Update: Netflix have now deleted the original tweet which offers a glimmer of hope for folks who wish to watch Adam Sandler movies on their Switch. Here's the latest tweet:
Our new talented editor Dom Reseigh-Lincoln recently penned a feature about the killer apps which we'd love to see on the Nintendo Switch in the near future. Of course Netflix featured prominently on this list, it's kind of a no-brainer really isn't it? If you had a choice between watching a show on your smartphone or the lovely 6.2-inch screen on Switch to while away the time on a long train journey, which would you choose?
Unfortunately, Netflix has now shattered these dreams. Despite the ever-growing install base of the Nintendo Switch, they currently do not intend to bring the Netflix app to the portable powerhouse:
Well at least you can still watch Netflix on Wii U. Way to go guys!
[source twitter.com]
Comments 231
Hey Netflix, You're doing it WRONG!
No Netflix, no web browser, no apps, no Virtual Console, no...
I think the OS would take a hit if it allowed any/all of these features. Could be why voice chat is done using a smart phone. They could also put an extra drain on an already very short battery life.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE.. End of people focusing more on what they don't have than appreciating what they do have.
Maybe rainway will help or something.
Well then, seems Netflix may have heard the complaints and changed thier mind afterall.
Somethings gotta give. I get that Nintendo purely wanted the Switch to be about its games and that was fine.........a year ago. The Switch now boasts a respectable library of quality titles. At this point, i really don't see the harm in bringing apps to the system. It needs to happen. Hell, even Japan has NicoNico and the US has Hulu.
This is just a standard message.
Nintendo doesn't want trash on their console, I can understand that. Anyone up for a round of Mujo?!
catch 22, we all have several devices that allow netflix.. do we 'need' another? I'm quite happy for it not to arrive, but can see the benefits of having one device that allows media streaming on top of it's primary use.
#FAKENEWS It'll be on it THIS year.
The Nintendo Switch is selling incredibly well right now, and I doubt many who are considering buying it ever hold off simply due to not having Netflix and the likes available.
Well that's a shame, but most people could survive without it. I'd be surprised if it never arrived. Netflix on WiiU has been tremendously important for our kids.
The portability factor is huge here. Of course I already got netflix on wii-u and ps4. However I like to watch it EVERYWHERE on the switch.
And I could also achieve this with my ipad, but when I am for example in bed I want to be able to choose (gaming or films) and not bring multiple devices...
Of course it isn't an absolute must, but why wouldn't it be there?
Ideally it would be better to have the option than not have it but to be honest i couldn't care one bit. As other posters have mentioned already we have a ton of devices where we can watch Netflix... i don't think i would use my switch for Netflix
Honestly, I couldn't really care less. I can already watch Netflix using my laptop or phone or basically any other device with an Internet connection so it makes little to no difference whether I can watch it using my Switch or not. I bought my Switch to play video games and as long as good games keep releasing, that's all that really matters to me.
My Wii U is still hooked to my tv for Netflix with the controller on the charging stand next to my sofa, so don't need it on switch at all
Companies should never announce stuff too far in advance. Imagine if they announced right now that Netflix will come to the Switch in June. Someone on the fence and not in a rush for a Switch might hear of that announcement and decide to wait until around June to get a Switch.
That's a huge bummer for me.
As short as the battery life is on the switch, why waste that on Netflix, especially when many phones (including mine) have a screen that's almost that big, and of course many TVs, other game systems, computers/laptops/netbooks, tablets, music players, and countless other devices can use Netflix. Why can't people just be content with a game system being a game system?!
Currently trialling Netflix again. I won't be subscribing...
...so couldn't care less.
I'd just like to point out that alot of major companies outsource their customer support departments. They do not have any information that head office would have outside of technical support regarding issues.
The 'no plans' from customer support is expected since they themselves don't know anyway.
Very poor if true but I wouldn't read too much into a standard Twitter reply probably from a sub-contractor.
@Rika_Yoshitake Why is Netflix trash? It has really good exclusives and tons of amazing shows, including anime (maybe not the best in that department) and cartoons, I'm watching Young Justice right now preparing for Season 3, and I'm being hooked up on Trollhunters (a 3D Cartoon by Dreamworks made by Guillermo del Toro) and Stranger Things, maybe you should give it a try.
@hargefries Source?
Couldn't care less about a Netflix app to be honest so no big deal
I'm probably in a very small minority but I keep my WiiU plugged in pretty much for Netflix at this point. I'l love to clean up some space and put my WiiU away since I hate having heaps of devices out at once.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Battery life is not very short. Maybe your Switch console has some kind of battery problem. Go check it.
@Kiyata Well, you could watch Netflix on your TV without the need of a PC, if someone doesn't have a PC or something like that lol, but if portability is a thing, then I'd rather watch Netflix on a big 720p screen like the Switch instead of a small 1080p, but that depends on the Smartphone too... but if everyone has it even the Wii U then why not the Switch too?
@Cosats Agreed.
I didn't have many battery problems even while playing BotW, I don't think 4-5 hours is that short, and just for the sake of it, put the Switch in offline mode while playing BotW, helps boost your battery even more.
@TheMadPolarBear If they don't know anything about the head office plans, then why would they pretty much confirm that they have no plans for it? They could say something like "we don't have any confirmation from the HQ for now" or smh like that Idk.
My Wii u became a Netflix box pretty much the instant I stopped playing BotW. I can see the appeal to having it as an option on switch but honestly anyone who's likely to use it will almost certainly have a netflix-compatible device already. Being able to use the joycons as remotes would be hugely more comfortable than using the Wii u gamepad though
Can't believe the comment was anything other than 'no comment' or 'we don't comment on future blah blah blah...' Now when the marketing department wakes up and realizes there are screens in the world that they're not making money from, somebody's gonna look wishy-washy.
We don't need it. Switch is for gaming. We all have tablets/laptops/TVs to watch Netflix on.
To be honest I am in no way bothered about having apps like Netflix on Switch. Virtual Console yes, Apps no.
@SIMOMEGA Because they’re not allowed to hint that they’re outsourced. Believe it or not, a lot of people do not like dealing with tech support who ‘don’t know what they’re talking about’ because they’re not actually a part of Netflix themselves, rather a contracted support centre.
You would be surprised how often people get annoyed at it (if they figure it out) whilst the vast majority either don’t care or don’t know. Regarding big business decisions such as Netflix being on a new device, it is standard procedure to say there are no plans if head office hasn’t announced anything. Customer support has to word it in such a way that there is no outright denial but also no hint of a confirmation. To do either causes a PR headache and the customer support centre can get into trouble.
It’s actually rather interesting. And specifically regarding what you said about customer support saying they haven’t heard from head office, the immediate response to that is for customers to ask for head office’s details, which obviously the support centre can’t give and again could cause a headache.
Maybe they should focus on bringing their 3DS app to the European eShop first. Then they can start focusing on the Switch.
I don't care, but Nintendo should care if they're still aiming to sell 20 million Switches this year.
Ah.... too bad.
But, that's fine.
I still can watch Youtube or Dailymotion from my Smartphone anywhere.
Oh, just now i watched America's Next Top Model Cycle 24 Episode 1 from Dailymotion.
Why would I watch Netflix on my Switch during some long journey if I need to tether it to my phone first? I might as well just watch it on my phone. YouTube in PIP mode would be super useful for walkthroughs, guides etc and of course Twitch.
People will never buy the switch only because it has netflix. Almost everyone owns a smartphone and screens are getting bigger every other year.
If someone is desperate to have netflix on the go, there are some perfectly fine 10 inch FHD android/windows tablets for half the price.
And I will never understand those requests for a browser on a gaming console. It doesn't make more sense than asking for a browser on your microwave or your coffee maker
Why waste the switch battery and phones battery when you have to tether and use both to watch it on switch when you can just use your phone. Wouldn't make sense.
Only makes sense when using it at home but I'm sure most people already have that access. Switch battery will finish quicker than most phones iPads
@SIMOMEGA why should the switch be like everything else? Isn't one of the Switch's greatest strengths in its uniqueness? After spending nearly half a century in the game industry, I can state emphatically that a system NOT following what everyone else is doing is one thing that will make it memorable for many years long beyond the system's life span.
The switch seems to be selling well despite not having these, maybe there not required!
I hate how silly people are about this debate. Stop saying 'I don't want Netflix because blah blah blah blah blah'. You should always want the most value for money out of your purchases otherwise you are just being ripped off.
Honestly, can you guys stop being fanboys for one second? Pretty please?
@SIMOMEGA A rep said last year (Sept. 2017) that Netflix was ready to go. Reggie himself mentioned bringing the service to the Switch. "THIS YEAR" is a wild assumption, but it's certainly coming to the system.
@Krzysztof great idea. Pip mode will be great.
Disappointed to read this. I have Netflix at home, and I don't really understand what's the point in having it on Xbox One or Wii U when almost everybody now has a Smart TV. It's still not portable on those consoles.
I was hoping for the chance to have Netflix on the go, because I have 1 hour commute time and shows to watch.
But then again I don't buy video game systems for these apps, but for their games, so it's just a small disappointment. It wouldn't have harmed the Switch is my point.
The Twitter account that made this reply is from Netflix's call center... Customer service. They don't have any idea what apps are being developed or when they will be released. This is just a standard scripted reply from a CSR.
Netflix CS will find out the app exists, the day it is announced to the public, just like the rest of the world. Corporate doesn't give customer service this kind of info.
But why? Everything with a screen and an internet connection runs Netflix these days, so why is the Switch deliberately being left out? Something tells me Nintendo is to blame here...
Despite the size, it's a low-res screen. Any half-way up-to-date smartphone will have higher resolution. Just saying ...
Also, if and when they decide to bring Netflix to the Switch (or probably more to the point, Nintendo worked out how to provide Media support on the system), it won't take long I wager. There should be zero issues with the tegra chip, esp. seeing as we are talking 1080p resolution max output anyways.
Honestly I believe its a very vocal minority constantly clamouring for these extras. The Switch has given me one of the greatest first years of a console i’ve ever had and it did it with what truly matters; The Games!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE OS take a hit? That's not how it works on consoles and handhelds. It utilizes the "game" resource allocations, not the "OS" allocations, which on Switch if it came to it, would be provided 3 of 4 CPU cores, 3GB+ of RAM, and majority of the GPU. Certainly you don't think Netflix on an o3DS used the OS in a fashion that hindered it when the OS only ran on 30% of a single 268Mhz core, right?
I got to many AAA games to play on my switch to worry about crappy apps like Netflix
I want my GAMING console to stay GAMING console. I have a phone and tablet for that stuff.
I don’t mind having it provided it doesn’t impact the OS. I’ve just spent the weekend in hospital after a bike accident Friday night and the Switch was a god send for me (although without a Switch my 3DS would have stil got me through it). I had a choice between my nice new Fire HD for watching stuff or 720p Switch for gaming. Guess what I did all the weeekend? That’s right I didn’t even turn on the Fire HD. Rocket League and Snake Pass got some serious game time.
@ZeldaNX First world problems, amirite?
I don't really use Netflix so I don't care one way or the other.
Was trying to convince a friend to buy a Switch last night. I was doing quite well until he asked what apps it has. He just laughed when I told him no Netflix, no browser. He's gonna get an X Box 1X instead.
It's fine if some people don't want Netflix on the Switch. If it gets released, I'm sure it would be an optional download. Don't want it, don't download it. I don't have a smart TV and so I have to keep my Wii U set up just for Netflix and browsing.
Netflix customer service is not very reliable source of information, to be honest.
@chriiiiiiiiiis You could get chromecast for $35. It would clean up space and would give you the option to stream more than just Netflix.
Netflix twitter wouldn’t comment on anything not officially announced. That response means nothing
I've got a Smart TV, so I'm okay.
What I WOULD like is a Crunchyroll App, seeing as otherwise I need to boot up my old Wii U, since they haven't made an app for Samsung TV.
I don't use Netflix - so this doesn't mean anything to me either. Just continue watching things on your tv or computer as you would normally?
Switch has H.265/HEVC and VP9 hardware-accelerated decoder that can playback 4K and 10-bit HDR videos. That alone is a reason why video streaming apps should be made for Switch.
PS4 Pro can't even decode HEVC video, that's why Sony didn't include 4K Blu-ray support for it. Switch being a portable device is more powerful than PS4 when it comes to video playback.
That is odd... but I'm sure it eventually will.
Who cares why would I want to watch Netflix on my switch? I have a 65 inch 4K or iPad or iPhone. I’m good with just games.
what?! i personally don't use netflix, but they must be insane if true!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Netflix would only be running when Netflix was actually open and being used. If the Switch can run Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey, it can run Netflix without breaking a sweat.
Just pointing out what the adventage could be.
@Nincompoop oh really? that means we could eventually see a dvb-t2 receiver for switch
@Mikess1 Unlike PS4 Pro, you can connect Switch to your 4K TV and streamed 4K content.
(currently PS4 Pro can stream 4K using the old h.264 codec, h.265 is the new 4K standard that is quickly replacing h.264 since Apple started using it a few months ago with iOS 11.)
@manu0 Eventually. I think Nintendo has big plans for video streaming... they are just slowly implementing it as usual.
Honestly I don't see the point of any multimedia apps on Switch in an age where almost everybody owns a tablet, a smartphone, a smart TV, or even a 2nd console (PS4, One).
That would be just a waste of resources and probably burden the OS. We can still enjoy Netflix, YouTube, etc on other devices.
Why can't we have a pure gaming device for once instead of a Jack of all trades?
The chances are that if you've already got NetFlix then you'll have a device/TV that will display it, so why bother making a Switch do what's already being done elsewhere? No point reinventing the wheel really.
I was in team "Don't need the apps" until I gave the Hulu app a spin for the free month trial when it came on to the switch. Taking it off the tv when my roommate wants to play/watch something is pretty covenient. Also, I was kind of surprised at how many shows Hulu had that were no longer (or never) on Netflix. I'm a huge X-Men fan, and was really excited that not only did they have the old cartoon series, but also Legion and The Gifted which I've been eager to watch. And torrenting is a young man's game
@Nincompoop switch does 4K? I don’t think so and who has a 4K tv that doesn’t have a Netflix app?
Bummer, at least I got Hulu on there.
Never mind, it ain't major
I'd rather have the likes of Instagram/FB (i guess)/Reddit - smartphone apps, and Nintendo's own smartphone games on it rather than Video streaming devices.
I have 3 things hooked up to my bedroom TV that can handle Netflix/Amazon/etc so i don't need it.
I want to use my Switch's touch screen more...
Unfortunate, I would not mind having it on there, but honestly my switch is used for gaming 98% of the time so I am not waiting up for it.
@Mikess1 Switch can do 4K at 60fps in HDR (10-bit)
H.265, VP9 4K 60 fps Video
4k H.265, 4k VP9, 4k H.264
Someday I'm sure. Switch player base is building more and more. I'm sure many have other devices, but we've seen some pretty bad devices with it, and Switch is not at all.
Considering Hulu is on there, there is no reason for it not to be there. I do not care either way but since I do not have a tablet, I've used the Switch to watch Hulu in the kitchen or while doing something else in the house.
If true that is a daft move.
@ryando I agree with this. Most people whining here that the Switch is a game console, are right, but that it doesn't need Netflix because of that it just dumb reasoning. Yes, there are TONS of way to watch Netflix, but some people want to watch them on a console. Those people are a target audience too, and maybe an important one. The same for webbrowser and other apps.
I'm more upset that Nintendo hasn't released custom firmware yet. It would definitely benefit me more than having another device with the Netflix app on it. I mean how long do they expect us to keep giving them monies?
I'm fine with this, I have other means of using Netflix at the moment, it's not a big deal. It's a game console, not a tablet. Although some beg to differ lol.
I wouldn't mind a built-in browser, simply for gaming related use, guides and such, but there's nothing stopping me turning on my PC / using my mobile for such matters either..
Just focus on being a console for now, that's fine with me.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Hulu is already on Switch and it doesn't "make a hit" on the performance of the OS, so why would Netflix?
No problem for me. How would you watch Netflix on a train or in the car without Wifi? I realize some cars have Wifi in them now, do trains?
I'm actually still using Netflix on my original Wii console! Hoo!
Thanks man. People on a budget will want one device with multiple uses. A parent isn't going to buy their kid a Switch for games and an iPad for YouTube. They will buy something that can offer both. People won't be put off buying a Switch because it has Netflix, they will be put off because it doesn't.
I'm taking the customer support tweet with a grain of salt. But I am wondering if many, many retweets would force Nintendo and Netflix to show their hand...
While disappointing... I can appreciate that the Switch is the purest GAMING platform there is and being a hybrid device has actually allowed me to have time to squeeze in gaming into my busy life. This keeps the focus razor sharp on finishing Zelda BOTW before my May deadline this year (when I start Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for Bday).
I would like Netflix for it only so when my switch is docked in my bedroom, and I am playing on my ceiling via a mini hd projector, then I wouldn’t have to have a 2nd device, my iPhone, hooked up as well. But I can honestly do without anything but games on my switch. Switch can stay a gaming only device as far as I am concerned.
Good. Unless Netflix is planning a new game, total waste.
What fascinates me are the people in here saying it shouldn’t be added or it doesn’t need added just because THEY don’t want it.
Guess what, people won’t not buy a switch just because it DOES have Netflix. But some people may pass on it because it DOESN’T
And more importantly, it doesn’t affect any of you who don’t want it. So why do you care? Why is it “good” it doesn’t have it. Ugh. People can be so self centered to justify this nonsense.
@gcunit How long you been sporting that "brotherly love" avatar? I'm surprised they allow it, but I'm doubly surprised they allow it since you work here. And here I was worried my self love orb avatar was gonna get me in trouble, guess not.
Everybody needs to pound Netflix on Twitter until they elaborate on why the NF app isn't coming to Switch, and why they would be so stupid as to say anything other than "We're looking into in." Positive spin, not negative.
There are very few devices that so easily do what Switch does, show content both on the tv and on the go on one device. Smartphones can mirror to smart tvs but it's still a little more work. So I'm wondering if there is some type of legal hangup between NF and it's content providers. There shouldn't be since Hulu is there, but you never know, NF is in a LOT more countries than Hulu is.
@dumedum Your opinion is a total waste, because your imposing your desire not to have Netflix on Switch on everyone else. If it was on Switch, guess what, installing it would be optional, thus you can not have it, and the rest of us can. Why would you argue against that.
@NintendoLife: Can you stop with the absolutist headlines when the source is a lowly customer service rep? Otherwise the article comes across as clickbaity.
@Folkloner wrong. You keep hearing this stupid retort. It's not about us not WANTING it, it's about potentially slowing the system down (even if optional, some adjustments would be made), wasting Nintendo's time to develop it or at least review it and approve it, make it compatible, marketing etc and even wasting Netflix time. We're just prioritizing what's important for us. Everything has a price.
Way to go Netflix, way to go !
Meanwhile the competiotion will beat you on time.
Nintendo wth
Weren't there reports of the Netflix app being 'ready to go'? Personally, I wouldn't use my Switch for Netflix but people seem keen.
@fox_mattcloud I think the fact that NicoNico and Hulu exist but Netflix and Youtube do not indicates it's probably not Nintendo stopping it but that the parties can't come to a business agreement in whatever terms streaming apps and hardware makers agree upon. Clearly Nintendo doesn't oppose video services at this point, so there's something else involved. I'd guess it involves metadata collection by the steaming app, and possibly ties into the paid subscription situation.
Keep in mind this is from Netflix's customer service account so they might not have much of an idea whats really going on. Also didn't they mention Netflix was ready to go sometime back
@AG_Awesome not sure. For me, a Netfix app would need to come with proper/integrated parental controls. E.g. a pre loaded Netflix/YouTube app without controls would make the Switch less appealing - I've had issues like this with smart TVs
What would Netflix Customer Support know what kind of apps the developer team is working on? And of course, they won't say "yes" as i'm sure it would an announcement from both Nintendo and Netflix
@Nincompoop what can I play or watch in 4K then?
I rather have YouTube really
Have Netflix on my phone and iPad and never use it on the go. I rather see my shows/movies on the big TV and I have Chromecast for that. Never installed Netflix on my VITA either.
Should still be made available for the people who want it - everyone makes a choice if they install it or not.
Good. Lets not act like you don't have a PC, TV, smartphone, Laptop, Tablet, PS4, Xbox and god knows what else that already has Netflix.
How many ways do you people need to view the same content?
I guess we live in a time where people don't like more options.
I have a phone. I have apps on my phone I don't need to have them but the option to have them is there.
I have a PS4. I have apps on my PS4 I don't need to have them but the option is there.
I have a Wii u
huh? and i thought Netflix was money hungry
@SLIGEACH_EIRE That doesn’t make much sense, Hulu is out on Switch, we already know that Nintendo Switch Online will come with NES/SNES games, and they aren’t too hard too emulate, and the Switch DOES have a web browser and it works good for what it’s for.
"Should still be made available for the people who want it - everyone makes a choice if they install it or not.x
Nail on the head.
"I guess we live in a time where people don't like more options"
Nail on the head again.
Having things like Netflix on Switch would be a good thing. More functionality to attract customers. More options for users. Those who don't want it, don't download it.
@JaxonH Nintendo has nothing to do with this, they can only work with the companies. Example: (kinda) Google recently pulled YouTube from the Amazon Fire TV, and I’m sure Amazon isn’t happy with one less feature for their shiny stick.
How on Earth would something you don't have to download slow the system down? Thats....just....stop the internet, I want to get off. It's gone mad.
Use your other 20 devices to play Netflix.
Nonsense. No way Netflix wouldn't want their app on the fastest selling console despite putting it on Wii U and Vita.
This is Nintendo's doing. Same reason we haven't gotten many apps since launch. They're afraid of "diluting their messaging".
It's nonsense.
Don't care. The Switch is for games.
@JaxonH Is it?
Not having these apps out of fear for diluting their messaging is, I feel, a smart move.
Heck, recent history would vindicate that rocking up with "Tv, Tv, Tv" is a bad move. Just ask Don Mattrick.
Now, is it a bad thing to not have it? Sure. Is it Nintendo's fault specifically that we don't have it? Can't say can we?
But Netflix is also mysteriously absent on the EU 3DS. Why would that be?
Why did the EU never get TVii?
Why don't we get Hulu?
There WILL be some form of legality hanging it up. There always is. But we can't definitively say on whose end. Therefore, let's not sling mud.
I'm pretty sure Netflix wanted to be on Switch so bad but Nintendo says not right now. Not until we hype the sh*t out of those people first after the big upcoming Nintendo Direct.
NicoNico - So good, they named it twice!
I’m sure they wouldn’t reveal anything in a Tweet. But still! Video is perfect for the Switch! Watching something and taking to the bathroom and back seems great. Why can’t companies have their apps ready by now? They were out on day 1 of the Wii U if I can recall. The only excuse I could think of is that just like Tablets and Smartphones with Netflix, you could download things for offline use, and Nintendo is slow to approve that. I doubt that though. Wow this was a long post.
@retro_player_22 Something tells me you're right. There are those of us who can smell the truth.
This is a standard thing said by most companies who don’t want to release information.
Also I think there maybe a reason Nintendo are not allowing apps yet? Maybe it really would affect the battery in a negative way??
I’m no expert so I can’t say, but surely they know that apps like this would make the switch sell even more?
Maybe they are waiting to do this for the switch 2? 😕
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Well everyone but Europe has Hulu on Switch. Hell, I think 3DS even has or had Netflix in some regions. I think in this case, its more something to do with Netflix then Nintendo. Sure, we should have several apps by now but at the same time, the same streaming companies did put some effort to get their apps to work on the failed Wii U....
Screw all that.
I love Nintendo but when they're wrong, and on some b.s., I'll say so.
And they're on some bs. Nobody's gonna think Switch is a tablet if it has Netflix. They'll sell more, not less. They're just scared after Wii U. Switch isn't selling because it doesn't have apps, and having apps isn't gonna stop it from selling.
That's not "slinging mud" that's just calling it for what it is. And what it is, is nonsense that I find very aggravating, especially after Reggie gave us the "oh they'll come in due time, we just need our messaging straight right now"
Honestly is it really needed? A game console is to play games on not all this extra stuff. Besides I am sure everyone has some sort of device that plays Netflix in their home by now whether it be a PC, Smartphone, streaming stick etc. that it's not needed on the Switch.
For everyone saying this is a neutral response it's not. A neutral response would be "We have nothing to share/announce", this is flat out denial. If this is accurate it proves that 5.0 leak is fake.
As for saying it was coming last year, plans could have changed.
Anyway, I'm so over this barebones system issue. The Switch is not as much value to me as it would be with more features. They're definitely losing sales because of it.
People are going to have to look elsewhere for services Nintendo used to provide. Really disappointing cause the Switch could do it better than their old systems did.
@JaxonH Yes, but can you confirm it is Nintendo restricting Netflix when Hulu and Niconico are there.
As I said, you cant blame without evidence I am afraid.
Furthermore, you'll realise when you cast your mind back to 2013 with the Xbox One, what my comment was referring to.
Ah screw Nintendo for not letting it happen.
This is kind of surprising. I hope this isn't their definitive answer...
Emphasis on "currently*
Somehow, I doubt that response was the end all, no way Jose, it'll never happen, statement. I've never known Netflix to be extremely open on what and where they put their app on what device/console. And what of the previous information where there was a claim Netflix was all set for Switch and just needed the green light from Nintendo? — That news just evaporated??
In any case, I'm glad Nintendo stressed Switch as a games first console and am happy. Probably wouldn't have cared if I hadn't experienced Hulu in all it's glory on Switch, but it at least showed me that I wasn't going to be forced much longer to watch Netflix on my Wii U (one of the final 4 reasons I still fire up my Wii U). So... I'm not going to bite down too hard on this and just take it as "We don't 'currently' have any plans 'right now' for Netflix on Switch", and move on with my day.
Dang it. I guess I'll have to choose from the other 273 devices that I already have that are capable of playing Netflix 🙄
Well Netflix and Virtual Console could run in discrete processes like any other application if necessary (as in, don't make them part of the OS, just make them normal apps). Also, I doubt the system was being taxed all that much if they found enough overhead to get constant video recording working, even if it is game-specific.
Well beyond a reasonable doubt.
1 Switch is the only console in the last 2 generations to not launch with apps.
2 Reggie Fils Aime has stated they did not want to dilute their messaging after the catastrophe of Wii U
3 Even Wii U and Vita had Netflix and YouTube
If that's not enough to erase all doubt, nothing is. Of course it's Nintendo, obviously. You think Netflix is just like "nahh, we don't like the Switch. We don't actually care about reaching customers. Vita and Wii U... oh those got support through a coin toss"
Come on.
A pretty disappointing mini direct & an announcement shortly after that there will be no netflix anytime soon. 2018 begins & Nintendo stumbles out of the gate. No reason to panic yet though. I hope Nintendo has another Direct soon & has some exciting announcements on AAA games & info on virtual counsel. That would be a better start to 2018.
I'm not sure whether Netflix's social media people are privy to this kind of information, but it would be quite sad if Netflix didn't arrive on Switch in 2018.
That's alright, I deleted Hulu already. Thought I would use it more. Whenever the Switch powers on - it's game time!
I have many other devices with streaming services.
@JaxonH Until confirmation I have no stance on the matter.
Also, did the 3DS launch with apps? I cant remember. I think Wii U got BBC iPlayer early-ish on, and going back further into those "2 generations" I don't recall DS having apps. PSP had some I believe, as did 360 and PS3 eventually.
As we say here in the UK: Innocent until proven guilty. If you can 100% prove with no form of doubt it is Nintendo stopping Netflix showing up, and not say Netflix themselves, then please do.
And while you are at it, tell Nintendo to get Netflix on the EU 3DS. That'll be their fault too I assume. And BBC iPlayer back on Wii U, even though it was the BBC's decision to remove it as the license expired.
Regarding it potentially being a Netflix issue, remember getting shows onto Netflix costs money, as it all has to be licensed for syndication by the relevant companies, obviously.
Netflix in 2017 accrued a further $1.6bn in debt just to get more content. Not exactly the best business model when they allegedly have an off-the-record further $15bn in debt.
Now perhaps the licenses for their syndicated shows from other companies are in fact limited, either regionally or otherwise. It's entirely possible. Lord knows you can only watch certain Seasons of Doctor Who in certain regions, some of which make no sense.
Now, Netflix specifically states (See here: https://help.netflix.com/en/node/4976) that it has to purchase the rights to stream shows it doesn't own.
Now, we all know how content holders are. Take for instance Puyo Puyo Tetris. Due to a clause in the licensing for that game, it's not available digitally on PS4...but it is on Switch. TV shows are often the same. Available on one platform, not on another.
Now all of what Netflix offers is stored server side yes, but in the event a contract for a particular show that, while available in your regional servers, doesn't account for another device being added to view it on, the rights holder would throw a hissy. Companies do that.
So if say...I don't know, the contract for a lot of movies for instance, state they can be streamed on X devices in X regions, that obviously wont cover a platform that at the time of the deal, didn't exist.
This is all pure speculation of course. Now I don't want you to get defensive, or start saying "You don't know anything" or "You're talking ****" like you usually do with me, because this is speculation based on what Netflix themselves tell us, and the documented fragility of licensing with big companies, just as you have speculated with what Nintendo has told us.
That's all it is. Fun, mostly baseless speculation. Nothing concrete. I am not stating anything as fact. I am simply throwing guesses to the wind in the name of fun and boredom. I am not saying my word is gospel or this is how it is, or that I am right, or that all the details are verbatim for what I have stated. It is simply speculation and I hold no accountability for anyone who takes it as such, because I acknowledge in advance that I am very likely to be wrong with this theory, and any correction to the above would be appreciated in a civil manner without distasteful language, as historically documented when people disagree with what I say.
If I am wrong, I am wrong. State as such, politely, and we move on. No more, no less.
Weird decision if true. I've got a smart TV for netflix, but I'm not certain Nintendo/Netflix is making the right move here, unless they're waiting for a direct. Not going to hurt sales though.
bah last year they said they were working on it. this is probably a automated message or they are unsure about it be made since its customer service and they are known for not being given all the info.
I wouldn't throw everything out based on this message
People on this thread calling Netflix trash bc they won't support Switch or whatever: I think every time I comment on this site I'm gonna have to use "bootlicker" or "brownnoser" or something
People on this thread expecting future Netflix on Switch: You right
It's not complicated.
Netflix is on every popular device, even semi-popular devices. If it's still not on a year after launch, despite being one of the best selling consoles of all time... It's because Nintendo wants it that way.
They even said point blank they wanted to focus their messaging.
@JaxonH Yes but there's a difference between "focusing your messaging" and omitting the basics contained on virtually every other digital gaming platform. (Who the eff would rather watch Netflix on their 240p 3DS?) Also, even "focusing your messaging" is a dumbarse excuse to not tap into the massives of video streaming (as someone who barely plays games these days, only one out of five in my household uses the PS4 for anything other than streaming since like 2015).
Keep in mind I actually DON'T think this is a result of Nintendo's wishes, I simply think this is timing the market.
This is super yucky. I think I am going to vomit. What is the reasoning?
wouldn't be a problem if they'd release Kodi for it.
We dont need bloatware. Just a vc and cloud saves will do.
Wow, people really hate having options nowadays. Both by them and others.
I bought a Switch because I love handhelds and because of XC2, but it shocked me when I realised just how many basic functions are missing. No music and movie playback, no apps of any kind, no V, just a barebones OS. I hope that changes eventually.
I don't care about Hulu at all. However I would like Youtube so I could use it on the TV to show my friends some videos. I wouldn't mind it just being in the browser, I would just like it. Looks like we will all just have to huddle around my laptop screen.
@Razzy My sentiments exactly, But I still want to hurl a chunk at Netflix and Nintendo or whoever is responsible for this.
@Razzy Do they hate having options, or do they hate dissenting because Lord Emperor Reggie never does any wrong?
Boooo, there's Netflix on almost every device imaginable, why not Switch??!?!
You're preaching to the choir. That's what I'm saying.
It's not that big a deal to me, but it's still aggravating. It would be nice to have options for when I do occasionally watch NF or YT at work
@Djgoa Please Google the term "Bloatware" before using it ever again in defense of a company that invented the Wii Weather Channel.
We don't know much for certain. So we look at the balance of probabilities which is that the Switch, which can run games like Doom, is very unlikely to have issues running something the most basic of smartphones or cheap Chinese Android tablets can do with ease.
Maybe there's a child locking issue but if there is that's on Nintendo to sort it.
Look, I love the Switch and at times I'm virtually a cheerleader for it. But there's no harm in saying when they're doing something wrong.
Meh. No big loss here. I prefer to watch stupid shows and movies on the bigger screen anyway.
I'm guessing Hulu struck a timed exclusive deal for media stresming. Netflix will come but not until the Hulu exclusive deal is expired
@JaxonH I think it's more complicated than that business wise. At first they didn't want media apps setting the wrong consumer image, sure. But now, I think it's a mixture of limited supplies JUST getting back on track to meet gamer demand without needing a Wii scenario where people buy it as a "cheap device to watch Netflix on."....if supplies are still limited, and people start buying it as a cheap media tablet but without intent to buy lots of games, that takes Switches out of the hands of people that intend to buy lots of games for longer time..losing money for Nintendo. They don't make much of anything if anything at all on hardware, so media lovers that don't buy games are making them have greater supply chain difficulties and expenses with little to no reward.
I also think it's business and metadata collection issues that may or may not tie into the online service. Otherwise Hulu wouldn't be there either.
However, though I'm defending them not having video apps, I will point out I had to watch the Nintendo Direct Mini on my PS4 Pro................ Jus' sayin'......
Nobody buys a $300 gaming device without intending to buy games. If Netflix is all they want there's plenty $50 tablets
Why do I have the feeling Nintendo aren't interested in pursuing apps like this. I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't even get Youtube or a browser... Hope I'm wrong.
@JaxonH True enough, but I still imagine a strong appeal to the mobile phone gamer that maybe wants a game or two that's a little more and the Switch seems like "a better tablet" for that user. And it is. BUT they may not have huge attach rates so if supplies are still constrained, Nintendo would rather fulfill orders to people like us buying lots of games than that other user. They still want that other user. But it may not be the right time to draw them in yet until they have more inventory freely sitting around.
Plus like Yummy said, we don't know what kinds of licensing terms Netflix wants. They may want x% per subscriber, or per stream, etc, and Nintendo may see no incentive in that where Hulu maybe wanted nothing at all beyond expanding their platform.
There are better devices for Netflix, YouTube, Internet Browser, etc.
I use my Wii U or PC for that. Even if the Switch had them, I would continue to use the Wii U version because, honestly, the Switch can't handle these things as perfect as the Wii U can.
Supplies are no longer constrained. Piles of Switches everywhere, even Japan is no longer constrained.
There's simply no excuse that can weasle Nintendo out of being responsible here.
As we don't own a Smart tv, we use the Netflix and Amazon App on our humble WiiU all the time. And we don't buy a new, if the old one is still working.
I assume there are more people not possessing a Smart tv than the regular Nintendolife user might think...
I thought I remembered seeing something several months ago saying that they were working on Netflix for Switch?
Edit: https://gonintendo.com/stories/290524-rumor-netflix-customer-service-rep-says-netflix-is-locked-and Here. It wasn't an official statement though, just a customer service rep.
A bit late here, but the tweet has been deleted and a rep from Netflix have stated the usual about "still looking into..." or "discussing with Nintendo".
@Bizzyb A hypothetical Hulu-exclusive deal better have given Ninty a lot of damned money lmao. Why not do a Crackle exclusive deal while we're at it for the next console?
That kind of response hardly means anything. Its just a standard reply. They'll say that up until the day its announced.
I could care less if Netflix come or not on the switch. I already have a tablet or smartphone that I can use. I think that the switch should focus on just having games.
@JaxonH I'm pretty sure that the Switch still is supply constrained in Japan.
I've read reports they are now able to be found at most retailers in Japan. Software shortages but not hardware.
Even if that weren't the case though, it changes nothing.
Now what about Amazon on demand?
@rjejr That avatars just a few days old. I made it myself, captured from Odyssey. I don't see how footage taken from one of Nintendo's flagship family-friendly games could be misconstrued as something inappropriate. I think Mario was just feeling a bit worn out and Toad, I assume, is just trying to gee him up a bit.
No one needs it. It's a console for GAMING. Now everybody has smartphone/tablet/pc/laptop so what's the problem?
I think that Netflix was told t say taht. When the Switch launched they stated that they were waiting for Nintendo to give the go and that it could be implemented in a heartbeat.
Everyone thinking that Netflix doesn't want to be on close to 10MM extra devices is delusional. This is just Niintendo-fed paranoia or something.
Also, to many posters here wanting the Switch to stay as a gaming device only: that is nonsense.In the worst case scenario, the Netflix app is not mandatory and it shouldn't be as taxing as any game (it ran on a 1st generation 3DS for crying out loud). So why oppose it? My daughter watches Youtube and Netflix more than she plays games on her Wii U. Don't you want Nintendo to sell me a Switch for her?
Did anyone screenshot the original tweet? Keep the receipts y'all.
@NEStalgia "Switch seems like "a better tablet" for that user. And it is."
What's that you say, Switch is a tablet, emphasis on is. He he he 😁
One of your posts around 110 was very articulate, I said something similar in #99. A post which somebody at NF must have read b/c they deleted and replaced their original tweet to what I said they should have said in the first place. Go me. 😀
@gcunit "gee him up a bit."
Gee? Is that shorthand for "squeal like a pig" while "Duelin' Banjos" plays in the background?
Netflix on switch would be a massive commercial blunder. The switch may be capable but it's not in Nintendo's interest to share any more screen time with Netflix than they have to. Think about families who limit kids playtime on hand held devices, do you want that screen time spent on your proprietary games or on a competitors software? Why allow a competitor on board your own money train? It would be insane to do this. This is why no Netflix on switch. Nintendo ain't dumb!
@strenny same boat as you, our tv doesn't have Netflix so we have used the Wii U on it and still do. My bet is that Nintendo knows how many hours it's Wii U spent on netflix, which has been its primary job due to such poor game releases over the Wii U life time, and they won't make the same mistake twice.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE wake up, its not like you would watch Netflix while playing games at the same time lol. This is Nintendo being well um Nintendo !!!! they say that want to go for casual users. Wake up Nintendo casual users , steam videos, a device for mass market of this kind needs to do more than just play games. Right now the gamers get it an we are in. But more apps means more time to buy into the switch dream. I have a tablet and a smart phone , but would gladly let the tablet go if my switch did a little more, come on you know it makes sense.
Even if they don't give us a web browser, streaming is might now, and only on the rise in my opinion.
@bolt05 the amount of people that convinced their parents to get a PS2 because it also ran dvd's was a large number. Nintendo are missing the opportunity to sneak in extra sales where they may have gotten 0. More sales of HW means more attractive for devs. Even if they buy 0 games, which is pretty unlikely once they are in it will grow the userbase. Many people are put off by the fact that it does just games that is a fact.
I live my swicth, but more apps, better support for video recording / sharing in games and a better unified online chat / lobby system will make the system more attractive period.
@McGruber 1000% agree, it like they only like certain types of money lmao. This seems like bad business sense to me
@Paperboy completely agree 1000 % here
@SKTTR Batesd on what experience with switch streaming apps please ?
Maybe Nintendo Tv is oncoming lol, that is the only reason i can think of for the hold up, outside of technical issues. I'm personally more invested in Amazon prime services, soundcloud and plex at this point
@1UP_MARIO Most people just like to defend Nintendo for their (stupid) choices. Honestly, sometimes more ís better. Yes, the Switch is for games. Does that mean apps like Netflix and Youtube shouldn't be on the Switch? Hell no!
@jswhitfield8 @Multi Sorry for the wording, but that's the most stupid argument against Netflix/apps in general I've ever heard!
There are numerous scenarios in which Netflix on the Switch would be useful.
Watching Netflix on a Smartphone is terrible because of the smaller screen. The Switch would be better for that.
Sometimes I'm playing something on my Switch and then take a 20 or 45 minute break to eat and watch something on Netflix. It would be way more convenient if I could do that without switching back and forth between the Switch and my PC.
And more often than not, I need to look up something related to the game I'm playing at that moment. Right now I have three very inconvenient options:
a) use my smartphone (terrible because of the tiny screen)
b) use a Laptop (too big)
c) switch the input from my Switch to my PC, just to look up something for a few seconds or minutes, then switch back. And repeat the whole process numerous times. This is really annoying!
I just recently had serious DHCP problems when trying to watch Netflix, Amazon etc. over my PC, which is hooked up to an AVR, which sends the signal to a projector. I just got a green screen whenever I tried to watch something on Netflix or Amazon.
If I had Netflix on my Switch, I could've just watched it there. Instead I had to try to find a solution for hours and eventually gave up. Then I remembered I could've used my Wii U, but at that time I was too tired and just went to bed.
The same would apply in case my PC has a problem (a few weeks ago it seemed so). In the past I always used the Wii U as a back-up device.
Or when I simply want to leave my PC off since it uses much more energy than my Switch. It would be so comfortable to just control Netflix with the Controller!
These are just a few examples, but I bet there are many more scenarios where Netflix on Switch could be useful despite the fact that one theoretically has other devices that can access Netflix too.
And really, what makes you think that "you have other devices, just use those" could ever be a valid argument in the year 2018? This is not the stone age, after all. The Switch is just a darn tablet, so Nintendo shouldn't lock away its standard features.
@bolt05 That's a total edge case you mentioned there. The Switch is mostly aimed at young adults and besides, it's not Nintendo's fault if some parents are unable to see the difference between playing games and watching Netflix. Those parents could just adjust the settings or better yet, don't limit their childrens playtime (why would you do that? Video games are highly beneficial for cognitive development)!
no need to call us sorry netflix fans
Personally I don't care. I have Netflix. I have a Switch. I enjoy both, but I don't really need another device to watch Netflix on.
Come on, there is no reason not to support this! They have Netflix on EVERYTHING else. Why not Switch? Don't give me the "OS would take a hit" crap. What hit? Set the app to not be on when not in use, how would that affect performance? Netflix doesn't need to be online at all times.
I don’t care about Netflix. Boring. I want Crunchyroll! I have it on other devices, but I would totally use it on the Switch too if I could.
@ICISAZEL Nice icon
The switch hasn’t left its dock since I bought it launch day so therefore the fact that I can view Netflix via my smart tv is just fine for me.
Also i read elsewhere that that Netflix rep may not know what he/she is talking about. There is no reason in the world why the Netflix app wouldn’t come to the Switch- that would make no sense especially for you portable fans!!
I'm not too fussed about Netflix(I want an internet browser and YT more), however, it would be great for those who want it. Odd decision on Netflix's part to omit the Switch. If they put their app on 3DS and Wii U, why not on Switch?
we know you mentioned Adam Sandler so that it hurts less not having Netflix. Thanks!
Missed opportunity. It should have been a day one app.
@jswhitfield8 “Why do you need Netflix on a gadget that has a built-in kickstand for tabletop mode and you’re supposed to take it anywhere, so you can share the fun with your friends?”
I wonder.
@Baker1000 No screenshot but it said this: Hey there! There are currently no plans for Netflix on Nintendo Switch. We appreciate your feedback on it! *JF— Netflix CS (@Netflixhelps) January 14, 2018
Glad they changed it, I actually spent my morning/early afternoon looking into alternatives for a Switch or Wii U in the future for video viewing/browsing/content consumption after reading this. I'm no longer just sitting and hoping for the Switch anymore.
This article sounds so be all end all. I’m sure Netflix is coming, they’re just taking their time and working out the business end of things. They won’t let Hulu have all the glory forever. Haha
Edit: I also think for stuff like Hulu and Netflix to be more enjoyable on the Switch would be the option of downloading movies and shows to watch later, which would be a big SD card necessity. Not every place is suitable for portable streaming. Many of us would rather use it to play games on our lunch break at work, than watch a show or part of a movie. Netflix also ran and still runs terribly on 3DS and was barely used. I never use my phone for it because of data, battery life and the small screen. When Netflix comes to Switch, I doubt I’ll often use it unless I’m at home with the console docked.
So there is hope... As I wrote in other article, I just hope that if it comes to Switch they make it an optional app to download like Hulu. Give everyone the choice of having the app if they want, since the Switch's inner storage isn't big and Netflix won't be a priority for everyone.
I don't need or want Netflix, or any of the other big media subscription services on the Switch, my phone and tablet serves me just fine in that regard.
I'd love to have YouTube available though, watching gaming news and gameplay videos directly on the Switch seems like a good idea and would be something I'd definitely make use of.
Expected an edit stating as much. Never trust customer service kids, these are some of the last people that will actually know what plans for the business are moving forward.
@Badekar I dunno, I have 2 different docks in my house for different TVs, and I already have Hulu. And despite having other devices that can use the services, there really isn't anything quite as convenient or unique as watching a show or movie in one room, someone needing that tv, grabbing the Switch, watching in portable as I move to the other room with the dock, dropping it in and continuing to watch that show. I know chromecasts are kinda similar, but I find connecting and disconnecting from one to another isn't nearly as seamless as the experience that Nintendo now gives us.
LOL, I wouldn't take tweets as official statements anyway.
I don't understand why people here are against the Switch having Netflix, saying just use your phone or tablet instead. If I go to my in-laws then I don't take my Switch, I just take my 3DS or phone because i can play games and watch Netflix on them. If I could do that on the Switch then id be able to take it (Which I'd rather do).
Encouraging people to go with another system instead seems anti-Switch to me.
If you dun care if switch has Netflix , you
That's disappointing Netflix, maybe I just quit my account and "explore" something else.
I posted something on here earlier and stated that they would eventually come on the Switch. I also stated that I guess since the screen only does 720o that all Netflix videos in portable mode would be that. So, also, in docked mode would it stream in 1080p? Questions, questions.
@Averagewriter the Wii U did not have a blu ray drive, dude.
I don't care that the Switch has Netflix or not, but who am I going to dismiss others that want it. Some crazy Nintendo Fanboy logic in here.
Wow there's a lot of rubbish written in these comments with people literally inventing very specific scenarios where this has a genuine purpose. Nobody here or anywhere else has a genuine need for this to happen, we all have many ways to watch Netflix either on a TV or on the move already if we feel the need. Let's see, I have a PS4, PS3, Wii U, Youview, my actual TV, a laptop and a mobile phone oh and the gear VR for said mobile, so at what point would I even have to contemplate using my Switch?
Everyone here will likely have as many options or at least one TV and one mobile option, (Switch isn't even a good mobile option as it lacks its own internet connectivity and has a poor battery life) so why all the fuss?
If it comes good for those that will use it but in the mean time let's stop pretending it's going to make any real difference to anyone
The Switch doesn't need it, but the Switch not having it makes it look like the odd man out in this day and age since virtually everything else with a, or connecting to, a screen has access to it, it seems. If Netflix does arrive, I doubt I'll use it all that often. Hulu comes in handy as something to have playing while doing chores around the house or during travel with my phone's hotspot, but it's not something I consider adding value to the system. I can take it or leave it.
Not really a concern, Twitch support however is what I really need!
@electrolite77 just the way things work. They have to reprogram the OS to support it, things like that. You know they do stuff to make sure things work smoothly and are compatible, right? Sometimes they call it making things stable 😁
The one thing I like about this demand for Netflix etc is that at least people shut up about the "need" for a CD or DVD or Blu-ray. At least now it's just apps. Spotify could be useful btw only if you can play music while playing games , that could be fun and at least game related, otherwise it's again a useless app.
@jswhitfield8 Yeah, mentioning two situations where even turning a switch on would be unlikely will really prove your point. Because everyone only plays their systems in places without internet connection, totally.
I much rather have Plex or Kodi.
Netflix is burning their money away anyway. Just go watch on another device before Disney and other conglomerates kill them off.
@Arehexes Sadly Kodi is all, but dead at this rate. Most builds ar being discontinued.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Firmware updates are a thing.
Netflix have walked back on the comment posted on twitter and stated "Correction: We are still exploring the opportunity with Nintendo, but don't have definitive plans to share at this time. The incorrect original tweet has been removed."
So there you have it folks, just because it's on twitter doesn't make it true. Now whether you believe Netflix should be on the Switch or not, is your own personal opinion, I personally don't care either way.
netflix is useless for 11 out of 12 months of the year for me i rather have amazon prime video then netflix originals are good but outside of them the library hasnt really changed and you can pay for one month binge watch all the new seasons and cancel use hulu for live tv so that made me extremely happy
If they want Hulu to dominate the platform with its growing content offerings, including live TV on the go, then go ahead. It's Netflix's loss.
to be honest, everything i own has Netflix, i don't own a TV but my tablet, phone and laptop all have it, i don't see the benefit on having it on the Switch, especially considering i'd prefer to play while having something on in the background on Netflix, so i probably wouldn't use it to watch Netflix.
People are quick to blame Netflix, but i would look more at the fact that not many apps even exist. Netflix has apps on everything and to not put one of the Switch speaks more volumes about Nintendo then anything else. Perhaps there is some insane new coding limitation or stringent rules that Nintendo is known for having. We know it's online infrastructure is garbage and they intentionally limit patches and put other baseless limitations in place trying to protect the flimsy network. This might change, but until the online service is launched and they get a decent version of the eShop or OS features that ever other Nintendo console launched with or did insanely better. The OS has no real apps to speak of, even the Hulu app is garbage. I don't have experience on other platforms, so I cannot speak about an issue with all of the apps or merely a Switch limitation. If the Netflix app would be that bad why bother. The Wii Netflix app had better browsing way back when. I'm pretty sure Netflix and others have applied with apps and been denied by Nintendo's ignorant policies most likely to protect their joke of a network infrastructure.
We know now, how much the denial of help from the Cyanogen mod maker hurt them, but they need to get off their ass and hire new blood already or do anything else besides let the team that has been behind their past network infrastructure take a year and avhalf just to launch an online service that won't even have built in chat. Their inexperience is an issue and continues to drive issues, by leaving the OS in a stable and clean, but feature complete beta state. They need to stop being afraid of outside help, just because they got rejected once. Take the invitation from discord and make it the built in chat app. Even the original Xbox had voice chat and the Switch is lagues ahead of it, so their is no excuse for the OS to be in such a state of garbage over a year after launch and have no chat (even the DS had chat for a handful of games).
@Dazza Netflix deleted the original Tweet and replied with "Correction: We are still exploring the opportunity with Nintendo, but don't have definitive plans to share at this time. The incorrect original tweet has been removed."
what about twitch.
its definetly more important for the nintendo switch, to promote the platform, free publicity!!!!!
the games may people reconsider to buy this console.
i dont understand why nintendo is so sceptical about it.
Well, i mean, i dont care if netflix came to switch. I would care more if it was Youtube or Twitch though. Also, if netflix DID come to switch, how the heck would we watch it on cars and trains??? There is no wifi! Sure, some cars and trains SOMETIMES have wifi, but when they dont, krrt, you get no netflix/youtube/twitch. Maybe they will start selling data plans for the switch...
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