This weekend, Team Nintendo Life are giving their respective Nintendo consoles a good workout with all manner of virtual gems. We've got plenty of Neo Geo action; some 'Nindies' for good measure; the occasional shooter; and lots and lots of a certain game involving Inklings (can you guess which one?). As always, be sure to leave a vote or three in the poll and add a comment sharing your gaming to do list for the coming couple of days...
Alex Olney, video producer
To be honest I've not got any specific plans for gaming in mind for this weekend. I'm stuck on my own for the most of it so I might just melt into some Splatoon 2 or perhaps some Kirby Star Allies. Having said that I've just looked at my shelves and seen the copy of Theme Hospital I recovered from my parents' house the other week. Hmmm...
Dave Frear, retro reviewer
In recent times the tenth day of March has been given a name in reference to how it reads in abbreviated form. I am of course talking about Tenmar Day, named after the wall and forest from the first Elder Scrolls game. Perhaps because Skyrim is now available on Switch, Nintendo has chosen to celebrate the occasion by (temporarily) reducing the price of Super Mario Run by 50%.
I played the free portion of the game back when it first came out and although I found it OK-ish, I didn’t think the rest was really worth the asking price, but this seems more reasonable. Having taken advantage of the offer earlier in the week, I’ll now be giving the game a go between other things this weekend. I’ll probably just blast through the levels before trying to do them well, but it looks like it could be some good simple fun. Or I’ll get annoyed if I keep losing my connection and opt to play Sonic the Sketchhog instead.
Dom Reseigh-Lincoln, editor
Having just reviewed it for this very site, it should come as no surprise to know I'll be jumping back into Attack On Titan 2 this weekend for some much-needed giant slaying action. Even as someone with a passing interest in anime, it's already sold me on its ridiculous premise and over-the-top Titan battles.
And, because we all know I can't go a day without playing a shooter, I'll be jumping into some DOOM action as well. There's still a strong community of players supporting the Nintendo Switch version, so I'm looking forward to dusting off my rusty Super Shotgun and unleashing some virtual hell online.
Dave Letcavage, contributing writer
I can’t say with any degree of certainty that this will happen. Plans can change at a moment’s notice – we all know that. But I’m stating it here and now, to increase the chances of it sticking, that this weekend I will dust off my Nintendo 64 and venture into worlds filled with primitive polygons. It’s been too long since I’ve surrounded myself in those comforting vistas of fog. It used to be that my wife and I would burn rubber with N64 racers at least a couple times a month.
But lately we’ve been driving the opposite direction (you know, toward modern games), and it’s time to U-turn it around. When it comes to vehicular fun, Rush 2, Snowboard Kids, and maybe the Vigilante 8 games sound compelling. Otherwise, with baseball season so close, it’s probably apt to hit a few dingers in one of the Griffey or All Star Baseball games. Yeah... I like the sound of that. I’ll probably do Switch stuff, too. Who am I kidding? There’s just so much to play when it comes to indies!
Glen Fox, guides editor
I finally got started on DOOM this week, and it’s one hell of a game! I’ve been acting like a child at Christmas all week about it, desperately waiting for the end of the day so I can dive back in. There’s just so much to love: scouring each level for secrets, trying to pull off the various challenges, and those gory kills man. They’re as satisfying to pull off as a trick in Mario Kart 8! I never thought I’d say this but I can’t wait to spend this weekend… in hell!
Jon Cousins, Japan correspondent
I'm actually still pretty addicted to Flinthook - zipping around the levels and looting space pirate ships is still really fun! Apart from that, this weekend I will be mostly playing Floor Kids. It was always on my radar but I never got round to getting it when it was released. I love the hand-drawn art style, I'm a bit of a secret hip-hop fan and it is on sale at the moment so I'm going to bust out some breakdancing moves without injuring myself.
Richard Atkinson, contributing writer
I'm on babysitting duties this weekend, which means only one thing: I play what my five-year-old nephew wants to play without any questions or reasoning. Thankfully though, this uncle spent a lot of time introducing him to the delights of Nintendo in his even-younger years. Undoubtedly, the likes of Super Smash Bros., New Super Mario Bros. U and Mario Kart 8 are going to get a good look in. Let's hope my power-slide game is strong otherwise my bargaining methods of letting him stay up past his bedtime, and the unhealthy distribution of chocolate rewards if he bags first place, is going to get out of hand once again.
Ryan Craddock, news reporter
A pretty standard choice, perhaps, but I’m really hoping to get properly stuck into Splatoon 2 again this weekend. I’m stuck in a super-busy time in my life at the moment, leaving a desperately saddening lack of free gaming time, but the beautiful neon inks and warbling squid voices have been calling me from a distance. I’ve also gotten into the habit of moving on from each new game release a little too quickly over recent months, so returning to Inkopolis for a long evening or two is definitely going right to the top of my to-do-list. It’ll be great to get back into the swing of things in time for the upcoming expansion, too!
Gonçalo Lopes, contributing writer
Steredenn: Binary Stars has taken over my life! Every run, a new experience, every day a single run to test my mettle against other Switch owners. I have seen (so far) the Tardis, the Arcadia and a Dyson Sphere among the game’s absolutely stunning backgrounds. Still need to unlock that final ‘Red Baron’ ship, so I better hop to it. Elsewhere I hope to find how hardcore Castle Of Heart truly is with a few rounds of the more casual Kirby Kissing Other Folks new adventure. Rounding things up, I woke up today and when I was on the mirror, I shouted ‘I’m bad!’ Guess president Ronnie won’t be saving himself...
Tony Stephenson, social media manager
For me this weekend, it is going to be mostly ARMS. The reason, I am running a community event on Saturday which will be featuring an ARMS tournament. Also Kirby Star Allies will be available to play so will be my first chance to experience the full game. In honesty, I'm not a Kirby fan but happy to be swayed.
After the event, I'll be taking my Switch to a party – it is amazing how easy it is to take around friends houses, dock and everything – so most likely be digging out some fun multi-player games such as Puyo Puyo Tetris, Super Bomberman R, Snipperclips, Death Squared, Overcooked: Special Edition and probably a session playing the Jackbox Party games. So that's my Saturday, Sunday I will sleep.
Morgan Sleeper, contributing writer
One thing I didn’t anticipate when I picked up my Switch a year ago was just how much I’d end up treating it like a tiny, portable arcade cabinet - thanks especially to HAMSTER’s Neo Geo support and Zerociv’s Psikyo re-releases, I’m this close to modding on a 100-yen slot for credit-feeding!
This weekend, I’ll be throwing my virtual money at Magical Drop III and Aero Fighters 3. I’m still working my way through Magical Drop’s story mode with each character, and having a blast with the quick-fire puzzle play, and while Aero Fighters 3 is my first entry in the dolphin-powered-shmup series, I’m loving it so far.
Which games are you playing this weekend? (448 votes)
- Splatoon 2
- Kirby Star Allies
- Skyrim
- Super Mario Run
- Attack On Titan 20.7%
- Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA0%
- Snowboard Kids0.2%
- Vigilante 80.2%
- Flinthook
- Floor Kids0.9%
- Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
- New Super Mario Bros. U0.2%
- Mario Kart 8
- Steredenn: Binary Stars
- Castle Of Heart0%
- Puyo Puyo Tetris
- Super Bomberman R
- Snipperclips0.7%
- Death Squared0.5%
- Overcooked: Special Edition0.7%
- Magical Drop III0.7%
- Aero Fighters 30.7%
- Something else! (Comment below)
Please login to vote in this poll.
So that's our choice of games for the weekend, but what are you booting up on your Nintendo console of choice? Be sure to leave a vote in the poll and a comment below...
Comments 168
Splatoooon 2!
Kirby Star Allies, gonna try to finish it and go back to Bayonetta 2. That game is so damn good!
Kirby.........No, not Star Allies. Kirby's Adventure on the NES.
A ton more of Flinthook and Payday 2. Probably some Doom arcade runs and mp too. And a smidge of Arms.
Playing Skyrim right now. And then this evening doom online with a few friends.
It has been good back to Tamriel. Its amazing the work they have done with this version. Maybe we can see a fallout version on E3
Kirby! Played through the 1st world yesterday in co-op with my daughter, can't wait to jump back into it today!
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - I am falling in love with this interactive anime jam.
Doom is never out of my switch and I’ve got re-into Rayman legends. I had no idea it was a totally different game to the Wii U version
Kirby all the way with a bit of splatoon!
This weekend I am playing Super Mario Odyssey and Bayonetta, I would be playing Kirby but I get that on Monday.
Breath of the Wild and Kirby for me.
@KingSandyRavage It is?
Kirby. Played a bit yesterday and i think its pretty good.not original in any way but not bad at all
Think it’s gonna be bayonetta and strikers 1945.......man I love that game
Castlevania Order Of Ecclesia and Bayonetta for me.
Just got Golf Story so I’ll be playing that. It’s so good!
Mario kart 8 deluxe. Trying to get all the cups in single player. Up to 150cc it's starting to get tricky! Such a good game. Not sure if I like it better than Mario kart 64 yet though.
Just got my switch last week and playing Mario kart 8 with the family!!
Noticed that once again Amazon have had poor stocks of Kirby. Seems to not be available on the uk site. Have noticed this with quite a few switch titles around release date. Maybe there is still a nervousness about ordering in larger numbers of stock due to the Wii u but it’s a real problem and must be affecting impulse buying
I'm at the whim of a four year old. So it's either Mario Kart 8 Deluxe or Splatoon 2, lol.
*Edit: Maybe I'll find some time to finish the BotW DLC
Dandara on Switch and Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice on PS4. If i get the time i might fire up the Blizzard app for some StarCraft II.
+1 to Steredenn: Binary Stars taking over existence!
OoT 3D and Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon. Might go back to Shantae on Switch
Luigis mansion then splatoon 2
I got my Switch last weekend and I have to say....I'm glad I made the Switch lol. I absolutely love it. I'll be playing some Splatoon 2, BotW, and some Magic Drop III.
Anyone interested in playing some Splatoon 2 together? Can we share friend codes on here?
Bayonetta and/or Skyrim, time depending, and probably some ARMS with the kid.
Now that my Switch is back from getting repaired I finally got to finish off Bayonetta 1 and started on 2. I also picked up Mario + Rabbids on sale from Best Buy so I might give that game some time this weekend too.
With the Family: Kirby Star Allies.
Solo: DMC Remaster Trilogy
Downtime: Typoman
Come on NL, you guys missed out on this exclusive Nintendo Merchandise:
Nothing off the poll, still playing Pokemon Ultra Moon and just started SNES Chrono Trigger.
Still getting a lot of mileage out of Breath of the Wild. I recently upgraded to a Switch copy of the game, so another playthrough was imminent. Beaten the story, around 40 shrines left. I might take a crack at finishing all side quests, and purchase that DLC when I get my next salary.
Playing street fighter 2 (SNES)
And ISS Deluxe (SNES)
Now playing Body Harvest (N64) totally underrated game.........the very foundations of GTA.
Also tempted to get The Mummy Demastered now they've updated and balanced the few issues people had. Love the look of it from the start.
Snowboard kids ❤️ Please please please make a new one for switch!!!
@KingSandyRavage totally different?
1. Portal Knights Switch
Still shaping my Vacant Island.
2. Animal Crossing New Leaf Welcome Amiibo 3DS
Still finding Rooney for Cranky Villager.
Edit: Yes, finally got him again !
Online Play again.
4. Dance Dance Revolution X2 & MAX 2 Arcade.
I play them every Sunday at TimeZone Super Mall Surabaya and Amazone Pakuwon Trade Center Surabaya. My ritual every Sunday.
I’m playing botw mutant muds and outlast
My modded Snes mini all weekend!! 4000+ games!!
Zelda, fifa and Arms is the plan. So far just played Zelda. Shrine hunting. 95 hours in.
Skyrim: Special Edition, but the PC version where there's mod support unlike the Switch version. (Yes I'm still unhappy about it 😅 but at least it runs well on the Switch and it's good for when I'm out and about)
It’s a 2D platforming weekend for me. A bit of rounding up Teensies in Rayman Legends, some quality time with the new Kirby and hopefully beating the final level of Shovel Knight (I’ve been stuck for a little bit).
Valkyria Chronicles remastered! Preparing for VC4 playing the first 3 games!
No time for games this weekend; I got a mission trip with my church. For everyone who does get to play games, throw in some ARMS or Splatoon 2 for me, yeah? 😜 Everyone have a safe, blessed weekend! 😊
Still not even close to beating breath of the wild so I'm defidently playing that.
Bayonetta 2 and Mario Kart 8
I think I'll most likely be collecting more moons on that fantastic Wii U port we call Mario Odyssey.
I have friends coming tomorrow so we'll enjoy some 4 player games. Not sure which ones but I'm expecting Overcooked to be one of them.
Animal Crossing New Leaf, Fantasy Life...
I want Re:legend to be re:leased already!!
Weekend with the boys and no wife around, so lots of smash and Mario odyssey. And a late night gaming session of either payday 2, or horizon zero dawn.
Fire Emblem Warriors and Final Fantasy 13 Lightning Returns.
ill be playing attack on titan 2 never played first one
Dynasty Warriors 9 on Xbox One.
Maybe some Doom on PS4. Perhaps Wolfenstein 2. When is it coming to Switch?! I've been playing Sonic Mania on Switch a lot too.
I might also play some more Doom on my GZDoom port or Brutal Doom. Maybe Doom 64 EX. Or Sonic 3 Complete...or Super Metroid Redesign.
But more than likely I'll end up working on more school related stuff...
Super Mario Odyssey on my sons Switch! Creeping up on 700 Power Moons. My son was playing Splatoon on our Wii U last night because he felt sorry for it 😂. I had a couple of battles after he went to bed and it's still well populated online and as fun as ever.
Kirby, Stardew, Xenoblade and Hearthstone. And if I can find time, maybe some Splatoon too.
Kirby Star Allies, Sonic Forces (ugh), and Forza Horizon 3 on XBox
Playing through "Death Squared" with the brother,
Then pushing "World to the West" and hopefully starting "The Trail"
Just finished the Final Trials on BotW. Now I'll just hunt for the Korok seeds and other completion stuff...
Due to my low attention span I know I'll be playing a bunch of different games for short bursts. Last night, I played Skyrim and Bayonetta 2 on Switch and Demon' s Crest, Watch Dogs, and Mega Man 7 on my Wii U. For the rest of the weekend I'll be playing random Switch and Wii U games . . . Might even fire up my Xbox One or PS4 . . .
Hopefully finishing up Secret of Mana and then starting Bloodborne on PS4
I'll be bouncing between Danmuku Unlimited 3 (got 46M without beating the 1st stage boss, gonna try to beat that), Enter the Gungeon which I just picked up on sale, and Metal Slug for the NintendoLife Weekly High Score Challenge
Breath of the Wild. I got it on DAY 1, but my favorite game of all time keeps on giving over a year later!
I got an email this morning saying a load of Gold points were expiring at the end of the month. Spent them on Enter The Gungeon, which should occupy me on my bus trip to a gig tonight.
I also picked up Strikers 1945 II this week, so that will be in rotation too, alongside my second playthrough of Bayonetta 2.
I picked up Kirby Star Allies and Vostok Inc. Having a ton of fun with both!
@JoeDiddley Enter the Gungeon is sooo good. Try not to get discouraged by the difficulty and focus on gitting gud. Took me 40ish runs to get to the final boss and die. 87 runs to kill it. After 100 runs I did a ton of internet research to see what secrets I was missinf out on. A ton more runs to get all the components to the secret item to unlock a true ending. Finally beat a character's true ending at 187 runs. Sounds grueling, but its definitely in my top 5 of games for the Switch.
@thesilverbrick the final boss of the first shovel knight is pretty brutal. I think I died 40ish times before slaying it and this was after looking up how to kill it after it mopped the floor with me 5 times. Now I normally kill it in the first 3 tries. The final bosses in the expansions are much easier in my opinion. Hang in there!
Also Celeste, Breath of the Wild, and Burnout Paradise Remastered.
Street Fighter III: Third Strike
I finally have the weekend off. For PS4- Street Fighter V, Monster Hunter World, DragonBall FighterZ, WWE 2K18, and Tekken 7. Switch- couple of Neo Geo games, Bayonetta, and Mario Kart 8. Probably can’t get to all of those games but those are the main ones.
@Alikan Thanks for the encouragement, haha. I’ve owned Shovel Knight on Wii U and 3DS before this but I never made it very far. Now I’m on the verge of finishing the main story and I’m hooked. I can’t wait to play the other characters’ campaigns.
FFXV, Bloodborne, and BotW Master Mode are on the agenda for me. Just finished the sword trials in Master Mode, that was a trip! Onto the 2nd DLC.
More Splatoon 2, want to reach rank S or S+ 0 in all 4 modes by the time 3.0 lands (that update in April seems to make S+ fairer). Also probably more BotW and Bayonetta.
Got in a few hours last night, playing Splatoon 2 and had my first taste of Salmon Run - didn't know what to expect, and not sure what to make of it, but it was different
Then I fired up Rocket League and kicked some A, scored loads of goals, well pleased with my improvement there, still only 15 hours in.
Then I finally got round to installing Forma. 8. While I waited for it to download I played the harder level of the Kirby demo, which was adorable.
Then Forma.8 really pleased me with its opening, really chill, cool vibe to it.
Gonna try and squeeze in some ARMS today... then more Splatoon and Rocket League most likely.
I have spent all week preparing. Grinding credits, levels, special weapons, grabbing some level 50 Skells (well, 3 anyway...I gave Celica my decked out Lv. 30 Amdusias)....I think I'm finally ready. Today, I will tackle Chapter 12 in Xenoblade Chronicles X, and I plan to be victorious! I don't know the specifics, but I know I'm in for a ride.
If I don't end up spending my entire weekend with XCX, I've been itching to fire up Game & Wario for the lols. I'm highly tempted to sell the game, but the few gems available on the disk have kept me from doing so for now.
Not much is planned in the handheld department for this weekend, but I'll likely knock out another map or two in FE Fates: Conquest. I just finished Chapter 14 yesterday evening.
Still doing back log with Assassin Creed Origins - Till Alliance Alive and Ninokuni2 come out!
Nice to see some Wii U and N64 love this week...
As in previous weeks, still slowly plowing through Yoshi’s Woolly World and Picross E8. And will probably say the same thing again next week...
Aqua Kitty UDX for me, trying to finish dreadnought mode. Probably some Spaltoon 2 as well.
Super Mario RPG
Super Castlevania IV
Breath of the wild for me this weekend.
Xenoblade 2 on my own (only halfway through at 110 hours!) and Kirby Star Allies with my sister!
@Tyranexx Good luck! Remember to be good at ground combat too!
Of the 450 or so hours I've put into Splatoon 2, I've never really given much attention to the single player campaign. I've already bought the Octo DLC, so I'm going to try really hard to not spend all day in Ranked Mode, and slog through the story
On my Switch? Kirby. Dang good game that never disappointed me.
As for other consoles, I'm probably going to look into 100%ing Nier: Automata, as well as getting back into Atelier Sophie.
The long Reach(almost done) and Kirby Star Allies!
What I’m playing: Human: Fall Flat
What I wish I was playing: Burnout Paradise Remastered and Shadow of the Colossus
Not having a PS4 is starting to hurt. I swore I wouldn’t get one until the PS5 comes out and I can get PS4 and games really cheap. At least we are getting Okami on Switch, though.
Mostly play Lost Sphear at the moment. But also a few rounds of Mario Kart don't hurt once in a while.
Determined to finish Doom, so I'll be playing that. Otherwise I'll be playing Enter the Gungeon, which is incredibly addicting.
Trying to 100% Yo-Kai Watch 2 Fleshy Souls. Currently 60% of the way there!
100.......% completed Zelda 2.
Psst... are you Online ?
Me playing ARMS right now.
Playing the Metroid Prime Trilogy, but after 9 hours of play I'm still busy with the first game... Once I've finished all three games I'm done with my WiiU and will move to the Switch.
UGHHHHH now I want the Rush series remastered on Switch ughhhhh.
>belly aches<
Kirby Allies & Bayonetta 2 for me. Can't stop thinking of Rayman Legends. Never played it before but it's on sale for $25 at Gamestop. Do I buy it even though I now have 18 Switch games & have only beaten 2? Major backlog...
Hyrule warriors Wii u
@BradC40 Definitely get it. It’s so good.
Rush 2 was an amazing game. The stunt mode with low gravity, etc was so much fun.
Once again, none of the given options. I'm playing Bayonetta and FIFA and I'm loving it <3
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I personally prefer the remake nightmare in dreamland over the original. Then again I'm incredibly biased since that was my first kirby game and I didn't play the original until over a decade later on the 3ds
Hope to complete my playthrough of the awesome Bayonetta 2.
The Last Day In June, Super Mario Odyssey, Breath Of The Wild and Fast RMX
I tried the demo, and now can't stop playing Vostok Inc. and probably more Dragon Quest Builders, and of course the regular channel related things, like Mario and Kirby.
Secret of Mana for my snes classic
I literally just finished Kirby Star Allies' main Story Mode. Now I'm gonna take it easy and maybe jump back into some Splatoon 2.
Racydx come back to Atlus and make Snowboard Kids 3 please...
Recently brought, Gungeon, and Celeste. Time to see what's the fuss about.
Oh and I rank #88 on the hi score mode in Magical Drop 3. See ya there!
Windows Phone:
Dragon Mania Legends
Angry Birds Star Wars
Make It Rain: The Love of Money
As much as I need to continue to play through Xenoblade X, I’ve reached the endgame of the main storyline in Super Mario Odyssey. So if I’m gaming this weekend, it’ll be me attempting to bring down the “final boss.”
(Done avoiding spoilers for a game everyone but me has finished.)
Bayonetta 2, Kirby, Bloodborne.
Kirby, then once I finish it I'm going back to Splatoon 2. Trying to get to S+9 or higher before the rank X update.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE: Congrats, dude! Now play Zelda 3! You might like it, compared to Z2, or other Nes games.
@Pluto14: Sometime in the near future, I'm gonna hook-up my GCN, play the Primes, & then play Prime 3. Getting reading for Prime 4. We may hear about it @ E3.
@Everyone_Else: Shantae (3DS VC), SW: The Force Unleashed (Wii), Link to the Past (Wii VC), and/or Pilotwings (Wii VC).
Have a great weekend everyone, & God bless!
I've just finished the Inheritance DLC from Layers of Fear, which was brilliant. I just learned there are 3 different endings to it and which one you get depends on your actions during the game. Same goes for the main game, so I'll definitely be revisiting the terrifying mansion. It's been one of my most memorable gaming experiences so it gives me a great reason to play through it again.
For the rest of the weekend I'll be playing some Metal Slug for this week's High Score Challenge. As well as some Doom, Outlast, Danmaku Unlimited 3 and the incredible Steredenn: Binary Stars.
Back to Skyrim after a couple of months playing other stuff
Kirby's Adventure on Nes! 😁
@justin233 Just bought it. Thanks for the push!
Splatoon 2. Not done in Octo Canyon just yet...
@BradC40 It’s good fun - especially the music levels.
Playing some AC New Leaf and maybe some Hatsune Miku. Next weekend I will be busy switching between the PS4 and the 3DS since Ni No Kuni 2 is out Friday and I want to restart my Ultra Sun game.
Splatoon 2 and Bayonetta here! Splatoon 2 gets played everyday, week and month! There's no game I play more than that!
This is the first weekend in a long time where i actually have a lot of time to play games.
I'm alternating between Kirby and Danmaku Unlimited 3 so far, which works really well.
Still can't get enough of Splatoon 2. Although I am switching back to Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and MK8DX once in a while. Splatoon 2 is just too addicting.
Floor Kids.
@TheSpeedyMouse: Haha, thanks! I actually think I was overprepared, though the fight that you were hinting at kept me on my toes. XD Anyway, I got to the end credits and may mess around with the game a bit longer before putting it down for awhile.
...I'm not sure how satisfied I am with the ending. I think Monolith was (or is?) trying to set up XCX for a potential sequel.
@Grumblevolcano Out of interest, what changes to S+ did you have in mind?
Tingle's Rosy Rupee Land (seriously)
My wallet is dry, so I`ll play Xenoblade Chronicles on the N3DS. I`ll also dive back in BoTW( Still haven`t finished it ).
@Maxz Better balancing as a result of rank X existing.
MH4U for me baby
Easily the best multiplayer party game on the Switch!
I finally finished up with Xenoblade 2, so I’ll be dipping into my lengthy back catalog, starting with blowing the dust off my 3DS and loading up Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. It’s a delight so far.
Long live the 3DS!
I voted Doom, but I’m also playing Steam World Dig 2 and unrelated to Nintendo I’m playing Burnout Remastered on my PS4 I was hoping it was coming to Switch and it may be at a later date but I couldn’t wait.
I played a little Splatoon 2 and A LOT of Xenoblade Chronicles 2
I don't have two days off in a row this week but anyway...
DQ Builders I'm at just before the last dungeon
Tesla vs Lovecraft. This games is fun.
Ps4 I want to love mh world I really do but it's so freaking easy. I'm at HR and I am seriously let down by how easy it still is and still soloing evrything.
Maybe some more The evil witin 2 as I beat it and want to really do te new game plus. Such a letdown to hear it's probably the last one but on the other hand besides the somethings coming ending the rest of the ending was a fitting conclusion.
Picked up a used Batman to check out this weekend. Well it's not really playing a game as much as watching a movie but hey, I'm a fan. Yesterday Mario + Rabbits with friends. That was very awesome.
FC: 8270-6696-9895
I just got the Switch so for now I only have Zelda.
I will however be getting Splatoon 2 this week.
As for next month I'm buying Doom, Arms, Bomberman, Mario kart 8, and many more games.
I'm also on Central Time zone TEXAS.
Fire Emblem Warriors, animal crossing new leaf.
Taking a break from the Kingdom Hearts series. I just picked up Kirby and Spla2n. My first online match was great! Me and another LV.1 player were on a team, and while I worried that I was a bit rusty, and didn't know what my special was, or how to Ink-jump, me and the other newbie were the top contributors on our team, and we won by a landslide. It feels great to finally get back to the Turf Wars.
@Grumblevolcano Aah yes, that makes a lot of sense. Hopefully both X and S+ should be more consistent as a result. The current skill gap within S+ does make it seem a bit like rolling dice in terms of teammates.
Good luck with your Splst goals!
Horizon Zero Dawn. Just like last weekend and the weekend before This game is HUGE. I'm at about 80% of the main story, most side quests done. Then there is still The Frozen Wilds DLC.
@Capt_N Prime 4 is exactly the reason why I bought the Prime trilogy! I've played Super Metroid on my SNES Mini a few months ago, but I was curious what the Prime series is about. So far it's awesome, but I'm glad that the game gives you hints because the game wants you to progress in a way that isn't always as logical (but maybe I'm just bad). It's still a blast to play and I can't wait to see footage of Prime 4!
1. Castlevania Portrait of Ruin
2. Skyrim Switch
@Pluto14: The Primes are good. Very good. I pray, & hope the new(different) team @ Retro can pull off what the makers of the first 3 Primes did. Like I said, we may hear more @ E3. I don't think Nintendo views Prime as a series to "casually" talk about, by putting it in a non-E3 (Nintendo) Direct. Then again, I might be wrong about that.
@Everyone_Else: Don't forget! You have until next Monday (a week from tomorrow/March 26th) to add Wii Points to your Wii account. Then, you have until January 30th of next year, to spend them. That s when Nintendo says they're finally shutting down the Wii shop. To avoid confusion, not the WU/3DS, or DSi shops, but the Wii Shop. It reminds me of the eventual shutdown of the DSi shop.
Portal Knights and Attack on titans
@SLIGEACH_EIRE congrats! As a kid, I could only make it to the 5th palace. Life is easier with savestates and internet walkthroughs so I beat it on my NES classic a couple weeks after I got that and savestates still don't make those bosses, regular enemies, and lava pits any less brutal!
@Nintendo_Thumb yeah I played the Vostok Inc demo twice, read some reviews, mulled it over and bought it. About to open the 4th solar system and its still addictively fun. All weekend as I walk around the house to make meals and stuff my wife has been like: "you're still playing that cartoon ship game?" So hard to put down! Lol.
Xenoblade 2, Skyrim and the N64 classic Mischief Makers... SHAKE SHAKE!
Finished Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga on 3DS. I'm finally going to start up Chibi Robo Zip Lash that I picked up at Walmart a couple months ago for 10 bucks.
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon.
I have a new obsession with Voez so I’ll be playing that and a few demos. Lost Sphear, Kirby Star Allies, and Octopath Traveler in particular.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
@Tyranexx Yeah, the ending implies a future sequel, which is weird since they were not going for a story-based game yet we are left with a cliffhanger. I think the side quests in X are great if you enjoy side quests usually, and I think you should at least do Elma's last affinity mission (which to me is the game's real ending, as it is post-game only). After I beat the game I got 100% in all the side quests, and then went on to play the original. Now I am playing XC2 and am having a blast!
Superhot, truly the weirdest first person shooter, no scratch that: weirdest game PERIOD that I've ever played.
The tag line of the game is: "The FPS where time moves only when you move" and it is both weird and wonderful.
It has an abstract setting, where almost the entire game is colored in shades of white and grey, and the enemies are made from red glass or something. Yes, weird, I know, but it also sounds like glass breaking when you shoot them, so that's the best description that I could come up with.
Anyways, once I started playing, it grabbed me, and it was very entrancing. Even people that don't like the average fps game, might still like this, because it's actually more of a brain buster/puzzle game, than an actual shooter.
Literally every step you make results in something or someone around you moving as well, and only by planning ahead and being very aware of your surroundings will you be able to complete the various levels the game offers you.
It's available now on Steam, Mac, Linux, PS4 and for free on Xbox One by means of the Games with Gold initiative. If you want something weird and different to play for a change, then this might very well be worth giving a go.
Here's a video to give you an idea of what to expect:
Although the trailer goes very fast, in the game, you mostly evade foes and bullets in slow motion, and you can see the bullet trails crawl past you while you slowly dodge them. It's almost mesmerizing to play, in part also because of the muted color scheme.
Here's some actual gameplay...
A little Overwatch (PS4) for weekly arcade wins, Gran Turismo (PSP) to buy a FIAT Panda! NHL 07 (PSP) Florida Panthers FTW and Rayman Legends DE (Switch) for frustration.
I'll be playing a new sports toilet game called "Fish Out the Turtle Head".
Axiom Verge - to finish 100% everything and Hearthstone
The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning. Getting hyped for you know what.
Well I was going to get stuck into xenon 2 on the Jag but I put on Bloodborne then lost the whole weekend. That game is sensational.
Nothing dammit.
@darthstuey Still my fav PS4 game!
@TheSpeedyMouse: Duly noted, thanks! I do plan on doing a handful of quests yet, then I think I can safely put down the game for a while. I love the variety of the quests to be found in the game outside of the main story, and some of the ones I've found get rather...dark. XD One literally fell into my lap by accident and kicked one of the more interesting missions into motion.
XCX is my first Xenoblade game. I plan on playing at least XC2 on the Switch, though I would also love to play the first game at some point. Unfortunately it will be awhile before I even touch either of them since I'm trying to clear out some of my backlog before picking up more games. I love RPGs, but wow do some of these get long....
@Tyranexx Yeah; right after I stopped playing XCX at 300 hours about six months after its launch I played through the original (though I kept switching to other games like BOTW, making my playthrough take a while), and then it was not much longer until XC2 came out, which I am now playing through! RPG's do take a while, but I will say that XC2 is tempting me the most to do a 2nd playthrough due to how many quality of life features they have been adding via updates and the New Game Plus only content. I ended up enjoying XC1 more than XCX as I preferred its combat and story, but XCX is still fantastic in my book for its side quests, character development, music, great world/atmosphere, and amazing exploration!
@TheSpeedyMouse: All of those are reasons why I'm enjoying this game!
But yeah...definitely hoping to get to the others in the future!
@sandman89 vast majority of the levels are completely different to the Wii u version
@Curlynob yep. I totally finished it in wii u. Got it on switch and do not recognise most of the levels. The music levels are the same. They’ve added in loads of levels from Rayman origins too
@KingSandyRavage cool I did not know this
Bloodborne and to "relax" Splatoon 2
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 i played a little Splat 2 just for SR
@raygboyd333 and pokemon yellow
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