their own copies. It's easily PS2's most underrated gem.
We really need Sonic Adventure DX and Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Panzer dragoon
Crazy taxi
Golden Axe revenge of death adder
Outrun 2 coast to coast
All the shinobi’s
Radiant Silvergun
Radiant Silvergun
Radiant Silvergun
Radiant Silvergun
Radiant Silvergun
Radiant Silvergun
Radiant Silvergun
Radiant Silvergun
Radiant Silvergun
And Radiant Silvergun
Outrun 2 would be nice or that canceled multiplayer game for the Dreamcast that sega nearly released
Gaiares and M.U.S.H.A. are two other great Genesis shooters I'd love to see make a return, but both were by third parties that may no longer even exist now, so I have no clue regarding the rights.
@AtlanteanMan Gaiares is so under appreciated. Such a classic and lost in time. Would love for this to be re released
"Hopefully Sega can overcome the issue of no longer having the source code for Panzer Dragoon Saga and bring it to the AGES range."
Isn't that rather a big problem? I can't see how they could overcome it? Do you mean reverse compiling or something? I'm intrigued as to what you meant.
not sure what sega games i would be interested in bringing over. however, i do know all of the names for the different Sega mascots and yes, i am including Sonic.
As usual, Ristar feels like a must, and I would like a chance to play the Sonic Adventure titles, or maybe some other obscure-ish Sonic game like 3D Blast or something like that.
Zero Wing is the only correct answer.
Lots of titles go through my mind that were on the platforms but we sometimes forget it will only be those Sega has full IP rights to.
On that note, Thunder Force was developed by Technosoft whose back catalogue was bought by Sega which includes (you guessed it); HYPER DUEL!
Its basically a shmu’up inspired by Macross and Gundam. I swear one of the bosses is a Zaku / Dom Tropen cross.
Nights into Dreams, Jet Set Radio, Crazy Taxi, After Burner 2 and i would kill for an English translated Segagaga. They're my shouts
Arcade versions of;
Congo Bongo
@smashboy2000 Did you see the Treasure Tweet? The one with posters of Ikaruga and Radient Silver Gun reflecting on a Switch screen?
Chu chu rocket, crazy taxi, virtua cop, as many saturn fighters as possible, panzer dragon, daytona usa
I want them to work some magic, get the license, and re-release the old Spider-Man beat-em-up.
Sonic 1-3 (& Knuckles)
Jet Set Radio
Shenmue 1&2
Monkey Ball (Arcade Version, but ideally Gamecube if possible)
...I don't know what else I would like because I don't know much about old SEGA games
Contra: Hard Corps
Golden Axe
Earthworm Jim
Jurassic Park
Mortal Kombat
Road Rash
Comix Zone..
@GrailUK Didn't saw that ! Thanks !
@Ralizah oh man Crazy taxi...that was a blast!
how about RE code Veronica? that will be a hit too....but understand it's not owned by Sega, just wishing more Dreamcast on this list, like SC!
No one wants Seaman????
Bonanza Brothers, Toejam and Earl, and Alien Storm if you'd be so kind xxx
How about bringing Dynamite Cop 1 (Die Hard Arcade/Dynamite Deka) & 2 (Dynamite Cop).
@JAPBOO I want to see CV come over as well, but if it does, it'll likely be at Capcom's discretion. Let's hope all of the RE games eventually migrate to the Switch!
@techdude My list is almost identical to this with the addition of Afterburner II (Arcade) and Jet Grind/Set Radio. I wouldn't hate Chu Chu Rocket either.
Well, I prefer Saturn and Arcade games. Because I’m full of those famous Genesis games. There are a lot of great obscure titles on Arcade and Saturn that many gamers don’t know about.
My request list is meager:
Dreamcast - Space Channel 5.
Genesis - Sunset Riders (although I'd greatly prefer Konami's arcade version).
That's pretty much it.
@smashboy2000 I'm glad someone said it
NIGHTS Into Dreams
If they released that with HD graphics, I’d buy it in a heart beat. Any other game, I’m fine with playing at home on original hardware. But having NIGHTS be portable would be amazing. My favorite game on the Sega Saturn.
Skys of Arcadia, Phantasy Star series, all the Shining series, Crusade of Centy, Since I am not holding my breath for Gamecube, I want to see Evolution: The World of Sacred Device. I hope they give us a decent library. There is just so many in Sega's vault.
Definitely Revenge of Death Adder (Arcade). Long overdue. Chances of it actually happening, slim to nil.
Genesis: Rainbow Islands Extra and Monster World IV.
Don’t forget the amazing library of Saturn shmups!! Both western and Japanese releases. So many great ones really shined on Saturn’s tech!
Also, I totally agree on the Panzer Dragoon series— at the top of my list for sure! They just released backwards compatibility for Panzer Dragoon Orta in Xbox One and it looks and plays so great! Those games def hold up today, and Saga is an outstanding experience IMO.
SegaSonic the Hedgehog
@dkxcalibur story of my life
I just want Sega to rerelease their Xbox exclusives to every platform
Sincerely I'm not super familiar with Sega's roster of games but if I could sum up what my biggest wishes for the Switch would be, it'd be basically "RPGs RPGs RPGs, please more RPGs seriously it's all platformers here so unless the next platformer is a RPG-with-platformer mechanics, please just chuck an RPG at us".
Sincerely, the console is the perfect fit for the genre(can be both played portable and on TV, and the lower demanding graphics of a ton of RPGs would be perfect for extended battery life in portable mode) it's almost a head-scratcher that there isn't more RPG right now.
Phantasy Star Online. Even if they can't incorporate the online part of the game.
@Ralizah you got it! all RE pls!
separated note, impossible to happen but there were some cancelled projects for Dreamcast, I dream to get the Castlevania one....
Also, I haven't seen any indication of 32X games (all, like, six of them), but I haven't played Knuckles Chaotix and it's one of the few Sonic games I don't have on the original system or any collection (Ultimate Genesis, Gems, Wii eShop (RIP), etc.).
@rdm22 i totally miss the wii eshop, I forgot about it's cancelation date when looking to add points and I left wanting to spend some $ on last minutes purchases.... wish there was a way to do it, i didnt find any site alerting one day before this so it's very sadly...
A shame they didn't think to make a Golden Axe double pack on Saturn — The Duel and Revenge of Death Adder on one disc. I might have purchased it for my Saturn. I'd have loved more beat-em-ups and hack-and-slash games for the system.
@AtlanteanMan very good suggestions all around. Dragon Force remains one of my all-time favorite Saturn games. It's so unique as both a strategy game and as an RPG. Musha was made available on Wii, so the rights might not be so complicated unless something has changed.
It's not quite a retro title, so to speak, but when I had a Gamecube, I enjoyed a game called Phantasy Star Online. Mostly I played it offline because I didn't have high speed internet back then, but it could be a cool title to remake and put on the Switch. I'd also like to see Sonic Pinball. Had that on my Wii U and it was a fun little time waster.
Laser Ghost with joy con action. A Sega Ages collection featuring Shining Force both Mega Drive and Saturn games, plus I think there was a couple Game Gear games. Story of Thor 1 / 2. Skies of Arcadia for those that don't have the gorgeous GameCube version. Jet Set Radio, especially Future. The Sega Rally games. Manx TT.
What I'd really like to come for the Switch is for E.A to port games like Desert strike, Road rash, Rolo the elephant and the best ice hockey game from the series. I can dream can't I?
As many as Sega can possibly put out!! Especially the coin-ops!! That’s a weak list NL! Doesn’t even scratch the surface of what Sega is sitting on! Bring it!! My wallet is ready!!
@JAPBOO Ugh, sorry to hear that, that's rough. I snuck in a few purchases when Nintendo Life (thanks for the heads-up, NL!) first reported the closure back late last year, but I had more I was thinking about and then forgot to get....Let's see what comes down the pipe on Switch!
@Pj1. Agreed. Road Rash and Strike trilogies needed. Hey maybe that was what Sega and EA were actually discussing couple weeks back, one can dream!
OutRun 3-D
Turbo OutRun
OutRun 2
OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast
OutRun Online Arcade
You get the point. And Crazy Taxi.
Love this list! And totally agree that I'd love to see a Skies of Arcadia continuation on Nintendo Switch, in addition to the original game appearing here in AGES. I'd also like Sonic Adventure from the Dreamcast to be included in AGES. It was such a great game!
Sonic 1 (Confirmed)
Sonic 2
Sonic 3&K
Sonic CD
Sonic 3D Blast (Saturn vers)
Sonic R
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure 2 (HD Version would be better)
Crazy Taxi
Jet Set Radioooooooooo
Golden Axe Warrior
Beyond Oasis
Legend of Oasis
Shenmue Collection
Panzer trilogy
Traslated Segagaga (pipe dream)
Alex kid in shinobi world
Clockwork Knight Series
Im gonna make a huge list of games i want to see come to the switch. SEGA Ages has the amazing potential to be the one stop shop for all sega games!!
“Master System”:
Sonic the Hedgehog
Phsyco Fox
Golden Axe Warrior
Wonder Boy
Wonder Boy in Monster Land
Alexx Kidd in Shinobi World
“Genesis/Mega Drive”:
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic the Hedgehog 3
Sonic & Knuckles
Streets of Rage
Streets of Rage 2
Streets of Rage 3
Golden Axe
Golden Axe 2
Golden Axe 3
Dynamite Headdy
Gunstar Heroes
Altered Beast
Phantasy Star 2
Phantasy Star 3
Phantasy Star 4
Shining in the Darkness
Shining Force
Shining Force 2
Ecco the Dolphin
Ecco: Tides of Time
Bonanza Bros.
Columns 3
Wonder Boy in Monster World
Monster World IV
Beyond Oasis
The Revenge of Shinobi
Shinobi 3
Dr. Robotnick’s Mean Bean Machine/ Puyo Puyo
Toe Jam & Earl
Toe Jam & Earl: Panic on Planet Funkotron
Sonic CD
Eternal Champions: Challengers from the Dark Side
Shining Force CD
Knuckles Chaotix
Virtua Fighter
“Game Gear”:
Sonic: Triple Trouble
Vampire: Master of Darkness
Shinobi 2
Tail’s Adventure
Sonic Drift 2
NiGHTS: Into Dreams
Burning Rangers
Virtua Fighter Remix
Virtua Fighter 2
Fighting Vipers
Fighters MegaMix
Shining Force 3
Shining Wisdom
Shining in the Holy Ark
Panzer Dragoon
Panzer Dragoon II Zwei
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Daytona U.S.A.
Sonic 3D Blast
Sonic R
Clockwork Knight
Clockwork Knight 2
Shinobi Legion
Jet Grind Radio/Jet Set Radio
Chu Chu Rocket
Space Channel 5
Skies of Arcadia
Virtua Fighter 3 TB
Crazy Taxi
Crazy Taxi 2
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure 2
Space Harrier
After Burner
After Burner 2
Sonic the Fighters
These are what i can rememeber off the top of my head.
Shining Force 1-3
Phantasy Star 4
Especially Shining Force 3, unless I'm mistaken that game is still a Saturn exclusive.
Golden Axe Warrior. Period.
@Wakkawipeout Outrun my favorite racer! Therefore I agree with you 300%!!
Grandia 2 or bust.
Skies of Arcadia might be possible. There was a TON of people asking for .Hack on forum sites. NamcoBandai took note and did a full upgrade. Skies of Arcadia getting the same sort of buzz that .Hack was getting not so long ago. (BTW Skies of Arcadia is the only game my partner ever watched me play as enjoyed the storyline ).
Burning Rangers, it’s criminal that it has been lost to time.
None. I want new games!
Guardian heroes (saturn)
All the Phantasy Stars. Death Adder. Virtua Fighter. Gunstar Heroes. HotD 1-3. Skies of Arcadia. Virtua Cop. Xmen vs SF.
Master System:
Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Mega Drive:
Streets of Rage 2
Sonic (has to be)
Sega Rally
Sonic Adventure
Altered Beast
@TuckTheBadger Why wouldn't you want the arcade versions of Hang On and Sega Rally? (Honest question. )
Snatcher with use of the Joy Con as a light gun would be AMAZING!! Saturn Bomberman would be a perfect fit for multiplayer on the go as well.
I hope Skies of arcadia will be on switch, dreamcast or GameCube, I always wanted to play it but couldn't find it at a fair price. And shenmue 1 and 2 if they don't release the remaster.
Give me skies of Arcadia with a new game plus mode, please.
I’d also like Alien Storm. That game was awesome.
And you know what? Can someone make a sequel to altered beast? That’d be great.
Bring me Crazy Taxi and I'll be there to buy it no matter what else will be on it!
Where's the love for BAKU BAKU ANIMAL? Tremendous puzzle game. I'll take the arcade or Saturn port please SEGA and soon.
Definitely not SONIC 1, I mean how many fricking rereleases has this game got?
This is such a good chance to get Panzer Dragoon out, the RPG is a well know pricey gem.
Zombie Revenge!
Castlevania Bloodlines. That's all I want.
CV is one of my favorite series growing up & I never played Bloodlines before.
From day one I’ve always said Chu Chu Rocket is a perfect fit for Switch. But it’s such a simple game with so much scope that a rote sequel with an extra mode or two and native HD graphics makes more sense
I love Skies of Arcadia - it’s the game that all 32 bit RPGs wanted to be but fell short of - but I’d be more interested in the GameCube version with its extra character and story than a Dreamcast port missing features (tied to the VMU).
Aside from the obvious (and second tier and third tier) Dreamcast games I suppose I’d like to see a lot of Saturn stuff. In particular Panza Dragoon (esp. Saga) and Burning Rangers but also anything 2d from that system.
With M2 I’d trust their judgement and execution though. If they pick turds they’ll polish them to a sheen with all of the obscure content and modes that we can only fantasise about from retro releases by any other company.
Would love to play the megadrive classic Wipe my Assphalt! again on switch
Here's a list:
Beyond Oasis
Golden Axe
Golden Axe 2
Golden Axe: Revenge of Death Adder
Gunstar Heroes
Road Rash
Road Rash 2
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Lunar 2
Wonder Boy in Monster World
Monster World IV
Shining Force
Shining Force 2
Shining Force 3
Streets of Rage
Streets of Rage 2
Streets of Rage 3
Not gonna happen but I'd love to get d&d Warriors of the Eternal Sun
saturn version of sonic 3d blast. never played it but really want to
Yes to all of this specially Shenmue and Skies of Arcadia but I would add Vectorman as well.
@MotionMan you have a better list imo.
I would die for Landstalker. I am playing video games for 30 years (I am 56 years old) but some of my fondest memories in this respect go to Landstalker. And, of course, James Pond... Anyone knows this game?
Right on and I second that! Dragon Force games are essential for strategy RPG fans. I rank them among the best SRPGs ever created.
And that's not a biased opinion simply because I managed the English fan translation of Dragon Force 2 back in 2015. In the event anyone happens to own a Japanese DF2 disc and Sega never manages to bring an English version of DF2 to their Sega Ages brand: grab the patch from here: http://www.verve-fanworks.com/dragonforceii.html
It's too bad Sega lost the game code for Panzer Dragoon Saga years ago. Sadly, we'll never see a remake or remaster of PDS, but it would be my number one choice if it were possible.
@AtlanteanMan @citizen_zane
Absolutely love it when someone brings up the Shining Force 3 trilogy! I lean more toward preferring to see a remake of these games then a straight port but this is one of those cases where beggers can't be choosers.
And that Shining Force Central English script for 2 & 3 is awesome! Sega should just buy the script from those guys instead of using their own teams.
No particular order, I want all of them!
Panzer Dragoon
Shenmue 1+2
Jet Set Radio Future
Sonic Adventure 2
Skies of Arcadia
I'm good with retro. I feel like we have retro. I'd prefer some new games.
Panzer Dragoon Saga, Shining Force 3 all 3 scenarios, House of the Dead and Virtua Cop with pointer controls.
I still hook up the DC to play TOY COMMANDER. Second game I played on launch day.
Sonic 1, Golden Axe 1, Nights into dreams, Panzer Dragoon, Ristar, Sonic 3K, Golden Axe 3, Castle of Illusions and Quack shot (not sure if possible), Master of Darkness
You had me at Landstalker and Shining Force 2.
Let’s make things exciting: how about we ask Konami for Tiny Toons: Buster’s Hidden Treasure while we’re at it?
Come on Sega bring us the fighting game on Saturn, Lick Me Where it Hurts!
I want Dark Wizard. That was one of my favorite games on the Sega CD.
Arcade versions of Scud Race and Virtua Fighter 2 for Switch would be awesome.
Sonic CD
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Sonic Adventure 1 + 2
Wonder Boy
Mortal Kombat I guess???
I have more, I just can't remember them all
There's load i'd like but realistically I probably won't rebuy things I have on 360/ps3.
I'd probably rebuy the full sonic collection - let's get the Christian Whitehead improvements this time. Also knuckles chaotix please!
Panzer dragoon saga (actually all but especially saga)
Shining Force 3
Story of Thor 1 and 2
Bug! (Maybe!)
Skies of Arcadia
Along with all of the 3DS 3D Classics,
Desert Strike (I wish)
Ecco the Dolphin
Micro Machines
Road Rash 2 (I wish)
Sonic 3
Streets of Rage 3
Sub Terrania
Mega CD:
Earnest Evans
Keio Flying Squadron
Sonic CD
Guardian Heroes
Panzer Dragoon
Radiant Silvergun
Chu Chu Rocket
Crazy Taxi
Ferrari 355
Metropolis Street Racer
Shenmue 1&2
Skies of Arcadia
Sega Rally
Super Monaco GP
Virtua Cop
Virtua Fighter 2
Virtua Racing
You won't get them anyway. Sega has been re-releasing the same handful of games over and over again for quite some years now.
Saturn games needed.. there is so many forgotten gems on this system and thanks to the console been a nightmare to emulate need to be rediscovered.
Personally I would love to see 'Baku Baku Animal' get released with online vs battles
@Lroy I'll second that my friend
Panzer Dragoon Trilogy
Panzer Dragoon Trilogy
Panzer Dragoon Trilogy
Panzer Dragoon Trilogy
Panzer Dragoon Trilogy
Panzer Dragoon Trilogy
Panzer Dragoon Trilogy
Panzer Dragoon Trilogy
Shining Force III, Dragon Force (1 & 2), Jet Set Radio, Skies of Arcadia, Shenmue (1 & 2) and the Sonic Adventure games would also be good.
For the Mega Drive I would like all the Sonic games with the lock-on feature, so you can play with Knuckles in Sonic 2 and 3.
@Alexface I didn't realise Story of Thor 2 existed until you mentioned it. Sounds cool, really enjoyed the first game.
I would love to see a proper release of Propeller Arena.
I still have my Master System with like 60 games, it would be nice to have them on in HD though I tell you.
Outrun and Quackshot
Ecco the Dolphin.
I find it relatively criminal that Ristar has been mentioned a total of about five times in 150+ posts. I mean, that's the first game I thought of. Don't get me wrong, I love SoA as much as the next guy...but come on, guys. Ristar is a classic!
A translated shining force 3 trilogy and that's me done.
Golden axe
Sega rally
Ferrari f355
Nd many more
The sunny weather in the UK today (after a loooong winter) made me think of Outrun.
I'd also really really like Sega to work with Hori to bring back the Virtua Stick Pro...
If Switch ends up getting Panzer Dragoon, I will buy it in a heartbeat. Until then, I'll play Orta on my Xbox One. Virtua Fighter would be great, too.
Sparkster and Soleil.
@WhiteTrashGuy damn I'm envious, I can't get my DC to hook up to my latest TV. I've not played in so long, one of my all time favourites!
Great shout on Revenge of Death Adder, Virtua Racing and Scud Race. I'd love to see Sega bring a load of their 90s arcade games across like Manx TT, Die Hard Arcade and Decathlete (the Saturn versions would do but Arcade infinitely preferable). Not to mention some 80s ones like Shinobi and Power Drift.
Others I'd like to see: -
Sonic CD (Mega CD)
Panzer Dragoon Zwei (Saturn)
Clockwork Knight 2 (Saturn)
Guardian Heroes (Saturn)
Baku Baku Animal (Arcade/Saturn)
Burning Rangers (Saturn)
Dragon Force (Saturn)
Story of Thor 2 (Saturn)
Skies of Arcadia (DC)
Samba Dr Amigo (DC)
Space Channel 5 part 2 (DC)
Rez (DC-you can never have too much Rez)
Chu Chu Rocket (GBA version for the single player content)
The Sonic Advance games
Super Monkey Ball (GameCube)
Pretty much all of these RPGs sound good to me. Could really go for some classic RPGs on the Switch. And I mean real classic games. Not indie titles made to look like they are 20-30 years old.
All the Outrun games
Virtua Racing
Powerstone Collection
Wow. There's nothing for me to pick, because everyone picked all of Sega's best games. I'm now getting nostalgic with Master System, Genesis, Saturn, and Dreamcast.
CLOCKWORK KNIGHT 1 & 2! instant buy for me.
Just the arcade versions
Wonderboy in Monster Land
Wonderboy 3
Just wanna post again to say I googled Sega Arcade games and JUST the arcade games it’s just astounding how many great arcade games they made!! The output was just amazing!! If M2 pumps us with one game a week like Hamster has been doing, we’re going to get a ton of Sega treats!!! Everybody get their wallets ready! The summer can’t get here soon enough!!!!
To all you Road Rash fans like me, let’s all remember that’s a EA franchise. Would I love to see on Switch?? Absolutely...but I doubt it will happen.
Localized Sakura Wars would be my first pick.
imagine: Phantasy Star Online Ver. 2 with new online support on Switch, id play that SO much, please let it happen, or at least just single player PSO, any PSO is good
Golden Axe: Death of Black Adder for sure! And if I may cheat a little bit, a port of M2's Outrun for the 3DS? I would LOVE to play the enhanced mode on a big screen, but I'll settle for a good arcade port.
Streets of Rage. So many amazing memories of playing that as a child haha. Or Columns. That was another Megadrive favourite of mine.
Yes, Skies of Arcadia would be awesome!!!!!
Just here to say that it's funny that the two games that defined the RTS genre (Herzog Zwei and Dune 2) were both sequels.
It was definitely Dune which codified the genre, but Herzog-style RTS games is probably what works best for console and Tooth & Tail port for Switch wouldn't go amiss.
BUMDER QUEEN OF THE GAPES! please Mr Sega, loved it on the Saturn.
I’d love for Saturn and Dreamcast games to be available on modern consoles, as I’m less likely to buy those consoles than I am a mega drive with the Mega Everdrive.
Also for Master System, isn’t there a Golden Axe game that looks like the original Zelda? I’d like that to be available.
@JJ286 thank you!!! I try to make a comprehensive list to show everyone that this is what they can use!!! Im also looking at others list and i definitely didn’t get every thing. Theres a lot of good suggestions!!!!
Sega has stated that you can Tweet them or go to their facebook page and tell them what you want to see come as part of this service
Most of those games I still own in some form though having them on Switch would be nice. But Phantasy Star IV is one that I desperately hope they release. I have no idea how it's the only Phantasy Star games I've never played (and always wanted to), and that problem needs to be remedied.
I just want Golden Axe and Streets of Rage, the rest are just icing on the cake.
I fell so much in love with SF 1 & 2 that I just had to get a Saturn for the sole purpose of playing SF 3. I too would like to see a remake over a straight port. That actually might be easier than a port since emulation of Saturn games has been rather difficult. I like your idea of using the same script.
Can we please get OutRun for a Nintendo console?!?!?!?
For the love of all that is good Guardian Heroes Please!!!!
Also skies of arcadia would be nice as well
I was really hoping for it to come to the WiiU because the gamepad had the built in microphone...
I want an unmodified, uncensored version of "Streets of Rage 3."
Judging from the basic gameplay, "Bare Knuckle 3" is even better than "Bare Knuckle 2" in my opinion, but they had to censor in a non-sensical story and give it a ridiculous difficulty spike when they brought the game to the West.
How is Dragon Force not on the list?! That game is a classic masterpiece that is just as fun to play today.
@GrailUK I had those versions on the consoles when I was younger that’s all, won’t mind either way to be honest
System 16 and System 32 games, please, especially Shinobi and both Golden Axe entries.
@AtlanteanMan I grew up on dragon force and i really miss the game. I lost alot over the years, i remember wacthing my grandpatrents play the game and them leting wacth and reading what they were saying. Leon story mode is my fav. If they would to put this game back on a system it would be like geting a long lost friend back. With how the year as been going it would be nice to get lost in dragon force again. I dont know if any one will read this comment but thank you for at lest trying to bring back these wonderful games.
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