It's probably fairly safe to say that nobody expected DOOM to arrive on the Nintendo Switch before it was announced. A truly bonefide modern generation shooter coming to what is in terms of form factor a handheld console? We know they say DOOM runs on anything, but still, we were surprised.
We were even more surprised once we got our hands on the game. Yes, it runs at 720p and at only half the frame rate of other versions, but this is still a wildly impressive looking game for such a small device. Everything's been optimised up the wazoo resulting in a version that looks absolutely gorgeous on Nintendo's hybrid console. Make sure you check out the video above to see it all in action, and let us know what you think down there in the comments.
Comments 102
As long as I can listen to Samuel Hayden’s voice, I’m good to go!
I shall be purchasing this... AGAIN. I know how great it can look with max settings on my PC. Now, to be able to take it ANYWHERE is just that much better!
For what the Switch is, its a damn good port and looks very playable if this is your only option. I'll stick to my PC version and snag this later at a lower price for the portability factor.
I was planning to get this on Switch but co-indecently did buy an Xbox One S a week or so ago.
As much as I love my Switch and wish to support 3rd parties I can pick it up for my Xbox for £10 so it really does make the Nintendo version less appealing.
My Switch is used primarily as a home console and sits proudly next to the Xbox so portability isn't a selling point for me.
I can't believe this is running on a handheld system. To go from 3DS to this is pretty amazing.
I'll be getting this version for the portability alone. I would have killed for something like this as a kid, going to my grandma's for the summer.
Just running about shooting, difference not there, stop and scan, differences apparent,
I can’t wait to get it!!
Looks amazing! ! ! Get ur hands dirty peeps!
Man, top effort bethseda. Looks like this will be a benchmark when 3rd party devs are complaining about switch hardware.
Ie Works pretty well if your devs know what they are doing. "Up your game"
I really do not see any difference while playing. On still of course, but the game was not made for you to stand still.
@Nomad for sure
@setezerocinco im sure you'd see the difference on a 70inch 4k tv. But honestly i'd rather be portable or play while the family is watching something else on tv.
@Mikemario can be. I watched the comparison videos on a PC Monitor Full HD something banana inch, but it is still Youtube HD, so who knows...
That's insane and bodes well for Wolfenstein 2, cannot wait for tomorrow. Bethesda showing the other 3rd parties "cough, EA, cough" how to bring their games to the console and reading the review there can be no more excuses when it comes to playing with your own friends online
Absolutely bloody superb!
I can’t believe the amount of blood shed in this game. Where has gaming gone? There is no way I would let anyone of any age play this game.
Bloody fantastic. I can't wait to rip the sh#t out of these demons once again
Looks ok. Not great. I'm still getting it because fps' are my jam.....
What would be better suited for the my opinion... would be classic FPS like Quake....etc. They would probably run at 60 fps. Maybe the original half life too
It looks fantastic, the porting team did a great job.
Great review! I appreciate the honesty about the performance here. As long as it doesn't happen too often, it's not an issue for me: didn't ruin Zelda, won't ruin this.
@Bengals76 Funny comment. They should put this on the back of the box!
@Bengals76 Good thing no one of any age cares whatsoever about what you'll "let them" do.
Wow i like it!
I always cringed when 3rd party support the likes of COD came to the wii. It was ALWAYS a hot mess compared to the competition.
But THIS...Wow! This is a superb version! And it’s PORTABLE! I’m very proud to own a Switch, so much so that if I were to buy Doom, it would be for it, not for my ps4/pc.
That, and "up your game" are words that I'm expecting to see Nintendo fans, and NL users especially, to use a lot when defending the Switch.
Wow the differences there really are minimal down to if you can perceive a difference in 30/60fps outside of general smoothness, and the 720 vs higher. They pulled off something truly fantastic here and goes to show what you can do with a good graphics engine on this hardware successfully.
Wow, there's barely any variety in the glory kills on consoles. I thought it was just the Switch version, but I guess it's the same for all the console versions. I'm not saying it detracts from the gameplay, but the PC version has so much more variety! And it's all triggered by what direction and height you approach the enemy. Pulling an arm off and clubbing the demon with it or stuffing it in its mouth, neck snaps, literally ripping one of the smaller demons in half (rip and tear!), I'm half not expecting some of the more creative ones to happen to some of the enemies that appear later in the game. It's a bit less fun, but not too much of a deal breaker, I guess.
Other than that, it looks fantastic!
A fairer test will use an Xbox One running on battery.
Anyway my grandma said this is a Satan game for angry people looking for creative ways to kill people. 😈☠️👿
@Rafke to each their own. I can't let my kids play this game. I'd rather not have them desensitized to blood and gore. Letting kids do what they want has consequences that don't seem apparent now but in the following years or decades it'll surface.
@AlexSora89 ? Are you just here to troll? This is a nintendo site.
@Bengals76 I wouldn’t let any kid play this either, but this is a remake of a classic
@Nincompoop what? The game is about killing demons
@AlexSora89 Like how PS users are going around saying "word up, son"? That site gets more cringe-worthy by the week.
Looks great!! Definitely going to load this up.
I posted and sent in a better video that compares Switch with XB1, PS4 and PC. XB1 is the next worst looking version besides it running on Switch.
@danielman9 Ever heard of the game Carmageddon? Driving a vehicle and run down as many people as possible.
It was banned in many countries until the developers turned the humans into zombies. The monsters are just an easy way to get pass the censors. Today Carmageddon is a real life terrorist game.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Thanks for the comparison video. This is my fear with these types of games - I love the fact that they exist, and I don't think it actually looks too bad on the Switch - but the problem is, I won't be buying it, and I've heard several other echo the same thing. I would much rather just play this and Wolfenstein 2 on PC. There are enough games on Switch that aren't inferior versions, and I don't have enough time to play those, so I don't see me jumping on board. It seems like only the true superfan, or those with only a Switch (Unlikely) would consider this. Hopefully I'm wrong, as I want Bethesda's efforts on the Switch to be rewarded (I probably will get Skyrim) I just don't see these games doing great.
EDIT: And I guess some people notice different things, but I've also seen a few times on here that then the games are running they can't tell the difference - that's when I notice the biggest difference. I'm extremely sensitive to framerate, but still, even watching the comparison on youtube, I can immediately tell the XBONE is running at a much higher framerate, and not just during periods of slowdown.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Switch uses an average 8W when playing games, Nvidia 1080 graphics card alone in a PC uses an average 200W when running a game. The energy consumption should be listed and declared when comparing different systems like this.
If a new bicycle is slightly slower than a Ferrari, it is not inferior but an achievement.
@Nincompoop what do you mean today? This is a remake of a early 90s game
@Rafke Ok, Do your parents let you go drink and smoke under age?
Are you serious? Take your sensitive ass elsewhere.
Anyone should be easily able to identify the difference between 30fps and 60.
Don't think I could play this at 30fps to be honest.
Pretty impressive for a handheld.
@Alcovitch game is still just as fast though, 60 fps only effects the fluidity of animation everything still happens at the same time.
@RAMYERSELL Sweet pic. Ghoulies is the bees knees.
I think you've hit on the problem with AAA games on the Switch. Lots of people say it needs them but in reality what's the market? Most people have at least one other system that can play such games and a lot will buy it on those systems.
So the market is 1) people who don't own an XB1/PS4/PC and therefore aren't bothered about how it runs or how much it costs on other systems 2) people who want the portability, whether it be buying those games for the first time or double dipping.
How many people is that? We'll find out soon. My own suspicion is that future AAA third-party support on the Switch has a limited market
The only differences I could even find are the Switch version is half the frame rate, but it seems to load faster.
Orange Box would be brilliant
@Jokerwolf 60fps affects response time in the controls as well. The result is the game can feel more sluggish when running at 30fps, not just the look of the game.
For quick reaction games such as FPS/Racing and SOME platforming games, the slower response time in the controls can be frustrating. That said, I'm expecting Doom to be used as a Single Player experience so it shouldn't be too much of a problem. I'll pick this one up on the Switch again.
This looks better than COD WW2 on PC. Great job!
I can't see a difference.
@electrolite77 I agree it's somewhat limited in scope....why buy an AAA on Switch if you have another platform (and most "hardcore gamers" that buy AAAs do) UNLESS the hybrid portability aspect interests you.
The limited scope may not be terribly small overall. There are lots of folks, and particularly folks of an older demographic that bought a switch precisely because that hibridization makes games more frequently playable. So that "older" AAA demographic that would rather buy for portability may be larger than at first glance. I'm old school PC. I played DOOM on DOS. I played DOOM2 on DOS. I played glDOOM when it came out. I was in a Quake clan back when clans were a new thing before leagues and squads and eSports. And I completely ignored Doom last year despite having a PS4.
Day 1 on Switch. It's not as pretty or as smooth, or as cheap as on the machine I already have, but on Switch, I'll actually PLAY the thing! I'm far from alone in that I think. But not EVERY blockbuster fits that market. Bethesda makes gamer's games, and that's the demographic of older gamer that Switch is really meshing with.
Also helps they're putting the game on the bloody cart.....
Nice and all... But $60 for an old $10 game just so I can play it on the Go is not worth it.
Looks great. Will buy.
This will be my third time purchasing this game... God I love it and am beyond ecstatic to play it on the Switch. Feels like Christmas in November.
Don't get me wrong mate, I'm right there with you. I'm 40, I've been gaming for 30 years, I'm hoping to get it downloaded before I start my Nightshift in 4 hours and I'm 2 hours late starting the download because of the kids! 😉
I really hope it's a success, I'd like to be reassured that gaming isn't dominated by the younger generation that think resolution and frame rate are the be all and end all, I'm just not sure how many of us there are. Fingers crossed though.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Damn, I can even tell the PC version is the best one just from the video thumbnail... The only benefit to the NS version is that it exists for portability. Price vs portability might be a big factor in choice, though.
@electrolite77 Haha, that's the spirit! I think the younger generation is simply more numerous in gaming than ours simply because for use it was a "nerdy" hobby to have so it wasn't a popular thing in the broader playground scene (and was actively a subject of ridicule by those sports-minded little brats...) whereas today it's a cool thing to do and is popular, so there's just a greater percentage of the current young generation that is interested in playing games than the percentage of ours was willing to risk being the nerd.
But it's also encouraging to see that niche of our generation of "nerd" gamers that had long ago exited gaming is biting at the idea of Switch. Those current XBox gamers will eventually outgrow the basement (maybe?) and end up getting "too old for gaming" at some point.....but the whole hybrid idea will eventually appeal to them for the same reasons it appeals to us. Heck XBox and Playstation could end up hybrids by then.
PS Mov....errr....Swi...err....PS Adapt is the Best Place to Play(TM)!
An impressive if incredibly blurry technical achievement, but kind of pointless. Who doesn't also own a PS4, XO, or a PC?
I have Doom on my PC, and for those that haven't played it, this game is incredibly fast and needs both 60fps and a mouse. Playing it on a pad is next to impossible, and 30fps would only make that worse.
Nice! I hope they patch any bugs.
@moroboshi actually tons of gamers don't... I have neither as i really dislike the current call if duty and Madden games.
I did get an Xbox 360 recently to play dirt 3 however
I’ve got 26 hours on a plane coming up, so I know which version I prefer. Can’t wait
@moroboshi I don't and my laptop isn't for gaming.
Well mate i am a old school gamer, age 48. I still play original Doom and many doom mods, yep graphics don't matter if the games are great. I have loads of old games that put many new games to shame. Emulators and a JXD S7800B is a great thing to own, a great companion next to other hardware i own
Has it genuinely, honestly not crossed your mind that there will be people who don't have any of those, or if they do, may have other requirements and other concerns than which version runs faster?
Yeah I think you're onto something there. I hadn't thought of that. I should be fair as well. It would have been difficult for me, 20 years ago, to picture a situation where I couldn't just sit in front of the TV in my room and play whatever I want for however long I want. I can see why some others struggle with it.
This hybrid idea is here to stay, anyway.
Is the S7800B something you'd recommend? Every time I see such devices mentioned here I think 'I need a portable emulation device' (my PSP died last year) and never do anything about it.
No me neither. I think the best case scenario is for selective AAA support where it seems a good fit and is easy to convert (it's notable that Skyrim and LA Noire are last-gen console games really). Worst case scenario is of course, none at all. Thankfully I don't think the Switch needs those games. They certainly won't do any harm if they come and will probably be worth a couple of million sales but they shouldn't fundamentally affect whether it succeeds or not, IMHO.
@Alcovitch I don't buy it, there's nothing wrong with 30fps as it's smooth.
@tanookisuit That's great for you I guess, but saying "you don't buy it" is ridiculously narrow minded. Again, I could immediately tell even from the crappy video quality that the XBONE version was running at a much higher frame rate.
30 FPS really is the bare minimum frame rate I would play any game, and for the most part, I wouldn't even consider a first person shooter at 30FPS. I can quite easily tell the difference between 30, 60, and 90 FPS. I can also tell the difference between 90 and 120, though that makes very little difference to me.
@roadrunner343 FWIW, everybody wringing hands over 60FPS on an id shooter seems to me like they missed the 90's PC scene entirely when the whole point of pushing id tech demo games was to make your video card scream to pump out the absolute max resolution (1600x1200 in 1998, woot!) with every last effects slider maxed until you sunk into single digit to teens framerates
THAT is how you play an id shooter, kids. If it's not a slideshow, you're playing your id game wrong!
The Switch version is appropriate approximation, if not superior, to properly using your Voodoo2 for glQuake, glDoom, and Quake2 (Colored lighting!!)
<drops mic>
@MsgBoardGamer FWIW, 2K recently said they were very pleased with NBA2K18 sales on Switch. So the numbers may not look impressive on a sales chart but in terms of company expectations it sounds like they're hitting or exceeding the goals they set for the product, meaning it's a win (though in the case of NBA2K18 I'm disappointed to hear that given 2K's atrocious polices for physical media, I'd hate for that to appear successful for other companies to emulate their policy.)
@NEStalgia I was a weirdo back then. I would much rather turn all the settings off to achieve the highest framerate possible. There were many popular games that I purchased, installed, and immediately uninstalled because I couldn't stand the framerate, and at the time, couldn't afford to upgrade my PC. So I would wait for a couple years until I could play them at acceptable frame rates. I'll take high frame rate any day over pretty effects.
@roadrunner343 That's it! Get out of the id game thread! You don't belong here, you heathen!
My favorite was the Quake 2 frame rate being tied to the the audio would stutter as the video stuttered. Hilariously it sounds like Doom on Switch has the same problem 20 years later. This is PURE id gaming!
Good times!
Please elaborate.
You won't believe me, but I'm not. I'm a Nintendo fan myself. I just said that between Doom and the article I linked to, we have a lot more shielding material when it comes to discussions spawned by actual, "Nintendo consoles get no games" trolls. I said "Nintendo fans" without specifying I'm one myself. Maybe you haven't seen my comments around these parts.
Dont worry I wont. I own this game on PC where i can run it at 120fps.
Those of you saying 30fps doesnt matter havent played games at high refresh rates.
There are 2 main companies that make these devices, GPD and JXD, both Chinese operating out of Hong Kong. Both have a long history of making emulation retro hybrids, very similar to what the switch is doing. The jxds7800b is a great machine for retro play, although a bit on the large size, it ain't pocket material. It runs most emulators very smoothly but can't really run the dolphin emulator, which for those that don't know is Gamecube/Wii games. It also isn't great for playing unreal 4 engine games on Android but everything else is game, basically it runs last gen games equivalent, competing against vita and matching MS360 isn't much of a problem for it. Having said all that you get free apps like showbox and mobdro to watch all your favourite movies and channel's, sky sports, sky movies all for free, like the switch you can take it on the go or use on the TV. Right now that's out of the way there are 2 better alternatives, the GPD XD and JXD singularity, both machines have superior CPU/GPU chips than jxds7800b, the singularity is certainly the best machine out of the 3 but for overall value GPD XD is the one to buy. The latter 2 i mentioned have no problem running unreal4 and the singularity runs the dolphin emulator. The answer to your question is, yep the jxds7800b is worth buying, especially if you find a cheap one, also it's a great companion to have with other hardware you have, it will still be 2nd fiddle to your switch but it's certainly retro heaven that you will never have on dedicated gaming hardware
LAN? Local wireless multiplayer. Like Mario Kart 8, etc...
No word if Doom has it or not.
I still fail to grasp the connection between "word up, son" and LAN.
@AlexSora89 Ehhh, never mind. Can't even find the original post now.
@Nomad this line of thinking always cracks me up. It's 2017. Big deal that DOOM runs on a portable system.
@gatorboi352 Glad I could give you a laugh
Give me a holler when you do!
@Bengals76 Granddad, what have I told you about the internet!? Nobody cares about your dated views on the world! Put your special slippers on and sit in your comfy chair!
I have not yet picked up for Xbone or PS4 as was holding out to see what the SWITCH version would be like, am not disappointed.
In regards to the XBONE video, whilst clearly has better depth and definition the motion seems off, like having the Soap Opera Effect set too high watching TV, this is something I have noticed a fair bit in XBONE versions of games. Maybe it is because I am getting older but sometimes I wonder if my eyes and brain don't just appreciate a lower frame rate?
@AlexSora89 fair enough
@roadrunner343 Not everybody owns several systems. I only own a switch and a 3DS. Even my PC is not good for playing games...
For people like me, DOOM and all the other ports are a blessing.
@electrolite77 Well, I'm one of those in the 1) group. I'm buying this game (and Skyrim and L.A. Noire) and I hope that plenty of other games come too. It doesn't matter if they are ports and it doesn't matter if those games look prettier on other systems.
I think many people are overestimating the amount of people with multiple systems. "Hardcore" gamers, for sure, but the average person most probably only owns one console. At least, of all the people I know, only one person owns both a PS4 and a Switch.
That is impressive. I absolutely love Doom and have no problem buying it a second time so I could play it anywhere.
Enough talk about market penetration or these hi-fi gamers that pretend Doom is unplayable at 30fps. It's playable, it's a technical masterpiece, this clearly isn't for you, so move on.
@maruse I'm not denying that. I agree, that is awesome, and despite me not buying it, I'm glad it exists. The question is, how many people are in your exact situation? My guess is, the majority will either have another console, have a PC, are not interested in an older port, or simply don't care about this style of game on Switch. Switch definitely has a different audience than the other consoles. As I said, the superfan will still buy the game - and I even used myself as an example for the Skyrim port, I will almost definitely buy it - but I just don't have high hopes for DOOM or Wolfenstein. We'll see though, I hope they do well.
There are definitely people who don't have other systems. There are also people who have other systems and missed a particular game because they simply didn't have time to play everything.
Were into unknown territory with the Switch, I hope these games sell.
It is a big deal if you're into games and/or tech.
amazing!! i think that Doom on Switch is the same miracle as Quake 2 on PS1 back in 1999
@Alcovitch I do too. I'm running an i7 with a 980 nvidia chip. Don't think your attempt at diminishing my post acting like one of the reviled PC master race type people getting snooty about frame rates makes a bit of difference. As long as the play is smooth, getting uppity about how many frames beyond the eye can perceive as a blunt force weapon really matters.
@Landlord lol wut
I think this looks fantastic on Switch, technicalities and all the other nonsense aside. For me, the criteria is not about FPS or shaders, or whatever the heck. Just, "is this game fun to play?" I want value for my entertainment dollar, not a swinging contest.
My problem with DOOM is that it's $89.58 after tax. That's where the no comes in. It's $50 less on Steam, and that's at regular price. (In Canada.) Then, there's whatever crazy price it's going to come down to in 2 weeks when the Steam winter sale hits.
I'd like to support this very much, because it looks fun to play and I haven't purchased it on any other platform - but not for $90.
@Alcovitch Its down to personal choice, my PC can also run games at 120 fps or higher even,yet I have absolutely NO issues playing games at 30 FPS. I have Doom on my PS4, so I know what it plays like, it literally does not bother me at all that the switch version runs at 30. Now please, get off your high horse and let people enjoy what they want to enjoy.
It actually looks better than I expected! I'm currently omw to pick up my copy from the store. Can't wait to play it
Hey everybody, when doom first came out on ps4 and Xbox one, it was 60.00. But nobody cared, everybody wanted to get the game. Now it came out on the switch, and it is also 60.00. Now some people complained that since it is an older game, they would rather pay less on the other systems. Look, the switch wasn't out last year. If it was, how many people would buy doom on it instead of ps4 or Xbox one? Look you all should give the switch a chance. It is a system of the future. Embrace it.
My gosh, what a gorgeous game on the Switch.
Theres a noticeable difference but it still looks pretty good on the Switch. I wasn't interested in it when it released on the other platforms though so I doubt that ill get it for the Switch either. If they had added the option for motion aiming then I would have.
Remember what they say about Occam's Razor...
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