The various ARMS social media accounts have been teasing additions over the past week, including a new stage and fighter and most recently a new elemental charge attribute that may be some kind of poison. We don't need to wait much longer for the full reveal, in any case.
It's been confirmed that update 4.0 will arrive on 16th November (in this case we saw it on the ARMS UK Facebook page). We're intrigued to see whether it'll include any unexpected goodies, too - that'd continue the trend of notable updates that have seen ARMS expand a fair bit since launch day.
In any case a shiny new version may be a good excuse to draw us back into the game; it seems a number of players like ARMS but may have lapsed out of playing it, so perhaps this will get more players back on board.
Comments 38
I wonder if we will ever get Biff as a fighter.
Story modes would be awesome but maybe they will do that just on the next game
Next or this game. I really want to see an awesome on-rails story mode where you punch and dodge baddies as they come.
Poison sounds like a great addition, if it ends up doing damage over time, that is.
Next updates :
1. A Leafy characters.
2. Forest place
3. Biff in person
Can't wait to play it this weekend. Still the best local multiplayer game on the Switch.
I want this game now with all its post launch dlc. I don't want to pay more than $30 for it though.
All these updates and additions should’ve been included with the original purchase of the game. I’m tired of Nintendo’s trickle effect. It’s time for Netflix, a web browser and virtual Consol. Sure would be nice if I could message and chat with my friends too.
Swapping to a 200gb card today so I can play some of the bigger 3rd party games. Just in time it seems as everything I already own has another update coming ths week. Guessing it will just re-download to the new card?
@MrGawain yes that's right. The system will know you own the games and will redownload after you attempt to launch the software.
@MrGawain Copying on PC works perfectly.
@WillTheLion Trust me, it's worth every penny of its full price. I've played it for over 90 hours, and I'm not stopping anytime soon. The updates are awesome as well.
There is a new mode as well in the update
@WillTheLion All dlc has been free since launch
@masterLEON Or... has a cumulative effect, resulting in permadeath for that character! That'd be fun.
That was quick. I’m glad we won’t have to wait much longer. Can’t wait to get back to ARMS tomorrow!
I love how Nintendo is treating this game with its regular updates.
Great game, with each update making it better. And for fighting games, I'm sure this has been said elsewhere, but there is a lot of work goes on behind the scenes for each fighter, with all the possible interactions they can have with each other character and each environment, particularly where the character isn't just a clone of an existing character. Respect to Nintendo for their continued and (thus far) free support of this game.
Cannot wait.
These updates have made me keep playing and that makes me happy.
As with all of these updates, I will download, play for a few minutes and forget about the game again.
I would love more options like 1 round Grand Prix fights or character endings. Stamps did nothing to keep my interest.
@Bengals76 But what they’re doing keeps the game relevant far after its release. They built a solid game, and after the game comes out the devs decided to make more characters for free. I don’t see the problem here.
@Bengals76 the hell!? To my knowledge these updates are free, so, little to complain about. If you want, SFV on the other hand...
I really need to get back into this game. I haven’t spent much time on it.
Drip feeding new content isn't a bad strategy to keep player engagement up. But what they've done with Arms is the opposite. They abandoned the game while Splatoon droped, abandoned it some more, and then finally released the new content months later after the hype was near-zero and all the early adopters forgot about the game, or burned out with overplaying the limited content at the time.
Splatoon 2 is falling into the same trap, but not as badly.
I wonder how much the "too slow for its own good" has to do with the fact that paid online was supposed to exist BEFORE either game launched?
Well that's faster than I would have guessed! Stoked!
Different strokes for different folks I guess, this is the kind of drip feed of free updates that I really enjoy.
I don't have a lot of time for playing, so picking games back up every other month when new stuff arrives is fun, and I don't feel as if I'm being left behind.
@JasmineDragon Rocket League Mario Kart, Puyo Puyo Tetris and Splatoon 2 are way better games to play with friends. ARMS was overpriced with the little to no content, that only sold because nothing was out.
@Pod Good point. For me I tend to "commit" to a game when I play it and see it through to the end. So I picked up Arms, played it until I moved onto Splatoon which I've played until I move onto...maybe Skyrim? Maybe Rabbids? FE:W? Or just go crazy and do AC:Origins on PS4. I still have Horizon and Persona 5 in shrink wrap! So once I move on from it, I tend to leave it behind, and though the content might make me want to return, I'm so removed from being good at the game it's just not as fun. If you don't keep up with it your skills atrophy and it feels like fighting and end game boss at lv12.
I certainly see what you mean with skill atrophy when talking about something as intense as ARMS. But then I'm never really that into getting super good at action games, so I never reach any viable online competetive level in the first place.
I love Arms and I’m loving the free updates.
@Pod Fair point on that. I never reached high into the ranks of Arms, but I was climbing. I'm not an online competitive gamer, and I'm no fighting game competitor, but when I play an online competitive game I at least try to not suck (too bad)
Splatoon, if I don't play for just a few days I feel "off" and atrophied. And after not playing a full year between Splatoon 1 and 2, I felt REALLY horrible picking it up for a good month and a half of daily play. That's kind of what I don't like about online competitive games. It's like sports and fitness....you HAVE to play constantly, every day to keep your edge and remain viable at your skill level let alone keep improving. I haven't played much single player ranked in Splatoon 2, either, and due to various issues climbing back up to high ranks in S2 is just more frustration than it's worth, but I tend to play very high skill/competitive people outside that. If I skip a few days let alone weeks or months, it all goes to pot! That split second reaction time and intuition for positioning gets lost all too quickly in these kinds of games.
But that's not untrue for singe player games either. Sometimes I abandon an entirely too long RPG for something else, and when I come back to it in the last 3rd of the game or so I realize I have NO idea what I'm doing...the nuances of battle system and timing and such end up feeling impossible to remember.
I've learned that when I decide to walk away from a game and move on to a new one I kind of have to accept I'm probably done with it for good (unless I start again from scratch )
@waluigifan1 I haven't played Rocket League yet, but Puyo Puyo Tetris is not something I'd play for hours, and Splatoon 2 requires multiple Switches for local MP. ARMS definitely doesn't have "little to no content", its roster might not be as big as some FGs but it wasn't intolerably small even at launch and we've had three new fighters since then (counting this one).
I don't play ARMS solo very often, but I play it with my daughter at least once a week and it's always a good time. Worth every penny in my opinion.
Some people complain about not getting enough new content, but I can't agree with that stand. Since the game launched, there have been several updates with new fighters, weapons, arenas and game modes, as well as the usual tweaks. Being a fighting game that's primarily focused on multiplayer, that's about all I want from the game. A new fighter here, a new arena there, paced slowly enough that players can practice and become adept with the characters. I don't want to be facing a new unknown character every time I play, and I don't want the updates to be so rushed that every new fighter starts out overpowered and has to be nerfed a month after it shows up.
Four months from launch, there are enough new faces to keep it fresh but it's still fundamentally the same game, and that's exactly what I want. I don't want to have to learn how to play ARMS all over again every time I play it.
I played the open Beta and though it was quite a fun and cool arcade fighter......which isn't really my cup of tea. I must admit that Nintendo is doing a great job supporting it post launch with all the new fighters and arenas. This should set an example to all those SOB publishers with their endless micro transactions.
@Spanjard please yes
People still play this?
@Krisi I snagged Arms for free with a buy 2 get one deal for used games at Gamestop today. I'm loving the game so far. The badges are a whole lot of fun to collect. I played Co-op Grand Prix with my wife and had a lot of fun. Thanks for the suggestion!
@WillTheLion Yay, I'm glad you like it!
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