It seems that the upcoming live action/CGI Hollywood Sonic movie has been toiling around in development hell for quite some time, but every now and then it makes a little bit of progress forward. Though it doesn’t sound like it’s going to actually be happening anytime soon—definitely not in time for that ‘2018’ release date—fans will no doubt be pleased to hear that it hasn’t been completely canned yet.
Sony had evidently put the movie into turnaround, so Paramount has now acquired the rights and is moving forward with the project. The same production staff will be working on it—including the director of Deadpool—and it seems that the movie will still be working towards the same goal of live action/CGI mix, but the rest of it is still up in the air. Much unlike the Blue Blur, this one is moving pretty slow, but sooner or later, it will hit theaters.
What do you think? Is this movie ever going to be released? How do you think it’s going to pan out? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source hollywoodreporter.com]
Comments 37
Just hope it doesn't have the same dumb knuckles from the latest tv series... Ugh! They ruined my favourite sonic character.
we already have a sonic live action movie.
Good, Sony Pictures sucks.
But I still wish they had of just put the Sonic OVA (called "Sonic The Hedgehog: The Movie" in America) in theaters...
i wonder how long this will take to be finished.
Thank god I hate Sony animation
@Aozz101x There is another, more detailed, longer Sonic movie, with Eggman and Sonic something of a legend at the beginning. It is fully live movie, with just Sonic being CGI.
"live action/CGI mix"
Sonic '06 : the 2018 movie
A movie getting kicked to another studio is not a good sign.
Also there already is an animated cartoon Sonic Movie.
I enjoy a good Sonic game as much as the next person but more often than not any film based on a video game is usually awful so I'll probably give this a miss
When did they first start talking about a movie? I can't remember
Just don’t rush it Paramount.
Or is that how you make a Sonic film? (Or game?)
This will inevitably crash and burn like the Ratchet & Clank and Assassin's Creed movies. I mean, CGI/Live Action. Doesn't this scream Smurfs to you? At least it's outside Sony's claws now.
@bolt05 I actually think Knuckles was hilarious in Sonic Boom. But it's sorta out of character. He was pretty serious in the Adventure games.
Just don't make it, think of the Mario movie.
Just don't
I've got high hopes from Tim Miller, so I'm curious to see how this works out. Especially since I don't think CGI and Live Action will work together, but we'll see.
EDIT: Whoops, sorry for the octa post.
I have a bad feeling about this...
If it ever happens, it'll be terrible. Imagine slow motion, wide angle, JJ Abrams-style lense flaring and zoomed in/out CGI scenes of generic cityscape carnage, with Sonic quipping 'radical' puns about 'WOW DUDE, EGGMAN!' whilst unironically high fiving Tails, slurping Sunny Dee! then eating a Happy Meal in Dubai, and China TOTALLY saves the day with their humble diplomacy and wisdom dude! POW! EAT DUST! REST IN PIECES, PAL! BOOM! EPIC!
Sonic just needs to die. Or start acting like a proper hedgehog. Eating cat food and turning up in urban RSPCA centres.
@G-Boy a bad feeling about a live action sonic the hedgehog film??? What could possibly go wrong??? Hopefully they will give him creepy human love interest like in Howard The Duck. Honestly if this doesn’t suck I’ll eat my own shoes
I'll watch this in the cinema, of course, and probably buy the blu-ray too, but I realllllly hope it doesn't suck.
(Warning: this post might get a crazy when it comes to movies)
Honestly, anything is better than Sony at this point, since they seem to release and fund one of the worst movies of this recent decade. Paramount is a nicer choice, however, 2017 isn't the best example for them right now. With box office bombs (like Mobster Trucks) to critical failures (like Rings and Baywatch), not even a Transformers movie this year helped them and the film barely got saved due to the market overseas. Maybe with this news, maybe it will have a chance being less bad, but I won't hold my breath
People insult the notion of video game movies - and rightfully so due to how much they go wrong - but I've always thought that if we had a high-quality-produced CGI film of something akin to the Subspace Emissary/the SSB4 character trailers, I'd personally love it! Man, I still love watching those cutscenes...
"sooner or later, it will hit theaters. "
Don't count on it. Even if it does get made, it's got straight to DVD written all over it.
Suppose Sonic can't stoop any lower.
Sony gave up? What's new?
No product placement, no humans.
Surely a step up!
Meh it's going to be terrible regardless, I rather just go back and watch all the cutscenes in Sonic 2006 and pretend that's a movie.
Live Action/CGI? So, like Transformers then? And I guess, basically this will be Sonic Adventure/Sonic X: The Movie?? Eh...
Hope they include Sanic.
@AlexSora89 Sony made the emoji movie, this is a MAJOR step up.
Surprised Sony gave it up considering they're under the same banner as PlayStation. Probably could have been good promotional opportunity missed.
Probably because it was crap.
Easy way to fix sonic:
Current character designs = bin
Sonic's "Attitood!" Persona = permanently bin, same with his goddamn neck-a-chief
Knuckles "musclehead doofus" = bin
Eggman = back to Robotnik for the love of god.
The abundance of sub-mediocre characters = bin
Music = re-work and re-establish the trademark music from Sonic the hedgehog games.
Make Sonic cool by performance, not by dire script writing. Level design should be fluid, with max speed achieved by the player being able to chain together tougher and tougher sequences and avoid speed traps. NO WANDERING AROUND IN HUB WORLDS WITH PUZZLE SOLVING!"
use only the base characters and re-establish a connection with the audience.
Villain = Robotnik and his variety of created monsters, akin to Doctor Wily and his bosses.
Think music levels from Rayman Legends, by speed based with technical and cinematic standard boss fights, the bosses in Sonic Dash on DS were actually pretty good.
Until Sonic re-grows at grass-roots level it will continue to churn out crap after crap after crap as Sonic Team have COMPLETELY lost their way with this IP and did so a long time ago.
Guess The Emoji Movie called for some cutbacks at Sony.
Fingers crossed thety lean more to what everyone enjoyed about Sonic Mania over what only some enjoy of more modern Sonics. Not to hate on modern Sonic but when Sonic Team try to write a story that's more then just simple "Eggman's at it again, Sonic must stop him", complex storytelling is not their strong point.....
I have a feeling that after it's release, when Sonic's legacy is discused, it'll be mentioned when talked about Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) and not games like Sonic CD or Sonic 2.
I'll just put something positive here,, since no one else wants to.
I'm hyped to see what they do. Sonic has built up a lot of great lore over the years and anything could happen in this movie! I'd love to see something that marries the two sides of Sonic: The retro side that I don't like but everyone else adores, and the Adventure Era between Sonic Adventure one and Sonic Rush Adventure.
We'll just have to wait and see what the trailer has for us. I'm hoping Rouge or Blaze can make the cut, even though I don't see it happening.
The whole movie better be Knuckles saying "oh no"
I can only hope the live action element is due to Robotnik / Eggman being played by an actor, whereas the rest could be totally CGI. I'd prefer Sonic & Mario to have larger cameos in the follow up to Wreck-it-Ralph though. Let's hope they strike a good balance between catering for old times fans and presumably the younger demographic.
Rule number one of The Emoji Movie: do not talk about The Emoji Movie.
Rule number two of The Emoji Movie: do not talk about number two, er, I mean, The Emoji Movie.
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