The commercial failure of the Wii U has driven Nintendo to make the Switch a success, says Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aimé.
Speaking to CNN, Fils-Aimé addressed some of the problems the Wii U faced during its short lifespan, such as poor marketing messages, an inconstant flow of games and dismal support from third parties.
The Wii U's unique feature was its GamePad controller, but many feel Nintendo didn't effectively communicate why this element was so innovative. Reggie says that getting the marketing right with Switch was paramount:
We worked hard for the Nintendo Switch to make it crystal clear what the proposition is. It's a home system that you can take on the go, play anywhere with anyone, and that's resonating.
Wii U also suffered from a lack of games, with months often passing between AAA first-party launches. Again, the NoA boss says the company has worked hard to ensure this doesn't happen with Switch:
We've addressed that with the Nintendo Switch -- having a steady pace of new launches is critical.
Finally, Fils-Aimé pointed out that Switch has received excellent games from a wide range of software partners - while admitting that the Wii U lacked this same "strong support" during its lifetime:
Whether it's the big companies like Electronic Arts, or whether it's the smaller independent developer, we need those companies to create content to support us. We have that now with Nintendo Switch.
Reggie and Nintendo have good reason to be positive about Switch, especially after the rocky patch that was the Wii U. Do you think Nintendo really has learned from past mistakes? Let us know with a comment.
Comments 187
"Failing only makes us stronger." Confirmed. Nintendo is totally some sort of anime villain XD
Lmao that picture just has me imagining Reggie in my head just going "Yes, actually it was our plan all along!"
Nintendo will never learn to not take chances & to just play it safe.
So I expect more Wii U & Virtual Boy failures in the future.
It's been a brilliant year, the best ever for Nintendo. Just a bit concerned of the run just after Christmas - with a ridiculous number of games out this month, some of these could have benefitted from taking advantage of the gaps after the New Year.
There he goes calling it a 'home' system again. LIAR!
I hate Reggie.
I hate portables.
I hate Nintendo.
I love coming to Nintendo fan sites to diss Nintendo.
@olrodlegacy I think Nintendo were looking to try and cram as much into the month as they could to create the impression the system has loads of third party support to anyone looking at picking a Switch up for the holidays.
Another reason is that the Wii U itself was perhaps not the greatest of concepts, especially in obtaining mass market appeal.
@GC-161 If that risk taking also results in more DS', Wii's and Switch's well then they can go experimentally nuts in my book.
The day Nintendo releases another bog standard console the day the company dies.
He’s right, but at the same time;
Cloud saves
All possible but still not present and we are approaching the 12 month mark. C’mon Reggie!!! Give us the whole package!!
I have a lot of respect for Reggie. NoA were clearly pushing for Doom/Skyrim/other Western games and it seems to be paying off.
Also, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is coming day-and-date with Japan. That's some pretty impressive localisation.
@Abes3 12 month? Barely at 8. Patience.
@FX102A It's the difference between Ninty and the other console makers that just release a box with more power & a new number after its name.
Nintendo couldn't just do that. Even with the almost samey DS line. They took chances with the 3D effect. Which granted, never really took off. But still, there was Nintendo again trying to fix what wasn't broken. A New 2DS XL would've been enough.
@JamesR region free helps
I said “approaching”. Lol. I love the switch, having Netflix would make it my 1, it’s one step below ps4 and many many steps above Xbox one. I spent more hours updating that thing than I did playing it
Of course the Wii U's failure is responsible for the Switch's success, you're porting over its catalogue of games. The 2 biggest games around launch were BOTW and MK8. And then all the rest including 3rd party and indie games.
@FragRed third parties choose there own release dates. That's not down to nintendo
"Another win for the Switch!"
He keeps harping on about EA. One game Reggie, ONE, 1. A critical and commercial flop with no commitment to any more games from them. Don't even mention Fe.
Shut up Reggie!
I loved my Wii U and will look back on it fondly but man it really was a depressing time to be a Nintendo home console gamer. Constant doom from the beginning to its end.Several months could go by with nothing new to play, even the majority of indie games were not worth playing. Some of which gave shovelware a whole new meaning.The Switch might not be much more powerful than it was but as a gaming machine and the what it offers, it's in a whole different league from Wii U. Everything about it, the user experience, the operating system, the rate that games are constantly arriving, the huge step up in quality from the indies and of course from Nintendo themselves. It makes my Wii U feel like a relic from past that I doubt I will ever have an urge to play again.
@gcunit fire Reggie then?
@GC-161 I look forward to them!
Although I loved the Wii U, I always felt it was a stopgap for Nintendo. It brought them into the HD market; it brought them into doing deals with other publishers to use Nintendo IP, and it made them develop new IP and change old ones. It was a neat little console, but obviously a practice run for the Switch. I wonder when they knew the Wii U wasn'the the future? I'mean guessing 4 weeks out from launch.
One cannot learn, if one does not make mistakes.
"The Wii U's unique feature was its GamePad controller, but many feel Nintendo didn't effectively communicate why this element was so innovative."
It wasn't innovative, it was a rubbish idea which Nintendo themselves even realised. Too big, poor battery and it required you to look away from the tv to use it. I own a Wii U but that stupid controller always put me off playing it for any length of time. Please port all the great Wii U games to Switch, I will re-buy them and play them to the end.
@NewAdvent man, when they first announced off-TV play I was so excited by the potential of taking my gaming around the house... Such a huge disappointment when I realised i couldn't even take the pad into the neighbouring room which had a hatch in the wall allowing direct line of sight with the TV (if you ducked a little). Literally 1 foot behind the sofa, but because there a wall (with a small door in it) in the way, it gave up.
That being said, I still love my Wii U. Some great games, but everyone just gave up on doing anything interesting with the second screen after a year.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Maybe so, but I've played more Mario Kart on the Switch than I ever did on the Wii U. There's just something about it that makes it a bit more competitive. Playing in tabletop with two joycons is so much fun because you're so physically close to whoever you're playing with you can feel the tension so much more and, most importantly, shove them if they start pulling ahead
'Innovative' is used too much these days, especially by Nintendo. It's kind of lost its meaning and impact. I'm sure they've used the term for Mario Odyssey. Whilst I'm sure that game is great (haven't played it), I don't see what's innovative about it? Mario 64 was innovative, first foray into 3D for Mario and at the time nailing the controls for 3D. Same with OoT, Z-targeting, still used in games today. The Wii was innovative with motion controls (whether you like them or not). I suppose you could say the Switch is innovative, with its Hybrid concept. But Mario Odyssey? Great, yes, but not innovative.
You keep going on about Zelda being a port but it is released on the same day...its not a port if its released on the same day - its like saying the xbox has no 3rd party support and just gets ports of ps4 games >_>
@Malanta It's a port and a game that was long delayed so it could launch on Switch as well.
Must have hurt your feelings terribly
@OorWullie "It makes my Wii U feel like a relic from past that I doubt I will ever have an urge to play again."
How DARE you?!
@OorWullie You call the Wii U a relic? The Joy-Con's are the worst controllers I've ever held or used. A first failure in my opinion where Nintendo are concerned. Normally they're king in that regard. Everything and I mean everything about them is garbage, from their puny size, puny buttons, terrible button placement, non ergonomic and don't even get me started on holding them sideways. Vile!
Then leave the Switch boards - no one wants you here
@gcunit Yep that was harsh but that's how it feels to me just now. Not the games, for sure not the games,just the system itself
From the Game pad to the clunky and slow OS and the Eshop being filled with some absolute stinkers ..The Switch is so far ahead of it im this department. As for the Wij U's games, it's got some absolute belters and all time classics for sure but my favourite game on it was Splatoon and I now have the sequel, then it was BOTW which I now have on.Switch.3D World I loved but I've played through it twice to 100% and I doubt I'll want to do so again. Mario Maker will likely see a Switch release too. Of course there's several more games I loved but I'm not sure I'll ever have want to go back to them as I've already got everything out of them. I never owned much VC on it either unlike my Wii. I've never been one to revisit my old systems anyway. Once I upgrade that's me.
SLIGEACH_EIRE, Wed 30th Nov 2016
"It's about time they think about what third parties want and not just themselves. Hopefully, it reflects in better ports, more of them and better sales."
I love my Wii U.
It might have been a commercial failure but not a gaming failure.
Some great gaming moments were had by my family on that failure.
I love my Switch and I'll take all the high's and lows on Nintendo's commercial rollercoaster any day.
@JunkRabbit ha ha. Someone just got busted!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE lol dude, take a chill, jaysus. The joycons are fine, even in my big hands, I don't know what you're talking about there.
Yes BotW is a port to the Switch from the wiiu. It was developed for the wiiu in mind. It was delayed and delayed to be PORTED to the Switch. Really don't know why people can't see that.
Wonder if we'll ever get an exclusive Zelda for the Switch.
Well that's pretty silly. The Switch is succeeding because you got the concept right and got the first year of big games right. You could've easily done all of that without the WiiU ever existing.
The Switch is everything I wanted the WiiU to be. As much as I loved it I always felt frustrated that the gamepad was tied to the TV. It had some great games though and even though they offend some people for some reason I hope they continue to make DX versions of its best games. Theres a big audience that missed out on them the first time, give them a chance to play them. Then people like me have the choice of double dipping if we want too. So many great games I'd happily re-buy so that I can put some proper time into now the Switch can free them from the front room. Everyone that already has them and doesn't want to re-buy them: Y O U D O N O T H A V E T O! Choices are good!
@readyletsgo I've big hands too and honestly, it's not hyperbole, they are in my opinion, trash. Ironically, I was reading impressions of Doom yesterday and if you've small hands, they're equally uncomfortable.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE hmm, that's a pity. But sure I have the pro so I'll be grand. I'll try with the joycons anyway.
EDIT: And yes, I'm buying a year old, downgraded port. Lol.
Have you really not bought a Switch yet?
I love it, such an upgrade from the WiiU which I never played, too distracting with the second screen IMHO, it actually put me off playing the system a lot. Love playing docked and traveling to and from work. Put over 100 hours into Stardew Valley, which I would never do on a home console or PC tbh.
Playing through BotW at the moment. Sinking so much time into it on the switch cause it's portable, which is a god send to me.
I am one of those guys that wants WiiU ports to the Switch sadly.
Bayonetta 1&2
Paper Mario
A collection of the Remastered Zelda's (including SS with better controls but that's not going to happen, cause, money to be made)
Darksiders 1&2 with 3 to come to the Switch when it's out.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
But that's just me.
So much hate for Reggie. I don't get it. If the Wii U concept was deeply flawed, I don't think he had much say in it. I imagine Japan stirs the ship and NOA do with what they're given. Not saying they haven't done any mistakes, but it seems quite harsh... Can anybody maybe explain me what he did that was so terrible?
@readyletsgo Ya, the Switch Pro Controller which I haven't tried out does look comfortable. I have the Wii U Pro Controller and that's great. The button layout is a bit different but it shouldn't be a problem.
@JunkRabbit Give it up. I meant games releasing at the same time. Not years later and at twice what they then currently cost on other platforms.
FIFA 18 on the Switch as an example is a port, a port that released at the same time as the other versions.
"FIFA 18 on Nintendo Switch was met with mixed reception when it launched last month, but now EA has released a new update for the port that will hopefully..."
"FIFA 18 producer Andrei Lazarescu has come forward explain why the EA's upcoming Switch port is lacking several..."
I hope the Switch gets ecchi games like the Vita does. They are fun.
As for first party games, I hope we get Nintendo's typical handheld games too, would love a new Warioware, or Girls mode with better graphics
@SLIGEACH_EIRE The joycons are fine for handheld mode. They're obviously not perfect with the grip or as separate controllers, but it's still pretty cool to get all that out of the box, and being able to take it with you as one unit. When I play docked, I usually use the pro controller.
Yeeah... riiight... For someone who is always on about "proof" if he's called out on earlier statements, which basically means that you will only accept what's written black on white as opposed to how it can be interpreted by reading between the lines, you're awfully keen on stating that what you wrote is not what you meant. There's a huge contradiction here. You can't have it both ways you know. Just saying.
they released games like fifa and doom but cant make a youtube or netflix app
Switch is amazing!! actually it has two best games of all times - Breath of the Wild and Odyssey
@SLIGEACH_EIRE have the wiiu pro too. Love it! Can use it on the Switch too, bit of a work around, and no rumble, but, can be done.
Reggie always knows everything...
what a genius !
Buying any console or new technology is always a massive risk that the adoption will not be high and that it will be dropped relatively soon after launch. If you can't take the risk, don't buy until it is clear it is being supported (and hey, I've been burned before as well). Getting annoyed constantly seems like a waste of a life.
The Wii U was a pretty interesting console but it failed for lots of reasons, and Reggie is correct that they have NOT made the same mistakes with the Switch. I think the Switch is a stronger system - its message is clear, consumers understand what it is and it will reap the benefit of that clear and unique selling point.
Wii U's lifespan wasn't THAT short. It came out in November 2012 and the Switch replaced it March of this year, giving it around 4 years and 4 months on the market. SNES, N64, and GameCube were all on the market for about 5 years before their replacements launched.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Porting over some games from Wii U is not what caused Switch to be a succesful console so far. Everybody knows that and you should too.
@QwertyQwerty Couldn't possibly agree more. The second-screen and all associated concepts were, in my opinion, at their best when they provided the option to complement an otherwise functionally complete game. You didn't -need- to use the second screen for quick menu and map functions in Zelda Wind Waker and Twilight Princess; but the option and the convenience found in said option were welcome upgrades to excellent games. Given how sparingly Nintendo have used the touch screen, motion controls and other associated hardware in Switch games, they've clearly worked that out; and I think we'll see fewer titles that take the other approach to utilising more "gimmicky" functions of the Switch's hardware.
Lol at this section
Wii U will always be a success to me.
Great to have you back Nintendo.
While I did own a Wii U I just never had any desire to play on it. No idea why but it just sat there for months on end. That's not happened with Switch. I love it!
In short "we learned from our mistakes".
Market your product - make sure people know what you are selling.
Keep the games flowing - a steady and consistent flow is key.
If Nintendo remembers these 2 key points, they will continue to do well.
At least WiiU had great exclusive games like Sonic Boom and The Letter
@jancotianno Plus loads of games from RCMADIAX, lest we forget
Nintendo is really trying hard to maintain good relationships with EA. Sure FIFA didn't do well, but I think Fe is more in line with the Nintendo audience.
If I have to thank the Wii U for anything it was Splatoon. It was easily my most played game, even more so than Mario Kart and Smash Bros.
It was worth every penny to me, but Nintendo desperately needed a broader win, and they seem to be well on their way.
Switch is also a great concept so there is that. Nintendo should keep the Switch brand and just release new iterations with more computing power.
I care more about Bethesda's support than EA's . Fallout 4 next....plz?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE it’s getting harder and harder to defend why you don’t have a Switch my friend. Just give in. Don’t lie. You know you want one.
They didn't learn how to do voice chat...still best on Wii u!
Because a lot of money was saved by recycling the 32 gig flash memory that were to be used to produce Wii u. I've always thought that was that reason for the switches paltry internal memory. If it's true that they expected to sell a lot more Wii u's
@Malanta these are not Switch boards and nobody needs to agree with every random thing Nintendo does. That does not make anyone a fan, just a hypocrite.
@samuelvictor Out of curiosity what WiiU games really resonate with you more than what's already on and/or coming soon to Switch? Most of the "this will eat my life" games from WiiU are already on Switch with new & improved versions, XCX is getting SC2 soon. WiiU had some filler-feeling games. Smash of course is absent. I'm a huge huge TMS#FE fan from WiiU, but we're getting SMTV so Atlus RPGs from the SMT-verse are here.
Don't get me wrong my WiiU got way, way more play time than my PS4, but both were utterly decimated in play time by my 3DS, anyway... That little monster managed to surpass SNES as my favorite console of all time. And Switch seems on track to quickly take its crown.
"The commercial failure of the Wii U has driven Nintendo to make the Switch a success, says Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aimé."
And just like the Wii before it, the Switch success will drive Nintendo to become complacent again and rest on their laurels.
But one doesn't need to come to every switch page and news when they have no interest in the console or the games that are on them and comes to purely bad mouth it.
That doesn't make anyone a normal person, it makes them a tit.
I'd hardly call Odyssey "one of the best games of all time". great Switch game, best game of all time, not really.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE oh for sure. The switch controller docked is the worst of the bunch. I stop playing XenoVerse2 docked because it gave me hand cramps. And yeah, the entire WiiU port over at full price is annoying (specially for the people who had a WiiU). I also find it hysterical when old rehashed games are celebrated as 3rd party support.
All that said, it is year 1... I think the new game/old ports percentage situation will stabilize. None of the nintendo lineup for next year are WiiU ports so far. And the controller works well with my little nephew - and work well with other games (not as if it is unusable) so need to see the entire picture.
Ive been consistent in complaining about full price old ports and tons of un enhanced retro dumps on the eshop. But first to admit the little guy Can be amazing and we still early on. It has tons of potential.
@WaitroseDad64 I think you have the right understanding. Basically, whenever a game like Xenoblade or Mother 3 doesn't come to NA, he's usually the one answering questions and becomes a face for people to get angry with. I think his job is more about PR, marketing, distribution in NA. The amount of input he would have in getting games to NA has never been clear in my mind, though NOA does localize games. He also has a certain corporate aura about him that seems to draw derision.
I do think one the Wii U's biggest faults was the marketing...NOA could have done more at the time, I think.
@Malanta ok, I can agree with that.
Reggie has said something very similar in the past in an interview with TIME:
While I understand his constant courting of EA, I think he should also try to mention western third parties that have actually put an effort so far, like Bethesda and Ubisoft.
I hope Nintendo has a Nintendo Direct in January to list what is coming up in 2018. This first 9 months on the market has been truly incredibly but I worry about year 2. If Nintendo can have a second strong year in a row, I believe the Switch will be on the market a long time. Reveal some big games and gameplay in January and keep us on track until E3.
So does that mean that the success of the Switch will hurt their next console?
It's common for corporations to get stupid once they are on top. Nintendo rode the success of the Wii into a failure trying to capitalize on the Wii name. Remember Sony saying that people would get two jobs to buy the PS3? They were much more consumer friendly when launching the PS4. On the other hand Microsoft tried their anti-consumer nonsense after the success of the 360.
I think the Wii U was a better console in almost every way in comparison to he Switch. It's the handling of the console, it's launch, marketing games and support that is different. The Wii u as a concept offered far more to gaming than the switch does. Had Nintendo delivered on what it was aiming to do of course. For example longer WiFi range and multiple gamepad Support WERE supposed to happen and didn't.
The switch is a marketing success but I don't feel its actuality added anything to the market except portability which means zero to me personally......
I think you're spot on. And yes, clearly the marketing on the Wii U seemed overall quite poor, but ultimately I think the concept (even though I personally find it very interesting) and hardware was difficult to sell. It's not like it was a success in Europe or Japan either.
@ULTRA-64 Yeah, I haven't found a good reason to buy the Switch and to be honest the Joycons look uncomfortable. The Wii U has the VC (the best part of the Wii and the Wii U) and the Wii U also has some of the Switch's best games. I have never been that impressed with Odyssey and many people are saying it's good but not great. I don't need a Switch to play better 3D Mario games. Between the Wii and Wii U I can play almost every other Mario game.
@gcunit I play it only as a home counsel, and have only played it in handheld once since I purchased it day 1.
I love my Nintendo Switch HOME SYSTEM!
@dings Sounds just like when people say 'I play on the 360/PS4 because that's what all my friends have'.
So you know, nothing new.
I do think part of this is quite literal: the Switch is inheriting a groundswell of interest now that Nintendo has a console on the market that users want and understand. It's sort of like what happened with Windows 7 following the terrible Windows Vista.
With that said, the unique hybrid form factor, fantastic first party games, and clear marketing are all crucial to understanding its early success.
I played my Wii to death. (literally, until it died) Since then, most of my gaming has been on a PlayStation, and countless hours of gameplay on my 3DS. I never intended to skip the Wii U, but it just sort of happened. I almost did one year, then put my money towards a N3DSXL instead.
I wouldn't say the Wii U was a flop by any stretch of the imagination. But if the 3DS wasn't performing as well as it did on the market, then it would have been a dark time for the Big N during that era.
I wasnt really big on the Handheld/TV mode gimmick of the Switch, and planned to wait a year or so to get one, or pick up a Wii U for cheap and play catch up. Then my friends all chipped in and got me one for my birthday, and I've barely put it down since. For as cold as I was about the portability aspect, I found my self utilizing it way more than I anticipated.
And on a side note, I haven't seen @SLIGEACH_EIRE 's Switch stance get folks this riled up in a while. I was worried he lost his touch there for a moment
@GC-161 Those failures are part of why I love Nintendo. I love that they don't "play it safe". PS4 and Xbox already do that. I don't love the Switch because it's just a video game system, I love it because it's a hybrid (and because of the games), but that decision was not a safe one but it's paying off. We need companies like Nintendo who are willing to take chances.
Even today, I still think the 3DS was the biggest reason why the Wii U failed. Why? Because the 3DS pretty made the Wii U pointless to own, and in the end helped showcase its problems on a bigger scale.
What was on the Wii U that was not on the 3DS as well? Not much when you stop to think about it. The 3DS got a 3D Mario, a 2D Mario, Mario Kart 7, numerous Zelda games, Smash Bros, etc.
Not to mention, Nintendo started to port Wii U games like Hyrule Warriors, Super Mario Maker, and Yoshi's Wooly World to the 3DS as well.
On top of all of that, the 3DS also had franchises that never properly appeared on the Wii U, such as a traditional 2D Kirby game(the 3DS got 2 of them), Fire Emblem(the 3DS got 3 of them), Luigi's Mansion, Mario Sports titles, etc.
And I am not even getting into the 3rd party support.
My point is, the 3DS kinda made the Wii U pointless if you wanted to play Nintendo games, and I think that's why many people rejected the Wii U so harshly.
If a person wanted to play some Mario or Smash Bros, why would they pay over 200 bucks for a home console with barely any games when they could just buy a cheaper 3DS or even the 2DS and get not only the same kind of games, but a much bigger selection of games?
In the past, the Nintendo home console was always ahead enough in power to clearly offer games that could not be played on handhelds.
The problem with the 3DS is that is finally brought Gamecube-Wii quality games to the palm of your hand, and that power was enough to allow the 3DS to offer games that were previously impossible on Nintendo handhelds.
This had a massive effect on the Wii U, since all that system could offer for most games were better graphics and some other features.
Combine that with the Wii U's other flaws, and its clear what the problems were for that system. The 3DS cannibalised the market for Nintendo games, and its lower price and vastly better game selection doomed the Wii U.
Which is why I think Nintendo made the Switch a hybrid console. To avoid this from ever happening again, and allowing them to pool their development resources.
Nintendo has had this kind of history...some consoles are huge (NES, Wii, DS and now Switch) and others aren't (Virtual Boy, Gamecube, Wii U). The gamecube was rated as a bad console by many, but (and I had all 3 in that generation) it was my most played. I loved the controller and there were so many new IP's from nintendo themselves (Animal Crossing, Chibi Robo, Custom Robo, Odama, Pikmin). Wii U was a console that I didn't really seem to follow before just didn't seem amazing like their other systems...even after reading about it in nintendo power. I still have no care of trading it in at this time (Super Mario 3D World was the only game I really played). Switch is fun, but it's still got a ways to go for me to play in constantly. I use it as a portable more, and I feel that it's not only their new console...but I feel that it's their new portable more or less! The E-Shop is being flooded with great games finally...granted most of them have already been released on PS4 and XBONE a few years ago, but it's catching up and showing that the demand is there.
With Reggie stating that they learned their mistakes, they really truly haven't. The only commercials I see are for NINTENDO-ONLY games...meaning they still don't really care about the 3rd party support. Doom would be a good game to advertise for Switch (before PS4 or XBONE does) and even Elder's Scrolls V would be a good one to advertise (more than just a quick Switch variety video clip). I'm glad that they've learned with the filling in the drought months, but who knows how long that will continue. So far, in 2018 we only know about Kirby, Yoshi and Metroid Prime 4 being released. What I'd love, and it's a good way to fill game month slots, is some good collections for the system...A nice Mario game collection, Zelda, Metroid, Donkey Kong (the original 3 countries in one package), an NES Classic's Collection filled with some great titles from the 8-bit days, Super NES Classics Collection, N64 classics, and Gamecube classics remastered (How about bringing back Eternal Darkness since they apparently bought the rights from Silicon Knights). Also, when will the E-Shop finally get the Virtual Console library? And it was said that the PAYING online subscription would be started a few months in of the system's, there's still no word about it. As far as Apps for the system goes, it's not a big deal, but since you can take it on the 'go', Netflix would be a good one for people that own the system (myself included).
Anyways, Kirby and Yoshi are enough to keep me seeing what's ahead (patiently waiting for the release dates for both), but I honestly hope, besides some of the nice collections that I mentioned above, some other titles get a refresh...Animal Crossing, Pikmin...possibly Chibi Robo getting re-released???
Also, if they want to bring some of the Wii U titles over to the system, I'll be fine with that...just make sure Captain Toad, Super Mario 3D World, the 2x Zelda titles and Star Fox are the ones brought over!!!!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE The Wii U failed for a variety of reasons. Some, like poor marketing, are well documented, but I don't think the fundamental reason gets enough attention: the market simply rejected dual screen console gaming. People didn't want to play it, and developers certainly didn't want to make it. So Nintendo moved on from it, but learned a few lessons, and produced a successful machine because of it. The Switch really is what the Wii U should have been, and I don't see how Nintendo recognizing that the Wii U needed to be fixed and then fixing it is a bad thing. Do you really think they should have stuck with a product they knew to be flawed?
I can certainly understand your view point when talking about the size, but honestly I have fairly large hands and find them incredibly comfortable to use. I played through 130 hours of Breath of the Wild with a joy-con in each hand and didn't bother with the grip.
I think the term 'trash' is pretty unfair though. As someone who works in product design, I can say that myself and the other 9 guys that work in my team (all of them own a Switch btw) think the Joy-con is quite impressive. Certainly you could make improvements, as with anything, but I'm not sure you appreciate the effort that goes into designing a device like the Switch and all the considerations that have to be made.
@JimmySpades Nah, the Switch wasn't possible back when the Wii U launched. The Switch is its evolution. And yes the Wii U failed for a multitude of reasons. Weak specs, poor name, poor advertising, Nintendo struggled with the transition to HD. I'll stop, we've been through them all before. But I'll mention just one more, the 3DS had a disastrous launch, they had to cut its price by €100 within months. Nintendo had to concentrate of righting that ship and so Wii U suffered. A €100 price drop could have helped Wii U as well but Nintendo couldn't afford it, they were already haemorrhaging money.
@julzshred I understand compromises had to made for the Joy-Con's to function, button placement, attach on the sides, etc. It doesn't change the fact that I find them to be terrible. Thankfully, the Pro Controller doesn't have to compromise with size and functionality.
You might want to edit your spelling of 'gcunit' on post #13...
@10-zx I just spilled coffee all over my desk, thanks for the laugh!
Nintendo fans getting a wee bit triggered by this. Don't worry, every console has its black sheep, like the PS3 and the XBone
I'm still a fan of the Wii U. Spent a lot of time with that console. The second screen was innovative and worked well for some games such as NintendoLand and ZombieU.
Coffee all over the desk, eh? You should be damning me to hell.
@10-zx what's even funnier is that he still hasn't corrected it, hahahahaha
@AlternateButtons Does the term 'joke' mean nothing to you?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Even when I prefer an actual joystick/controller, using the joycons with the strap is very comfortable (and I have big hands). It brought me back to the Wii era when I could just relax my arms and play in any position, but that's just my opinion.
I'm still sad about the fact that we can't carry saves from the Wii U to the Swich. BotW and Mario Kart 8 would have been a lot better if I could just continue where I left on my Wii U.
@Devlind Good point and I agree. I'd go further and would like to see games not just save files transferable from Wii U to Switch.
The first 3 Nintendo systems are still my favorite. I like when the Wii came out with the VC but other than that, Nintendo has been boring. Nintendo doesn't listen to their customers and they have lost that creative touch a long time ago.
Stating the obvious, but it does signify that Nintendo is capable of acknowledging and correcting many of their mistakes.
The key difference: they figured out that you cannot look at your TV and your tablet at the same time.
There is no denying the amazing software line-up this year. A see Smash Bros. DX playing a similar role next year as MK8 DX did this year.
If the WiiU had a better CPU then there would have been all sorts of third party support. The WiiU was an amazing system, it just never got a chance. If it was marketed as the Wii2....?
@JLPick They've been advertising third party games. NBA 2K18 commercials have been running pretty frequently during NBA games on TNT. Skyrim commercials have been airing too.
Does the term 'troll' mean nothing to you?
I'd hazard that he's quite proud of his slip-up.
And he should be, especially when he's managed to successfully sneak it under the noses of all the mods and admins around for so long.
Clever boy...
@Abes3 I don’t have a Switch, so I may be wrong about this. But, I’ve always felt like Nintendo has delayed stuff like Netflix up until this point because they wanted early adopters to get to know the system as a gaming device, and not something to just watch Netflix on. Which is something that could have happened, regardless of how great the games have been. Now we know that Hulu is becoming available. Just in time for the holiday season. I feel like the word is out on the Switch as a gaming machine, now is the perfect time to start rolling out apps. At this point, the Hulu announcement feels like an after thought, I’m checking out Doom. Maybe that’s how Nintendo wanted it.
The Wii U taught Nintendo that relying on mini-game collections and 2D sidescrollers to launch new hardware in the modern gaming era is not a good idea.
Also, naming your console the "Wii U" will lead to mass-market confusion regardless of how well the system is supported by Nintendo and/or 3rd parties.
He's being very kind to the Wii U there, saying the issue was that they didn't communicate what was great about the Gamepad. In reality the issue was the Wii U simply wasn't very good. Yes they blew the name, marketing and software supply and have rectified that with Switch. But the basic concept, design and hardware doomed Wii U from the start.
Totally agree on the impact 3DS had on Wii U. They finally seemed to have learned that their biggest problem was supporting two machines.
"Nintendo struggled with the transition to HD"
I still can't believe they weren't ready and admitted it in public. What were they doing during the Wii years when they must have known their next system would be HD?
"the 3DS had a disastrous launch"
Yep, total resource drain trying to fix that.
"the market simply rejected dual screen console gaming. People didn't want to play it, and developers certainly didn't want to make it."
Nail, meet head.
@Abes3 Actually we are only just past the 8 month mark. Still over 3 months to go before March arrives!
On the other things I do feel we should be getting by now and so long as we get them by the end of the holidays I don't have a problem with it. I've had plenty to play after all 'shrug'.
If only Nintendo could learn from their NES, SNES and N64 generations and sort out their stance on cartridges and the price they charge to 3rd party devs. That would ease the growing problem that is starting to rear its head in devs using smaller carts than their game requires. Nintendo's relationship with 3rd party devs has always been a sticky point and that's one lesson they refuse to learn. They always publicly say how much they want that 3rd party support but I have a feeling that secretly they really don't regard it very high in their priorities.
As for WiiU the dual screen copy the success of the DS was doomed idea, you couldn't use that screen separately unless you stayed in the same room and the games themselves quickly stopped using the gimmick. So we ended up with a massive controller that had a useless screen in which to look at my inventory...... 👍 I really really needed that in my life because the chore of pressing a button to access the inventory on the screen I was already looking at was becoming a modern gaming problem, am I right? 😉
I'm a confused parent, isn't the Switch something you turn the lights on with?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I did always wonder why they didn't leave the anlg sticks in the same place as WiiU and make it to where you just hold Joycon 2 upside down to Joycon 1 in 2 player mode if that makes sense. I prefer both sticks up over staggered or both down like PS.
How is the switch innovative when other devices were doing the hybrid thing way before switch
@Prof_Yoshtonics I would have preferred the analogue sticks being symmetrical. But they compromised for the Joy-Con's. See, the way I look at it is, they were more worried about 2 players being able to play than looking after numero uno. So people have to put up with this setup for a situation that may never arise. And the thing is using a Joy-Con on its own on its side is uncomfortable and severely lacking compared to a Pro Controller or a regular controller setup. It's trying to mimic a SNES controller but it's terrible.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I agree completely on that. It would have been nice to maybe see a pro controller included. Maybe if they released a pro controller without the bells and whistles but all basic functionality. It would give people a maybe $35 dollar 1st party option and could also cater to those who don't like gyro controls or amiibo. They would still have these options with he joycons.
@Prof_Yoshtonics You can buy one of these that will let you use controllers that you may have from other platforms on the Switch.
@Prof_Yoshtonics It has to be that way so that the Joy-con shoulder buttons are hidden when they're attached to the Switch. If the right Joy-con stick were on top the shoulder buttons would be on the outside when attached. Apart from that, however, I do think Nintendo would have kept the Wii U configuration.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I had no idea this was a thing. I do recall seeing a vid title from Austin John plays that may have covered something like this. I bought 2 WiiU pro controllers on clearance at Walmart shortly after the Switch was announced. Got em for $12 a piece. Killer deal. I still play BOTW on WiiU so I knew I would need them. I may have to get one of these.
It's a port..face it
@SLIGEACH_EIRE connect the wrist strap things and the joycon are great. I disagree with you. So do my kids, they love them on Mario kart.
@westman98 I think those are problems, but I think the biggest problem was that Nintendo did not have a clear idea of what they wanted the WiiU to be, which is more important than anything. They created a complicated device and tried to market it to the general audience. They put out a lot of games that did not really show off what having an extra screen can do. They did not aggressively go after game genres like strategy games that typically do not play well on consoles, but would play well with the WiiU gamepad and so on.
Anyway, Nintendo has done a great job of addressing all the problems with the WiiU and not getting obsessed with nice-to-haves like Netflix (which I suppose was another problem with the WiiU).
These should be asked about the Switch sometime. Using Cartridges like in the 20th Century, Ports of already existing Wii U Games, ditching Miiverse (of which the Switch really could use sometime in the next 2 years), not releasing at the END of the year like every other Gaming System. I mean gaming system's are supposed to have a Life Span of atleast 5 years before discontinuing.
Right now I haven't a Switch myself and won't have one till a NEW Mario Kart game for it is announced with 16 NEW Nitro and Retro Tracks, of which could also feature some stuff we saw in Super Mario Odyssey. The tradition has been 1 new game per system of the Most Popular of all Mario Spinoffs, Ports I guarantee do not at all apply to this (I mean if a MK8 Track were to be in a Retro Grand Prix, it would probably have a U in front, U Sunshine Airport for example, for MK8 having been a Wii U game). Let's keep in mind Nintendo have only one System to focus on for the next 4 or 5 or 6 years, and Mario Kart games on Gaming Systems port or not don't release more than 3 years apart. There's certainly ways things could improve in Mario Kart 9 later on the Switch such as having a good amount of Familiar Mario Characters, one thing MK8 and it's port have been criticised about for not having.
Reggie's sugar coat it again. Well thats his job. Switch gets right many of what Wii U got wrong but Nintendo haven't adressed all. Third party AAA title support is definitely encouraging, but still not at the level it could or should be. Fifa is struggling out of the charts and all big sellers are Nintendo ip's. Not even a new Monster Hunter on the horizon, best selling 3ds non nintendo series.
The reaction of the reporter makes it seem as if Reggie made an awkward sexual advance.
@WhistleFish I wasn't sure, which is why I worded it in a fairly non-committed way.
Other than the Nvidia shield though, what other true hybrid games consoles are there? I genuinely can't think of any. Also I would say the Joycons are innovative, I can't think of any other device which creates two controllers by detaching from the unit like that? Please do provide examples to counter my comments, I'm genuinely interested to know.
Finally, I would always say there's an arguement to be made between the dictionary definition of the word 'innovative' and making original ideas successful. Nintendo are certainly good at the latter, they may not always be the first with an idea, but they have certainly proven to be the first to make ideas successful.
The look on the face of that reporter is golden! It says exactly what I'm thinking whenever Reggie opens his flap again. That look says; "Sure Reggie... You're talking BS again...aren't you... Yes you are Reggie....SHUT UP!"
Not that switch. It's the switch your SO uses to turn you on, and off, most of the time.
Everything Reggie says is awkward, sexual inuendo's aside.
It's true. I skipped the WU because the concept was stupid. I already skipped the Wii because of the motion controls so it was easy to boycott Nintendo when the WU materialised with an even worse gimmick.
AAA games not selling isn't Nintendo's problem. It's the fanbase that is buying first-party games instead. This is what always happens and is why Nintendo machines don't get much Western AAA support. It doesn't sell.
I have gigantic hands. They're like catcher's mitts but bigger. I play Zelda split joycon only and I think they're fantastic.
Oh yeah, fire Reggie?
Now just release all WII U games on Switch and lets pretend that system never existed
@Vriess yezz
Just keep EA away from my Switch!
Plus I liked the WiiU, it was a good system and had great games
My main problem with the Switch is Nintendo's lack of a unified Eshop and that is a powered up Gameboy.
I hope that Nintendo would make a true home console.
With is not that hard.
Just take a Switch and remove screen and special controller functions.
And 2 extra microSD card slot, giving the console 3 microSD card slot and a Game card slot.
This will allow "cheap" and easy explanation of the consoles storage capacity.
Unify the Estore so you can play all digital purchases from the Wii U and Switch on the new console.
And you have a cheap 4K console to fight against the PS and Xbox. Because lets face it, cost of the console has a impact on people choices.
You can even add Wii and Wii U controller support to allow digital sell copies of Wii and Wii U games.
That's a very cynical thing to say, Reggie.
@GC-161 What are you talking about? The Switch is 'playing it safe'. It has no innovation, no risks, it's basically the most cowardly way Nintendo could've gone.
Sorry, man, but BotW did not END as a port.
I'll give you that it started as a port. It started as a Wii U-only game; you do your research, you know that.
But a full year or more out from the Switch launch, Nintendo shifted the development to make BotW a Switch release first and a Wii U port second. This has been stated in interviews and news articles. You (probably?) also know that.
So just let it go. It's mostly semantics at this point anyway. It's all good.
@OorWullie I dunno, I agree with most of what you said, but the user experience on the Wii U is still superior. Signing in to separate profiles feels more secure, Miiverse was very interactive and personal, and the Wii U even threw up some confetti in the Plaza when I started it up on my birthday. The Switch is sleeker and trimmed, sure, but it feels cold in comparison to the Wii U.
That being said, I have no doubt that most of this will be remedied after the launch of the official online service.
@HalBailman Well, you missed some good games, bud.
@arpaktiko Totally agree. EA can kick rocks as far as I'm concerned if Rockstar and Bethesda are successful on and continue to support Switch.
@rallydefault Why did you waste my time with that nonsense?
@shani It's just about the only way Nintendo could have reliably gone at this point. Let's face it, the dedicated home console market is steadily but surely shrinking, and the folks at Nintendo saw the writing on the wall. They got out while the getting was good. Abandoning a sinking ship to keep your crew intact is not cowardly, it's smart. Especially when the sinking ship is being abandoned in favor of a luxury cruise liner.
"And just like the Wii before it, the Switch success will drive Nintendo to become complacent again and rest on their laurels"
Probably. Corporate arrogance seems to affect every platform holder who either is, or sees themselves as market leader. Atari did it in the 80s, Nintendo have had a couple of doses, Sega did it from 94-97, Sony did it after the PS2 and Microsoft with the XB1 launch.
You're confusing cowardly with sane. In the absence of any lightning in a bottle Wii-style hook Switch was the best of the 3 cards Nintendo had left to play, the other 2 being 'handheld only' or 'third-party'. Rather than shoving in gimmicks for the sake of appearing innovative it shows them thinking clearly for the first time in years.
Still haven't felt the need to buy a pro controller. The middle piece that combines the joy cons works just fine for Doom and Mario Kart imo. I played BotW with them separated.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I do agree to the extent that what would have been the fully fledged, originally intended incarnation of BotW was basically made into a sacrificial lamb to ensure the NS had a blockbuster launch. (Who knows what was left on the cutting room floor?) The NS launch probably would have turned out a lot more like the 3DS launch without that decision. (Even down to the month of release!)
However. Sony was the company hemorrhaging money and selling off their arms to the highest bidder. They were even forced to sell off their former Tokyo HQ, as well as their former New York HQ, just to go back to being solvent. Not to mention laying off thousands of workers around the planet. (Again. They've laid off over ten thousand workers over the years. Yes. A five digit number of people.) I don't see Nintendo having to resort to mass layoffs, selling their organs, or giving up their HQ...
@shani 01/10 bait
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Technically you can't call BOTW a port since it launched on the same day as the Wii U version and it was a decision made during development. Had the Wii U version launched first then then the Switch version later on, THEN you could call it a port.
No one calls all the XBONE/PS4/PC games released on all 3 at the same time ports, they're versions. Well, except all those "HD Remasters" anyway... XD
... I don't have too much faith you'll actually read this article through an unbiased lens, but there you have it.
But hey, that's just the game's director. Dude probably doesn't know a dang thing.
Also, cut back on the snippiness. we're discussing a video game, not the fate of your first-born child.
@electrolite77 @PlywoodStick
Well guess it's a matter of perspective then.
If I understand both of you correctly, you believe Nintendo didn't have any other chance or other cards to play.
But I think nothing could be further from the truth. People would've thought the same after the Gamecube because no one saw the innovation of the Wii (and Wii U) coming.
That's the whole point of innovating and surprising people (and the whole market): coming up with something unexpected.
So from my point of view, Nintendo just didn't give their all, they didn't put enough effort in or just lacked the ingenuity to come up with something extraordinary and imaginative.
So that's what I meant by 'corwardly', they just took the easiest route possible.
Your comments also suggest there was no other way for Nintendo to survive (financially). But contrary to popular belief, even after the Wii U's commercial failure Nintendo still had enough financial reserves (not just from the Wii era, but that too) - plus the constant profit from Amiibo, 3DS and retro consoles - to sustain even another commercial failure.
It's not like Nintendo were poor and fighting to stay alive, they could've easily made another bold and risky choice.
@electrolite77 i know .
Still Jap franchises like Dragon Quest and Monster Hunter sell like hot cakes. Also Fifa and COD did decent sales @switch so with right push it can happen again
Hmm OK, Morpheos X300 is a hybrid, also it has detachable controllers and was out before switch. There are lots of hybrids, to name a few GPD XD, JXD S7800, JXD SINGULARITY, these are all available before switch, also the Archos which is made in France. Nintendo wasn't first but they certainly made hybrid mainstream and good on them
I think Miiverse may have also been a factor for Wii U's Commercial failure; hence its shutdown. I often found myself drawing more, than playing the games.
But as I said, if they didn't have an innovation they believed would make an impact, what would be the point? The Wii was lightning in a bottle, releasing a system that wielded an existing technology in a new way and that struck gold by attracting a market that didn't usually buy games consoles.
Conversely, the Wii U had a load of 'innovations' stapled on to it because Nintendo had got into the misguided mindset that their system being different was their USP, and it flopped. The 3DS couldn't sell off the '3D' part and needed a big influx of Nintendo software to save it.
Launching a system thats different is a gamble. Launching a system that's different for the sake of being different is a huge, self-indulgent gamble that has the potential to alienate consumers. It would be especially huge for Nintendo as while Wii U had 3DS to cover it's failings reality has caught up with that idea.
You think they didn't look hard enough for innovation and you may be right given the commercial pressures, my contention is there just isn't a Wii-style big idea available to Nintendo. However what if there was? What would they do with it?
Switch is born out of one inescapable realisation-Nintendo can't support two machines with two software streams. Nobody else in the industry supports home system and handheld and out of 5 generations where Nintendo have tried to do that they've been successful with both machines twice, one of which was pre-Sony. Cold, hard reality dictates going to one system or ecosystem, that makes it very unwise to throw in some 'innovation' that may not take off.
However to say Switch doesn't innovate is unfair. It's actually a very Nintendo system. It reflects perfectly the Gunpei Yokoi philosophy of 'lateral thinking with withered technology'. It finally merges handheld and portable like they tried with the GC-GBA link. Yes, a few Chinese tablets have attempted the hybrid idea but Nintendo are taking it mainstream. It has detachable controllers that include most of the ideas Nintendo have previously introduced to gaming Controllers. It's an idea that can finally be facilitated by existing, proven technology. They didn't invent the D-Pad, or the Analogue stick, or the touchscreen, or motion controls. They just integrated these things into a gaming system. This is what they've always done.
So I don't agree Nintendo are playing it entirely safe. I also don't think they could afford to gamble hugely. Which leads to one final point re.their finances. Yes they have money in the bank but they also have facilities to maintain, staff to pay and investors to satisfy. They exist to make money, not to be some testing ground for whatever wacky ideas are knocking around in the darkest corners of their R&D labs.
Yeah, I think it was the only way to go.
I was playing my Wii U the other day.... and man has it feels like centuries since I played it.... haha.
I hope they port or even make a new Smash Bros for the switch.... I love that game. Bayonetta, Pikmin, Wonderful 101, Wind Waker, Super Mario 3D World, a collection of minigames like Nintendoland, Mario Party (even if it was for the 3ds remake one for the Switch) and many more that can come out over the years!
It looks like EA are chasing down micro transactions hard, maybe ultimate team switch is not earning them enough extra cash.
I picked that up as Launch and i think its a great game in its own right. In the interest of growing the Switch player base though, they should try to fix the online friend battles issue with a patch if they are really taking things seriously. Also the RRP was alittle high i felt, although it has now dropped to a more reasonable 39.99 from places like Amazon etc. I think if they really want to push they should consider putting it on Sale for that price on the eshop over Christmas, more sold = more chance for the micro transactions they seem to love.
Im sure that Microsoft and Sony are looking seriously at the current state of success with regards to the Switch.
Innovation and refinement once again for the win. My favourite Nintendo console since the Gamecube,
Put a proper GTA on Switch, third party problem will be solved.
@shani Well... Thinking back on it, you do have a point to an extent. They can afford not just one failure, but many. It was reported years ago from several outlets that Nintendo can actually afford repeated shortfalls for decades, thanks to the massive windfall from the Wii/DS era:
The difference now is that Nintendo is no longer operating under high stress circumstances (after the Gamecube, if it's successor didn't really take off, their portable line would have been all they had left), and their CEO is a by-the-books businessman instead of a former rank-and-file developer. (Kimishima knows how to run a business, but Iwata actually knew how to make their products.)
The NS is fairly by-the-books by today's standards, but with enough support, it's purpose is to reestablish Nintendo's brand in the public eye, which had diminished greatly during the Wii U/3DS era. It uses a widely recognized format for it's time period (mobile device instead of TV remote), it's more flexible in multiple ways than previous systems (although the expensive motion control tech probably won't get much use), and the current mobile tech neatly allows them to honorably bow out of the dedicated home console arena. (Although they'll have to keep up the ruse that it's the dedicated home console successor for a while to placate dissent.)
They'll have plenty of opportunity to go wild with new and interesting tech in the 9th console generation. They're probably just focused on recouping lost ground for now.
@10-zx THANK YOU! sorry if I offended any NintendoLife-r’s... shouldn’t be “seeing them next Tuesday”
Don’t own a Switch!? Blasphemy
@PlywoodStick Yeah the one thing they definitely achieved with the Switch is more attention and - probably - sales (although around here many people who have heard of the Switch are still hesitating to buy one).
I also remembered articles like the one you mentioned and have never seen any hint or evidence that they are in a bad situation financially.
People forget that Nintendo was the market leader for a lot of years (NES, SNES and Wii + basically all the handheld consoles) and that they also don't spend as much money (on marketing, ads etc) as the competition. They have accumulated a lot of money in the last three decades (they probably still made some profits even when they weren't market leaders).
Besides, Nintendo always has its unique IP, the handheld market and Amiibo, so it's not like they have nothing going for them in general.
@onex As simple as your suggestion might be, it's actually true. GTA is still a bestseller and a proven systemseller.
I love Reggie. I don’t care if he’s not right all the time. No one is right all the time. He’s awesome. He’s the Reggienator. His body is ready!
I love my Switch, but so far I’ve enjoyed the Wii U far more. I still use the Wii U to watch Crunchyroll at the dinner table everyday. Because of the screen on the GamePad, I can watch the GamePad and my BF can watch the TV. So we can face each other while we eat and watch Crunchyroll. PlayStation 4 pro doesn’t offer that option, so we use the Wii U. The second screen was always an incredible idea.
@MaxPlastic Not really. Friends had a WU so played enough and the only game of interest was MK8 and that's on Switch. On Wii only Metroid Prime and Mario Galaxy I missed and hope one day to see, at least, the Metroid Prime trilogy on Switch.
You're quite welcome, my friend.
@Abes3 I know! And their ALWAYS in stock at the Target down the street from where I live! But, I think of it like this. The longer it takes me to get one, the bigger the library of games to choose from. My lack of discipline is what’s keeping me from getting a Switch. I’ve been making enough money to buy one since this summer. The more money I make, the harder it is to be discipline on a day to day basis.
Reggie: "When you are at rock bottom, any mediocre result is a success. Please understand, no one buys Wii U so if one person bought a Switch, it is a success."
Keep up the good work Reggie!
@electrolite77 #182 good post.
I really have trouble believing anything that Reggie says.
"In other news, the never-ending streak of water being wet hasn't found any instance of breaking yet."
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Can you please just stop perseverating on how the Wii U was a good console and the Switch isn't? Your negativity towards the Switch is slowly decreasing, but it's still lame coming into every comment section and seeing you work hard to find a negative spin on almost everything Switch and then reluctantly acknowledging the positives when the negative angles are too hard to reach. You seem like a diligent and intelligent guy and I would love to see your energies dedicated to positively adding to the discussion instead of trying to convince people that the Wii U was a good console two years after it was confirmed dead.
The women reporter looks skeptical
To be honest. Breath of the Wild is worth it and after playing odyssey... you’ll spend hours on it! I have 25 odd games between first and 3rd. To-date I’ve played some of the most enjoyable indies (even compared to PS4). The switch is an expensive little bugger but I have no regrets!
@OorWullie I thought that about the GC when Wii "killed" it, but now I'm back in love with it... I wonder if the same will happen with Wii U. I'm keeping mine just in case!
and GameCube's commercial failure was responsible for Wii. Both GameCube and Wii U were commercial failures.
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