A Senran Kagura-themed livestream has just taken place in Japan, and during the broadcast gameplay footage from the upcoming Switch entry was shown, as well as the game's opening anime.
Dubbed Shinobi Refle -Senran Kagura-, the game lanches later this year in Japan.
Perfectly Nintendo has captured some of the footage, which appears to show the player using the Joy-Con controllers to "massage" the various body parts of young, wide-eyed girls. Ahem.
What do you make of this footage? Did you die a bit inside after watching it? Let us know with a comment.
Comments 167
"Did you die a bit inside?"
Why can't you take a neutral stand?
Diversity is good.
A Senran Kagura pinball game was also announced for Switch but no mention of that.
I need a release date... For research purposes ofcourse!
hahaha finally a reason for HD rumble xD
After feeling the thud of wooden bats and flesh slicing machetes in Splatterhouse and the explosions of alien menaces and my ships engine as it enters warp-speed in Galaga 88,I'm a big fan of what HD rumble can bring to certain games so I'm keen to find out what jiggly bits will feel like in HD.
Boobs: The Game
What in the world...
What is even happening in that last vid?
I thought these were meant to be fighting games?
I would feel a tit playing this. (snigger)
While Shinobi Refle looks like a decent game for 1000 yen (~10USD), what made me disappointed was the announcement for the new pinball game and not the hack-n-slash series coming to the Switch. Oh well, here's hoping one would come, sooner or later.
Unless it's full blown hardcore, what's the point..
@Nico87 because we all died a little bit inside...
@Moon yeah thought these were supposed to be fighting games. I want to get into the series.
Senran Kagura games are actually fun beat em ups, I hope they still include normal gameplay. And the Japanese aren't as repressed when it comes to sex than the rest of the world.
@setezerocinco I didn't. This seems like a nice casual experience tbh. Though I would ofc prefer more busty brawlers from the Senran Kagura franchise instead.
A reminder to everyone that anyone on your Switch friends list can see what you have been playing.
And they will judge you for it.
E rating for this one please.
If not fighting game i dont want it.
I like how many people are trying to act like they're embarassed
@Shiryu Best reaction gif to this EVER
This developer is going to create the best vibrating dildo using HD rumble.
Because nothing says "erotic" like slapping someone's thigh repeatedly.
@MrGawain Meh I played worst on my ps3. Had battlefield and Tlou friends questioning what the hell I was playing when I played games like At tonelico Qoga. I'll try out anything that's a RPG
What is this crap?
Nintendo will never keep up with the Switch demand in Japan, will they. XD
@Trikeboy America is really the only country that feels repressed by sex. But in turn, America is like #1 when it comes to not caring at all about insane amounts of violence.
And between the two, if you are going not feel appauled by one, it should be sex. Cause the other involves killing people, not making them happy.
I have no idea what's going on. Is there more to this game or is this it? If this is all it's got to offer then I'm not interested in this piece of turd posing as a game.
This looks great (would buy for more or less $15), but the pinball game looks even better.
I'm not kidding.
Reason #2 to get a Switch arrives. XD
Lol I'd kill to have this game in NA
Or was I?
Either way, I'd say this is... Interesting ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
Maybe I'd steal one of 'em copies for a bit of research purposes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Ok ok I'll see myself out I saw the door XD
Oh well, RIP Switch stocks even further.
I hope this is not the main gameplay and more of the side content. But well, doesn't matter, this is a game that I have to try out the HD rumble effect. Hope it comes to west though.
@nhSnork nope. I can't imagine how crazy it'll get when Pokemon, and a new MH come out.
Maybe Nintendo needs to find a different partner for parts.
So The Switch gets 2 lame minigames, while PS4 gets a remake of a Nintendo game and brand new Senran Kagura 7...yup, sounds fair, developers are totally not neglecting Nintendo again!
I have to say this doesn't really look like much of a game, more like a game for a smart phone. I wouldn't mind seeing the brawler, as far as silly fun o guess. Doubt I would but that either.
Being an American in America, it does strike me as ...odd that so many see this as immoral or embarrassing. Have any of you seen what poses as mainstream tv?
Yeah, molesting girls is a mechanic that games really need...
Even in Japan it's mainly only losers who play it.
@Damo Second paragraph: "Dubbed Shinobi Refle -Senran Kagura-, the game" The text just cuts off at that point.
Might want to fix that.
And no, I didn't die inside watching that video, but then again, I'm not really interested in virtue signaling, either.
Playing Switch on a slackline between two mountains above an abyss? Loser!
The real kick is playing this on the bus or the train!
@Shiryu lol, classic.
Ahahahhaha after pay for porn on vita, we'll pay o Switch.
Love it, day 1, day 0, pre order, 10/10.
In a serious note, I really like the two SK on 3DS so if this one not suck I'll buy too!
Edit: Wait! Is there no action, like the titles on 3ds (or vita)? Is just a soft porn simulator?
@MrGawain That's a good reason to not have friends!
I didn't watch. I won't watch. Help. Help us all.
This game looks awsome! When I get a Switch I will buy this game.
Bleh. These games are ridiculous.
Switch gets a dating/softcore game(which i dont even mind) and PS4 gets 2 Games that are more in tune with the previous Games
@Itachi2099 Switch might get them later, like PC got the Vita games later.
I show the trailer to my girlfriend, she'll be shocked and dismayed.
I show the trailer to a friend, she'll be unfazed and unsurprised yet uninterested.
I show the trailer to another friend, she'll be counting the days she could play it.
Like heck this'll be localised but I foresee plenty of imports.
only 1000 yen! definitely getting it!
Who comes up with this crap?
oh... please no!
don't even think about a western release!
Honestly that looks as dull as dishwater
This is so cringeworthy that it crosses into funny territory. Still not seeing my money, though.
Welcome to Nintendo Switch.
These games need to be burned.
I'd need a third arm to hold my other controller.
@Kalmaro Agreed. I've tried playing these games before casting much judgment but they're just ridiculous.
Not gonna watch it. No just no.
@Moon it's a spinoff dating simulator
@Moon it's a spinoff dating simulator
@PtM A good thing there are no sexual deviants in other parts of the world. Paedophiles only live in Japan, right?
@Trikeboy "And the Japanese aren't as repressed when it comes to sex than the rest of the world."
I'm not going to pass judgement on the game, but I'd take issue with the accuracy of that quote.
This....I mean I can't.....why....like...who.....I mean....for all the....like there can't actually....I mean how many...just...wow.
The highlight is the women on the stage are like "How did my life come to this? Why didn't I take that job as a convenience store clerk?"
@faint Pretty strange activities to be doing on a date...
I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed the second game, since it turned out to be the best beat 'em up available on 3DS criminally overlooked by biased reviews that focused on the polemic aspects of the game (saying stuff like that you are to mash buttons and complete the game is a flat out lie that proves you didn't even bother to do a honest in depth review), but since this seems to be an entirely different game I'm not interested.
@Octane Isn't that what you think of most SK titles?
@Kalmaro How about no?
@MegaVel91 Me personally or people in general? Well, it is a big selling point... Not for me though
meh...I'd get it.
@PtM Yea but my money is better spent else where. Too much just for a gag to make my friends feel uncomfortable.
News flash: women don't look like that and boobs don't work that way. Haha
@MegaVel91 I disagree.
Wait...people actually buy these games to play around with virtual thighs?! I'm either one sad sack and don't know what the world is up to or gamers are just lonely people and like to mess around with a virtual woman
I hate typing comments...
From the video you'd think this is some sort of paint roller simulator. Hhmmm, do any Nintendo games have this mechanic?
In both games you shoot your load.
Looks like a Great additional game for 1.2.Switch. Count me in.
@Octane Was speaking of you personally : T
@MatthewHindmarsh Pretty big umbrella you got there, mind cutting it down a bit?
@Kalmaro How about we burn the games you like instead? No? You're being just as heinous, so why not?
Why even report on this if you can't keep the hostility out of the text? I'm pretty sure the site will survive without this single senran kagura post, which you guys also forgot to mention the other game announced. At least try to cover the fact that this post is just an excuse to virtue signaling
@MegaVel91 Oh, you like these games? You're taking this pretty personally.
@MegaVel91 How would you know though? I don't think I've ever voiced my opinion on the games before. But in case you want to know. I have no problem with a game like this, they're just not my type of game! :')
Team building exercise... LMBO, I will be passing on this game. I have a real thigh to play with.
@Kalmaro It's called I'm trying to get you to see how dumb what you said is. I personally don't really care for this game cause it's a dating sim and not a beat-em up or involving any actual action like most SK games do.
You can say you think certain kinds of games should burn, but you should remember there are people who probably think the same about games you like, and I don't think you can tell me you wouldn't get flared up about it.
@Kalmaro the Senran Kagura games so far has actually been good.
@MegaVel91 I think you woefully underestimate my ability to ignore silly comments from people online. You never said anything that made my comment look bad, if anything, you kinda look odd Stepping in to defend a game you don't even like from my opinion. Nothing I said actually concerns you.
@tobibra I've never really said they were bad, it's just my opinion that they are garbage.
I can't avoid to think this could have been the best Senran Kagura game ever if they used what they consider the main game as only a interlude between the classical action packed levels.
Then again this is literally a glorified tech demo, so there is still hope (or fear maybe XD) for the future titles.
@dew12333 More along the lines of T unless nudity happens.
@Kalmaro Yeah, I got you don't like the game by the burn them coment. But when you write that kinda comments, how am I supposed to take other than they are bad? You are free to like or disslike whatever you want, likewise I'm free to state I think they are good. Personaly I have loved all of them so far (except the cooking spinoff)
"Watch at your own risk". Proceeds to watch anyway.
Minutes later.....I should have listen. Lol!
@tobibra The comment doesn't have to be taken as bad, just that I don't approve of them. I REALLY don't approve of them.
@Moon agreed
Is ok this types of games. People shouldn't banish or prohibit everything. We are animals, rational ones but still animals. What is not ok about this is, that if men can have this why not women. I demand a Seran Kagura for women, gay and lesbians. Yep, equality!!!
Probably E in Japan, but 18+ anywhere else.
I love how Senran Kagura continues to trigger people.
@dew12333 All the earlier games has been rated D in Japan. Aka 17+. My guess is PEGI 16, ESRB M, 18+ in Australia and maybe banned in Germany and/or New Zealand.
So, we're getting this. Good.
What I really want is news of Peach Beach Splash on Switch. I haven't bought the Switch yet, but I don't want to spend on a PS4, too, just to play as my waifu Super Sonico.
Besides, it almost plays like Splatoon. More variety, right.
And ya'll thought Breath of the Wild was going to be the best game on Switch.
@MrGawain Not while in portable mode or offline.
"Did you die a bit inside after watching it?"
Nice neutral stance you have there.
I can tell you right now that this is never gonna get Localized.... Good thing the switch is region free and I made that Japanese account ...
Have you lived in Japan?
I just wanted a normal Senran Kagura game, of course the Switch games had to be spin-offs. -.-
And this one is Asuka only, WTF? Give me my Hibari at least, dammit! >.<
Ah well, maybe the pinball game will be fun.
I do find it kind of funny, despite not being fond of this kind of...virtual sex doll for Switch.......that somehow a game all about eroticism is universally panned as something evil, and then the industry pivots back to their usual adulation of gratuitous violence, ranking the splatter effects of an attack, and usual "BOOM! Headhshot!" mannerisms that represent the core of the gaming industry. That kind of makes me think Japan's culture is a bit healthier than ours.....quirks and all.
@Joeynator3000 I REALLY don't want to think about what Senran Kagura pinball would involve.......
@NEStalgia It's just pinball but with jiggle physics and undressing mechanics. xD
One wonders if this would even be legal in the West.
The PS4 games that were announced seem like the better deal. If all you do is just touch the girls on the Switch games then I'm gonna pass on this. Although, it would really be funny if someone was playing this out in public with the Switch lol.
@Joeynator3000 I don't even want to think of the various apparatus for a jackpot bonus in SK pinball...
@NEStalgia Honestly the games never go too far on Nintendo systems, they're quite tame compared to the PS/PC games. lol
And even then they have the annoying little censors. (annoying as in they're the stupid beams of light and weird chibi character faces, lol)
@Joeynator3000 Reads your comment... Watches the videos above.....
@NEStalgia ...Like I said, these videos are nothing, go watch some Estival Versus (however you spell it) videos, lol
Eh, at least Nintendo is letting more adult stuff on their systems... Even if it is adult stuff like this.
Pre-booked for a friend
I think I will rise to the opportunity and buy a Switch for this.
@Sveakungen Yea, sure!
@FTPinkRabbit I'm not sure it qualifies as adult so much as 15-20 year olds Ok, and Japanese salary-men, because Japan.
@Joyenator3000 sigh I....am not filled with enough determination...
The future of gaming is here
I wonder how many girls this developer keeps in his basement. On second thought, they'd probably all be body pillows instead.
@PtM Valkyrie Drive Bikkhuni were not allowed to be released in Germany, and has absolutely no nazi stuff.
Nice to see that Team Ninja's work on boob physics is still alive!
On a more serious note, diversity in any media is good.
"Did you die a bit inside after watching it? "
why I should feel that way?
They are definitely more repressed. All their funny business has mosaics. Tentacles and booby ninjas is the result of desperation.
Switch VR: It prints money!
I'm very curious as to how the HD rumble feels here. Totally was going to buy this day one anyway Lol. I also hope the fighting games and peach beach get ported sometime in the future.
@FX102A Its not that unlikely to get localized. If they wil text absolutely all dialog is another matter. Gal Gun Double Peace got released, this don't look that much more "worse".
It does actually make sense that people would use new technology to simulate feeling bodies. I think it's far healthier than using it to simulate extreme violence, but there you go. Unfortunately, I can't imagine this will be a great bit of software.
I would like to play the pinball game though.
I'd play it as a $5 novelty but I can't justify more than that for such a small simulation title.
Is there an issue with my comment you wish to complain about?
Finally a legitimate use for the HD Rumble.
Let me know when the switch gets a regular SK game.
@MatthewHindmarsh If you were joking, I'm sorry; if not: Then I have a problem with you putting gamers under a big umbrella when they're a diverse crowd.
My comment was merely meant as a joke. Regardless, I still do find it strange that games like this exist
Really need a mainline SK game. Maybe they will drop a new Valkyrie Drive on switch before long!
@NEStalgia I more just meant non-family-friendly content. Personally I'd rather live in a world where we could just buy and sell 18+ games on the ehsop without any sort of issue, sort of like we do with movies. Watch Dogs 2 comes to mind, where a patch had to be released to hide a possible shot at a set of genitals. Ideally, a game should be allowed to feature whatever it likes and the eshop should simply not show it to kids in the eshop (which would be easy enough as it already knows their ages).
they could at least make her tits not clip through her arms
Boobs was a mistake.
Why would anyone need this game when the internet has such bountiful supplies of pornography?
'Did i die a bit inside' absolutely not, its a video game and more importantly we already new it was possibly going to be a bit like this.
Sometimes japanese people looks really stupid. This isn't even perversion.
You probably right there. It's funny how we look at things differently around the world. I was shocked by the curtained off Manga porn section in very mainstream shops in Japan, and the sexual depiction of children in a cartoon style. It just wouldn't happen here in the UK.
Not that I have any problems with this, but the game looks boring if it's only about touching anime girls. If there's none of the usual hack and slash fighting, then I'll pass.
These sell great in Japan but not in the west, I liked the presenter lady
@Ryu_Niiyama love your avatar pic!
@FTPinkRabbit loose useof the term adult there....
All the people in here pretending they are somehow above boobs.
I don't know a healthy human being who isn't into boobs. What's not to like??
VR Kanojo should come to Switch next
@NintyNate Perfume is Love, Perfume is Life.
@FTPinkRabbit The funny thing with the censoring is the ESRB was created in large part as a response to Nintendo's sanctimonious crusade for wholesome gaming in the 90's. Which was never actually about wholesome gaming and was always about a hammer to bludgeon Sega with using government muscle
The same Nintendo that brings us.......this.
@NEStalgia Oh I'm aware of that. Even then, they've been slowly loosening up with Binding of Isaac, Fate Extella, etc. Personally I think it's weird that none of these platforms make way for totally restricted games.
Like, why can people buy all sorts of violent or extremely sexual games on steam, but nothing straight-up pornographic? With film, we'd just keep adult videos behind a curtain (which makes sense) but with games, that whole market is kind of left out to dry. I don't think the switch would be a good platform for that kind of game anyways, given that it's portable and all but it's still weird to me to think that so many games could just completely fly past the ESRB just on the merits of showing a set of genitals.
@Whimsy_Bomb There's a cooking-music one on the vita actually that's so absurd, it's actually kind of fun. It's not terribly long (One story mode run is like, a half hour) but I feel like it probably worked better than any of this. That said, it was still kind of horrible to watch.
@FTPinkRabbit I imagine no platform holder wants to sully their namesake getting into a controversial industry (outside Japan anyway) like that. There's big money to be had I'm sure, but probably not enough to offset the losses from generating a stigma from the mainstream. Nintendo's certainly not the company for that. Sony has a very hostile history with the adult industry starting with Betamax in the 80's (losing adult lost them the war against VHS.) Though they recovered a bit and picked up that industry with BluRay which is why HDDVD sadly went by the wayside. But there's surely mixed history there, and Sony's generally uninterested. Microsoft has no association with "questionable" content (questionable BEHAVIOR, however is another story ), so I can't see them doing it. The video game medium really seems ill suited for that anyway (which is why Kagura seems out of place to begin with.)
For better or worse, we all know Facebook bought Occulus for a reason, however. And it wasn't to stay in contact with grandma..... that's where that industry will head.
@PtM Hold on- are you honestly criticising boobs?
Kids these days.
@NEStalgia I'll agree with you there, games as is don't seem supremely capable of handling sexual content. I'm currently playing through fate extella, and the occasional awkward steamy segmants have been thus far kind of, well.. Uncomfortable. That said, I feel like pushing XXX content into these back-alley industries like we've been doing is both silly, and unhelpful. Were a company to tank the stigma long enough for it to blow over, kind of like with itch.io there could be great rewards to be reaped (like the radiator games which while sexual are mostly meant to be comedic). It's happened on a smaller scale, and I'm always going to be bugged thinking that games are art, but art that isn't allowed to feature certain things these platform holders decide go too far. With my DVD player, it plays whatever I put into it be that Toy Story or A Serbian Film, and yet my consoles can be awfully nosy.
With the argument Sex VS Violence.
Most videogames are based on fighting something, even SK games are. It might not be bloody or gory, but it's violence nonetheless. If you're threatened you fight back - that's a simple mechanisms to understand.
Now, in what world is touching underaged girls with unnaturally large boobs a necessity?
I have to say while the hand-touching was kind of cute, the thigh slapping felt really cheap. And that's where the "problem" lies when it comes to the depiction of anything sexual: the difference between cheap and sensual/actually sexy.
@PtM You need to work on your sense of humour.
You must be a right laugh.
@PtM Maybe your just jealous.
@HappyMaskedGuy I get it, I get it. No boobies for Mr Serious.
@NintyNate: the lady presenter is Mika Kano, one of the two Kano sisters, a socialite duo akin to the Kardashians. At 50 years of age, she's the older and better looking sister.
@NEStalgia: do not forget the time Nintendo owned and operated love hotels.
@Mew2Senshi that's a tasty notion ;p
RE: "Did you die a bit inside after watching it?"
No, we didn't... We didn't blindly all agree with your rhetoric, Damo; many of us even liked it. How's that make you feel, Damo? Did you die a bit inside?
Lol: In a world where we are smothered with feminism its probably good that there's still a bit of un-ashamed sexism, thanks to the Japanese!
I'm a bigger fan of this series than I'd probably like to admit. I have almost all the games released for the series that are localized.
I will probably buy this for my switch as soon as it's available.
@MrGawain Only in the "land of the free", if you live somewhere else people just don't care.
@MegaTen Yes, it's sad, but if you think about it, the US is quite a hard place to deal with too, but a huge difference with Japan is that in the US fantasy is heavily policed, and this kind of escapism is not possible.
Also remember that mass "shootings" (actually, they use knives there) are pretty rare, and crime in general is very low in Japan, so which system is better?
"Did you die a bit inside?"
I don't care about this game, but: no I didn't. On second thought, yes, but because of this sentence, not for the game.
Why do you feel the need to judge every single sexual content? The persecution of LGBT people didn't teach you anything?
I legitimately died a bit inside at the obvious immaturity of that line's intended meaning. And what's with this subtitle, "Watch at your own risk?" Grow up, my dood.
But hey, fun fact, you know the slang for orgasm in French? It's La Petit Morte, "a little death". So in that regard, yes, I suppose I died a bit xD
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