Breath of the Wild.jpg

Twice a year we have Games Done Quick events, in which there's a full week of speedrunning to raise money for charity. They're hugely popular, and the Summer event raised an eye-watering $1,792,632, which is fantastic.

The January event is running from 7th to 14th January at The Holiday Inn Dulles Hotel in Herndon, Virginia, though the vast majority watch it all online. The charity that'll benefit this time is Prevent Cancer Foundation.

Now the event has unveiled its full schedule, and it's rather interesting. Of note is the fact that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has been chosen as the big finale - atz will do the run which requires completion of all main quests with no amiibo. In fact the final stretch is focused on Nintendo, with The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Super Mario World preceding that finale.

You should check out the full schedule, which has plenty of retro Nintendo games along with a broad range of multi-platform and modern titles. It'll be a good watch to get us up and running in the New Year.
