One of the many promising indie games that we have to look forward to on the Switch is that of The Mummy Demastered, a slick Metroidvania game based on the ill-fated Hollywood reboot. Not a whole lot has been shown off about this game, but based off of the footage that has been shown and the knowledge that WayForward is developing it, it seems we’re in for a treat.
WayForward recently broke the ice by announcing that the game will be hitting the eShop on 24th October, alongside other platforms. Though there are valid concerns that this one could be overshadowed by the release of Super Mario Odyssey just a few days after, at least it’s already shaping up to be another big hitting week for the Switch. You can view the teaser trailer above.

What do you think? Will you be picking this one up? How do you think Odyssey’s release will effect it? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 53
I am actually more excited for this than the movie it was made from.
Looks pretty good from the short video. But Odyssey & Fire Emblem come out around the same time. Too bad...
This has to be one of the weirdest movie tie-in games ever. It's coming out months after the film it's "based" on, and looks like it's barely related to the plot of the film. Even the tone is completely different. Who at Universal OK'd this game?
That being said, I'm definitely going to get it. Looks like a good time, and it's by WayForward, who rarely disappoint.
Looks better than the movie. A contra and Metroid mash up.
Wow. I thought this one was lost to the ages. Glad to see it's still getting released.
It looks like a mash-up of Metroid and Castlevania environmental elements, with some Contra-like gameplay and nods thrown in. The cave areas look straight out of Metroid, the tower with gears is Castlevania's clock tower, and the helicopter looks straight out of Contra.
None of that is a bad thing at all. WayForward has proven themselves more than capable of making both Contra and Metroidvania titles, so I'm excited to see what they can do combining these different elements.
This game has to awesome right right....please don't suck.....
So... does this mean that Controidvania is now a thing? Because I can totally get behind that.
Yesss!! 2weeks for some Arcade style retro action!! Day 1 😜 & need to retail it guys!!
I absolutely have time to snag this and ODYSSEY. I usually play a Castlevania title around Halloween anyway.
Looks Great! I hope it’s online co-op.
This looks really good actually. Which is surprising due to the movie tie-in. More licensed games should take the Indie approach and make actual good games worth playing more often.
The pixel haters haven’t been here yet hehe!
Looks good, but it'll have to be great to merit a purchase in October.
Im actually getting this over Mario personally, depending on what other games im gonna get at the end of the month, Mario might be among them, but big chance ill wait.
Have we got a price yet? If it's $20 or under I'll consider it but I am pretty amped for Odyssey.
Let's hope it's scary for all the right reasons. The fact that it's 2 weeks away from release and we still know practically nothing about it and still just have that same trailer even if it looks interesting, doesn't bode well. On the one hand it's made by WayForward which is a good thing, on the other, it's a movie tie-in which usually doesn't end well. We'll find out soon enough whether it's turned out great.
10 bucks I'll think about it. Thinking about Mario, AC and Wolfenstein.
This looks awesome! Like Contra crossed with a Castlevania game. Will be one of the first games I nab after Mario.
Oh I wish their Alien: Infestation game was on Switch. That was great.
This looks promising and I have a separate budget for eshop games, so whilst for me it's not competing with Mario, it is competing with the many good games that now seem to release every week
Yea I agree. Lack of extensive gameplay footage is worrying. But anyway I’m very intrested in this game. Contra + Metroid? This is one the best things in the world.
Great game. I enjoyed every minute of it, way better than that big budget Colonial Marines.
I went looking for more information on this game and found this very interesting interview with The Mummy Demastered’s director, Austin Ivansmith.
The Metroid/Castlevania/Contra vibe is no accident and gives me a more positive outlook on its prospects.
@MisterKorman @OneArmedGiant They haven't made any announcement on the price but I expect it'll cost $15 or no more than $20.
Sprite work in that trailer is gorgeous. Will play at some point
@EXP Yes this is why its good.
This has an Alien 3 vibe - more in the way that it looks nothing like the film, yet looks amazing!
does look cool but they've chosen a bad time to release it. This Winter/Autumn has way too many big retail games that I need to buy. Might be a new year purchase for me..
The animation looks nice, but I'm having trouble finding anything interesting about the rest of the game.
If it's a Metroidvania made by Wayforward It's pretty much guaranteed to be good
The movie that it was based on though...
I'll definitely be grabbing this as soon as it releases, hopefully it won't fare too badly competing with Odyssey for sales that week. I hope it has auto-fire, that was the one thing that spoiled Contra IV for me.
The last time I was this puzzled by a movie-based tie-in was when I learned about an adaptation of The Addams Family (1991), which had Tully as the playable protagonist. ... He was the second main villain of the movie! Ha!
Amusing weirdness aside, I’ll keep tabs on this! I’ll skip the movie but consider getting down with the Demasterin’!
Definitely getting this
If this has the same love and quality as the Shantae series, this is a must download!
Golden Eye on the N64 was released months after the film came out. So this isn't too surprising.
@EXP you must have missed the 90's and all the weird movie video game tie-ins we had to suffer. And they were always late, very very late. Lol This game fits the mold perfectly actually, let's just hope it's one of those rare beasts a great game that we will always look back on saying why didn't they just not make it a movie tie-in game...
I've got my fingers crossed for this one.
Wow not hurt of this one, Deff looking out for this.
Wow, That actually looks really cool!
I bet you unlock Boris Carloff mode once you beat the game
Koji should have used that $5.5M to purchase it from Wayforward and rebranded it Bloodstained. Look fantastic.
the originals movie were far from masterpieces but they were super good and fun action/adventure movies, not sure why would htey remake them
But im excited for this game !
Looks good. Any news of a physical release?
Hmm… this or Axiom Verge?
Loved their Aliens Infestation game so I might have to pick this up.
Why should Odyssey matter??? If you like the look of this game just get it and play it and Odyssey together? Lol
Interested in this. Damn, here I was thinking October was just FE Warriors and Odyssey month but oh comes Spelunker and Stardew Valley and Axiom Verge and this and so on and on. Damn it!! My wallet just can't take it but keep it coming I'll figure out something. Maybe I can sell a kidney in the black market?!! Hmm.....yeah that could do.......
So wait... this is an officially licensed thing? Universal signed off on this?
But it looks so... good! Heck, if awesome retro inspired video games are all their "Dark Universe" produces from now on, I'm down.
Just play harder to beat this one and then start Mario but I do see sales impacted for any game that gets released along side the new Mario.
all the signs of a a good movie tie in game, they aren't common but they exist! Im gunna buy this if it is Contra + Metriod.
If I had a Switch I'd be interested. Looks like it has all the elements of a good side-scroller.
Glad to see the love for Alien Infestation. That was a great game apart from the last boss. Maybe I did something wrong but I found myself jumping and shooting with a pistol in a blind spot like a cheater for half an hour but beat it finally :/ I don't think that was supposed to go like that.
Such an odd game. Why on earth would they pay a developer to make an 8 bit styled tie in, that releases looong after the movie releases??? There's just no logic to it.
But whatevs. Game looks good... I'm in.
Is Jake kaufman doing the soundtrack? Because it sure sounds like him.
Nice! Just heard about this today...I really dig WayForward work! Any word for the physical release?? I hate to wait for a physical when the digital is out...
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