We'd be willing to bet that before the arrival of DOOM and Rocket League, you hadn't heard of the developer Panic Button. This small company has become something of a household name in Nintendo circles thanks to its impressive work in porting these games to Switch, and it is currently hard at work bringing Wolfenstein II over, as well.
Given that Panic Button clearly has some talent when it comes to understanding the technical complexities of Nintendo's hybrid console and how to get the most out of it, it's fair to assume that it's currently working on other ports we don't currently know about.
Speaking in an interview with Gamasutra, Panic Button's director of development Adam Creighton gave a pretty big hint that this is indeed the case:
You know that meme? With the dog? Drinking from a sprinkler? That’s me right now. And we might have some other titles for that platform, and maybe some other games for other platforms, in the works.
In terms of volume, I’m in this amazing place where as a studio we get to choose how we want to grow, and with whom, and with what projects. My biggest challenge lately is not which projects do we pick to retarget to other platforms, but managing the other parts of our portfolio, picking the different projects that are exciting to different people in the studio, and being responsible about what I want to work on, versus what is best for the studio.
Creighton adds that his studio is being inundated with port requests, and that it has seen strong sales for its titles on Switch:
The Switch release has been perfect. Actually it’s mentioned in almost all the port requests we receive. To keep up with this pace, we already have 12 kits at the office! Not yet the platform with the most kits, but definitely the fastest growing trend in our office. In the games we have published we’ve seen more sales on Switch than on PS4 and XBox One combined during the same period. Now every developer wants their game to be on the Switch.
The same Gamasutra feature also includes comments from BlitWorks, a studio which has also been active in porting titles to Switch. Studio CEO Tony Cabello echoes Creighton's comments regarding port requests:
We’ve recently experienced a big increase in the amount of work. Even though we’re always very busy, we’re now working on more projects at the same time, especially indie games which are our specialty. This is mainly because nowadays, indie studios see that publishing their games on consoles is a possibility, that was not so easy to do in the past because the access to the market was more restrictive. So we now have more developers reaching out to us to get there. We knew it was going to be big when people started requesting ports for the Switch way back before last summer. Since then, it’s been crazy.
What games do you think Panic Button is working on for Switch? Let us know with a comment.
[source gamasutra.com]
Comments 76
You can be sure there'll be more ports. Who needs new games, right? In fairness to Panic Button they do a good job with the ports given the limitations of the hardware.
Half-Life 3
You keep calling them Panic Room, it's Button!
"More success on Switch than what we worked on for PS4/Xbox One"
Clever choice of words, because what you worked on for those consoles was mostly garbage.
Can I put my order in now?? I'll take the Bioshock collection, Red Dead Redemtion, and Fallout please!!
If it's from Bethesda, Fallout 4 has a good chance of getting a port.Which would be great,since I didn't get to play it yet!
FALLOUT 4 PLEASE!!! But only if it is the whole thing on one cartridge just like Skyrim! This will be amazing!!!
@Joker13z No
@LOZ_Master95 Yes
The new Tomb Raiders, Shadow of the Colossus,...the list could go on forever.
@Menchi187 I'd bet serious money you don't even know what they worked on. Does their statement that every publisher wants their game on the Switch hurt your feelings? I thought EA was just one of the many and many others would follow suit. After all, you said as much and we know how spot on your predictions always are
Fallout. Starcraft Remastered. Ark: Survival Evolved. Monster Hunter World.
@Menchi187 you mean like rocket league and Disney Infinity?
@invictus4000 SOTC is a Sony first party game, but Tomb Raider would definitely be possible
Panic Button has shown me that they are one of the best at porting. By all means, keep up the great work!
willing to bet that before the arrival of DOOM and Rocket League, you hadn't heard of the developer Panic Room
And I still haven't. Who the heck is Panic Room?
@JaxonH they made the ports for Doom and Rocket League for the Switch
@geox30 it’s strange, FO3 was my favorite of all time. The micromanagement of FO4 killed it for me on PS4, but might actually be a delight on Switch.
@invictus4000 shadow is impossible.
You're thinking of Panic Button.
I've never heard of Panic Room
I'd love to see them working with Square on bringing FFXV to the Switch.
Fortnite, Fallout 4.... Those would be huge for me.
Evil Within please.
There are so many games they could be working on, and if they are receiving as many requests as they are making it sound like, to the point of having 12 Switch kits already, then I hope this means a lot more support coming soon, because the Switch certainly needs it.
If they keep doing the same good work as with the other ports then let them continue working their magic.
@JaxonH I'm guessing Panic Room handles the XBox ports....
More like valve doesn't care about games at all anymore, they just make so much money off steam at this point they don't even have to develop games anymore.
Lol, your post needs to replace room with button.
@Damo I don’t enjoy this, actually I’m tired of complaining about your typos, but I guess I’ll have to press on until you NL staff learn what proofreading is. How’s it possible to get the name of the developers wrong each and every time you mention them in th article? Especially when the headline is correct. Is it really that hard to re-read the article, or have someone do it? It’s getting really ridiculous by now, this site has no semblance of quality control whatsoever anymore, between this, the clickbaity stuff you’ve been churning out for a good while, and the constant lack of meaningful information in your articles. Most of the time I have to read the comments to have a complete picture of what the article’s about, and I don’t think that bodes well for you. It shouldn’t happen.
I know I’m whiny and all that, but could you please focus a bit more on the quality of this site? It doesn’t seem that unreasonable a request.
I feel like by now you’re only getting by thanks to the fact you have a loyal community that’s used to coming here and will keep visiting this site almost exclusively due to habit, not because you’re a good site anymore.
Edit: thanks for correcting all those “Panic Room” into “Panic Button”.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Port doesn’t necessarily mean the game is old. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were working on Switch ports of games yet to be released.
Excited to find out what they have coming after Wolfenstein. As long as the ports are well optimized I am cool with waiting for older games.
I'll bet they're probably on the team working on Outlast for Switch.
If they're doing Bethesda games, I'd gladly take Fallout or Dishonored 2. Mass Effect Trilogy is a must, but I doubt EA would ever go through with such an amazing idea.
Love that these Panic Button guys have showed up. Doom and Rocket League are a huge part of the third-party support. At least they are to me.
I just want some information on when Wolfenstein 2 will release.
Dishonored 1 and 2 would be great... I'm dreaming Quake 4, one of the games that Ioved most in that past years on PC... With motion control aiming. Would be pure love for me.
I try not to say anything but between stuff like this and the soapbox the reviewer of the Bayonetta games was standing on, NL is getting a little tough to visit. At least the comment sections still provide good discussion.
RIP Panic Room
Panic Room.
Manic Doom.
Sonic Boom.
Oh Dear God!
@Gamer83 Yeah, I feel you man.
I can’t exactly pin down the moment when things started go downhill, but I think in the last year or so this site has been getting worse and worse; and it seems like changing the editor only made things worse, actually.
As you said, by now the community is NL’s only saving grace.
Batman Arkham games, Asura's Wrath, A Hat in Time...
@SLIGEACH_EIRE in fairness, some people, such as myself, will not have had access to games before. So porting games to Switch is perfect for me
@faint I was expecting this. I said most, not all. Obviously you were gonna go for those 2 and not the dozen or so that I was referring to and was correct about.
Especially given the sales numbers of those 2 games you listed vs other platforms.
You can hold that nintendo L ife though
@NinjaWaddleDee "Mass Effect Trilogy is a must, but I doubt EA would ever go through with such an amazing idea."
They already did, back in 2012. And it skipped Wii U.
I would take a Switch port of Fallout 1-4
I don't know what I would like them to port but...If they are doing I'm sure it will be fine.
Divinity original sin 2 pleeease.
lol. The author of this article must've been in a hostage situation recently and needed a panic room.
With Panic Button handling our Switch ports, we can rest assure that there will be no panic in the gameplay.
@Damo I haven't played Doom on the Switch (yet), but they did a terrible job porting Rocket League.
It's such a non-demanding game hardware-wise and still it runs on very low and ugly-looking resolutions. It's basically unenjoyable that way.
Until just now I didn't even know Panic Button were responsible for that awful RL port, I had assumed that Psyonix ported it themselves (maybe they should have).
So it really surprised me that you wrote about their allegedly 'impressive work in porting these games to Switch' and their 'talent when it comes to understanding the technical complexities' of the Switch.
What exactly were you referring to with regards to their RL port?
RED DEAD REDEMPTION is the big one for me, but I am sure it would be a challenge as it was fairly optimized specifically for the 360/PS3. After that would be MGS4 as I had a 360 and Wii that gen. I would not mind seeing some of Platinum's other action games, such as VANQUISH and MGS: REVENGEANCE.
They definately deserve to be kept busy now.
Lies. There are no more games coming out this year, everything for this year was announced in the mini Direct. Well at least that's how a lot of people are reacting on this site so it must be true.
I think the future of third part support on Switch lies on studios like Panic button. Devs will only be prepared to much in house resources into porting to switch but if they know they can get an outside studio to do the job well for a fee then I think we are going to see a lot more of this. Hopefully a few other studios can step up with porting duties because if want more from the likes of EA, Activision/Blizzard, ID, Bethesda I think this the most likely way we get that.
@Menchi187 those games sold just fine. You do realize they have done 3 ports for the switch and dozens for other companies right? I also should have mentioned recore
I would say Monster Hunter World, but I don't feel like being swarmed by rabid PS4 fanboys again.
@geox30 facts.... I refuse to buy it on my ps4 because I know it will be coming to switchy
Ezio collection , AC rogue and or a COD game. Please.
@Joker13z won't happen
@Audiobrainiac You must be joking about StarCraft. I know the RTS genre technically started on consoles and there's been attempts to bring it back there... But not StarCraft. That's aside from the fact that Blizzard seems unwilling to let any third party into Battle.Net, as can be gathered from their refusal to port Hearthstone.
I'm pretty sure they're working on ports for games yet unreleased. It is common in the industry to delegate porting to an external company during development.
@LOZ_Master95 Lies. Half-Life 3 confirmed now.
The Bioshock collection would be awesome..please
@roboshort I'm not sure that's right. If it's already out on a console then the game could be ported to another console. But if a game has a more or less simultaneous release, I would not class that as a port.
@SmaggTheSmug I'm totally serious. Starcraft 64 put the idea in my head, even though it wasn't ideal. I'd love to have it portable on Switch, maybe with very customizable controls.
@Audiobrainiac I never knew about StarCraft 64 and it seems it is best forgotten. Even porting StarCraft 2 would be a ridiculous notion, let alone something much more difficult and with some outdated mechanics like the original StarCraft. I grew up on RTS games and I still found Starcraft Remastered very hard to get into – and that's with a proper K+M control setup!
Frankly, if there's a classic Blizz game that could work on Switch, it'd be Lost Vikings. It's probably their oldest brand they're still recognizing, and it started on SNES.
@SmaggTheSmug I hate using a keyboard and mouse for any gaming, and intend to stay away from PC gaming forever. The game itself stuck with me, however, so my wish for Starcraft (in whatever form) on Switch still stands, no matter how "ridiculous". I appreciate your opinion though.
@zool That may be how it’s commonly used, but it’s not actually correct. These port studios do do simultaneous releases. They port the game from the platform it was initially developed for to another platform.
Panic Button did Octodad for Wii U as well, right? And Astro Duel Deluxe?
I have no idea what games they are working on, but I am all for great ports of great games. I dream of the Mass Effect Trilogy, Fallout New Vegas, Okami HD, all coming to the Switch. Maybe Borderlands or COD 4 or the Kingdom Hearts HD releases... Plenty of last gen or current gen titles I would love to play or play again on the Switch.
I know some people just despise ports and think they somehow prevent new games from releasing... but I have never seen any proof of it.
@Spoony_Tech @WhiteTrashGuy
If RDR hasn't been released for the PC and the current gen consoles by now, would you really think the Switch would be getting it? It's been known for about a year now that the devs have admitted that the code for RDR was a hot mess, even in the months before release of that game. It was a miracle that the game ran reasonably well but it was an absolute bug fest upon release. People complain about Fallout and Skyrim being buggy....Have you seen RDR at release? It was atrocious at worst and hilarious at best. To re-release RDR now would require the game to be rebuild from scratch and Take Two won't allow Rockstar to divert their time from GTAV Online and RDR2. Forget about RDR for the current consoles and PC. Never ever gonna happen.
Shadow of the Colossus is a 2nd party Sony exclusive title.
The devs of Hat in Time have said last week that their game won't come to the Switch.
I estimate that more than half of all the AAA titles of the previous console generation have been made using Unreal Engine 3. Games that run on this engine should run very well on the Switch too. Potential problems would be licensing issues and recourse management for the devs. Would AAA publishers be interested in porting a lot of older titles to the Switch? I doubt it. They'd rather have their devs create new IP's and new franchise installments for the PS4, XBOX and PC, all of which have a much larger install base than the Switch and have more powerful hardware. The Switch is doing great, but the Switch is especially a worth while platform for the indie devs. Less so for the big publishers, for now at least. Sure, we'll be seeing more ports in the near future, but don't expect a deluge of releases of older gen titles.
Personally I'm hoping for Okami HD, Castlevania Lords of Shadow 1 + 2 and smaller titles like Bastion, Transistor, Hyper Light Drifter and Undertale. Those last two won't happen until Game Maker gets proper support for the Switch.
@shani can't wait to see what you'll be porting next to the Switch.
Personally I think they did a great job as far as putting a full console game on what is essentially portable hardware.
If you want pixel and FPS perfection, definitely stick with PC.
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