There's little doubt that, aside from occasional exceptions, Nintendo hardware in the DS / Wii and 3DS / Wii U generations was seen as mostly family friendly, offering colourful and safe gaming experiences. There were some mature games, of course, but far less than you'd see on other gaming platforms; games like The Binding of Isaac were blocked for a time, as an example, though policies started softening a couple of years ago.
It's been clear from day one that Nintendo has shifted up its marketing with Switch, which surely helped contribute to early success. Commercials and marketing has often featured older photogenic types in their late teens and 20s, a contrast to the consistent focus on children in promotional materials in past years. There are exceptions, of course, but from the first teaser trailer last October to the eSports-centric marketing around games like ARMS and Splatoon 2, Nintendo is seeking a different image for its latest system.
A Wall Street Journal report (paywall) explores this angle from the perspective of publishers and developers in Japan. When discussing the upcoming release of Gal Gun 2, Takuya Aizu - chief executive of Inti Creates - stated surprise that the pitch was welcomed by Nintendo.
I thought it wouldn’t be possible to release such a game for the Switch, but surprisingly, Nintendo gave me positive feedback.
An unnamed executive says that Nintendo was 'passive' towards more mature content in the past, but has now changed gear and is more open. We also have DOOM to look forward to soon along with Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, as two examples, while even in the Indie space we can see that 18 ratings and edgier content are no obstacle to publication.
Some, understandably, are cautious around all of this and whether it could affect Nintendo's family friendly image. Of course, Nintendo couldn't do much more in terms of parental control options on the system, including the smart device app that gives guardians full control over the system. The goal will no doubt be to project that same family friendly stance, while also having the sort of content that'll appeal to a wide range of older gamers.
The test, of course, will be in how 18+ content sells on the hardware, and whether publishers encouraged by Nintendo right now will feel inclined to come back with more games in the future.
Comments 153
So how about you, you know, make one yourself Nintendo?
This is very good news! Appealing to both families and serious gamers can be done and it's nice to see Nintendo finally accept this.
@Bolt_Strike Metroid Prime 4 the M rated bloodfest confirmed!
Mature rating doesen't make a game mature.
Just look at the millions of kids playing Call of Duty.
Civilization is one of the most mature games available, and its not mature rated.
I'm gladness that Nintendo is accepting this. There are a wide variety of gamers that play a wide variety of games. Switch can expand its user base wit he ability to play some big name Fps.
This doesn't mean that Nintendo has to change the games they make, just be more willing to allow third parties to bring more diverse titles.
About time.
HuniePop 2, BAYBAY!
People kinda forget Nintendo is not just a kid-friendly company. They have worked on and done crazy things to promote adult games in the past. Remember when they sold condoms and beer mugs to promote conkers bad Fur-day? Or when they said Bayonetta could wear less clothing in Bayonetta 2? So it's not surprising they would allow more adult games on the system.
@Bolt_Strike who knows, they might. I don't think Metroid ever goes M, but maybe a new IP does. Nintendo seems to really like Bayonetta, maybe it's inspired them to cook up something new we just don't know about yet. It feels like all bets are off and that the Switch is a new beginning.
C'mon Nintendo you got rights to three (Fatal Frame, Geist, and Eternal Darkness) of them, make them right now.
Finally we can have a system that do-it-all. Before Nintendo was just a second choice, now it will be the standard platform. Everything should be on the Nintendo Switch, Nintendo games aimed at everyone and mature games from other companies. Anyway even Super Mario isn't anymore E, so something has changed inside Nintendo development too.
Nintendo now understand that many players want to play with everything instead of being limited to something.
Hopefully Nintendo have got Retro creating a game that fits this more mature audience.
Then why did they say no to Borderlands...
@HyrulianOfHyrule That was last gen, this gen they are more open. Besides Borderlands sucks, I got the PS Vita version and it runs like crap.
It doesn't really seem any different than before on previous hardware. It was possibly the Gamecube or the Wii where they lightened the reins the most in relation to 3rd party content. They're still the same when it comes to themselves actually making mature content themselves. They don't.
Oh, please Tatsumi Kimishima...
Please stay on More Kid Friendly brand image for Nintendo....
Please don't be another notorious Sony....
@retro_player_22 Because the Vita version is an awful port.
I have always found term 'mature' a bit of an oxymoron when it comes to playing video games. Whilst the content can, and is, of course adult in nature, fundamentally the act of playing video games is quite childish. You're in effect 'pretending' to fire a gun, or be a cop or a robber. Exactly as you did as a child.
Just how I view it anyway. The whole reason I still like playing video games is to take a break from being a grown up. I've never really cared if games are 'mature' or not, just fun and compelling.
@Anti-Matter Nintendo are certainly one of the more responsible game developers out there. I don't think this article will change that.
Variety is good. There's no reason why the Switch can't have both mature games and kid friendly games.
I can smell a new Bayonetta, conker's bad fur day, eternal darkness games coming up hopefully in the near future. That variety is very exciting
I just hope that Nintendo shows games like Pokémon, Mario, etc, not change the rating, but maybe increases the difficulty (like adding a hard mode, like in PKMN black 2) and show that these arent just for kids, but adults because of the more difficult level.
1) They said that with the WiiU already, hence the launch(window) titles such as Ninja Gaiden 3 and ZombiU and yet, they didn't follow through.
2) The clever move here would be to give failed games another shot.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions comes to mind. Uncensored Switch rerelease. I bet my left leg that this will rake in more sales than the first release.
3) More advertisement for your splendid parental control app, so that Nintendo doesn't loose the kid friendly image BUT opens up the venue for 16/18+ titles regardless.
I think people have vastly different views on what constitutes a "mature" videogame. The only more-or-less consistent benchmark here is age ratings, though even those are not entirely consistent either, neither between regions nor over prolonged periods of time.
Anyways, going by that, I'd assume "more mature games" translates to "more USK 18 games" (in case of Germany), which in turn translates to "more violent FPS, action-adventure and open-world games".
I guess more games is good by definition, but I also feel like the Switch is not exactly the ideal platform for neither 'realistic' FPS, action-adventure or open-world games. Those games tend to be the ones pushing the hardware of a system the most, as they are generally focused on presentation, while still being very much reliant on a high and consistent frame rate. Not to mention that esp. FPS games tend to be barely suited to controllers as it is, with the small sticks on the Switch itself being anything but ideal.
Not to mention, that these are games you should get immersed in, which makes them much more suited to a big screen than playing on a portable.
I just found myself entirely indifferent to all the "mature" games so far ported or announced for ports. I don't think I'd care for any of the future games, unless it were an exclusive like No More Heroes. I think most of these "mature games" I'll end up playing on PS4/X1 anyways, if I care for them at all.
I much would much rather see more games like e.g. Golf Story on the Switch. The kind of games that are well suited for the systems unique strengths
Sony has Broken my trust from ps3 & ps4 because I HATE RATED M GAMES 100,000,000,000..... % , despite I will buy ps4 by Half-Heartly just because there are FF XII The Zodiac Age & The Sims 4 (Damn ! I have to buy ps4 for that games)
I don't want Nintendo lose their Kid-Friendly brand image. That's the Main Reason why I trust Nintendo 100% despite there are some rated M games on Nintendo (but the amount are lesser than Sony / Microsoft has).
Even there are more #$&@ Damn Stupid rated M games on Switch, I hope Rated E & E10+ games still dominate the game library.
@Seacliff I would eventually check out the other two games soon. It was a mistake to start with the PS Vita version but that's the only game that came free with my Vita.
Children make up a very small portion of the gaming market. It is only wise to cater to adults.
I remember the GameCube and how it had Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, the Resident Evil series, Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, Geist, and Killer7. Nintendo has tried to bring mature content to its platforms in the past, but I hope this one sticks (I'd love to see Fallout hit the Switch).
@DarthNocturnal Yeah. From what I understand, Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon were games designed to attract younger kids away from Mario and Sonic.
I HATE that Damn Stupid shooting games !!
I CONDEMN those Existence to be Annihilated !!
That game is just a MALICIOUS things in the Universe !!
I blamed the parents for being careless about age rating, I blamed for anyone who got addicted with guns & blood !!
Pffffft...... !!!!
Sony games has TOO MUCH #&$@ Damn Stupid Rated M games right now !
Maybe more than 70% are &$@# Damn Stupid Rated M games.
I ALMOST COULDN'T Find more than 12 Acceptable Rated E & E10+ games, I should search from with Very Strict Filter. Right now, I got 9 ps4 titles on my shopping list and not really worthy to own ps4 if I got less than acceptable 12 titles.
@Anti-Matter I don't really see the problem. It's more games for Switch to attract even wider audience. You can ignore them if they aren't your thing. It's not like developers are making games in the mindset of: "What can we do to get that M rating?" They make games they want to make and when the game is ready, it gets an age rating.
@Anti-Matter 67% of games released last year were E /E10 rated and only 11% were M rated. There are plenty of kid friendly games on the other platforms. Just because you dont like them doesnt mean they arent there. You should stop being so close minded and let others enjoy what they want instead of condemning them.
Edit: After looking at the ps4 digital store. Out of the 2169 pieces of digital content on the ps4, only 452 are M rated which is less than 25%. So you clearly are overexaggerating and have no clue what you are talking about.
@tsdenizen Yeah, I think Nintendo would go more mature with new IPs instead of existing ones. They probably don't want to mess with the reputation of existing IPs so instead they'll start this with new ones designed from the ground up for a mature audience.
Night Trap confirmed
I don't really see a problem with this because the more games the better. Also these are the some of the games that I would like to see get brought over to the Switch.
Red Dead Redemption
Red Dead Redemption 2
Resident Evil 4 HD
Assassin's Creed Ezio Collection
Assassin's Creed Origins
Assassin's Creed Syndicate
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition
Rise of The Tomb Raider
Batman Return To Arkham
Metal Gear Soild
Star Wars Battlefront II
A Way Out would be great on Switch
This is good news. More games. Wider audience. All good
I think if they can get GTA 5 on the system (Which I think a lot of players would double/triple dip for to play it anywhere), that would REALLY open the Mature Floodgates....
@GravyThief @Ventilator I think Nintendo meant more games containing adult content that require the Mature 17 and up rating. The definition of Mature for the rating system is different than the dictionary.
Do you also question the validity of Restricted, Parental Guidance, and No Children 17 because they aren't also literal mirrors of the dictionary words?
I ONLY Care with Physical games, not psn games. I don't even want to open psn menu if I got ps4. Just catch any inappropriate image from PSN pages on my tv, I could slam both my ps4 & my tv to the ground !
Btw, can I STRICTLY FORBID All Rated M games to be NOT Appear on PSN menu after I set Parental Control on Level 5 (I allowed CERO B, TEEN & PEGI 12 for Maximum Age Rating) when I try to search for psn games ? I don't even want to see any rated M games cover on psn pages after I set my ps4 with Very Strict Rules.
@Anti-Matter Whether you prefer physical or digital is irrelavant. The fact remains that the overwhelming majority of games released on the ps4 are NOT M rated unlike what you said. And honestly if you would slam your TV and ps4 just from an image you have some serious issues my friend.
How about that Dark Souls Trilogy?
@Anti-Matter don't break your tv or PS4. If it's that bad. Just sell your PS4 and buy more Nintendo games
I assume that you're either laying the sarcasm on thick or you're s child, because your rants are terribly immature. Some of us who play Mario, Zelda, and the like wouldn't mind playing a healthy selection of M-rated games. I, for one, would love to have an all-in-one where I could take Mario, Metroid, GTA 5, Skyrim, and classic schmups (Gunbird 2, Strikers 1945) with me. If you don't like them, don't play them. It's really that simple.
I'm neutral about this development. I do hate the fact that "mature" or "adult" in video games merely means female body parts and gore.
I do think that deep down, Nintendo wants to be a more mature company.
They know that they have a lot of adult fans.
Besides the way they design a lot of characters, you know they're sending a few signals if you catch my cold. It's probably just me.
@MsgBoardGamer The standard platform is the one with the least restrictions. And there nothing can beat a PC, but in the console department Sony has always been the standard platform, because of market penetration and very few restrictions regarding publishers.
Now it's time for Nintendo to get all those games in their system too.
I have no problem with more mature games making it to Nintendo platforms. Like mentioned in the article, the parental controls are there if you need them.
Good. The more games, the better. And besides, for those who like the family friendly stuff, series like Mario, Pokemon, and Zelda (and many others, of course) aren't going anywhere.
Not necessarily. The Dark Souls series, for example, though violent has no nudity, and a very deep, disturbing, well thought out storyline that wouldn't work as an E/T rated game.
I sort of see it the same way as I do films. Nobody would suggest that Goodfellas was anything less than a film for adults, and then you have the best Pixar films which are great for all ages. There's nothing wrong with covering all demographics. I love first party titles, but I do like to sit down with games like Red Dead, Dark Souls, Fallout 4, Until Dawn, The Last of Us, GTA 5, etc. just as much. Think what you will about GTA 5, but the game is darn impressive! The sheer scope of the game alone is amazing! I've plowed through it twice on PS4, and would gladly do it again on Switch!
@Bolt_Strike Nintendo has a family friendly image and they will take care of it. That doesn't mean that they won't let third or second parties do that "dirty job". Like in the N64 days, where the Mature stuff was done by Rare and other companies. It started to shify once Iwata became president and decided to focus on women and children. Seems that with Kimishima they will back to the old way of working.
The difference between a rated M title and shovelware being that the rated M title is easily identified by the rating, and thus easily avoidable. When shovelware floods the eShop, it becomes harder to discern the "real" games from the crap, which has the effect of giving the whole eShop a poor reputation. If the eShop, deservedly or otherwise, gains the reputation as being home to only shovelware, the good developers won't put their games on it to avoid being "guilty by association"... Shovelware is bad for everyone. If Nintendo would tell "devs" like RCMADIAX to take their garbage elsewhere, and the eShop becomes known as a curated collection of high quality games, more talented indie devs will want their games on the eShop.
Christ, kid. You must be the most annoying broken record in the universe.
@MsgBoardGamer When did I mention shovelware? I'm just saying the library can only have more games if Nintendo doesn't avoid games like DOOM and Binding of Isaac.
How many games has RCMADIAX released across the Wii U and 3DS in the last couple years? I don't care who you are, you can't put in the required effort to make a game worthy of selling and keep up his release schedule. Rating has nothing to do with it. When RCMADiAX comes to Nintendo and says, " hey, I know I just released 2 games last week, but I've I got 3 more ready to go this week!" , Nintendo should be telling him to go pound sand.
I will NEVER ALLOWED any &$@# Damn Stupid rated M games come to my place !
My gaming area just ONLY Open for Rated Everyone, Everyone 10+ & few Teen games.
That's my rules and I will NEVER want to getting know a lot about rated M games.
I don't even want to play those &$@# games.
@Bolt_Strike They've made a couple in the past. None of them have sold well. I'm not surprised that they're a bit more hesitant to make another M rated title.
They'll probably just stick to publishing M rated titles like Fatal Frame and Bayonetta 2 for now.
I play a lot of rated Everyone & Everyone 10+ games 90%.
I also play a few Teen games such as The Sims, Final Fantasy series, General RPG games.
With ESRB , CERO & PEGI rating, I ONLY allow :
2. Early Childhood , Everyone, Everyone 10+, Teen
3. PEGI 3, PEGI 7 & PEGI 12
Like a lot of people here I really don't see the problem of Nintendo having "mature" rated games.The bigger Nintendo's gaming audience is the better surely? I can see @Anti-Matter worries and concerns as I have always thought of Nintendo as a family friendly company that makes games just for fun..that's partly the reason when ever I buy a Nintendo Console,it's to sit alongside my Ps4,Ps3 or Xbox 360 as a change of pace.
Opening the doors to Mature content may change Nintendo of its family friendly stamp but only if it starts getting hundreds of adult games released for it like the other consoles..which to be honest I can't see happening.
And even so...what difference does it make?You don't like the games,don't buy them.
You will never get them without a propper voice chat system!
If that's so Nintendo put your money behind a monster hunter world port.....
Nintendo has always had "mature" games, but a lot of people fail to see the difference between mature and overly testosteroned kill-fests. That said, I was sitting in a Starbucks today reading and saw a Switch deal go down. I was SO jealous.
And so many of the truly M-Rated games just come across as juvenile to me.
@Ventilator please yes...bring a Civ Revolution game to the Switch
Personally I love the attempt to widen the audience. A huge draw is taking the traditional console experience on the go. Excluding M rated games would really dent the narrative.
@Anti-Matter I don't think you took your meds today.
I'm fine, mate.
I have a lot of hatred things in my mind.
Bayonetta 3 please
@MsgBoardGamer you claim to have been playing for over 30 years, yet you forget the lessons of the video game market crash of the 80s. I'm not making this up, its already happened once. When you allow the market to be saturated with crap, the good games get burried and consumer confidence is eroded. If consumers don't have the confidence to buy games from your platform, you're gonna have a much harder time convincing legit developers to release their game on your platform.
I know doom is only £10 on ps4 and x1 but the last version I brought was for the snes. So I'll get it again on a Nintendo system.
@Anti-Matter playing video games should make one happy. Maybe the games you play make you angry all the time. Try to enjoy games you like and ignore ones you dont
@MsgBoardGamer you've just made a horribly uneducated false equivalence, is all. Its fair to say if you don't like M rated games, don't play them, because they are CLEARLY LABLED as such. Nobody has any reason to download a game and then find out, surprise surprise, it's a rated M title. Shovelware, however, is designed to blend in with the quality games... Its entirely possible for someone to download a game they think looks promising only to find out that whatever budget the game had was spent entirely on the box art and the trailer, and the game itself was cobbled together with stock Unity assets by someone who took a basic programming course in high school. That's basically the whole business model. Pump out games on the cheap and hope enough people who don't know any better will pick it up. That hurts consumer confidence, which in turn hurts sales of quality games, which affects 3rd parties deciding to release games on the platform. Shovelware is bad for everyone.
When RCMADIAX is willing to list in his product descriptions the he pumps out 12-15 games a year by flipping stock assets, you will then have valid comparison. Or maybe we just need a "rated S for Shovelware" logo... I could get onboard with that.
@MsgBoardGamer I don't really think it's that strange that people feel that way. Nintendo has definitely gotten the short end of the stick in the mature games department for the past while, and there's a lot more opportunity for quality games to appear on the system if Nintendo actually allows a lot of games that aren't Teen and under.
Just Dance, on the other hand, is a pretty simple series that doesn't change at all, and most people who aren't super casual gamers would rather play games like Breath of the Wild or Mario Odyssey than they would Just Dance.
In a nutshell, it's a lot easier to feel excited for a super broad category of games than it is to feel excited for one of the most stagnant and simple game series out there. And I really don't think that disliking a single game series is anywhere near as close-minded as avoiding any games that aren't rated Teen and under.
Good. The more games the merrier. Don't curate, don't apply your own subjective filters. Just put the games out and let the market decide. You need quantity as well as perceived quality.
Do it Nintendo! Bring us a Dark Souls Trilogy!
@Octane Great minds aye 😉
@MsgBoardGamer I'm not trying to argue the fact that people's tastes in video games is subjective. What I am questioning is your assertion that "if you don't like it, don't play it" with regards to M rated games vs shovelware is a double standard. It is not. One is clearly labeled as to what it is, and thus can be easily avoided. You were the one who wanted to make this about shovelware.
Fallout 4 and The Witcher 3 would be my most wanted, but Assassins Creed Games, GTA V, XCOM 2, and plenty more would be welcome in my book
I'll never understand your problem with this. If you don't like a game don't buy it. Such a simple solution. Nintendo has had mature games on their consoles for ages. Wolfenstein, Mortal Kombat, Bayonetta, No More Heroes, Maniac Mansion, Mad World, Conker's Bad Fur Day, The Binding of Isaac.
Its like complaining that the cable company betrayed you because you saw a program you felt was innapropriate.
Get over it, don't buy it, respect the fact that others have differering tastes then you. None of the game makers are holding a gun to your head and forcing you to play super edgy, rated m games.
I don't like it, so no one should make it or play it, is a very immature mindset and response.
Ahh touche'! ^^
Maybe if Nintendo made them themselves, wouldn't that be a sight
@MsgBoardGamer I can't speak for others on the topic of mature games, but personally, it doesn't affect me because I have my PS4 for any mature games I'm interested in playing. However, I would love to have more mature games on the Switch, not only because the Switch is portable and being able to play those games away from the TV would be very nice, but also because it's a sign of Nintendo becoming less restrictive and more accepting of third parties. More third party support can only be a good thing, because the more third party games there are, the more people will buy the system, and thus Nintendo will be even more inclined to produce quality games. But again, I never have and never will buy a Nintendo console for third party stuff, unless a few generations down the road we have a much improved third party situation.
I do agree that people should try to avoid bashing games too much. While I don't think there's anything wrong with saying "Meh, not for me", there's a point where it just gets ridiculous, and I think that's where people take issue with Anti-Matter. While I respect his decision to not play mature games, he does get pretty over-zealous and has a bit of a holier-than-thou attitude about the whole thing, which kinda rubs people the wrong way.
But yes, while I think it's reasonable for people to get annoyed with Anti-Matter's attitude about mature games, they should also take care to not do the same thing with games that they don't enjoy. Of course, I'm also guilty of bashing games more than is really necessary, just like most people are.
@FragRed Personally I would prefer Retro is working on a Wave Race, F-Zero or Donkey Kong Country.
@FTL I feel there's be a lot of unhappy people if Retro revealed the next game to be another Donkey Kong Coubtry, especially with the amount of time it's been in development.
So what are you saying? That girls don't get a kick out of games like GTA or Silent Hill?
That's right! I forgot about Prime 4.
Arkham Series!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Metal Gear Series!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Start with Eternal Darkness 2.
Thank you.
@MsgBoardGamer if you're saying it can't be defined, then what's your surefire trick to avoid it? With M rated games, we've clearly labeled them. They can be easily avoided. If you don't like em, don't play em. That is a fair statement.
With shovelware, while I'm sure most of us who are spending time on sites like this are wary enough to not be duped, the average consumer is gonna get caught from time to time, (that's why the shovelware business model exists). By the time you've discovered it's shovelware, you've spent your money. "If you don't like it, don't play it", you say? Oh, well thanks for that, tips...
I'm not talking about a yearly franchise like Just Dance, that some would dismiss as lazy or casual. I'm talking about small companies that try to flood a platform with no effort games that cost nothing to produce hoping only to make a quick buck off people who don't know any better. If you're denying these types of predatory practices are occuring, you're living under a rock.
Please stop feeding @Anti-Matter the kiddie only gamer who teaches primary school is obsessed with men's muscle bound bodies and has the same kind of reasoning as Michael Jackson.... hey just saying what I've read over the last year.
@Ralek85 BotW is an open world game/adventures game and seems to be right at home on the Switch. So I think there is a place for those genres . I can’t speak for FPS. Its one i don’t care for. But I would imagine if the games play just as well as their counterparts on the Xb1 and the PS4 and dont look bad, theres a place for those too.
@Anti-Matter I don't see a problem with offering games for older audiences while still selling more family-friendly games like Mario.
Nintendo during the Nintendo 64 and Gamecube did that with games that they either developed or published like Killer Instinct, Perfect Dark, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Eternal Darkness, and Geist.
I owned a Gamecube, and Eternal Darkness and Geist were two of the best games on that system.
I understand how you feel about mature games, but I think Nintendo could benefit from selling some mature rated titles and helping to support third-party efforts on their system.
Sony and Microsoft have the mature market locked down, but don't really have much that appeals to all age groups.
The Switch could become the game system that appeals to all ages and tastes. Like Mario? Or Doom? Or Skyrim? Then the Switch is the best system for you on the market today!
I think Nintendo supporting mature titles could benefit them in the long run. They will still have Mario and Kirby for the younger gamers and the young at heart, Metroid, Fire Emblem, and Zelda will appeal more to older gamers, but mature games would appeal to the adult gamer who wants Mortal Kombat, GTA, and other games like that on their system.
If you don't like the games, ignore them. As for myself? I'm looking forward to some Doom and Wolfenstein on the go.
@Robohock It's his personal preference. It's inappropriate to question someone's mental capability because he enjoys games for everyone.
@Bolt_Strike what for? They have tremendous success with their “for everyone” games. I can’t think of a single Nintendo franchise which would be better with mature content. They are better off having others bringing their mature games.
@Reignmaker Civilization Revo is possible, but too old now unless they make a third.
Overwatch on Nintendo Switch would be fun. The game doesn't take lots of power to run, and playing inside the covers would be really nice. The game could fit on a 32 gb cartridge and people would probably double dip for it (I know I would).
@UmbreonsPapa I don't say there is no place for them on the system, just that I don't see myself caring much. Certainly not if at the end of the day, this just mean more 'okay'ish' ports of stuff like Doom or Wolfenstein.
Anyways, BotW is not your run-of-the-mill open-world game, if you ask me. First of all, it's not combat focused and not interface driven, which its basically the polar opposite of most AAA "open-world" games (open world is a horrible genre label btw ^^).
I don't generally enjoy open world games, be it AC, FC, Skyrim or the likes. I liked RDR cos I'm a sucker for the western setting and I liked GTAV, because the story missions were excellent and I kinda liked AC IV, because of the naval combat, but other than that ... the only open-world series I played consistently was GTA, and even there I kinda lost interest mit San Andreas and IV, which I kinda loath. Thankfully V really took it to the next level though.
Anyways, BotW is the first game I enjoyed BECAUSE it was an open-world game. In GTAV, RDR and AC IV, I would have been perfectly happy with a linear mission design and without any of the open-world related content.
Of course, it's also worth mentioning that BotW is not particular brutal game, nor is it going for a particular realistic visual look - which also sets it appart from virtually all other AAA open-world games. It's an outlier if I ever saw one.
Finally, I would add that the grandeuer of BotW is also better enjoyed on a big TV screen than on the Switch. I played alot on the Switch as well but to really appreciate the scale of the game, you need to see it on a big, brilliant screen. It takes the game from really fantastic to utterly engrossing
@NinNin it's just that he gets so upset about them like they have wronged him in some way. I meant no disrespect.
@Bolt_Strike wasn't Geist from Nintendo? Granted it was a few gens ago but it seems Nintendo has tried for a mature first party game and it didn't really do well. They probably don't want to use an existing IP to make an M rated game (it would alienate part of the demographic) and created new IPs has greater risk, which is why Nintendo generally only has around 1 per gen lately, give or take. I mean, not saying they shouldn't try again for an M rated title but I understand why they're hesitant, and as long as they get some third party ones that's a good start towards broadening the audience.
Personally creating M rated titles for the sake of being mature seems backwards for me, as adults can enjoy things that aren't exclusively gorey or sexual... if they have an idea that requires an M rating that's one thing, but doing it just to seem mature to me seems a bit forced.
Fatal Frame 5 re-release with uncensored sexy outfits, when?
Wait why do people keep responding to Anti-Matter? It's not like he hasn't made his extremist feelings quite known on this site. You won't change his mind so just let it be. Thankfully he has no say in what Nintendo chooses to do. Unfortunately Nintendo still probably won't ever shed their "kiddie" image - and I admit this as a loving fan of most of their games (Zelda, Metroid, Mario, Pokémon, Fire Emblem... nearly all their IPs actually, which are all E to T). I mean, I think it'd be great if they could reach a broader audience, and I loved Geist on the GameCube. Resi Evil 4 on the GameCube was my first M rated game, they've had a lot of great mature third party games on their system over the years if you look through the library, ranging from survival horror to over the top blood baths (Madworld anyone?) but due to most not selling well Nintendo has stayed known as the kiddie console out of the big 3 and it definitely has impacted their sales (mainly from N64 onward). I don't think they should make Metroid Prime 4 M rated as it will alienate a chunk of the fan base, but new IPs are free game, I love Arms and Splatoon and if they have any ideas that would require a higher rating they should go for it. Some people really care about the image of their products, and like it or not this affects their success.
@MsgBoardGamer There's also the factor that polished AAA games made under or within a year is almost impractical with current Gen tech. Correct me if I'm wrong, but with previous Gen systems like PS1, N64, etc, there were usually teams of 10-20, each of which would work on one or more technical aspects to a game, which was easy back then, since games were relatively smaller then games being made today, because (obviously) of the limited hardware. But as the hardware became more and more complex, so did the development of games. A team (as said before), which usually contained 10-20, then could contain 30-50 and so on depending how large or complex the hardware or game was. In the process making the ability to finalize a game a lot slower. Even though the notion of game looking "absolutely stunning and polished" is a good thing to keep in mind, but some people forget that something like that takes a heck of a lot of time. And what's unfortunate is the impression that company's have that something like that could be done within a year, with albeit with half-baked results, that could be patched here and there after its release. A habit that slowly becoming common practice by a margin of AAA 3rd party developers.
@Bolt_Strike A new, more mature, more dark, Majora Mask. PLEASE
@Ventilator God I would love a Civ game tailored for the Switch...
There are really only 2 things that garner an M rating in games. Gore and sexual themes. Everything else is T or under. I wouldn't mind the sexual themes, but you can keep your gooey, messy gorefests. Pass.
Thank you for concerning about me.
Well, to be honest, like I said on older thread, I'm kind of Mild Asperger people, have struggle in socializing with other people so sometimes I ended up in Awkward situation or People dismayed with my attitudes.
I have a Hatred against M rated contents when I was kid. I was the victim of rated M contents from the games and movies. I have never played in my life any of rated M games, but I have seen the scenery of rated M games by ACCIDENTALLY. When I was kid I didn't realized, but when I grew up, I realized how horrible for me to see such a thing like that. And it built my Hatred against all Adult contents. I see Rated M contents = Evil things that brainwashing people mind to become evil. I Hate to see gore, blood, foul language, dark theme, demonic theme, drugs, etc. I can't stand for such a thing like that. That contents are everywhere, made me felt insecured and angry at the same time.
That's why I keep my mindset for being Kiddie because I feel Safe for not being "Too Adult". Because I can see to become Adult may lead to become Evil. I have seen so many horrible things from being adult. And I Hate Adult world like that. I felt disgusted.
I adore Cute & Kiddie things more after I saw MySims on Wii for the first time, Animal Boxing on NDS for the first time, it built my interest toward Cute and Chibi form. Also, I have very Unusual interest while adult males Almost Never think about : I have interest watching America's Next Top Model, some Girlie things like I was a "Girl" that has a Slumber party with other girls. And that's why I played Style Savvy Fashion Forward 3DS for the first time, played Cooking Mama games.
I Love peaceful games, that was built from Animal Crossing New Leaf and other games that didn't engaged with combat at all or with Cartoonish combat like Portal Knights.
Sorry to make you and other users dismayed. That's me, i'm the Different One, maybe One from 4 Billion peoples.
@Bolt_Strike While I agree with this sentiment, I don't think many of their IP's bold well for a mature title. I'd like to see them try something new and have a fresh take on a "mature" genre.
@Bolt_Strike they have. it's called devil's third. also bayonetta 2. both didn't do so well.
Whenever an article like this pops up on Nintendo Life, I can’t help but wonder whether the editorial team does this on purpose, just to get a rise out of Anti-Matter XD
@G_M Much the same as whenever they post an Amiibo article. You can't help but feel they're lighting a fuse then sitting back laughing.
Antimatters' frequent freakouts remind me of the Ripping Yarns episode where the puritanical dad rants, 'It is a lewd and lascivious book' and his wife interrupts him saying, 'No Dear! Thats not the Atlas'.
@redd214 nice research 👍🏻, pleasant to see such insanity fact checked.
It's a widespread misconception that Nintendo consoles didn't have mature games in the past (just as @redd214 has shown that the other platforms don't have that many mature games either).
N64: Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Shadowman, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Majora's Mask, Doom 64, Turok, Forsaken, Mission Impossible, etc.
Gamecube: Eternal Darkness, Resident Evil, Mortal Kombat, Turok, Metal Gear Solid, Twilight princess, Metroid etc.
Wii: Madworld, Mortal Kombat, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, House of the Dead, Dead Rising, CoD, No More Heroes, Dead Space etc.
Wii U: Devil's Third, Ninja Gaiden, ZombiU, Resident Evil, Bayonetta, Watch_dogs, Darksiders, CoD, Deus Ex, Mass Effect, Walking Dead etc.
And these are merely examples. I only listed those that I remembered off the top of my head + the first ones that Google suggested.
Not sure I would count Twilight Princess or Metroid Prime as mature, though they are certainly darker than previous entries.
@PigmaskFan Yeah they're rather edge cases one could discuss about and I haven't played the Metroid games that much. But at least Twilight Princess had some mature elements: Link being more like a young adult - instead of a child - in the beginning of the game and basically everything related to Midna, especially the ending.
Of course, if you define 'mature' strictly based on their ratings, both games wouldn't count as mature games.
@Anti-Matter While I disagree with you, I can totally see where you're coming from and I just wanted to say:
Don't listen to all those disrespectful comments that are directed at you here. Some people are just incapable of viewing things from someone else's point of view, so all they can do is throw insults at you.
I don't share your opinion but all those horrible and hurtful reactions to your posts are just wrong and highly disrespectful.
@Starbuster @G_M @Robohock @flapjack-ashley @BinaryFragger @LinkSword Yes I'm talking about you. Just because you think you know everything and can hide behind the anonymity of the internet, you don't have any right to make wild assumptions about other human beings and insult/bully them just because they're different.
You don't know what that person had to go through in the past and might be going through in the present and you obviously can't imagine how your comments might hurt other people.
You should be ashamed of yourselves.
@Anti-Matter Why don't you have a seat.
Being of the 16 bit generation growing up I can still remember when Nintendo was a go to option for many older and/or male players. Sadly once Sony arrived, they screwed up the storage format on the N64, and they lost that part of the market, they've never attempted to regain it since.
It's a real shame as I know there are a lot of teenage boys who'll never develop that depth of appreciation for Nintendo's game design skills that I got to.
It's never too late to change though. If enough new exclusive IPs with mature themes were established, but which worked in that Nintendo magic, there's no reason they couldn't get back to their old no1 spot.
@shani Hey champ, how was my comment bullying? I meant what I said. Considering how obviously upset old mate Anti-matter gets simply over the fact Mature content exists, I think it was reasonable to suggest getting help. And unless your own username is your real name and address, it's a little hypocritical to throw around the old 'anonymity' line.
I think Nintendo's relentless pursuit of being family friendly has at times been one of Nintendo's biggest downfalls. I'm glad Nintendo is finally being more open to Mature games on their systems. Sometimes I want to be able to play Kirby and then play a game like No More Heroes. Those two experiences don't have to be on separate consoles and I'm glad Nintendo is finally realizing that. (not to mention that some of the most popular games of the last 5 years have been m rated, like it or not)
I really don't think it's Nintendo's job any more to police what kind of mature content ends up on their platforms. It's the parent's duty to do that and I'm more than tired of Nintendo limiting the games I can on their systems due to religiously trying to present themselves as family friendly at the cost of potential customers and 3rd party developers.
Pretty cool. I don't care what the ESRB rating for a game is, as long as its good. Regardless, it'd be nice to see Nintendo revive Eternal Darkness, make a new Fatal Frame/port the older ones over and lockdown Bayonetta 3. I'd also love to see Mortal Kombat XL on Switch.
@shani I meant no ill will in my comment towards anti. Just wanted to know why his taste are as they are. He explained perfectly in his response to me.
@Anti-Matter thank you for that explantion. Makes everything in perspective for me now. Enjoy the games you enjoy and everyone else can enjoy theirs. Best of luck to you!
This is nothing new. Ever since Yaumachi left the company Nintendo have been open to mature games on their platforms. Its everyone else that assumes Nintendo won't want mature games. Nintendo funding Bayonetta 2 should have made this even more noticable but that kiddie stereotype will not go away. If Nintendo likes your pitch, its pretty much a shoe in.
Well, bring out a South Park game to Switch then. No game is more 18+ than that game.
About time
@shani I didn't even insult him, but okay. Have you ever stopped to consider that his overblown reaction might be insulting to others, whom don't share the same tastes in gaming as him?
Also, since when has it been mandatory to divulge your full personal details on the internet for your opinion to be valid? Does this mean that Anti-Matter's comments are also invalid because HE hides behind a monitor? What about your opinion of us "boogeymen", whom call out Anti-Matter on his childish tantrums?
I have nothing to be ashamed of, so I will kindly decline your offer. As for you, please grow up.
@Anti-Matter I've found a handy list of all the weapons you can collect in Mario vs Rabbids. Think you can customise your loadout and everything.
They even took inspiration from Gears of War with the Boomshot : )
I play a variety of different games, E rated or M rated. So I’m down with this. Whatever catches my interest.
@Ventilator "Civilization is one of the most mature games available, and its not mature rated."
Whadya mean? They teach history in like 1st grade.
Anyway, Nintendo sapped all of the meaningfulness out of three of its occasionally mature series; Paper Mario, Metroid Prime, and Zelda. They've been simple save-the-princess, multiplayer, or shallow games now and they have been since the last serious or 'mature' ones came out around 2007.
Good, more variety is welcome for Switch. Being able to easily carry those games aorund is a huge plus..
Given that Nintendo provided financial backing for Bayonetta 2 and Devil's Third on Wii U, is it really a shock that they aren't banning so called 'mature' games on Switch?
I do hate the use of the word 'mature' for this though. Breath of the Wild and Metroid Prime felt pretty mature to me.
@G_M I wasn't referring so much to personal details but rather to the convenience of anonymity. You (I don't mean you in particular) don't see see the person you're argueing with in real life but only a nickname. You can't hurt a few letters on a website but the human being behind it.
So what I meant was: people rarely realize that there's an actual person with real feelings behind the nickname. So that's why the anonymity makes it easier to be disrespectful, because you can't see the harm it might cause.
Well it's not like there haven't been Rated M games on Nintendo systems before. They just don't make them in house. If other devs wanted to they could have been putting Rated M games on Nintendo systems for a while...but they chose not to, usually citing the fanbase for whatever reason (like Nintendo gamers are physically compelled to avoid Rated M games or something...or maybe, just maybe they dismissed a fanbase because they didn't want to compete with strong non M first party titles?). Just because Nintendo doesn't make those types of games doesn't mean that nobody would play them (If you know, they came out on time and had decent parity...).
@Haru17 Nintendo also scrapped other Mature franchises like F-Zero, Wave Race, 1080 Snowboarding, Excite Bike and probably others.
"An unnamed executive says that Nintendo was 'passive' towards more mature content in the past, but has now changed gear and is more open. "
Translation: We got our arses handed to use because we chose to only focus on family friendly and the developers made a run for it. Or they released screwy cutesy stuff only infuriating our buyers over the age of single digits.
Glad they finally got on board and it appears the buyers may very well have too given the real positive outlook on the Bethesda offerings so far. If this isn't another Nintendo idiot fanbase says one thing but then buys the other (ie: 1st party only) it's a good setup for some success finally.
@Ventilator Those are all racing games, I don't know what they or Civ have to do with an M rating.
@shani I seriously don't give a damn about the guy's background. He is repetitive, intolerant and absolutely obnoxious. It's A-okay if he doesn't care for violent/"mature" stuff, but constantly spewing bile at those games, the companies making/sanctioning them and the people who like to play them is plain idiotic behavior. I don't feel the slightest bit guilty or wrong about calling him out on it, and neither should anyone else.
Been hoping Nintendo would be this way for years. Hopefully it continues to gain traction. Nothing like playing a system that has something for the WHOLE family (famicom...?)
A good mix of games is great, I’ll be picking up Doom for sure. I don’t need Nintendo to start making M rated games though, I love how they make everything accessible. Splatoon is a great example of taking the game mechanics of a more mature skewing genre and making a game anyone can play. I don’t really need a blood soaked Metroid either, as I felt the tone of the Prime games was perfect. Adding blood won’t improve it IMO.
@Starbuster Lay off the personal stuff, thanks.
@Robohock Lay off the personal stuff, thanks.
Despite @Anti-Matter speaking for most of the Nintendo audience, or rather, most of the image the Nintendo audience is known as - which does not equal to the grand total of Nintendo fans at all - I'm actually very happy to hear this.
Look at this from a business standpoint. More mature games coming to our system, believe it or not, is a total Godsend. This would mean more players who come to Switch for Nintendo games might also stay for the extra stuff we get - and, as such, might not need another console. I don't have a Switch yet, but keep in mind that my Wii U, plain and simple, didn't suffice. And I had to buy an Xbox One to get all the games I, again plain and simple, missed out on. How often have you seen the words "... is skipping Wii U" on this site? If you're relatively new to the site, maybe not often, but look for the articles tagged with the word "disappointment" (yes, it's an actual tag on the site) and brace yourself for what we've had to endure.
And look at Nintendo now! Starting with the child-free (it's a subtle detail, but it foreshadowed a lot of things) reveal video of the Switch, you can really see how Nintendo has grown - pun not intended. Why? Because pandering to a very young audience might be a good strategy, but when it's been always about the kids, it's become and old and stale strategy. Shaking things up was needed. During the Wii U era, we had to either give up on (supposedly) multiplatform games, or to buy another console for them. Now? "Well, the Switch can run it, so we can publish this Rayman game on that console as well." It's not ALL about mature games, but given they also sell consoles (remember, grown-ups usually have a job, therefore more money to spend, contrary to a kid who has to ask their parents first), developers of non-Nintendo kiddy games can put effort and money into crafting a Switch port of any Rayman, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts or whatever all-ages multiplatform game you can think of.
So yeah, thank God for DOOM!
Thanks for concerning about me.
But, btw...
Don't you ever say that &$@# Stupid rated M game again at the end of your conversation !!
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Well, the franchise has its merits, to be fair. It pioneered both a genre and the whole idea of fighting the forces of evil - as in, Biblical evil - with guns, which is pure genius. But honestly, really, a bit of blood will help us getting more stuff on our console. And trust me, not having to shell out the cash for the next Xbox or the PlayStation 5 will be something you'll be grateful for.
I don't even want to know about that &$@# game.
I have NO Interest at all with that shooting games whatsoever.
That's 100% Taboo for me.
Please, let me enjoy my Peaceful games like Animal Crossing New Leaf / Style Savvy Fashion Forward without getting involved into those malicious things.
@MsgBoardGamer No, it's not that simple. If you want access to all the popular mature games then you need multiple systems.
Of course, there's the misconception of Nintendo gamers oversimplifying things. I was explaining to @Anti-Matter how what's happening with the Switch is a good thing. True, this generation won't magically make the Switch an all-games console. Doesn't diminish the fact that, so far, the Switch is taking more than a few steps in that direction. We're getting there.
The "Switch 2" might as well as be in direct competition with Microsoft and Sony the next generation.
That, and @gcunit delivered another good counterpoint. You want to play both Halo and God Of War? Sucks for you.
Don't be scared, those games don't bite. The bloodshed won't affect you. But it might get you some neat software to fiddle with.
Um, could you please not to persuade me with any kind of games like that ?
I have my Own Rules for my gaming time.
I will NEVER even want to try that games.
I'm kind of Peaceful gamer so I will never think brutal violence , shooting and blood are good ideas for me since i'm AGAINST Those contents.
Please, just let me enjoy my Peaceful / Kiddie / Girlie games without bothering those rated M games, okay ?
I'm not asking you to play them! I'm just saying that, the next time a Rayman game, or a FIFA game, or whatever will not skip the Switch, you'll have to - at least partially - thank the M-rated games we're talking about for that.
Well, Mario sells anyway, and I'm fine with him being the face of the company. Nothing against Kratos or Master Chief, but as far as recognition goes, they aren't half as appealing as that happy mustached face we've grown to love. Plus, portability. The lack of a Vita successor pretty much put PlayStation systems off the map to me; I'll be sticking with my PSP to scratch my portable Crash Bandicoot and Spyro itch, unless of course for the former Activision feels like wanting my money.
I'm a simple guy: I love Nintendo IPs, I love portability. A console that combines both is bound to get my money; to put this in context, my home Sony support ended with the PS2, and even that console owes my purchase of one of its units to the first two Kingdom Hearts games. Other than that, the only reason I have an Xbox One as my secondary console next to the Wii U (yes, secondary, not the other way around) lies in its status as a runner-up due to lower sales than PS4, resulting in overall better consumer-friendliness. The Xbox One is a great tool to experience all the games you miss out on Wii U, but I'd feel more "incomplete", for lack of a better word, without the Wii U rather than the other way around. Cuphead is amazing, but my cup of tea - pun totally intended - is mushroom-flavored, make no mistake of that.
I'll get a Switch as soon as possible, because it combines the usual must-have aspects all Nintendo handhelds have with the fact it's also a home console, meaning that - as I assume it's the case with the most casual among the hardcore Nintendo fans - the "burden" of having the home console counterpart of their handheld of preference (again, not the other way around) is done away with. Similarly, sales show that unifying the two markets is definitely paying off. And this is how things will turn out different with Switch.
It's not the first time Nintendo did this: look no further than good ol' R.O.B., which was pretty much a toy... under whose disguise came a console. That robot pretty much saved the industry by sneaking a console in our homes, and Nintendo is following the same M.O. with Switch - don't want a home Nintendo system? Well, the handheld you're surely - not to mention statistically - more willing to pay for is also a home console, so there's that. And the last sentence, again, can't really be reversed, because every home console war Nintendo lost has been countered with every handheld console war Nintendo won.
I... I tend to be repetitive when trying to get a point across, so bear with me here.
However, yeah. The sales are already showing to be generally better than the Wii U did, and undoubtedly better than most naysayers had to say about the console upon its reveal. Combine that with more focus on adult stuff (see comment #167 and the article itself) and the arrow pointing towards a better future for Nintendo fans is definitely there.
I could always be proven wrong, of course, but "proven" is the key word here. I think next March will be the best moment to look back and see who was right and who wasn't. At the moment, people are too busy singing Odyssey's praises - regardless of whether their bedroom is filled with plushies, or with DOOM limited edition scaled statues - to actually think the console will fail.
If you're referring to FIFA's abysmal performance, I'm aware of it. And it's a worrying sign, although thankfully one of the very, very, very few so far.
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