This week we got a good look at Xenoblade Chronicles 2 in the latest Nintendo Direct broadcast, a somewhat quickfire and dizzying run through plenty of core features. It's a game that still seems to be having a tricky time winning over everyone, however - there's the daunting depth, of course, and whenever there's chat about the game there's divided opinion on the visual style, in particular.
Monolith Soft has certainly earned the right to switch up its visual approach, but of some interest are remarks by executive director Tetsuya Takahashi on the new art style. Speaking as part of an extensive Game Informer feature, he explains some of the motivation that led to the new look being given to the series.
We felt that in Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and X, the facial expressions [were] kind of a little bit hard, a little bit stiff. We really wanted to put a little bit more focus on creating facial expressions and for the characters to be more expressive, and so that's why we went with the direction we did, which I guess you could say is a little bit leaning toward something like Japanese animation.
Another enquiry we've seen from those following the game relates to its potential length and commitment to side quests; the original is an enormous game, and Xenoblade Chronicles X went even further and also shook up the structure. It seems that this Switch arrival will still be huge (a chapter 4 save is cited as having 45 hours clocked, and it's a 10 chapter story) with plenty of side quests and content, but will return to the narrative-driven style of the Wii original.
Because this game is story-driven, I don't think that an open world is necessarily appropriate. And I feel that we were able to make a game [with a world] that's really appropriate and really supports the story-driven aspect of this game. For example, if you compare it to Xenoblade 1, there's plenty of places [and worlds] to explore; but when you look at simple surface area, it might be a little bit smaller than Xenoblade Chronicles X. Like I mentioned, I don't think that such a vast space is necessary, so instead of focusing on increasing the raw surface area, we thought it was more important to increase the density and pack in as much variety in design [as possible], and for people to be able to enjoy the changing landscape as they traverse and explore this world.
...As you may or may not have expected, the playtime required to beat this game is a little on the high side. If you just play the mainline story, there's still enough to probably be comparable to Xenoblade 1, but like in past Xeno series, if you are just playing the main story, there might be times where you encounter a boss or an enemy that's actually a little bit too tough or very tough for you to beat. I strongly recommend taking side roads, taking the time to explore different areas, defeating monsters, picking up items, leveling your character up, [and] doing quests.
It's not long until this one rolls around, with release set for 1st December. Do you like what you've seen of it so far?
Comments 50
Yes. I am very excited. Luckily, Mario Odyssey is still keeping me occupied!
I read the interview already, it's very insightful and I highly recommend those interested in the game to read it. From what they say, it doesn't sound like the world's as big as XCX and it's shorter. You also can't cheat when opening core crystals as the game saves right away. They're used for acquiring Blades. The combat too sounds like you need a Masters to master it.
Sounds like it'll be a healthy JRPG length, awesome. Really hyped for this game, but gotta wait for Christmas as the collectors edition is a gift from my folks
Sweet. I noticed in the Direct that some of the geometry seems to be on par or less than that of XCX. It's fine and hopefully less went into detailed art design and more into the story than X. It seems that would be the case. My hype level is 1,000,000 now!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE If it's even nearly as big as XC though, it'll still be a multi-hundred hour game
Xenoblade2 in December and Ninokuni 2 in January. Good times!
Glad to hear it will have the narrative driven style of the original. It's what kept the game flowing and always pushing you forward. The lack of focus and cringe worthy story of X is probably the main thing that put me right off the game. I felt like I had absolutely zero attachment to my character and squad either unlike Chronicles where I became fairly fond of the characters.It was also far too big for its own good so XC2 being slightly smaller is a step forward rather than a step back if you ask me.
Tetsuya Nomura has done character design for this game.
We're this close to a Square Enix title now.
Can’t wait for this game. It will be the Switch game I will play.
Between the length of this, Skyrim, BotW, and possibly Octopath Traveler, I'll be occupied for a VERY long time when I get a Switch. The thought is both exciting and daunting.
The character design has grown on me over time and especially as I see more and more of the game. I'm certain this one won't disappoint. I've been a huge fan of this team and their RPG's since Xenogears. Hype level over 9000 for sure.
@BensonUii Very doubtful they would port XCX although I'm right there with ya. I would love to play it on Switch. Come on Ninty& Monolithsoft. The people demand it. I will very much miss the Dolls/Skells.
I’ll admit, prior to today’s direct I wasn’t planning on getting the game at all, with a good part of it being because I didn’t feel the artstyle really fit the game, but after the direct I was like, “Wow, this artstyle really helps bring out the characters more.” I’m not getting this day 1, but I probably will pick it up eventually.
The only thing I want to know is can we change characters' outfits? Because I do not like Rex's default costume at all.
I feel like I'm the only one who actually likes this art style. I know the cell-shaded effect has been done before, but it gives it a fun anime vibe that I appreciate.
So he says it's not quite as big as Xenoblade X (which means little considering XCX was larger than Zelda Breath of the Wild) but still big, and much more dense. That's... perfectly fine with me.
The game could still end up being 3x the size of Skyrim, but with much more story and densely populated land mass.
For anyone who hasn't played Xenoblade, the combat is the best part. It's fantastic combat, super strategic and addictive with tons of depth.
@SilverEdge92 Maybe Rex will be able to wear Wild Link's BotW costume through the magic of Amiibos.
Either that or Princess Peach's wedding dress.
I'm glad they're focusing on story again (though that play time requirement scares me). I just wish as much care was put into making a cohesive art style for the game's characters. In my opinion, the character designs show little evidence of planning. SO many of the characters clash in terms of their design and art style to the point where they look like they were designed for completely different games. It would have been better to have Saito do all the designs (as much as I hate his generic anime designs) rather than have so many artists like Nomura, the artist from Baten Kaitos, and others make the overall direction for the character designs feel cluttered and unfocused
ANYTHING is better than those metal chaps, or whatever they're supposed to be, that Rex has on. Finding this boy a normal outfit is going to be priority #1 and Elysium can burn for all I care until then.
I want this game to be good, but it seems cluttered and very complicated. It might have too much going on.
With Odyssey out of the way, this is my most anticipated title of the year. After being rather disappointed with X and its lifeless doll characters and its story (and the fact we had a silent, custom character, never a fan of those in rpgs), I must say I LOVE the way this game looks, its character and monster designs and the entire setting. It‘s the Xenoblade sequel I always wanted.
I must say that the game looks incredible but as someone that is not familiar with JRPG I have concerns about getting this game.
I mean, I tried once to play God Eater on my PS Vita and, my God, those menus and sub menus where so confusing to me that when I saw XC direct today with all those options and menus I thought that this kind of thing is not for me
What a poor excuse to change the design of the characters... The previous games had hard expressions? So an anime style would make then more expressive? So, other games with a more "mature" design lack depth in expressiveness? No sir, you just don't know how to animate properly, admit it. Anime are also very easy to animate, since most of the face its just textures. If you blamed the hardware limitations it would have been more honest.
Finally a deveĺoper who realises that bigger isn't necessarily better, I can't wait for this but I will admit the combat looks a bit daunting
I'm glad the story has a focus in this game. The story in XCX was terrible, as were the characters. The world and combat drew me into that game, but that wouldn't happen again. I'm glad the main character isn't a 'build your own avatar' either. I've never liked those.
Shame the characters in this game look weird. I thought I'd get used to them, but I haven't.
@BensonUii I'd spend money on that! XCX is the best money per hour I've ever spent on a game, LOL. All they need to do is somehow turn the tablet screen into another menu, and strip out all the Miiverse stuff. Unless, of course, another service comes along to help out with that, like the Nintendo app. And what if we get XCX 2 on the Switch? Hmm....
@JaxonH Yup, I'd take more densely populated over vast amounts of ocean with only handfuls of islands with Tyrants and treasure on them
@gerebris But that is basically exactly what they are saying. They could also animate realistic looking faces, that is just obvious, but doing that would, as you wrote, require a lot more ressources. Ressources like that could be used for other stuff like more content.
To me they just have the right approach. Solve the expresions issue by simply using an easy to animate style (especially since there is a lot of know how in aimating that stuff in their country) and use the ressources for arguably more important stuff.
XCX wanted to imitate western rpgs. I’m very happy that they with this entry they try to recover the striry driven jrpgs. I think they take side of quality over quantity.
Ticks all my boxes. X was great but the strengths were in the world and exploring it. The story was almost non existant.
I prefer a shift back to the original game's style although still hoping for plenty of world exploration and map unlocking.
That's one reason I never understood the "not enough games on launch, I'll wait until there are more games" naysayers. Not only wasn't it really true (within two weeks I had already more games to play on the Switch than I had time for), but I think the past few months were time well spent on the many big and small highlights on Switch I have played, and now I can concentrate on Fire Emblem Warriors, Mario + Rabbids and the upcoming XC 2 and don't start with a huge backlog (my pile of shame on Steam, the 3DS and the Wii U is still high enough... )
What!? This game looks stunning. I’m that impressed with it I upgraded my Lee order to the collectors edition
I pre-ordered the special edition and am gonna get the expansion pass day 1. I am glad for the return a story driven game. Though I really like Xeneblade X, I like Xenoblade 1 more.
I just kind of wish that the MC in this game didn't look like such a dork. Shulk was a nerdy mechanic, but still I could see him as a hero. This new MC just doesn't look impressive. Not bad, just not impressive.
@GoldenGamer88 so much this.
I applaud Monolith Soft for their decisions on the art style.
The original Xenoblade Chronicles had great characters, but I was never a fan of how those characters looked. They had great personalities and backstories, but they didn't have the looks. It's been only 7 years since the release of that game and I have to say those graphics aged horribly. And all of that has to do with the art style. Anime-like art styles like they're using here in XC2 tend to age much better. Compare Wind Waker and Twilight Princess for example: while the first one is a couple years older than the latter, it still looks incredible even on GC, while TP looks very outdated already. All because of the art style.
Anyway, I get why some don't like it, art is and always will be subjective, but I think in a couple of years, most people will look back at this more positively than they do now... just like they did with WW.
@BensonUii not played any MMO RPG's, the combat isn't something that will put me off buying it and I'll be clearing a window to get fully immersed in the game and get me up to speed with all its systems and not get distracted by other games
I love the art style! And I have two weeks off at the end of December to really go all in with this game 😀 can’t wait!
I'm still on the fence about this one. Not played a Xenoblade before but not sure it's my kinda thing... Also I don't have a spare 150 hours for it! lol
I guess my #1 wish for this game is for a story that's actually compelling, unlike XCX's cliche-driven mess. #2 would be to have a more densely populated world, so it seems we're on the right track.
I've read people wondering why this game doesn't get more advertising, well there's your answer. How many people want to play a niche anime RPG that takes 80 hours to complete? Does every RPG have to be some anime, medieval, or sci-fi ripoff?
Hopefully in the future Nintendo can leverage the studio to do something with their own characters or something a little less niche/weird at least, because they obviously have some talent. It's just these games are not for the vast majority of people, and they're being underutilized.
I'm trying to get through the last two chapters of XC1 but I've got myself lost. To the internet!
I really hope I get into this game. I'm in the minority of gamers who think XCX was superior to the first game, and one of the best JPRGs (if not the best) of the HD era.
Both game's plots are pretty dumb, but XCX had the sense to stay out of the player's way for the most part (even too much so for many players, via story missions locked by requirements), but it allowed the narrative to support exploration, where most games require some dissonance: the false sense of urgency in the plot does not support faffing about the environment looking for adventure.
From the sounds of it the scope is between Xenoblade chronicles and X....wich is fine since that means another massive game!
Oh, and more story then X.
Why does wanting expressive faces equal turning 90% of the cast into little kids and covering their spaghetti-limbs with giant buckles, zippers, physics-defying giant metal plates and awkwardly gigantic bewbs...?
Seriously - I liked the original Xenoblade a lot and X is one of my top 5 games of the last decade, having put close to 250 hours into it. This new game however simply does not interest me in the slightest, the art direction being a major factor in that.
And no, the original's art style was not like this at all, and also it has nothing to do with this being celshaded or not.
@SilverEdge92 I think Rex's clothes is sorta like a homage to Kingdom Hearts outfits. It would fit right in with that aesthetic.
I think it is definitely a good choice to go back to a narrative-driven experience. X was so uninteresting in that departement that I quickly stopped playing it altogether. I also like the Anime-esque style! high hopes in place!
I'm really feeling it....since I'm about to poo.
No but seriously, I'm buying the game.
My body is ready, and honestly I don't know how after the plowfest I put on XCX earlier this year. But if there's one thing I'll say about the XC games is, despite their size, they just "flow". As a message to those that are not sure if they like this kind of RPG, there's lots of menus, customizations, side quests, time it takes to travel from point A to B, etc., but it's never a boring journey with lots of variety. Next thing you know, you've sank 150 hours and still only a one-third the way through the game. It's "seems" daunting, but it's not. Just play a little, then a little more, and in time you will realize how far you've come. I clocked 500 hours in XCX, and I'm not even the hardcore type that tries to find every little secret. The battles were just fun, narrative kept me going, and I just wanted to keep exploring. Just my two cents, but this game is a must play for serious RPG fans.
I kinda want to go through the first game before this, but part of me wants to come back to that later. Is there a lot of post-game stuff in the first one? If there is, I'll come back to that later after I finish my 'bucket list' of things to do in XCX. If the first game is one-and-done, then I may just take the time to finish it before I open up 2. Either way, I want to tackle them back to back. I probably won't have to buy another game until this time next year, LOL.
@JunkRabbit: Precisely! There seem to be more than enough games to keep nearly everyone busy by this point. Part of the reason why I've held off on getting a Switch for now is because I'm trying to work my way through some of my own pile of shame before picking up another system (particularly on my Wii U; I didn't pick it up until 2015!). Thankfully I'm making good progress, but the real test will be Black Friday weekend....
This game looks cool, but the complexity of the combat is making me wait for reviews. Not sure I will enjoy that.
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