
Easter is upon us, so that must mean it's time for an extended Bank Holiday weekend. For those with a little free time to spare over the next few days, it's time to jump back into best of past times - a good game or two! This weekend, Team Nintendo Life is playing some Neo Geo classics, an N64 throwback, plenty of Switch triple-A hits, and yes, plenty of Splatoon 2.

As always, be sure to leave a vote or three in the poll, and drop us a comment beneath the article with your personal picks. Have a great weekend!

Alex Olney, video producer

It's Easter, so naturally to mark the occasion I'm going to be spending my designated gaming time on ARMS. It's surprised me, I didn't think it would keep dragging me back to it. I just wish more people could get involved with it.

Sweet gravy, I've just realised that Global Testounch is happening THIS WEEKEND! Download it now and play some serious ARMS before I hunt you all down individually and glue your Joy-Con to your hands so it's the only Switch game you can play. I also might play Kirby Star Allies.

Glen Fox, guides editor

I’ve completely lost myself in Skyrim! While I’ve played it through a couple of times already, I’ve never quite invested in it like I have this time. Maybe it’s because games are rarely made like this anymore, but I’m blown away by the intricate lore! While I usually can’t wait for conversations to end in games, I’m finding myself hungry to find out what everyone thinks of the war. 

I want to know why the Thalmor banned Talos worship, why the Stormcloaks are so miffed with the Imperials, and what the deal with the Forsworn is. I’m even stretching that curiosity to the world around me, exploring every dungeon and city. There’s a story to everything in Skyrim, and I’m enjoying it way more this time around because I’m open to listening to it. It’s an absolutely wonderful game, and all the better that I can take it everywhere with me. Maybe that’s all it needed for me to treat it this way?

Jon Cousins, Japan correspondent

This weekend, I've finally succumbed and I'll delve deeper into SteamWorld Dig 2. I have to be honest, it has taken an hour or so to kick in, but it is getting better and better. Cool abilities to earn, neat little puzzles and some gorgeous environments to discover. 

Other than that, I took a punt on North. Although it's going to not be everyone's cup of tea, nor has it got the highest of production values, it is certainly atmospheric and an interesting concept, both in terms of narrative and its mechanics. For those looking waiting for Inside, I reckon it's worth the asking price.

Richard Atkinson, contributing writer

To make the most of the four-day Bank Holiday here in the UK, I'll be focussing my attention on replaying parts of Shadow Bug for the purposes of our review that's going live shortly. The Science Museum in London is hosting its annual 'Power Up' gaming event this weekend whereby guests are invited to sample some of the 180+ gaming consoles from past and present. 

I'll be hopping on a train to geek out for the whole of Sunday at this popular event, so that should be fun. Splatoon 2 online Turf War will, as standard, get rinsed... providing they have a good enough Wi-Fi connection at the museum.

Ryan Craddock, news reporter

After banging on and on about it for the majority of these features - I do like other games, too, I promise! - I’ve finally jumped back into Splatoon 2, playing countless games long into the early hours of the morning until my body finally wants to sleep. 

It has reminded me just how special the game is – there aren’t many games that can consistently fill me with such adrenaline and excitement with every match – and I’d love to be able to play the game at a higher level. If any of you lovely readers have any competitive advice or tips, make sure to send them my way!

Gonçalo Lopes, contributing writer

New content for Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Super Mario Odyssey, Fire Emblem Warriors, Attack On Titan 2 and Splatoon 2 coupled with this week releases of TENGAI, Sengoku 3, Lode Runner Legacy and the silly addictive Gotcha Racing 2nd adds up to only thing: Good luck trying to get me to leave the house this Easter holiday. 

Oh wait, the Nintendo Switch IS portable… I keep forgetting we live in the future. Do you reckon people would get mad if I keep playing Switch during Ready Player One local screening? Because that would be so meta!

Tony Stephenson, social media manager

I have a busy weekend seeing it is Easter, you know stuff with the family, blah blah so not going to much playing time this weekend. Tonight (Friday) I am playing in a Splatoon 2 match again in the NPUK Squid League. We won last week so we are all buzzing at the moment.

Saturday, I will be busy all day, but Sunday I am hoping to get into some puzzling action with Toki Tori. It's the perfect time to collect eggs I suppose so looking forward to playing the game for the first time. I have been getting nostalgia feels looking at the game as I used to play Chuckie Egg – Google it – back when I was a kid.

Dom Reseigh Lincoln, editor

This weekend I'll be playing through Banjo-Kazooie again with my eldest son. Okay, technically we won't be doing it on a Nintendo platform, but it's an N64 classic so I'm allowed some leeway (especially since I wrote about how much I want to see the series return to Nintendo).

I'll also continue playing through Warp Shift (review will be up on Nintendo Life next week), as well as jumping back into Splatoon 2 for a little Turf War action. As someone that plays a lot of shooters I don't give this paint-happy romp anywhere near enough time, so I'll attempt to splat my way to victory before the extended weekend draws to a close.

Which games are you playing this weekend? (438 votes)

  1. ARMS15%
  2. Kirby Star Allies8%
  3. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim6%
  4. SteamWorld Dig 23%
  5. North  0%
  6. Shadow Bug  0%
  7. Splatoon 217%
  8. Xenoblade Chronicles 26%
  9. Super Mario Odyssey8%
  10. Fire Emblem Warriors4%
  11. Attack On Titan 2  0.9%
  12. TENGAI1%
  13. Sengoku 31%
  14. Lode Runner Legacy  0.2%
  15. Gotcha Racing 2nd  0.5%
  16. Toki Tori1%
  17. Banjo-Kazooie1%
  18. Warp Shift  0.2%
  19. Something else! (Leave a comment)26%

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So those are our picks for the weekend, but which games are on your to-do list? Feel free to add a vote in the poll, and be sure to leave us a comment with your chosen gaming delight...