Nintendo has just revealed that it will be broadcasting a Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Nintendo Direct on November 7th.
The broadcast takes place at 6am Pacific / 9am Eastern / 2pm UK / 13pm CET.
Well be hosting our own live-chat on the day, as usual. Will you be tuning in? What do you hope to see revealed?
Comments 127
Good, I can't wait to pick this up!
Man, they have been seriously advertising this game.
Switch bundle for Japan?
I'm really excited to get into the Xendoblade world for the first time!
Going to buy it for my birthday and I want play the game without knowing a lot about the game, so I'll probably skip the direct.
It looks good though, not as good as the first one but still. Can't wait for it. If it's at least as good as Xenoblade X, I'm happy.
I wonder if they can top the "I'm his Landlord" joke... doubt it
Pumped for this game but I hope this direct is more interesting than the last Xenoblade bit
The first ten minutes of the direct will just be a basic overview and tutorial of the game, like if we never played a game before. Jokes aside, hope for something new
@BensonUii erm the 7th of November is Tuesday. Just shows the greatness of NoA, they don't even know their days.
Japan exclusive game confirmed
What time for West Indonesia Zone ?
Can't wait for this game, but sadly it will have to wait until the Christmas break.
I should be more excited for this game but I have way too much to play at the moment and I haven’t technically finished Xenoblade on Wii yet (I have to grind up a couple levels before taking on the final boss, and it’s torture). I will pick it up, to be sure, but I won’t get around to playing it for months, probably.
Is this a game that you have to play the first one to appreciate, or could you dive right into 2?
I've held off on Odyssey to play this.
Can. Not. Wait!
Not planning on buying this at all, but I'll watch and see if it can change my mind.
Me as well my friend.
Also is it just me or has there been a real push for this? I have seen commercials quite a bit. I really hope this is a great game, as much as I loved BOTW and am loving Odyssey, I jumped on board the Switch train to get RPG goodness on the go.
I would be interested in this game, but from what I have heard the combat system in this seems really complicated compared to the first game/ That alone worries me enough to take a wait and see approach.
Great. Terrible voice acting will abound.
Want to see it, afraid they'll announce season pass, DLC, microstransactions, and anything else they can think of to make me not want to get this game day 1.
I know the first 2 games were very good about that, but who foresaw a $20 season pass coming for Zelda BotW? Game was 2 years late as it was, they needed more time to add more stuff? I'm already not getting Ni No Kuni 2 when ti releases b/c they've already announced 2 DLC packs for later in the year. I'll just wait. Like I'm still waiting on Mario + Rabbids.
I am glad to see Nitneod promoting this, assumed they would after Mario released, it's the next 1st party Switch game, I'm just apprehensive. The modern age of gaming is a scourge. If they add in amiibo support for Shulk were we get to use the Monada that would be cool. I don't have one, but whatever.
@mjodotcom They seem to have somewhat similar mechanics, but the stories are almost entirely unrelated, you should have no problem starting with this one!
I feel like I already know enough and don't wanna have this spoiled any further but I also know that I'll definitely watch the Direct no matter my feelings right now.
Increasingly curious about this game. I tried X the other week and it was quite impressive, with expansive areas, general setting and command-based yet very action-y battle system. Now I have my eyes set on 3D, and that My Nintendo discount may well aid me in getting it sooner. The more I see of this series, the more it reminds me of Final Fantasy XIII, and that's a big compliment in my book.
So the two mainline games will be accessible on 3DS and Switch. X... at least it's more standalone, although the aforesaid experience was also my first-hand introduction to Wii U and... you know, I MIGHT set my eyes on it as the next console hardware purchase after all. It's smaller than I've ever imagined (in fact, the main unit makes the AC adapter look gargantuan in comparison) and the GamePad - predictably disproving all the "Fisher Price" fan complaints it must have earned for daring to be less than an inch thick in the 2010s - does work well with not all but apparent many titles in Off-TV Play. Maybe I could at least play it before sleep now and then? Unless Nintendo ports X and other stuff like TMS (or Wii titles like The Last Story) earlier. XD
I knew there would be a Direct and I am hyped for it! Nintendo always does a November direct worldwide and has done since 2012. Usually they only do 1 though in November for everyone. And with December not as frequent this is probably our last Direct of the year.
Enjoy the show folks! Hopefully it is a corker of a Direct! (Please make Amiibo or at least use them...)
With the updates that have been shown through screenshots of faces and textures being highly upgraded from earlier builds of the game, I'm pretty stoked for this. I wanna see what the overall game progression is compared too the past 2 games in the series.
When it rains it pours. Too many great games to play too little time available :/
Already have 5 games in the Switch's backlog, unfortunately Xenoblade 2 will have to wait until I can clear BOTW + DLC, SMO and Mario+Rabbids.
How ironic that the single game that hyped me the most from the Nintendo Switch Presentation will have to wait his turn? Not fair.
@rjejr I don't get what's wrong with Season Passes and DLC when the developers use them in a good way.
XC & XCX was so great despite of some overgrinding, can't wait to play this new episode of Xeno.
I'm working the polls that day at that time. I hope I might have the free time between people to watch it.
So it's 9AM Eastern 11/7?
I have absolutely zero interest in this series. Was hoping for a more diverse Direct this month.
This may be a dumb question but has Nintendo announced that it's specific to Xenoblade or a "direct" in general?
It’s Xenoblade focused.
What a bummer, I don’t know if I will be able to watch it here with you guys since that day is the university’s career fair and I already have three interviews in the morning.
@Yorumi I agree. And not only that, but the main male leads all look super stupid in my opinion as far as design goes. I mean, the main character is a 12 year old in the tin man suit from Wizard of Oz. Seriously? I loved Xenoblade Chronicles and XCX but for some reason, this one looks needlessly more complicated and not nearly as visually impressive. Still keeping my eye on it, but I'm not convinced at all yet.
Yay! More info is good although I already have the game preordered.
@Saego Too many games to play, I just want to play once and move on. And pay once and be done. FFXV has been taking up 72GB of my 500GB HDD since last November, but I can't delete it until ep Ignis comes out. But I really don't even want to play it anymore, but I paid for it, so I kind of feel obligated to. I paid $20 for the Zelda DLC just b/c I wanted that green line on the map, which was already in the game, just invisible. Horizon: Zero Dawn has DCL next Tuesday, that's fine, they announced it weeks after the game released, and I've waited. I paid $20 for the Hyrule Warriors pass but stopped playing that halfway through. Great game, I just didn't feel I needed to keep playing it for a year. JRPG are already long enough, I was around 150 hours on the first two XC games, they shouldn't' really need paid DLC. And I don't want to pay to get better gear either. Nintnedo can make it's extra money locking stuff behind amiibo like they've been doing the past 2 years. I spent $13 each on Cloud and Bayonetta amiibo, but I still can't play as them in SSB4, have to pay even more to unlock them, that's too much.
@Luna_110 Thank you for the clarification! Honestly, I would be more excited if it was a "general direct" versus one dedicated to a single game, especially Xenoblade.
I bought XC 3D for the 3DS because of the great stuff I heard about the game. Unfortunately I never finished it because I lost interest. I would say I was about 65-75% done.
@rjejr Well DLC and free content updates can allow you to skip other games, for example I could have skipped all Switch games after FE Warriors until around June if I wanted to thanks to just how much content Splatoon 2 and FE Warriors has (base game + extra content). I didn't but I could have.
Will pick this up for Christmas
What is interesting about this Direct being on Tuesday 11/7/17 is a few things:
The Xbox X comes out this day; Super Lucky Tales come this day & MOST IMPORTANTLY:
This is the last day of Miiverse!!!! T__T Yea. T__T
Not everyone cares but I would love it if they announce an option for dual audio. cross fingers
I don't care much about seeing the Direct, so long as it's not to announce a delay in the launch!!
They made this game sound boring as hell in the last direct EVEN THOUGH the game itself looks amazing and fun. I think describing it like they did last time is more of a slog to listen thru than it is to play thru. The designs for all the blade characters is actually what's sold me on the game. They all look so varied and beautiful.
@Grumblevolcano I've been monogamous to my wife for 20 years, when it comes to videogames I wanna play around. Playing Mario now, wanna finish it in time for XC2. Then finish that for something else. Probably something ultra-violent and depressing on PS4. We really don't have a lot of Switch game dates after XC2 do we, besides "2018"? And bet against Pikmin in 2017.
Composes self
I was really hoping for a direct that would cover more stuff. Maybe a touch of Skyrim? I know it's a super old game now but I've never played it through, only mucked around on my fiance's game. Some Xenoblade would have been fine, though it's not a priority for me. But most of all, I really wanted a release date for the Zelda DLC. I will keep banging on about it until it arrives, but we all waited a very, very, VERY long time for Breath of the Wild. My patience for waiting is wearing uber thin and it would be nice to actually get some solid details on something that is supposed to be out in less than two months. But y'know, lets have a direct just for the game that had the most long winded segment in the last direct.
I'm aware this is all super entitled of me but I am getting frustrated
Xenoblade is my absolute favorite JRPG series. Games are always 100% quality.
I don't even need to see anything. I know this game will be fantastic based on the pedigree of the Xeno series alone. They always are.
This game looks much improved over XCX. Much more streamlined, no more panning on screen menus to perform arts. Love the added strategy of attack or move, but never both.
Whew, good, a Direct I won't cringe at.
@Yorumi Ludicrously sexualized? Give me a break. You make it sound like Xenoblade is a porn video game.
Why are the vast majority of these scheduled when I'm at work?
@AlternateButtons got ya, thanks. I actually own (but am yet to play) XB3D for my 3DS but it’s hard to dust that console off with the switch around
Very nice. Won't miss it. I canceled my collectors edition preorder, but will buy normal version day for sure.
More !?!? WHY.
Lets just see a complete gameplay now ? STOP IT
The real question is... Will the Direct have more of... THIS!?
Will NoA go crazy with censorship again? Will people across the world have to rush to their favorite forums to debate, cry, or chastise? Or will there be peace and balance brought back to the force? Will they sway, or will they stay?
@CorvoRevo You know how Nintendo is with spoilers... Oh, except for Sun and Moon.
Haven't there been multiple parts of directs including that one direct where they spent like 10 minutes on the game, is there really anything else they think they have to show us before launch lol.
I don't think 'Switch's biggest JRPG yet' is a worthy title for a console that has barely finished it's first year.
I really can't get behind how some of these characters look. Just so generic and sexualized.
Which is a shame in my case, since the world actually looks pretty and I actually like a couple of them.
Eh I'll pass. Not interested in this one
Please give us costumes/armor sets to correct and cover these awful character designs.
Watch as the game is shown to be heavily censored/altered.
I want to go into this game as fresh as possible so maybe I'll just watch a little bit of this. Regardless, it's great that they're dedicating a Direct to this game.
@Yorumi Nooooooo don't do it! You must join #TeamSway!
@rjejr no one is forcing you to buy the DLC dude, it's for those of us who want more game content to bring us back into it. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you should wish it doesn't exist, as long as there are people happy about it.
I wish they'd give us DLC for Odyssey...
@-Green- @SlimeKnight
Saying that, I'm sick of these Directs focusing entirely on a single game. I don't want such a huge amount of info on one game, I'm already getting Xenoblade 2, I'm a huge fan of the series, I'd rather they just do a normal direct with a little info on all their upcoming games and services. Do we even know what's coming in the first couple months of 2018? Since the year is almost over, can we hear more about the Nintendo Online service? Can we hear about Virtual Console finally? Streaming services? There's a lot they could cover if it was a regular direct!
@Yasaal it has a few JRPGs so far though, so I guess this means it's larger than Disgaea 5?
@PlywoodStick 😂. Dude, you're like my favorite poster on this site.
@ShadJV Yeah. But being proud of winning against Disgaea isn't something to be really proud of.
No way. I want to be surprised.
And what's with calling it "Switch's biggest JRPG yet"? More like Switch's biggest game yet!
@Yasaal and why not? That's a pretty meaty game, if it's truly "bigger" (and that's all we're talking about, the size) than Disgaea 5 that's not a bad thing, unless you want it to be a small game. Which after the first two Xenoblades, would be disappointing.
@Yorumi I don't know. The ridiculous amounts of fan service have turned me off enough to cancel my preorder. If there's a consensus in reviews when it releases that the story and characters are excellent and well-written in spite of that, then I'll reconsider purchasing it.
@ShadJV I'm not saying it should be a small game. I'm just saying that the title of 'Best JRPG yet' doesn't fit as the Switch didn't even last a year and it's only competition was Disgaea. That's all XD
@Yasaal but where did this ever say it was the best? It says it's the biggest.
@ShadJV "Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you should wish it doesn't exist,"
So, by that logic, you want me to wish for things that I don't like to exist?
By that logic, I'm going to ask you to wish for no DLC for me, even though you do want it, since you seem to think it's ok for me to wish for DLC for you b/c you want it even though I don't.
@rjejr you misunderstand. The existence of the DLC doesn't take anything away from you, as you could choose to not get it and the outcome is the same for you, you get the same content. But if they didn't release DLC to appease people who didn't want to buy DLC, now those that wanted more content don't get it, the outcome is different to them. It won't hurt you if they have DLC, you can just ignore it and still have a full game, Nintendo has yet to release a game that's incomplete without the DLC, it's thus far been additional content unrelated to the main game's story and content.
@rjejr I never said you should wish for DLC to exist. You could easily not wish either way, there's not only two options there.
@ShadJV "now those that wanted more content don't get it, the outcome is different to them."
I'm pretty sure you have it backwards.
If there is NO DLC, then the people who do want it, well it doesn't matter to them, there was never any DLC to get or not get, the game is the same for everyone.
If there IS DLC, well the people who wanted it get to play it, if they pay for it, but the people who don't want it don't get the complete game, so they know they are missing out.
If the DLC never comes out then you can't be missing anything that doesn't exist, your life is the same whether you wanted it or not, b/c you can't really miss something that doesn't exist, and peopel that did or did nto want it have the same game, the same life.
If it does come out, then people who didn't want it DO miss out, it does actually matter to them and does make a difference, their life will be different than people who wanted it and got it, they will have played a different game.
So you can keep wishing for it if you want, I wish you the best of luck, but I'm going to keep wishing for it not to happen.
YAY! I can't wait to learn more about the game.
I honestly can't remember the last time I was this excited about an upcoming video game.
@ShadJV Biggest***
Biggest could also mean best but yeah.
I meant Biggest.
@rjejr that's a crazy argument, you may as well say "in a parallel universe there was DLC but we never got it so we didn't play the complete game." No, the game MINUS the DLC is the complete game, at least when it's not stuff like day 1 DLC - if its released months later, the company created it separately from the game itself, it's like a small extra game on the same engine, it's not part of the main game and only people that want to complain about DLC argue otherwise. Whatever we get in Xenoblade 2 at launch IS the complete game, you never have to pay a cent for extra content outside of the full package and you'll have had a full experience. DLC is NOT created for everyone, it's for the people who liked the game so much they want to come back for more, if you go to a restaurant and order a meal and afterwards decide you want dessert, it's not a valid argument to say, "Well, I don't want to pay for a dessert so you aren't allowed to order a dessert, even if you're the one paying for it." Nor is it a fair argument to say, "Since I don't want to pay for desserts, I don't think restaurants should offer desserts." If other people playing content that you didn't choose to get bothers you, you need to learn to relax a bit, demonizing DLC is a bit extreme of a reaction to people playing stuff that you don't wanna pay for.
Would they like to hold a Direct telling people what's coming out after XC2 and in the New Year?
Not watching as i've already pre-ordered the collectors edition for £50. Loved both XC and XCX, in fact XC would easily be in my top games list.
@ShadJV Let me weirdly describe how I feel about payed add-ons:
In reality, DLC isn't like ordering dessert, nowadays you order a hamburger and they leave out the pickles and cheddar cheese, it still tastes good but they could've included it. You can't really argue that it's incomplete or that they left it out on purpose. But they are money driven for a fact, perhaps that's why the hamburger wasn't as wholly as it could be. Also instead of upgrading my hamburger I prefer them making me another (sequel) Free extra cheddar cheese that is something I can really appreciate.
My Switch is waiting for my pre ordered US collectors edition. But I think UK collectors edition cover is better.
Cool, glad they're giving this the special focus. The series deserves higher sales.
@ShadJV I believe biggest in this context means the best/most significant. Also, Disgaea 5 isn't a JRPG.
This is on the other side of the world of my interests
@-Green- 👍 So does this mean you're willing to defect to #TeamSway !?
But yes, I do prefer the classy look myself. Alys Brangwin from Phantasy Star 4 is a good example of this-
Beautiful and competent, and geared for her job, nothing flashy, but still marries form with function. Takes no crap, except perhaps occasionally from her closest friends, and is an excellent mentor and mother figure.
@JHDK Same, I hope the story doesn’t feel incomplete because it’s the first game in the series that I will play.
@BensonUii yeah the skells were awesome as was XCX overall. Slightly lucky in that I was going to pre-order from Very for £69.99 but earlier that day got an e-mail saying come back to us and have £20 off anything over £50.
Wonder if this game is going to fit all on one cart, or if you will be forced to download a big part of the game on to a micro sd card like alot of games are doing now adays on the Switch.
@mowerdude It's a Nintendo game.
JRPG is my favorite genre, cant wait!!!!!
Ps: I like to game hop. You know, play a bit of one game then change to an other game for a while. Here is what I played so far today: splatoon 2, Mario odyssey, arms, Mario cart 8, Zelda botw. I can’t put into words how good the switch has turned out to be. It is far and away my favorite console of all time and it has not even been out a year. I said games would make or break the system; I just can’t believe how amazing the game line up is already.
@Yorumi I don't mind the sexualization myself, although I do prefer the classy look. Showing the shoulders separated by covering starting from right above where the cleavage begins, along with full pants/leggings also counts towards this.
Granted, instead of spending effort on making Dead or Alive level physics, it would have been better spent on improving character design, as well as camera angle shots for the cutscenes and showcases. Just improving the art overall. Or hell, better physics! But no, DoA physics.
Oh well. I'm going #TeamSway all in.
@rjejr You'll never win over the people who align themselves on the opposite side of that argument, they just don't get it. It's okay to be old-fashioned, and personally I agree with your take. The Witcher 3 is still one of the only fairly recent excellent examples of how to do DLC right, and the closest thing Nintendo had was how DLC was handled in MK8... Which is now standard issue content in MK8 Deluxe as part and parcel of the whole product, no extra cost, imagine that. Makes you wonder if Nintendo couldn't have just updated MK8 for free. (They should have.)
I'm really confident in Xenoblade 2, i was somewhat disappointed with X on Wii U, but it seems like they won't repeat the mistakes they made there.
@NinNin Don't you remember the 10GB Data Packs that you had to download on the Wii u for Xenoblade Chronicles X for the disc version?
Won’t watch it. This is the downside to directs focusing on one game alone, everything gets shown beforehand. I want this experience as spoiler-free as possible.
@Yorumi Well, you'll have to blame Tetsuya Nomura for this one, then... Yes, THAT one, you know, the one who designed outfits like Shiki's persona in The World Ends With You? Yes, he's the character designer for Xenoblade 2. TWEWY turned out great even with Shiki's persona being a bit overly sexualized, so you never know. Appearances can be deceiving.
Um.... Excuse me.
Sorry to bothering you, but it's about your argument about DLC.
Well, DLC is like a Chili sauce of HotDog that you can add on or not, depend on your taste. The restaurant owner provide the Chili sauce for whoever like to taste HotDog with Chili sauce. If you don't like Chili sauce, just don't take it. Let other people use it. Don't forbid them to not use the Chili sauce or complain to Restaurant owner to not provide Chili sauce.
Since you don't really like DLC, just let the other people buy the DLC. Nintendo didn't force you to buy DLC. Other peoples may have interest. I'm also have interest with DLC, but depend on what kind of DLC. You can continue your games without DLC and have fun with them. Okay ?
In XCX, their eyes looked so Creeepy....
Realistic body style + Big Anime Eyes = Epic Fail.
Sadly, many Female characters from lattest JRPG games are emphasizing on Sexy Naughty looking, Moe looking, unlike some older JRPG games. Sometimes that i still don't understand, why the character designer exploits Sexy girls too much all the time ? Just because the Main consumer of Video games are Adult males, it doesn't mean Girls are exploited too much in Dirty way. Just look at some Girls on JRPG covers are showing her Sexy butts, Big boobs, Sensual body language, Lesbian poses, Eww.... i mean, Come On ! That Exploitation are too much and too far away.
I would rather want to see a lot of Handsome Muscular guys with Six pack, Hard pecs, Gorgeous looking outfits than any Sensual Girls. If Girls can be exploited so much, Boys also have to be exploited too. It will be Equal and Fair. What do you think ?
@Anti-Matter Yes, I prefer classy clothing and character design over exploited ones... But if they're going to be exploited, then yes, equal opportunity is key.
Hmhmhm.... Yes... YES! Let both guys and gals let it all hang out~!
@Anti-Matter Well I really don't like chili sauce but I can work with a food metaphor.
Do they have McDonald's near you? McD's famous burger is the Big Mac, it contains - 2 all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles on a sesame seed bun. Like the jingle says.
So say you go to McDs and order a Big Mac b/c you've heard so much about it. But you are told yours doesn't come w/ special sauce. A Big Mac is $5, "Special sauce" is $1 extra. But you sing them the jingle and tell them a Big Mac is all about the special sauce, that's what yo've been told your whoel life. And they tell you, yes, the special sauce is what makes a Big Mac special, you should spend the extra $1 and buy the specail sauce to make your Big MAc a Big MAc.
Not what would you prefer - a world where all Big Mac are $5, or a world where all Big Mac are $5 but in some parts of the world you have to spend $1 more for the special sauce on it, making the compelte Big MAc $6?
I prefer games to not have DLC b/c I prefer that the companies finish the game and sell all of it to me for 1 price. By wanting DL C you are hoping that companies sell you part of a game for full price, then sell you bits and pieces of it later for more and more money.
Why would anybody want to pay more money for more pieces when you can simply want the whole game for 1 price? Lots and lots games throughout history have released with out DLC. Somehow for all those years companies managed to put out a complete game for 1 price. And then if they had more ideas they put out a sequel or new game.
So yes, I do wish a company would FINISH it's game before selling it to me for $60. I can wait. Really, I can. The top games I ever played in my life didn't have DLC and were just fine the way they were. Zelda BotW would have been just fine w/o DLC as well, hard mode and the Hero's Path green line should have been in the game to begin with.
If you want more, that's up to you, but I don't.
@Anti-Matter COUGH
How about if the battle moves resembled dance moves, and everyone could have their own style? Like one of the guys could be like a matador, etc.
Hm.... Matador...
These are Big Macs on my country Indonesia.
@PlywoodStick And I'm just going to agree w/ your lets go topless comment. I didn't read it, but topless caught my eye, that's good enough for me.
And I didn't even think of MK8D. That's such an easy example too. What would you rather buy, $60 MK8 and a $12 DLC package or just $60 MK8Complete? Complete, Deluxe, same thing. And yeah, we were ripped off paying both $60 for the game, $12 for the DLC, and no update to arena multiplayer. But I try to leave those arguments for SLIG, I'm trying to move on. And Nintendo is trying to sell Switch. Life isn't fair, it was never meant to be fair. Fair doesn't get you anywhere, evolution is about struggle to survive. Life is Rollerball.
@Anti-Matter Yep, those are the ones. Nice quick work with the pic too.
Just don't pay extra for the special sauce, it's supposed to be included.
@rjejr Woah, I didn't know the USA was going to change the national pasttime from football to rollerball next year! Now everything that's been happening over the past year is starting to make sense... TOO MUCH sense...
@PlywoodStick Yeah, forget Red states and Blue states, from now on it's Stoner States and Rollerball States. Well until all the Rollerball states get annexed by Russia, then they'll just be Stoner States and Soviet States.
(That might almost slightly make more sense if your'e watching Mr. Robot.)
@ShadJV "No, the game MINUS the DLC is the complete game"
Well, if the game MINUS the DLC is the complete game, then why do so many companies call their game PLUS the DLC the Complete game? It's the companies game, shouldn't it be up to the company to tell us when their game is compelte or it isnt'? Are you willing to go into all of these devs offices and tell them they are wrong, they made THEIR game wrong, the game plus DLC isn't a complete game, they are doing it wrong? It's their game, I think they get to say when it's complete or not, not you.
As you say "the company created it separately from the game itself". If they created it, don't they get to say when it's complete or not, w/ or without the DLC?
Sure there are examples when the DLC isn't part of the main game. Uncharted Lost Legacy is U4 DLC but they sold it as a separate game, b/c they realized U4 was a complete game. The Last of Us Left Behind was sold as a separate game. inFamous 2nd Son First Light was sold as a separate game. You can buy them together, but it isn't one complete game, it's a bundle of a game and DLC.!/en-gb/games/infamous-second-son-infamous-first-light/cid=EP9000-CUSA00004_00-INFAMOUSSSFLBNDL
Same goes for Pigsys Perfect 10, a side story DLC for Enslaved. you can buy them together online in a Premium bundle, but they never released a complete game.
And as you yourself said - "at least when it's not stuff like day 1 DLC"
We all know companies lock stuff behind a paywall. Stuff that's already on the disc even, you pay to unlock a download key. I dont' see how the game is complete without out. And what about a game like Spaltoon (Wii U version, I'm nto up to date on Splatoon 2 on Switch). Compare Sapltoon at launch and Spaltoon a year later. They are hardly even the same game. I bought Spaltoon day 1 and a lot was missing. If you never updated that game you missed out on a lot, maybe 2/3 of the game. Sure it was free, but are you going to argue Day 1 Sapltoon is the complete game, the rest doesn't matter?
What about episodic games? Are all of those part 1 games, like the ones Telltale sells, the complete game? Of course not, they're sold as part of a game. Well in my head it's a small step from one to the other. It's not a parallel universe, it's the same thing. When a game is done, then it's complete. Everything else is "alpha" or "beta" or 1.0. When it's done, then it's complete.
And there isn't a single game these days sold day 1 thats' complete. It just doesn't happen. Even SMO has had updates. And it will almost certainly have more. Did you see the AC:O update? That list is about 50 items long.
Look, I'm more than happy that companies continue to fix their games after they release, that's great. Hard to catch every bug during development. I just don't want to have to pay more to get more of the story a year after I finished playing the game. If it takes a year more to finish the game, take a year more to release it. Otherwise, I'll wait.
And season passes that cost half to two-thirds the price of the game, that's just nuts. Sure, I don't need to buy the season pass, but then I'm paying full price for a game that isn't all there. The industry has gone nuts.
Here's a nice example of nuts. FE:W. $60 on Switch, $40 on 3DS. 3DS is probably cheaper b/c of SD rather than HD development, among other things, and that makes sense. But the season pass is 1/3 the price of the Switch version, $20, but HALF the price of the 3DS version, $20. Is the 3DS season pass content all of a sudden in HD like the Switch version? Did it take that much more effort that it needs to be half the price of the game, the same price as the Switch season pass? That doesn't make any sense. But they can get away with it b/c people these days just expect a season pass to be $20. But the nuttiness is there for anyone to see if they just look. No one will look though.
I just bought a shulk amiibo as I want to avoid the same situation as the link amiibo with BotW. @Yorumi I'm with you with not liking the character designs. I don't blame tetsuya nomura for the designs as he only designed one group of characters. Almost all the main characters are done by saito (ie pyra) which seem to be designed in a way just to be eye candy which is unnecessary
@mowerdude Those are optional. You don't have to download them. All data are on the disc.
@JimmySpades I think they kind of need to show what's coming up in 2018 before the end of this month. These holiday consumers they're targeting are also going to want to know what's coming up on the system they're buying. All we really know for next year is Yoshi and Kirby.
@OorWullie You're overestimating how representative we are of the average consumer. The average attach rate of a video game console is somewhere in the range of 5 to 6 games. That's over the life of the console, and not some shorter time span like per year. That means large numbers of people are buying one game a year, or even less frequently; and those people don't need to know 2018's release schedule before they decide to buy a Switch, only what is available now. They probably aren't even aware that Yoshi and Kirby are on the way.
I think I'll watch it. It's their last chance to impress me and convince me that it's not just a dumbed down and more generic, Tales-esque version of Xenoblade Chronicles, and instead establish itself as its own game.
Guys, chill down on all the DLC talk. There has been no indication that it will be there whatsoever. Why get your panties in a twist over something that hasn't been announced yet?
@rjejr CD Projekt Red handles DLC and expansions better than most other companies- all of the original DLC for Witcher 3 came free with the purchase of the base game. At this point, the complete/goty edition can be had for 1/2 price ($25) when it's on sale, which includes the base game with all DLC and expansions. Pretty crazy value if you ask me. However, if someone already bought the base game when it first came out, they do actually have an "expansion pass," as they call it (to differentiate it from "season pass"), which also occasionally goes on sale for 1/2 off. By contrast, Nintendo very rarely runs sales on their DLC. The last really interesting DLC promotion I can remember was back in 2013- buy both FE Awakening and Shin Megami Tensei IV within first month of release, get $30 worth of eShop credits to spend on DLC between the two games.
Horizon needed the "complete edition" rerelease after being overshadowed by BotW earlier this year- bad move by Sony for tossing Guerilla to the wolves like that. However, it's not really a complete edition, because the Frozen Wilds expansion is on the way, and it will cost $20 normally or $15 for PS Plus members. So the real complete edition for Horizon is still a ways off.
Splatoon was handled well, although patches aren't normally charged for anyways. That's the key difference in many cases- "DLC" is usually the (marketing) term for updates that the customer assumes the cost of, whereas "patch" is the (real) term for updates the developer or publisher assumes the cost of.
@PlywoodStick "DLC"
I do find most of my DLC discussions, both internal and external, tend to veer off course b/c DLC can cover almost anything that is downloaded for a game, from a $50 season pass (SW:B) to a 50c avatar. Technically even a free update is DLC - FFXV for all of ti's season pass oddness also had a bunch of free DLC over the past year. So yes, DLC can even be free.
Weird skins aside, what throws me th emost these days abotu DCL though is stuff that really isn't DLC but is a patch or update. Seem sliek nothing releases done anymore, and that annoys me as much as anything. I'm pretty sure once I've put 40 hours into Mario they'll release something I'll wish I had had since day 1. Maybe the green line Hero's Path that Zelda had. My kids want it, though I think the maps are too small to need it myself, but you get the idea. So I really don't like getting anything Day 1 anymore for a lot of reasons. Yesterday I bought Uncharted: Lost Legacy, Rise of the Tomb Raider 20th Anniversary and Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5. I think those are all done now and safe to play. Though I suppose Uncharted could still get an update, but I've waited long enough.
Frozen Wilds hits on that day so I know I'll forget. Still It is cool they doing this. But would have been good if they also used the event to promote some of the 3rd party games coming out a few days after.
I have preordered the Limited edition Xenoblade 2 months ago
cant wait until is released
preordered the special edition. I loved chronicles on wii, I did noch like the one on wii u with the flat story and abysmal mission design at all. please: be a good one again! I beg of you!
Already pre-ordered and I'm ready for it. Thoroughly enjoyed XC on Wii and XCX on WiiU.
Side note, I also can't wait for the eventual Tales title on the Switch. I hope we ever get a sequel to Arc Rise Fantasia. I love JRPGs lol.
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